West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Jun 1895, p. 4

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"V '7 _-" . W toe In - uu. v. - -ir_"eeee" _ bod occupied than had! prior to tho iiiviiiiii.ee',e2il2T gingham. I: new - t t r. ttttttt haunt-d dum- 'PUT, that duo, the right of hoot-nod any. -iciiir,ariuutim'tia". Warm am It. ram, b our to as: would Mr Duly inucducod A bill turuter to mum! the Dominion Lad. Aot, And ox- plsinod that is bad Monaco to out“: school had- occnpind by .quatt0P prior to Jam ut. 1890. It Md bun (our! um. than were main can: Iguana unpro- vidod 'irii".iiirer,iLta.etett,tt -c_-, - " “pinup m ,._V ""F that and. Mr. Davin moved that in chm opinion of tho Home ther outatandiog chins for sci-i from Wood Mound: Am! M-pla Cree: wont... and is!» individual chim- elsewhere of noon:- and mutton, who were 'srtitngtrd mainly in vain. during thes rebellion of [$35 in the North-Wort Territorial should now be fully enquired into, mad the demands of jnltice sastitrtied. He mid that cine. pining tho rejoinder: on the psper we Mini-car ot Militia bu! promiaod to enquire Into the chins of Icon:- and when. The motion In. Adopted. mount-nos mummies. Sir Kiclmrd Cnnwright, on the item of $8,000, fut-char expenditure in connection with tho Royal (lamination on the liquor tratfie. “Had to we the use of the commis- lion, except to recommend that it the women of the country paid more attention to cooking than: would be {ever druaksrds (Laughter). The item 'l-l ollowod to and. rumu’s wxmx. Sir Richard Cncwright, on the hum of $25,000 to now" the upon:- of the tuner-1 of tho In. From”, naked for none " Ion-Lion M the expondnun. Mr. 311;". ptmnuti unencu- of the upon “are, which were under ahor a of tho Minister of Public Works is could vouch only for the railway “pendi- "In. Mr. Duh- said that pninfnl u the - won. he that ind-t. on . full liat of tho denim. The 2tttgrtr,d, by the Mini-u: ot May- to only $5,000, lowing $10,000 still unaccounted for. Tho in“: w dbwod no stand, a In an tho item ot 525.000 contribnuon to tho My Thump!!! fund. . Tho g'tht'rg27, can“: won M1“. dune-puma of of"! item- Mr. Managua and than: could be no objection to the motion. Ther Government noprocmled the, “Iona of tho hon. gentle- mu. who WM n prncticsl mm, in cllling stunt)” to thm mtner. Tho depuunenz In thoroughly dive to the qnution of protecting the photo trade from my pon- uble injury or conumiution from “soci- “ion with Amricu strap. a. had no doubt there vu- I desire on tho part of British shop-miner- to Obi! out Canadian imporuti- " much u pouiblo, And he aoiioipaud DOM such mo" in the nhoop industry u had been nude with respect. to an“. of the Podrwoug'n ad unsold division oi the Trent can-l, to “and, u the contract. nod not yet been uni-dad. mu:- snxrnixm Mr. Fathenton. in moving for the pop": mining to tho ohipmaau of map from Com: to Grams Bums: nine- October 3tat, tttN, And Hinged to have been dil- ouod. aid it in only In". wool: that the (2“an imitators " Months] noticed that some of t o Amorim sheep in through that port were duomd. Eli‘s Limos” had on opportunity of using this. It wu m the interest of the country that diunod‘ sheep from the United States nhonld not be Allowed to on!" (Knuth in mm. thl United Sum had recently "pt-ad cert-in rule. regulating navigltion on the - lake: dtfferet" from that. in {one in Canada. " Wu not. the intention of the Government. to pun rulu nation: with those of the Build Saw, " it vu not. oxpedwnl. to har. one not of rule. on the ocun and moth“ not on tho grunt. May. - CANAL, Mr. Hug-n Asked Mr. Somervma to allows mono: for copies of alt tender- reeeived by PM 6031:5751an 'os ttce"! one DEIMINIUN PARLIAMENT. Mr. Causal, in noun: to Mr. Lister aid the acknuon of the Unvemmenv. had been called to the hot that the (1933:... of GOVKRXXIST “11“ 1 Sir Chalet B. Tapper. in salve: to Mr. Merlin, “id 331,266 pounds of binding tum. were manufactured [at tea-on n the Kingston Penitentiary, Nt,016 pounds were sold. Two hundred pounds were on. u umplen. The "noun: remaining on hum at the clue. of the lotion we: 90,050 pounds. The amount. "thud trom then]: of the twine In $5,515. The collecunn we: nu: mule In full for all the twine sold. R. Rogers, of Mention. Mun- Mr. Daly, in may" to Mr. Martin, aid there vu- no andcnunémg between the Government. and Urban] Booth an to giving or "trutg him Inn for the purpono- of . prop-0d colony. The Government had no "xtormatioa u to the kind of immigrant.- Uenenl Booth prop-u to lend to Cumin, and could not. tttttrestore nay whom" they Inn In {.vour of ancoungmg mm 1m- migration. ArhqYttAI.tAN' mm: Mr. Wuhan, in naive: to Mr. Mulock. “id that from June 30m. ISM, to Much 3m hut, the" were imported from Aus. tmlaria under an freer list fowl: to the value of 310 : human 5nd pineapplu, $1.346 l “(In tsad lkinl. $l,458 . won], $9,183 pounds, "laed " 332.450. Ot dnthblo goodn than were importod in the - penod c3309)! dounwnlued " $4 :onnges, ham... and “not. $2,874 worth t butter. 36,907 pounds, mind " $5,925 ..urd. 2,148 pounds, valued " 3137 ' salted beef, 3.712 ponndu, vnluml at in“ . ennnnd masts, :44,- 350 pounds valued " $7,143 ', mutton md tamb, t6,052 pound» valued " $576 l ultry.806 ', “my wing-.5366; tallow, Cs' l honey, 1.492 pounds valued, st 393 ', total vduo, $63,0l2. ht. 'lt'r7,b'tr' l to the Unwed SLAM). 67,00. tam. when! at $598,567. The qummy exported m 1893 In. to lire-l. Brnmn, 50,892 tom. mined " s5l5,46t '. Lo the United States. 