West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Jul 1895, p. 4

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ing and : year‘s toâ€"day. sed ave g8S." lal. ES « Wire Netting, Hamilton, and we Every Suit made}] by the W. E. San.!;{' § ford M‘fg Co., of| good fit every Ready _ T0 on wWeat . _ Clothing. guarantee you Barb Wire, from our selecâ€" ted Stock of Cow Bells, Oiled Fence Wire, 3 SUIT each Scythes, Snaths, Paints & Oils, Binder One Hundred To carry away From $50.00 up to $110.00. J. A. HUNTER, UPPEKR TOWN, DURHAMâ€" Hardware! BICYCLES â€"+CASH STORE+ WANTED! MEN! time. Manilla. 7c lb. res ghlll"' an test class out I had & work The Guely has recent! type, set up The first iss a very cred than 19r. Sincia Middzugh day, July 1 afternoon u free Mr. Wm brother of the ReviEy when all re and duties Fir® BR The little has resulte Brigade? 6 and efficies mght last ments to t as follows Lieut., R. McBonald Dargavel. hose. Nu Ladder Cc T. Moffat ter, T. WJ Geo. Kres Treas. field and actual wo will creep to lighten the same The Mes: thanks of way in w members and left the where his ¢ don, Capt Jno. Turn lir.. No. ! Captain, l Scott, W Firemen : D. MeMic «on are Vist Beith. of 0: Zlenroade expense 0 have give for the br example + hrigque e« A picni( this week part of Mr A meetit Public Lib Public Libr ning at 8 0‘% al ast. He i Leeson‘s, V for the 1: the town Brigade b EpaE H a stream have bee ward the people an themselve got out a §lowing amous pl fell belot Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Kincardine, and her two children are the guests of Mrs. W. B. Vollett this week. F Mr. F. C Edward Pu ham last 7 with his sis Miss Flora McGregor is visiting with Owen Sound friends at present. Fora Noxon Binder, Mower or Rake eall on A. MeKinnon, Priceville. Mr. John H. Brown, took a trip to Owen Sound and Toronto last week, New top buggy for sale cheap! Apply to J. A. Huntm‘, Upper Town, Durham. Mr. Thos. Allan completed his duties in Toronto and came home on Tuesday right. A few Scufflers left on hand whic will be sold away down in price at A McKinnon‘s. Priceville. i was cert bass wooG to satisfy while eln osccl treat. _ Ar veyances ing the ti bush was in clearing to the ust it fit for * one of w} Again, afternoor largely w ‘:d"‘""""“' when thre and t o music far ment in 5 and Miss pressing . other pl: and get it (L’erv:Els b alleviate ancing : i0? Mc Encfw gem?:;fi;m applause:, low freigt here, an< & chair. _3 has receive crowd in The Sou faney. exists for brie@y, 2 ation. 4 welcome M. Beatc ed Mr. C word, an formed pleasure great Cn one a slis ing the 5.v, though tne {mmxer‘mm ahe the preparation made. _ We are not preâ€" pared to say how mua({‘baves and fishes were consumed that day in addition to large areas. of pie, cake, etc., ce% vely. xt Gor i LA EC PCVe N ECY t es wie is'gxe big crowd were satisfied and there were more than fragments left. In this respect, as _ well as in other aspects we must say Edge HMill picuic is a great institution, and warrants the prediction of Chainmar Moffatt that if it keeps on increasing it will hive to be dignified with the name of South Grey picnic. PJ Rev. M: each on W Mi . Kn en th d th Miss Dor LOCAL AND GENERAL. H to cum . R. V h All it y da: {cure Phot Colin m nth M M tl tr d P sto Again, in Manitoba, the practice is largely we believe to burn the straw when threshed. â€" Could not the governâ€" ment in some way set afoot a strawâ€" pressing and packing organization, and get it shipped over the C. P. R. to alleviate the scarcity ~of fodder in Ontario? â€" The railway might for once be philanthropic and charge a ver low freight rate, or none at all. 1{ has received favors in its day. The South Grey Agricultural Society exists for a woerthy purpose. Could Never in the experience. of any in this community has a drought brought such disastrous effects on the farming interests. Two weeks ago in many parts the bay crop was given up, but a daily expectation of rain gave hope that the grain crops would be rescued in time. This hope, (up to Tuesday) has been doomed to disappointment, and the consequence is that on many farms a state of affairs exists that may