West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Aug 1895, p. 5

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Fag, ES ' gand ear's ed " Mr. Jas. Gan came home for a brief holiday Tuesday last. Second hand lricvcle for sale cheap. J. A. Hunter. Upper Town. Mrs. Black, of FN,hertott Station. is whining her sun Dr. Black. of Paisley. Miss Marv Hill, of Euphmeia. is the guns! of Mr. John Collier. and other friends in (Hun-lg. this week. Mr. John Hannah, principel of Eu- m-nia School is Hailing at Mr. James 3t {um W: M ahlv' and mi lonvm daughter LOCAL AND GENERAL. rli M In umurn ls this-week. hear that Mr. Wm. 15:. who In“ hernia some time is improv- Normanby. r in Sensual art a papel 'yrfee'fc'i':75 W ar, Park lot No. 2. at present moupiud by the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tor sale. This but verydesinalrle location for a twtired fawn-r. Arpl.stto., - Sccmwsn'x. STI'DENT.~Mr-. T. T. Gadd pawn! a most t-reuitahle examin- ationattlte o. A. C. midsnmnwr ex- arnirtatioris. He stood 3n] an the honor list of the 1.st yvnr and is all around good. He ts mnployvdut practical wrrk Miss Gertie Stewart arrived home from Toronto this week. Ben Nevis Carup IxJ-I‘ls on FveUy,Nrl August and also on JULIA. Dr. Holt. is home again after a pro- hssional holiday of some weeks Hay we has" hum urld is selling at $10 a ton in Mt Fun-st and Pvicevilie. Presbyterian S. Svhool picnic in the Park next Thursday. and. He ts emirloyedat " the farm this sunnuor .,........r... One morning last week our Town was Manned at hearing the sound of flre arms. and thinking someone" wax getting hurt But on invieotigatio_q found than, our veteran sport-mum. Mr. hummues bad killed a Inn-go.- coon. The Yom i1 and Orclmrdvilk; foot ball . -- 7.4.“- not _ ‘wA-L SI Bunston. One mornir, nurl. Ln“. wr.. .""""'rT our veteran sportvuuun. Mr. Rommncs had killed a large coon. The Ycosilatul Orcllardvillo foot hall teams met, again one evening last week to try their luck. but atie was the ro- sulronee mum We think if our lmyq want to meet with any succeas they need “motive some as they have not done so Mr. Childs. from Walkerton, is visit.- ing at the Gardincr's. M r. w. Wintet has purchased a piano for himselfund family. Also Mrs. Gal- loway has Lrot, hrrself an organ and others are Lginking seriously of doing loway has other? are likewise. M M KIRK: " lax . Air. A. Hvxnli-rsnn had tho misfortune l to lose n. valuable hm Se last week. Ag Hwy wet'" hitching up the animal irl took frigliLnnd ran off with one long‘ mev chain trailing and having got. its l feet entangled with the chain tripped I forward and broke its neck. The pupils and parents of our Sunday School hm " spent a very pleasant after noon last \lene-sdav in Mr. B. sime bush. I icnicing. Vocal and instrumental music was rendered " Mr. Jackson and Mina King, of Mt. Forest. The yoppj people, munopolized the swings, TI'it, the old people talked abouc the dry weatlwr and wishing it would ruin. Mr. John HeArthur raised his bad last Week. size 51 x 58 feet. The frtum work was done by D, Brodie, the smug i walk by the Sardine Bros. i . ' Ce, -.......-" oractice same Abu, Mr. I Wm. which (an: Trstotuv.-we have on view m-imen stalk of Tinmthy hay sent Mr. Rum. Watson jr. from Rainy er district. lt measures 5 feet 4 was. and it the crop is to be jud red this, sample, and on" longer fill n sin-HY -t'iett Huy will be abuudnnt M rs. . Davis. of Ohio, in nc, weeks with her uncle PRICEVILLE Dixon mica his mammoth l is a model of neatuess, built, ay evening after Divine bed by Rev. J. A. Moti- ludcrnmr protein. the felt. Wark's Presbyterian led a most harm and l to Rev. Peter E. Nichol lich. The stipend pro- IX) per annum width-e. 305 and one month's Nichol is one of the. sie. ntcs of Knox and his I) rf $3. 