West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Aug 1895, p. 3

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THEM. ing and a year's WES ' am. as" sed ave ml. Mr. Jan. Gan came home for a brief holiday Tucesdo y last. Second hand blow-lo for sale cheap. J. A. Hunk-r. Upper Town. Mrs. Black. of t'Pttrty §tngi9g. in we hen Ayton. Tt H 'CSS li LOCAL AND GENERAL 901' Furl) trl In” “ch Avll..../.... .Vr, died July 3.2111. The thaw-used was a m minu- ur' Mull. Argyle-shire. Scotland. 9 He mum- to Canada Ht Isl"; remained in , the tuwnahip of Vaughan a short time. I',, Frum ther" he mun-d to the township of Bo-nLix-CL. which was the“ almost an . unhrnki-n foreM. He took um- hundred n :wrvs of [and in said township about; fmirmilci frum Din-“och and by good f vourrssreysiul hard labor hewodum. a home l, for himself and tarni1y,F)tery he lived C until his death, thus inakingit it over 47 I yams since coming to Bentiock. The cause of death was a paralytic stroke. t which he took about a week before he t died. Mr. McAtthurnever experienced l a. dav's sickness until have!) years ago I last Slay. when cue morning in stooping. 1 to ick apa stone he was when blind 1 a): never recovered his sight. This w Nixouramed and prayed upon him that 1 his mind began to wander and give MW and for three years he him Inn-n very childish: 'Decomn-d was a. consistent member of the Preuryterisyt church and a liberal “Thalia”. The funeral took place an ursday July 25th to‘ the 1istoms C,mnerery and was 'ettiowed by a Tame number of n-htivu and {Hands mying their last tribute of re- spect. Th0 funeral sermon was conduct- ed by Rev. Mr. Little. who pram-bed an my sud cam: discourse. 'iii'liiii'il mt have». widen' three shus and five dinghy"! to quun- his lung. I M. Fl f o W H M " an Hall -itirdiveee. hour that Mr. Wut. >13. who tuve been in some time is improv- and his grand daugh- ste at Aymn. were t. Mornsun‘s of Glen- f Somanby. and let in Neustadt, is start a nigger in be the thi time n made, and as an .. the third time's )ur old friend suc- H and " M " 2nd Sale of _ were discri- last at the K " 500v Trednesday 33.9 ' and the lt. nation as to l'iet ade's picnic. é"; been Fluk- Snid nellv mtetu mu M M bl Gert last N of M tri M Miss Gertie Stewart arrived home from Toronto this week. PrclytetGu S. School picnic in the Park next Thursday. Ben Xenia Cautp umhts on Frislasy,2tr August and also on 20311. Dr. no", is hotur' again after a. pro fossionul lmliday of same wet-ks. Hay we have boon told is selling at 810 a. ton in Mt Farm! and Priceville. Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tor sale. This ism verydesira!tle location for a retinal {at-met. Applny .'., Srrmcssn't. Srcor.sT.-Mr, T. T. Cmdd peed a must creditable examin- Minn atthe o. A. C. midsummer 0x- mnimuiuns. He stood 3rd on the honor 1in of tho lst yc-nr and is all around prod. lie Lu omployod at practical wrrk aspm-imen stalk ot Timothy hay sent by Mr. Rum. Watson jr. from Rainy River. district. lt measures 5 feet 4 inches. and if the crop is to be jud red by this sample, and one. longer Fm: nod. He ls ombloyod at [murticul wc tt the farm this summer. SOME TrMoruv.--lye hyve. on " IV M li' MHnneu "wittirpr Mrs. Nichol fl. new Mrs. W. Rein r onto, is visiting parents. Mr. and will also visit frit and vicinitv. ly t ' w at n1 [ 'yn Obituary The Yros i1 and Orchurm'mo mm, mm beams met again one evening last, week to try their uck. but a. tie was the re- wltuncc more. We think if our boy: want to meet with any success they need Practice some as they have not. done $0 an Our Sales'umn ma. (cheese has: week Mr. Allan tN.cGil.1 trtwe chain trailing and having gun “a , feet untunglml with the chain tripped fnrwunl and broke its neck. . The pupils and parents of our Sunday School how spent II. very pleasunt after mum last \V'udnesdav in Mr. B, Sim bush, I iunicing. Vocal and instrumental music was revilered by Mr. Jackson Mid Miss King, of Mt. Forest. The youni; people, aiGuopolizetl. the swings. whit, the and people talked about. the dry weazher and wishing it would min. 3 L Mr. John McArthur raised his has. I last week, size St x 58 feet. The {mm l work was done by D. Brodie, the "et I work by the Sardine Bros. k Also Mr. Dixon mused his mammo.th I burn. which is a model ot vastness, bi}, M p. Wat Br it" nan-“um. m...” w.” h, _ Mme inst week at. til cent-i per m. r.Allan McGillivmv has purchased N Mussy-Hau-ris triuderiatély. vs. It. Maury, of Lakevicssyyt.t1Mrs ml, of Hum pden. was visiting at 1tenwick's, Sr. last. week. .. rs. W. Rein and children, from Tor. " is visiting an the home of her