West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Jun 1895, p. 3

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argest chnie. Coatings nghams. eries. eapu' Class rade thur's iuuifa' ttatrtil tfhtt From $50.00 up to $110.00. J. A. HUNTER, UPPER TOWN, DURHAM- Pure Manilla. Paints & Oils, Binder Twine 70 lb. Barb Wire, Snaths, Scythes, Wire Netting Gow Bells, Oiled Hamilton, and guarantee you good by the '-V. E. San ford Mfg Co., of Every Suit made To lie, Wear Clothing. from our selec- ted Stock of Read), a SUIT each 1s,0Ai1rr STORE-"- To carry away E ;-':.;§ One Hundred _- 33:31-12:33. Hardware! BICYCLES Fence Wire, WANTED! MEN! time. f we [We stop the press to any "that the engine has been applied. and the tank emptied to within 3 feet of the bottom. Thh, Thursday morning the job will he uunpleted by a force pump.) Misfurmnn-s nm‘m- mum" . ingly. This proven' was. trxuuttplitiVru town this week. On Saturday morning: last the covering of the tank at Huh-think cnrm-r (‘nllupm-d in a nmnm-i' which so! all speculative minds to work to find a reason just how it was done. The tine hon \w-re Lln'nwn up on the West hunk while the gran-l went to thehrrttom. Some held " gas tin-Dry. causing a mild explosion. while others thought it, was explained by tlw immense weirrbis on improperly snmmrtod timbers. "Phi: is the cause without doubt. and will have to be remedied whether it is ever dis. covered just who is to blame for the do. (active enginm‘ring. Thetank has to be emptied and already nnvch valuable time has been fooled auay' in irring to do so on the syphon principle. The engine should have been applied as soon as the water settled and the end of the suction hose could easily have been protected hy summing of Rome kind. Close on the heels of the tank. it'Woies discovered that the Garatraxa St. Bridge was in a. dangerous Quite. Traftic was at once stopped and a further expense willbe incurred in placing itin agate condition. The paltry saving on the salaries of the town ofBirers will be all eaten up and more too by unforseen expenditures. When things are at their worst they be- gin to men . We hope that the won’t has come and that the mending will tit low. Meanwhile the Bbard 6tWorks should feel that the townrwill onally support them in putting thin to right in an etBeieut and 'ft','2'2'lglfUfglS! _ Both these factories Es, in prospect. Goon ROAns.-VVe l to mention as worthy t eelient mndwm-k [wt-rm th t h' ly of tl 12JO. M LOCAL AND GENERAL. in (‘nnqunom {1S "tl eyeunrt- a red by the Snr) 1 another spasm M Mr. ind Miss Riddel, of Beeton, are visiting old acquaintances in this vicin- ity. y. A. Hunter and G. McKechnie, of your town. passed through here the other evening. _ _ For miles around our village there will be scarcely any hay. The grasshuppers are busy. and one farmer declares they have started on the fence. Rev. A. P. Ledinghnm occupied the Pulgit in the Presbyterian church Sub- hat last. A. owni,rGm, of Williamsford, spent Sunday last with his parents. A mun her of our_ youths pronounced the Glenroden picmc a. success. _ Dornoch, Elbawood and Louise foot.