2nd. 84, six ol twtrlve Inf $1 and) 'auryy took plan. Meafnrd on July y 27: Fltwhertoti, tluve matrhos , I. 1 at 2!”.400. and P. TELFI)RD. 2ndt " of u tl r' spending Mr. J oscph return art Aside from the dissensions in the Irish Home Rule Party, the retirement. oi'Mr. Gladstone, who alone was the only sueecssfulehampion of the Irish cause has been a mtent element in cooling the interest of the British elect- or in the Irish cause. Much was huprd from his successor, Lord Roscbery, but he proved a failure and his horse rac- ing propcnsities cooled the friendliness of the sNoneoutoiquists of England and 1'resbyteriatis of Scotland. Thu im- moralities ofthe race course were so offensive to reljgiuas, people that organs ot religious opinion suchustlie . llritiall Weekly " remonstrated with the Pre- mier and plainly indicated the injury being done to the Liberal Party by his paltmnuge of the Derby, but, to no Are now practically over, there be. ing only four seats to bu heard from. t'touti'sr'cy to tGuspcctations the Liber- al I'tt rty has sut,tttiucd a most crushing deteat, nothing like ithaving occurred since the days of the Stuarts. So com- }ileto is the success of the Conservative "arty that Lord Salisbury will be able to carry on the work of legislation with out the aid of the Libcrrl Unionist eon- tingent. Speculation is rife as a mat- terot' commas to the causes of this sudden revuluion ot public reeling against the Liberals. The rank and tile ot'thc working: men declare that they are Liberals as of yore, bat that the leadeis Were pursuing tads which did not commend themselves to the laboring classes, and that therefore they were resolved to tench them " lesson by turning them out. The charge may have been a true one and the treatment is undoubtedly ofa Very radical character, bat t1utbrtuuutrlv the wage-earner themsel res will he the great tsatt'urers, for the dial of reform in their interest has been turned back tor an indefinite period. patronage of the Derby, out, to no purnosc. Then the attack upon the House of Lords, too weak to be of any service to the cause bat suttieieutly pointed to rouse the landed interest; combined with the liquor interests pat upon its mettle by Sir William iiareot1rt's Local Option pol icy, formed tom-them strong combination in very many constitu- eneies. --Futr ways that are dark, for blood- thirstiness unparalled, U. H. Holmes is peculiar. The revelations taking place every day regarding this mat/s doings and alleged murders, 10min awry almost beyond bclicf. The " castle " in Chieago with crematorics, tarnaees, chopping blocks. etc. is some- thing llluubcard never dreamed of, and shows to what depths of depravity human nature can descend with the love otmoncy as a motive. The time has come that insurance companies will have to take such safe guards as will prevent possibilities of this deadly torm or lraud. ("NV Ive must congrat ulate the teachers of this vicinit . on the success their pupils have awhig'cd at the recent. Entrance Exatuination. There were no failures “ma Yarns we know. Miss L. Davgaypl, of Sullivan. had one tor Entrance. Mr. Joe Burnet one, Miss C. Purtutvlrough two, and Mr. Watt two for Entrance and one for P. S. Leaving Exam. Other students are awaiting the returns of the Primary