West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Sep 1895, p. 3

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(rey! b... bent! its c ttie mm tQ the "i'di,rc'2"r'.' “Mu be hat lav rage EGGS. :LEAVEus,ng 'EVENSON Janlrets, Yarns, &c., ummhaion to rutst man. 'iaseressirsitdetrtattd for fruit, with mun Mun will pay 1rmttsgimr.irtfmrmk.tt., Send H 0B TRADE engtauTiuq.istrssrmianr. Send lira-lion and we will .hesw am good money. Right Prices. mts. STEVENSON, pr Piano. OCRAT esale I , like leather. ANNER. 00L t in Tour district Mr,,-. ambit! Nun-scrim at an- 1:0 mm. The We“. in M. Pmitiun par-mum. " T ,, Tweed 1') & \VELLXNGTON. Sh ll lent 8 Best surpassed. Tho to be rs. Highest momma. Ost anger. Len. aa Maurie , &c. esattd 21e half I: Trade. “I. 0K. 2s'/tt",arriiyiit"dtg.'te,i,kif'r'i. it riiifi'i'iie", A Ink-jam from the Supreme Chit-f Ranger. Omnhvau-khx :nnonnceu that ho will be here tor "In. Friday next. Six ttO and: will furnish music. Don't M to be on hand. In. A? AeDouzan and Mrs. McIIwnin - . :,.~-:..., e..:...,".. i., "iii'ifraloord Vi town Sunday heat, thrriev. Chm This in: W“ retired tare. An haunting society mph. Mr. A. C. McKenzio from Neutral. brother of the Post Master's is at prownlontviail. whim Lidothertriends Minn Mary Lenahnn of Midway in at we!" Wining her bl other Mr. smes nab-In of town. Con-table Cam in the dileharge of hi. duty last we: found the tlrtrt OC" cupanm for the new cells. lt was an” of [angle log ending in a (men. The minimum: were brought before the Mayor and the vounger man being the Lam:- VII nude to pay a swan tlas. W? Gum- CORN, this week a col brought I! tt 1 sample of No measures 11 ft. Lune] but by"'. out will go now run an the t Men. Sr.. and ' 'tsys ago. we the rum: app“ munication from Mr. W In. van-m. u. High Bluff. Manitoba received but Friday. he informs us that, he has just named cutting his crop of 2.50 acres. The hrst round of the reaper was over 3 miles. The yieldis good, He expires to have at 'east. co, bushels of wheat and 2.%0 hushebof ontsund all thinks: than an the frost did no damage. We null-r how many Ontario farms un- ixrd could prmluco: so much. Ive con- - h ', --.... and Park lot How 'f nus and Port Win. an..- W... _ Grev. nome- " hia relations living here. Believing he had a. call to the ministry he loft (arming somewhnz late mid he- gan the career of a. student in Walker- hm H. School. and Uter improving him no” there “no to the North West to engage in missions; work. Entering Mhe Preshyterian Cd urge. Winnipeg. by dint of hard work in 6or 7 yam-she Win .. through " and duly ordnim-d. and Island in charge of an important parish 40 miles from randon and is in receipt. 41m“! Mayan. ggi" cane is an examdle " what can he done with- nut. only advnntagea. and should be an 'r.-.-." I n. m others more highly favored. act-d5; a others" Son-mu moeossrswrtossr'crl"', eel. ebration under the auspice. of the Sons of "icotustd'irit. Forest] on weduesaar " last Week was a great uni-cogs from a i,iittreiloertk' int ot View. A num- ter of the Mexico and others from l Durham and neighborhood went down. i All and: highly of _ the piptr's. band. The 1min: - cam but, far too much of it. Seven events and numerous entries in each must have {umiubed plenty. of nudism. fantastic. Wt cannot. give the prize Int. but mar mention that. the longnt standing jump was by one soon. 10 feet " inches. Running Jump “hum m (not 85:65“. High jump. Scott 4 foot 10) inc’hes. Running drop' Swap and Jump. Watson 45 feet 8 inches. VL-Jting. Moore like: 10 inches. Put- ting Icon! (M lb) Curry 48 feet 2 inches. - _ same (81 db) Curry 39 feet. Thmwimz heavy hammer. 16 lbs. Parry 101. feet 10 inches. Light hammer. 12 lbs. Parry. 126 but 8 inches. 10') yards race. M. O'Neil. 11 seconds. 3(1) ynrds race. J. O'Neil. 33 seconds. Witch and Kick, J. o'yeil 9 feet. The bicycle race- If,', Tor",, by A. Snatch. of Arthur {0:21- " l . a tug war went inst e 10 gcouhmen. agn- ohrntion under the nuapioap of ScotUM'in It. For.“ on ottaat week was a great um aeLurelove.r'ir goinv. Et"', ostmiUte N Low AID_I§_E_]1ERAL mu»! the pin-I BooMrNo THE TOW of a. recent. date had Cl going the rounds and by att clause. in every DOUMIBV All“ -'" - of a recent. date had an article which is going the rounds and is worth reading by all chutes in every town. This town of ours has you w what it in without hoouu. but not without enterprise, good words and good works. We an all say the good words, and if the works are forthcoming as won, there in vitality enough in Durham and neigh- horhoml together with ita natural Minn- - to make it and keep it; 1;!wa "Men who we " the time trying to get oat of town will never build up the town or their own busincs. 