West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Jul 1895, p. 5

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toâ€"day. ing and : year‘s es." sed ave lal, ES 2 ~ 4 GUIFC : â€" . o &« Wire Nettin by the W . Hamilton, and Every Suit m ford M‘f‘g Co. Barb Wire, from our S ted Stock c Bea,dy f EVERYTHING | And Sold at L Call and inspect a 20 in CHA Durham, May 1st, ‘95. Wear n reanes Clothing. _ narnEsS! guarantee yot good fAit eyv Cow Bells, Oiled Fence Wirt Scythes, Snaths, Paints & OflS; Binder Pure Manilla. One Hutr To carry 8 From $50.00 up to $110.00. 1. A. HUNTER, Hardware BICYCLES â€"+CASH STORE‘ WANTED! ME time. w94 Tc lt Ghas. McKinnon WAREHOUSE, Upper â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Just Arrived And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. tion. For a Set of Team, Single, Doubie Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Wt;;lgs. Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs, and anything in the way of horse furnishing call and insvect my complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 up. Miss Flora McGregor is visiting Owen Sound friends at present. Fora Noxon Binder, Mower or Rake eall on A. MeKinnon, Priceville. Mr. John H. Brown, took a trip to Owen Sound and Toronto last week, New tom Inurorw fo anln atecomiortin~+ crowa n govu ntumo® With Tact TUC and fancev. Begw Reeve Staples :g‘feared brie@y, Mr. Morrison gave a g recitâ€" ation. â€"Teacher Graham gavea word of welcome and thanks to the crowd. Mr. M. Beaton was.called for, and respondâ€" ed Mr. C. Ramage gave an appreciative word, and little Master Dunsmoor perâ€" formed with credit to hiraself and pleasure to bis he::rers; T‘? handle this 20 0 Om Cc c230 0 wawh PM ie e e it great crowd with refreshments g&ve one a slight idea of the miracle of feedâ€" ing the 5000, though the parallel fails in the preparation made. _ We are not preâ€" pared to say how man s;‘loavcs and fishes were consumed that day in addition to 11.A . 8 i: â€" Svink bithnd)7dbccteinenbeied »r reent S ; 9A were more than fragments left. â€" In this respect, as _ well as in other aspects we must say Edge Mill picoic is & t institution, and warrants the of Chainmar Moffett that if it keeps on large »reas. of pie, cake, etc., cert%qit iurtiee big cmwg were sa’t.ilfi'ed nnd" g‘ré' To ie ue en ce + to One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and _ Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. 1 One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. One Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. 131 ¢g gPRING is here, so is House Cleaning ©Y time, and you will need New Lace ‘(7urtiuns. Just read the prices that folâ€" ow. OQOur Lace Curtains All UOTZ CORCG edged. Get one of our Carpet Stretchers. We have the best made for 90c. Our New R ! E’l'fi‘ mrC JUSV TC+ We hn\'ct})egw st value mj 5¢, !)lcl', 10c and 12%c a yard, See them before buying. See our 5¢ Challies. Flannelettes from 5¢ ug. Men‘s Top Shirts from 25¢. up. Men‘s Rubberine Collars, stand up, 10 c. Turn down, l5¢ each. Rubberine Cuffs, 20c a pair. We always keep a full line of all kinds of Farmers and others attenâ€" Ladies® real Dongola DULM $1.25. Just step in and see what s LACE CURTAINS. 2; yds. long, 28â€"in wide, i-(k a pair 34 Cas® calves. One Registere® ht M he Lot 2 and 3 of two, Con. 1, il’ormn.nhy. Will sell reasonably. JosHUA WOODPLAXND, Durham, March 12th 1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL. THOMAS SMITH. At the ve HARNESS! We give for $1.00, Give us a Call. Durham Bulls For Sale. PPER BEAN & Lace Curtains all have taped ror Hipes Axp TALLOW e velgolowent Bprices. See our real mgola Button Boots at TINWARE Towx, Durxax 9 /. **1 sGue 42 0 " $1.00 CHAS. McKINNON. ed one year old Bull tered two year old, at #+ are just in a lot of BOUGHT FOR CASH with Now on Hand t h t h udn wint s it wtheit 2 ‘FOR. Service. â€" This splendid