West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 Aug 1895, p. 2

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miso at the came K. A. gold meda Axaé presented the name of the «of a disLingulahc #olks aud others epecially hired tor the : «ever he held, that Turke by the Eastern Powers, â€" «of 1856 and especially by #o reform iis goversmen .and further, that the tr gave Great Britain the p the pecessary reforms s fail todo so. He urge this case as a daty. est Mmarksnan ? moursawent wa Elayhurst. 2 pri hurst returning to Cand last week afforded his arms an opportunity their congratulations at hus achievedl, and cert been done without stin in Hamilton with a gra Dusdars Park. his & Eber 6red woung man o +; ecially go singmished 1 Â¥rince of W â€"with most Ca: «ld soil havin â€"The Montreal * Witness‘ says that the story is being diligently circulated among the Frerch habitants, that the Privy Council has ordered remedial legisiation to be enforced in Manitoba. There will be a rude awakening one of timse Gays: been done without stint winding up in Hamilton with a grand reception in Dusdurn Park, his comrades of the 13th battalion and the citizens of the * ambitious city " generally. FEome of .our Tory contemporaries say that this Zncident should be made use of for the pnrpose of bringing before the wage earuers of Great Britain and Ireland the claims and ad vantages of Canada as & field for emigration. True. But we would suggest that the throwing down of high teri®f walls and making .Canada a cheap plaze to tive in would ge much better service in that direc: tion. _ #eeD) tof the ed on cerem and announc Majesty‘s Go necessary ste} ment of the gt ure such refor in the circains tion has beâ€" in the cireamstances. Bat no legislaâ€" tion has beâ€"n foreshadowed in the Speech from the Throne, so that after passing of the estimates Parliament is expected tobe prorogued. . Two not able cvents haye occurred. _ Oneâ€"was the re election of Mr. Gully, who was elected as Sir Robert Peel‘s srecessor in the speakership during ‘ Lord Roseâ€" bery‘s administration. Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain were reported to Lave announced their intention of reâ€" moving him to make room for a s‘raight Tory, bat public opinion both iy.and outawide of Parliament was epâ€" gwéb to such action and thus the grentest deliberative Assembly in the world has shown that to preserve the â€"amcient signet .and pprestige of ; the Mouse of Con‘:‘mons-it clamna rise ~above party pol Another .«ppesode was the ho fifm’.l week and 3 sumâ€" ction by the Serjeant at Arms old seil having been torn in Manchest er, England, coming to Canada some yearsazo, he made his home in Hamilâ€" m where he is now emploved in one otf the machizre shops. Private Hayâ€" hurst returning to Canada from Bisley last week afforded his companions in arms an opportunity of expressing their congratulations at the honors be hus aclieved, and certainly this has been done without stint winding up real the â€"It is given on good authority that Sir Garnet Wolseley will succeed the Duke of Cainbridge as commander inâ€" chief of the British army. . All persons «eem to think that this is a happy atrocit] powerial impressitil iM .b and this taken together wi mark of Lord Salisbary in at the opening of Parliame would be a dangerous thi: Sularto disregard the wai infesting ish offic Madagascar, and her boasted attempts well. Latr at colonization and bringing the island | 20th Aug. i under French domination are mecting | barvesting with noensouragement. The Hovasare expectedly determined to repel the invaders has caused They are hinderimg the progress of the 1 from adl pa French inland, and are cuiting off | it is estimai their communication with their base of will be war supplies on the coast. _ In addition to | ing from these troubles the French troeps are board. Re falling thick and ftast before the | are alike fa malarial fever which prevails in the | to be in f interior. the present en ote tds sn able one fo â€"The Toronto "Globe " gives a full | been nothir report ot the speech lately delivered | _ And wha by Mr. Gladstone on the Armenian toba holds atrocities. The speech is a veryt reâ€" ; West Terri markable one. â€" At the time of its deâ€" | tions of rair livery it was said to hirve produced a | of frosts, hs powerfal impression in the country, ritories, esp and this taken together with the reâ€" pected to b mark of Lord Salisbary in his speech | one. The at the opening of Parliamenrt, that it failure by would be a dangerous thing for the comparativ Surmict6 disregard the warnings that | so with cul han been given him, may be the In Onta means of working up the Sultan and | warm weat the Sublime Porte to the gravity of the | have so fre pecasion. _ Mr. Gladstone said, the | growing er Armenian chrisiians were the most.