- ball teams will play for supremacy at Louise on the 28th. Arthur Hughes had his bum (45x60) mined on Morning last. Fred Heft was the framer and t a McGilmy Bros. did the stone work. " was an excellent piece of worktswship in every respect. KNOX - In Eqremont, on 17th inst. the wife of Mr. Thus. Knox, of adaughter. McKnrnNm~0n Tuesday. June, 11th. the wife of Jno. Mekecltnie, Rocky Snugven. of of a son. Itt"rLtevtaE-fn Durham on 23rd inst. the wife of Mr. Geo. Rutledge, Mexico, of in sun. - MARRIAGES. ANDRTtsoN-In Glenolg, on Wednesday 19le inst., Alex. Anderson, aged 30 years. MCLALIILAX-IH (Elem-1g on Monday 24th inst” Bessie, daughter of Mr. John McLachlan, (John Bam) Dr-xv-ttrr-tht-et-Ire Durham on Wednesday the 19rh, by Rev. Mr. Jansen. w. J. Dunsmore to Januuua Crozier, all of Bentinck. ll (‘mnvm Ihulmm on 'lPum'InInn Day. int sinus, lmm- pun-s. '.i/1'i."h'hut','iy fnrmh- phi-up! Apply ' J. A. hunter. Uirpet"rowti. lhnhum. FARM rm: SALE an To IlF.NT.-Lot 5. Con. 7.filtmtug. Apply to C. Mulr- LOCAL AND GENERAL. DORNOCH RIPPLES DEATHS, BIRTHS, r'ii'tsj,tsgi"iktr.'lt jtiitkt% ll IN Ur M "tttit"""' [An account of the raising of Mr. Jno. McLauchlan's barn is faithfully given b Scotch Town and Irish Lake 'l'Jrl'la1','lLT ems. but as Maple Grove was in typo, before these were received, they are omitted.] . . ".. The picmie to he held in McKinnon', Grove. Bunetssan, on June 29th, we learn is goinguto be the event of the semen. As a are cordially invited we are all going from Scotch Town and Maple .vaa and will bring our beat gir along, V Miss Kate Martin passed through our Bmgrm Sunday in company with a Noltlrunan. M P. Neil Black left on Saturduv for Brantford to spend a. week of well earn- ed holidays with his sons, Messrs Arch. and Malcolm. who work a. lax-gar farm a. few miles east of the city. 0 wish Mr. Black an enjoyable time and a safe return. Mr. David Melntvre, of Balsam Valley trpent Sunday with friends at Glenelg Centre. ' Mesws 'Arch. McMillan and Angus Mnrrison had a narrow (-scape. Whir? driving home from Durham Ln Sntfiiw Jay owning. Whct1 goingdown Vine. zurliill theirlmrso shied and jump‘ed mane sidoof the mad and went head fovemost down the bank, turning a. tumunetsault, and the bu " likewise. The shafts were Shiva-9f to sglhnvrs and n. I,',",",') of one weutthrrouglt t e poor anima 's neck: ""iifirPciiii"Mur.er,ison, of Chesley. visited friends here foe a few days and gunned accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. nu: . on Sunday fast, Miss Minnie. Melutyro spent apouple of weeks at her sister's, Mrs. A. C. Pat.. ermn. of Durham. So'mo of our nuighhnrs a few weeks ago mull! nut. imngim- who the Georgie W. from m-nr Glenvoadin was, but an: now welt aware of the fact. Mr. Burt Bums paid Durham " visit, last wovk. Mix: Kate McMillan brightens the old home once more. ll r.’ Mack B Rnlmrt Hay and PM“? McIntosh were explains. the lath P winning by a. w-ry 1i no. In the rvmuihg IL" youths and m" den Irrvrit m. (-njnyvd Hmmsvlu‘s to 1.4- s an d of thy sioliu pluyml by Mr. Id. Sullnnn nutl min-rs, Tlu. hays fLH'IE; highly of the hospilruli,t.s' ot'Mr. BROWNSVILLE awn paid home a visit herton {ICU my FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported from the United Stator, and was a winruw of four Prizes at the wovld's Fair, Chicago. April 3rd. - Three Registered 0m,- (wlvus. 0ue Registered t Lot 2 and 3 of two, Cort Will sell reasonably. Durham Park Lot. No. 2, in the Town of Dur- ham, mumbling: 4 acres. (at present the mmidence N the Rev. C. Cameron) on whichThere is a brick cottage. 