mtg. Mr. ny) Mrs. J. Renwick. and also visit friends around Ihotuore 'si-hers. be has been t are glad to see you PRICEVILLE, \\' i to Rev. Peter E. 2lteltot iicli. The stipend pro- .00 per annum ,eith3re. scs and one month's Nichol is one of the sie. Mes of Knox and his will welcome his return ir/wt. McGiet. informs unulv the trest, record t has rmr been made Vnu. Ymmgumudc thc or." we {rm I). own is home from Michi has been iorsonte tnno YEOVIL. waxing after Divine by Rev. J. A. Mori- ttttor pro tem., the Wwk's Presbyterian a most hearty and Rcv. Peter R. Nichol U J. P. Tmm‘oxn. Orchardville foot, ball no. evening 1:st .wtsek present to our item, and ex- Is to Mr. Nichol mm to him by ichul, as nearly of Mr. Walter lfr mother shinmeut la around again among part Arc now prucziually over, tl" ing only four scans to be heard (Vanni-1 ry to tGexpectations tlie ai Party has suammcd " most. cl deteat, notlnng like u having m since thu days of we Stuarts. 3 flow it, che success ofthe Consc 'arty that Lord Salisbury will to carry on the wgrk of 'cgislnti‘ W“'--J Ne-ee""" V. oat the aid of the Libcrrl Union, tingent. Speculation is rife as ttwot course as to the can: sudden revulsion oi Publ against the Liberals. The tile of the working men d they are Liberals as of yer thcleaders were pursuing: did not commend theinse laboring classes. and thu they were resolved to tea lesson by turning them charge may have been it tr! the treatment is undonbtcdl radical character, but uni the wage-earners-tIwo/vice? great sufferers. " the dial in their interest has been tu tor an indefinite period. Aside from the disscnsii Irish Home Rule Party, the ot'Mr. Gladstone, who alotn only successful champion of cause has been a uncut. i cooling the. interest of the B); or in the Irish cause. Much from his successor. Lord has he proved a failure and his ing propensities cooled the f of the Noneoutorntists of ling 1'resbyterians of Scotland. 1uoralities of the race cums offensive to religious people f ot religious opinion such as tl Weekly " rc%vnstrated wit micr and plainly indicated buitrg donc to the Liberal P mumnzizc of the Derby, patronage of the Derby, purpose. Thenthe attack upon tl Lords, too Weak to be of an the muse bat sttttieicutly rouse the landed imam: with the liquor intercsts meme by Sir William Um Option policy, formed tow'. combination in very m: eneies. .--For ways that are iLt thirstiness iurpavalled, ll is peculiar. The revels place every day rcgardix doings and alleged mut story almost beyond 1 " castle " in Chicago with furnaces. chopping blocks, thing b'luebcard never t and shows to what depth» human nature can desect love oi money as a motive. has come that insurance will have to take such sat will prevent wsssibilities of form ot lraud. by tt M t'. Work him under' h Our genial erecting aunt l M r The pleasant countennn is again met, with lmlund Mother llnrxy‘s cstahlisl place . John in; hustler'. Hess could not get along v Pedagogue w, D. Mills and little boy. nf vnur Town. spent, Thumday last m Pcdagugue w, of your Town, til our burg. The Rev. My. Bummer will preach in the Presbyterian Church how Lo-nmr- row. m... We must congratulate the teachers of this vicinirg' on the success their pupils have "chi Ved at the recent, Entrants Examination. There were no failures ttts farus we know. Miss L. Durgavei. ot" Sullivan, had our for Entrance. Mr. Joe Burnet one, Miss c. Putm-rlmugh two, and Mr. Watt two for Entrance and one for P. s. Leaving Exam. Other students are awaiting the return: of the Primary and Junior Leaving Exams. THE BRITISH ELECTIONS, HEART Drums! REHEVZD 1x 30 MINUTE -Dr. Agnewls. Cure for the Bear: gives per- tect ruliufiu all cases Organic or Sympathetic Heart Dmeua in 30 minutes aud speedily effects a cure. It is a peerlesl remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Strtother- ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symp- toms of 9. Diana! Heart. One dos. conun- cos. Sold by Mchrhno & Co. C Th ompsmt farm er: includir Cure 810k HEADAOMI Ind "W in wo wuurlo the was! Tongue, Dum- Mu. Billoumu. 15-11: in tho 8““.me- Turpid Liver. Bad math. to my cut-odd» ”who: the bowels. VI" llcl .70 run. - - -- -_..- nun-m ile “a...” .... --.V__. --_"" P3103785 on". at can emu. :1) late in tl iciuity are 1 Mil. DORNOCH RIPPLE rtt't', White is havit m barn. The‘ next. stun ng. Robb is tsavir 13bit”). deputy, Mr. FK ‘w hulk? and ' m built to My POWDERS. will hah: ' a fairly at ' " Sat - snrmunm T0 was (trttt WW -It1 aseason of mouth, as the one through which we are now passing, various expedients are resorted tofor the purpose of supplying the want ot bin. One istnttlehitW, another is irri. gulch. But these may not be easy of 'trpplietrtiom However there is one which may be often proittats1y used in the cultivation of some field crops. This is the frequent stirring of the hoe a 4-.