West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Sep 1895, p. 2

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We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit e continuance of "Large Sales & Small Profits.' 1,000 FROM 10 to 5c EACH. TRY "OUR PEERLESS" - ' Two 200 Pages for 5 cts. The "Atlas" and "perfection" SCRIBBLERS School Opening TT MacFARLANE 4 Ali kinds of Farm macmnery, VUIIIUIca, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Just Mrhtil Durham, May 1 WHAT IN CONFECTIONS, CROCKERY. And BEAUTIFUL GLASSWARE. DON'T FORGET tBloai$0FS & School SUPPLIES. 19tit One Car Broekville Buggies, also (humus. and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chuham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the tamous Ramsay t>rttr--at fabulous prices. Frogt & Wood's Singe Apr?rumrr One Ca Hinde Aers, I Rakes. CHAS. MCKINNON M ----DEALER IN-- kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, "ans a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be dual“. ' .13. IT ue f the County 1:373:37 5:11:13: Maxwells‘s Light -ehearer than ever. FRUITS in Season. THE CASHr And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. YOU 31' iiJiGrs dud Tiger It a J. McKechnie. "iid0ffatl's All Ver w ell CHAS. McKINNON. ADOPTED BY the same. xug. Ot h, "O."S. on cover are the two best 5c Scrihiriers i than: Should Have One. NEED Cheap. Wagons, ECEIVED FOR G. d; J. MCKECHNIE. 'ee New on Hand To tell you We sell GOODS CHEAP: Come in and see for YOURSELVES. gamma SILVER. nuns. roaxs,‘ TEA. COFFEE, DESERT and TABLE: spoons. cgrrand coma Bums I muss. an i We have neither timenor space to quote REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Maxwell's Steel Rakes. etc. Coulthard & Scott's Seed ‘D'rifcs ‘and Burrows. Wilkinson Plough: and Seaffiers. Organs & Pianos of the: best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Ma- chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand rits-en Xtiiiiifs' The Leading Jewel"- GORDON, Scrxbbk-rs in the market. tttlt ti) 1 iiit.' ght (twe, gram. puma: SEPTEMBER 5th, 1805, The Concert h in; evening of Friday wln be a pronounced success. -China will pay up. Jntlemnity for ------ -China will pay an indemnity for outrages on French missions. --Hon. A. C. Patterson 11 sworn in as Lieu. Gov. of Man The biggest c§owd ever see: ham to be on hand Friday 6Firnhyatekha. --The Republic of Hawaii is otlaying asuhmarine cable of the Sandwich Islands toS since. --Gen. Casarigne, the new com- mander-in-cbicf of Canadian military tomes, will sail for Canada on'tho steamer Parisian on Sept. 19th. --Mr. Lauder has been addressing the electors atUhicoutimi, Quebec. and his utterances have been warmEy ap- plauded. The next few months the name and fame of Laurier will be widely known. --The Panama Canal Scheme is be. ing revived. A a) ndieate with a capital of tiaxax1(hvluty been formed it is said, in New Jersey for the purpose ot pumhasing the plants, rights, and privilrges of the Lesseps Company and completing the Canal. British [louse ot Commons discussing a bill for the removal ot all doubt as to the validity of the Act establishing the Dominion ol'Canada. Such is the case however and the bill has pasted its second reading. What might be the result if it should fail to pass finally is a curious speculation. --11on. Jos. chatuberlan, Colonial Secretary wantsto be informed why .4904“) relief was given 10 N cwfound- land by the late government? He be- lieved the distress Mow from bad government, and thought some of the money granocd has been dissipated. A plain intimation was made that similar help would be withheld in insure. A --The world of water sports present looking with intense int the approaching yachting cor the American .'iyi' Lord lh and his Valkyrie II are now hold words. Though twice be will try again and is likely to ‘ time. This is one of the sports degraded by gambling or gt associations, and is looked as a national contest. -.