West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 Aug 1895, p. 3

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EGGS. rey! lens oo RAT 'ourage to LEAVENS,@E SVENSON :the sun esale I Vauses. Grips. Huts. Wing mkets, Yarns, &c., a WELLINGTON. tight Prices. EVENSON, 7 - Managar. 11.3.5110. mans». 0R TRADE W mp5, T" Tweed NNER. SEE OUR OIL. 9.0m 800.. &c. u. 33:) leather. Pars. Highest surpassed . VP will Show ht'tl'ilil'i Hand foe fruit. small will my raring. Stud brtovro. ttarr, mt Best In the thing Write for Irma {not in uncut. rm. Ire half Calder & Livingatnn My” attention thin week to tho great Fun-gains they are offering on alrwheeled rigs. Some oAn'n.--Mr. Jun. Topham. of the Avenue ham 4 nan-s of oats averaging try feet. Next. for this famine country Miss Mary Main is visiting Cr town. Phat-mm stoufrville Mims Run.- uum. Mrs. Wr Miss E. Cal two mum] um " Lay Thect no. the price asked being swan. 1m: "uited the atrent. and he was to report tohis client and return if satisfactory to her. and complete the purchase. He arrived on Friduv. mm at once proceed- ed to close the deal. He waswite will- ing to deposit $5.0“) or $10. to bind the bargain, but Mr. Melina): was .abso M nu: Ill urlmmu .,,-,. r'6 T" . -. - _ the hay-gain. but Mr. Ill-Bum was also to deposit. u certain amount a“ a gunnin- tee that lo. would alit'k to his aural-Input and $1.3!) Wm; what Mr. )vavzm was Nulvpusit. Both HIP!) cannon; town, got the mum-v, weut, hack U. the farm. where the money Wax counted out. tterm sitogether. nml plaeed in a tin box. which Mr. :l1,cih",',' was whom un- til 4 o'clock. when th pm'vhnser would ram-n with the halmwn of the purchase money. The purchaser in the "ieatttirrte was to hold the key of the box. While these utmngemvms were going on a. second party, pat in an uppramncc, stating that he had walked from Galt io see Mr. King, who he had heard was at Mr. Bean's. The ne'w arrival was anxiouu to catch the train. and Mr. "King agreed!» drive him to Galt. The mos drove away. leaving with Mr. gun the box with the monev. They had not been gone long when Mr. Bean dacided to have; look inside the box. After some difBclr he secured a key that operwd it. And to his gnaw talt all it eoataiaed WM some wort lea papers _ He immediate” proere9ed to town. ink-rm! the police. and take- graphed to "diMerent points. but so far iioir-orthe 'iLLi.iLitsasbeeutoeand. 1y M .mvyu LOCAL Mill GENERAL. 513% iiir/aM" _ Tr TS SV M It! examinat M Dr M ll G. L. Mrt'rutl. of Wrt1kertott avn last Saturday and Slur st M than" ' Mr. am, but I naked t Ernfrrprix " Sohoql hm M. School a M as what Mr. 3rcBvan was Both men camc- to town. 'v. went. back ty the farm. money Wary coupled nu}, H M M ri:e§oints out that rl ha better results oot at the Urpart- tinallv "greed no do veins; $30.0“). This " he was to report arn if satisfactory to the. purchase. lie "wie Hornell. " f Mrs. Jnn. Cam [I M it H O D M n the .rman th in Mount Forest is considering the advisability ol' securing wuterwurks for five pruned ion. Large scrihhler with Naps ofCo. of Grey, Ontario and Avovld for 5 ceuts. At Me Farlaue's Mrs. Samuel Scott. Bunessun, has been visiting at Me. Hewiets'tr on the Pmd, Gleuelg. ' Mr. It. Chadwick. will attOml o. S. Coll. lust. witha view to wanting u. highm' grade " certiticate. lusw-vtnr Miller had two patrons l J the Carthage cheese factory up before Police Magistrate Tax-hum- in Listowcl last week for L'nupt-riug with their milk. and each wan- tinvd $251111d costs. this, The Baptist gar-1v" par”, owing to the down pour of rain, Fryiay evening last was a frsilure.-outsde. However the friends met at the homeot Mr. C. eBvown. Saturday night, and passed" pleasant time. Miss May MoUrm-kvn is the guest of fviends in Mt. Forest, this week, Miss Belle Hughes is visitmg tvivuds in Mt. Forest, this wcek. ' Mrs. Cocltviuto, pf Toronto, is visit; ing at; Mr. D. Jacksou's in town. Mei. Allan, Hr. was the guest ot her sun Thos. foe u. few tiayrs lush week tual Lizzie Laidlaw Monday rummwt, “liirh, to the onlookers was an inn-resting proccediug." "These human like tricks “on- resorted to uneven-ll tinter,," hut it, is ttol suitedhow long the old cow stood the “yawn-ht. Non-u! GREY ~PALI. Igxrrmrrro:i,.