0.00 ot there two things must be done-run tho town for All itia worth, get. up qteam And keep up. or quit the who}. thing, J”- -" “a m Maxie take its course. LQ keep up. or quit the wl slide out and let naude take Do you want. W Bid I - --- ------ o. Doyou wt. bade? Bid tor it. Do you '39], a. pro-porous town tr'?) pooph.con- come who Are disposed to [make koala? Then do away with' re-al “ding. bury from sight nll spite work: work no more for L few im. [ dividqu‘buz an work'wgother for a mums! tteneitt. Wake up. rub rour eves, roll up'your shovel ad tro to work. Boyft work with (on: and trembling. hot take it for granted that blood will all. In" results with themselveo; borrow no trouble. but. all unite no make the w turd of a town} , No. 2. M. present occupied by Chas. Cameron in tor sale. Whit-able location for a. mum. Apply'ton m Mi.. Davis wt hin sud! lun- haw "ts.--Wehare in our ottice mangl- ot corn stalks kindly be r.A5eo. Johnston as a Sornmnby vegetation. lt 1 ft. 6 inches tar the top of the h)" straightening the leaves ievernl inches more. It was hr farm of Mr. \Vm. Juhte nd as we saw the field a. few we can hear tmtimuny to manhunt-e of the whole of it. Cr srortwrrs.rr.'Hn n com Im Mr. Was, Pavjs.. ol m: Tom's. -Ap Exchungo 5.... ._,,__ _ were visiting friends m this town. arrived t the noted imp-mt- 4d 2nd" which he l taunt issue tt Jr. P. Tr.LrottD, th event is on the aur ofBce mecca bust.“ ling pp finish Which is worse, imprisonment for lite ora lite-long disease. like utmfulu. for example ? The former, certainly. would be ptHerit.bie WL're it not that Ayer's Sursapnrilla ran always come to the renew- and give the poor sufferer health. strength. and happiness. The pre nations for ridFaw next are minim-tall The eloquent Inman Dr. tworihrastekis han telegraphed that he will he on hand. The games are all provided Kr, six brass bamin are coming. And a siendid concert. in the evening will null“,- n. famous dar. Excursion trainsare being run on all lines. and the special train will reach Durham about 9.151). The Dr. will speak at the Town Hall in the foronoon. The Sports tor the afternoon are all l arranged. Crack teams are engaged. From the first of October postage rates bv parcel post between Camilla and the United Kingdom will he reduced to six- teen cents for the tist pound and twelve ”my... fur Hath Mldiiiunal pnuml. A The Model School is in full blast than week, with 27 pupils in attendance and two more expected. mroresrso.--We hear the drugstore in Calder”: block is to be opened in a few weeks with Mr. Jas Gun In charge. Miss Lizzie bindery of Kamloops, B. (3.. who has roinpletod her comm of mly at. the Hamilton Ladies‘ College, is rusticnting fora few days at Dr. Gum's. Her brother Mr. Arthur Lauder has also received his diploma. “an Arte 1.ttRgTMr..wrED.- If nond- ready asuhscriber send usynur muoeand address snd value for 25 cents and we will oe happy to send the Review on A trial trip to the endof the year. or for $L50 we will send Review and Weekly Globe!» Jan. IA. Iari. Send now. Rorvrs.-The weather of Ute has been most favorable for all rout. crops. and where turnips grow at all they are very good. Certain y the best. tield of turnips we have you) this your is that of Mr. Arch. Hunter. who has t acres without a. blank mud all good. Miss Esther McCoskely left Tuesday morning for Toronto. Mi.“ Karo McDougall is visiting (mend: in wiliinuv.dorU at present. The Model School is m full blast, this mum]: with 27 pupils in attendance and The Stock of drugs, can. belonging to the Pt/lit?,, Enmtc has been pght by Mr. It. Me Isrlane, jr.. hom Mr. Thon. Brown at a slight advance on previous pu rebut. We believe it is the intention of Mr. Wm. uniinghuu. now of Portage " Paulie. and (Mimi-1y of thin place, to open up a drug store at some point in the “Tit. We predict. and wish Mr. Led- ingham mu can. FATAL Amos)" week an ztcngenc happened In line Sentinel; " _ mg tht m following Icon cents for the tlest puuml and twelve cents for each additional pound. A parcel post wiil he established between Canada and New South Hh/ees The rate will he twenty rents for tirst pound and sixteen for each siilWQIn-nt pound. The mail will leave Vancouver them:- teenth of each Int-mm. Oronhyge.k.ht comes to Durham. to marrow. Friday, almost direet from London. NM‘MASBY.» The .taie election wat ' ‘ . ... _ "I”: q.rerst 1-Ahrtddt dalk Sil Owen S UI'Unny awn-u. mun..- -v 7 W . narrow. Friday, almost direct. from .ondon. Nnmmsnmm The in: election was rally: 6t hamleof the villages" of Aylon md Neustadt for their respective “minimum. The result of the polls was LS follow I, taken from the Ayton Ad- The following abstracts from a. pamph- let furnished m from the Pvov. Secu- tary's omre will be of interest to many. We shall continue- itgsext week. Sport'""""' and othets (losirum of aid- ing in the work of enforcing the Game and Fishery Laws of ontarioare urgent- ly requested to send particulars of such 1 cases of violation of the lawsas was” , mum: under their notice. to the Chief Game and Fish Wsvden. _ Game Protection Club» are also re- qnated to send to the department. ' copies of their hy-laws and names ot', their others for l'efl-rrnre. . For atrttterparttculars apply to E. 