almost be said to herald a famine. Suggestions, however unusual must be accepted and considered at such a time. The latest we have heard is one by a thoughtful and observant farmer, Mr. G. Collinson, of Aberdeen, and consists in a proposal to return in a modified way to what all old settlers well know as * browsing cattle. The proposal is to "underbrush" the growth of young trees that in many places choke the bush, tiethe tender tops into sheaves, and store away for cattle to chew at next winter. We have a distinct recollection some twenâ€" ty odd years ago of cattle chewing basswood brouse as thick as a finger while elm brouse seemed to them a treat. â€" Anyway this would be occupyâ€" ing the time usually spent in having in clearing the bush land and making it fit for * seeding down " purposes. _ summer. . It grows rapidly in all soils, preferably clays, and as it comes to maturity quickly it could take the place of a second crop. Mr. Blackie writing upon the cultivation of rape as a forage plant says, that an acre of rape with a little straw will keep thirty cows in full milk for a month. Rape seed is not killeâ€"1 by dry weather. It requires little moisture for germination so that a good method for its cultivation is, to sow it broadcast in the corn field or in the potato patch, after the last cultivation. . It is thus shaded, will haye a good start, and after the corn or potatoes are harvested, the rafix: will afford fine pasturage for cattle and sheep, and ata time, too, when ordinary pasture is very poor. â€"Lindenbank, an authority upon all| WMCR C agricultural matters, hbas been lately successf directing attention in the ‘Montreal | S¢ here. Witness,‘ to the use of rape as a forage | qQWre & ( plant. Rape, he says, is much grown the cn‘d in Great Britain and on the Continent| the, Car for,â€"1. the seed from which an oil is raising 1 ex;gressed, similar to linsecd oil, and | 38 the :: 2. for green forage towards the end of large, t summer. _ It grows rapidly in all soils, But ove rmalorea Nh dn n ae Wooone inene ts oo bine the no demonstration, that many more husbands would be infinirely the betâ€" ter of being ruled oyer by their wives. But, if the ladies persist in bicyclingâ€" «nd here we would just wish to say, that on the score of their health and figure divine with which nature has endowed we think they should notâ€" but, if they do, then the use of the trowsers is by all odds the most suit« able to the enjoyment of the exerais c. ing measures as elorm of Lords and Home Rul and contending for social reform<«or the bettermen dition of the people. Me Gladstone has intimated of retiring from public life will be as e‘lely balanced in the New House of Commons as well can be. Both parties are preparing actively for the electoral contest.. Lord Rosebery has issued his manifesto which simpiy advocates Home Rule for Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Lord Salisbury has also announced the programme of his party, deprecating any‘such sweepâ€" ing measures as Reform of the House of Lords and Home Rule anywhere, and contending for social measures of reform<«or the betterment of the conâ€" dition of the people. Meanwhile Mr. CGladstone has intimated his intention q s \ It may not be known to our numerâ€" â€"Political events move r:gpldly aDd{ous readers that there is a Poultry decisively in Great Britain. _ Lord | Association in this Provinee. But such Salisbury‘s Government has beenformâ€"|js the fact. A report of the twenty ed by a fusion of some of the Unicnists| first annual meeting of this association sach as Chamberlain and Sir Henty| peld in the beginning of the year is to James who are only a few years OUut Of| hand, and itis gratifying to observe Radicalism, with the ultra Tory PATtYâ€" | that the affairs of the Society are in a Parliament bas been dissolved, the| prosperous condition and there are no writs for a new election are to be issued complaints of hard times. _ As with all on the Sth instant and the elections are | otherâ€"commodities, the price of eggs expected to be over in}3 weeks. This|riges and falls with the supply and expeditions method forms a marked | demand, except