- "Mritrntasr. By this means not bin. One ismulching, anotnel gation. But these may notbe hpplicstion. However there which may be often proittats1y the cultivation of some field This is the frequent stirring of bt the cultivator. By this we tmly are the weeds destroyed, {subsoil water is drawn up I rug“: f “been Water in u....... - . roots of plants are protected from (li) direct rays of the sun. Soils in a tine state ot division have the power by ‘ means of capillary attraction oi draw- up water from below to the surface. as is proved by what takes place when a flower pot is placed in a saucer contam- ing an inch or two of water. Then in the case of strong loams and clay soils the surface layer shrinks and cracks, crevices occur, which, acopming to the nature of the soil, may extend to the depth of two or three feet below the tarmac, and by which the roots of plants are exposed and suffer material injury. There is no means, not even by irrigation, by which this evil can be remedied so readily or so eseett1al- ly as by the use of the hot or the culti- vawr. m-latte Thursday, the 25th inst. the i victory of Lundy's Lane was commem- t orated by the unveiling of a monu- i ment on the site of the Gttlefield, It I is a good thing to keep in view of all ( succeeding generations the noble deeds l bl our ancestors. And as the series of ; engagements on the Niagara peninsula j proved to be the turning point of British supremacy on the Northern helf ot this continent it is well that all young Canadians be kept in mind of the events of that time. But better still " pointed out by LieutenantGover- nor, Kirkpatrick, .who unveiled the monument, now that Canadians are in undisputed possession of this great heritage, that we should bear in mind, that peace has her victories as well as wen and that Canada and the United Bates having settled their political) difficulties have the opportunity of contending together in the arts of peace and their application to the best in- tersts of the people. The erection of monuments on Chrysler's Farm and at Chateaugay will follow, no doubt, in good time. ,---ca---t-----"=="'s-----C'C" DimaAM. AUGUST Ist, 1895. nun" "e."'" ”up“ A“ - tr'., .HUIIIIEI.’ last. MISS Mary ()unkr-y accotupaqicd them back and will remain two weeks. Mr. A. Conkey, who has been attend. ing: ttwget, pracucc at Fleshermu, was amoug the flvst chosen for Tuesday's match. A fine blood cold of Dan. IGmnedyJr. hrss been given up by the "vet." Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean returned from Cleveland lust week after having a very eujoyalrlc tiuie, but any “there's no place like the Grove." Mr. Hugh McFadden received some syn-churn heads lat ely of Orugon's abun- dant whan ctop, which have set him thinking of going there. Mr. Angus McLeod still suffers with his eye and will probably have to con- sult a hospital spocanist. Mr. and Mrs. MgDonnld, of thes Line i paid a visit to their son James lately. It may not be known to all the read. era of the REVIEW that Sir Oliver Mowat is a. Caitlinessman. But such is the fact He was born, to be sure, at Kingston, but his foreheads were natives of Caithness, for many genera- tions, and played an important part in the history oi the County and in main- tainlnl the civil, religious and political independence cf Scotland. Sir Oliver is at present enjoying up: iii,, i holiday, and in the course of his H.Shrl rambles he revisited the home ot' his. fi: i1"? fathers, the County of Caithness, thel‘p‘seflff‘: northernmost county in Scotland. and Extra while there, the Provost and Bailliesl Tut, and other public offieets of Wick, the County Town, took the opportunity ot a fit: conferring upon their d'eistinguitsiuri/i'.ria'i,i visitor the freedom ot the Royal Burgh .r,o. Pr? of Wick. The ceremony took "i1,1lell,.lr,t.i'iii't on the 2nd inst., in the Town Hall. in R. McF the presence oft. large gathering of 5:15“? . . -. trtt ladies and gentlemen or the Town. A. Laic The Provost, in presenting Sir Oliver B.Stot with the burgess ticket, spoke at con- Fel',] siderable length upon the career all y Serliver from the time when he bc-l Psi, h an the study of law with Sir John A. of Wh McDonald down to the present time, 'c. ‘13)} referring specially to the many meas- p: Beet urea of useful legislation he was in. lithe tstrumental in placing upon the statute k 'dt,', Mr. D. Sinclair