-, This yenr's Fall Show on the Pleasure Grounds at Owen Sound, Sept. 16, 17; 18 and 19 promises to far surpass the great Exhibition held last year. The pro- gram, which t,r/Tt.resciJg,"i,tg,' column, shows that the irectors have secured the very best attractions. Cyrene, the (‘lmractvr and acrobatic Dancer and Slack Wire Artiste. has a. world-wide reputation. La Belle Bros. in the Mexiean Revolving Ladder. Double Trapeze Jun will certainly prove a draw'- ing card. The Graham Bros. are also billed. The high stilt-walking clown and vontortiouist is well known in parts orGjcy. $2,500.00 cash are offer- ed in prizes. Two,turgecurtt.le sheds have bet-ut built. A large tent, formerly owned bv the woodhtidge Poultry Association, will contain the Poultry Exhibit. Accommodation 80le) feet will he fulnishi-d for machinery. A large qum-imn Will contain ten dittevent kinds of tish. The Speeding") the Hing and theycle Raprs on the splendid half mile track Will assist in drawing one of the largest crowds ever gathered in Owen Sound. Tug DELINEATOR. -In the Septeruhru. number of the Delhwntor which is vall- ed the Autumn Annnuncement Number tho display of fashions for the ruining Sl‘um)“ in iii.eg,',f,r,Teahv, large. and this st yles are ham some enough to suit, the most "xucrhtgtastt. This issue is ulsu notable for the variety and quality of its wading ninth-r. Mrs. Pryor": article on the' Social Code continues, and this month the debutante is considcrvd in a most, interesting way l Amy Raysnn, a. famous graduate of Girwn college. writes ofa givl's life there and at New. haut, the tio best known English eol.. legos for women ', Edith M. Thomas, in connection withrDr. S. R_._Eiliq§t: talks i:Gliirir, -rGtter. M mi, the'hiocial Code cor of svonuin ml a writers, and Mary Svhenok Woolruan practically treats of Plain Needlework as an employment. Mrs. Sara Miller Kirby comm no: hervalutvue. series of Kindergarten wdrt and Har- riet keith Forbes gives instructions lin Burnt, Detoruuiorts. The Household De- partments are well represented in the (Amusing mind f'reptritfiog,t of ‘Meats, “mum”... ...._- -.-rnmh _ Season“ Mu Cookery, The Hnusekeopur, and Preservation and Jtenovation. Instruvtion and F.ntettairsrrtettt are pro- vided in Around the Tea. Table. and Some Novel Autuieryentt, 'yyl,, the . _ ..34 mm..- H...“ _.-_._.r.Fr_.-" .V . Newer, Books are reviewed. In Knit- ting. Netting, matting and Crocheting new designs are illustrated. with de- scriptions for making. Subscription price of the Delitroator,, 'tst) per Year or 15 centsper single g'hr; . Address all communications m the Miryyufyr Pate lishing (Jo. of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond St; “West, Toronto, Ont. Laidlaw, Hattie Moftat,. Arthur and Campbell McIntyre left on to attend Hruiistcrh Hikh Ferguson Grunt goes to Walk- We wish them much auccuss , the educational heights. Is. itrrtrtttnon, a former graduate F:t'iN'A" oftice nnd now on the we and her sons Jno. n: Duvltam friends "main two weeks. as: of Mrs lekam onjuying Lhemscl 'ony Jno. and Jami-s friends at pun-mm. weeks. Mrs. Russ Mob-am while the themselves at. Mr. P ntett1. of the s'vith astm T ""'u $wr tit'7iu's'lraht;t1"u= ge'Mrdh Fr H WWF-, "Ft 'e-ve-ew'. _ WWW r" 'tlei/IW. I A ' (w t,e.Gi'r? w. "iv'ckis"i"iLit',t'ii)ai -.', y 37x5. Biiagaw9', 'EaStalIi8ti 19u. _. ,5. ugh ourb'tovk in cnwkm'y and couicctions m cxcelleut, vulue. S. J. Mum“. Laird Taylor. of Drulmz'c and Mrs. Taylor “Two in Durham on Tuesday. If you mm shimmering the pIu-chusc of Sugar, Ten "I' (Rim-v. n-ml Parka-r14 all. . Have you c "widen-d Mama's Adver- ust-menu and wliat, it moans to you? Miss Bella Tnylm' from London isa gut-ab of Miss Maggi" Hewitt, of the A name. We tInd it impusxihh- this wevk to i'ttul spuvv for some of uur currcspund- ents. and rogru-t it. x'nn he Pauli-9y Touched at all hnm'suf the day and nighr. The Durham School unopened on Monday with the following attendance in the dimurent voottk:r--Priueipal's room. 25: M 1'. Mills'. 