in so far as it may be contrast with the trimming going on 4t ) injuriously affected by tariff manipulâ€" Otfawa. Epeculation would be useles$s| ayjons â€" But the price winter and sumâ€" as to the relative strength of partics!mer has been such as to satisfy the after the election, but, Mr. Goschen, |members of the Association and has who has a reputation in foreasting such | enabled thera to receive ample profits matters, gives the opinion, that pArti@s|for their labors and outlay. â€" For will be as equally balanced in th€ | instance, in the far West, at Calgary, New House of Commons as well can be. | a farmer wintered sixty hens. â€" He fed Both parties are preparing actively for | them on barley which cost him 35 ets *he electoral contess." Lord : Rosebery Lâ€"ss. maanar a20" dn ChaP Wnn Focadne SUPPLEMENT TO Theo 6ren Revier. DURHAM A Lady School Teacher of Toronto h +Some report damage by frost Wedâ€" nesday morning. _ We hone damage Miss Allie McRae arrived home last Friday night from Hamilton where she has been attending school. Mrs. Carson and her daughter May left TnesJay morning for an extended visit to friends in the United States. Mr. L. P. Kribbs, of Toronto, and family are Williamsford this week, Pressure on our advertising columns compels us this week to issue a quarter sheet supplement. McKenzie D. C., b. Collins... McArthur N. J., b. Fox...... Mockler H. W., run out...... Harris T. A., run out........ McFarlane Jas., b. Fox... ... Wilkes A. E., c. Fox, b. Fox Lauder A. W. H., not out. .. Young Thomas, b. Fox...... McIntyre, c. Gable, b. Fox... For a full supply of Guards, Sections Rake Teeth, etc., call on A, MeKiunon, Priceville. Miss A. Gun left last week for a trip up the Lakes, is on " aal ag mc ommitone eidhs on iebiaptin ty Total JULY 11th, 169 dmonition. But to lay aside the or for all that, see. Thatsome the Advocate, rusticating at | _ â€"The trial of Michael Cleary, of Clonmel, Ireland, for maltreating hig wife, Bridget, has been concludéa, | Michael was sentenced to 20 years imâ€" 'prisonmem. and his six accomplices to longer or shorter terms. Bridget was considered by her husband, father and brothers as well as the neighbors to be possessed, that is under the influence of the fairies. In order to dispossess the elfin group which ruled over Briget she was subjected to the most horrible bodily tortures, beating and burning, her husband who administered this treatment, the while standing over her and exclaiming, "In the rame of God are you Bridget Cleary." ‘The inâ€" ‘tention of these raisguided people being to exorcise the fairy which had posâ€" session of her, so that her own soul would then return to its lawfal habitâ€" ation. But the treatment resulted in the deagh of poor Bridget. Fairy supâ€" erstition held long sway over the Teutonic and Celtic races, and no where more se( trely than over the Celtic races of .reland, Wales and Seoiland, the power of the imagination _being peculiarly active among the Celts, and leading to an enthusiasm in music, dancing and song, and what ever the fancy delights in. Their rocks ,and caves, and woods, were thronged with the fairy people, who, accoraing to the caprice olpfhe moment, were frieudly or otherwise, but who always exercised much influence in the affaias of men. _ The poet Chaucer E;ys the compliment to the Church of me, its monks and friars, of having banished these inférior spirits _ But some escaped, for so late as the reign of good é):een Bess Bishop Corbett memmndin 4B w Pn n in en D P n wl d wrote the ‘Faries‘ Farewell,‘ ascribing ing, the attacks of the Hessian £y and other enemies of the wheat plant, the competition of the wheat fields of the West, of the Argentine Republic. of Russia, India and Egypt, the Canadian \fzu'mer found that the raising of wheat did not pay. â€" Attention wasthen given to stock raising and this had the double advantage of fair profits and of resâ€" toring the fertility of the soil. But unfortunately, shortness of fodder in the present season and the competition of foreign countries have reduced the profits of stock.raising. The lesson is, enlarge the s;ferc of mixed husbandry. To grain and stock raising, add