98,232 Iona, valued at "IK. The qumtity "ported in MN WM. lo “flit Bump, 175,5G9 mm, valued u $1.700,409 l to the United Sutu,37.s47 to“, valued " $753,575. runnx’lN-r CORPS. Mr. Dickey, in mwer to Mr. (Iiboon. an tin and strength of 'tacts of thet {allowing corp- tma.-." A" Battery, King. ston, no men , " B" Bunny. Quebec. tit non . No. 1 sad 2 Companies, Quebec. 936 m: "A" Dragoon, Toronto. 58 men: .. tr' Drum; Winnipeg, St Mn . No. 1 binary. London. 116 man: No. anhnlry, Toronto. no mu: ' No. 3 Infuntry. St. John'-. 96 mun l No. 4 lnhntry. Frederic- ton. 11.5 men. Tom, 1.003 men. Mr.L‘ouign.m mwor to Mr. Mail-agar, uxd the pronoun “pinion- " no the clone - m the Dunn» and th. Cute river. ami Lakes St. Clair and. Eric won ..-For hand nxuklnongo from April Wh to Jane 15m , for pick-rel and Jory. from the InlpOnlloll at "in. Hal tUtuog m 22nd, 1895. Then “quad-d. in tog-rd Mr. Wadi-cc, m mum: to Mr. Giroumrd (Two Mountain). and the qunulizy of hay expound from Canal-nu ttt9t wu. wtireu Britain. 11,352 tons, valued " 8150.291 ", In the United Sudan. 50.070 tom, valued IL $375513. The quantity exported m I592 mu. to Hunt Brunt). 14,909 tom, v-haed " $167.60! l to Lhe United Sum. 67,067 Sun. not he tom, owed 8ti6U' "r" se-oar-tFe-tts PAIIIIIIQIL ml Huh to Ally r3th l salmon, troatpad numb. from November lst to 30th. we not tuttiesg u pcnmucd m m. - Mrs. sad than " no regulation III: for a mun um. not. Fishing Vin prohibited the“ Inter-during 1594. The a“: ot a suspension of tho order prohibiting In new. than“: m then Inter- wn Mny awn.“ Wife ('0le CLAIMS or BCOUTN 1.08! FISHING HIASOS.‘ mummy “HM {imam . bill further to mmmd- Act. And ox- ishnd {chromite tmrtain LAKE VMIIA Har Ind then no Chung: to pound mu. in only b. wiper-r7. Mr. Brylon laid that sounding: mule in Ounwn river mowed tin!- the centre of the annual had not been iNaytaly aroma by tho uwdnlt dope-in. The mul- on the Chnndion, Glaucoma“! chwn could not. change their mottled of dupoling of the "(an unlu- " grub oxpenu or the km ot much power; The dumpmg of “mine into the than had evidently not been de teimantal to tho fish, or oompl-inu would be bend. and Guam-n 'hought thnt the tutunsrtei.otrtho Otto" III a good " nbon. no hop-d that (foyrnu might V POLLUTION or RIVER,» Mr. Contignu moved the nucumi reading ‘ofnhill further to vuead tire Fisherie- Act,which prohibits the pollution of water frequented by tish mentioned in the Act under pen-1w, but provides for exemption by the Minister of Murine of certllu streams ‘in which it my be in the interest oi the ablio to permit the dumping of mill rub. high or uwdnn. No such exemption. however. shell be grnnted till June 30th. 1897. The exemption- " present in foro, Ihnll be continued until the date named. It we: “outlined that may; of the mills conld not cumpiy with the lsw preventing the ditchuge of their "nt0 into strum: without nn entire reconstruction of the mills, end the bill would provide for such can. He proponed that the bill nhould have effect for two you: only bemsuse he thought tint utter tint period A more preiel way might be found of dealing with the queetion. Difiieulty wu experi- eueedin thecue of intarnatitrmu rivers, Inch " tho River St. John. in Now Bun". wick. when the United Sate: permitted tho dumping of rubbish on their side of the strum- _ _ . ' .. " . cosre.ACToie,' mow: TO Your. Mr. Edgar moved tho second reading of I bill in amendment of the Criminal Code of 1892, which prohibita may otrtcer or qoatrtuttor of any Government. sublidizeni nilvny contributing money towtsrds ' election of my pnrlinmenury cuxdiasw. m, winhod to put nun " emu-unborn in enemy the who position " were contrnwrn on Lil other public works. . Mr.‘Amyob pointed out that. the clause u drsited Ipplied only tn comracmru holding Federal contmu. and wondered whether thin was been": most. of the Provincial Governments were LiLersl. In Ontario n. was well known that nCunaervu- Live could not even get. 5 license to keep a hotel. _ - Sir Clurleu H. Tupper and the hoo. gentleman's bill was lpplrently based on an nmomlmem. moved by the leader of the Opposition to the nilwuy resolutions lam, amnion. The Criminnl code land to do only with Federsl Jurisdiction. hull Lllc clauses in tho Aet relating to the right of con- tncLors to contribute to elecciom, were therefore e.orstitsu to the Federal Parl'uv, mem. He rose merely to move the sdjonrnmenz oi the debate in order that. he might. con-alt with his colleagues my to whether the bill in an Amended form might, be accepted. Cartwright, aid tbe total number oi ac- count: In the Government. swag: bunk- under 3500 vs. 4t,420matourtuug to $6,289- 093. The total number between $500 and $1,000 Wu 6,651, unounting to 54.160996. The Lou] number over 31,000 WM 4,741, tsmountisut to $7.3'27..580. The grand 1otal of uccounu was 53,815, nmounjng to 517.- 776,769. [country should receiver tint. con-irleruiun. I Mr. Haggis" said the bill applied to itlienn of every cunntry. "ml the Govern. ‘ment might not. have the power to enact. 