} crops and â€" pacific and industrious, but that it] serious she geemed to be the settled policy of the passing a w Porte to exterminate them. For this | ally light purpose three classes of persons were abunrdance «mployed. 1, the Kurds a wild races and the s infesting the mountains. â€" 2, The Turkâ€" | taose who ¢ ish oflicials and 3, Turkish police | important f epecially hired for the work. Howâ€" In Quebe ever he held, that Turkey was bound | the .crops by the Eastern Powers, by the treaty | promise to: of 1856 and especially by that of 1878 h so reform ite government of Armenia, ~â€""The and further, tifaz_ the treaty of 1887 | ordination wave Eirrat Britain the nower to ffeet | :2.. af cha zalion Rifles, Ha under French dom with noensouragen determined to re They are hinderir Freneh ipland, ai their communicatic supplies on the coas these troubles the falling thick .anc gnulqrial fever wh interior. MaFKA livery â€"The Tor report ot the by Mr. Gla means ol ban been DURAAM,JAUGUST 22nd, 1895 e SU emMC P Te resel )ucen s abettors of the outrages, ced the intention of Her overnment to take the ps to secure the punishâ€" ruilty persons, and to sez rias as might be necessary LGans se ot Commons for resistâ€" of the Speaker. 1st luee Aeiww. 3h Parliament formally openâ€" vith the usual a‘s speech was It referred to aries in China OW Cl uldsTurkey vC Cuerc m t ist C B pt ct Reports from all points of Manitoba are to the effect that the erop prospects 3 are all that could be desired, and that if favorable weather continues the vield will exceed the estimates given. During the months of June and July there was abundance of rain, the warm weather produced a strong growth in June. July being of a lower temperaâ€" ture on the average, so that the grain filled slowly. _ Then with this there was an entire absence of frosts so that the crops have matured well. The Province is expecting to average 254 bush. of wheat per acre sown, so that the total yield is estimated at 29,139, 815 bush. Of cats 454 bush. to the acre is expected giving a total yield of 21,987,416 bush. Barley also givee® large yield being 354 bush. to the acre and an estimated total of 5,507,310 bush. Flax, rye anmi peas also yield well. Harvesting has begun, but the In Ontaiio, the recent rains and warm weather and the absence of frost have so freshened up the pastures and growing crops, but especially the late erops and roots, that the fear of any serious shoriage in fodder is rapidly passing away. The hay.cropis generâ€" ally light but this is set off by the abunrdance of straw in many districts 20th Aug. is given as the date when barvesting will be general and the unâ€" expectedly large crop to be harvested has caused a demand for harvest hands from adl parts of the Province. In all it is estimated that about 5,700 men will be wanted, the wages offered beâ€" ing from $25 to $30 per month with board. Reports of roots and potutoes are alike favorable, and stock are said to be in fine condition. _ Aitogether the present season bas been a remarkâ€" able one for Manitoba, there baving been nothing like it since 1887. And what is thus reported of Maniâ€" toba holds good also for. the North West Territories where similar condiâ€" tions of rain and sunshine and absence of frosts, have prevailed. â€" Inthe Ter ritories, especially, the hay erop is exâ€" pected to be an exceedingly abundant one. The wild fruit crop however is a failure by reason of the rains and the comparative absence of sunshine, and so with cultivated fruit. e â€"The Hifticth ordination of Dr. ister of the Prest celcbrated â€" last church. Guelph, Presbytery, froru his former and latter congregations, from the Kirk sessions etc.