-The Bye-crleftion in W estmoreianu, New Brunswick, which was held a few days ago, was, regarded as some. what ot a test of strength of the Dom inion Government in one of its chief strongholds. At last election the Con- servative majority was 2,178. This has b'en reduced at the late election to 700. And in view at the fact tnat Messrs. Costigan, Foster, Weldon and other members ot the Government were in the county with all the munitions of war, the Liberal Candidate, the Globe thinks, has done more than well. century bad a population or about SMILUOO. From the time ot the great potato famine in 1816 a large and steady emigration took place which had the trft'ect of reducing her populy tion considerably. The emigration is not now ofgreat extent but the decrease still goes on. The Annual report of the irewistryrfem,era). on the vital statistics OLIrclund estimates the popu- lation to be 4,600,599. The marriage rate shows a slight increase on the annual average " the last ten years; the death rate, a slight increase; and the birth rate a small decrease. -ltis n Under the operation of the Wilson Tariff Bill in the United States trade is reviving. The Wilson Bill was de. signed as a free trade measure, but, as its promoters have said, it was wound- ed in the house of its friends, and when it finally became law it was only a - Gogifial free trade measure, it finally became law it was only a vex-z; aiodifiel free trade measure, with, however the protectionist Erinciplc of McKinleyism eliminated. ut even with its very moderate free trade provisions, taxes have been lightened, revenue has been increased the necessaries ot life have been cheap- ened from 10 to 30 percent, and wages have been increased ten percent. Surely McKinleyism cannot lift its head again. -The inhuman treatment of the Christians in Armenia continues, not. withstanding the warnings to the Sultan by Lord Salisbury and others. The Sultan and his advisers have been ooddled for so long a time by England and the Western Powers that the idea of armed interference against the Sublime Porte for any cause is scouted at Constantin 'ple. Bat evid- ently something mus: be done. Mur- der, rapine and the brutal treatment of Armenian women and children by Turkish soldiers and brigands goon with unabated ferocity and even food and clothing sent in iron) abroad have been intercepted by Turkish ottiects All this Would seem to confirm the opinion that the religious element is at the bottom ot the matter, and that the object in view is, the extermination of the Christians out ol the dominions ot the Sultan .. of Armenian women Turkish soldiers and with ttlla bated (cruel and clothing sent in 1 -The. following list shows the inter- est taken in each province in the im- portant muttcrot education, as measur- [ ed by dollars and cents. Manitoba has i a most creditable showing and should have good results. Manitoba. ... . W. 02 per head of pop. Ontario...... 1 87 " ts British Col... . 1 87 " " Nova Scotia.. 1 45 tt " Prince Ed. Id. 1 40 " Cd N. Brunswich 1 31 " t6 Quebec .... .. 87 tt " And yet some Quebec politicians would attempt to dictate a. policy to Manitoba, and our Dominion Government lends itself as a cat's paw to try to carry it out! However, it is asserted that the figures are considered to be mis- leading, for the reason that $1.87 would purchase services and sggplies in Ont- :tariu, which would cost BO, in Mani- "oba, and so, more or loss, with the _ other Provinces. In a very interesting address deliver- ed before the Sheep Breeders‘ Associa- tion, Dr. Mills ot the Guelph Agricul- tural College, 'said, that, of the eleven or twelve live stock associations in Ontario the Sheep Breeders' Associa- tion was One which gave evidence of a vigorous and useful life. The query raised is, does the expenditure by the member: qfthis and similar associations in the - at tees, on, pay ? Dr. Mills Ireland at the s.-.-------- little curious tf? 'otl the SEEP min SWINE. vclection in Festmor.ehy,1d tof water sports are at g with intense interest to ng yachting contest for cup. Lord Dunrnven Hie III are now house. Though twice beaten he ,' and Is likely to win this the beginning of this l population of about an the time ot the great in 1816 a large and tion took place which at‘ reducing her populy ly. The emigfution is rson has been of Man itoba. vex; seen in Dur- Friday to hear 'the sinus not yet ling or gambling is looked upon waii is desirous cable from one s toSun Fran- W ttii C. 5%5‘32 19m, Colonial ____.__7 is of the opinion that it does, first,' directly by way of prizes wlueh go into the pockets of the farmers, and by the reduction in the amount of fees for the registration of animals. Aim bg the infurmation obtained by the mem- bers in the protitalsle raising oi shock. " The young men and others who attend _ _ . A‘An- L-..