West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Jun 1895, p. 4

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Trade Rent Coatings mghams. cries. t Class heaper thur’s argest of Thous- i“Hue. AIN0l 4 Are t Years. Durham Wcollen Mills. The Work Bring Your . R011 Caroling To The For OW of Satisfaction guaranteed this year or no pay. '-e-'T - tt t .. _ “malt-n il il il E' a t 1 I I wun'l‘hm ti Inksluz; l _ titv_tssl.tt, Try some {nan Don't buy until you see our BINDER TWINE. J.A.HBNTER ci"i'EIt ru t' our 7c.Twine. 'ii'tntt m make Runs 560 f3.t01b. 39.311 sronnr. TOWN, DURHAM» I ilidurn' u I) o Str Tr M The ttsu! minus bun Douglas 511 lucky bot' one vxamir Robert He Tolriend L lriml'fm'. and have tlow completed tlie murse. Srn'x‘ul of the others Only luck one'. The rvsulL on the whole is ahore the average. and while, as their te;urlttt we feet personrdly gratified a: thrrnsult, as " whole. we regret. that thodiligettce of some has not secured the reward which their work during sessiou would indicate. We give tho Inst in full. and offer con nullntions to the successful ones and “gore there has been failure we say " try again." .F.' is Freehand, 'G.' GeomPtriral. 'P.' Pevtmective, 'M.' Model, 'B.' Black. board br Memory. Douglas 'Sutherland, all Lizzie Laid. law. F. G. P. B. Lena. Wolf, G. P. M. Norman McRae, P. M. Robert Reid, F. M. Hattie Moffat P. M. B. Amr, Me 'Nlilh. P. M. B. Fight] gruhfm. F. M B Robert Scott P. P. M. P. Ne. Um gall. F. B. H. McCulmon F. G. . A. Park ~r. N. S. A. Schtt, M. w. Park. c,. Vair, A. Grant, N. Caldwell and B. {ark each got, F. V " sult “film Drawing Examin- wcmne known last. stuuvday. Suthz-rland was the clever and w to get all five t.ertifieates at ninminn '. a mu: cirruummncc. Reid. Norman McRae, Lona. l Lizzie Lnidhuv secured allthey ", and have now teotnplertril lu-n Fi; kha w IS " M w " il' Asideen. The l'ermnony was INT- formed by the Rev. Mr. Flagg. I'he bride, who wasatterrded by het. sister. Miss Jame Smith, looked charming in hevbvidal (osmium. Mr. Gilbert Grier- son acted It! Gmomsman. A table was then spread in the orchard, where all were treated to a sumptuous repast. Baseball and other games were then in- dulgcd in until the shades ot evening drove them indoors, when all listened to excellent musie, both instrumental and vocal to their hearts content. The bride received a large numher of hand- some and valuable presents. The happy couple moved into their new home on the following Friday. We voice the sentiments? the community in wish- ing them a happy and pleasant journey through life. M Inn-nun“... McDosALD-fistrrsr.--Atr the residence of the hride's father, Charter Smith EwBentinck. on June 12th, 1895, by v. E. L. Flngg. Jas. McDonald, of Beutiuck to Mary A. Smith. Tl IN M ll H DROMORE "irhimAtrEs.., ndsay spent part of last. Sound, acting as jury- 's is now living in My nnssed In our Il tl by! Te vT?1'iNr, in l f: Once more we collect. our thinking faculties t,ogether and relate the " cidents occuring in our locality. Mr. Peter Fm‘gusou is busily engaged preparing for the erectinn of a Ila tle on the Model Farm. Next, we will hear. of is the erection of a tine residence and ample room for two Hex-sons. Some one asks who is it. Eh haw? Mr. George Iraw is replacing his road fence which adds much to the appear- ance of the farm and also the sidtwoad. Ted darkens the sun with dirt those days. . Miss Christy McPhail returned home last, week and wiUspend some time with her paren Ls. What we would like to know: . If the fellows trohn Smoky Hollow worn. mind themselves next time and save a smashup. If (haste buying In; be careful next, Lime _---.