West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 May 1895, p. 3

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tion ! to the extent of Thom- the tko.~f"ino Ground. M.06" bug. my. @113; Bax. Linseed. Lil» unity of mers for we are ew system uance of Ave Cot , MA I)urham. rm our Custom- Public generally dopted the Cash means Cash or :s or Vetches, sure! Salt ints, Binghams. aral Groceries. 'RICES. n Settr- Yellow INN-h m ynioots, English Potato Oniooq was. . MCKECHNIE. LOVER SEED. MOW MOPS. --Sut ASH and Lawn Gull. mall Profits." mung}, Coatings cKechnie. in co RN at 16c Bush. LE“: al. British can. Spice. in It. ived! an Rad. Mammoth. “it. end “'hiubuuh. hy Seed. OWN“; "att an". Rwl'l‘u brawl. . a up ian (in: Millet 27'a'd'd't'0, 1NGSTON, IELD CORN. Ham rm - Sn hmplute. but! l yo, Q'ar"lk" Land Sun as McArthar's HUR. BY 1M f Staple, Field and human-n Sweet. South” of tho North. 60% ~an iprinz Tooth HARROWS. n Comm Wtteelbar. Flax Seed And Bird Seed. tm 1001b. W res and must he so” Bargains and Pick d Ind DRILI.‘ that our ENSES lulled you good , pLNDER% Give us a EEO. M0lGlilll, and Trade out your Wool this year with us. ._ 0F - Hardware, Groceries, tit Boots & Shoes, Clothing, Dry Gooes, &c. 2,Allllli"ffifl OUR STOCK is COMPOSED Save Money TO CHOOSE FROM which puts us on a much better footing to trade with the public than if we only ex- changed Blankets and Yarn with them. The Machinery has been thoroughly overhauled and we can guarantee Good Work. $|3,UU[} Custom FULLING, DYEIN G, WEAVING The Mill is being run by first class work- men. The undersigned have leased these premises and are prepared to buy Durham MILLS. Done on Shortest Notice. ultra] 40,000 lbs. Of WOOL. Durham Woollen Mills. WE GIVE YOU A HEIDI] --AT THE- Stock Woollen Garding3 o AND o--- Carson ' Goal Vnir Point McFarlane Ah Point (JV-sword. " Def. McIntyre 2nd " Yming 3rd " Grant Cont-re Mann) :3n1 Home L-u'dlw 2nd " lander Int. " gun!» Outside Home “one Inside " LACROSSE-The match Durham x. “'ulkerwn played last .Frxday on the grounds there resulted m a. tie, each scoring two goals. Walkerton juniors mm awthy growthy log, and pat u a good game hut in combination (tell Durham can lead. Mr. r.. Whelan was um ire for Durham, while Mr. Arch. 'a'r"ll?%ld of the Pharmm was raterqe. The fqtlowing 15 the field F-. The Foresters of Dromore are enter- prising. On Friday the 3ist inst. they are going to he entertaining. and. it there istruth in the line “coming events cast their shadows before" thny are go- ing to be crnwded. The fine Hull built hv Laird Tailor and named “Russell Hall " after his wife’s familv. and per- haps with a. side look toward-n the famous Lord John Russdl. in to be "opened" by a. Public Entertainment for whietta brilliant array of entertain- ers lumber!) secured. H. A. Collins, of Toronw.;}L-C. R. of the High Court of Out. is Ghethere. Inspector-Cam betl and the Johnston Family, of Durham. the Haw brothers, of Swinton Park. and the Mt. Forest Dramatic club, will make the pram-ammo one oft-are excellencc. See posters and secure a ticket. C. E. S.-The executive meeting nf the Local Union, C. E. s.. WM held last Saturday. The attendance. owing to inclement Weather. was small, howéver a. programme was outlined and a decis- ion arrival at. that the next meeting should he held in Priceville, on Thursday July ith. Rev. Dr. Dickson, from (ink. a prominent Endeavor worker, is to be present as well as the local clersry and other Endeavor workers. Presi- dent Cooper. Hampden, Messrs. Thea. Nichol and Malcolm McDonald. Price- ville. mt! Messrs. Geo. A. Ewers and Jas. Laughton. Drumore, were the out, sides present. S. G. TEACHERS' ChrNvrvrrros.