â€"and in the eyening addresscs were delivered to a large congregation by several Rev. gentlemen, including Professor McLaren, of Toronto, and Prof. Grant. of Kingston. At the close an oil portrait of Dr. Wardrope was unveiled and presented to the conâ€" evegation. The New York *‘ Herald," as cuoted by the Montreal * Witness," says, that the looting of the mission . houses in Ching and the murder of the missionâ€" aries, was the work of Russian brigands These desperadoes have their lairs in the neighboring mountains. Like sim ilar characters the world over they seize their opportunity, and, in the unâ€" certainty and excitement and absence of the authority of law,â€"whigh by the way is never very strong in China,â€" the pastor jor twenty fve Wardrope‘s first charge Knox ehurch, Ottawa, th Bytown, where he made â€"Internal dissensions have already broken out in the ranks of the Liberal Party (British) thinned as their ranks have been. One would havesupposed that their recent misfortunes at the polis would have led the different sections to lay asidle, each "its own peculiar fad, and unite for the common good. But not so. The Radical wing is especially restive and refuses to act under Rosebery‘s Jeadership. Sir Charles Dilke, essentially an advenâ€" surer witbout character and without position, taking advantage of the dis turbance, offers his services asieader of the Radical wira. Â¥ â€"The use of clectritcity as a motive power is rapidly coming to the front, and se much so, that ere long the horseless carriage or automatic vehicle as it is cailed will displace the horse carriage on our public highways. The "Times Heraid" of Chicago, and the London "Engineer" baye arranged for two racesâ€"one to be held in the United States. and one in Englaud for the purpose of testing the adaptability of electrictity] to the propelling ot carriages along the public highway. The first of these races will be held on the 2nd November from Milwaukee to Chicago and is open to the world the prizes rangring from $500 to $1.000. From present indications, the ‘‘Scienâ€" tiffle American" says, that, not less than 75 carriages will enter the lists. Alrca@ly ounthe Baltimore and Ohio railroads electricity is successfully used for the purpose of propelling trains through a turnel three miles long, and if for that. distance,. why not for longer distances. & indance of straw in many districts 1 the splendid yield of .corn with se who have given attention to this portant fodder plant. n Quebec and the lower ProÂ¥inces : crops gencrally including hay mise to be a fair average. CROP REPORT. riversary of the ‘drope, as a minâ€" which prevailed at the close of the war especially, they swooped down from the mountains and attacked the mis sionaries, possibly, as being the least likely to offer any armed resistance, and the most likely to have goods and chat els that might be useful to them. Should the story be true, it does not excuse the indifference of the Chinese authorities. Dear Sir :â€"Literary instalments are as the date of this one proves, too often akin to financial ones, over due, being the word which oftentimes applies to each with equal forge. 1 trust, howâ€" ever, that my future punctuality will in some measure make amends for my preâ€" sent short comings. . A wet morning has driven me from the hay field to the T n en Ctoccte ehark shere T hbave MV MTBuntnnnei Lo e o im it C other forms of \'eqelulde.’!iffi. The iast two weeks have been superb wenther for the curing of our heavy hay crops. Wheat and oat harvest will commence in a couple of weeks hence, and to preâ€" sent appearances, . should satisfy the most exacting. _ I intend to bring East some samples of grain in the straw for the inspection of those who otherwise might have suspicions of my veracity. Your readers will please bear in mind, that we are not a paid emigrant agent, yet it has struck us as a feasible way of raising the wind to give a lecture, copâ€" jousiy illustmted_wiz;h fig]d and gurd‘s_n 2. 