-- .....nu _ EALSAM VALLEY. g [my bx the bulk wont yiute an save expenses. ,ti ma WATwN. " ','r'is'i"i':il. ‘ Ll , _ , :sr::mDAV§I . " Ityou do the im wrinnt (nu-s- _ Linn is DO THEY, FIT? Proh- ahly nut. Now do you know you are ruining ynur eyes every day ? A I','"" pair of glasses wovk Hm sumo an one soy-“124 slow poison on the human body.that is, Hwy are Nut'" to dual rny. Now. it you will cull and we Ute, l will gum‘nnu-o to fit, yuu with a [Mir of gimme" t,ltat,will Ire x-ighL~-:unl the price also will ploum- you-lf you :u-vxrnuhlvd in any “my wlmtcn-r with yo11reyrm I should he ploxsml to see you. I VISIT DURHAM TWICE EACH YEA R One Week More The Stock ML is all sists of New Dress Sc 1)clains, veivets, P Embroiderics, Riblx Pillow (batons, Tie, Prof. Chamberlain, Eye Specialist, Dry Goods and Drees Goods. Less than Wholesale DO YOU”... WEAR GLASSES '? HARNESS! HARNESS! Park Lot hum. mum: . - Are-eat discovery by snow _ phyxlclan. sueeesxftsltg wed mommy by momma 'f Indus. I: tho only perfnetV trate and "Mable medicine My eovoret‘. Beware of uaprlaelpted drugglsm who offer Interior medicine: .n .stsee of this. Ask tor Cook'. Conan [loot Compound. take madam- ture, or tackle " and 6 can“ la postage tn letter and we Muund. scaled. hy return null. Pull and particular! ta plain anvclope, to Indie: only. a stamps. Adam“ The Cook Company, Wtadsor. crnt.. Candy. tvsitleuce of I which thetur is pantry. two d MI brls. Itick A never failix dour. An or driving shed. retired farmer Apply to MR. Three Itegir, calves. ()m- Hr Lot, 2 and 30f Will sell ruasu Durhn m . M an s%EijEE%iiiiWgMiigih Foe, Survive. This splendid animal 7 was ilnpm'h-(l from the United Sum-s and was " winm-ruf tout Prizes at. the “'nrld's Fair, Chicago. TERMS - 931 GO. BOYLDEN c-'."., Thnruughhred Bhester White Bear, 'Washington,' Butter and Eggs Taken. manmman THF. PLACE. A. Davidson's Store if... ill P 3,1 Tu: - TEA _ _A.,.=.,.-.v. A pvil 3rd Sold by al TN: rm“? Tn ll E a In 7n: wont) FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE TIA CU? IN ITS NATIVE PURITV. “New" Teak put up by the Indian Tel was”; ramp]: of me but quainiu of Indian ell. Thareforc they me the. cream-t are in the ukclion of the Tea and its blend, that in why they putit up them-ahe- and all it onlyin the or"sirindt We!» thereby waning in purity Inducdlnnoe. “lupin 'gits,iltr. and ius put-sand mm Bum Dmusz Dunn's» Is 30 Mme-r: -.Dr. Agnewl Cure for the Beart given per- fect relief in all macs Organic or Sympathetic Heart Ducun' in 30 minute: Ind speedily cftettts acme. It is a pearlcu remedy for Pnlpituion, Sherman of Broth,, Smothar- ing Spell; Pain in Left Sida and all svn' p- holm of a Diseasorl Heart. One dose cout' tt. un. Sold by McFaluue a; Cu. ALL 0000 GROCERS KEEP IT. ”yam-grocer do:- not keep it, tell him tom-he to STEEL, HAYTER a oo. a Durham Bulls For Sale. 'ettyt.itt THOMAS SMITH. A tOl I: 87 King St. E. Toronto. Ont . Canons ry, & Men' w and " Fran: sum East, FOR SALE. pars and others x. 'OG, gis‘tvrvd 01w 3* ngin‘lvn-d twt" Druggist EFFECT TEA J. P. 'I‘ELFORD. linrrislev'. Durham. Ont In t WI " “ably 305mm WOODLAND, h 12th 1SO5. I) Team, Single, Double vgh llarnossin all kinds and style, or " Sweat Blankets. Bells, Curry nything in the wayot gen“ and inspect my ()ii's())ilnlbd A" 's'isiLuie" Spot, for Tiekings and Boys' I AT r1 COMPOUND. Hill/Hess Mala-rs, Durham, ANr iints of Stock iiiWI To Clear Out Bal- ance ar old Bull your old, at, N0rumnhy. )Our ALI and can arc-puns Musl ins Fla nnels, Toronto. att en - d shed. kitchen mm and l coll HM? m _ WHAT IS THIS. - Manley‘s Celeryr ----ligni) Com. This Medicine is highly rocmnmon- dud. Wcarcthcsvltatt,uwut_ fur Dur- ham. This Limo If year L-vury one should use " bottle nnd mac it doctor's hill. MCKENZIE’S HAIR RENEWER. Tins oxn-I in the Puhli, of the ht-st " Gray Hair! the Hair fr, dandrudr. 