‘ I no JV-.." the meetings of these associations have an opportunity of learning what is im 1 portant to know regarding the breed- ing, feeding and management of stock, I and the information thus acquired can be turned to good account at home. Apart from this there is the inspiration imparted. Farmers, like all who are engaged in mechanical work go through the labors of the day as a mere i matter of routine, but the moment they ' become interested in questions of varie- ties ol breed, and the relative advan- tages of different sorts or food and re- gitnen generally, and adapts their _ means to the end in View then the 1 farmer becomesa seientifie investiga- i tor, and his work becomes no longer a E piece of drudgery, bat " very elaborate seiontiiie process requiring the applica- tion to these intricate problems ofall i, i the knowledge within his reach. _ l Prof. Saunders discoursed very criti- {Cally upon the rearing of swine. He i said that in view of the swine industry , ct series ofechriments had been made at the experimental Farm, Ottawa, for the purpose of determining the best I mixtures of grain for feed, and the l quantities required to produce the best '; resnlts--tlte grain mixture used being , equal parts ot peas, barley and rye. ground together. A summary shows, that where the pigs have been fed to a weight heavier than 200 lbs. the average. consumption of grain for each a weight nczu'xcr wan: -w luv. ..._. average consumption of grain for each pound of increase wasabotlt six pounds, while all muse ted to a weight under 200 its. the average was4t lbs. for each pound ot increase. The matter of steamed or raw food did not affect _.r.._-'.. V--" of steamed or raw food did not atrept the result, but great benefit resulted from the use of skimmed, milk. u‘HOW- ever, we would suggest that all inter- ested, and all farmers are specially so. obtain a copy of the report in full. This can easily be done by sending a postal card to Prof. Robertson of the Experio mental farm, Ottawa. Hear the eloquent Supreme Chief Ranger, Durham, Friday, Sept. 6th. Hun-om is in full blast, Whilo some arencarly though others have just got nicely started. , vicinity. Mrs. Chas. I in 'l‘unmm ancr span her parents and other Miss Annie Cuslmie with her friends. the week. We rogrot to say tl formerly of this place in Clinton. on Friday after u few lxgprs jllu Jfihllsiit.v. Thoyl emcd have the <iu Me. Clvrinh'e. a. Mom! ot Mn. A. Taylor ro- turued how. to forum: In: week. l , be Forum”: at Cour: promote. pupa-o mending the 6th September in Durham to no and hour the S. C. It.. Dr. tyronuytvttskhts upon]: on Forestry,“ well u who put in amu- amuse. utenty. A good und prom-Mo tiuto in expocud. Mr. B, Smith. of Durham.nnt madame! McGill Modicnl Collage has boon dispel"! as medicine for the amiodcd in the nbscnco ot Dr. Bird. Miss Annie Cunbnio left In: Monday tor Dar. bun when she munch to spend the next ten: months at the ModeXSchoo) there. m, bunny Vial: her aucceu. Ono oveniait Ian rock A tow ot the moat Intimate (rind! ot M13- 3“ng Kennedy wtnsdtrd their vmy are; to Mn. T. Laughton'u to spend a. A - . "MM ._ h. mouth: It the Model School more. We bunny ‘ ,rish her would. Ono oveulup last Pool: a tow ot tho monk. intimate frinmll ot Min Mingle Kennedy '31:de (brie way over to Mn. T. Laughton'l to apex-pal a. social time on the eve of be: daparmn to bar home in Toronto. An win) able lune wu spent and with her :lrparluro the warmest feelings of her friends accompany hero. _ Mr. John Bull: “rived home a couple of week- ngn trom Austral“ and after an almanac ot ova: a you", all his old friend: and acquaintances wero pleura to no him I nd “in him I hearty hand Ilmlto. Po wet out an hinjuurnay over the PBeit1ts and rammed homo through Europe visiting tho Jitteroet spots of inure" on tho was, having thus comp'otod tho much envied journey rnuml the world. Mr. Stephen Boots hu- weurod . girl mink” Home to "stat In El). household duties Dr. Bird bu “turned to bu practice ln Bronson. one: h-ving upon: a. most enjoyable holidny amount the Thonnnnd Islmdl and meeting a mu: number or his {allow {madman-I. Lubes in n. state 1 which, if not 51 