West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Ubr Brcen We have now been over a year in possession of the KevIEW, and whie eonscious of imperfections, have been much gratified at many warm compliâ€" mentary expressions bestowed upon our efforts. We intend that there shall be no retrogression, but continual adâ€" vanaciment in everthing that goes to make up a readable, newsy, local paser. _ We have bad in the past much valuable assistance from subâ€" Will our many / tinuing to speak ReviEw, preset port where oppo us toswell our a seribors. . As at the Revirew fro asa trial trip â€" 30 ets. ; to Jan. scribers at $1.2. â€"The Duke cf Argyle was married t Ripon on the 30th alt., to Miss Macâ€" Neil, daaghter of Sir R. McNeil, of the Court of Session, Edinburgh. Miss MacNeil has been one of the Queen‘s extra ladies of the bedchamber. The mnarriage was a quiet one owing to the death of Lord Colin Campbell, who died recently in India. | The ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Ripon, «ousin of the bride. â€" Among the preâ€" sents were several valuable gifts from the Queca. â€"Our readers will kn Burdens they have to be yapid rate at which the €anada has of late yea mp to its present gigant that the Ottawa Ministe sant reasons for refusing Thelp to the Auditorâ€"Ge: %hat useful official to gi~ ament of faets to the c *the Report for £894 the wome suggestive item Bais, a clerk in one of t In addicion t made provision scribers tor 13\ Canadian Annu formation. . At Week!v Globe #s sent abroad, pre: TDepartmental busin «an xccountof nearly #or his service. T\ sonly such items as 1 boat tares, railway *waiters, but, news] "Naundry, skaving : alises and umbrell whe one item, the ssont and suit formation. At present we still o Week!y Globe and REvIEW for â€" wear at €1.25. Or Review to end 1896 and Globe for one year for $1. Subscribe now. â€"A very intelliger wof the *Givbe‘ addr jyournal on road mak "that the subject is a 1 «ome, and that the tin rroads for the present 1 the subject is of such g that we propose in a aming up the write M. Ferdinand, the Prince of Pulgaria | still lingers in Western Europe : alâ€". though his mother, who _ evidently | has more pluck than her son, and who insists that hbe shall return to his atrepy and assume the reigns of government. And in this, no doubt, Princess Clementine will be obeyed. Pulgaria was called into existence by the Western Powers and erected inte an independent State as a buffer State ‘between Russia agarandizement and ‘FPurkish imbecility. .But ever since its ‘foundation Russian ‘intrigue has been \busily emploved in Bulgaria, so that tthe:yeung. King bas | no ‘bed of roses. JA @evocedl | patriot who |held:the â€"supâ€" nme'mwcr «6t iPrimme ‘Minister, who ~ruled in the interests of :the people of in. and <who often had eKrck- mated Russian intng, on many a al oceakien in history of his DURIILAM, AUC TO OUR FRIENDS. ak the bedcham! a quiet one ow Colin Campt n India. _ ‘The by the Bishop ide. Among eral valuable { â€"+ #â€"46~â€"â€"â€"â€" iC ST 8th, 1895 ow to Jan. 1st, 36, } heat and cold, air and wate new subscribers at | are somewbat dissimilar ev , 1897, to new su} I to those existing on the organism depending on th | necessarily be different also. «hy _ | ists in some DUL NOb IN &1 LC PCO fx{l'd?:tt’.z c:;‘xe bodies. _ But what the panicti:lflrj oc o‘ C acter of the organism, vegeiab its claims for supâ€" | animal, may be, say on our n« ty offers, and help | neighbors Venus or Mars, we ¢ v large list of subâ€" ’ even conjecture. â€" For as the chart i of an organism is always suited cement we OffeF | | fanm * e _ ; | environment, and as the conditic v to Jan. 1st "96, | heat and cold. air and water, etc. which led the crime ‘_gminr. ‘ rates we have ta bi !blc 1N= l _â€" _ ‘grog:z! The comptroller of ene of Wallace, has been acct â€" $1.530. | the School Questic * | with the bare and huw hounds. But this char this be laid at his door $1.50 f the e inâ€" sU â€"The old notion that, on the theory of probabilities, other planets besides our carth contains organic life, hbas been sustained by moderir discoveries in the chemistry of ligdt. For instance it may be regarded as certain that lmany elements known on this earth are present in the planctary bodies ‘ such as for instance hydrogen which ‘exiam so largely here, in the sus and