'l‘lssLEY. Chief Warden, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. I. This act may be cited as "The Ont- ario Game Protection Act, 1893." 2. (I) No deer. elk. osooie, reindeer or caribou shall be hunted. when or killed hetween the ftttaeenth of Novem- her of the following year; but the period hereinbefore limited than not us to mouse, elk. reindeer orcnrihou. apply F before or until the first day of Novem- her, 19%. and no moose. elk, reindeer or caribou shall he hunted taken or killed before the twenty-fifth day of October. 1900. as V. c. Wi, k. l. (2) No owner of any hound or other _ dog. known by the owner to he Mens- tmned to pursue deer, shall permit any such bound or dog to run at. Urge in any locality where deer are usually found. during the period from the 15th of Nov. to the .lst of Nov. of follow- ing year. IR person harboring or claiming to be t e owner of such hound or dog shall he deemed to be the Owner thereof; and any hound or dog found running deer between the iitteéUh day of November and the first day of No- vemher following may he killed on sight by any person. and the person killing such bound or dog shall not be liable to any penalty or damage. there- for. 58 V. c. 108. s. l. LOCAL AND GENERAL. A yum . . . . .Neustadt. Hmupden .Blyt he's. . Ryan's" . . (3) No person. shall during any one your or season kill or take more in all than two deer. elk, moose, reindeer or caribou. But this shall not apply in the can of deer which are the private Ii'g',,i,""rtrr of nny person. and which have an killed or when '.,'L such person or by his direction, or wit his consent, in or upon his own lands or premises. (4) Hunting or killing deer bl what ‘ in known not “crustAngf‘lor whi e they are “yarding,” is declared unlawful. (5) No common carrier. or other pet- son. shall transport or hawe in pom- niou for that purpose. in this Province. ‘ after the same has been killed, any .wild deer or raw skin thereof ormv venison, nave only from the that day of Novem- her to the t,t'e,,ttat',t day u November inuwh year. un cu accompanied by an nitRUvit that the sauna was hunted and taidt.sEu2tr weapon, sewn. 55 V. c. (5) No common carrier, or u son. shall transport or have i niou for that purpose. In this] nfter the s-i1hty? heen_kmed. lARRIAGl-ZS. u. ' , _ cxrs-BALP-2s 1e",tttig,trtittli. 185 at the Alisa Park Me odist Church. by the Rev. E. L Flags. Mr John Chin of Listowel. Ont. to Sarah A. Ball, dungbger cl William Bull Esq, h GARE LAWS-COT THEM 00T, Elli“: CrrGaiiridr EH. his " day. r a fence gun in , his dog jumpy '/,"iir"if.' iriaC B. L ll llaw- ‘---y. a”, feature and will no doubt rnwd. Among thelnmds that In music, we notice the Dun- r Band. The Citizens Own. of md and the Indian Band of Aer. We are informed by the hat the entries in all bunt-lilies .w are already very nunwmux. iiCmir. Taylor. and Sullivan. " \Vidmeyon I“ 110 grlrt. Tnylur. Town Sullivan. He was un in hand, and in humped against the , off the tuna-ht go- mg-L He died the 19 On Thursday but t a {and nature ntunet'ou.%, same Lune . point out Is Fall will upon which £07.23th Schenk, , . . 31 , . n39 18 The late Mr. Mt-lnnis. of Bunossun. whose death on the mm of August. was chronicled in the REVIEW of lust week. had attained to an age seldom reached by hunmnity: the ripe old 'Hre of ninety four Sears He was born in the island of Iona. Scotland. in the first or second Year of the century. Sun of a farmer on that island his oarlv years werespent in rural pursuits, and in securing an education at, the parish school. At the age of 18 years he engaged in teaching in one of the pal-Rhea in the northern pnrtof Scotland. Sta ing there fora time he thou maimed. to his native island Mid was engaged an teacher in the school in which he spent, his earlier years. ht the period known in Scotland as the time of the disruption. Mr. Mvinnis decided to “come nut" from the Hamb- lished Church and cast in his lot with the newly entabliahed Free Church. al. though to him. as to many others, it cost him his position and his means of livelihood. A srueruice of worldly wealth and prefertyeyt fot the cakeof conscience and righteous prjpe'yrles which no true Scotchnmn would fora moment hesitate to make. He the" went to the island of Tvree engaging in his profession there until he came to Canada in 1817. He wavstttnrried in 18158 toMary Campbell of Tyree. who has been a faithful and devoted helpmate to him during their lung and happy mar- ried life. hi ' In early years he Cl knowledge of the 1 preaching of the rem) mom! who had Iggy: y 'OMF ...-. W- way. the Slcmnlmut. the graph and all other uses the woudrrful advance I “am. He saw the introduebion of the Rail. way. the Stcmnlxmt. the electric tele- graph and all other uses of electricity“ llne wouderful advance of agriculture, of arts, of science and of J.lviiization over the whole wovld. ln fact he has seen 'rmuor advance in all those things 'liili'l,fCtil"/ire'ii place for centuries be- for P. and to us of a much youngnr gen- eration men who have tttP/ef.".'