6 rooms. pantry. two chewts,kitchen,good cellar, 401-145. bpivk cistern and wood shed. A never failing wcll beside the kitchen door. An urn-hard. n. hunk 1mm and driving shed. A suitable spot, fur a retired farmer. "Md-ttxt" Teak put us by tuhsdinn I. an ampl- oflhnlsant iun1itumoftydiys Ri'.'.' Tia-rotunda” unthC‘re-mIminau aiGitoihrtt_u4iteyyia.th.ati-hr.9tr, ”any tho-ulna Ind-all it odyinthlorigind "iuairNosrir.itrsmrit_tehiet. 't5.i7.FartErnttnatd"iucrw_ m Tut Emit? Tn In Yul: “can: ‘ 75094 15117135 PLANT TO Tu: TEA cm- Tu: nus? Tu " nu: WORLD Thoroughbred Uhester White Bear, 'hasiiinaton,' HOD. Fora Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness: in all kinds of mounting and style, or " Sweat Pads, Whi s, Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs. angsmhvthing in the wuyof horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 up. EARNES S! HARNESS ! a, a" WIW”. trams)” " atorrhca. rrnpoteruevand an glad: of Alma or than". Mental Worry. (ax-Mm an of Tobacco. 01mm or sen-m- Before and After. (ants, which noon lead to In. frsit" tummy. Cornwall-flan and an early mm. nu been prescribed our trhrottm In thousand: of on“: It the only Renaldo and Honest Maud-w how». Mkdruggutfor Wood'. Pho-phodlnc; it home" lame worth!“- modiclne In plate of mu. melon price in 1vtter,aud wawm send by return an“. Price. one Paige. " six, 85. On " page, at; “are. Pmpblon tru to my alarm. " The “‘ood Complny. Windsor. Ont... Canada. Durham Bulls For Sale. Sold t CASH FOR 11mm Farmers and others atten- OTIIL, WWII a oo. 9 ttwtdt8FermtStrmtEa" “I'm ' FOR SALE. Apply to WHEN you an TO M “EYE mum " m EXPEBT HELP! my}: LCArtILEtiTv, THOMAS SMITH. BfMhNHWtit.-,5r TERMS -- $1.00. BOULDEN & Cr au.qotNttNt9GEMttCEPrY. vonrd-otkmrttatet1usnto'"a." A PERFECT TEA MR, J. P. TELFORD, 'OG, Juan In larch 12th 18Wx st?, 'ihtt5 n- ‘rw-unnl nf tht' mix-f HgHEu'xzi l itvr.itcrcul “Mm wwvg ':l|':('£"~x of dciirvrirrs, ', i,'riruwix.rs dam» by 'ull I 1m tlisr/u.rtulworriiets l, \Lu hm: r!rncothvil by! "‘E'l""1'h1. I - 3 :IOSPIIODINIE. 5 - Englh‘h Rcmcdy. 1 Sir Package: Guaram'rcd to “mum.” nod -rtnru.rttlrr l ' Harness Ma Rona. Durham, Barrister. Durham, Ont A WooDt.tsn, tl m- old Bull \‘var old. at, 1soruuauhy.' Wha' m ot New thath will lrisii Lula} J uly 3rd. 73m" _ ' vthy Pos Sun“, hit relatives ft rl h "vit f the mi M11 yt M' led his ". in ap- tl Arch. McKenzie. $1.50 per 100llys. DURHAM PHARMACY, Patent Medicines. Oil Cake If you have not dealt “ith us give us a call and be con- vineed that we are the cheap- est house to buy this class of goods from in Durham. Wall Paper, For removing Lice on cattle. Texas Horn Fly and sheep Ticks, Lice on pigs. Price, 25c. .- , We haven fn'wpnrn-ls 11-“. Be sun- and not our lwfon- yon [urn yuur cattle out, to pasture. I , I McKenzws Emulsmn Spring time is here, and We haven !i',1i'i.rri,"ittl.1e for removing Dirt, Grease, air. Pitch, Stains from Silk. Wool. or Cotton Goods without, injury to the flnest.tahrics. Price.15c. McKenzie's Horse & Cattle Food. We have sold 000 bottles this winter and have over 50 recommendations for its usefulness. Price, only 154-. This medicine has hot-n used snow-$24- fully hy people in Durham for the past 10 yr:'s for Stomach. anels. Dyspo min. Headache. Liver and Kidneys. Blhxxl and Skin Diseases. Largo bottles. ae. MAGIC Mckenzie's Tonic For Cough and Co diseases of yuuug an Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgiu. Lame Back, pain in the Back,Joiuts, Chest or any part of the system. This