1O 8. hi. s in iraicingnn t ioi 0 C ter, and also if there is any wind in S, Grey to raise, .of which we have grave doubts, owing to the dmu?ht. in which case, the door money cou d be rednced to, say a yorker or dispensed with altoâ€" ' & se e n es aes Editor Review idns ccbon on npiin onl apaneih i: ooo Dennts a speciinens to select audiences in the gearest «chool houses, admission 17 cis. that is if we.get _hark this com.ing 'wiE- some measure make AMCRC® 100 0J 1O sent short comings. . A wet morning has driven me from the hay field to the shelter of my lowly shack, where I Lave resolved once more to pay unto yourself and readers of the ReviEw, my vyows, The 9th of August will appexr to you in the East a late date for haying. but it should be remembered that the season here has been like your own, an exceptâ€" jonal one, with this difference, that rain 1as fallen here with unprecedented frequency, so much so that low lying lanés have been drowned out, and high ones kept in a condition favorable for a «low yet lnxuriant growth of grass and 4 Msm l MR CECie Cat Tt na s P 20e m m n o LE Seop it gt:thcr. "*and you shall see what you shall see." h Monday, the 5th inst., was Fort Francis‘ first civic hohday, and a very creditable affair it was: ‘gaily decked steamers with streamers flyinihmught excursionists and pleasure seekers from Winnipeg.and other points, the town sprea.da?lbeml amount of bunting to the breeze, Rat Portage sent her best brass band (a very good one it wa.\ig high class base ball was given by F. .uaud C RETNT PUTDORAD OAE Cl Bc hovouls gitean sn R. P., resuiting in favor of the Fort, foot races and other games common on such occasions, _ All this and much more combined to make the affair a most enâ€" jovable one, while a large tent filled with the products of the farm and mine, made not a few of the more thoughtful gaze in amazement, and The more they gzazed, the more their wonder grew, That this rare spot should be but known to few." You are vory woell aware that gold is not in my line, consequently 1 wont touch it though 1 confess I would like to. _ New discoveries are being made every week and the samples of ore showz are undaubtedly very rich, some of them containing free gold and others again are of a refractory character. The discoverers are always poor men with no capital to develop their location. By erecting reduction works many of the owners are bolding claims at very high prices, some few xre selling at from $50.000 to $150.(%) for an eighty acre lot. The generat opinion is, that Capitalists have formed a combine to lie low form time, and freeze out the present owners after their attack of swelled head has somewhat abated. . Be that as it may, there are leads of gold running over a large tract of this district, but whether it is rich enough to wartant working I leaye experts to determine. . Ope thing I do observe and it is fhis, that many who have forsaken theirfarim in search of the precious metal, would have found it in greater quantity in a good sized potato pit put upon the market, but by this played out old fashioned method they would be minus the excitement, which is & consideration. Mr. Welsh, lof Toronto, is at present spending a few days visiting her daughâ€" ter Minnic, who is living with Mr. S. Ql{?ell. L PC neifine 2 raraiies He Had Tried Foreign and Local Phyâ€" sicians and was Operated Upon Without Suceessâ€"Dr. Williams Pink Pills Cured When all Othor Medicine Failed. From the Montreal Herald. Iustances of «marvelous cures by the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilis for Pale People are numerous, but the one reâ€" lated below is of special in terest, owing to the peculiar ity of the iliness, and aiso to the fact that in theâ€":present. instance the gentleman is well known in Montreâ€" al. Mr. Charles Frank, inspector of the mechanical departiment of the Bell Telâ€" ephone Co,. at 371 Aqueduct strect, and &'. Geo. Norrish, of Guelph ‘spent a few daysflast week visiting Mrs. D. Sharp and family. s amate Our teacher, Miss J. Treadgold, fhas returned to_our academy and resumed her duties. EC oat.: £2 s _ Mr. John Sirr and Mr. Geo. Sharpe of Glenelg left on Tuesday for the North West to seek their fortune. I feel as if a good sized pamphlet could be written on Rainy Riverism, but for a time I forbear lest some of your astute readers should anticipate more than the text of the beforementioned . lecture during the month of March next. Miss M. Large called on a number of her Murdoch h\icudsone day last week previous to her departureâ€"for her home in Toronto. Mr. John H. Brown bad the misâ€" fortune to be badly hurt a couple of weeks ago while shipping cattle from Holstein. â€" Aiter having loaded his catâ€" tle he attempted to step from the chuie into the side door of the baggage car while the train was moving but missed his