'such legllluiou. The hon. gentleman's "truth had been dxrccbed slum-f. solely to than: of the United Sula, sod he doubled whether such is manure In: advisable In the public interest. it was directed Igninun countries mum of whom might prolumly be on the most amicable tum: With Canada. The policy of the Government on the” runner- w" that labour employed on work. tshould be LTsnndiun or that oi Britinh subjects. Be thought the hon. gonllamnn Hugh: niely lance the matter with the Uovornmenb. There might. be times when it wu neceuuy that the Crown should be ambled to make contncu with foreign conuncton, 3nd if the present meuuro beams luv much cont-cu would be ipso how null sud void. Mr. Meiarauo moved the ascend reading of km bsll to prevent the letting oicoutracts to slienu. The but, he mud, propouell to dad with contract: made by the Goveru. l mom. of Chunk. Mid none but than would be interfered with. it did not, interfere with niien [amour coming into this country, nor with emigration. In the United States than were all norm oi drawbacks and did]- cnitiel in the wny of wanders obtaining contract; The nupuiMiom were such an to render it prunes”)! impound» for n Cumin: to get a contract. Prairruncu was given to I contrmtor who“ urticiel or material: rmpured for the carrying on of the work In. oi United Sum: mhnufacturo and CunmImnu whon bringing in their plant were obliged to pny n huvner duty thnn that levnea nu Americu: pint coming into 1 thin countr) . Una ' t the mutirknome re- strictions Wu um an In which Candi-n contrnctorn were debun- i 'rom brin ing in workmen. He Inn-normed u 'mr 'erl'S'li'd'l, with which Cum-diam comm or. had to comply, Inch " “Wing A bond uni obtain. ing " luretiu w.ll.known men raiding In the United Stats, wiro mun prove util- fuztory to the ofruriurs of the Unnad Sula. la A brief retro-pectin Ikewh, ha next showed that name of the moat important works in the United Sum: bud been built by Canadians, and shut in some instances Candi“: hnd been tailed in to complete contacts commenced by Amencanz. He had nothing “gamut nhem.but, L: a ma‘er of jusuee, the chitin of the people of this eoysttthoald rec-aim tint con-iuierntiun. Mr. Bugpnrt. in unwei- to Mr. Forbel. aid it wu proposed to give two week: nation with psy this Inmmer to despnwh- en, bolognph oporntongmd Imbionmuun on the Iiirereo1onial “any, n chair hours arid duties were vary long,but not to clerk- " there did not nppur to be the nine anon in their can. cumin”; BUTTER TRADE. Mr. Moatagurt,at reply to Mr. McMillnn, said 913 puCanul of butter shipped from Montreal weighed 48,937 lbs. net. being an .vere of 33,48 Ibo. ot butler per paoktge. No Account of the "lea of them had been received since the autumn made by him 10 the Home on the 16m ot May. Two hundred and forty-six package: of butter were sold in Moutrosl, which were paid for iby in mivmnce of 20crrnts per pound by the l Government. Plymenu hnve been made i... nu... lm. of hutter in. in scum is pound Mr. McK-y (Himilton) moved to Add A chase under which nllwcietiel, Association- and lodge. whom, member: Are bound by oath And whole objects no exclusively of a. mid, curitablm or benevolent. chancvr. Ibould also be included in the bill. The Charm“ ruled Lint. the motion WIS oat of order unless mAde with the camel: of the Home. - The bill wu than third time. by In Adv-nee of 20001:“ per P Government. Ptymnu huve on lhlee lots of butter an. 2fr on which were not included in return. and payments us lo 1 two lot». The reason why which w“ "urpected, mad Mr , menu of L‘Ucenm per pound , win not sent to Hugh-ad, an The John. on the mouon In reading of Mr. Mulock'a lull members from tnvelling on next on the order pupa. wr ruched the you and nsy- War Tho home divided, and th" lou by 100 to 46. Mr. White (Cudwoll) moved the Humid reading of the bill removxug Carma dia. nbilinu under which the Mannie body under the jurisdiction a! the (innd Lodge of Quebec " present Ubour. The bill frees this body from t prohibition contuined in n puma of the old Province of Lower Canada “not. the holding of meetings by msth. bound associations, infringement of which W“ punishable by revere pennlcieu. - _ . ' '_', rr___., Lat wmmr, espcginlly now Tv..- F---"-- -. n . The motion use carried, sad the House went. into committee. {acting to know it. CONTRA?” To ALtEN :Lennnn moved the we to prevent. the letting The bnl, he aid. Icahn-null mule by ' hunk. And none but I ’ered with. It did u: n bstrour coming into t emixrntion. In the U l, C. H. EMPLOYISo RAILWAY " ’t‘z:27'?n:-‘ 'tBl! . . l. an .,...w.:‘ may A' 'eported, sud read n but than edit". d the second tending c lazing of contract: a aid. proposed to sdss by the Govern. me but than would the second rrohibitittg uses WM 3 thin w” lemlnded. lotion will 1iFeu- aui an injury to tho per-on an; it, the manufumnr in 1.3.11, Accountabl- tdr dung”- wrm’r Ttttt WA‘HCK tNTO Ttttt AIR, no that it falls luck in nprny on their own bodies. This in to nuke them brink, Ind they work titturuelvo up Into warmth end rngc by wiping the water " with pieces of paper. Alter thin they stride mound and shuw " their “uncle, pound their chute, and slap their hrnwny thighs, while howls at cucuutegement go up from the throne of the onlookers. They conclude this panto- mime by mining their legs u high In their shouldortr--thoy ere all-round nthletee, and cun do Dollie Imprinting trielo-.snd bring- ing their feet down on to tho Itnge with a force that meken it tremble. They bow to the umpire and the judgee. and sent them- selve- in the centre ot the ring. inning forward,nnd renting their line on the Gor, while uniting for the eignnl to begin business. When he nee: them breathe together, the umpire given the uiguul, and they spring like wild cute into one mother’s Mme. The yell that goes up from the people when on men he been hung over the rice beg: in something to he heard ii one would hnve