emu-Hunt to the Public an: of the best "(mu Gray Hairlo ir, the Hair fron: dandruff. $1.00 lhEeuie'ss: Bmulsien of Cod Liver (lil This Medicine is highly reconnncn ded. We are the sole agents for Dur ham. This time of year every 0m shoild use a bottle and save a doctor', McKENZIE'S HAIR R1ilNE1linilR. Manley’s Celery,» ------ligm Com. JI McKenzie's Regulator. McKenzie's White Oil Calder's Block, Durham. with B. I. a W. xcclient iprep-(rm ion uhlic am guarantee m. now (m the mark air In its natural 11 Seeds, Drugs, Cream. 660- ll. ,,mvis.1"" COUGH SYRUP. "all" falling In spite of hard times. We pay the Highest Market Price for Butter k Eggs and we are getting lots of them. RAMSAY dk MORLOCK, Are what the.p.epp.le are Looking forjust now and we have got a fr; of them nght here. Just note these and judge tee yourse; f _ Settsonable Goods 1d Best Gibsoii Skirting, worth‘from 1:2ie to 140, now llgc. Victoria Lawn, 45 inches wide, extra heavy, lu':i,ty yd. White Apron Muslin, nice stripe or check, at Go yd. Ladies' Summer Vests, Ribbed, (i for 250. Better ones with Sleeves, 3 for 25e. Ladies' Stainless Black Hose, Hermsdorfs Dye, regular 25c, now 3 for Me. Regular 75e Corsets for 49e. Ladies Lisle Gloves in Black or Colors, from 15c. up. Black Silk Gloves, from 25c up. '. Silk Mitts, in Black, Cream or Fawn, 25c, Laces Galore, extra value in Point Laces, at 15, 20 and 22-30. Light Dress Serge in 10 different patterns was toe, now 2s5c. Tweeds, Light and Dark, worth from 40c to 4.5c, now 330 dc 350 Epsb Gibson Skirting, worth'from li?he to 140, now 11he. hi luctd t, um] nll wanting L Price. ZR. Business is Booming Knish 30: N 0 time to mention more at present. '0lllEllllt:, Parke: '2hszmbgi?,.ied, Fodder Corn, Millet, Hungarian & Buckwhegt Texan Fly Drtygsipg Insect Powder, Hellebore, Ji'ly Poison Pads and Sticky Fly Paper _ ' . AT PARKER’S. Pure Paris Green - AT PARKER’S. A Vaiise or Satchel give us a call. Come to us with your" wants and we will try and srippirthem. ' .' We have a good line of Tweeis at very low prices, $23.;th at 26e per yard. ' . i _ ", Land Plaster for Turnips, Com, Potatoes, vegetables, a. - C" Bags of 186a20pibr-" _" Lit tt POTATO BUG KILLER.” UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. mucus. . _ .' - I 1 Car load of DEMOCRATS and CAR-rs. These Goods are all bought at the 1 daring the season. Game One 1 Come A he Stock. At Parker); Drug Store, CALDER & LIVINGSTON, ICar load of those famous Penciv FLOWS. 1 Car load of the Adam's WAGONS. 2 Car 19119591: lydhope & M;Laughl Spring has Arrived I s we}! assorted. Also on HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and BOOTS, In fact all Men's Furnishings are to 113.2151. FIRE IXSURAN CE attended SNAPS IN Ind we are ready ft Potato Bug Killer la Ready to Wear Clothing For Ordered Clothing 140\v<-r "rosrrt, I)" rha 1n. “y szgist ce ready fur 21w ~12:an with Yul! ii'wk of ah kid, of IMPLEMENTS. Etc. See what we Have Coil IF You WANT $1.00 for I00 lbs. OTTR STOCK AT PARKER’S. -'--', G. L. GRANT. AT PARKER’S. " the Lowest Cash Prices and must be sold Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick a! Pr: tl Car Loads of Massey-Harris BINDER“, l MOWERS and DRILLS. _ I Full stock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. m lToiton Barrows. Cnums, Wheel” 1 news 824:. " , Durham. MARRIAGE LICENSEE Issued.

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