animal l was imported from the United States and was a winner of four Prizes | at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. _ THREE REASONS A pril 3rd, ‘85 THC Fincst TcA Wnn piainvim Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, *Washington,‘ THC FiNCST TCA I :H in Tec WoRLD FROM THE TEA PLANT To THE TEA CUP *Monsoon" Teais put up by the Indian Tex gfovcnul sample of the best qualities of Indian eas, Thercfore they use the groatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they putit up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purilty and cxtt:{dlcncc. UBSEdme o TL ie edcmmvee Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts zold in bulk. rinaigy,"6. mekKenzie................ McKay S. H., b. McFarlane.... ..... Fox F. F., FUN OUb. ... ....092cu0e++ 5+ Collins A., c. McKenzie, b. McKenzie Gable Ed., NOb OUD. ... ... 22lk. e 0+ McKay Carl, b. McFarlane.......... BY@$........26 9kk 6e3 n ra n en w kn n 6 ++ Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffiers. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to Durham, 2nd innings. Hunter J. A., ¢. Thomlgmn. b. Collins 36 McFarlane D. B., b. Fox............ 2 McKenzie D. C., b. Collins.... ....... 1 McArthur N. J., b. Fox:.........?{... 1 Mockler H. W., run out...... .... ~. 0 Harris T. A., run Oub..,............0 2 McFarhneJ’as..,h. Fox BAE â€" : use Wilkes A. E., c. Fox, b. Fox...:..... 0 Lauder A. W. H., not out........... 8 Young Thomas, b. Fox.......... ... 0 MciIntyre, c. Gable, b. Fox‘g Pressure on our advertising columns compels us this week to issue a quarter sheet supplement. For a full supply of Guards, Bections, Rake Teeth, etc., call on A, McKinnon, Priceville. Miss A. Gun left last week for a trip up the Lakes. k chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand ut up in Largest 1 â€"@&T.â€"â€"â€" Because we Stock to select from. 2 vacl.â€"â€"â€" Total Because MILLINER. > Bm dJd.â€"â€" 11 and 13 Front Street East, Because we sell Millinery Cheaper than any other House in Town. : IN ITS NATIVE PURITY Town, Durham. STEEL, HAYTER & CO. » A PERFECT TEA § lb., 1 lb. and 5 Ib. packages BOULDEN & %o., Harness Makers, Durham the Indian Tex Mikimeiecmin Toronto. WHY and never and In this Town are: We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." yinumg 614 friends last ‘and this week. â€"Our ;;roqletou farmer, Mr. Dan Keanedy, Jr. is «t present overbauling his fences in a first class manner, That‘s righ .Dan. Miss Gertie McLeod. ofPriceville, was the guos of Miss Mary Conkey Friday Just» 3 t, Among a number of our citizens who attended the Kickspoo Indian exhibition at Pricevilie was | . a young mun why droye the fair one of his affecâ€" tio 1 to Thursday night‘s concert, but to the sur. |‘ vise of many returned wa‘king. It is rupposed ) !hlt his steed walked too fast to suit the cecasion. The avimal was driven home by a friend. Miss Bella McLachlan will spend & week or‘| morein Durbam shortly, but will not be much.| . further from the 4th, f d‘n‘d:. Fred Kennedy spent Wednesday in Markâ€" 6. a A _ Miss Bella McLachlan will spend a week or‘| Y\ wel, egrects of Abuss or Emossest, m::.;“ U“-'hlm 'hofl‘;y. b.ut.“v’vul no.c :. mu:lf. WW Worry, eacessive uas further from the 4th, 7 , af Tobageo, Optumoer Stimsâ€" M« Frod Kennedy spent Wednesday in Mark: Wmafldm. lants, exhich soon tead to Zne dale. * Mn Consumption ené a» early grave. Mine Host Cochrane of the Commercial Hotel;| r=4® Insanity, ‘over 05 years in thousands of Priceville, was making bimself familiar â€"with the &fl-"-’m‘m and Honest Medicine «ppearance of our fair Groye Friday last. "1s the only T it The Lame KilnClub on Mr. Henry‘s farm is | Bnow# Ask druggist for m“"’:‘:.“ fl” stiD #1 foll: blast, . althouth not in mpoufl,ou to mmw in by retern tho Indians. ‘They keep thâ€"oe animals on exiribi~ | "inclose price in letter, and We ": ue will to~. The manager of the club has added a | _og Price, one peskage. 