West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Jun 1895, p. 3

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har's BS. oatings raae eaper hme. Class Ci.. “at rgest Thous- $101,010“ t Years. Durham Woollen Mills. The Work We Are Bring Your . Eboll. Carding To The Ira-3‘! “than Fo r Try some of our own make of w Satisfaction' guaranteed this year or no pay. Don't buy until you see our BINDER TWINE. J. HUNTER t; P 7c.Twine. 'll'anti, 7151:. Runs 560 fs. to 1b. 3.4311 sronnf IS TOWN, DURHAM. wi7 P H Apply M NV M M Tho rpm!” of the Drawing Examin- ations 1rtscutntt knnwn last Saturday. Douglas Sutherland was the clever and lucky boy to got. all five certificates at nm- "xaminaiiort I " nu".- eircututstatitt. Rnlwrt. Reid. Numnan Mertao. Lena Woltiand Lizzie Inhllaw secured allthey tried tor, and have now completed the rourso. Sen-ml of the others only lack one. The result, on the whole is ahore the average. and while, as their warm-r we feel personally gratified at the result, M a whole. we regret that the diligrusee of some has not secured the reward which their work during sesslnu would indicate. We give tho Iurt in full. and otfer congratulations to the successful (mes and w are there has been failure we say " try again." .F. ' is Freehand. 'G.' Geometrical, .P.' Perspective, 'M." Model, 'B.' Black. board br Memory. Douglas Sutherland, all Lizzie Laid- law. F. G. P. B. Lena. Wolf. G. P. M. Norman McRae. P. M. Robert Reid, F. M. Hattie Moftat P. M. B. Amv, Me mdith. P. M. B. Finlay Graham, F. M B Robert Scott F. P. M. P. Mc- Um all. F. B. H. McCalmon F. G. . A. Park .r, M. S. A. Schtt, M. w. Park, C'. Vain A. Grant, M. Caldwell and B. s',srk each got F. LOCAL AND GENERAL. M lt M " ll M W Tl mm thir meadows, as they wm not. no warn) cutting. Mr. John may being tired of single life, wun: ovtrt' to Egrmnnut on the Ietls insh. and was Hum-d in marriage to Miss McFadden. "dongeatulrtio.rrsJack: Ott Wednesday, the. 12th inst.. one of those plpnsunt events which we all like to attend, took place at the residence of Mr. Charter Smith, at 4 o'eloek, l. m. ft being the mnrringe Vifi','/'/1u'id,'l:, Mary Ann, ty. Mr. Jae. McDonald. of 1'i;iiuiia" The ccrmnony was Fifi formed by the Itpv.,1r,rdln,ey,.m he ’ I A -. kn" gig-{An IUI‘IHK'lI 1rT m.» _., _ bride. who was attended by hon sist,cv, Miss Jane Smith, looked charming in her bridal costume. Mr. Gilbert Grier- son acted as Crvootuisttvitt. A table was then spread in the orchard, where all were treated to a. sumptuous repaint. Baseball and other gum“ were then in- dulged in until the shades of evening drove then: indoors, where all listened to excellent music, both instrumental and vocal to their hearts content. The bride received a large number of hand- some and valuable presents. The happy couple moved into their new home on tho following Friday. We voice the sentiments of the community in wish- init them a happy and pleasant journey through life. ' i,'ig%igei: tdt ”Inlllll‘lv -. McDossvr--sptrTrrr-Atr the residence of the bride's father, Charter Smith ttithid.'.egt.i'r'tki; on June 12th, 1895, hv v. E. L. F'va Pe MgDonald. M IN LOCAL AND GENERAL. hy Rev. E. L. Flugg. Jas. mu: of Remind: to .