51 ; Miss Banks, Cid; Miss 3ickrutzie's, M; Miss Gun's, 57: Miss Mereuith's, 74. About 26 Model- Lot3r.--0n Monday. Aug. a u check book. The fiudtu. will greatly oblige by returning to the Stundnnl Bank. Mr. D. Smith, of Dummyh way at the swam) ml ’l‘uvsday Lu "we-L his so". ICUY. Dr. Smith. Misses Lizzie and vetuened homo lust. plunsnnb vim with Sound and Mm-kdalo 'i'ui, this Miss 3ickettzie's, 56 Miss Mereuith's, H. “Les are expected. Cost. Ekasv.swrros.--Thcr following pupils from Durhmn Public School Ptuss- ed the Com. Exam. in July V-- walter Buchan, Louise Burner, Mat y Dal-gavel. Finlay Graham, Fergu- snn Gprrnt. Allie Grant. May Harlin, Lizzie Laidlaw. Hugh McCulmon. Arch. Kit-Loan. Norman M Cline. Campbell Me lntyre. Amy Meredith. 'Hattie Moffat, Peter MchugnJl. Ethel Moody. Rosella Man-ado. Robb. Reid. Douglas Suther- land. Rum. Scott, Chan-lie Vuir, Lona Wolf perm YT Mr. Tthe. Snmhrof Arthur was around selling fruit trees last week. Miss Maggie Sim is home from Toron- to cheering up the old homestead. There were two mnre quilriug bees on the 12th. lust. week. That’s right! next year in leap if”. _ Mr. Wm. _ ainyot Toryito was visiting wee". Our School was reopened on Monday wook. quex' seven long weeks of vacation. with a new Warner in the pvrsun of Miss Mary Scott. of Dromore _whom the Lrustcvs Were fortunate enough to in this vicinity week. - _ Mr. Wm. Willianrs is just, now in poor health. Ive hope soon to hear of' a change for the hut-r. Three lucky man on the Mth con. Mr. Jas. Shields has imported a milk drawer into his family last week and Malcolm NIL-Gillivury. a dish washer, while Alex. Drimmiu thinks his young baby girl has no equal. W hat might have been :1 smiuus acci- dent. Mr Will Swanstnn was up on the malfold of their new house fixing something about the roof. The scattold- ing gave wnv and Will and scattold fell together. be causing with a. few bruises Mr. Wm. Jon tut while going alon the road with his horse and buggy :mg meeting the milk wa. gon eei,thg, it was at Jim or the canss‘v the ortw took fright and ran «off. The animal bein$ light behind. knocked the dash board o the buggy, then up set it four times and all escaped safe and sound with the ex- ceptiorl of a ft.scu:tujcitrr ll the. horse. w Mm. ... - __.. W Mr. Duncan Sinclair, one the pioneers of this township passed away to where there is no return after a lingering ill. ness on the, 16th inet: at the t,tt,Nrt cg mesa uu u“; "n. may. ..- "a - I T 78 years. Deceased bore the frztilties of his body wnh Christian fortitude, ever trusting in a Glorious hereafter, His mortal remains were taken to the Wood.. land Cemetery. Thefurteral was very largelv attended there being over a hundred vehicles in the procession J,trr1.td with ssutpatltiz.inir friends, showin "Hie rear. respect in which he was Mt.' Fi,",', funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. M. Miller, of Holstein. . The 1ayy mum takh YEOVIL ITEMS :11le mediGine win-1:0 R reached an all lumisor the if Ontario provide that a. up ettPr si.toek sh/tll give "tyiiik 75y "publishing. u weekly newspaper. if 2d within the Asegtigm f0; I’dzrlry or two last Ham iet Anderson work afttus at very fricmls in Owvn vellum thinks he use in lnwn fovtt ve this wutek 91) I I m u ty l Try Forlorn {many a tit. ‘Yum He e under at": m'e cam-er Isis we A YAh Dear as my adopted country is to my heart, and Lhuugh I live buth her "Starry Fug," 1 can still join with en- {husieuam in "Canada my Canada." and mu proud of the "Maple Leaf“ so when my vacation mums l hailed a trip to Canada with joy 33 thes most plenum way in which to spend it. Arriving in Durham utter night fall a. feelingnf dismay seized Ine, at ihequiey