-The 18th Annual Meeting of this body will convene in Flesherton on the 6th and 7th of June. Dr. McLellan is who pres ent. Hev's Wells of Fitshortort, and McVicnr of Dremove, besides host: of pedagoguca. We le-M‘n from the pro- gram issued by Secv. Irwin, (who has our thanks for not forge-Minx us.) that "the weather will be fine and the roads Rood," and as "free couversatiort is al. lowed between the acts" everyone should co. M r. w. L. Dixon, Bunessan, wtll preside as President. NEARLY AN Accrrrest--while the dire practice was going on last, Thursday * team. one of whielt was u. fractious colt. made a dash for freedom at J. & J. liunter',, corner when? stood A dozen or two of men and boys. Tin-y scrambled and tumbled out of Lhoway. not one re- ceiving a scratch. The team bolted across the hose and werealtno.ut In, once caught by Mr. Jas. Andrews. whose gri and grit brought them to u stand '.'lill'i/"lle5 rods. If ever we have a runaway we want Andrews around. The government of Ontario and our town are In Ire cotogtratulated nm the 9x- celletrt choice which has been madeot the two new Justices of the Pence. in the persons of Messrs. H. w. him-Her and Wm. (Elder. We are sure both of these gentlemen will do honor to the "ttlee. which has sought, them. This appointment is In example of non-par- tisanship and credttalde to the Mownt dirssxsernntent. Three full - fledged “"ik'lyklu in town and the acting Mayor should bea terror to evil doors. The service in the Presbyterian church nn Sunday next will he can- dueted by Rev. Dr. Smith. of Dmnoch. Missionary to Honan. China. On Mon- day evening following he will give a. lecture. illnstratvd by Lantern views of scenes in his travels. 3.20. As Dr. S. is a keen uhservur and has had lots of 9x- prrience, intermting meetings are ex- pwcud. Collection at close of lecture of’soul." with ice cream and other he, freshments tltrown in. Admission 15e, to be '"'p,liirl to Sabbath School pur- $339!. ridny. the 24th, in the evening. ou't. forgot. Ksox (fut'ncrx. Nortarasmt--rt is now becoming an annual institution in this church to utilize the 2trh for a meeting of some kind. To-morrow then will see a goodly crowd gather to enjoy the' "feet of reason and the flow 'ot. ttrtssiong, On Tvodnessday of last week a con- sigrmienrof over 200 books direct from London. England. wrre placedon the shelves of WPublic Library. wa, hope to see an invreased interest taken in this fhrurtshing institution. The mem- bership fee is mere ncrninal and the wenlth of reading matter and hooks of left-ran” open to all isa privilege far beyond its cost. PsseaeD.--We notice with Measure that Mr. J. M. Fisher. of Forest. late clerk in Parkor's drugstore has been successful in the Pharnmcv Examin- ations. Heirs m the Honor List too, and stands mmmg the thnst. Cnngratu- lutiuns J. M. We learn later that Mr. Fishvr's Pertu'tttatges werv most, Credit- ahle ranging troto 75 to W) per cent. WORLD'S (hummus Exposmos - Will be of value to the world by illus- trating the impvovements in the mech- anioalarts and eminent physicians will tell you that, the progress, in medicinal agents, has been of equal importance. and as: strengthening laxative that. Syrupof Figs " far in adv.ance of all others. GET ONE.~Spring Calendars showing when and at what stage of plant life spraying should be done. and the varinus solutions nm‘emarv to do it. have been issued by Stone & \Yellingmn. nurwrymc-n. Toronto. Cull at REVIEW o.meo and get one free. D. JAtutsos offers for Sahel] his Real, Enuu- in Durham at reasonable priees, And on any ttttttg of payment. For turthee pgftifnlnrs applij) ""- The fire tactic: last Thursday even- ing shows? that the “boys" keep im- proving. Thev will no doubt, soon be giving an nxhihition of ladder work, so important on high buildings. (“mums woRK.--Photos enlarged to life lize and placed in an elegant. frame for 3450. This ia an introductory price as I Mn just beginning the business. Satisfaction guaranteed.