\ng1')' A. Smith, DROMORE, jiatrtrAtrrs, 'fs'tiri Il that ncvm- an this side of vim-nit}: «hull 'issue again ('lnsp the vanished hand or i ll"3ll‘ the Vuiru that, now is still. Just at" I an age whtrtt hopes and tvipiturrious are l l-ighcsi. who Lie thought, of parting i from friends has warn-1y en-r entered tlie mind. and whvn the future isbrigliL- cued by the expectation of rondering i sevvitrcs to parents, in their, declining‘ years. it, is very molunrlmlv thata life i >0 young sitould btt suddenly and unex- 1 puriwlly tsxtinwuirihed. Dan was "a llevoritc withall who know him. His l ('hcorful devotion endeared him to his l pars-ms and his amiabilitvof disposition 3| dlLuclu-d him to his friends. His body was followed bo its last vesting place in Pviveville bv n. large assemblyof sor- rowing vvlntituts and friends. The Rev, D. MrLcod conducted the impressive funeral service. committing the body to the dust and commending the life to the, God who gave it. The family of the departed boy has the heartfelt syn: pa- thy of the entire corumunity.--com. Once more we collect our thinking faculties luggther and. relgte the in- '66kl'.Vab.-r ....,.,: ._e__ cidots ot'curuig m our locality, Mr. Peter Fevgusou is busily engaged Inn-paring for the cweetiou of a stable on the Model Firm. Next. we will hear of is the erection of a tinercsideueo and ample room for two Ef',',"."?""' Some one asks who is it. Eh aw? Mr. George Haw in replacing his road fence. which adds much to the appear- mice of the farm and also the sidemml. Ted darkens the sun with dirt those days. _ Miss Chrisw McPhail returned home last, week and will spend some time with her paren ts. “flint we would like to know ' . It the fellows from Smoky Hollow worn, mind themselves next time and save a smashup. If {gage busing. hay b3 the bulk wont be careful next time an save expenses. I I =" =aa-rrrtr'rrtety:r-'""'P" t desolate another hrmte in our Among all the young men of “don. theve was none, man "l. " his Ct my amt-me or more duti- kind [unis parcnlsnnd family Vi Dan McArthur. Doing a lad “did physique, and of mhusb it, was little Jveatuvd, that he be culled Dom this life so soon cu now. it swans hard to realize. n-x- on this side of Homily, c,hall " EALSAM VALLEY. 1'.,girr',itWo00. P. o. in»? r. um I "'rnm'r, Ann-MA. (Ammo. .--For the second time wiih. t, this lovality wustilwouded the word passed from house It the mos-enm-r of deut,h olate “name-x- hrrutre in our Ib an. Wn‘aos. " HARNES s: _"-)",)"::,":"'.",-,,')?,, HARNESS! ‘ppgux‘ M you are Mining your cyan every a A poor pair of glussoi work tho mini one's t'.ves as slow poison on the hut, body. that. is, thvy are sure to dostrug Now. it you will call and we ui will guarantee In fit, Vim with a [mil Klila‘he" t,hat,will be rightwnnd tht. " Man will plum:- you-lf you arc Iron! in any way whatever. with your "Y shmlld Kw pionxml to mm you. I VISIT DURHAM TWICE EACH YE The Stock left is all ncv sists of New Dress Scares, Delains, Veivcts, Prints Embroidcrics. Ribbons, Pillow Canons, Tieking Hosiery, & Men's and Boys' Prof. Chamberlain, Eye Special Week jn'i More Less than Wholesai DO YOU"... WEAR GLASSES Dry Goods and Drees Goo One . Farmers and others non. 1iluiflSjl)iS" Arpyrnt alumna by an on _ physician. chccnfuuy we! monthly by (bananas of India. In