new and dark. the Lime seeming much Inter there than the same hour here. This was soon dispelled by the “wrung awarded ttttt try the friends who met me with u hearty Canadian welcume. During my stay in Durham we waited all tlu, pluccn of mtuvest, among them Llu- oftiiwc. of the popular GREY liavmw. We “1-1-0 "ch with much couttesy and though it was a busy day with thrun, the Editor of the Rl-ZVXEW made us feel at home. The busy flow of talk inter- awn-d with jteit, and laughter. ditters much from the nu-chuuivul room of an American paper. where the type setting is done try tuachines. "Rev. E. A .Henry graduated from Knox College. Tor onto, this year. and was 50m Ln Brandon to supply the pul- pitof the Pveslr.vievitut church fur a few weeks. Ihrrlid not tutrtitt with Hm ex- pectation orrvceisit.g a call, but. front the first lime he preached be Immune n favorite with the congregation and '.hits pmvurful sermons nnd'very attractive social qualities, won for him a warm phwe III the hearts of the people, so that " Lln- coitsrrswttiotral meeting held in May lust ho was unanimously called to be theh. pastor. ' He tmteps up ttt his work in Brandon under nae munnlly favorable cirCum- nt4trtt'es, mull wu l" edict a successful can-m- for this popular young pnswr and his WM] ot minim-d congVeiraii?m." We did not stay long in one place, but flitted through Durham, Bum-mu,- Glui- elg, Murkdnlc. 'Priceville and back again tasting of the sweets of hospitality in every place. Canadians seem in be always hospitable nu matter how busy they may he and feeling the kindly spirit " the people, (me could but won- der that so many of the young folks wow u.. to the States. Wit';; all their "ntvrptnse--uut corres- pmnh-i.:.~s especially are enterprising-- che Canadians are vary conservative in up holding their own systems and most at all ttttur Educational System. as “we proved by a discunsion in which the wtitrw and a Port Arthur Teacher were involved. The P. A. T. not only holding UP the Canadian side. but running down a 1 others. Well ("l‘Iw-ry crow." etc.) towhut, is otllvd "this large and ill- tltientiul ortwirtwttiott , took iilaceshor.r- ly after. Me. Heuey and the peepln were addressed as is usual by membels of tlw Presbytery and thus he ls torm- nlly svt "purl. as n. minister ot the gospel. Tht. following frum the "Times" will gin- Iris Durham frivnds an idea of his prospects c- pritvr and a Port Arthur Teacher were involved. The P. A. '1'. not only holding u", the Canadian sido, but running down a 1 others. Well (“Every crow," etc.) My visit being brief. I could not pre- sume to think that, I had caught more than adim idea of the many sided. whole hem-ted, genial folk of Canada and their country. But in my mind is the kalei- dowupxc picture of the many handsome girls and the boys. if anything even better looling than the girls. As to their srenerosity, my wull filled lunch basket was a testimony to Americans for that. Hoping that I may soon have another opportunity to till in the outlim- impres- sions, which my mind received and also that the pleasure. of meeting may be mutual. 1 remain, Sincerely yours. A YANKEE. From a tTttmb issue of II Times 't we Ivar" ll at law and his: bride we: tt warn by a large miluln pot' the i "dlnwrt,ts, ol his uhurrh m liminlnn. His uruixmtinn‘ The annual rotnperition of the31st Het- tulion 1s_tle Association, which was com- plulvd on the Fleshertort range on tho b’OLh July. has been the most succvssful " any held during the pan ton years, both as regards the number of competi- lux-s and the kind of shouting done. About. 68 competitors Wore present as against 40 for the your 1894, and though there were few large individual svm-c-s the average showed a decidetl imprm‘mnenc over Meaford. Clarksburg.' Dun-hum and Floshertnn Uuulgauics. it was at mngvd that Nos. 2 and 1 (burgun- ies should shoot at Mearovd on the am July. Nos. 4aud0 at Flusherlon on the 30th and the rouminiug Companies at the Battalion headquarters. Owen Sound on the 27th July. for the team match the Leith Com- pany was again successful in holding the Cleland Cup with a score of 865, Flesherton being second with a score of 283. and Durham third with a Icon: of Regimental 3r"te1r--1Unges 200, 400 and 500 yards. . 