is all smiles since re- lieved of dvaw.ityt milk. Mr. Jas. Hen- derson draws his own and a. few othersl 7 Master Jas. Mulrooney who has been srrtrllizing here returned to Guelph last week, DIRTHS. wem--In Glenelg on Manda, ' J 20th the wife of Mr. Wm. Wegr, 01:11: Son, McIstas--In Glendg. on the 13th Jinx , we wde of Mr. ruler McInnis otya. son-so born. T wrrasos--In Brnntford on July -26th,, Mrs. Albert Wilsom--dzwgltur; of Mr, Jun. Firth, of towrv-agird about 88 yen-s. Mostros--rrn Glenelg. on July 29th, Mn. Alex. Miktctt,,attiss176retrts [ _ trpk, and the acquisition of Northern Ontario. an area of over 100.000 square miles .with all its present and prospect- ive ndygntagcs. Sir Olive; replied, making mention of his early' rAuolleetions of Caithness from the lips of his parents, the many Caitbncssmen he had met with in Can- ada, and the conclusiqn he had come mm, ..__ -"'" to, that if Caithness nameless genial climate than other parts of the world, ittho soil islcss fertile, nevertheless, it has a climate and soil that have served to produce a. hardy and haul- 'vorkinir people. Bat at the same time SIR OLIVER MOWAT. ta on the Niagara peninsula be the turning point of mannev on the Northern DEATHS ' but the and the 'he reminded his audience thathe was a Canadian, and that to Canada as] well as to Caithness he owed the honor' which had been conferred upon him. The proceedings closed with three cheers for the youngest burgesa of the Royal Burgh of Wick. During the closing hours of the late .e session of the Dominion Parliament, m the Government ioreed through Parlia- . mom a job which is about as indefens " ible as the proposed guaranteeing of. the bonds of another paper railway the PI Atlantic and Lake Superior Railway. 'd This was the granting of a subsidy of £80,000 per annum for twenty years to , the Hudson Bay Railway Co. This line f is proposed tobe built from Winnipeg toSaskatchewan en route for Hudson h Bay, a distance of 250 miles. The pro- moters maintained that much of the country through which the road passes , is suitable for settlement, but, ehiettr, h that the proposed line will offer the! lt, nortest and therefore other things be- I my: equal the cheapest route for the grain of the North West wheat fields a to the Liverpool market, However e this has to be proven. Indeed the factsi are against this contention. Unfortun- i ately all the reliable evidence goes to i '1 show that Hudson Bay and Straits are. so blocked up with ice that navigation " at best is only possible for a few weeks) in July and August, so that the trans- " portation of grain by the Hudson Boy 'I route under the existing climatic con i dltions is quite illusory. Nevertheless, the Government at Ottawa put the job I through while the House Was prepar- ing for prorogation. many members , having left for home, and the Governor: ( General and his suite being waiting to» f to perform the closing ceremony. Itl is true that the Government did not in l, ;. this instance go the whole length of its} 1 tether. At present only one half thei l subsidy is be to granted and this to be l t paid only on the completion ot the that r 125 miles ofthe road, the balance i'? . be paid when the whole line is com- - pleted. But this proviso will not hinder‘ e the promoters as the Globe puts it trom i e tinaneing on the strength of so hand-l l some a subsidy. They can raise , enough to build halt the line after a l' fashion to give liberally to the election 1 fund and to leave "something for the l boy. " But an election is pending, and 'l, in this Hudson Bay project the tradi- '.e tional policy, unfortunately, of the Gow 'l; ment of the Dominion will, it is to be :t feared, receive a fresh i'lustration. in of bribing the electors of Canada with l their own money. tle autuf my crop? This is 'p:euet ally cry hero, and we are glad to know nu cattle have bet-n potuulv:l lwrc Better so. 'Pr, CATJIHUI {unwrap xx 1 One nhurt puff "tthe In Blower, ”1;.pr with n Agnew": Cutmhal Pow I‘uwdcr over the \lll‘fnCl'I f Painlesu and delightful to stautly,yuy) ruy:rnayu.tly ' Iilitiuan at? The first match of the Junior Clubs of \ankerton and Durh: place M, Walkerton on Friday 3 resulted in .T victory for Dur under. Our, boys are maktng record at, this manly sport. DURHAM, lst Innings. w. Cameron. b Smyth. . . . . . .. w. Harris, trsmstli---- T. Canon. b Smyth. . . . .....' D. McFarlane. c Nelntve, b Bris’ F. Gram. h p.rifhttet.,. . . . A ~.A The ClllllliiBiilas l'.Uquu. LI ‘4’. __ A. McDougall. h Brisbane. . C. . . .. R. McFavlane. run nut. . . . . . . . . . .. J. Law-lie. not out.... _,,,........ C). Vain. c tihettield, b. Brisbane. . A. Laidlmv. h Brishanm . . . . . . . .. ' B. Stonehoutie, c hit-Intro. l, Sttty 'road....----'" \VALKERTON, 2nd Inning SHO ES T Have gone up from 25 to 50 per cent. but we mm a HITKV . Stork bought before the raise which we will sell at the OLD BIG 4 PRICES as long ati they last. Wontcn's Heavy Lace Shoes, me. Women's anclla Garters, 70c. . ‘Vomcu’s Pruuella Slippers. Elastic Front. one. . Misses' and Children's Shoes all sizes. Men's Boots & Shoes all tgtzet5 & prices. Best Ladios' Shoe Dressing, 10 and we a bottle. Floor Oil Cloth. lh yd. wide, 400 yd. Best Table Oil Cloth, 4lFin wide, in .Flne All-“7001 Double Fold Dress white Mid Colored, 25c yd. r Sergos. 25e. J. Atl-Wool Twilleg‘l Grey, Flannel, 16e yd. /31en'y Top Shins [Loni 25¢: up. Men's Under $11er & Drawers. 25c up. ‘Mou’s Socks. IN pair up. Men’s Rubbenne Stand Up Collars, 10e I Prints. Flannols and Factory Cotton each. . .. Lu...“ ....:,.... Best Castilenor Ortega] Soap, 7c. a Bar t Sex-RM. P..K. In}. Oren'" Top Shirts mm 25c up. ‘Mou’s Socks. IN pair, up. Prints. Flannels and Fnetory Ch ' at the lowest prices. I Big 3 lb Bar best Laundry Soul Best au. J npan Tea in town. T 1 Fer .. m, .. 7 ""E'm o. Whitlaufer, b. Grunt. . ... J. McKay. hGrm.t...... v. McNamara. I) McDougnlL F. Retmngcr. h Grant. . . . . ml H. Sheffield, h Grunt. . . . . . .. F. Brisbane. c Vuir. h McDot F. Klien. c Carson I) Grant. w. H. Smyth. stumped out 4 Huck,runmn.........A.. Mcrntee, not out. . . . . . . . .. .. Extrm‘.................... Total....--" we aunsoix in RAILWAY J. Ltwclln. run out.......---""" T. Carson, c Hve. b brisbane. . . . . . .. w. Cameron. i, Pve. v......"':" .. w. Harris. c \Vhlthufer. h Brislmne F. Grant, 0 McKay, b Pye. . . . . . . . .. D. lieFovlane, c Rho". b Brislune. . A. Laidlaw, r Brisbane, b. Pye: . . .. A. McDougnJl. c McKay, lt Brisbane C. Vain ruuoutW ...r. It. McFarhmc. b Pye. _ . ... ..r... Frm' B. Stouohov.se, not out.. . . . . . . . .. . .. EUt"rL.-..-.---"Cr/.'.'.' 1'0tnll Maidrhy tor Durham, (55. DURHAM F" nu SEMI-WED TN 10 TO G05tiNt'Tr'tC-- rt pal? of the lu'rnlh tiuuruglt ist rammed with mwh battle of Dr. Cntm-xhal Ihrwdvr, dilfnxen this )vcrthe “when: f the nasal s_ssage". and delightful to me. it "firms in- un! perntanrtltlycPres Catarrh, Kny oldm, Headache, Sore Tin-nut, Tun- l Deaf-:33. 60 cent... At McFARLASE Mvnouspm DURHAM. 2: m um: um (an In .NNN'. Bar best Laundry Scum. 180. or I r: J apart Tea in town. Try a. II). Heavy Gnlva See our 8t.00 lot of Tinwm. Give Us a Gall. We Want , - - ._ A anon..." DOWNS WALKERTON -0- UPPER TOWN- ,liii if iliawut tcDouiral1. . . . . .. the Junior Cricket and Durham took on Friday last, and ' for Durham. at,' 'i,'iiiiiastu1 2nd Innings, iiEiiLsctsr as CO- Ist Inning 11$")th h Grant llwrc yet {Kigali bane Tost, "t'diifiii"i'iti"'i? 'sp-by MI: " ,qu . the that a a; Fresh case of 200 tweed slippers Just in at the Big I. r. "Fine Ruin"? has been the common rs remark since Inst. Friday morning when I)!" this community woke In find the first to good. useful shower of the plenum was “on." The grain crops are diving well. Itl and a good turn out of straw ix expect: in 3 ed still. Grass in looking green and ' l root (THIN ill-v looking better where the ttty I droutli and tty left any to he bvuetitteh je The Pulvllc Lilvrnry is now o -n three be timer“! week, Tin-allay and WIC',', rs: evenings, from 7 too p. m. and Saturday to from 2 to 4 p. in. During these hours. the building is ulna open as a Reading m. Room. The large number of new hanks [er i recently plan-d an the shelves an a qreat attract ion. as they were an excel 3m 1ienrwosortrnettr. Miss Agnes Davis, o fy,ggs',,t2i' visiting at Owen ' und last week. Miss Mary Ellen TI Mary Burnet vi-xiu-d fr by and Mt. Found, last Rev. Peter Nichol Prenhytermn pulpit n ing. See our r, unolla Slippers just. in, Big 4. Mr. Wm. Bremner, preached in the Rocky on Sunday last. Rev. an Owen Sound pulpit. 18 '6 The only place in th Lr!rr. work in Photos is 13 Mrs. Graham. of (Iheulev her daughter's Mrs. Wsu. C Pm Tum-1'.~Snme 10 Jos. Firth left his buggy ege House shed on 1 bun s to go to th smlin turning found some small been ri/tuoved. No truce u iraukrspher, l4 J. L. Browne's Town. is now we', one is pleased witl eta. Mrs. Jno Firth is in Brantford, ing her daughter who in ver', Typhoid fever, " 9 U Mim Bentriee Ashury, m the gut-st of Mrs. H. Parker 0 U (I See the Big 4 ad Mrs. Fleminf. the guest of bl twice Miss E. IG. with Miss M.Cras this week. 421 16 0 bencvonu m an, .V‘...