8 MnKenz'na’sk E Emulsion of Dad Liver gitrs This medicine has been used success- fully by people in Durham for the past 10 yr's for Stmnuch, Botsvls. Dyspapain. Headache. Liver and Kidneys. Blood and Skin Diseases. Large battles. ae We have sold, (Inlpumkm this winter and have over 50 ru-umnw IdaLions for its usefulness. Price, only 150. diseases of Cures R.1scytristup, Nvuralgiu. Lame Back, pan) In the Back, Joints. Chest or any part of the system. McKenzie's Tonic Spring time is here, and we haven Ei",!.'"?,'.,),",',',',' for removing Dirt, Grease, an Pitch, Stains from Silk, Wool. or Cotton Goods without injury to the finest fabrics. Price, 15c. MAGIC McKenzie's We have" few pntttl, left. He Min- and get one ln-fux‘v you turn your cattle out, to paalurv. I , I McKenmes Emulswn For removing Lice on cattle. Texas Horn Fly and sheep Ticks. Lice on pics. Price, 25c. If you have not dealt with us give us a call and be con- vinced that we are the cheap- est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, Patent Medicines. . Oil Cake $1.50 per 100 lbs. DURHAM PHARMACY. Arch. McKenzie. McKenzie's White Oil McKenzie’s Regulator. with B. I. a W. Horse & Cattle Food. bxn-lh-m, ammunition wn offer to 'uhlie 'lhl'J'2ll'...'i'lC;"it' to he one met nuw on the market. Reswm Iairtoits natural color. Keeps ir front falling out and cures Ir. 31.00 size reduced to ay. thslder's Block, Durham. I, and Colds. and all wading young and old. Price, 23c. Cream. COUGH SYRUP. Are what the peogle are looking for just now and we have got a few of them right ere. Just note these and judge for yourself 1 Light Dress Serge in 10 different patterns was 40c, now 25c. Tweeds, Light and Dark, worth from 40c to 45c, now 33e & Mc. Best Gibson Shirting, worth from 12he to 14c, now llic. Victoria Lawn, 45 inches wide, extra heavy, 12lc yd. White Apron Muslin, nice stripe or check, at 60 yd. Ladies' Summer Vests, Ribbed, 6 for 25c. Better ones with Sleeves, 3 for 25c. Ladies' Stainless Black Hose, Hermsdorfs Dye, regular 250, Seeds, Drugs, In spite of hard times. We pay the Highest Market Price for Butter d; Eggs and we are getting lots of them. Seasonable Goods RAMSAY dk MORLOCK, (kt. H. Mis. now 3 for Mc. ' Regular 750 Corsets for 49e. Ladies Hisle Gloves in Black or Colors, from Me. up. Black Silk Gloves, from Me up. Silk Mitts, in Black, Cream or Fawn, 25c, Laces Galore, extra value in Point Laces, at 15, 20 and 25c. Business is Booming No time to mention more at present. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. These Goods are all bought at the Lowest Cash Prices and must he " (llurisng te season. Come One'. Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick of no toe c. FIRE INSURANCE attended to Promptly. MARRIAGE LICENSE Ind. 1 Car load of those famous Percival Car LradsotMhssttBirris BINDER PLOWS. l MOWERS and DRILLS. 1 Car load of the Adam's WAGOXS. (Full stock ofSprimr Tooth HARROWS. 2 Car loads oCrddhope & McLaughlin - . . BUGG1m 1Tomnmms. Chums, Wheelbu' BUGGIEB. . H 1 Car load ot DEXOCRA‘I'S and Cums. CALDER & LIVINGSTON, A Talise We have a Insect Powder, Hellebore, Fly Poison Pads and Sticky Fly Paper l AT PARKER’SJ Pure Paris Green Texan Fly Dressing, Turnip Seed, Fodder Corn, Millet, Hangariun & Buckwhat “POTATO BUG KILLER.” At Parker’s Drug Store. SNAPS IN Ijand Plaster for Turnips, Com, Potatoes, vegetables, Bags cf 185 & 200 lbs. well assorted. Also our HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and BOOTS, In fact all Men's Furnishings are to hand. And we arc ready for the season with Full Stock of all kinds of IMPLEMENTS- Etc. r3" See what we Have Cot! In Ready to Wear Clothing Potato Bug Killer or Satchel give us a call. Come to us with your wants and we will try and supply them. .5 Tuo,siv- 'l‘oxvn. I)urh:nn. good line of Tweeds at very low pnces, starting at 25c per yard. For Ordered Clothing " Parke, IF You WANT OUR STOCK Dmggist a Seedsmau, Durham. S I .00 for I60 lbs. G. L. GRANT. AT PARKER’S. AT PAItmER% AT PARKER’S. "at'??.

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