my notion of ite quelity. The venquilhed one gnthere himself nIPAnd walks any with his heed down. he victor receive: hie gold em- broidered mill: npron from the umpire. end goon oif & proud men,_with his "troads Iround him, and given piled to the next couple. Some of the contents lat only in minute, lame "sin Ire not decided in e quarter of en hour. The rnlel ere very rigid. and my actions oontrnvention dis. qmuitiy., The nllghtelt milmovement in noticed by the umpire, and in pen-lined. Mn. H'useB-.Whst kind of I hut did Mrs. Dix you " --» -. "iiioriC...iGaia like a .tulfed quail nu tout. old Japanese style on the top of tlieirdnendn. They shave their hands from the forehead to crown, lenvmg thst over the aura und " [the back to grow long, sud tying ll, up on I tbe lop of tbs held in a queue like u iluor. knocker. l A wrestling contest ts one of the most ';1t1rttrestu'rr sights one of the most interest. giui; countries ot iiic globe. Coneeise l AN ttNoti.MoUN URGES TEST sprain} out upon in network of bamboo poles, I and impncious enough to accommuduc 10,000 people, some sitting on the ground, mine in boxes, and some again on platforms built up 10ft. Above the ground, nil smok- ing small-howled toust-stemmed metal pipes, and all with tub-cco-boxcs in front ot them, from which to replenish the pipes when empty. In the centre of this huge lent in n pavilion about 20ft. square, supported by four poll: in thick no tole- graph poles. The pavilion " trimmed With red sud thu posts are Whipped with red cloth. Over the top is n cwopy of blue. It line " rmsezl foundation, perhnpl two, feet high, and a ring of rice bags runs Mound the 1loor, eucloling a circle of 12h. l in diameter. which is iloorrrd with buck earth. This is the wrestling ring. The (tpants snuggle inside the rice-begs. And if i one man throw the other over them or fiiag 1 him to the esrth. he is proolaimed the victor. In the ring.ngninstench of the ',:'0".',a,,'t,tte'. nsober,dnrk-fnced,bony-brewed spmese. dream in a. block kimono. These no the four judgen, who decide in the event of . dispute .gsinst the decision of the umpire, who studs ia" the centre of the ring, waning the old brocade costume of tho l)simyon. Ho screeches out his voice " though he had the colic, sud wu screwing with pain, but his shrill cries penetrstc to every put of the circus. The wrestlers squat in group: on the ttoar, mil round the ring. until their turn comes mentor the Mann. Their dress consists simply of a. band of blue silk four inchas wide, which is tied st the buck. It iaintemmtiuit to see two or three champions Approach esch other. and to observe their conduct prior to closing. One represents the cut And the other the west. First of all they step up to s. couple of buckets of water which stand just inside the bugs of rice, and take copious draught; Next they till their months had might be male for the parmnent relief of millo,mers mummm... Mr. Lava-gun. in commitm. moved, in nmendmen! to the elm-e prohibning pollu- tion, that nwdmb bt excepted. , no". nun» nuwun-v .... u.-- .-_. Mr. Ouimeb Ilid the (urea: of nwdult deposits on the Guiana river Ind been to form n shoal of eousidertsble msxnibudo, which had changed tho currenund threat. ened M. one Lime to otrerrtut the vilhgo. The amendment. wu lost, and tho bill Wm: curried in committee, 3nd rend . third time. Mr. Foster, on the item of Koo, further expanm in connoction with the Royul Commission on she liquor mm, and that the Amount: recszved by the individual members of me commiuion were:--" Joaeph Hickuou, chum-n. $3,220; Mr. E. F. (funk. $2.463; Mr. Gi M111. $2.374: the Ruv. Dr. McLeod, $6,318; Judge MM:- Douald, $3,918; Mr. Monsgmn. ucreury. $10,005. _ . . , , Tun x-nmnm's mun“. . Mr. Duds, on the resolution to vote 525,1“) to cover the expound: of Sir John Thmnpnon'a iartertsl, moved in nmendmenm. seconded by M r. Tune, that the nmouulbe reduced by the sum of $15,000. , - V . _ . ' - __ L __, Mr. Mulder amid the nmendmenb should be adopted. The Government. was to be blamed if they had Allowod merchunu to amen extrtusrdiusry profits for nervicu in eonnectiun with tho Inner-L In name cases it was banned tlustl50 or 75 per cent. in excess of ordinary “Lu bud been churgcq: ' l . The wrestlers of Jispsn Are n nee nlmoat. dinrtuct from the ordlunry men of that country. The nvengeJup, judged by our utnudnrd of height, is . little mm with I long body and 'short legs The wrvutlcru nre very much taller and heuvier men, Frequently enough they Ilnnd over Gl., and they Me inordinately (“some of them turning the acne u. 300 pounds. They 1ltifcr [mm the rust. of this peoplongnin in the matter of food. They consume vatrt qulnnli~ ties of beef 3nd drink soup, beer, and other liqmdn by the gnllan. while the rermsinder of their countrymen live on "grsabltrts,ritse, And tish. In features the) may be mid to be IdEHLicul with their fellow countrymen. though their head. nre, with the - size .ot Lhaixj bodies, much In?" nod lug- geame of live csnnon bulls. hey wreath Almolc stark nuked.nnd the only hi: to be Be.tt on their bodies in than put up in tilde -....._.,_. Mr. Foster and that dchough it wu true that. large price- hud in some cue- been ch-rged. yer. in no cue had they been paid, and utter Lho “Minimum chug“ had been reduced to current. make: prices, " yet would require them. t23,000 to puny the bill. The reirolution w" concurred in. one or the Vlmt lawn-nun: mum or: “an! “urn-ulna Country. In Fume, if , yummy! dobet in I GIANT WRESTLERS OF JAPAN, Her Theatre Teque. PRO!