‘ -". _ _ [petition of former rears, but on the .mmtrarym "sake italive. progressive Show. replen- with new and illlo‘rvstiluz exhihifs. and special funnies that are pleasing and 'entertaining because of iheirimmenrie mpm'tions and rarity. The Prize List has hetut carefully and Lhoummzhly reviewed, revised und amended. and in now complete and u- haustive. The wants of the Exhibitors hu'oheon mrefullv studied. and con- ventions made wherever the Exhibitinn l could he iirGr)ortieyat.el?; "trerwrhened -- Imeruuity being displayed in Prizes of- tered with a viewto the Pxpamainn of the number and quali'v of exhibits. It, is therefore reasonable to oxpeet the Show will he one of unusual high order and merit. The accommodation: providod for holding: this Fair arc somnd to num- - l plenty of well mmngml mall- nnd pom, good water. and plenty of straw for ox- l hihitors of Livestock, spacioys buildings [ for other displays and cxhihivs. and the l mostm-ouhful grounds. with the hest l arrangements for public comfort, cheap railway and oxpms (ales. electric car: ', lathe gnmmls. live stock, maehinery and goods of all kinds tiring-red hv the .. __ _-.- -. a”. pm... THE WESTERN FAIR-The annual advertisement of the Western Fair has been received. and appears in number place in this issue. The Directors arr determine the people of ibis Province advanced and educative extr has not been witnessed n; grounds. It is their aim to no change in evernymsible particular th bedevoi of any stak- or wo petition of former Venn, " mnntrary ty map" It u Ity, I} IOcAL AND GENEBEE This Supplies the comimncr C cent piece or a ous .. .1. TY maven t'nllw"5 mm U...“ _ Mee"" . to th" gronmlh. live Hunk. lnm-hinvrv sbtE . ','1'C.'1' . . . mul grinds ofnll kinds mqiveved luv this "I"! n m) ottttss'rrrti" "r arty “th ”will" G T R caps' In the Zt'lmmls lln- cer'V ittf {mind thttrutt In tuky imlnmlmtl- his! . live stock minke-t avnllnlnln, tn.- , w'o.tT,1i.i.y.'.i',i, ly hav" tlry sir. “rm” t'trt"- vhoicest animals for sale. Mill a ii/tivy'""""" :u‘runling to law. number of buyers in "tteririatire. i . f.;.'?,",',',','.': "tyotyl"r , . The Srt‘rvtary titrt1em' that Spm‘inl At-' . 1./'it..i.f/,'i"i teid Mvuriciprtlity. Martians hav" lwi-n orefulty ~1-lt-r‘tml l "ut'h"tyr1'l"cv, '", t. if: ___ _ and contracted for without rt-gnnl tor - coat, procuring the very but :n-nilalnlv. 1 Durham Bulls For Sale. theaitn of the management to ~n"s‘_\" the iwnplt- and though tin-y may n-xxu-nul I ‘W' - nmrt- for the pleasure and "ovation of, Thre" urgiuh-rml mm your old Bull their Ttutoul"i then may he directly rr-- 'valves. ()m- Bn-gi~t.-xwl twn vr-ztr old. at turned this yt-nr thev know it will result 1 Lot 2 and 3 of two. Cott. l. Nurtuuuluv. iretreflcitrll.v in the futurP. ‘, Will e,cll ve.v.,vv.arrly. ( The (in-at “1;th East, Show amounting l Josrrrx ll ooraLA.ND. .(If GO people. rstwlass lurid: in tlm'r m, _ a g- ( respective 1.,i/,T.:aA'itllei'i'; Turks. Syri- Irut u.un. “rural 12th lhU.5. 7- ans. Bedouitrs an in ies of theTurkitdt Paluce, with their hormos. mum-ht and stzrte'.'-.'-Ph 'donkeys. will he the salient feature of l the Fair, and is the have“ and "10st 1 extensive special attraction "ver oftetwd in Canndian pulriic: The programme. is ltoo long to detail. hut the lending feats {tonsists of Human Pyramids. Sword ‘Cnmlmts. MuUcet. Gun and Dagmar Ex- nvisoa. Racine. Wrestling. Bedouin 7“ l'I‘I'unhliniz and Dancing. and the geunim- 7...": n. l \\ hirlniz. Huwlnig Dervishes and in n: won-u: (" Ttarkish Hnrem. no. Tu: Tu Munro m TEA our ‘. Ajax. the Diver, from a tnwnr 73 feet. " in Humll tank of water: Alvini. fired te.zseazce'-e'-'2c pl from n Cannon “turned to the Balltmlbt "Mon-cot!" Tui- pot up by the Indian 1.. " Patti-Ila Cotnrdv Company : Marlena. u. graph of an but qualitie- of Indie p. the Swinging Wire Artist t Summon. the LII- Ttwedo" they 'rf 1',t ?,iiit,r,'a,iN,t il.srtaN.msrtst man in the world: Trainf-d iifithi,j'p21lii'i.;.'i.1.'e'ie, it oeUrin a' with! sl Annuals. Dun ' the must. nlnlun‘atr dis- Ciiriai,/reurianEi,tt purity 3nd W. tl play of Fireworks each evening. RI “in! tts, I lb. and stls Wad W i) Thosewho desire Prize List, or Pro- mgdus , grammes giving: full information ofthe au. oooo ttgttKERt5 “up IT. il ',it,.t/,?it,te',t',"','o Irril, 2ir,i.1i,olli' nf sale of “WW an. mot W it. an his: Ionic: u trtvi P es s mu a read tho Secret»! V. 15' {Kim This A. Bruwnv. who will he rods-' - “YT“ a oo. 0 cd to send them free to unv address. i Tt nod " Front amt East. Toronto. m" '""i'iTriiGuvr 25c. Heavy Galvanized u qt. “T&B” _ Those wh gmunuys g Wm. Bnexpner. of Owen Agnes Davis, of the 3rd Con . ...-, -. 