-). J. Shewell. DURHAM. Rev. Mr. Connnris holding weekly ttontuuustion thaws in nropamtmn for the visit of the Bishop of the Diocere, which is expected next month. V Nixon and Peter Hamilton's Intent im- proved Seeders are in (12mm). The supkdy will be found at the shop of A. Me innon. Priceville. Doo TAas.--Clerk Russell desires “a togive warning that all dogs must be tagged before the lit of J um. Better attend w'lhis and save trouble. Arch. McKenzie is in Toronto this week buying stock for summer trade. [For] Bargains the Pharmacy takes the on . Mr. Joseph McUomh. from Fergus in a guest at Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKin- non's and " his mother's, Mrs. Mc- Cumh. Br. McKenzie Little Liver Pills and Tonic Cough Syrup 15 cents Inch at the Dur. ham PGrmaiev. Woot wanted in exchange for goods at Grant's. New to buggy for sale cheap! Apply to J. A. gum". UpperTown. Dulham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allan were visit. ing at Mr. R. Irvine’s. of Mt. Forest. on Saturday Ust. FAB): FOR SALE on TO REN'r.-Lut 12. Con. 7, Glenelg. Apply to C. McAr- thur. Durham. LOCAL AND GENERAL. H. Jarucsos: bi'JkaxES CARSON WALKnn';0N. WSaaig McKay J on“ Aahle Rude? Whithuhr Campbell Brialyn Ryan W h itne $103191! W Him-e: On Saturday the 18th Mr. M. McAuluy aged " yet s. The deceased moved here about, a. year ago and during that time he won the respect of the commun- ity by his commons manner 3nd strict attention to his business. We extend our earnest and heartfelt TtttN to- wards the aNietod familv who ave lost a loving parent and husband. The funeral too place on Tuesday. MCDONALD-rn Prieeville, on Pet. ttth, ndanghfer to 3srr.prt.d Yrs wr- ‘cau McDonald. T M r. James McDonald. who has spent the winter in Algoma. arrived home last week to haven cataract removed tryy his eye. - _ . . Miss Hogarth. of Brooklin, whose father has purchased Mr. Brnnder's store, is at presentbcing initiated into ting my.yereset ter.ek.eepine. .. . LtoyD.--rrt Durham, on Tuesday let. a son to Mr. and Mrs. James oyd.. 3tartarrArt-rn Normanby on the Elh inst., the wife of Mr. Jnd. Marshall of fl Miss Hutton, (if Den? Ireland, is the guest of Mrs. Herbert Vinson m, pm- sent. -tjn" 'Fridaly the 17t,h ins't., ihe wife ot John McLeQd or." 5159531me- __ _ _ Mr. Jam'es Blunder came home last Friday from the County of Ontario. where he has been putting in a crop on hirfarrp, in that Lee of Lh_e 1.'royit.tt. We notice that' the cotuical "and bumomuu quill driver of the " Peda- gngue Union " characterized the mom- bersof said union as .. \Vindha s," which we, iudge is the mun and ','/lf,'f,ii?i'd of the fat itmn 3rd page of the pmgrmuuw. He sttyek it about right. _ . A See-ding is about June in this part. but owing to the sew-re weather It. may be necessary to sow some fields again. The piles of brick that adorned our streets are now occupying a. more swu- metrieat and pleasing position. Kin- rou street especial”. is improving its nppearancc owing no doubt to T. It. amLH. MUD. making L_he shovels tty. * Min Mary A. McCormick was the guest of Miss Sadie Black last week. Truversmn letters still get here. Duugal's lung: are still good. Mr. Jam-s vhire spent, a weak in Gambell. Mr. Joe Black leaves this week for Bruntfnrd to petmutt for the summer and will visit friends in Toronto on his way down. Mr. and "ans. Harm-t and their son Willie, of Owen Sound, were guests at .W..polrieiy for} few diffs last Terk. . Nears, Angus McDonald, Conkev Johnnie Benton are engaged in the Bryr. Shipglg Mill. . , . . Master Angus Joseph Black is in the em )Iny of Mr. An ms Black. hachdur. Idesars (‘apluin fl and Thomas Neil are hustling up the stone wall of Mr. \lus:rs (‘apluin tt. and Thomas are hustling up the stone wall of John McViear's new ham. Miss Jessie Murchison weather. UK wish her covery. Three of Maple Grave's fairest maid- eos visited fnvnds here one evening