lend to chronic In rexnedv can lwfon Pectoral. Itseftct result permanent N Editor REVIEW. As your eorresporulent from this Elnce has ceased m inform you of the nypeningw of this vicinity and left our viluge uurvprost-nlrd, I will ask you to kindly five space to "tew little items that, may tC. of interest in, least. to some. of the many readers of the REVIEW. The hnrvrst is in fail Mast around here at present. Good cropmu-c report- The harvest h in full blast around bere at present. Good ('rupsurc r0port- _ ed ivy m-arly all the farmers. I Thtt funmul of the late Mr. John Hazard passed through our village on Tuesday last, and was one of the largest seen fnrsmuu time. Mr. Hazard was TaxC'ollr'rtor' in Artemesia and ,wns always looked Won as an honest and upright man. Hitt 'l'/llt' friends will he sorry to hear of his sum en death. The remains of the lat. Mrs. Me. Enchern. sister of Mr. John MeRac, Prieevtlle, who died in Owen Sound, an Friday last were hrnught home on the morning train on Saturday and were brought to Priceville for interment, _ The merry hum of the steam Saw Mill gives a. business like appearance to our village. - . ' r“ -2-.. cm. VIIHIKC. Mrs. Spfccr who has been sick for some time with pamlztic stroke is Inv. roving under the a ilful treatment of Br. Garter, of Flasherum. \Ve are pleased to see Mr. Andrew McAulley. our clinging stage driver taking charge of thy lesberton and gun-ham bunch agiurattor his recent t ness. \zA‘IAnnu u-~._..._ V. -- - v - ___ - One thort pet! of the breath through the Blower, mpplied with not: bottle of Dr. Agnew'l C-tnrrhal Powder, diffuse] this Pomlor our the "when a! the and nugget. Painless and delightful to use. it “Royal in. sunny, sud permanently ex: rel Cutnrrh, Ely Fever. Cold» Hudsohe. Son Throat, Tom. Iilitin and Dental. 5? can. At Mal-1‘3“" A hacking CATARBH RILIIVID vs 10 TO 60:13:71”. - ... . .. .. ,,,,L _ osperimerns had been made erimental Farm, Ottawa, for so of determining the best of grain for feed, and the required to produce the beat 1e grain mixture used being ts of peas, barley and rye, urethcr. A summary shows, '* ..... W. chronic bronchitis. No Pmmpu-r '(‘sm lwfonml than Ayer"s Cherry tl. Itsetteet is immediate and the FLESHERTON STATION, ing cough keeps theprtroet.tial :1. state of constant irritation, not spam}: Ire-moved. may a. Long returned to her home after spendiugu month with and other friends. ie Cushnie spent a. few days iends. the Misses [mars last, DROMURE. any that Mrs. Dowzev. place, died at, hofhome rriday. the 20th of Aug. 'N illness leaving eleven 'Y tretncunivwrstitlly este- :inccl-e sympathy of all. 'y?.5iil ltrtN Intended for hut week. All are buy harvesting. Smut more and thin. but grill: vary good. _.- - A A -‘ _ - ------ ." mu ..-._ --.. -7 Mun-LA. (LP-anon and Char, staunch.“ Durham. link! th bunnies: trip to Mr. D. McIntyre an snurdny. ulna; Katie and Link Manna. from the Lulu: - n {ow any: but we“ mum; their humor on friends in our neighborhood. Mr. Will Cannon. m comp-my with his also": ttitveesh'11oe1 Ind Kate m-ro welcome mtrmtn of Mr. John EMM- on Saturday nud Suudny hut. 7- u. H ..,,_.._m__ out“ wr..-"' 't __ in“ 7 - V Mr. Patriel" . Sulliun ad un daun- Mm Name: ot lrinh Lake were private guest: ot Mr. Augu- and Min Tom: Montana on Sunday ma. We We much plenum In thank“); the Mtvtst0 G. Scribe for bin kmdnou in obeying the com- muad ot Ms new: boy ot tho Cour-l a. D,. weal-o thunk an new" boy tor his wncbful on upon Ill. have that manhol- Doctor or U. undo: no judo“ if we did make trips In nuccoudon. Mr. Mao. Benton tumor. upon: Bundny, " bl- tuweutal homo- Mr. Angul- McDonald is was“! qrittt Mr. M. Kl I Benton tor the harvest. Mr. Angus Mormon sold his fiao mm. VII wd black. to I buy" in erkdnlo on tsaturday Int, n a ta Ir prior. . . ,.,_. u- an,» - ..... ,..,-. Mr.B. Bums mourns ton cert-Mn one!“ hi- been: but having "urs returned to the ertr. Thojcbwuo on Mr. Jun. Wuhan acumen-net mom! plainly am he visited Ambush Bub“ navy. Mr.JUn Mepbee, of 01:40. (mid . Briutt via“. to friends have on Suuduy. Mr. Dan McMohcl V“ the guest of Mr. Arch. Helm-u on untunlny and Sun tht. um Emma Noll rammed to the gluon city but wool: and In: pro-Once is “My min-0d. Endowm- "i, too numuom to annual - ably. tour but wuk. I ntmdtdfor last match. Mrs. Max. hum”. out ot the 1mm in wry poorly. She in “bonded by our Dr [with and Dr. bi9."ui"'""ot Duudulk. her bub) be) booms: wol . - _ .. ,4---“ mm. The Rev. Mr. Thorn. at Arthur. oxcbnngod 'at"'" hero uu sunny with the Ru. Mr. Camp- ba . - - . 