West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 6 Jun 1895, p. 2

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ONTARIHL HELIIVZD ty to T0 6thrrxcrrs.-- ab. “on po' of the breath hung!) tho . npphed with nah bottle ofDr. I Catawba Powder, dur- this F myqufe‘col thin-1m. CnAYm: womr.--Photos enlarged to tite win and plucml in an elegant frame for $1.50. Thin is an introductory price A. I um just beginning the businrss. r:hratfaetiisn ttuaraa-U-.E., J. ShewelL .. ' WM... 'u u "' mw. - u The tytterttior.t elo.sed, on Friday but * 's1i'i'i'i'i'i'i du’nies :vhich "Gre2'ti,'.'el"v' before ‘3‘”“5'.” It; seized the opportnn- ’ upon the wealthy. The condition of 'ltv of discussing the. status of the Mani- “things in Canada is very different and sob: School question, am} pas-en! a _ our free trade policy must be adapted strong resolt1tivn, protesting against ) to our present cucumstances. the action ofthe Ferterai 'Caverament I - ___ A.-.- ------. in the matter and affirming the uppt-si- l, Suffered for over so Years-Tried tion of the Baptist Church to am' sem- Everything and Employed Two or blance ofa connection between Church me Doctors. and State. The Convention was closed A welt Anown farmer says: lot. m inthe usual Way. Thyroid Tqynslnp, Welland. P, fr..- * was bitterly cold. la Ind the Truman was tr mt Fehuary came a such great :1er) that the making trot clt,c ed Lin said it mal; l EN. 1 Jes,,ie K In Sam-n t, Lamb-1'1; a--""-"-""'" ---- . DURHAM, N E W te , the _ See. of t'ttate speeches but lb V E KT .SJM FDiTb', M: 311‘ 2n thaw with movie w.t.er.e Dr "Foroverulyem-s my wife had been a suffurer from must, dreadful hem!- .d to l aches:at times they were so bad she utm- i could neither sit or lie down but her. prix. 1 head seemed as if it would split. She. less. i tried everything she could hear of and well. L was attended by two or three0oetors, l, but could not find relief until we got 1 b'tark's Powders for headache, bilinus» m.-.?netet. costiveness, neuralgia. and the th.ltiver. Since then the has been free tDr. from n9trering, and any tendency to this pain Btark'd Powdery remove im- p... modintdy. my arouse ind Inh- its”! “MMWFâ€" Es- Jemgmer- _ a "st',e'e' (it' .,m. 1 REVENUE TARIFF VS. A PROTECTIVE a? {502:} DR. 1.AlioERKIN. M. P, TAR” 'lt ci.,u." 1',1 f;va _ < tXH’HCf 'h. ll'. tin“ [at]. :1!!! tuft-X m:>!_\', ! r, p, - ‘LI;:’<-~~1\’c. “in: twin T] . tr-,., 'ta' \\ 3.1-‘11 I'\'rl'_\’ 1.51:3 I "h ‘ g . .- “may; mama. . , Eg , 7 g "p 'rl cfui. lt, {wok mm)" P, f ik " w. l.u"stsy it to :lxurln'l' TI ll. I (f,.",-,:",, AL. I‘xmwriun wos' _ A ‘ h', "xii tt-s,_i',v tlot {M I ‘ I” '%' I . g I l , a u gt lt,rt it. to he. r“: , , , p. " A . ab ‘ than ’ ‘thlilkx‘n mica :l.inr _ l tib) r , 1Ath' Gil? lrt" at. mmumu-ml EP, El ' k I “min-r. (invmmmm' I ' 3, , W Hull l)p, Munmgm“ ._IIF , f, Tii. 2: that prom-Winn did I a . wb' .. _-. trs', y.“ that protection of commoditxc wipe; hole wer ;tbfiiti' Ld on I I a excellence is duo to its presenting it the fun) must accoptubie and plead- unc to thu tastss, the n freaking and. truly bcnetrciM prolwrtie: of a perfect lax. ative . efftse'ualty cleansing the Jystem, dispelling colds, headscher and fever! and purmancntly curing nomination. It has gin-n sotidaction to nnillionl and. met with the appruva'. of the medical profession, henna}: acts on tho Kid- neyn, Liver and. Fe Osh, without weak ening them and is in perfectly free from ovgry 'eitist"roi:;bit't,'.1'tatt,"g; ll yrupoz I!“ cry“): a. drug. tte in Wu. Yll'dt but itin man- stured by the California Fig Syrup 00. only,w manna in pineal”: - 'pubge. also thf'tpmeWrrv.p aim“ 'WFeirrqort?il informed, ”Irina“ 'vt%rttyiuytrAt_trgt-itwdWr" cd' 1rr. IiL?.i(.)TirUi'ij(.iiil Bring: comfnri; and improvement and tends to pew-ml enjoyment' when rightly used. The many, who live us ter than ot hers and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the Worldlu best products in the needs of physical being, will sued the value to health of tho pure liquid laxative [win "tplots embtzbad in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. M f Pl ll; the w! bed. :rutc M, " Jt wt atl Inl In: A Carleton 1mm limb tth "art Imam. W 711-1sz .'and. barium Lard E3323 CF ll tt Sr ll iri'rt, ll ur rh I la ll Flour per 1001b ............ f. Oatmeal " '......... ... Shorts " ............ Bran $6 ............ Full Wheat per bushel ... Sprmg Wheat bb ... _ Oats, $t ... Peas, _ tt ... Barley, ii ... Potatoes., .. ... Hny per ton ...........6...... Beet, fore quarters, per 100 Beef, lund " .u Pork. " o...........:.... Hides, " ......... ........ Sheepskins. ttvel)............ Butter perm....w.......,... Eggs, per doz ..........,.... .) Wood 2ft, long............... Turkeys per m.............~.. I Gun " ............... l 2ttit " ,..'......... l ", johns V .wpdr wily”; . AtibAee we spy-man»- l .. 9, '. U, " Novtunn llal1. "12, bb i). 66 Miles Darcy. " 14. w6 o, 1h Mary Hustic. '. 15, 16 o, 66 James Murphy. "15, .. 10, " Thus. Murray. Fb IO, bb lo, rt Don. 3r'Coruriack "17, " lo, I' John Fogarty. "18, .. lo, " George Leatch. .. 19. b6 10, .. John Orr. "20. t6 10, " Hugh McKee. "20, bb ll, '. John Orr. All trespassors will be, persecuted. J was KELLY, T. A, HARRIS, Itrmsident. Secretary. Durham Finlting Club. Durham, May 21st, 1895. To Smokers J. M. 11uutee's Old Stand TUESDAY, the 11th JUNE PM. Notice to Trespassers. Of the has Tan Is Come and m BEMONSTRATIDN Dnri u - _ [intent Mammary by Imam phyzlcmn. msotvstfttll-sd monthly by tlmuwnds qf. mm. Is the only perfectly “to and rrllabm modicum du. eovorch Beware: of uuprtatripled druxmsus who other inferior medicine: .n ptaeo ot mu. Astt tor Cook'. Cotton Ron! Compound. tm'.ut wombat:- tuhr, or Induce 31 and 0 cum In postage In mm- and we wtruond. smwd. by return malL Fulllanlod particular: in plum cnvnxopo. to ladle- only. I. “my. Addie” The Cook Company, Windzor. Ont. Canada " J. L. HAYCOCK, Sold by all Drug. C. STEVE Thetin up: “T&B IN CA _ PATRON f weed; ‘kating Rink, Durham, HRGE"S rr VM’WEWF“ iifitiii"'irk" , 'iib1?iiri 7 w a th STEVENSON. lel' Wears like leathcr DURHAM MARKET. th Te u. Tdk' ot)llens, Blankets, Yarna 1nd mspec ltenal bef mg yoursel r. for the purpose of Fish prohibited on Glenelg, Richard Jack. " Philip Megurit. " _ Jarues McNally. .. James McNally. bb Ueovge Wright. " Edwin Hunt. t. FGI’GS d to mv ihc 830K133 THEMED. EVENSGN (1 011 P ()d's?oilnllid ACME l-O Tfe, Pre, H0025 IN T " Tweed COMPOUND. IS on every Tittt, 040 to 80to 007 to 004 to 005 to 225to 050m 080to 100to 100to 082to 0Mto 0Mte 025to 900to ‘3 00 to i350to 480to 400to Oli0to O.9to .0 9to 1'0 M to our pnce< , commu- l) il,t.i, ' dx., in Stock. Our 200 half 0 40 0 30 10 00 82 tio 006 075 01]. 011 510 33 in 033 0 90 1 08' M i)i'i'ii'ifg', ‘lll tL I WANTED 1 With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesman will pay bitter than, engagiugin farming.. Send ,ua your application and we will show you how to earn good money. " silik,ii Teacher; t. Hrs just“ the thing for you during the summer. 7 Write {or particular}: _ - _ - A good man in your district to repre- sent the "Fonthill Nuvsevies of Can- ada." Over 700 acres. The largest, in the Dominion. Ponition crmnnent. Salary or Commission wriggc man. Of good quality in large quantities for Sale at The Rocky Saugeen Mm. A. FERGUSON. Shingles For Sale ForaSet of Team, Single. Double Driving or Plough Harncss in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whips, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the wayot horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stuck. _ Single Harness from $12.00 up. -. Farmers and others attar tion, aMWiiiy EtuLR,N,"i:"irfirfiiii! EARN Ei', SS I Call and get some of tl bargains and compare the yourselves. BOOTS AND SHOES CL-sing up business in Durham and are now offering our who'ie 5mm of DRY GOODS at less than whole sale or any othertmau's sale prices. Delains, V