Inst week and returned 'mtely--avrued by two Jacks and Waterloo Archibald. Mr. Duncan McRae, from Irish Lake has been in the employ of our wsrden, Mr. Alex. Murchison. - - Mrs. Mike Henerick and children have returned to their home in Toronto after spending the winter. at her brother's, Mr. Arch. McMillan. MEN va Molnnis is assisting Mrs. M. F. McMillan in her household-duties and will remain for a lime. Miss Kale McMillan is visiting friends u, Barchelov's (lumen: for the past few weeks. Mips'Tenn Morrison is home from the Queen City. Mrs. A. C. Patterson, of Durham, visited her [urems here on Saturday and Sunday gust. Mr. and Mrs. Jim M eDougal, of Price- ville, were guests at Mr. Pierson's on Sunday. “'HEAT A DOLLAR A Btrigmrr..--rn Toronto thebther duy when: reached the dollar. mark and has since gone beyond it. As we quote to-day it is 31.03 itt Durham. for the best. This Is a return to old tiure prices, and if the bins had an old time appearance, there would be much mince for. congvatulatitrtt. How- ever there is cause for satisfaction in the agricultural outlook in many direc- tions. The Wool markets are repovted quiet. and the impart says an almost unprecedvm apathy exits fur the season. IJaury products towhiclt many "ow.look foe returns are not duing well. Snles of early cheese running below the prices ohtainvd fur a numlterof yours hack. Butter. in Lubs. is scllinglow, the favor- io. small dairy rolls selling at; 14 Dr loc in Toronto, while tubbutter is quoted 3c to Sc. The suhjoetof temperance is receiving much attention just, now from the local clergy hy sermons and in other ways. The local soricLY is now under weigh, Mr. ll. Park”; President. A good matting was hold on Tuesday night, and ringing addresses were delivered. Let; Onward he the motto. \Vawhfulness and Faithfulness the aim and Victory will be the reward. We are glad to notice amidst the de- pressing influence of frost that the wriceul‘ vault: keeps up. At Durnoch on A Innday last Mr. Geo. Skene sold 3 or l head It 842 a bond, while Mr Wm. Smith of the. semis place sold 6 head at 5:1}.00. Those were shippin cutthuf course. and illustrates how the F. llnishv er" gets the profit. In Durham on Tuesday Mr. Lynll Robson sold one of nine, and that the pooretit, for $41.00 and we hope he may yer realize the $50 and odd dollars he places on the others. (human RELIEVED rs lo Ttt Cosrtscrrs.-. One short puff of the breath through the Blower. supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew": CUtarrhal Powder, diffuse! this Powder over the surface of the nasal pauagcn. Painless and delightful to use, It relieves in- ntantly, And permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Coldn, Kosdwbe. Sore Throat. Tou. nilin‘a and Denis“. 80 cents. At McFAnuxxz & Co. We regret to heurof the death of Miss Nellie Brown, who stayed with mu grandmother. Mrs McGumb. for some Limo. and will be rr-mombcrvd by many because of her bright. amiable diupus- itiom Her grandmother will miss hu- very much. It is an execxable nudism which at- tempts to gratify morbid curiositv b exhibiting the murderer of Jesuit: Keitg in waxwork. We hope but few in our town were gratifled M the exhibition lust Saturday night. A district, meeting of the Epworth Lea no was held in Mr. Foteat Inst (tClit, and the formation of a County Union was inau “rated. Miss Orchard was a delegate gnu!) Durham. Park lot No. P.. at present occupied by the Rev, Chars. Calm-run is top male. This isa vary desirable location for a retired farmer. Applyy)” _ MoArthur's establishment had a rush on Tuesday last. in the butternud egg line. The th'ef' young men were kept hustling. w ilkinsnn plows. farm waggnns, .c.attiager, anvnhing in the implmuent line. at, Arch. McKiunon's PrieeVille. Farm 51nehinery and Implements of all kinds at, the shop next Boulgev's, Pricevillc.