. u; ”:9 - - . ' .. .. -_..-.. m”; for P. and to us a? a much youngnr gen- eration men who have attained to the great. ago of the lute Mr. McInuls should be held m wry great respect and vener- atiou if not mingled with aw. COM. iLKlUtlha I‘\‘:" "a“ --" _ I] Innis. of Bunrsmn, fell upun the stair and severely injured hve leg, Inside-s being much shaken up generally. We are glad to bear she 15 on a fair way to meow-r.“ h * , Mr. Donald McKinnzm. Sr. who has been visiting his son. John McKinnun. on the Mnnimulin bland. has returned home )reparing to spend the remainder of his km: on the old farm in Glenclg. “From the Mrcteklt [fudge] Wim. we extract. 1],"- follow reference to the late Jur whose death we "worded ago. He had evidently ', large niche in the hearts munity ugl_ the Elf!“ hem: urn...“ - ...._ -eee - of Remind: will vead the following with a. mournful interest : "John McKinnon was Irorn in the County of Grev. Omarin, in ISM. where In-m-sidn-d until Wsstoy 1885, when he nun» to this country and has resided hem <incc. Ile leaves n mother. three brothers and a si,,ter in Ontario, and one brother that, lives at Duluth, to mourn his death. [During his sirkntiss he was taken care of hy his brother Odd Fellows and friends, and everythintr was done. for him that luving hands and hearts could do. He Was sick but a short time and i many thought, he was on a fair way to lrevoverF, when death came and took 1 him from us. It, was a sad blow to the l conuuunity. _ Mr. McKinnon was an Odd Fellow l, and Itebecca, being = charter member _ of both societies hero. and well loved by his hmtlu-rs and sisters. He was a. man with exrcptionnlly good, habits, a loving heart and helping hand. and to know him was in love him-a man with all friends and mu enemies. He was buried under auspices of the Odd Fellows onTuosdny afternoon from the Bruce rlxurch ', where in spite of the rain, " large concourse followed the re- mains from the Hall here and many more jointed, them there. There were beautiful ttoral umblemsand the church, grave. and gasket were decorated with the choicest trowers sad evergreens and nothing was spared to make this hot sad rite impressive. D. McKiImrm, of Duluth. Mme. Mc- Clnrin and Dr. McCormick of Cart- wright, were the relatives present from y abroad. "t the funeral. , . _ . - -- ._J I." We give also the resolution passed by his Ipdge.:-- 115801.731): That this Lodge in deepl sensitiw- of the fact that, in the that; of Brother John Mekinnott, this Lodge has lost "ne of its most earnest workers and active members. and that as a testi- moninii of our regret. at the loss of sin Sterling‘s). brother and friend, this Fii ambla ' spread upon the jourxm of this LHge and a copy thereof be sent. to his mother. also that it beKublished in The Weekly Budget of polionia, About. a week "goA.rs. 1lutreld My. to an: [mum-r. mm m.-- in The Weekly Budget Wis. A LONG Lina-In our obituary ' columns will he found a notice of the death of Mrs Jno. Aitchison. The dee- eased was a native of Htsddinsrronspire Scotland and in company with her hus- hand, who died eight years ago. came to Canada in 1851. settling in Brant Co. After eight years there they moved into giullivan and carved out a home for themselves in the pioneer fashion of thosedays. Their six children, 3 sons and three daughters all survive than), I one of her sons is well known in Dur- ham and neighborhnml. Mr. J as. Aitchi- l son, of Abe can. while another son is stiu’in Brant Co. The deceased'. mother was one of 11 girls all with large families. but the} and their . descendants are all gone. i re. Aitchison being the but of er generation. "The nee of yore that danced our in- flux upon their knee _ How are . _ey nblotted from the things THE LATE DUGALD MeulNis, IN MEN0iUAf6-- JNO. IgeKINNON, FtysA.err, rUkirnusrttrr, on Thurs- day. 220d August. the wife id Mr. Thou. Walhce. of a. son. mosrmsopt,--1y Normaptt on Aug. um. um wife of Mr. Arch. Thompson, -tsos,--P Normmoy. on an”. 16th. the wife of Mr. Arch. Thompson, of a. son. ' DEATHSV Arrcmtsos.