200 yards standing I 400 and 500 any position. with head burger; Snider rifles; It handicap of 3 point; on all the Inter issues of Government. rifles, other than Government. issue; seven shuts at each range. PRIZE. COMPANY. POINTS. $5 00 Pte Young. . . . .. .No 4 91 $4 on SgtC Vumyyck. 2 81 83 I )0 $3 00 $3 00 “Smuil........ $300 “J SCuluu.... $3 a) bw Penny. _ .m... 82 00 6t M McDuu-dd $2 00 " 'strong....... 82 00 Capt Itorke..... $2 00Pte Moore...... 3200 "GHill....... $2 00 " Howe......, $2 00 Lieut Ramugm. 82 00 Pte H Vanwyck SI (X) t6 MCNab..... $1 oo Corp Firth..... $1 00 Rte Park. ...... $1 00"Sgt Spence... $1 0) PteS VarJtvyck $1110 'ttt (ll-ark.” $100 's Lawlor......, 6 62 $1 (X) 4rts Shouldice. .. .. 8 6t $1 00 ‘Capt 'l/lg: . . . . . 8 63 $100Pu-H01ar ...... f; 58 8100 " Sharp...‘.... 6 . 58 $1 00 " A Howe.... .. 2 56 "Harrdicappcd. Fleshorlon Extra Series March-No. a Company -mnge ZOOydn.. position kneel- ing, Snider tities, seven shots, a handi. cap of one point on all rifles other than Government issue. VALUE OF PRIZE ,COM. yrs. Vernier, $2 50 Pte McDonald 6 28 Cash, l Itil te'ytvtc?ry.yu1.e bd 25 Wm. Jraslty has returned to "home sweet home" after viewing for a few weeks the fascinating scenery of Cape Urokcr and Lions Head. *Heurt‘fnnum WM. no doubt the cause of his return. Take_her with ycy, next trip Billy. Pedagogue A. Baines hns unmixed for the fall term with the \Viarton Public school board. Mr. Baines has come to the front as one of thu most suceeutnl students and teachers of the wvince. We therefore congratulate the iarton School board in their choice, We are pleased to notice that Mr. C. R. McIntosh was successful in passing his Junior Leaving Errytiyatityt. --- Mr. Geo. skene and his daughter Miss Annie have retorye.d from thir visiting various winter of Interest ttt Munimbs and the orth West where- the have been rtTA".'TYL'tir the past. 'lil/la,'.', Rev. A. I.?. edingttitu. accgpied the guipit in the Iyesbsteria.n.u'htyyttt on &shhath last, the same being-his last sermon here belgrp ‘he‘ procegglsiga his wiytript? fVNitt csrirtral Iiidyc"".f M a.» "iiifi" 'ioirtCGiiTiiiGiaGliiiiiro1 men- ly by the loss of three of its premium: tet,",',':, ti Baines, A. McIntosh; and . ‘ore t. / dds-“WV »: _' man's IMPRESSIONS or CAN- ADA, ETC. 3lst BATTALION MATCHES, ta'ct'e'i'iti'ti2ys"p;ii"tfr,' W " My“ ."' 14¢: iWtlttim a", iNSM Pte Young. . . . ... Sgt, C Vunwyck. "Pte McC'hlluut.. . .. J W Vanwyck Ar W s Wilson. bt Sumil......... " J sctMou. .... REV. E. A. HERB? l 00 0 75 0 ll DORNOCH RIPPLES, 75 50 19le 1895. Pte McDonald Capt Spmule Pte w Clark " C,arr...... " Lawlnr... bb Parke.... Sgt Field.... Pte Clark. . .. le Brownridge " Sharp. . . .. of Ike “Brandon m-v. E. A. “wiry family welcomed hr luvmlwrs and .h on m-uving at; inn and Induction his lutge and in- , took plum-shunt- Maw 18 18 17 13 13 Tin-re are hundruls of people who cannot use their eyes for trllwe than it few minutes without a Muhttion or pan or of effort to road. There is winething going wrong with them' ores. Delays are expensive. The cChect thing would be to have their examined at once, but be sure you go to a‘mln who undersmnds his business'.. Such an one is 'Pr'ol.‘ Chamberlain; X011 aresafc in hishands and will mm m tipst cost as well as your eyesight. 57 King St. E, ly) YOUR EYES ACHE? for it, N. Grey Fail Exhibition Mund'y, htsil'r, Wed’y, %rsil'r, Sept. 16, 17,18 d; 19. 32.50000 CASH IN PRIZES. " $500.00 in Special Attractions. Tn Cyrene, La Belle Bros. & Graham Bros. I visit. Durlmm twice. each year. My large hunk on the "ye, "Haw to l'verevve it." van be hm! tree by writing VPrm Communal: 'Cf'ronu in olognrt. mm. no- ”we. tibet but! no eqn. .' Landun. tEug.y Tuna. ' Shh In uuiquo. you": and grudul. She In:- no rival '-.'