that of poultry raising, so that in the event of one department, or two even being injuriously affected at any time the others may, by judicious management make up the loss. instance, in the far West, at Calgary, a farmer wintered sixty hens. : He fed them on barley which cost him 35 ets per bushel and found that the barley netted him $1.50 per bushel. No other department ot the farm will show a better margin of profit. The Presiâ€" dent of the Ontario Agricultural Farm also reported that in gathering inforâ€" mation as to poultry raising he had visited a farm of forty acres in New York State the gentleman kept 600 White Leghorns and devoted his whole time to the care of the fowl, employ ing labor for the cultivation of the farm. The eggs were ship({)cd fresh to New York the year round, the result being that from these 600 hens he made on they not in the present emergency have a meeting to consider the situa« tion and ascertain if anything can be done to assist the suffering farmer and his stock ? hem to receive ample profits labors and outlay. _ For in the far West, at Calgary, wintered sixty hens. : He fed barley which cost him 35 ets by the First Minister on the Manitob@ School Case, the crisis is over and the Government remains on the Treasury benches. _ On â€" Monday _ Mr. Foster made astatement in the House of Comâ€" mons to the effect, that, as the reply of Manitoba held forth grounds for supâ€" The longâ€"expected and soealled crisis has come, but matters continue ‘much as they were. _ There has been agood deal of posing to the right and the left â€"sputterings of wrath by the, Ouiinetâ€" Caron contingent from Qucbcc.";l%d rumbling of pent up forces by: the Wallaceâ€"Hag gart faction from Ontario, but the announcement has been made POULTRY RAISING The Lime KilnClub on Mr. Henry‘s firm is stiD jufoll binst, slthouth not in :f.polmon to tho Indians. ‘They keep thâ€"oe animals on exhibi~ to>. The m-n;fi:hot the club bas added a Gâ€"aito the two which be has bad forsome time _ Mine Host Cochrane of the Commercial Hotel, Priceville, was making bimself familiatâ€"with the «ppearance of our fair Groye Friday last. past. _ The doctor is also in‘sstendance duily. 8:: u ‘ation free. c %h < Gost hes fnlflled his eflco for 1595 and left the rca l iu 5004 order, zes Baporie. M« Fred Konnedy spent Wednesday in Markâ€" the gentlieman kept EU rns and devoted his whol are of the fowl, employ in THE SCHOOL QUESTION AND THE GOVERNMENT, +6 4+ The Report of Miss Isaac, the Secreâ€" tary showed thatthe Union is now comsmsed of 21 Societies, 5 Methodist and 16 Presbyterian. _ There are in all 452 Active members‘; 136 Methodist and 816 Presbyterian. â€" Associate members 334 ; 72 Methodist and 203 Presbyteriam, Votes of thanks to the ladies for their hospitality and to Mr. Harrison for so ably filling Dr. Dickson‘s place were cordially passed, and the meeting disâ€" solved to meet in Hanover next January at the Call of the executive. _ _ 4 _ The heat was V(;;v)];n'éssive. but the warmth of the reception was refreshing. â€"This formed a fitting and pleasing close to the sessions. g: 2t d and well ughted room, a well prepared and punctual leader, a sympathetic membership. _â€"This address formed the basis of the best discussion of the day. Mr,. Jansen said that success or failure depended whether we met for spiritual fellowship or mearly "to pass the hour." Our manner of spending the week determinâ€" ed our enjoyment of the meeting. Mr. Gaskel!, of 0. Sound, gave some valuaâ€" ble experience. Among the variety of plans he presented were, a private prayer meeting of the active members, « ** promise" meeting, and the writing out of short prayers l?)y back ward memâ€" bers, _ Mr. McWhinney, of Hanover, dwelt on the importance of the Sunday morning p»rayer meeting. Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Baptist Minister of Flesherton, gave a stirring address on * Missions." He shunned statistics and dividing his subject into "Our Relations to God" and our * Relations to our neighbor," andshowed that unless we were in a proper relation to God we could not form profitable relations to our neighbor. This address was vigorâ€" ously delivered, but rather long. Rev. Mr. Harrison, in the absence of Dr. Dickson, took up the *Question Drawer," and hbandled it in a masterful way, although on short notice. Cards, Dancing, â€" Parlor Socials as * Collection Playthings " all came under the hammer Active members should also be church members and they ouly as a rule should lead the devotional exercises. ______ The address by Mr. Little, < essential to a live prayer me perhaps the feature of th He took it that there wer ments in Christian work: Human. Endeavorers should without invoking the Holy S ence. The Human side inc matters as, a convenient, w Rev, Mr. Little and Mr. Duncan Meâ€" Millan of Proton. _ These genetally spoke of the importance of keeping the pledge not only in our mind, but before our eyes. None should hesitate to take the pledge, because it was a pledge, for pledges went into many departments of life. In the afternoo with delegates fr ing. Durham se 30, while Hanove Crawford, Dorno Markdale, Swin wore numerously sented. their departure to the change of religâ€" ion at the Reformation. â€" However, the story of Bridget Cleary shows that they still linger in out of the way parts of the world. 1 lighted SOUTH GREY C. E. UNION Mr. MeclJ it th We. stop the press this, Thursday morning, to give place to afspecial telâ€" egram which we hqv§ obtained from Oftawa, on the strained political situa. i tion, It is qyidentrsothebody is bend~ ing, and it is safe to say from past experience of French demands, it will not be the Freuchmen.. 4n all likeliâ€" hood personal pledges are being givâ€" en to the strikers. The pr@ximity, ,to the 12th gives a special interest to the crisis. i eadas; 18 C027 0000 C us‘ .3‘ Phacnhe eowon; Ask druggistfor Weod‘s Phosphodine; if he ._,.m.'mmhfl“"“ Amclose pmllw.ndmwmnl‘bim reall. Price, one package, 61; alz, 05. One will w CCOUIogTo cxnllla .. 6n any addrens. ukh C ue M,M.Wu-“flmm- v“mmm 46 years im thousands of Saste;‘is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine ARR EDCE TD Cert l 2 36 W1 aoub adimet if mt on tss ce eo of Tobageo, Opium or Stimuâ€" Before and AftET» ants, which scom lead to Ite . 73 SE t 2 2B es ature ol the sessions. it there were two eleâ€" ian work: Divine and rorers should never meet g the Holy S{)irit,'n presâ€" wan side included such onvenient, well heated room, a well prepared leader, a sympathetic o o eeay .l 4 as c . _ _~ The Wood: Company, wok Windsor, 0‘ Canadaâ€" * h LATEST FROM OTTAWA the church was filled i all parts of the ridâ€" 26, Dromore about Dundalk, Hampden, and Rocky Saugeen, i~ Park, Flesherton nd creditably repreâ€" Past Hampden, _ and \. Israc, Dromore, d, as well as large number of places, spent as a prayer t Annual meeting eville on Thursd h f the the Thin [yotel success .0 and art of | This Supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famâ€" ous " T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobaeco. & A Combination Plug of To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Puckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market RueUvmarsm CurEp IN A Day.â€"South American Rheumatism Cure, for Rheumaâ€" tism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to3. days. Its actiion ugon the system is remark lb{. mysterious. . It removes at once the cause and the discase immedietely disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by McFarl&ane Co. To Smokers A Wellâ€"Known exâ€"Mayor Suffered for Twelve Years. Mr. Geo. H. Williams, the extensive manufacturer of fruit baskets and exâ€" mayor of Thorold, writes: "I suffered very severely from sick and nervous headaches and biliousness for over 12 years and had tried all advertised pills, powders and other medicines, but obâ€" tained very little relief, until about two 5’!‘}“‘3 ago I began to use Stark‘s Powâ€" ers and since then bave been like a different man, and now seldom bave a headache. If I have any tendency that way Stark‘s Powders give immediate reâ€" hef." Price 2c a box, 5 boxes for $1, sold by all medicine dealers. Angie and the Bull on the lead. l hearamâ€"ansh. Slzlill What we are anxious to know : When Johnnie and Minnie are going The Rocky te keep house on the 4th again, P Who the young fellow was that ‘ walked with the lady and covered the | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" road with toe tracks. I i uc B0 in Wt n f| 6 6 T & B 99 SMOKING TOBACOO. The tin tog "T & B " is on every pisce. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live betâ€" ter than others und enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly ndapting the world‘s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest KNOWLEDG@E MB RMNMCCAIODUDU O qear ons esda sA ias" the first day of August, 1805, thesaid adminisâ€" tratrix will procood to distribute the ausets of the ‘unid deceased among the es entitled thereto, having regard .uxr to ciaimg of which she shall bave received notlce as above required and will beliable to any or of whose claims she shall pot have recaived notice. pree en tm td ent of the securitios veriied by afidavit. ReadgeMade Clothing and Summer Hats, Suitings, Coatings and Pantings. Dress Goods. Cashmeres. Prints, Ginghams, And further take notice that immed T NTNUUUSOT O Eonmat ahcsd Booming Summer Trade at McArthur‘s The May Frosts destroyed the Fruit prospects all over the Country to the extent of Thousâ€" ands of Dollars. But they did not destroy the amamanee t . ce Farmers, Attention (f€ «any) hela "by them A never failinpi]::'ell beside the kitchen door. An orchard, a bank barn and driving shed. A suitable spot for & ret.u‘eti' farmer. Park Lot, No. 2, in the Town of Durâ€" ham, containing 4 acres, (at present the residence of the Rev. C. Cameron) on which there is a brick cottage, 6 rooms, pantry, two closets, kitchen,good cellar, 40 bris. brick cistern and wood shed. Imported and Registered E Clydesdals Stallion. _ School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer, Write for particulars. _ _ With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesman will pay better than engaging in farming. â€" Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. A good man in your district to repreâ€" sent the " Fonthill Nurseries of Canâ€" ada." Over 700 acres. ‘The largest in the Dominion. . Position manent. Salary or Commission to rig{;’;m\n. will stand for the summer months at his owner‘sstable, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of Normanby. The usual conditions govern all busiâ€" ness done. * ROBT. WATSON, Of good quality in large quantities for Sale at Shingles For Sale That fine specimen of the above mular breed of horses on y méomtend, 3 ‘ale mlamtabest a TORID LA Apply to -"Try it, and you will be perfectly 4 2 satisfied. ; 4 Also a full assortment of Crock 2 %ery & Glassware Din-a ner. Tea and Toilet Sets : 4 â€" At Popular Prices. 5 1J. CAMERON.} TERMS : $6.00 to Insure a Foal. 2Sold for 30¢â€" 1bâ€" 2 Sold for 40c 1bâ€" 4 Sold for 50¢â€" 1b 2 â€"THEâ€" ‘TEA o A delicious blend put up in 4 lbs and 1 lbs. Lead Packages Cedar Shingles STONE & WELLINGTON, Toroxto., OXT. FOR SALE. MR. J. P. TELFORD, Barrister, Durham, Ont. DURHAM MARKET Kurma T ea. uPP ) ... Land.Plaster forg‘nmips AhaSinms: * I ndanop TEAS. hel ugeen Mill. A. FERGUSON 0 40 to 80 0 60 Turrips, Corn, Potatoes, vegetables, &c, Bage of 185 & 200 Ibs. *% 4T PARKERS, "‘ebore, Fly Poison Pads Paper T PARKER‘S, : ng § iT PARKER‘S, Millet, Hungarian & Buckwheat wreen AT PARKER‘S. ; Drug Store, ‘or 100 Ibs. Bug Killer UG KILLER." :. L. CRANT . J WANT is a call. Come to us with your try and supply them. :s at very low prices, starting c per yard, ed Clothing is 2. ap) ap x ~â€"<d ‘s Furnishings Near Clothing NE & CO. 3 use a Strong Poison G REQUIRED st as a Fertilizer I¢ figst ;IVINGSTON, Â¥n, Durham. ntlv. â€" MARRLAGE LICENSES Issued. Lowest Cash Prices and must be sold All, and get your Bargains and Pick ef ENTS. Ete. > Have Cot! HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and irrived ! ‘I HUR. with Full Stock of all kinds of Car Loads of Masseyâ€"Harris BINDERS, MOWERS and DRILLS. Full stock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. Toiten Harrows, Churns, Wheelbarâ€" rows, &e, > se t reral Groceries. PRICES. po and it will do you good are to hand. "xe? O

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