-zrn Sullivan, on Monday, Sep, Std, Mrs Jno. Aitchitort, a. native of Haddingumshin. Scotland. Aged 91 year- 5 mos. (E. w. HILL, Committee. _ JOHN BATES. (Mi. J. HAYDEN, 'IVCFICI! Budget. Apollcnin. “we: die tyrrot,vl"i,i touching to the late Jim. Mckiurton Hi we "worded two weeks had evidently filled a very ‘in the hearts of the com- the nper lu-arsSurd refer- m. R,',' many friends of the od his family in the tuwnship " will rend the following image.» h BIRTHS. passed by n 03.1%,.) Cai.; t _ t ,hyt',r'r, 'fa ,, I, jii"'i'iiit' 5.6%! From Dornoch to India Ja tar cry, yet tht Tuesday of last. week the two mum‘s were prominently asrsoeiatcsr, Not, IN. us hasten to say with any refer- enre to tatnine, but from the fact that Dornoch, ttt Must Presbyterian Domoch. wcs all on the qui-vive over farewell services to one of her worthy sons. Rev. A. P. Lcdinglmm. ... A . '""'""'re""" He IUt bust. we8k for "Intlis's Coral Strand,," in company with his young bride,who gives up her western home to share with Mr. Lediughnm the respon- sihilibic: and duties of a. Missionary life A large company gathered in the church regretting the absence of Missionary Smith of China, but soon to be intrmwly 1y srruitied on finding by telephone that Dr. Smith had arrived in Durham and would be there. Rev. Mr. Thomson, of Chatsworth, addressed the Congregation very appro- priately and accopmhly’. Rev. Mr. Little, we may nlmost any of course, also ad- dressing earnest words of advice and farewell in his warm (Ihriuian manner. He was delighted as the meeting wan half over to welcome Dr. Smith. who of course needed no introduction in his boyhood'. home, and on such an oc- cuion. He delineated. as only one who has wooden the missionary path could do, the difficulties, the disheartening: mad the trials that full to the lot of the pioneer missionary. from his ignorance of the lunyunge. the indifference of the natives, the apparently slow progress made, nnd many other points scarcely thought of till experienced. and showed how strong faith. and implicit reliance on God's grace was necessary to make one, "sufficient for these Lniiligs. We are sure Ree. Mr. Lcdinghaln will long remember the earnest winds of his more experienced fellow missionary. Mr. Led- ingham's address followed. He claimed that thcugh being somonL and support- ed by the Presbytery of Glengarry, he was still in the truest. some a repvesenta" tive of Durnoch Preshyterittnism, and was. not likely to forget, the many warm friends of his early home. when under other skies. After the benediction by Dr. Smith the largo company adjourned to the Manse to enjoy a few social hours with Rev. Mr. Ledingham and his lovely and accomplished bride and partake of the uhmxnding hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Lillie. Our . "porter, was not quite sure how l many Il r. Little's were there. but there seemed to be the or six Anyway. The large cmnpany spent. several happy hours, chatting. swinging croquetting. singing, by torch-lighr or lamp-light. in doors ond out of doors. till "elder's I houre's" made them think of home. A large number wege present from the sister station at the Rocky, and utilized the opportunity to make the presentation recorded below. Mn Little was much surprized hat replied briefly and neatly. Mr. Little an more lengtlrthnnking the donors very warm- ly for their kindly thoughtfulness to 1siar wife whose worth to him WM invaluable. At this Mr. Puthcrbough very happily informed Mr. Little that. he must con- sider the rhair a gift to him also as “his jewel case." The articles were a hand. some parlor rocker, a beautiful silver fruudiuh and salt cellars. Mr. S. Putherbough introduced the presentation business very neatly, while Miss C. Puuxerbotugh read the address. The church is fast acquiring a record as a. missionary recruiting ground, hay- ing in addition to Dr. Smith and Mr. Lcdinghnm sent out Mr. A. Skene to the North West Mission field, and Mr. Little in his address hoped that many men would yet gr, forth bearing the gospel manage The Leuingham--Stnirh family com- binations were there in goodly numbers of course, and took a large share in pro- maxing the evenireghs pleasure. DEAR Mas. LITTLF. We, the members of the Roeky Snugm-u Bible Class and C. E. Society deem Lilian fitting (}pp0rtunity to ex- press. though in a aint immor. our appreciation of you, and the esteem in which yuu are held by us since you have come among us. During the period of your connection with our vorir,rreguion, you hare, by Vunr consistent. and earnest, Christian lite. and by vour devotedness to the eauseor the Master, ably seconded the ell'orln of ycur husband, (fur esteemed tt','e','i' in working in this part of God's l 'ineynrd. In your sphnre of rlutras; Pastor’s wife, there are many culls upon l your time and labor. of which only those who ocrupy your position can know.. In you. we believe, our worthy pastor has found atrue help-mate. one who like Aaron and Hur of old will help to hold ugholy hands. In the compar- atively N ort time in which youhuve yet been with us you have, like our 'esteemed pastor, secured a sure place. in our affection and ward: not is thin lfm-ling eonfhtnd to members of the Bible Clues and C. E. Society, but is general throughout. all classes in our Congregation. The cnnseol Christ his made great advancement here. since your coming among us and we believe the progress all-may made in but an earnest, of what is yebto follow. Ans. [fight expression of our goodwill we therefore. beg of you to aceept, them, tokens which we know will be prized by you not for their real value, hut for the spirit. and motive prompting the givers. In conclusion we trust. Chat you may long be spared to be a messing to Four husband and family and to carry on your labor of love for the cause of the Master in our midst. Signed on behalf of Members of Bible Claus and U. E. Society.. FATAL AccroEsrr.