tho only perfectly safe and rriinbio mum-mo My covered. Beware of uupriaelp1ed druggisw who otrer interior median»: .11 plaer, of this. Ask for Cook'- Cotton Root Compound. take no “but. tumor utelomt 81 undo contain postngo in letter and we wiiilcnd. .etuod, by mum: mull. Pail-aid pardcuim in plain cum-lope, to indies only. d trtBrtum. Lanna-I The Cook Company, Windsor. Ottt.. Canal“ A nevvrfuilir. door. An or driving shed. retired farnuer Thrm- Rog“ calves. One r Lot 2aud 34 willsell rom- Durham. Mavch Fo'), Survive. This splendid animal was impm-tml (rum the United Shim-2 and was rt winnoruf four Prizes at the 1Vorhl's Fair, Chirvipv. Butter and Eggs Take) Iir',.ur'.1Huc.h' Tl,'r'. PLA('ri. A. Davidson's St? I'ppvrann. Durham. dlle,t,,,k.. i k’ C il 4.00 s 011011 .. ' Thdmughhred Chester White Rear, 'Washington,' -svtuig1aiWiM Sold - , ' " Me , A'. g r' T, ' l , iN - " M. TN! 7mm? Tu - ___ 'srrse.t" A pr“ au, Tu: FINKIT Ta IN 1m: Womb Hrawr DISEASE Hannah 1330 Mum“ -Dr. Agnew/5 Cure for the fleart gives pur- feet relief in all cues Orwufte or Sympathetic Heart Dmessk in 30 minutes Ind Ipredily crireot' acuru. It is tb peerless, remedy for Pupiwziou, Shortness of Broth,, Smother- ing 3pm.. Pain in Left Side and all syn p- tom. of a Diseased mort. One dow can n- ‘5'. Sold by McFArlme & Co. FROM THE TEA PLANT TV I n; . - ___. IN ITS NATIV‘ PURITV. "Monsoon" Tank put up by the Indian Tet can; sample of :11: best siuaiititm of Indian R','.'.' Thatch” they use the gram: care in the .1de of the Tea and its blend. that in why they put it up than-Ives Mg all it onlyin um original gunman. thereby Hacurmg in purity Ind dull-m. ucupin “bulb. and ' lb. My...“ now add in bulk. - A - --.-MI. .1223 't Sir "a u. - ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. “your grocer do- not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER ' oo. 0 " and 13 Front Street East. Toronto. burham Bulls For Sale. CAST! b' Apply to lam-e THOMAS SMITH. oiiieries, Ribbons, v Canons, Tiekings ry, & Men's and Boys' 1 87 King hit. F.. Toronto. Out 14iiyiiRiiyiEliEy!?giiMtee' TERM-s - 1 Set. of TC mting and st Whips, Map}- ”you do the in; wrinnt. q) Linn is-DO THEY’ FIT? Pt ably not. Now do yuu k.t FOR SALE. A PERFECT TEA "MK. J. P. TELIjOHp stock; _ Harness f 1'an _. 'OG, l Druggists m ,ecewi..e2tt.v2.hu'.L".'. Pl the Rev. C. Came-run) ' s a hvick (mum's. (i r00“! losots. kitcheu,qood coll“ ; cistern and wand she 11;; well beside the kit.cO Wuhan]. a. hunk barn m . A suitable spot, for stcved unt' year ,vgia-‘U'I‘vd two yt f two, Con. l, N any lit WWW-5:} My j osHUA WOODLAND, 12th LRG. OF BO l'LDI‘IX &; A T COMPOUND. in the Town of Dur- ill'l'L'S. [at present the :lev. C. Calm-run) on mm. y Hum style, ll >lingxv'ness Mum-rs, D urham u/ Bells, Curry ',' in the wayot and msncct my Barrister. Durham, Ont of Stty Tc Cle your Mus: Flam and I 9‘01]. Double all kinds I" Sweat old Bull M' old, at n'nmuhy. atten - 1 co] luv, 1 shed. kitchen " l'OUlHS w THIS. This Medicine is highly recommen- ded. We are the sole agents for Dar. ham. This time of year every one, should use a bottle and save a doctor's bill. Manley‘s Geleryr ---ligni) Com. Thus exeel' tn the Pulrlit of the host " G my Hair t the Hair ft, dandruff. 8 McKENZIE'S HAIR RENEWER. Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Lime Back, pain in the Back.JoitttN, Chest on any part of the system. We have sold totlrottles this winter and have (we: 50 recouunctidatious for its usefulness. Price, only 154-. McKenzie’s\ 1 Emulsivn of Cod Liver (lil; For Cough diseases of y' This medicine has lu-en “sud succoxs- fully by people in Durham for the pest 10 yr‘s for Stomach. Bowels, Dyspepsia. Headache. Liver and Kidneys, Blood and Skin Diseases. Large bottles. COC. McKenzie’s Tonic Spring time is here. and we haven preparation for removing Dirt, Grease, Far. Pitch, Stains frmn Silk, Wool. or Cotton Goods without injury to the finest fabrics. Price, rar. MAGIC McKenzie’s We have" fmvllm'cvh left. Be sun- aud get one Ircrore you turn your cattle out. to puslurt'. I , I McKemes Emulsmn For rel) Horn Fly Price, 25c If you have not dealt with us give us a call and be con- vinced that we are the cheap- est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, Patent Medicines. . Oil Cake $1.50 per 100 lbs. DURHAM PHARMACY. Arch. McKenzie. McKenzie's White Oil Mckenzie's Regulator. with B. I. & W. Horse & Cattle Food. removing Lice on cattle. Texas Fly and sheep Ticks. Lice on pigs. w:1yu.pple.merit,, to Calder’s Block, Durham. 'llcnt, pp,',:','...':',','):,",;" we offer to ic am guarantee“ to he one nuw on the market. 1testxrres to its natural colon Keeps IOIII falling out and cures $1.00 size rvduced to ak. and Colds. and all wasting um: and old. Price. P.5c. Cream. COUGH SYRUP. Seeds, Drugs, Geo. fl. Davis. BL'GGW1 - Avlwu t.tt,"'C"' vuuAIAB' _...'--...- 1 Car load ot DEMOCRATS and CARTS. I mm. tax These Goods are all bought at the Lowest Cash Prices and must he " 'e/ei te season. Come One! Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick of It: we c. FIRE INSURANCE attended to Promptly . MARRIAGE LICENSES Land. ICar load of those famous Percival Car LradsofMhsse.v-furria BINDER PLO ws. l MOWERS and DRILLS. 1 Car load of the Adam's WAGONS. Wall stock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. 2 Ctr 3913315 1rCTydhope. & MeLaaghlin iToimn Harrow; Chums. Wheelbar- CALDER & LIVINGSTON, We have a Is weil assorted. Also oar HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and BOOTS, In fact all Men's Furnishings are to hand. Pure Paris Green Insect Powder, Hellebore, Fly Poison Pad: and Sticky Fly Paper AT PARKER’S Texan Fly Dressing Turnip Seed, Fodder Corn, "POTATO BUG KILLER.” At Parker's Drug Store. Land Plas Valise or Satchel give us a call. Come to us with your wants and we will try and supply them. .»- And we are ready tor the season mm Full Stock of all kinds of IMPLEMENTS- Etc. tLag" See what we Have Got! In Ready to Wear Clothing Potato lug Killer a Lu.'..', , IJO“V"I" "JLNosvrc, Durhn In. good line of Tweeds at very low pnces, starting at 25c per yard. For Ordered Clothing . Parker star for Turnips, Corn, Potatoes, vegetables, 63¢. Bags cf 185 a 200 lbs. ' ht You WANT OUR STOCK ' I .00 for "ro lbs. uggist & Seedsmau, Durham. G. L. GRANT. AT PARKER’S. AT PARKER’S. AT PARKER’S. Millet, Hangariun dr Buckwheat Full stock of Sprine Tooth HARROWS. Toiton Hal-rows. Chums, Wheelbar- rows, te. R?) go (ft

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