and Junior Leaving Exams. HEART DISEASE RELIEVE!) IN 30 Mum: --Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives per- fect relief in all one: Orwuiie or Sympathetic Heart steaae in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is ' peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smother- iag Spells, Pain in Left Side Ind all syn: " toms of a Diseased Heart. Om: dos. count» can. Sold by McFu-lane & Co. #4:; _ ‘7 A tl Cure SICK HEADACHI und Rudd: in so ulnar-s tho Cutrd Tongue, Dun- ttesspAu?usnaty bin in the Sidn. mutton. Torpld Um. Bad Breath. to In] cur-d also rogulstet thtt bowels. van no. v0 14x5. Pllcl " Ont-rs a? Blue Smut. THE BRITISH ELECTIONS POWDERS NN' lull tl ttifii'dt Ghnwr,t. whodrptvtud this life an M1 day morning the Wh inst. in thvM. ymr uf his ago. tme wmmne orthekh net ot' neighbors and o. must depot wife and mm her and hrw last illness " s” lurk-f that some of her nearest , and dearest. friends did not think h' waLsitrtrNrtott to receive tlar, final :41"an Slip was a native of South Uisl. list' no»; Ctr.. Srutlnml. but, was marriml her. hushnurl, who survives hep, I)u,rnfvits, Unt.. over 40 years may, I hm tlu-y sum) nlm'ml to lenolg " with-(l upon Lot, 17, Cott. 6. wht Dwu- Fhl:totv--We " n- passing t hmugh mum-r u n-ymg liuu' of lulu us must people are mun-(- the universal cry is uIan Hm drought which has canard MH‘II n warmly of pasture that, many maple are surely lriml m know what to tlo with Ilu-ir stock, hlll. the genial slwwvrs of late have {In new life into the grain "l'UPN although there will be a shortage Hot, known lu-z'c for many yours. It has fallen) to tho lot of some of our fril-mls and In-ighlmrs to pass tlwough a grmll-x' trial of :Illlu-mion than thut of che chyughr in the loss of rvlatives "e'ltt' and dour to tiwm. an it, hL't'Unlt‘i nur painful duty this work to uhrunivle tin- llvat,h of two of out' esteermul friends und nt-ighbum. Tin- first was that.uf Mrs. Angm McDonald of the Cath Cum. Ghnni,t, who (lolmrlml (his life on Mon- day nun-Hing Lin-15th iust, in Lin-58m yu-ur of his ugh ts'he w,'u4otle of {ht-kind- w.st, ti' noighhnrs and a most devoted wife and mm het. and her last illness was 31» lurk-i Jat, mum-of her mun-est and and dean-st. friends did not think she w.ui so won to receive rhe [inn] Minimums. Sim was " unzin' of South Hist. inn-r- m-ss Ctr.. Srntinnnl. but, was married to iu-r lumbmxii. who survives her. in vett,led upon Lot, 17. Cott. o. when: Lhmugh the tuttirmr industry of them- svh-es and u atnrdv family of sonsand daughters with which Hwy wul'o- Messed soon made fcy Llwnmolves a comfortable Immv. "or rcumixm werufnllowod to lhuir iinul tvstitorplarre in St. Voter's Cemeteti, East (Hourly: by " vet'V lung" cuuvmu‘m- uf .surluwing tvUtives and James l?: x mule is stillt tw move fast. VMms 3Ivy..tjottkti, nomuupnnic them back and will remain two weeks, A flue blood cold of Dan. IGmnedyJr has been given up by the "ver." Mr. A. Conkey, who has [won attend- iruttat'gerpr'iwrtce at Flesheeton, was among the first chosen fur Tuesday's mulch. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLean returned from Cleveland last, week after having a very onjuyahle Lime. hut any "tltere's no place likc the Gvove." Mr. Hugh Manddc-n received some specitntis heads lately of Oregon’s abun- dant wheat crop, which have set him thinking of going there. Mr. ingus McLeod still suffers with his eye and will probably have to con- sult a hospital specialist. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, oftheS Line paid a visit to their son Jameslateiy. - Mr. D. Sinclair ise.ll smiles since re- lieved ofc,1rmvix}g milk. Me. Jas. Hen- derson draws his own and in. few others' Master Jas Mulroom _ .. r, ' *' ‘3' who has I Imam”) h . . teen week. g ere returned to Guelph last BIRTHS. WEttt- In Glenelg on Monds r, J 1 2qu the wife of Mr. Wus. '4r'eli'., a? 1 sun. McINNts--rn GlerMg, on the a3th Jul r, Lue wde of Mr. Peter Melnnis 'ly; son-still born. M Mr DEATHS. . wtLsos---In Brantford on July 26th. Mrs. Albert, wilsom--Gugrtei, of Mr. Jun. Firth. of town--agisd about 88 yams. Mowros-1n Glenelg, on July 29th, Mr. Alex. Mortcn, aged 76 years. t t' M M Cd ter Darcy E. Debun- SCOTCH TOWN, ammo. is on tt visit mun Mr. and Mrs. holin-ve it is some a last visited thnt this week ill remain Iv ham whtwe with M but, mm! ods M tik"fr, ifitif, Count for nuythi hd chamherm 87 King St. fl, You twp-wt him about his h1hillv~ yours. My long the tveatturmt " ryn lp kind and nature. Imu- veputatiouof" ficst via» Will be at Jamicson's Drug Store Mt. Forest, Tuesday, August 13th. “Knowledge, Skill and Bpeeiallh'xctttsioit Rum WESTERN FAIR WHEN W Iii] Ti] ill “EYE SPECIALIST tt rn EXPECT HELP! Live Stork, All other Final P 1litis ilin AtrtrrvvN " Piuvli, Having secured by Creditom' Sale at grant reduction the stock of Lately held Than ever, As the ly Kurt-based eluop tin it totlteirudva amine and Buy w these Moffat Sells ilfi-ilfiflil)l(l CANADA'S “WRITE LIVE London, Sept. llth to 2lst, l895. TORONTO. ONT He visits Durlrun twin,- r (-mpund grass growing. W.Tliddl" iulprnvvd the moi mill. Jle IS a hard wovkinur man Say nvighbm' could you kH-p y tle out of my crop? This is p:euet cry hero, and we are glad to km ('ATAIliill mzLu-zvrzn IN 10ioti0uINtrTrm- One short pm of the brunt]! tluuuvgh the Blower, hut-whet! with with bunk: of Dr. Agnew'a Cutm-vhnl Powder, diffuse:- this Powder ovurthe mrfacw f thenuual avsugcn. Paiulc.“ and delightful to um. it '/,l'i',C,'d in- atautly, and parmanently cure-s Catarrh, Hay Fey”, Cobb, Headache. Sore TIM-nut. Tou- nilitis and Dmcrvss, 'io cents. At MUFARLASI &C". BA OLD BIG l PRICES as 1011;; as they last. women's Heavy Lace Shoes. me. w woitteu's Prlmcila Slippers, _ Misses' and C,Uildrent's Shoes all sizes. Men': Best Ladies' Shoe Dressing, 1 Floor Oil Cloth, 15 yd. wide. 400 yd. Best Fine All-Wool Double Fold Dvess " telerges, 250. an]. All-T Men's Top Shirts rom 25c up. Mon' Men’s Socks. Ifhe pair, up. Men' Prints, Flnqno‘ls and anwry Cotton “an The Big Experience and Right Prices SHOES”! trims. L'luuuvna m... _ .._ w. ., -e V at the lowest prim-s. Best Castile or oatmeal map Big 3 lb Bar best Laundry Son». W. or 4 Bars for Sire. Best, 25c. J npan Tea in town. Try a. th. Heavy Galvanized " qt. Pail, See our 8t.00lot of Tiuware. Bett Ii." PM, hes. was. i. Baum Sac. at ml». 1m CROCKERY. GLASSWARE. GROCERIES, Etc. . . . 'o J. MOFFAT CANNOT BE HCRI’AHHX‘ now pro] Es'mnmsu E NTIHES CLOSE: Sepu-mlm- 12th. Dcpm'um-nh. Supt. 5th. "yrnvnts in Stakes, Aug. L5th A LP Give Us a Call. CUX'I'LED WITH EH ls tl pert him to know all s.|m<im-.~'.~a and part of My long experience in " cyo thud-IN of any 1-. hare cal-um} Int-the irsl clu.ss SIN'CLIHFL. UPPER TOWN. JR xumTus AND mmvsns AUG. 26th 'r'w"4;"e.r:'G",-t,r.4 Vac... I _ _. ~. Kn’ '2iisfi',f; a in isIt o 1333. STECK EXHEBITIUN Have gmxe up from 2.: Stuck lmugm lyfqre BEAN d lull' no owh yenr Cheap. , Sass." ttttt they all It Cl home MOFFAT Wild East rks. Skm-iks. may jolt this on Sat urdny l Gee theoat h. Mr. John of Si. Mr. 