3“... uiutl-r‘s it "Tun A. Browne's nrw Studio. is now well [mtnmiu-d. pleased with his beautiful The fa tag IWant Your Trade~ :lvllc Lihrary is now o n three week. Tin-May and WIC','. 1, from 7 too p. m. and Saturday o 4 p. In. During these hours. ding is "lrso open as a Reading The large number of new hooks place-d an the 'shelves are a. tract ion. as they Were an excel- )por cent, but we had a large raise which we will sell at the f Ellen Turnhull and Miss t visited friends in Nurmun- F'otemt last week. pplics a long felt want, giving mar one 20 cent. plug, or a 10 . or a 5 cent piece of the fam- e B" brand of pure Virginia pining. of Mt. Forest, was of B Is. Lam-Hr, and her E. Kenny Rpm" some days, LCl-mvfunl the fove part. of Dn'uun-n ' u. U .. _ .. r, - the Rocky Saugeen church at. Rev. Mr. Little tiiled 9 of Unis Province nucli'nn And Mueative exhibition as wen witnessed upon their m. of Chetdey is visiting at 'y Mrs. Wsu. Calder. arr.-Some 10 days ago M r. ft his buggy at the Mid- , shed on the tHugeen '10 Gi; si2tiG, and of) ne- 1sotne small parcels had I, No trace of the thief. by???” 'Cf m to no change the Fair Je particular that it shall " stale or worn out I'e- T&8"isonewypiw~ this week, 20c tweed slippers just SMOKING Nullll al will lmcupy the next Sunday morn. the County to get is at Browne‘s the of water: Alvini. flrM attached to the Railway Iv Company: :Naurtella. Fire Artist t Sigmam. tht her sist er's in ntfnrd. amend- il very ill of of Atwood, is and G alters. Pail, 25e. Sound, :1 to give and u- ihiiritots and con- :xhihition Lower E very Calmi- sa Town Hall Glenelg. July 8th. 185. l The Council met this day pursuantw adjourament. All the members pres- ent. The Reva in theclmir. Minn” ot last meeying read and confirmed. Communications read as followm Jeri cpl: Lee and 24 Others. asking grant to' "fomplete cmsswuy on con. 12: Jame“ ) P. tine. copy of resolution of Hollnnd Conic“: P. J. Malone, relative to ur- Iem-s of taxes; w. J. Mitchell and c. Ruu‘age. accounts for advertising: H. C. O‘Connor. relative to Culvert on Durham Road, and several accounts for gravel. - .. Cma - ‘77 '11.... .w.r,-s.gegt 5.... w. MeFaddrn-ritaplerr:-a'hat whereas a Inter hadlmn served upon the Reeve from H. P. O'Conner asking for certain works to be done in reference to hack- water on lots 11 and w.. con. I, N. D. R. We consider there is tsuteViettb outlet for the water on the original or mit ured water cmtrNe on lot, ll, con. 1. N. D. R. and it found not. to be rmtheiertt for that ’puzzpose we “and ready m make it. so. - c-n... 1““ Mani-,1. the Reeve to mm u “an... ....- if Jaisri - k we Man rc . w ma cit Bo. Eng we hereby led',',','.?,,", the Reeve to defer any action that may be entered in the "saae.uiferiy11. limb- MeFudden-rnar the commiw sioner tor T%srxi No. 4 be granud $50 an a'Gi,'dfT'/,t, to moi-L a similar grant by ullnn Council to out, down what. Iii known in 1wdinghatu'q Hill on (own- line Gienelg and iiuiini--carried. M cFadden - A A rruwum i bls -That the Clerk he itttqtrucUNl to write to the Crown Land's Department making for a reply to his blur of May Nth but. re- Utive to Pale-m for part id Iot'28 am. 7. ‘Glenelg. County of dtes.--curried. _ - ‘l _ “v-4!“ u.c...;.,. -i"iee - - . Cheques were hum-d ax follows J Roads and Bindgem $133.23; tgauriesartd Com- missions. will): Charity. $100.00; Itoad Scrnpers. $901!): Printi Ili'. Postage and Smuonery. $5.96; Mince] nevus. $1.75. The Council adjourned to August 19th at 10 a. m. to FAR)! you SALE on P2. Can. 7. Glenelg. At thur. Durham. [luncxu‘nm Ct up Is A "a'trr"""""'t American Rheumatism Curr, for Rheum» I tism and Scuralgn, ruiicnlly cum in l “Ll day.. its lemon upon the xyutem in remark l Able myahelioun. It removes at once the; cum ud thediweue immedxetclydiuw-nn.‘ The tir" done greatly benetita. 70 crab. Sold by McFArlane & Co. 1‘0me Ixncmmn FUrm-An un- hmken record of trtttNNer#eft in the vast in the but pmlsihlc mmmnm that t to To- ronto lndlmtrinl Exhihition of 1&5. which opens on the 2nd at septemrer. will he adisplny of nnrivnllud aitractive- l Hess. Many imprm'enwnu in the build- I I--. "u: mnnd-i have reett made for but "cvw yuan...» "in, rank) lndlmtriul Exhibition of 18W. which opens on the 2nd of Suptemlwr. will he idisplry of unrivallud numb-e- ness. Many impmvenwnm in the huth- 'mgs and grounds have reett made for cxlttvettiettee of cxhibitm-s and the mlilic. and with tho return of an em fi/ Pr"'" poritv the enterprise of (he nunmgenn'm will doulvtless he rm'ardrd by». (bomb I tgyC,'iSi,",," of the indttcettttmim Mfr: ed. T it volume of exhibits this est-mum will he larger and more diversified then P'. er Int-fore, and six-rial attractions