on many of the stellar bodies in space. | Carbon also which is so essential an | element of organic life on the earth is | found abundantly distributed throughâ€" | out space haying been founrd in the | hedies and tails of comets, the atmosâ€" sharged with Russian proclivities, and he fears that he wil! be the first vietim at the hand of the avenger. However, most people will say that the obligation of public duty holds a first place. on the School Question, ol TUNN!NS 4 with the bare and hunting with the hounds. But this charge cannot auflcrl this be laid at his door. _ He has deâ€" clared himselfâ€" clearly to be a secu arâ€" ist in School matters, and to be utterly ‘ opposed to everything savouring of any connection between Church and Staite. In his opening address before the Grand Orange Lodge of Canada lately convened in Halifax, Mr. Walâ€" lace said, speaking of the Manitoba School Question, that the line of disâ€" tinetion between secular and religious edacatien is easily drawnâ€"the one | being the duty and care of the State, the other pertaining to the churches, [aml just in so far as the two are conâ€" joined in the Public Schools, to that lrxtcnt is the danger of Church and Grate alliance created. Mr. Wal Orp COUNTRY VISTTORS.â€"From the *Scottish Highlander,‘ published in Inverness, Scotland, we learn that Canadian _ visitors _ are numerous. Amoung others we notice the names of Mr Alex. Fraser, of the Toronto ‘Mail, Mr. Roderick Mc Kenzie, Of Lucknow, and one from our own town. â€" Wegive a short extract : * We‘hadâ€"also & visit from Mr. John Cameron, a native of Inverness, who left it forty years ago, sive publishers and new=paper . proâ€" pricters in the capital of Ontario. ,!l)‘he founder of the firm, whom we have met here a few years ago. is although a born here a few years ngo. is although a born Canadian..of Highland parentage, ‘bis father having been born on the Mackâ€" dutosh estates of Strathdearn, and his e o es ane o Pone in e s / o Oe en ennaty Sm de enas and is back to this country gst now :u; the representative of the J. B. Maclean @einpany, Limited, of Toronto, extenâ€" MR. WALLACE ON THE SCHOOL QUESTION. es other planets possess atmcsâ€" mough not possibly pertectly in every resrect with the mosphere. â€" The eonclusion, , ftrom all the facts known is f the supposition that life exâ€" ne but not in all the planetary But what the particular charâ€" the orgeanism, vegeiable or mptroller of Customs, Mr. has been accused of hedging chool Question, of running bare and hbunting with the But this charge cannot after dissimmar even in ALd!s ing on the earth, the nding on them would I1 as in other n in the importâ€" ere it is found even in arest annot acter to its tC Reeve aid, org« mittees, necessar The Chairman then mation of committees fo of getting exact inform following resolutions we up and carried. 1. Hayâ€"McGinnis.â€"TH ion Government be imme to for aid, viz., reduced cheap fodder, etc.â€"Carri cheay ECHOES FROM THE coMMITTE! MEETING AT DORNOCH Mr. R tr Bd Emt io Byc nc ie Wls ie Thompson‘s house, who .came from Egremont. His hay cvrop is above the average. A field of oats and one of peas equal to any I have scen in any part of the country. On another furm, owned by Alived Wilder from Egremont peas and oats are equaliy good. Wueien Aomenientins I have no doubt but the farmers in South. Grey will do all they can to over> come the Yresent emergency trusting in God to help them and may all beove:~ ruled for good though dark and myste:râ€" ious now. Yours sincerely, A. STEWART. ao P n ie T o is eA oo . Ne en eolca uen 2 S otrerel on information, : ions were then d th rawI The following ext1 lifeâ€"saving medicme bag enected IN SE daughter‘s case, and she hoped her tesâ€" timony might be the means of leading others similarly afflicted to give them a trial After writing theabove, the reportor again called on Mrs. Dore and read it to her, asking her if it was entirely corâ€" rect. She replied that she would like to give even stronger expression to her appreciation of this wonderful medicine. She further said that Pink Pills had greatly helped herself. She bad been suffering from the effects of an attack of la grippe, and the Pink Pills had reâ€" stored her to health. â€" Herdaughter also expressed her gratitude for the extraâ€" ordinary change this medicine had wrought in her