footing and was orushc§ between the chute and the car. He was in great danger of Josing his life, as it was he had his othiar bone broken, his head cut and otherwise bruised, but he had the pluck to go through to Toronto bofore getting medical ard. With very best wishes to all of the friends in 8. Grey Editors included. I nemaisWours and Theirs Respectfully, Ropt. WarTsox, JR Another little son came to brighten the home of Mrâ€" Wm. Grasby a few day3 ago. The garden party held at Mr. Dunn‘s was a success; the evening was all that could be desired, in the early part the {oung people enjoyed themselves at rll playing after that the crowd wendâ€" ed their way to the commodious lawn where they partook of cake, ice cream, lemonade, coffee, ete. The amusements consisted of different plays, music and singing in alla very pleasant evening was spent. A MONTREALER RELATES HIS WONâ€" PERFUL EXPERIENCE. Haying. â€" Holidays. Gold IN DEEZP DESPAIR. mot? .'@‘w _ nnnn d t en zon â€"_â€"¢ 64. RAINY RIVER fsherwood, Aug & MURDOCH r. Oth who resides t 54 Argyle Avenue, in an interview with a Herald reporter, re lated the following wonderful cure by the use of Pink Pills, Mr. Frank, who is a Russign by birth, exceedingly inâ€" telligent, speaks several languages finâ€" ently, and is now apparently in good health. â€" "My iiness came about in a peâ€" culiar way," said Mr. Frank. ‘"Up to three years ago I was in the best of health. â€" About that time while in Glasâ€" gow, Scotland, where I was employed as a clerk in a hotel, and while sculling on the Clyde,. a storm came up, and 1 had it pretty rough for a while. I evâ€" ideotly â€" must have injured . myself internally, although I felt nothing at the time, On my way howe, however, [ fell helpless on the street, and had to be conveyed bhome in a cab, as my logs were utterly unable to hold me up. I Caught in a Storm on the Clyde. sician, who prescribed, but did me no good. I then called on Sir George Mcâ€" Leod, M. D. who also prescribed and adâ€" vised me to go to the hospital. I was averse to coing this, and he advisec me to try a change of climate, te‘ling me that iny bladder was affected, I acted ' on his sugpestion as to a chaage and came to Montreal. I did not do anyâ€" thing for a year as I wished to get scomâ€" pletely cured. _ All this time my urine was tainted with blood, altbough I was suffering uo_%, but this abrnormalL condition wias wurce of continual anâ€" xicty. I fisally went to the General Hospital, where the pbysician in charge advised me to stay, which I did. After remaining there for five weeks with no ‘ benefit, a consultation of physicians KIGUY, oL HEWIY . WELC AGL DAE OMLREE® AET Hospital, where the pbysician in charge advised me to stay, which I did, After remaining there for five weeks with no benefit, a consultation of physicians was Leld and an operation suggested to which I this time agreed. After the operation was performed I was no better, my condition remaining absolutely unâ€" changed. From this out I was continuâ€" was confined to bed for several days in the same helpless condition, when I rallied, but found that my urine was of w strange reddish bue. â€" Lcalled in a phyâ€" ally trying medicines and physicians, but derived no benefit from anything or anyone. 1 was in despair, as the physiâ€" cian, who had operated on me could not decide xs to my trouble. I visited the hospital once more, and they said they would operate again ; but I did not care to undergo a second and perhaps equally unsuccessful operation. â€" Some physiâ€" cians thought my trouble was consumpâ€" tion of the bladder, others that it was Bright‘s disease, but could not cure that strange bloody condition of my urine. "Finally I went to work for the Bell Telephone Co., some two years ago, where I worked myself up to my present position. But I was in a state of conâ€" stant anxiety, as I felt myself getting weaker all the time, and listless and sleepy and weak in thedegs. I was also pale and ill looking, no doubt owing to loss of blood. _ From a naturally cheerâ€" ful man I became morose, and gave up all hopes of ultimate recovery. One Saturday, some months ago, while walkâ€" ing along Bleury street, having seen the advertisment of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills in the Montreal Herald, I stopped at John R,. Lyons‘ drug store, apd bought a box. I had tried so m iny mediâ€" cines that I said to myself, ‘If they don‘t CALL AND SEE OUR s Collars, Pads, f Bits, Whips, | &C., &:c.