Embroiderk rTamwlcttes Hosiery w. We Are Call and Durham, May Ish, '0.5 Jul Arr-Ned WARE'E'.0USiil, Upper Town, Durham. Réasonable Prices All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehic!es, Organs a Pianos, Séwing Machines, Etc. Um F'itlTis, . Ctl0ii(yl1()IG, "i-St/i':-);' cm GLASSWARE, MOFFAT SELLS CHEAP.'; Dalglish's old Stand, Upper Town Chas. Fii'i!clKiinnon-, CASH FOR 11mm AND TALLQW E.Nii'/i?vYl1?dINt1 BOUGHT FOR c2iiLH. Ono Car Maxwells's Binders-elim er mu THOMAS SMITH. One Ca r Chatham Famous Wagons, v also Snow Bull Wagons. - New Stock of the famous Ramsay Carts-at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood's Singc Apron Bin. ders, Buckcy Mowers and Tiger Rakes. Our: T. jldoffat'g, Men's 55 Boys' Felt Hats Cedar Shingles a0i'.%i' New Dress Serge REMEMBER THE PLACE ihxmE &-,WELLINGTON. _ ToatoNTo,, OST. Ganmmql dun Carpi Gail and be g1iililii)il Tick in :5, A w? MW‘III Allin Great Variety 'ile68lN A. Davidson's Stare ivcts DAVIDSON & Co. And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. f inspect and be Convinced. Seasonable Goods. Durham 2yt ckvil FOI CHAS. MCKIN NO.N. :4iWiiWil,rrjriGil% ; .. LORD “MEN'S; HEHE '11 It 1inplkll We,7piipiiil it FDEALER IN-- ight Steel ever. 3 genuine prices fol Fl (we Mn also Because we sell Millinery Cheaper than any other House in Town. .. ' J. ,WOODLAN D. The usual conditions govern all busr new done. MILLINER. 'Bar-dill.----- WI!) stand fur his owner's stub] hormzmhy. Imported and Registei‘e Clydesdale Stallian. SieaEat.aiillt. aLgiiiBe.,,,.---- Because we have by far the Largest Stock to select from. _ Largest 2:41.17";.M“"‘ rh'i274 _ w ' 1w 4.“ J,it"tfit'rC,ttEt 11iiirf "5 'a'tei' , Eff" and} .. W . yrR we y8,gigh%i5eiE New on Han it CAMERON (i' That fine specimen Ipuhr breed of nonsm- TERMS .. $6.00 to Insure a Foal Gall and See Ready-Made Clothing and Summer Hats, Suitings, Coatings and Pantings, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Prints, Ginghams. Gloves, Hosiery, Boots d; Shoes and General Groceries. All are Selling rapidly at unusual LOW PRICES. Also a full "ssovtmeut,of Crock ry dt Glassware Din ner, Tea and Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. The May Frosts destroyed tho, Fruit prospects all over the Country to the extent of Thous- ands of Dollars. But they did not destroy the Booming Summer Trade at McArthur's Maxwell's Steel R Cowman! & Scott', ll a rm ws. Wilkinson Plot1pihs and Seuffie Organs & Pianos of the beam Sold for Mc. 11:. Sold for tic. Ho. Sold for Sihs lb Try it. and yuu willheirtVectly Wilkiu, Full St A few Stoves at job prices New W} cbinee THREE REASON" S " The Business Excitement evely Afterncon and Evoing ad Farmers, Attention ! the nulnmer months, at 1-, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of ROBT. WATSON Jams K or Nepal alwuy s nguse we employ a First Class WHY WE DO THE t 5r'i, IVEillinery 3% In this Town are: the Dr Ui U.) hand ml (,i,,:iii,' FEATHER BONE Skirt Bonci II a i? f5TYLEf¢ SHAPE We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past. patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same. "Large Saies & Small Profits." I)ur}uun, Aging. Oth, "O _1. Ladies' Dress " G. MCARTHUR. E'o " We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be . & J. Mckechnie,, THE CASH ‘BSSSS ADOPTED BY Ii, G. d; J. I‘iIcKECHNEE The Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are corded with this my term. nude. yet Skirt or 1 ah - "SF-N---" ‘m: Tl: wet D: lv it “1] vin, Trade rt scaa-ca" {UPPER TO WN, Js the only prope ~Wool at, bacau: nothing on C one AT SPOT Cash Prices. No Credit I Goods. You Tx' and we want t Ellen’s Heavy Unders .and Drawers. We my; down before the aim- ix 'i'-' You ge in this 1 ye sell b up. Sheeting, Colored " Flannels. m mum FACT DRY GGODS. Hawaii: ROLL GARDEN BLANKETS b3 the s Trade Erey i Egg: Ea Bring along l ITS ht 11211915, HULL]. IS BURL!

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