“ BtTtoN COMMXMXON. fjBiWiii' v. u.-- _..- . . ._--_ _ - -___ Colborno. Ont. Tux “OLD Rumu" Nulsnvunt. . .muuytvu -, v-.-....-. - - -- -- ,, Space Gooseberries which will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow withoutthotns. us to iurtherertumerate, Tree Roses, etc. BU T our stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and comflete butiit furnished ree of charge. Write for terms and particulars. CHASE BROTHER? OOMFLAN‘Y, Canning Domestic Fruits. Generally spanking. panning mum the cooking ol fruit. in no equnl weight. of nugnr and cooking them long enough for the fruit to keep without being airtight. Ou the other bud, cunning on be done with little or no Inger and with jun enough cooking to thoroughly he“ the fruit, but the air mun. nlwsye be excluded. The fruit in prep-red similarly tor both forms, end the “me genernl direction. apply to much proceu. Pruervee to b. perfect mot be made with - cure and the bot results are obtained by putting only “small amount. of fruit. at n time m the lyrup after tho nyrup ha been carefully wagered and clnrlliod and the fruit made re. y. The pronoun! canning the different kinda of (run varies very little except in the stnoant ot IIXSM’ uned.bub only perfectly wand sud fresh truita should ever be need for the purpnlc. W . l AA:.L -- ...iru.s... WE WANT A MAN'AT ONCE m this community to sell sikcialties in our line. Trees that bear seedless Pears. Apple Trees hardyas oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as large as an Apple. Cherry trees proof against black-knot. Plum trees not [affected by Curculio. Trte Cunning. CAN I OBTAIN A PATE|NT ' For I ilrl'm - Ind an honest. on man. write P. tl N a: can who hue nu: non-l5 any your: experiment!) the mum. human. mmunlcln um 'teietlr ttotttt6ttntttst. A [handbook or up Iowan concerning Panam- nnd now to ob- mum-mun: 1m. tikrtiutitootatogrras0tur" tell um lacunae boon men: free. Puma men through Mann ' Co. mm grew notice In the MetHrgtttttc American. ind t u are brown: widely before an nubile mm- onz can to the Invenwr. This splendid k%Q hand weekly. clog-minimum In. a; an": Ill-2m circulation of my “lemme - m ttro world. " I115". Bunnie on no: untrue. R'th 2,'lttfrg,r,'p,",2, £28503 your. Blush mint? 'i'1Pul cry number mantra-“ml: P M on. I30 ttraw,". homosa wlth wand. tsnaatrliuq luau to mow "I. um". our: we secure coon-uni. Add". Hume co.. NEW You‘. 361 BROADWAR l... mu ,...rv.-... Fruits mny be owned with or without an", for mince “reintroduction Oink-Light jun sud cum than i: no danger of ferment» anon, sud sugar when no purl. lathe pre- Iarvnion of the fruits Never let the lrun. cook long enough to destroy ity nntunl tuvor, mud while balling hot " should be poured into sirightglsss jun, tilled to the top and quickly rivaled. “can l"' jars V -- ' P Ptr", _ _...n -.-.-_. nu... wk. m... an.--” - - thoroughly before filling sud sand them on n folded damp towel dunug the procu- Lu prevent breakage. Thea {and the jun nwny in n warm place for one night; in the morning you cm give the tops unolhar turn, wipe the jars carefully and put Anny in n cool, dark clmmt. In a. week or no examine the jun mrefully Ind if you we no anmll sir bubbles you may feel pretty sure thut the fruit is keeping. If you tiad Che opposite and that. the liquid hasn't yer ultled, the fruit in fermenting sud must, he launcu, u": u luv u; "r."""'"""'" -- - “ken our. Ind recooked,and and for utewmi fraita; not put back ugnin. In filling hue jun nun tulver upcon handle ubonv. the Inside of the jar. to break uwny any Lit bu bblu that "my be than. When cunning until (rum ungur them two hours before caching; lama expert cooks Advise adding a small proportion of slam no ch“ they will keep their altspe And be clesr. Clone all the windows and I“ doors lead- ing from the room about. to undergo trest. meat, open wide ouch drswer md clout, Ind hung the contents our chlirl or upon clothe-horse brought into the room for the occnion. Take It piece of gum msmphor (A: huge I: a hnzel-nnx. for In ordinury room ulnrgeu tb Walnut. for n room 20 by l6),put it in an iron pot or upon rm iron nund. Set. tire to the camphor. " burns very fieree. ly, no set. it M. It safe iii-Lanna from iarni. tare or hanging. The middle of the room is the best place for it, unlelu this bedi. rectly under n chandelier. in which cue it. can be placed more towudu the side, u tho hem. is “pl. to injure the gilaing or [ bronze. The dense smoke noon penebrnw 1 every nook nnd corner. sud suffocate. level-y insect that inhale: it. Gunny birds ‘ .-_. . I ',)t,.n__ cu.. _A.._ Alurmor’n wife writes to nu ttxchotges: How is it poulble for in intelligent tending womln on a farm to get Along without Irrmers'.' Indeed my tUwer beds form the m. mm of Lin: (unily. From the crap- If one wall a Very brillisut And showy bod, when: there will be tlowers till the coming of frost, nelect thet nuturzium. This plant in euily grown from and, re- quires only nu ordinary soil. begin. to blossom witea quite small, and improves with age. rooms cun be treubed' than in succession or tsll at once, care being tsken to guard ngAiusl. tire. "'"'"* - or golduUh we to be carried from the room before beginning operltionl. and u soon " the cumphor begins to burn the operator may have the room, as, provided she has: luken the above precaution, thero will be no dsuger of tire unending. The umphor will burn from a quarter to half an hour, but it can be extinguished at. my moment by placing over it a stove lid or the cover of Lina pol. Let the smoke remain in the room about. hall an hour, then open the windows wide, leaving them so all day. Alters. few hours' airing. the true- of smoke will be namely noticeable. Alt the Cure SICK HEADACHE tad New”? in so ulna". Ys.o Cong! Tee, Irv'" Lt.e_srpylArusnes.y, 'faiii In the Side, campus”. Ton-1:1 Liver Bad Breath. tony cum] also Iceman the GGU. - mo. 70 TAKI- in». " euro ar Day-379194!