health. A YOUNG GIRL RESCUED FROM AN In the case of young girls who are pale or sallow, listless. troubjed with a gluttering or palpitation of the beart, weak and easily tired, notime should be lost in taking a course of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood, and bring a glow of health to the cheeks. These pills are a posiâ€" tive cure for all troubles arising: from a vitiated condition or a shattered nervâ€" ous system. . They are & specific for troubles peculiar to females, correcting it was entirely corâ€" that she would like er expression to her wonderful medicine. hat Pink Pills had self. She bad been effects of an attack e Pink Pills had reâ€" 1. Her daughter also PiCedicee eronp /m Slune ciis " i e \| . r *"s~ & and E {"; L", it id We mthoaf c uk THc vâ€" FINCST TCA ‘ ; davmn tm ky reteviee REâ€" OPENINC H.ving secured by Creditors‘ Sale at ereat reduction the stock of Lately keld by MR. T. MOFFAT now prepared to offer Than ever. â€" As the stock wasoriginalâ€" ly purchased cheaply purchasers will fim}i it to their advantage to Call, Exâ€" amine and Buy what they need in these lines. Moffat Sells Cheap. Harvest i M M CATL DR THC FINCST TcA l :" In Tc WoRrto FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP Better Bargains rowers as a sample of th g‘:al. Therefore they us selection of the Tea and i S. J. MOFFAT All parties intere woOops PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. frm. ow Siz Packages Guaranteed to ty y 42 promptly, and permanently «e » A cure all forms of Nervous e AC Weakness, Emissions Sperm« a \ es atorrhea, Impotency and all £ A effectsof Abuse or Excesscs, & ?%‘ 4 P Mentat Worry, excessive use of Tobaceo, Opium or Stimuâ€" Before and AflCT. lants, which soon lead to Inâ€" girmilm. Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been proscribed over 35 years in thousands of aases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine kmown. Askdruggistfor Â¥ood‘s PhosphodIne; i ho offers some worthless modicine in placo of this, Ancloso price in letter, and wo will sond by return miail.. Price, one package, $1; siz, $5. One will please, siz will cure. Pamphiets free to any address, us T The Wood Company, t & ‘Windsor, Out., Canada« M Sold by all Drugz Durham, July 31st CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, Eic.‘‘. .. IN ITS NATIVE PURITY And we are ready for the INS IMPLEMENTS. Ete. > Seeo whatwe Have Got! A PERFECT TEA r‘,‘:»fim‘y‘gp‘fi ‘onsider such transfer. s interested will govern themâ€" selves accordingly. THOS. A. HARRIS, License Inspector, . July 31st, 1805. LNCE attended t Lower T lam‘s WAGONS raTs and CART rists Come O t famous Pertiva the gre 11 p by the Ind edkivearcy M D 1) 25 to 25 to 80 to 80 to 85 to 00 W s of Indian to to to to to to M hy they hilit son W1 OVV 1i 2 50 1 0C 0 90 0 90 0 0C 0 84 0 60 0 40 0 55 18 oftihoninton daly ol cce Ea&w,a?'éi:'i?*{};”!‘ ce nt Al TV INGS3T The Highest Gosods Sold ) which there is a bric | pantry, two closets, l }40 bris. brick cister | A never failing well | door, An orchard, driving shed. A si | retived farmer. Dalalish‘s old Sta Thoroughbred Choster W ‘Washingto 2L s owner s Durham Bull T} 11 WATCHES, MOWERS and DRILLS. tock of Spring Tooth HARROWS. @ fl @ T E M s a 7 an m Apj MARJ Th T. t s /A SILVERWARE. . McArthur‘s, H STONE & W I fo A New Shivment Sold FOR ly to MR. J. P. TELFORD 9 Vs is Me Ey m A ‘mx: Ga E: M : Butter and lBiggs‘! & us amicome moine ~Harris 1 DRILI SALE LLINGTON TC ! Qr Toroxto. OxT cON Arrister Durhan W ; is LCs Tj;‘l" Â¥e t 698 EP 55 uC it â€" Mc 4h B2 [( m *I: l 3 po 'g :‘ Py & Bs \J & SsU€ 16 I‘; at the Lowest Living Prices! of HARVEST and FALL BOOTS Just in, anrd w be Sold at Bottom Prices. U it ' °_ Upper Town, [hlfir S? DURHAM. Possible PRICES Paid for §\ 2 &6 g wail an: T Durham, May 1st () A4 One 0 EYERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. roll and iInspoect and be Convinced. g?ge sBaics @REHS BMA â€" Worthits cost asa fertilizen . CP@U The only safe way to use a Strong Poison _ FOR SALE BY MeFARLANE & CO. €, & J. McKechnie. We b W yal L THE CASH W CHAS. McKINNON. ADCOPTED BY NO NNNTREQ“!@ O pus _ Now on Hang ust in, ard will mall PrOofits. Wi be alWways Vehicies, ines, Etc. 7 PDurna‘m. Cuninze proimt dam bene the : M h and w barely manhoos The Ge " Ne :

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