-Arcb. McKimmn. Call and 34-0 McArthue's stock of ready made clothing and summer hats. U. MCARTHUB. Laird Taylor, of Dmmore, was in town yesterday. . Two or three new hay sling; (will; cheap. A. H. Jackson usuignmu Trest-ers-Durham Fishing Club, Ready Made G1othimr--C. L. Grunt. Wool-Ros" & Morlock. Shinglexva. Ferguson, LOCAL AND GENERAL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCOTCH TOWN, PRICEWLUi. BIRTHS. J. P. TELFORD. is under the u. speedy re- "irir%r"t','w, 'ki)," and Neil 331’” . I "an” Tali- put up tty tho Irtdian I" fur-1 u t up]. of (h. beau-nu.- qt kah- nu. Thu-ion any “Ifjhlmm in th- plocdon of an; “Egg and ia.'A946, duti- whydwy put it up tb-i.+iis 'tgs,diith#,1t4ty,ttt, original "ttttttrites,'."':,',",',",,"."."';:'.'.',",',?',','.".: 399955} .515. and ' Its my»: W Master Herbert and Minnie L. Lamb are enjoying the 21th with friends in Owen Sound this week and will remain a few days. ' Richard and 5Villiam Morin are two hustlers and have put in seventy five acres of crop this spring. Miss Lizzie Brown, of Egremont is spending a few days at the parental home M; present. m, regret to 'state that Mr. Francis Boyle, w.ho has hem confined to the house all winter is not yet much im- proved and is still unable to be about. Our Sabbath School was again ro~ organized for the summer months with prospecuof a large attendance under the able management of Messrs Thus. Townsend. b'uperiutendcnr,. Chas. Boyle. Vice Sup.; Geo. Lamb, See. Twas; Joseph Boyle ably leads the children in their songs of praise. while agood staff of teachers are in attend- ance. Mr. John Duncan has a large staff of framers and masons hustling through his largo burn contracts. 7n: FOIIUT TIA " 7n: was“ [ROM 1'”! TEA PM“ To "I m 60' ALLQOOD WJGEP IT. trrourromrdo.-tuerlt.tmtitttutowea'tsto ITIIL. MAY?“ BAtO. 0 General Hospital, Toronto, where he lately bad his foot amputated. which has been ailing toe a. number of young. He stood the operation well and is much improved in health. 7n: 3 Fill-1' Tea " 7“: WORLD Crops severely injured. Barley killed to the ground. Fruit completely des- troyed, which is in itself a serious loss. Altogether very discouraging for the Feouten. who have been smuggling through the Ute depression. _ Mr. John Bell but; returned from the Seeding isnbout completed. Farmers are soutewhat despondent over the re- sults of the past week's severe (mats. Dr. AVillixm.i Pink Pills are manu- taccuerd hy the Dr. Willuanis' Medicine Co., Ihoekville, Out.. and Sehenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in hogan hear- ing their trade mark mid wrappergrint- ed in rod ink. at 500:1le or six oxes for $2.50. and mav be had of all druggisrs, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Mmlivino Company, from either address. Dr. Williams' Pink Pulls contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood. and restore shattered nerves. Thtware an unfail- ing wecific foe such diseases as locouur mralnxla. partial paralysis, Sc. Vitus' danco. “elation. neuralgia. rheumatism. “(I'VOHS headache, the afar effects of la grippe, pulpitnliun of the heart. m-rv- nus pvostration, all diseases depending upon viriated hnnmxs in the lnluod, such as svrofulu. chronic nrysipclas, etc. They are also a tN;ific for tumbles peculiar to fentalvs, such as 1epggtl','g,t iruegularities, and all farms 0 weaktes. They build " , the blood, and restpcethe glow of health to the pale and sanow cheeks. In men they effect. radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of what. ever nature. The above is the substance of Mr. Lunh's story. to which the JfoNitorusay add that. we consider him a reliable and trustworthy person who would make no titatetttertt, which he did not know to be correct and truthful. I " About 8 years ago I suffered from an attack of intutnntation of the stoiumch causing me extreme pain and