-â€"| Heayy & Light Harness To suit You. E Workmanship Unsurpassed. :: Fine Choice.in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. en ts |. growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian cemiemees . gegwere as @ n .,m-&g-dyrm"?u%'mzflh;,a?y FIJ‘PS .-mu-.a-av-..g..&w,:._‘uuw A s h ® m..;..#p..m.m.m,ai.num i raik s , . sold in by e e msttgs f,"‘»‘&“‘mflmghe“; ALL ©0OD GroCERs KEEP IT. retales ,”mu‘“whâ€"'hnfl&»wfibn C. LE AVENS Jp.| . sygst, paytura 00. ® & (MLL AÂ¥Dj UL+ | _ â€" wand 18 Front Street EastToronto. cure me I can‘t be any worse off than before.‘ After taking the first box I felt stronger and more cheerful, although there was no change in the bloody conâ€" dition of my urine. But I felt encourâ€" ed and got three more boxes, determinâ€" ed to make a thorough trial of Pink Pills. After I had finished the second box I found my urine was gepting clearâ€" er, so I continued the use of the pills, taking two after each meal, ‘When I had finished the 3ed box my urine was quite clear, for the first time in three years. _ I was delighted, and contined taking the pills until I had finished six boxes. I am strong now and have had no recwrrence of the trouble, and as you can see, the flush of health shows itself in my face. To think that I was cured by the use of $3.00 worth of Dr. Wil liams‘ Pink Pills after trying a number of physicians and undergoing an operaâ€" tion in vain is a puzzle to me, and I am sorry that I didn‘t know about this grand medicine before, _ I would have willingly given $200 or $300 to have been guaranteed a cure by anyone." #I am willing," said Mr. Frank, in conclusion, "‘to see anyoue, who wishes to verify this interview, as I consider it my duty to my fellowâ€"men and a matter of gratitude to the marvellquscare their medicine has effected. Ehave come to the conclusion that Pink Pills are the best blood builders in existence, and I think everyone should try them." Riuruaramsa Conzgp IN A Day.â€"S0u8n American â€" Rheumatisim Cure, for Rheam®s tism and Neuraizia, radicaily cures in 1 to8. days. â€" Its actrion upoc the system is remark able mysterious. _ It removes at once the cause and the disease immedictely disappear®. The tirst dose greatly benetits. 75 cents. Sold by MoFarizne & Co, We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. ARNESS! ho lvene Ratisaly Day.â€"South Th REâ€"OPENING Having secured by Creditors‘ Sale at a great reduction the stock . of Lately held by MR. T. MOFF now prepared to offer Than ever. « As the stock wasoriginalâ€" iy purchased cheaply purchasers will flxni it to their advantage to Call, Exâ€" amine and Bay what they need in these lines. . The Implement Season is nearl4 over but we have a few DUfg! Democrats in Stock which we will sell at Cost in order to clear out OW any person in need of a BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT Come at onee and we will surprise you with Jow prices We have a large shipment of Stoves, Cutters and other Goods on the way and must have room. Money is going to be scarce this winter, we have arranged to loan amount of it on gocxf farm security at 54 and 6 per cent. straight loans. Moffat Sells Cheap. We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in stock Bell Karn and Doherty Organs at prices which will suit the times. Flour per 1001b ....... Oatmeal _ * Shorts ts Bran we Fali Wheat per bushel Sormuz Whoat * §;§é£ihs at Wholesale ! All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators, Straw in stock at our Show Reoms in Lower Town. Barley, m Potato®s, t Hay per tOn .........«+ Beet, fore quarters, p Beef, hind * Pork, * .ceceke Hidaos, 80 ..:....l.0ks Sheepâ€"king. exch..... Butter per Ib........... Eags, per doz ... Wool per Ib. ... Turkeys per Ib......... Goone PE Meverrzne Ducks.. ** Chicken«, per pair , Apples per bag ...... Park Lot, No. 2, in the Town of Durâ€" ham, containing 4 acres,{at.present the residence of the Rev. C. Cameron) on which there is a brick cottage, 6 rooms, pantry, two closets, kitchen,good cellar, 40 bris. brick cistern and wood shed. A never failing well beside the kitchen door. An oerchard, a bank barn and driving shed. A suitable spot for 1 rctiroff.