of a bril- liant and eireiting character will be Ir sented. including the novel milimyl sin-duck- "The Belief of Laclm rw." 1 with gorgeous omental nceerosories and l F pymtrchnic effect on n scale of grandeur: ', and variety hitherto unequalled. The 1 “mu-m of ctterrp railway fares and ',1'Cs", id excursions trout far Mid mar Pun i;,-) all tn visit the fair at tritling oust and every one should take udvnnuxgo of the opportunity. as it embodied all (hat is bent worth wing and knowing in me- clmnicnl mare-$5 and scientific inven- tion. Ali entriex close on the 10th of August. Insect Powder, and Sticky NOTICE is hereby given that I have toursmittaed or delivered to the per mm mentions-d in the third and fuurth secrious of .. The Voters' List Act" the 'cat.','," required hy said section to he so de ivered. made pursuant to said an. of all persons appeirint.t by the but revised Asueouttrmt Kn" ofthmclid Munit'i .ylit,v w be entitled to. vote in the arid Iii))??, - w. ‘.._. ww n In Atoo",ou"e"' nu.- hr. .... ._‘,,_ - - w be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Elections for mvmhem of the IA-lnulmive AN-mhlv. and at Municipal Eleerion%, and that the said List was first pasted up in my alike. at Durham. on the 27th day of July. A. D, 1895 and re- mnim' thee for inspection. lib-clam are culled upon to examine the said list, and d any omissions Or any other mm ant found the-rm" to Lake immediuu‘ pin-Ming! to have the said 0mm; cor- routed according to law. Pure Paris Green AT PABKER’S. Mumcipalily of the Town of Durham in Courdy of Greg. New _t."ll buggy: for mlac J. A. unter, UpperTn Texan F17 Turnip Seed Thu-0 Iteg cnlves. One f [In 2 and 'd I Will sell rem Voters' List, I895. IIYUIIWOILD - - -- - "te"aiesehe.ao-S"-u'.e-r-"' W At Parker's Drug Store. "W" Tank pot up by mqlndhn Tn wugmpkdthb-cquflmoflmfin an. 'Ah.u,t'G'Uy"tiirtiiirrieer'a'htd': finds-ofchunndiummti-vhyth votitutt MVCIIM will: 001an {hearth-ll 'iiiiiiiiiiiie'n,rStft marina-aw. 'tt,tf,rcll"ttTh"tl'riiirUsTsas-"'"'"'T Land Plaster foriTurnips, OLENELG COUNCIL. we lhwiuvrxd "no ye ti. One "rtei"aettd two 2 and 'd at two. Can. l, sell reasonahly. niecuuna .u. "n .._"'_ - , Asu-mhlv. and m. Municipal and that thus-13d List was first in my omce. at Durham. on ny of July. A. D. 1895 and m- m for iivepertion.. Electors upon to examine the said list, omissions or any other mun then-m to take immediate Camp t'.6 A 'Ute-South I Parker’: 3.; ROME Bhutan. of the said Municipality Tith. 1895. ,.-,,..~‘ Fodder Corn, Millet, Hung Nder, Hellebore, ticky Fly Paper J . S. BLACK. Clerk .p ' {trim-m! Apply; l horse fun Town. Dun ham. , complete Draggist d: scedsn: '_"1"i."i""""', WATCHES, Turnips, Corn, Potatoes, vegetables, ae.. Bags of 185 & 200 lbs. _ - "',iji) PARKER’S. teasing AT PARKER’S. Flour per mom m"..- oat-t " ........ Sham " ........ Bun " ........ Fall When per bum! Spring Whoa: .. "uta. " Barley, Pontoon. Hay ter ton Wu}. foam. " ... o " to Ely per ton .................. n 00 to Beat. fore gamma)" 100 8 00 to Bed. band " " 8 MI to Park. " .................. l BO to Kid“. " ......... ........ 4 00 to Sheepskins. -ttt..........- o " to Batten)"m.................. 0 Itto Eggs. per do: ............... o 8 to Wool per lb. ............... 20 to Turkey: per m.............. 0 07 to }Geeso " ............... o 04 to “Mid“. " ............ " 05 to Cbickem. per pair ....... 25 to ‘Applcs per In: m........... 0 40 to HARNESS! _ HARNESS! tion. ForaSet of Team. Single, DouMe Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs. Blankets, Belts, Curry Combs an anything in the wayof horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Park last, No. a in the row ham. cxrettasiuittg ' urn-s. mu p midi-nee of the Rev. C. Cat which thee in a brick " a may pantry. two ctosets.kitchett.w 40 hrls. brick cistvru and " A never failing well beside tl door. Att orchanl. a hawk drivrigf shed. A suitable as reti tanner. Farmers and others atten- dsn: an, Durham. ",r"""At"filir1r:ir Prices. a N GAMER-01B CASE FOR Him-s AND Tttpow Fot Service. This splendid animal ' was imported from the United Sums and was; winncrof tout Prim at the WorWs Fair. Chicago. Themnghhred Chester White Bear, 'Washington,' April ttrd. DURHAM MARKET, Apply to PARKER’S. SILVERWARE. " FOR SALE. "MIL J. P. TELFORU. Harlin". Durham. Out arian & Buckwheat Poison Pads BOULDEN C:'.", - $1.00. Hun-Es: Make". Durham Cowtt of Duf- " pit-urn! “he ('nlnm) on Laue. Gnu-uni. languid MN. I “and M- iettv. Lima wk hurl: and " .pot fat ' to to to to to 055 1350 350 022 oo" oe; 006 so 000 IO ll 't,

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