7,".-- 1A.. mu. Mr. A. B. Burnet “and Inn'- morulng for munutort. m, intend! to am. his man homo were. Innis): W. arearglouhottar ham Mukdnln tor mm: W. McArdlo u ham no I tow duly: rlait. 11m“: in now w lullblut. Our Town Couucn bad “that burn a {on day: my; and the to: Hruuut pap. contain-tulle mum Our Town wuucu gnu "mm. .. _‘.. __-" __ burn a {on day: my; and the township Board ot mum; has contusion-ulna tumble on tuna will) purucn in the womb ot Brown. whuro some cou- "usi:ttrusdltsmstutt existed. our repmseuuve wont to Uuudnu a. few event“: ago, to can“): the wwnahip Medical Dr. nnd and report.- to the Provincial Board ot Realm. Joe " demrmlned to e “no lhvud and lava the wwmmp. W. undir- uuud tko oatmeal know going to drum some Him? ' 00qu “new gown w 1 can”: here. Wm. McDonald‘s burn mining Wu . I Mn. Elizablb Harvey in on . visit to Mrs 1 friends" Quito A with hat. Wuok new by lame ot the‘ 1?,igtt,h2'll't,e." that comm)” the 'ro-utr' Board ot mum. Councillor cArdlo. Gunman of the Town-hip Bond Wu noun“: of some eoutatpoutl din-omi- in the ttusau..v of John Mo humus, where are of tiiutsiu1ruiidied. Rig-p- pan] Wu to hum hi1 bonus disinfectant” “at he could momenta with an neignborl, employ men to do his “ark. an. mud be rogue-wed I grow! lurpocuun by we Pruvlnchd Board ot um: Omen”. our Chlimlun and Clerk were ootitUd to meet- commltwa of the Provincinl Baud u. Dundulk an". notify tst; vnrtieu in stamina to McLuhnn‘s family and the Local 15mm: womb"- un the with Aug. They had a busy mun. no have not mud tbo ram]: yet cam tho l’rovinchl bonru museum Toronto on the evidence given. Our run on» bundin; h undergoing mpnin. Sumo ot our people took in the Scotch nponn its Noun". Forest uu an ettth. Earhart in on but working slow. _ A Bar-vow Home ia expected " the Proshytoriu church homo 1Ut won. havoc: to so to at. 'ogg. Harvesting has commenced and some have threshed Parr of their crop And report " very fair mm our of grain. Mr. W. Bryce is vetyrick. with infhun- mation of the lungs. Dr. Mitchell is in atteadanee. -- . .. , U.“ L“--. "m addRN'0i'e. Mr. L. Vert got his house hurnt one day lust, week. it caught on fire trout sumo unknown cause and Although great rftorrs were made to quench the tive, it was of no avail, it, was burnt to ashes. He gut a few things saved but lost " great deal. if it had not been for the nu- tiring assistance he would have Ireen worse. Miss Lizzie Copeland, of Swamp Col. lege, spent a few days last week at, Mr. s. McLean of (his place. A few from around here tovk in the circus on thet 280] and returned in good spirits being wvll satisfied With the per- formsiuie., , ' L . . -', se.-... “no I".\ _ lurnuun c. Mrs. J. Pom-11nd a. quilting last week we hear theve.was n goodly number present, hm Mable was nor in tr. I guess it was just the young people who were invited, -- - t e 1 . ------i- nr ' u. HIVILW. Mr. C. Minn is engaged, for the threshing season with Mr. L. Veet. MABLB. AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH MRS. (REV.) F. B. SRATTON. Threatened wGrrrarsuysis--sveak, Emaclated and Unable to Stand Fatt- true-Pink Pills Restores Her Health. From the Napmu‘c Bearer. The Rev. F. B. Watwn. of Shelby, is one of the best known ministers in Bay of Quinta, conference, of which body he is Pveittlertt. During,' the two years Mr. Stratton has been stationed at Shelby. both he and Mrs. Stratum have won howl. of friends among all classr- for their unassuming and aim-ere Chris- tian work. Some time ago Mrs. Strat- on wa. attacked with partial paralysis. and her restoration having been attri- buth to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a reporter of the Beaver was sent to interview her. In reply to the reporter'ts question Mrs. Stratum said that she had had been greatly benefitted by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and was perfectly willing to give her experience that than isimilnrly “mama might he benefitted, l Mrs. Stratum said that, before moving I to Shelby she had been greatly troubled I by u numbness coming over her sides ’ and arms (partial pnralysit0whieh, when t