-A gloom was cast over Stone's Line, also the Grove, when the sad 2e1l'/r/i',',t of the death of Mr. Hazard one u our most reepeetedfarsy- ers, was passed from mouth to mouth. It seems Mr. Hazard who was literary inclined, was in the habit each day of going up into a. hay loft. which was sume 10 ft. high, to read. He wentna usual Saturday last, and as {was can be ascer- tained lay down too near the entrance and fell asleep, it in thought that he fell through while partly asleep however he received such injuries that, he died early l Monday morning. H. has been Tax Collector for a number of years ant had again received appointment for this year. He was a succewful farmer and wide! and favorably known, he leaves a. wig and family of three sons and than daughters to mourn " untimely end. The funeral which was a. large one took place Tuesdav to the Flesh"- ton Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Pricevllle. conducting the services at home and grave. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. Prof. 'o.,',',""?; has given several 9:- hibitions in ypnobilnv. Memerism. Mind h'i,e't'guet; in uur midst, which goto show t t he is indeed Man'eral Arts. The mind reading is also wonder- ink He gum-2mm to and: it many wishing to learn in one week or money refunded. Consultation free. Writ: him. sspptmriu1ee, Ti/id Loomis. of Cleveland, in visiting the home of her father Mr. Allan Me. “Mr. Duncan Sinclair has mkingied his large barn which adds much to its DORNOCH-INDIA. MAPLE GROV E, PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, " Eye Specialist," Will be at his own suite of Optical Parlors. to test Eyesight, 87 King St. E., Toronto, Ont... Sept. 2nd to 14th DURING TEBUNTD IlIlllllmllli. He Is now Giving away a large and Valuable Book on the Eye. called “How to Preserve the Eyesight." ALL FREE. m a sight for sore even to see the turnip and carrot patch of Mr. Donald Kennedy. sr. They are really beautiful and vol y luxumnl. Our noted trio has taken a change ot late, and have taken a liking for music. The whale is now taking lessons on the tiddle while the Mink “sin a for an." hut the Goat is quite si.i'l'dlih with the ginger": music when cutting foe Jno. c Mr. Jno. “Hurling of the Satin!) paid Grove friends a visit. ' week. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Mike Henri intend: leaving us 'trtlr, for Gran Rapids, Michigan. Mr. eury will be much missed as he has often beers the principal "comic" at most of our young manila gatherings. Of course there may pc one or two who have no grunt love for him. lust they are thoso who like to see "fun" at. others' ripen». when their. tut n mum-s they take it like children and not "luttted." ' 7 . '"VCiaE/'siiesai'i," of the Station. apt-m. 3 tew day: assisting M. the harvest with his brother. Not having noticed 31mm interest- ing budget, for a. few weeks perhaps I may boa lowed to give a few notes. Harvest is at? over. Binders. good workers and K weather make quick work. Grain crops on A whole are not above the average. This can not be mid ot a. tuid of oats to be seen (In Mr. Jas. Marshall's 'iltty' lt is an extraordinary crop nnd proves the value of oderdiuaining. His work and lnhoris twic- repaid. lst in satis. faction at. seeing a rough field nude grown-Jive. 2nd, in cash returns we ope. Mr. and Mrs. John Martsuttl1 are look. ing forward with pleasure to occupying their new house soon. It has every modern convenience. a. windmill furnish- ing the water supply RS one of its useful applications. Mrs. And. Marshal! has bought the Whale!) property in Durham and will mow: in alumna month. She will be nussed in the settlement. The choir on several occasions Intoly has had the able assistance ot M r. Wood of London. As a. bass singer he has an ex traordimtry compass and power. He is visiting at Mr. Cornish's. Miss Mary Watson leaves shortly for Rochester. More than her home will miss her winning presence. Mr. TVac Marshall. Sr. has just com- Qletedn silo. 10x18 and 26 tout deep. Not many hummer: can show a. herd of AI milking cows. Here they are. In fact this may he called the Marshall milk seulouteut. James and John Mar- shall each havingZSor more cows. And all her the winter without fear. each having a silo and from 10 lo 15 acres of cum each m fill the”). Mr. And. 1bHlvride left ten days ago for an extended visit. to his son Alex. in Brandon. Mr. Wm. Marshall. Jr. has bought a prolpeltv in Arthur and in n few weeks will move his family there. He intends to employ himself in Mason work. Dag. Reeve Murice is out with his three