“ THE HOME. How to Destroy Moths POWDERS W.....w.... W '"TT "grW" .. . L 'at.iitat MSW“ 4 tbr'.; it 'o "ss'N' IS; .'\., "Neel Tr 'l'4h"'i1iiijjitiiiti1ift "Ir/“:1":t f2i't'iti?.,'ti.iii- " _ l ... . Leimm ' ‘ Fi www.» .Wn-A-ZD...‘ 4?”; Flower Notes ing and climbing Vlncl, the queenly rose, the ever-blooming gemium in iMaitas vnriesy, the ever welcome “and: which put forth their cheery Mono-m from our- liat spring And continue in churning Ind dotigtiifuutteer'itrt.t And diversity until old Jnck Frost nip: them off u Christmns .pproechel. they form a delightful chum .round the home for every member of the funny, and every visitor And paler- by. Edam! sre emomz the mon- uni-{Lenny “numb. They Are eully grown, come into bloom early. and continue to flower until Sopmmber or later. The letely introduced urietiel ere wonderfully tine, both in form Ind color. Indeed. u"sApre" :3"; [Argo " many mud-oi”, fully as double. ,ttd.rtutge through sll thud“ oi unuuw, luau .-u§\r ....v..5.. -.. n...“ -. red, pink, crimson, mm" and ib.ta.oolar to pure white. Some kind: no Itnped with count-lung colon; other. or. bountifully wound. They are profuse in bloom, each branch being no closely not. with tlowers choc it resembles Iwruth. Give urlzh wil, mode mellow to tho depth of " lust. foot. Plum. in I ootnpsrativeiy nhndy ioosuon. Water well in I dry reuon. ‘The cargo nhiited end bunt A hole in her hide. When nhe righted herself shortly dterwnrdn Ihe we. lying diegonnlly ecu-on the basin between the loch, with the wnter reaching up to within about tive ieet above her freight deck. in which polition the lien " prewar, with her entire cergo. About 200 ton! of general freight, under water. It in not known to what extent the bolt in in- Jared. The tug Snub Daley Wu tied up shove the locks ht the time of the necident. end she broke from her mooring: end we: icnried through the locks, Item foremost, but, men-god to get A line to the Ihore be. fore ranching the Ocenn, and the -aped injury. The Government out! ere bsdly ( bassdieapped u, the weter being ell out at tho level, it in very diffioult tt get the new ante! or the look gem lifter to theacene. She will work I” right, end the euthorities expect to have one peir of new: hung In the morning. The Winter con then he drniu- ed out of the Gaia, where the Ocun lien, And oh. will be pumped out And Hosted, under the direction of Superintendent Ron. The work is being rushed forward, end " in expected tmt the coral will be open for navigation on Seturdey. First-rate Doughnuts. One gun! flour, 2 rouading tenspoonfuls baking powder, 1 cup milk, lcup nugnr, some nutmeg or cinnamon, all to Lula, 2 engl, 2 ubleupuoufuln cotwlene, melted. Sit; tho Gur, msis, upico And Raking powdor together. Ben the eggn, “Ming the lug“, milk and melted colwlene. “it In the tiour, roll and out. hm. “up With . tin dough- nut cuuur. Hue the kettle Hutu-fourth- itiiiiiiiaa/t When the hst in hoLenough A piece of dough dropped Into " will me to the top tsnd brown. Drop In tho dough. _ _ -. _ m. - __-_ IAI:A‘.-..- w “w w, -..V. V.._ eteee . - nuts and fry 3 minnow. The" no deliciou- and eeortumiutd, neither hotvy nor too chtL. ONLY 4,000 PERSONSIN LABRADOR The (‘ou-lry In 'rratoo" From ”emu-her to June and TIM"- In no Fuel. Sometimnn Lubrndor in icebound from September till June; but through I” thin long 3nd dreary winter the lighthmuc keeper an Belle l-le must mun-tum In: wnwh, to be ready tollght the hump “mm the bruit-up comes. For months he no" nothing but frozen plniu. uueertssin of loot nnd impulnhlu, and in the dUtunee Lhe ice-sheathed clitl'u of Newfoundlnnd. Tlet few who hue made their wny into the interior of Labrador any it is n vut wild. erneu of huge boulders, vsried only by morn-e- nd Intel. An old French writer spenkl of it as tho Und oi Chin Ind the Intent explorers have complained that they sutured bitterly from cold became they could not tiad fuel enough to Innintmn camp tires. Often, indeed. they had doth. culty in melting own n little blue fur copying. -- _ q , ”enou- Affluent ll lie l‘ornw-ll I'IIII -Gite. harried Away by the urn-l. Whirl: Fill; and Make. A denpetch from Cornwell up t-.Orte of the worst accidents In the hiltory of the Curnwell Causal occurred here on chuen- dey morning. The stunner Uceen Arrived At the foot of the cuuel nbout 3 o'clock. She pulled the, tir" lock end entered the Iecand. Her speed wen ununuelly high, uni adorn: to Inuh her were vein. She etruck the upper gums ylth "tficierat violence to dleplece them,wd the rush of wnter carried them ewey. One of the lower getee we» use torn from it: running; The (keen wee curled back out at the lock end thrown violently egeiult the stone well on the loath lide of the cur-nor. She seemed to bend like I whip. A law-er wee mule feet to the shore, end the wee prevented from being curried down on the lower loch. The two collisions netted A big leek In her bow. end. the water pouring into her bold, the begun to fill end nettle. The pemngere end crew were ell got uhore, end twenty minutes efter she etruck the unfortunate veeeel, lined over till the window: of her upper table were under water. She bed reechei bottom in About 3 Elijuh didn't da d - n maxim“. to build up the mom don um. WV-.