61; aiz, 86. CC WO The longâ€"expected and socalled crisis has come, but matters continue '~{nuch as they were. _ There has been agood deal of posing to the right and she left â€"sputterings of wrath by tha â€"Qnimetâ€" Durham, Aug. 9th, n . WOODLAND.| THE SCHOOL QUESTION AND THE GOVERNMENT, ~â€" a9 l6e iicaon M[illinery We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public genera,llyl: that we have adopted the Cash: System, which means Cash or. its equivalent, and that our Motto will be . & J. McKechnie. THE CASHâ€"â€" have by far the Largest employ a First Class ADOPTED BY G.& J. McKECHNIE. TH BE We. stop the press this, Thursday morning, to give place to afspecial telâ€" egram which we hqv§ obtained from Oftawa, on the strained political situa. Hunter‘s Old Stand. LATEST FROM OTTAW A. P rLEVENSUN, * Manager. Trade T The dry weather still con section. "The crop of hay i than none at all, and the 7 grain crop is also extremel; Communion services are present in the Presbyteriar the Sacrament of the Lord be dispensed on the comi Rev. Mr. Mcinnis, of Elo Mr. Litt] speaker, Donald Smith ing his health restored to his vigor. Peter Morrison and Edward Han.pd leave this week for the North West seek employment in the harvest fie We wish them every success. Among the Teachers.â€"Mr. Joe Burt and Misses C. Putherbough and .\1‘. mill again class work Mesâ€"rs I his daugt Peter F on the M« to the xtp[l look muce added, panied 1 many fri We wor wasn‘t a 1i last week â€"a\i’lxo will be the luckiest fellow line? "th I Mr. H paid a f Miss | burg. is Mr. Fr on innniinds anem wod addramim docha| O â€" â€" ~ : partJoulars 0 a s a cA e refamces _ AT PARKERS, fifim‘}’fiW ; W for Turnips, Corn, Potatoes, vegetables, é&c,â€" 3 i tan Amane the nart ausets of o Nee m ied 4 Bngs Of 185& 2w lbs. " ;‘; i s DORNOCH RIPPLES _ Farmers, Attention uld like to know little bit too heav; odel Farm, which Le:u".mce of the pla better if a hou BALSAM VALLEY IRISH LAKE ile and delicate children to chronic invalids later uld take Ayer‘s Sarsapâ€" with plenty of wholesome yor exercise. What they up the system is & good. e countenance ol when they learn he blessedness and not was erroneously reâ€" f the hors for the sha @xcellent srs. _ Mcâ€" es Sulliâ€" mpanists i th M la Turnip Boed, Fodder Corn, Texan Fly Dressing er, Hellebore, Fly Poison Pads ~~~and »iamnky Fly Paper â€" _ â€"â€" ~ â€"â€"AT PARKER‘S, pects all over the Country to the extent of Thousâ€" Jut they did not destroy the iummer Hats, Suitings, Coatings , Cashmeres, ’Prints, Ginghams, : Shoes and General Groceries. y at unusual LOW PRICES. _ Afterncon and Eveninrg and it will do you good. +. McARTHUR. i1g has Arrived ! â€" are ready for the season with Full Stock of all kinds of Trade at McArthur‘s e Adam‘s WAGONS udhope & McLaughlin MocRATs and CarTs, s are all bought at the Lowest Cash Prices and must be sold m. Com> One! Come All, and get your Bargains and Pick ef hose famous Percival Car Loads of Masseyâ€"Harris BINDERS, | MOWERS and DRILLS. IER & LIVINGSTON, NCE attended to Promptly . â€" MARRILAGE LICENSES Issued. Lower Town, Durham. oo g# j s finsh _ IMPLEMENTS. Ete. See what we Have Cot ! Worth its cost as a Fertilizer. _ EBM 1ly safe way to use a Strong Poison FOR SALE BY FARLANE & CO, eady to Wear Clothing 21. Also our HATS, TIES, SHIRTS and n fact all Men‘s Furnishings are to hand. r Ordered Clothing Lline cf Tweeds at very low prices, starting . < at 25¢ per yard, itchel give us a call. Come to us with your sard we ywill try and supply them. | I TO BUC KILLER." ato Bug Killer OWuWoks uO ‘ker‘s Drug Store, ‘aris Green AT PARKER‘S. $1.00 for 100 lbs. AT PARKER‘S, Millet, Hungarian & Buckwheat . L. CRANT. Full stock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. Toiten Harrows,. Churns, Wheelbarâ€" rows, &e, o m.C 0: ‘ao

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