ornnce more. Jack Boakes still keg»: the steam up and the men bush link Not, the least itnpvoyemyypr grain on in the clearing ufer. Jas. Watson', Front iield of boulders. He and his son. Rob- ert, yen. occauiouully his father Robert too, three generaumw. may be seen. blasting and removing rocks. Anyone interested in hedge fencing should examine the vigomuu young honey locust hedge flanking Mr. Wat- son's lane. It will be u thing of beauty by and bye., as well as useful. The honored name of Wallare is now l’ornelwa 3rd mm to Mrs. and Mrs. Thou. Wallace. Congratulations. Mm. ”min-1:01 Dromoro. with her daughter. MrsAHtrtsme1, ot Mr, was visiting (dead: in that neighborhood. Mr. HEW-r. the sans, student, is be ing much appreciated. Mr Wilkes] Watson but retumod to h In . but once 1n Own: Bound. lt in reported tlmt many ot the prizes i stutt in going to com. to Mr. T. Gndd thi- mm in going to com- to Mr. T. (Add thi- your. Mr. um! Mrs. lamina: and funny wore visiting some of than many {dand- hon tor u day or two hut. week end, Mr. and Mr: Menu": wore whiting at Mrs, Gaddy Slum-y hut. Emu-r "Isms: Rnuzvtt- " 30 31mm --dpr. Agnew'n Cure for the, Heart given per- fect relief in all one: Organic or Syrup-them: Heart Dam in 30 minutes Ind speedily effects 10mm It is I peerleu remedy for Palpitatipn, Shannen cl Bra-Hun Smother- ing spam, Pain in Left Side And all symp- toms of th Diana! Hun. Ono do" concil- can. Sold by MeFurlane * Co. The knowing} information [1.15 mun sent, us from t e Guelph Contra, and should be noted " breed": an others. The numbing: will be held ina tencon the grounds at Toronto fair c-- On Tue-day. Sept. 10th. " 1 p. m., the _ omcers and Directors of the Dominion Sheep Breeders' Association will con.' vonc to conider the Report of the Corntuittee appointed at the last meet- ing of the Association to consolidate the bylaws and revise, the constitution of each Association. At. 2.30 p. nu. the memlmxsof thismnociation, will convene to consider Reports of the 0fBeem and ( Directors on said constitution and by- laws; and to reconsider their action at the last meeting in liyttt.tieg deletium . .. - RV ,_.‘....l. " hunt-o-.- a! "vi. the bust meeting in a )poiinrm dele arcs to meet: the 'rie,il'la'll'l, Mining" of imi- culture to (-onsidcr the Record question. The Minister informs me. that but, two delegates are required for each Associa- tion. At, our last meeting we elected sesyyte therefore. a new election mustbe held. swxxn BREEDERR cosvrrsr:.--0tt Tuesday. Serf» 10th. at 7 p. to.. the omen-s and )irecwrs of the Dominion Swine Brederf Association will convene to consider a. mnllar report ", and at 8 I. A- ___-t_.... " an. Aewilrinn u) Cullaluv- .- -V._..,, . m., the members of this Association will convene to reeled a Revel-d .Com- mittee to meet. the Minister at the case of the. Dominion Sheep Breeders' Association ' and tO consider the re rt of the OfBeerg and Directors ”mugging the ravision of the constitution and hv- lawn. CAn'LE Bnuom corvrgmr.--Wed- nesday. Sept, nth, at, 7 R: m. the mem- - .L - n-..:..:.m Jul. Brogan-f ot me UIILIAVIU a..- ...H-. ___ - - u the revision of the cottstitarrion and luv? laws. I UA'rrLE Baum-1w corvr.mr.--wed- nesday, Sept. llth. " 2 m. the mem- bers of the Dominion attic Breeders' Association will convene to consider the ',',,iits'it of the Committee appointed to dm t a new constitution and lay-lawn. All interested psi-ties m invitedtoate tend these megtmgs. whether members of In Association or not. -- _"' nt ' 'ki, Repay. te S . endent o trt'rtt' 1mm J'li'l'l'il'ltG of Earrixstrssrtss NORMANBY N06GETS, {chewing irqur-glftinn has has: TORONTO FAIR LL, of the prizes in garden his dulled ‘NUTHING SUBBEEDS LIKE (lll(BlNl' The public realize thgt when We advertise an article, we always carry out what we ad- vertise. In spite of the dull times we have been kept so busy that we haven't been able to wait on all our customers. People always like to come where there's a Crowd, because where there's a Crowd there mast be Bargains to attract them there. We are going to Fe, Service. This splendid animal Wu imported (mm the United States and was I winner of four Prim at the worhi's Fair. Chicago. Great Summer Clearing Sale, DURING THIS NEXT MONTH and in order to do so The township council of Nonnnnhy " its last meeting ordered a. copy of the following resolution tet he sent to Mrs. - . . ' A a: u.-:..l.v- mnocu-d Blyth, the widow ot Lineman: mynwu ,' reeve: i "That we, the treasurcr.ctevk and couu- i all " our first meeting after the unex- pected death of our lamented and respected reeve hereby sincerely tender t to his bereaved widow and fumily our} heartfelt sympathy in this sore awe-i tion. We pray that the Great Ruler of I the Universe, who is 1 husband to the. widow mud a father to the tatheehsas! may pour the oil of his consolatiyn into 'i their wounded u mm and guide. until protect them in tin.