-” Naturally, such I country Ga nobinviLeul aettlaru, and it in not, nurprmn; to loan that In nu whole vat. urea-two mul a. half Limes-u lnrge u Great Britain and Ireuud-tut more we not. more thus four thouund dwells”; of these. only tsbout one hsif Ire whites, the other, being Enqui- msux sad Hudson Bay Company "upper. 5nd huntem Those no I Ihileeu lot who come down to the neuron. cmnpany pout only in Inmmer, 3nd exchange their pelts tur provisions, plsnting llwmnnlvu down " the pan, sad pracomilng to gorge clum- lelvu until their entire tstock " exhumed. A ponni of In And n bug of tlour is the man than one band of than: mounuhwerl hu been known to any luck --all they hndwahow, except. temporarily ”tinned appetites, for their whole winter's work an hunter: in that. dtstsolye region. Thane mil-L be mine ”Auction in thte wild life; for n keeper who, Inter Irving tawny you: " one of “new duoiue oat. posts cl civilization, went to London for . little chunge. leLurusd to hbruior " won u possible, immune he found London "Bo lonely ;" uni Hudson Ray Campuny ngenu, who have given up their positions to so back to civilization, blVI bun glud to return to their pom. They milled thc free, open-air We ' bat Ibove nil. probably, their tumor-tic way. which nuke: them king: within the boundurion of tho post. Thane trapper. And hunters Are Indium. but ulways culled 66 maaataineers ;" While the Enquimnux, who luv: not. I; drop of Indium blood in them, urn called Indium. though ' Hu-kiel' is the (“brine term for them Among the tuhortnen. Tho tulusr. men, mostly Newfoundlwdarl, akin. the [Ahndor coat in summer in d-ter craft, or till up the tithing lu‘u on the rocky Illumi- Whlch during the winler have been “this! wholly de.ertesd, or left in drugs of n store-keeper. Wonders ot Animal Training. TWENTY I'll? or WATrR. TH E OCEAN SINKS. . " [ .rW;:s7.eN 'ri-ii?)',"; Wigw- F'dtNtWAiét" " M Sash and Door Factory. “05w Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a. large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- Lumber, Shingles and Lath always [I still in his old stand oiiiets, where ht HARNESS Mft?!, Oar Stock "ar, Jim, uh. aid. how strong you mull of onions. For Sale by McFARLANE & co., Wholesale Agents for i he m kneeling n her feet and saying '. My prooKoul Ive». liU lingru to me u n pomnin atroakod with the glorious golden trotting of n noul which knowezh no love, -u- 3 First- Glass Workman: 'mqtratst, PM Tm1ilror - PM". an“: ha. goth, 18N, The Mother Heart Touched " I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVIN E Saved the Lives of Two of My Children."-- Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong--- Tired and Ailing Women Take on the BLOOM of' EARLIER YEARS. The mission of South American .Nervine is to It once reach the nerve centres, which an to the whole body what the mainspring of the Witch is to every other part of the timepiece. What will touch the .mother heart more deeply than the illness of her little ones? She may Buffer much herself,u.nd women are sorely atflicted with many ills, bat she will endure all this, however often, without a murmur; but there can be no dir guising her anxiety when the little onus of the home are stricken down with siclctuv.s. And how many puny children there we I We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of childrvn know not of it. Others my romp, but they are weddings. Mothers, would you have your loved ones strong und healthy' Would you enjoy good health your- aselit Then use South Americsu Nervine Tonic ; there is no doubting its ettieacious properties. Investigate from a. tuisntiiiis or a. common sense point of view and you will fiad tint nesrly all disease has its start in the nerve centres of the body. ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. r Stock of DRY LUMRE is very' Large so that all 0rd can be filled. That Knocked the Poetry, CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr., HEAVY AND aat1WI! l HARNESS, , SADDLES, BRIDLES, I counts, Etc. New Stock Horse Blankets. ll stand on Lambton Street, near the Pout where he is ready to till all orders for T n Srov >tlf Agents for Durham and Vicinin G. &J. McKECHNIE. iaT'TurTtC?iiiGaLLyitj ”at Bum-E F: tat ','f,1','i5it't I 'm. . tet, l'llr1'lil,r.7Ciii'uye' is" grant new life to All who are delicate. whether young, middle-aged, or old Do not worry along with in health, but dispel it, and brighten your lives by the immediate use of South Amar. ieu: Nerviuo. Science has made perfectly clear tlmt the troubles than; turect the individual organ of the body, have their seat in these nerve centres, so, without any wasteful experimenting, South Amer- iean Nervine reaches oat to the Beat of the diEcalty, and straightening out what is wrong there heals the whole body. Listen to what Mrs. H. Russell, Wingute, writes on this point: " I here used several bottles of South American Nervine Tonic, and will any. I consider it the best medicine in the world. I believe it and the lives of two of my children. They were down, 1nd nothing up. peued to do them any good until I procured this remedy. lt was very surprising how rapidly both improved on it: use. I don't allow myself to be without some of it in my house. I recommend the medicine to all my neighbors." It will certainly onms MYERS- "iGriiik 060 'Ut .96.