'r' sonlvrs of m nearlvw 'lot,. he divd m hasrc ing last m: by him~ urch. The h kn J. l Science nee D your pat daily th: mw tha' ti rt of his "IN m ret ll tront'.?a5tiOpt't' cent but we had a large before the raise which we will sell at the wu. .. W. .. -. - Slippers. Elastic Front. ahr. :es. Men's Boots & Shoes all size: & prices. Messing. 10 and 200 a bottle. Best Table Oil Cloth, 45in wide, in White and Colored, Mc yd. All-\Vool Twilled Grey Flannel, 16c yd. Men's Under Shirts & Drawers. 25c up. Men’s e,t,t.eri'" Stand Up Collars, 10e can . Best Castile-pr Gyms}! Soap, 7c. 3. Bat. " is ‘Ul We Want Your Trade- Is plepared to pay f "prices for Tweeds, Woollens, Blankets, Yarns, das., Three "T" Tweed Wears like leather. WOOL 200 Cash. 210 half Cash, half Trade. 22e Trade. Of Come and inspect our pricec and material before commit- ting yourself. Our Wham“. u the only penned, Into Aunt-liable medic!“ db- oovorod. Bow-re or uaprirurtpltsd arugula who ottmr Inform: medium: .1: glue or can. Alt foe Cook'- Cucon Root Compound. mu mm:- tute.or 'ttteta" " udG contain Donne In letter And we wittseud, ”and. by return man. Faun-1M pnruenhn tn mun onvolope. to ladle: only. a mm. mm Tho Cook Conmny, Wtudmrr.0ttt..outadts Said by an Druggisis. To Smokerg The Geo. E. Puckett A: Hamilton, our., have I market The Highest Possible 1?.Tf,t(iCC,rfi"si.,fj, Raid for Goods Sold. at the Lowest Living Prices! Dalglish's old Stand A Combination Pl11sr_1f, This Suppl the conslunm cent, piece or our; .. T' Tobacco, SHINGLES ! -itj'ifcis to Creditors The Rock y Sang To meet the wishes of their customers 19 Geo. E. fucker! x Son Co., Ltd., IN CASH 0R TRADE u 'T & B " SMUKINB TUBAGUU. Wotnep's grut1elley, Garters. 70c. . STEVENSON . TANN1ii1R, “Tan tututst"tkil" is unwary pine; Cedar Shingles Re Estate of Hugh Frasen If G7,t, " ', " x "tati'; Lt kroL, v:,,,..,,,?,.:, e gs: warm , Unis-3“ "Tow . McArthur S? L - .-C,lyi-l'-,l:s;,ev..':'.,'s, WOOL C. STEVENSON, Manager. FOR tz.sttC' iiit) Butter and. oplies a long felt want, giving att't' one 20 cent plug, or a 10 or a 5 cent piece of the tam. te B" brand of pure Virginia New Shipment of HARVEST and FALL BOOTS Just be Sold at Bottom Prices. Old S ()i,iy.itt1l,lyf, Erarvcr;;rt, quality, in Stock. In large quantities for ale at " Tweed Lgoon Mill. h. FERGUSON the highest wed upon the 1GGrisouna, “'7 Pk 'F'cirt,?v',t, [ tigt;4? 1 Car load of tho, PLO Wh. 1 Car load of the J 2 Car loads of TM BUG'GHHS. 1 Car load of Dunn These Goods It duringthc season. the Snack. FIRE INSURA M CALDER & L1"NrT.tirCr'i?,ToN .7 y - ,5! Rcl'if'r We h Insect Pow-tier, Heile'o0re, and Sticky Fly Paper Texan Fly Dressing AT annin Seed. Fodder Corn, Millet Turnip Seed tt WHATS At Paiikeis, Ihr,; Land Plaster for T1rni ps, W BOOTS, 1 Ind wt ure Paris Green AT PARKER’S. Thi only safe way to use a Strong Poison FOR SALE B Y tCE" See what we Have Get! in Ready to Wear Clothing MCFARLANE & CO. C. McAifizii"'ii'7i4U4 Potato ' I .00 sort W a. " Parker, For Ordered Clothin 4f) "" 1 ' If Ir: You WANT no 1eixi?itr (Biz-3:32.225; Worth Its cast as a ftftiliigt Druggist (S: Sccdsrcan, Durham. " Turnips, Corn, Potatoes, vegetables, ae- Bags of 185 & 200 lbs. F qhrWr.pWrerrra 'i‘ovxn. ])urhn In. HULL b ' “Luau. gas? PARKER’S. for EMU BEN! 'i? PARKER’S. HATS, "IRES ug Killer I00 lbs. Hungarian & Buckwheat PARKER’S. €119 2 ‘i'OWIi, URHAM. (2RANT. Jiiii'ere ! (il1jiR" uu Poison Pads SHIRTS and will Va. H SES Issued with your t R ROWE}. starting be sold Pick of cellar- 30 Lima

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