unetuy- ness. Iwas attended by Dr. Clark of Meatord. who brought me around, and I have always given him credit. of sur- ing tny lite on that occasion. The effects of the attack however remained and I fell into a. chronic state of poor health, whwh completely untitled me Sur my ordinarv work. I was really dragging _ outs miserable existence. I suffered for oven seven years from a constant. pain in my stomach. as well as from weakners and continued debility. I tried many advertised remedies which I thought might be suited to my can», [ but without relirf. l at length decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I soon felt the pain in my stonuch relieved, and after I had used ten boxes the vein was entirely gmw and I now fool like a new man. 1 can now work half a day I at a time without fatigue, and as I am still using the pills I eontidently expect. asf have every right to do from tho great result thus far, to be able to do my work as formerly. I am 57 years of age, and betore the attack eight years ago. I always enjoyed goodhealtlt. I have stated my exporience to many people and invariably recommended a trial of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Knowing the Dr. W'illizuus' Medicine Co. to he an honorable and mliahle firm we had never any romantic doubt the entire truthfulness of the Articles appearing from time to time setting forth the particulars of remarkable cures affected by the use of their Pink Pillu. There is scarcely a locality in Canada which has not furnished a. case of more or less prominence. andif the pat ticulars, as ruched. were not accurate, it would be impossible that the public would not find it out, and thus the; ‘remedy would he discredited. There is therefore every ground to believe that the statements are accurate in every particular. Wehave now been put in A position to verify one. of these cases for ourselves. and we give the result faithfully, giving Pink Pills no word at praise. not, merited in the case. Messrs F. Clark &Co., druggist. of Menfmd. who has sold huge quantities of these famous pills, drew our attention to the case. giving us the nmne of Mr. Henry Lunih. a well known and respected farmer of St. Vincent township. Hav- ing some acquaintance with Mr. Lamb we sought an interview. and the follow- ingis the substance of his testimony: sum? law 9m M-xtmt.» m In um“: wan. I Ixcnxnmnv CA trattT.-.-John Spencer. {ahlm-ksmith in Owen Sou " W“ dise : covered by a po 20.1mm" in th . f _ - I ting tire to (Junghton's fun-“Mme store an "ttet, a severe arugula he was attested. The ttri, gains] headway, and the loss will amount. to $30“) or 84ak) oarlly eovered by insurance. From the Meatord Manifor. He Tells the Story of Eight Years or Suffering and vain Efforts to Regain Health-Row This Gent Boon was Finally Obtained. AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT FROM A WELL KNOWN PARKER. A Grey Countv Miracle A PERFECT TEA ___.o*...___ CLASCOT T, Tr "reevr " " i b"r2', lips; Eizm‘m‘ 's/ ',?ig"eitt1 I” ' Miit" , km it? $3311.; A a $1.50 yer 100 lbs. DURHAM PHARMACY. .Cglder's Block, Dunham. Mft, McKenzie. Seeds, Drugs, Patent Medicines. Oil Cake We haven few parcels jcft. 134- mn- and get mm Ire.iove yum turn your outbid out, to pasture. . , . Memes Emulsmn If you have not dealt with us. give us‘a call and be con- vinced that we are the cheap- est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. For' removing Lice on cattle, Texas Horn T,t and sheep Ticks, Lice on pigs. Price, .oc Wall Paper, Spring time is here. and we 'hm'ra Fir.'."";'.,':',',','.' for removing Dirt, Grease. Ill'. Pitch. Stains from Silk. Wool, or Cotton Goods without, injury to the flnest fabrics. Price. 