} WW by m . SW“. Pet" .WE'I. orders We can the special attention c, casters and subscriber: to the {cum napslsoftlno cewritaperltiws: For 0-"- l‘llu l'rnrn. Mm. Wtsmotw'_ Sn.» mm. M: t r ' been um] by "um”... u! m Jinnah): their Children while teething. h .inturbod at ugh: “a broken of your real by I Ilck child suffering and crying with pun of Cuttutg Teeth an; at one. ami get x bottle ot “Mrs. Winslcm '. Soaring Syrup" for Children Teething. lt wiil relieve the poor little and. rer unman- tely. Depend upon it, lawman. there u no minuke about it. It cures Dian-hoes. rc- guhm the Stomach and Bunch. cures Wind Colic, Mm. the Gum. and reduce" Indul- mltion, and give. tom uni energy to tho I“. system. “Mu. Wiuiowu Soothing Syrup" for children had hing It pie-nut to tho tan-unli- theprencnplwn ofoooollbo but. female physciaus an! uncut is the United Sum. Price twaty-dv‘chro-nu . m Sold b All . ta _ tho world. Boy-nu Sret, brag WWI bremarrso SW." . I. irotyeersonorittr his psi-e: due-con untied, he mm: pay all ”rages. m the publisher may commas to send it u L'sis pa)- menlu asaele,and collcculm Mmlc uu uni whether it be taken from the otiice or no?: There an be no legal dueoett.usuamct until prvmeutiruttuU. 2. Aay pomn who "he: I yap" tr the post office, whetlser directed to name or another. or whether he has ty “mind or not in :esponsible for the ply 8. lfsnubscriher orders Em paper to be stopped at a eertaintime, Ind 1145 published continues to uend.the su'useriLcr'vs bound to pay for it if he takes it 0111.)! the Post oftiea. This procccdl upon to ground bat n In“ must pay fort-what be uses. The will parched until Ml men “fun“: on " were panned; m bought n Men how. and Lhon “It mined and mined und ruutsd. lav: Your A-o-l- Coup “rapper. And when you hive 25 Ammonia or lit Purina Soap Wrappers and than: to m. and . three can: tsteql_t_y Peue. not and A three can: “42251510: postage. “a no will until you F E. a handooma pica!" uuiuhlo for framing. A list of piano- around each bar. Ammonis Soup hum oqunl. We "command a. Write your we plainly and mm“: W. A. 8|.»va & Co., " and go Lombardan Toronto. loll by all maul notch-nu at DURHAM DIRECTORY STABK'B Powders. each package of which contains two preparations or. in a. round wooden-box, the cover of! which forms a measure tor um- dose, an unnudintc who! for Sick Headache and Stomach. also Neuralgia, and all kind: of nervous pains. and another in mpsuleq (from l to tot one in an ordinur')’ dun, which neta on the Bowels, Liver nu; Stomach, forming A nevcrtuiling Pet" tect augment. for all Head and Mumuh oomphw' ta. They do not. as was: [11:11. and so my other medicines do. on 'a7iAhGiG'r'sGkGeettusrcytisti.puiou,' andamsnicrstittayke. 25ceuts nbox. " all medicine denial. Whitman Sunday Services, morning " ll B. In. Subbslh Schml and Bible elm a 2‘8.) p. m. Preaching " 7 p. tu. Wool! even- Ing service-Thurs) evening. remain: payer meeting It 8 p. m. Young Pcuplal Union on Motility evening It ts. p. w. “[230 p. In. I-, .hy evening at a m Edi-open every Traced” evening from? toi) o'clock. 1nd new Sunday Iron 2 todp. m, Anna“ lee " Dr. Gun PM 0. Bun-go See. In. Much”. Gcolplv--Fir" Weds-Jay in out month uttrriuou--FriGy Leforu the Guelph Flil Drtoaors-suertitst' beta-e Guel h. Elorv- The day before Guelph Dousos--3londa' Lento Elan Fair. Htuouton-crystrl rum. Grounds. th day “at Guelph, Lmtnwi-v First Fri-lay in and: months Fergus-i-dat following Haunt Fen. 1ir.rkole--S_y before 0ransteville oratuwvilur---seorH Thursday in an mouth. f'ieehetton-- Monday before Orange“! Daudalk- Jihad-y befura Gangen'hcle tstseibarne-Wenluotsdtsr below 1hauuaesii1q Service every Sabbath us 10:30 I. a. and 7 p. m. subbstis School at 2:30 p. m. Pnyor meeting every Wednesdxy evening " 6 p. In. tiuelbarne-Wedttetdto' below Unzip-Hug Walkertoa--Laau' Wednesday in ettelt REV.'R. MALONEY. Pastor. Dmhnm Services- 11 n. I). ttrrt Sun- nny of every mouth. Glenolg Services- 9 a. m. firt,t Sunduy of every month. 10:80 R. m. thin! Sammy of every month. MECHANICS INSTITUTE. New Bul--omrn every Tuesdzy ovemug " has“ on the tirsi aod third Tuesdqa d - month. Thou. Brown, Com. F 0. Hamilton. B. K. D iGuover--N and Mount Forest--', SONS OP SCOTLAND. BEN NEVIS CAMP N0. M, meets in S. of ti. Hull. Fun-y on or befou full moan. Georg. Binnie. Chief. Goo. Basal. Sec. [My DURHAM LODGE NO. 806 op A. P. a A. M. Sigh: of Meeting. Timothy on or before full moon ot each monk. Visiting Mathew welcome. Thu. Brow. W. M. Goo. Russell. Sec. Peanuts: a of Meeting (awry Mon 8 o'clock. m tl", Odd Fellos mg brezhem welcomed. W DURHAM L.O. L. NO. 682, Meeting, on Thursdty on moon in each month. Wm. d See. Sub! RINITY C "E APTIST CHURCH " AUGEEN TENT, K.0.T.M.. No. 154 REV. W. McG BEGOE ETHODIST CHURCH, OST OFFICE C. CHURCH REY LOU HEY SBYTERIAS CHURC E Newspaper Laws a. REGISTRY tl J. C. POMEROY. Pam: , every Sam: Sahbulll Sch 'Gin ith -Third Teeth}- in end: menu. -Mominy before During: --Nvudtty before Durham. mesh-Third Weduuoday in not: Monthly Fairs J.CONV A.G.J.\ “VICE. Ottiee hours trum 8 to 7 p. m. Arch. Manhunt. GE NO. l69 I.0.0.F. Night g may 1',eta,1rt"1ef, " ' Odd Fellows [I]. Vigil- STRY OFFICE. Thomaa leginu'nr. John A. Munro. ar. Odie: hour: from 10 H meeting on WU D. Voile: um T SEN, Pa nth " 11 o. 682. Night of any or before tull Was. A Andaman. mm " 9 B. Valkt See uudTp go

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