she moved, felt as though hundreds of needles were slit-king in the flesh. For over ll. year' she had been troubled in this way. with occasionally it dtzys spell. She was "eccwotgemseiated and easily fatigued and was unable to get sleep i from this ca use. The trouble seemed to l be worne at night time. Mr. Stratum had heroine greatly alat 1m d at her bu] state' of health. and it was feared that complete paralysis Would. ensue its Mrs. Stratton's mother, the Into N rs. “'ever, of Ingersoll, had been similarly stricken, at about, the same age. Knowing a l young lady in Trenton, where Mr. i Stratum had been previously stationed, who had been cured by Dr. wiliitusts' Pink Pills, it was determined to give them a fair trial, When Mrs. Stratton began using the Pink Pills she was very thin and her system badly run down, but after taking the pills for a time, all symptoms of paralysis disappeared. and T Ihe found her health and strength renew- ed and her weight increased. Mrs. Station is about fifty yen-sot age. and a more healthy. robust. and younger looking lady is seldom seen at that age. I In reply to the reporter's inquiry as I to what Pink Pills had done for his wife Mr. Strutton said, “Lam: " her. look ather, doesn't. she show it," and the re “.1.-- ......u an} but ndmit the truth of In reply to the reporters lnA‘uu) a. to what Pink Pills had done for his wife Mr. Shanon said, bt Look " her, look at her, doesn't. she show it," and the re- porter could not but admit the truth of the statement]. These pills are a positive cm for all troubles arising front a vitiated condi- tion loe blood or a. shattered nervou- Ayntem. Sold byalt dealers oratettt by mail from tho Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company. Brockville. Out, or' Schenec- tady, N. Y., at toeenta Abox. or 0 boxes for am. There an numemuu mum. “on: and whom ates Again“ which the public is national. . THE PASTOR’S WIFE, SCOTCH TOWN, PROTON CENTRE. HOPEVILLE. I: bot men!“ ween“. D an Forest Tote la. \Ivu. u. u"... thur, Durham. -j'iii'ii- "iiriiiiifi1"'ixiir"'iici" -ifijiith Grey! The Crops are reported good-the prospect of High Prices for farm FARM my; SALE on TO mesr.--Lst 12, Cop. T.. Glenelg. Apply to C. McAr- [intramural Cunt! m A tut-sm" - American Rheumatism Cure, for Rheuma- tion and Neunlgla. radically cum in l " dn B. Its thion u utha nylwm in remsrk Ibfc mysterious. fl I,,e,'e"d"JG tstd',",',',', the The Implement Bea - an medium imm not: y happen-u . ' . . ' . The tirst dale greatly trendu. " can”. Pfyey,ee, t.n Stock whi Sold by Mend“. & Co. in") person In need of a ii. Grey Fall Exhibition And Winter requirements-r-to fir and Cheapest Goods. lhnil'r, huiii, 1ieirr, llhusil'r, Sept. 16, 17,18 85 19. OWEN SOUND Is the right place to dial: i',ii:riiic:iiiiit:jiiratiir.irTral"-. Thefullowing Tlf.."""""' ml] be Xouow down " youth a '.-- Monday. 16th. OPENING DAY potions-m n. -- _ .w - . ___ __, - ' Graham Bros. cannot. be unnamed u High Wm Ara-u '-Exuttsi. Receiving Tuesday, t7th, CHILDREN'S DAY. FoREsooN. Receiving and placmg Exhalxits. Ammnsnox. 1. Judging inside exhibltn. includhzc poultry. 'l. One In“. Bicycle Race. 3 ham. , C tone. the celubrlwod Amaze. 4. Pour Trot. F. in Bella Bros., Trnpou Performance. 6. Colt Trot or P300. T. Gnhum Hros., Hugh Wire Ania-I. B. hay Fin Work. 9. “HMO by computing Blank. Evamso. 1. Judging mummy LI Belle Bron" Trum- Qunrustzn. 5. Grain! Pertortutmeo. t Cm Wire A” in full ovcni Bram. llovolviun Me Worn. N.-Chil-lr¢:x xuisaion. Tumdny. FORENOUN. Placing Live Stock. Armnxoos. I, Judging Liv. Slack. 2 Farm! Puma. 3. Grub-nu Bron. Double Hun Tray-u Act. I. Gmn Rm. s. C."" Ind NIH: York'r. Favorite. 6. 09M. TI 7. Ono-halt mile Binnie "twe. " Iv "one mom. Double Traps”. at. 9. gm] Imp. to. my Fire “cm. 11. )1 Fiug Bump. iiiLi" Wins with “no Act ha fun c 1. Band Moe light Guarani Aicuusiun Ax-‘rEnxoos. 1. Double tad Single Tum-on". 2. Besddlt, Hon". 3. 3 mitt. Trot or Puma. I. Boo-t My Driver. 5. Gwen. 6. Open Bun. T. Gram Bros. 8. Tum Trot or M. 9.14 Bon. Bron. IO. I mule Ladies' mtrdlts Race. It. But Perform can our Hurdles. l2. 3 mils Birycle HAndiup. 1:.Dny Hm Worka. u. Music by Builds. Nr- At A P. M. (it-ad Panda ot "ll Print: Animal. Li 'r.xtutrssoierpttiv, mtoek must be on thol ground Tue-any. Sept. 17m. 11 A. M. Member: ticket: no: inn-tomb!» mad not good to admin to "can; “remnant. Tick.