-u'mcx-. Apply to To moot fhe wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Puckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market ' ous * T & B" brand of pure Virginia Tobaceb. » wWOODs PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. o en Siz Packages Guaranteed to P\ ied promptly. and permanently s @1 3G T all forms of Nervous EC 7 A AJ Weakness, Imissions, Spermâ€" * IJ atorrhea, Impotencyand alt «-TT‘&A.{. effects of Abuse or Ezcesses, uon Archaraiiy Montal Worry, excessive use of Tobaceo, Opiun or Stimuâ€" BCfOTG and AM' lants, which soon lead to Inâ€" Armity. Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Tlas been prescribed over 35 yoars in thousands of mu:lltbqovfly&kablaulfloud Medicine kmown, Askdraggistfor Wood‘s Phosphodine; if he offers some worthless modicine in place of this, inclose price in lotter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, $1; six, $5. One will please, sig will cure.. Pamphiots free to any addreas, 7 â€"The Wood Company, . Windsor, Ont,, Canade. Soll by ail Deugaists. To Smokers A Combinaticn Plug of This Supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famâ€" Fmcer Tea Jn Tnc WorL» ' -" FROM THE TEA PLANT TO TME TTA cUP THE Better Bargains S. J. MOFFAT "*p 11 "T & SMOKING TOBAGOE. the Indian Tea " ‘Teais put up by the Indian Tes **Monsoon" Tea is p esnenelnigren uin e hm in h dnc n ce on c‘ The Fall is a good time to buy & The tin tag *T & B "‘ is on every pisce. Marriage Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insurance promptly IN ITS NATIVE PURITY, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES, Etc. . . . CALDER & LIYVINGSTON, Agats, â€"A PERFECT TEA Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. FOR SALE. DERHAM MARKET. MX w ... 0 82 to # ... 0 55 to m ... 0 45 tc viz ... 0 45 to M nersnansnsacecses | 20. MO0] 30 quarters, per 100 3 00 to «s Lo 3 'P.O w nrensbare reaeorner O BOUACO Anfemesir on iss L090 to . each............ 0 45 to ID : Aomanasoal.) 10 19 o Hos@unnLI.. 0 10 10 R. J. P. TELFORD, Barrister, Durham, Ont. $2 25 to 2 25 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 0 70 to 0 00 to 0 07 to 0 04 to N 05 to 25 to 0 40 to ‘AT $2 O 60 0 .50 0 0C 0 08 0 05 0 60 18 50 OC 90 With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesmuan will pay better than engaging in farming. _ Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer, ‘Write for particulars. will stand for the summer months at hisowner‘s stable, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of Normanbv. A A good man im your district to repreâ€" sent the **Eppthill Nurscries of Canâ€" ada." _ Over 700 acres, The largest in the Dominion,. . Position gormauent. Salary or Commission to right man. ‘That fine specimen of the above popular breed of horses TERMS : $6.00 to Insure a Foal. The usual conditions govern all busi ness done,. ROBT. WATSON. FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported from the United States and was a winner of fou Prizes at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. Imported and Registered Clydesdals Stallion. The Crops are reported goodâ€"the yield and prospect of High Prices for farm produce No Famine in South Grey! And Winter requirementsâ€"to find out and Cheapest Goods. We Thorsushbred Chester White Is \mm* TEA « o o7 aberiwnle 4 ade mbmatshes) L WATCHES, Try <it, and you will be perfectly 3 satisfied. a Also a full assortment of Crock-a ery & Glassware Din-a ner, FTea and Toilet Sets j At Popular Prices. J Sold for 30c¢. {bâ€" Sold for 40c 1bâ€" Sold for 50c Ib J. GCAMERON A > delicious blend put up in 4 lbs. and 1 lbs. Lead Packages SILVERWARE. the right place to go for Fair Dealing ‘Washingion,‘ HICHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND ECCS. we have a few Buggies and STONE & WELLINGTON, ToroxnTo. OXT. Kurma T ea. Cutters, Turnip Cuiters, &c LOWER TOY. semone rse soudind 33 50 34 o+ Mc ic ts TEAS. TH 1. â€"â€" BOULDEN & Marness \ Pall Trade McARTHUR‘S STORE wily aitended to. Fall and Winter out our Stock N, DURHAM M ~lish‘s Old Stand, Upper Town, BOar, any Am S iDurham, May 1st, ‘95. Just Arrived And Sold at Lowest Possible Rrices. Cail and inspect and be Convinced. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. N., G. & J. McKechnie. â€"DEZLLER INâ€" Ail kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. We take this opportunity of thunking our customers for past patronage, and we are ccnvinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the samse. "Large Sales & Small Profits." Oue Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Smow Ball Wagous. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. 7 Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. g One Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. EVERYTHING BOVGHT FOR CASH @Rffl's Durkam. A«g. O0th,°9" BEm® | Worthisassalouim _ CBT The only sale way to use a Strong Poison oz FOR GALE BY â€" out where he can exchange his prodnuce for We have much pleasure in announcing that CHAS. MeKINNON ield and sample expected to turn out excellent. The produce gives the farmer Renewed Courage o be prepared for the P McFARLANE & CO. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be :@ ‘fi‘?fi&é&‘éfi%fii I "pelget o } figsh THE CASHâ€"â€" CHAS. McKINNON. ADCPTED BY and Good Goods at Right Prices. N., &6. & J. McKECHNIE. Now on Hang Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Seuffiers. ~Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" Full Stock, of Repaire always on hand. chines. wo W D .Ix MrORIAM.â€" Wisconsin, of bilic McKinmon, aged 32 was a native of 1 mother, three brot &all reside. _ He le the west and excep years ago has been the time of his deat a timber business. round his home, at than highty re«pec Touching letters of received from his / and Bruce and e wreaths that loving coffin, have by a te heen sent to his u extending our symy; ones. of the Town Councii was held on PTiâ€" day night last and a resolation carried to repeal that part of the rate byâ€"law filled in at $500 for current expenditure. A motion was then made to fill in the byâ€"law at $1000, while an amendmeit called for the insertion of $1500. Only two members voted for this latter sam, Messrs. Sparling and Calder, ans Ac~ cordingly the byâ€"law is filled in at $1000. ‘This raises the rate to 234 tenths mills, a rate not sufficient to keep us nor lift us out of debt but certainly a step in the right direction, though we believe the popular sympathy was with the efâ€" fort to raise $500 more, and thus get further out of toe woods." Councilâ€" men Whitmore, £ innee and Moore were absent. PLEASAXT RECXTOXNX.â€"Rev. Mr. Janâ€" gen was pleased, nay deligh:ted, last Satâ€" urday night, to have drvolg in upon bim quite unexpectedly an 0 college comâ€" panion of his in England some 10 or 12 vears ago. This gentlieman, Rev. Mr. Foster, pastor of a church in Southern Ohio for the past three years, was on a holiday trip to Toronto. the fame of whose quiet Sundâ€"y had reached him. While in Toronto be learned that his n!dfi!dmm was m Durbam, and his was soon made up to see him. He was four or five years in Tropical AÂ¥frica engaged in Mission work, and M thur. Durt Canal have t« 10 low water. Fox SaALk. Mcluntyre Bi MeJ ntyre or Miss Mary M visiting at Mr last week. attend the Kind« in Torouto. WAXTED.â€"A Apply at Durhrm. Africa engaged in AMission WoOTk, S gave some interesting talks in chunch and Sunday school on the peopie and his experiences among=t them. In the evening he preached an abic sermon. He left Monday morning» taking Mr. Jansen with him for a two week‘s holiâ€" The Misses Allan, of M guests of Miss May Mc werk. Miss Allie McRae left ; Mr. Arch. Burn town Tuesday. Miss Fitzgerald, o ing Miss Sarah Vo Money to loan. for good security. ( Towx CoUNcI Fary ror Sa T LOCAL AND GENERAL. H Jay <cir.â€"A special imeeling ‘ouncii was held on Friâ€" . and a resolution carried part of the rate byâ€"law 90 for current expenditure. : then made to }ill in the 0, while an amendmert insertion of $1500. Only voted for this latter sam, ling and Calder, an« Ac byâ€"law is filled in at £1000. e rate to 234 tentis mills, MBrient to keep us nor lift , but certainly a step in ction, though we believe ympathy was with the efâ€" $500 more, and thus get of the woods." Councilâ€" re, E innee and Moore were Recxiox.â€"Rev. Mr. Janâ€" ed, nay deligh:ted, last Satâ€" to have df:ls in upon bim tedly an ufllfi comâ€" in England some 10 or 12 [bis gentieman, Rev. Mr. L 2 mee t i "holo Neptbors Ee Ie o es ce en bis gentioman, Rev. Mr. of a church in Southern ast three yeurs, was on & to Toronto, the fame of B Mas. J. H. J M W W McA

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