150. McKenzie's Horse &Gattle Food. We have mid (XI) bottles this winter and have over 50 reeonunendarious for its usefulness. Price, only 15c. This medicine has been used success- fully by people in Durham for the past l0 yr's for Stomach. Bowels, Dyspepsia. Headache. Liver and Kidneys, Blood and Skin Diseases. Large bottles, Ab. Mtskenzie's Tonic MAGIC Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgin. Lame Back. pain in the Back. Joints, Chest ox nny part of the system. For Cough and Colds, and all wasting diseases of young lad old. Price, 25x. This excellent. treparation we offer to to the Public um? guarantee it to he one of the best now on the nun-km. Itesives Gray Hair to its natural polar. Keeps the Hair flan: falling out. and cures dandruff. $1.00 mize reduced to 50v. McKenzie's\ Bmulsivn of Bud Liver til This Medicine is highly recommen- ded. We are tho sole agents for Dur- ham. This time of year every one should use a bottle and save a doctor's bill. McKENZIE'S Manley’s (kluy- ‘Nerve Com. WHAT IS . Fishing Tackle FINE GROUND LAND PLASTER, FLAX SEED Field and Garden SEED ! Sporting Goods MacFARLANE & Ci). ( I have the best ui ped o iticnlStnro in Canada. Trillion}; all I ask} Paper on the Err can be had by callin free. I make old Spectacles like new. "You can mail your glasses to me for two cents. I have the most. complete stock of Spec- tacles (for dimcult eye" to fit) made. Guarantee with each pair of glasses fit. Wrile fur paper cnnmining 2.4000311- ndian references. Eye Specialist always in Store " King St. East. Toronto. McKenzie's Regulator. Mckenzie's White Oil Wm. CHAMBERLAIN, All the leading and tried varieties. with B. I. a W. \ANDr‘ Cream. .-AN D-- ailt..t,, H. Davis. COUGH SYRUP. 1 TW. m Specialist. ill years EXPERIENCE. f's'iFdtCi?GCt'S' pantry. two closets. kitchtn,goo4 cellar. tohrts. brick cistern and wood shed. A never {Raina well bexide the kitchen door. An orchard. A hank Ivarn and drhm shed. A suitable upon for a reti farmer. Park Lot, No. 2. in the Town of Dur- ham. containing 4 acres. (at prawn: the residence of the Rev. C. Cameron) on which there " n brie}; cthge. 6_roqpu, Because we se_11 Millinery Cheape: than any other House 1n Town. ' . At the very lowest prices. See our Ladin‘real Dongola, Button Boots at 31.25. Just step in and see what a lot of MILLINER, 35 IA 42. " $1.00 .. 35 .. 43 " 1.20 " Our Lace Curtains, all have taped edged. Get one of our Carpet Slrnlvhct-s. We have the best made fol-90v. Our New PRiNTS are just, in. We havethe very war. value at. 50. 9c, 10c and 12.hc a "rd. See them before buying. See our Ge Challies. Piano-leans from SC up. Men's Top Shirts from :50. up. Men's Ruhherine Collars. stand up. 10 r. Turn down. 15(- murh. I Ruhherine Cuffs. 20cn pair. ‘ We always [cu-p a full line of all kinds of ; g BOOTS & SHOES Because we have by far the Largest Stock to select from, _ . smtxaiilllll.. Largest SPRING in here. so in House Cleaning time,and you will need New Lace furtinxns. Just tend the prices that for ow. Big We give for $1.00 2h yds. long, Apply to See these Goods before you dispose of your We have also bought largely from one of the leading makers BEAN a CO. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES. For which we will give you the Highest Price 1n exchange for UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. a LACE CURTAINS. I: Tweeds, Yarns, Sheetings, Blankets, Fla nnels, &c. FOR SALE. MR. J. P. TELFORD, THREE REASONS Give us a Call TINWARE WOOL. RAM SAY dk MORLOCK, IArin wide. Ilk a pair. WOOL WANTED ! Because we employ a First City; Barrister. Durham, Ont WHY In this Town are ; TS well assorted. Also oar HATS, was, sum "i'"", BOOTS, In fact all Men's Furnishings are to hs UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. We have a good fine cf Tweeds at very low pnces, starting at Me per yard. woODTaA29)ii- Millinery In Ready to Wear Clothing For Ordered Clothing IF You WANT OUR STOCK: Trad?

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