.ow York Humid. ‘La Bella Bron. cannot M IWMMIK'” trerturuusrtu'-Tuet Tribuuu. 'Glnham Bron. mama! bo lurpuaou " High Wm Arthtta '--gixetstusttr. 'Netu1lowmtt momma will b closely nu povyrr'.-- Receiving and hinting Exhibits. Inside OWEN SOUND . Fongxoox. Receiving and placing Exhibits. AFTERNOON. ' 1. Judd": imido exttititts, ‘iucludin: poultry. 'l.. One mile [Haydn Butt». 3 beau. 3 3"?”“3- the ersiobruttrd Armada. 4. Pony Trot, 5'. " 'P-ulle Bros., Trnprzu Pertortntsuee. 6. Colt Trot or Pure. T. ur than: Mrorc,ttip,ts who Arman. h. [my Fire, Works. 9. Hum: by computing: 1mm. Lil 14.41.71; Q “new: l'crtomnn bra.," Revolvin- wot-kB. N.-ch n. tuinsiuu. Tuoulny Foxuxoow. Placing Ltve Stock. Arnmmmx. 1. Judging Liv. Stock. 2. Fumtn' Trot or Paco. a. Gubnm "not. Double, Hiets Wire and Truprle Aer. 4. Green Run. 5. Cyn-uc. London and Now York'r. Ftworite. 6. Open Trot at Pace. 7. one-hull mile Now-In liner. 3 ban. 8. las Boller Brom. Doublo Trnpcze. cc. 9. Bun-hitch- Btod.troy: It). Duy kimVH-rhn. It. Mum byeour {mung Bu 3. Band Solution. 2. Graham Bron. a. Twi. light Qunrunw. 1. La Belle Brom. Hub Rape Aucmnwn. s. Cnmel. Bolo. 6. Cyrus. Chm‘ta: and Ac rel-nun Dana-r. 7. La Belle Bro... Double Black Wire with terotmtic Clown. w. Cvrrn'. Wiiohet in full cvemLu continue. 9. Fire Worn. 1. Double um! Single Turn-oll'u. a. Huddle Homes. 3. 3 min. Trot or Paco. A. nut. Lady Driver. 5. (tonne. a. (hen Run. 7. Graham Bram s. Tram Tm: or Pure. 9. Ln. Belle Bros. 10. t an]. Lmlin' Htitle um). 11. Bolt Perform Ant-a over HunllI-u. 12. , mile Bicycla Hanna”. 13.1'My Hm Works. Magnum by Randi. N.-- Ati P, M. umud Panda ~qu Pr". Axum-XII. AllExmbiu Geopttivo stock mu" be on the ground Tum-13y. sept. 17th, u A. M. .. Members civic"! hot "vulnerable and not good to admit to evening cttteruiuguquL Tickou truati1vrtm1 will be annoyed. All entrie- pusitHcly eiosts Serf. mu " 12 Par, For lunhor psrtieuum we l’mo mu. Bill; Dodson. Lamond or apply to J. E. W'ouiJMllt ii. ll, L IEML‘N, President. Manager. W. k ERIE! Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton returned hut week froma month‘s visit,' ple.atuuarly spent with Brantford friends. / We take pleasure in con Humming Miss Fanny James and E.'." Waltetr Nichol, (who took their' second with ny- ing colors at the recent Exam} also Mr. Juo. McLeod who matriculatet . Our Dominles have' again resumed their domes. They will doubtless he much invigorated hy their Valuation. The Misses Simpshna. of Chin-Lg“. who visited their parents lastwctk. returned Wednesday. Mi; Gertie McLeod now teaches the young idea at, Swne's Scho- tl. 1 2'itgitgJ, Campbell visited our acad- my t e second day an" opening. "o imagine it would he asuddcn "drop in " on t e young idea as well as the Leach- implement. agent. who haw Ireen nonwoll for some time left, for his 'home at.blte Rocky Inst week. Wu E4171: be wdl soon return in good healthy t Miss Ava Rosa returned to her school in Palmerston. Master Hed. McKinnon, an of our worthy merchant. Mr. Neil McKinnou. is visiting the Weir family neu- Dur- mm. Mr. Geo. Tryon is pt present busily engaged building a new butcher shop. It is this week our sad duty to chron- icle the dumb of the lwlpumle of our most respected citizen in the pet-mu of Mrs. Alex. Brown, who died an. hee late residence. on the 25rd insl.. fed (is years. The funeral took place atfi')i'hi';'. and the remains were laid at, test in the Roeke ceutetttv. We willetodeavor to give a further notice next, week. Our fair was hut fairly attended Tuesday host. The buyers as well we the number of sales made were few. Prieeville Baptists haul the pleasure of listening u. the Rev. Mr. McGregor, of your town, Sunday last. lt is needless to say it was a. treat as Mr. McGregor is an able. eloquent and impressive speak- er, in tact, we think he Fauks second to none north of Toaonto. . Th? following Spock] Ant-en In", boon "- What might