“ inn-zoned win In daunyod. l E. Mc'JELLUUEH. g.ll [A um “mm...“ Ww... 'rv mi" . All entrie- vnritivoly elm" Sept. 14th It " P.M, For further putlenlnru we Prize Lutr, mm Dodson. Ltthos., or and, to J Ir MEMBER E ll. & LEMON. Imported and Registered Clydesdale Stallion. That fine specimen popular breed of horses wnll stand for the summer mouth: hisowner's ammo, Lot 13, Con. a, Tp. Numluxby. TERMS : $6.00 to Insure a. Foal. The usual conditions govern all h ness done. ROBT. WATSON. Wednesday, in. FARMERS' DAY of good quality in large quantities for Sale " The Rocky Saugeen Mill. A, FERGUSON. 52.50000 {ASH 12: 92121:; 8600.00 in Special Attraetiotts. To Smokgr_s To meet the wishes of their customer: The Geo. E. ruckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of Sin le Fun by Tmin and Botrt, Tobacco. 'stsue"ttr"isamrrrim our“! 5 B This Supplies a. lung felt want. 31an the commmer one 20 cent plug, or a. 10 cent piece or . 5 cent pieced the tam. - .. . * I ---i___ mr....-".." SHINGLES ! Thursday, 19th, CI'HZENS‘ DAY She HIGHEST PRICE "T & B" mums. mm, 'arrrlmuvJniru, autumn. an: liovolviu. Mummy I‘d-ht, Treasurer. Cedar Shingles l Endoctioa. ' Gmhhm Bras. 3. Twi. nncua. 4. La Belle Bram. 1tut'tr, n. s. Carnot Soto. 6. Cyrrne,c near but.” Dancer. T. 1A Belle Hm... l‘oublo ‘im with Acrobntiu Clown. I. Cart-at, in in" HTML: coutume. 9. hm 'otka- and placing Exhibits. Imride FOR President - AT-- taicNy;rzt:EgtTCaSC, xraacrat" 'Tradq EYESIXG MoARTHUR'S STORE ud. a. Masie by Banal. s. B" Porforuoutrar. 4. Tun-(hem " Drum. Wigo and Trauma mot Sale. 7. Cyrano. wk in; cannula. &e. 8. La Bella aienn baht. ae. 9. Fire I under 12, only 10 cu. ud- the summer mouths at to, Lot 13, Con. 2, Tp. of I, bum-i of pure Virtfurias I.“ be toUowod ll . Manager. L l tuur, 33-13mm of the above lava been It Secretary no by can “who I'd. a. London go for Pair Dealing and Good Goods at Right Prices. ICE PAID FOR 'rurTErttrfl? EGGS. to find out where he can exchange his mods. We have much pleasure in am: on tho busi the yield and sample expected to arm produce gives the farmer prepared for the Stank. S; Embed ti m. weekly. S - round: Oc tvt" 'i'ar',gl,'i.1 n. 10 bo‘giunm. tam-h” 7 Bargains at Wholesale! Come at once and we We have a Goods tttl the was Flour pr Oatmeal Short! Br?“ -.. We have the famous Raymond Sewing .M Kara and Dohcrty Organs at prices which Money is going to be scape this winter, We have arranged to loan any amount ot it on good farm accunty at 5i and 6 per cent. straight loans. Full Wheat per Spring “but. Oatm Penn. Barley, Potato“. any per Mo .-. I Bed All kinds of Ploughs. Cultivators in stock at our Show moms in Lower TI Sheepminl. ”an". Butter per m........ Eggs, pm- rior. ....... Wool per lb. ....... Ruth" per IB......, Geese " ......r Duckn. .. ... Chickonc. per ttair App!" per b1: ...4 H Ber! . Farmers and others atten, non. PoraSet of Team, Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs. Blankets, Bells, Curry Combs an anything in the wayof horse furnishing call and inspect my complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 up. HARNESS! HARNESS! The Irtyylt!.ttte.nt Sewn is Pushing, trustworthy men In Wpro- sent. an in tirade dour Choice Nursery gm tPt/iielutt convened by us. High“ leer, or Commission paid weekly. Ste: I', employment the year round. Outfit. reenxclusive uwritatrrt experience not “Wm: hitt pay '“" cured workers :_sperml iitdueemetttas to Wun9", .an at once for particulars ALLEN NURSERY co., ROCHESTER. wr. s'-.., The Fall Marriage Licer T sunsmnn WANTED. BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT ptr 100tt CASE FOR Hines AND TALLOW. [are quantum per luud " .. CALDER THOMAS SMITH. Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. DURHAM MAR EET, " e a large shipment ofStoves, Cutters: way and must. have room. trustworthy - Ine." P. impug- good time to buy a which we el ses issued and Fire & Life Insurance prom; will surprise you with low prices IN acted to turn out excellent. The farmer Renewed Courage to be nearlyover bat we hare a few Buggies md will sell 3:005: in ordertoeiear out our Stuck Sewing Maehines. We have in stock Bell, ices which will suit the times LIVINGSTON, Agents, ge his produce for the In announcing that fzgi CALL AND SEE OUR EgéiCollars, Pads, 32} Bits, Whips, ilit,1,j, &c., &c. _.,ii)iiyin & Light Harness Town We Handle everything in the Harms line. " right prices. I} f C. STEVENSON workmanship Unsurpassed. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. ll, LEAYENS, Jr. Is p1epared to pay the highe prim for Tweeds, Woollens, Blankets, Of the best quality, in Stock. Come and inspect our prides and material before commit- ting yourself. Our traw Cutters, Turnip Camera. ae Wears like leather. WOOL 20e Cash. 21c half V. TANNER. Cash, half Trade. Me Trade. J. M. Handel-m Old Stand. A good man in fan? district to TiT wnt the " Fonda“ Nurseries of 'n- ada." Over 700 acres. The unrest in the Dominion. Position Ilte'g'a'l','."'" Salary or Commission to rig t mm. With the increasing dam-pd for fruit. wposition with as.» Wan will 'e hitterthan eugnmngjn fuming. Send u: your apt4imuioit and we will show you how to earn good money. _ School IrrketGrsv.7ts just Lip “My for .Yrttt_duriutr the vain-er. “Vain- iidriicuues Three " T " Tweed IN CASH " TRADE. WANTED! l ' / - ARNESS! IDWER TOWN , DURHAM WOOL SNNE & wumxcmx._ j _' Tamara; osx.' TO SUIT YOU. and other Fall and Winter th STEVENSON, w" . . Manager. FURS. CP in Valisa. Grips, Horse Blankets. an ac. kg at " attended an " st Avlw from the Supn-mc( may". Omnhwwekbu announce- h. will he here tor mire. Friday "e of w In" n __ Six ttty bands mu furnish mu Dmt't M to be on hand. An upin. This is: M? "and {gum Mr. A. C. Melina.“ from lumber of the Post Mat MLoun‘isiLwhim aodot - Mary lamb-n of . mama”; her blather of town. DAWsos'n Gonna“ (Hui-w QM when, which. as my by our last wwk'a issue tgl “all.“ the kinds mud? an”! Cont-g? Inna can hr “'WVWI. Tp. of Bonn! p.1- hung. good mop. Concuhle Canon in the 1 his duty m week found t cup-nu for the new cells. I " angle log ending in s f comlmuu Ttere brought Nay-or and the vounger ma "ttem""" Wu made to my: (at lot No. I the Itev. tue nou'uorget tqs can u Wound Show. Sewn-i men. They Always ttave a R tion and this year the m m ring promise is? he interest. our: costs.--Wr this val: ttrt. of brought u b: '. _ G sample of Remand measure: H ft. 6 inet, and hut bye swig! out will tro tieveral in Mn 0- 'trs tum c day! "o. “: a the forest arppesr “um. __--" this rook acting: of cum stalk brought a: ttse alien. Johns: ample of hemmby vegan}, measured " ft. 6 inches to the 1. m} hut try- suwightenirttt H: out will so men-.21 inches more. Wu oe Win-m of Mr. IV" non. Sr.. and as or. saw the tie' days ago. it can hear mail 0"- ram: aunt-mace of the wh m have at 4enst co and w bushel» of o dam "the frost did “dc: how many -e?ao,:eg',r.."r'1,Tf, s M“; r. Davin humid! Ind hi. 'stadr qualities: they being on the plains. same - ed sumo Goon $300112“ British cuyyt'y more! (Jim. the p Gaurr'rran2" Bow a; my: LOCAL MO GENERAL. and Port tapu. " Gev. “up-3 of hi: Believing he Md he loft (gr-mini! , toi, its}: St, Thinning l 22%;-” aw, w Throw“!!! but; him IN feet " inchea I lh-x. Ptrry. 126 fesec ti i M. ii.prye..iluy' if 387M 7,7 hy A Booms TEE Te; of a recent dau- hw going Pe mods I' ot good words and trood w u] ”y the good "on "in an forthcoming ' vitality enough in Dur hot-hood toeether with it up to make and kw. by 10 andkeep up. or quit the xvhrt dick out-rd let manna take it Dos-on mt W Bid (or roy' up; . Wm tow [nephew come who are dis make home? Theo do a". personal fading. bury from spacial-k: work-ommeforA mum-n work “was mwm&n waaeup.-tsbs you ”your deem-rut! 20 I991 work with has and a but.” informant“! that N all. have path- with an u Meat who at " the ti; totretoutof town will never the to"! or their own bush cube-(two cum must be ei-toroittswoete amdheerap, or quit W wh atiaeoert.odieena""e take .C'thnmdl I Minn-don} we": Sunday but. imam-rating weiety M I . Wm nun IFIP-C‘n W who at disp make hm? Theo do “a" was ton-lins- bury from " .piurork: work ooarosqrfor h I. idel trutall work tstgeNw In“ben&!. Wakeup. "tshy" roll on m abtves aod co t, 'rrt1rt woe% with an nod 0" “an Marat-8M thai bv all. In" "an. with than , romroooouhte, Matdluniur iiiGiiiii-etrdo"tes""' A. C. Xquzio fl: . _ v. Chane. Cameron R mMan im (mum Amie.. I y MW all dust-I in ect ours but :10“ m3. but not H (WV O‘Neil. o"Seit "ratterdtbe'd Gar “Wat: Mr. w P gurl 'otmdtho lame! abusin- M

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