have goved a serious M:- cident occurred last “hath afternoon, after service in the Baptist church'. when Mr. McLean, who wasin charge of the Rev. Mr. Gardiner's horse. was leaving 'Lha'shpd’ the bridle slipped " an the horse took to tiight. but bug- gy and occupant escaped miraculously. ROCKY SAUGEEN. The following pmagmph Wu crowded out of this correspondence tteel& It may still be read with interest-E, Owing to the widely advertised meet- ing which mm held at Domoch New weeks ago in request for aid. exaggerat: ed, tales of posyitr-srtri.esen districts and starving: mule have been carried to all rum o the province and the result has men that scores of {armors fmlu the counties in the centh and southern part have fioeked into thin district to ft) those cattle which were to he had or their taking swam However we fear 'IIN Mvnocmod tottteirhottBs' mul. 1 _ ejegtjo‘d; "Wm were such that ties! so called 'iuittlertnters would not yenture inbo'ithe viciniSy about. Domoch without carrying their lunch buk'eto with them. fasting to he overtaken with hunger in a. region where they thought nothing could be found to appeue it. Sin lo Fore by Train and Boat Wednesday. t8th, FARMERS' DAY Tuesday. 17th. CHILDREN'S DAY PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Thursday, 19th, CITIZENS' DAY, Monday, ttith, OPENING DAY Mr. Archie McKiqnqn, our 'renit.1 Trousuror. nu lull o‘ gum; hidden: Im N.-ChihVcu uuder It " EYE SPECIALIST " in: filih xi; Pad: tr. Gmhum brunt o, h"it'iiritis'tiiii ix PRICEVI LLE, A Prunsuox Evsxxxo. unod. 2.' M --ON-- V £5150 TORONTO, ONT l. ' MACK”. main by Ranch. 8. ”Anne. t Twiligh: Wtro uni Trapeze . 7. Cyrano. Slack "h " tb. 1m “rho 1,710 on. m eeretary 41owed a. Budd} Park lot No. 2. at present occupied hy the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tor sale. This inn verydesirNrle location for a retired funnel: Appls.to, .., . mtAttr Dmmu: qumm IN 30 Mum --0r. Agnew'h Cure for the Heart given per- fect relief in all emu orututt'tt or Sympathetic 11eart Din-ut- in 30 minutes And lptodily eirectttacure. It is . peerless, remedy for Palpiucinn, Shortnen of Bram” Smother- ing Spells. Pain in Left Side and all lymp- wma of n Diuouod Heart. One dose contin- 00.. Sold by McFarland a Ca. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will rc-opon on MONDAY, AUGUST 26th Atil a. m., when chums will he formed far all grades of Teachers' Certificates, Pass and Honor Matriculation in Law, A rts and Medicine. and the Preliminary Exatuitsations for Entrance to the schools of Prruticrtl Srience. Dentistry, and Mmrxnncv. A full and? of nine teaehertc All Departments of Study in charge of experienced Specialists. THE OWEN S0lJlil0 COLLEGIATE Institute. 1gaaygyg:iyjisaygyitig5%%ii.5" HARNESS! tion. For a Set of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs. Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs. an anything in the wayof horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. . Single Harness from $12.00 up. Primary Examination. . . _ . . . . . ...iri Junior Leaving Exatuinestiott. . . . Ai Senior Leaving Examination. . . . At PM Matriculation . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .17 Senior and Honor Siatrieuurtiort. ' 6 For Boarding House lists. Announce manta. or other infornmticn apply In w. H. JENKINS. Principal The public realize that when we advertise an article, we always carry out what we ad- vertise. In spite of the dull times we have been kept so busy that we haven't been able to wait op ell our customers. People always like to come where there's a Crowd, because trherp0"erc)s , Crowd there must be Bargains to attract them there. We are going to DURING Of good quality in large quantities for Sale at The Rocky Saugeen Mill. A, FERGUSON. ‘NUTHING SUGGEEDS LIKE 8lj(W)8' Great Summer Clearing Sale. We haven't time to mention particularly anything this week but you can that whatever you buy fromyrs during this sale we will save you good money on it Imported and Registered ' Blydesdale Steinem That ttne specimen of the above popular breed of horses wtll stand for (be summer months It hisnwner’s stable. Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of Normulby. TERMS t $6.00 to Insure a. Foal. The usual conditions govern all busi- ness done, . ROBT. WATSON. RAMSAY d; MORLOCK ’- Fe, Seice. ibis splendid animal . “513:1 impo frdm the 'United Statid and was a winner of tout Print it the World's Pair, Chicago. . , April 3rd. TS. Thoroughbred chasm White Bqar, "hmshirurtaop " LORD Lamar..." SHINGLES ! Farmers and others atten- CASE FOR RIDES an THOMAS SMITH. There's no money in it for us but we want the room worse than we want the goody HARNESS! Cedar Shingles RECORD FOR I895: Has been proved lit) gs over again since we started our FOR THIS NEXT MONTH and in order to do so we will continue offering goods :th Keep the Ball a Rolling BOULDEN a po,, Harness Makers. V Durham AN OLD PROVERB ‘J. P. TELFORD. " Gut Throat” Prices D. R. DOBIE. _ Sec'y-Treas‘ TALLOW, UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. .33 Boots & Shoes. ;A direct Shipment of 20 1b. Chest New Japan Teas. Exceptionaly good value just to hand at Grant's. Call and get a sample. JAPAN TEA. Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. No breaking in needed, they" are made to fit the feet, C. L. GRANT. a.iri7 Trriu0EsUsiakiclihes last SHOES I The Big "HVutt7".V_r"" w‘ "a"... -"e"Fe . Woruen's Mneila Slippers. Elastic Front. ae. . V T _ -. _ Misses‘ and Childrtm1s Shoes all sizes. Men's Boots & Shoes all sizes & prices. Best Ladies' Shoe Dressing. 10 and 2n: A bottle. Floor Oil Cloth. " yd. wide. 400 yd. Best Table Oil Cloth. 45in wide. in Fuse All-Wool Double Fold Dress white and Colored. 25c rd. Sergei. 2Ge. d. All-Wool Twilled Grey Flannel, 16c yd. Men's Top Shirts Mi,, 250 up. Meir, Under Shirts & Drawn-rs. SK up. “ma. gm». Mk nxir up. Men's Ituhrerirre Stand Up Collar; 10:: 'irerRes. It. yd. Men‘s Top Shirts from 25c up. Men's Socks. IN pair up. Prints. Hume}: mud Fattory C - _ -----N 3mm lowest prices? Big s th Btsr host Laundry tsoap. he. Bath. Japan Tea in town. Try n lb. aEiijitgtaacmtir dk Go An honest Dollar's worth of Merchandise FOR As HosEsr Doraas Has‘bcen the Foundation of oar Success. A partial List of our ASI'OUNDING BARGAINS. _ 1.00. a 1hs. startdarsiGrauu1attd,ter 135.“. SUGAR BARGAINS; 690d Tea LK. per Finanpln 25e. per Very Fine "ik. I)” TEA BARGAINS ._ lit al) Extra India. Bunkmt Extra. Bree, MEASURE. an”... .m. ___ V Pare Moog: and J av l on t?itte.eg',glh' mm V Pure Spice-i. Ixyetf . “d... VAL' woiturn's Hegvy 'iiiria'ijiisiiiikr'ttrtKc' ’ v', -'"'""'" , MEASURE Cs), Not 0111} One; . See our $1.00 lot of Tinware. Give m n Gall We Want Your Trade. Another lot of our Celebrated C _ s'rnmm 3711mm Whita Wm. Englighxut. Canadian “and Cider. _ _ ". ~63 MIC. (‘l' w. a u- nu w." e Moog: and J av l Comm Ground on the premises as 251:6)”th 28ttrho' for tttarse. Sitt6 En: tiees, round uni \VholerClovm. Albpice. Chm peiTersrrtc. ete. Try our mixed Spices tor Pick] FOR“ " "aEPuatrillliejt, alL$EBSFliii5iL, Have gone up from 25 to 50 per cent. hat we had 1 large Stock bought. lgefore the raise which we will sell at the Dmggist & Seeds'man. Bathing: .. m, 8 lbs for $1.00. Extra lmpe m, 5 use for 81.10. No. Pee B, 5 tbs for 3200. Extra Nos ti -r lb, itu for. 82.25 mstzm: 902- wy,r,nto.u'rur1tt1yrGettrsCiyc ted for $1.00. u w alias. Light voip,. for in» tlti lbs. Light Brown for $1.00. V . .. V , "TE. 5 ii foe 31.75 Best "iiidiHiseperts,stbror_tr btton TOWN. = BLACK EA ennui TEA F,,', 3H3." “- - f,itiCiaGrt V Twice: fue " rCloves Allspice. Chums. Mamec our mixed Spices tor Pickling. .* Extra Imperial 200. per m. 5tbs. for _ Ne. No.13apao 3se.iycrrte.rt1hy.toiiBs 1-2mequ 50c. bsras,ssfdr8".k, -' -- - each. - BcsL Cast“: or Oatmeal Soap. Te, ' Bag V , ",r4BamforSi5t, " ": Heavy Galvanized " qt. Pail. 25c. be sure tLI y' O

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