- future. " e dellrti to express m high Appreciation of the . labors of our leader in the management' of our ldwnship affairs, he being a. man u of sound judgment and painstaking in? the disclttuge of his duties. Hts cheer; ful and clinging dispouitiott Jrtdenrcdi him to all who mime in contact With. him. He will be long runcmlwrt-d." g I Thoroughbred Uhester White Boar, 'Washington,' April Grd, '93, We haven't time to mention particularly anything this week but you can I that whatever you buy from us during this sale we will save you good money on it. The mam mm, runs w: ..l__-. trount.rr newspaper learns in l that he must not. expect even pressed thanks fur any of tl things he may any about, pen} know; to th moral canning slightest error will call dew: lions upon his head. Ho l complimentary notice in his dreds of times nnd never hem let him jatst: hint at mun- of comings of that sum- mun; make tt lifelong enemy. The mun learns not to expect tha plenum thing. be my»: nix and he isn't ii'iakwtried.---E RAMSAY d; MORLOCK Everybody ground have in buy with tho hu- nlc. “can! run. inve Raymond "Inching Sun! in lung Ind gnln round And plump No may ot food be“. Mr. - Heb-In In mow-ting - (to: . never. stack of man“! for". Dr. Mitchell. ot Dumb“. Imndod him. Mm Em [and u undu Dr.Blrd'I are at woman We hope to non no he: nomad " “all. Mir. A. MesNbtms h homo tor the can" nos-om. Shohzolncmuurhuvut. In: S. xenon-1d tmid bu pawn l tirintt Vi!" tw-tto-tu-tGtr. A. at he: nun-d loudly any. _ _ - .,,, Ln“..- In J. W. Mat rock. Mim l-‘lon Smut. of Munch. h Vida»; a but undo, Mr. N. Cannon. Mr. A. En uni to tho mm Prison tor I load ot Math! “than for ttro good Grit-I mun-i ham. Bk Dinah" wand: u Brown-vino. - .e, A -~~-,_.-_. LA--- on v-.- - --i- W Mr. A, Havens“ an: tau immanent homo. - (not would III“ on. ___- _. =, --~J --a --a- an" -....- --_"-" -'" m. lucolxn Honda“ hum-d sad and A has um. ml. in a and“ to the boy. Mr. D. “new”! tug-cod Mr. P. Moody for the Huron. An mule-um: mecca; ot the Dinewn took place " an Seaman“. Futon on Satan“, toe the purpou of mum; duputo. bottom the who” and actuary, " there was n number of 1 the puma- er mpmmng than: the - Mn: no high. The would. in that the Boer-hr! put on the envelop“ IL900 In the plum 0111438. Sov- evor. tho Dinner: fool sauna-d um tho ”an. will be pleased to know that “can. J. Hum ma Wm. 11mm m to And“, the work of tho two [at we: as Mr. aawag. In Bonnet-.17 tor tho , in: you! and give good "tuueMon. i Did Burma-n pot the tty mu you Is there a time when Inmnenu flow, I More 1ovelier than all beside ? I It is of all the times below. A Sabbath en: in summer tide. I Oh: then the setting sun smiles fair; And all below. and Ill above. 1; The differ ent forms of nature weer: One universal garb of love. A nd then the peace that J mus beams: The life of grace. the death of sin, With neture'u Klucid woodsand stream. ls peace wit outs and page within. De1ittt',1 scene: A valid at rest t A od att love. no grief, no tear: A heavenly hope, a. gainful breast. A smile umullied y a tear. If heaven be ever $elt helow. A scene so heavehly sure as this; May cm: 1 heart to know, some taste of celestial bliu. Delightful hour! how soon will night Spread hex-dark. auntie o'er thy reign. And non-0"- quick returpipgtidht. Must. brine us to the world -agaits , Yet there nun dawn another dar t A sun Mae":- set shall the. N15: will not veil hereunde- ny I Bunnly swam: met dies. [The wove poem. much ebove the “cage. . m contributed by our Brown:nl_le correspondent some weeks There's no money in it for A SABBA " EVE m SUIHER TIIE. lo man that, " ”Millikan" v!- - .P___r_ -- the widow of their-late respected Has been proved to us over again since we started our u that, runs the local end of a Iewapnper lemma in due season um. not. expect even 1sriefly ox- hanks for any of the plvauut may any about people, but he t a. moral certsinty that the error will call down maladie- n his head. . Ho may gi‘fen BROWNS WLLE. Keep the Ball a, Rolling TL' ram a In! dntuthtofr, BOULDES & Co., Harness Mskers, Durham oi------ AN OLD PROVERB " Cut Throat” Prices l\-n-'l --e"" 1 down maledie- Ho may gives in bis paper hun- " hear of it, but mm of the short mun and hi will '. The newspMter a thanks for the in about peopU, Ida-E’- UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. as but we want the room worse than we want the JAPAN TEA. A direct Shipment of 20 1b. Chest New Japan Teas. 1ihreeptionaly good value just to hand at Grant's. Call and get a sample. Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. No breaking in needed, they are made to fit the feet. The Big SHOES ' 1uvesrorse1aptret2str70r.1rftt but we ind . La . Stud: bought More the raise which we will son at OLD BIG 4 PRICES a: long me they last. Women's Envy Lute Shoes. ahr. Women's Pmnelh Gamers. ab. Woriten'ri Prunclla Slippers. Elastic Front. ae. Misses' and Children's Shoes all sins. Men's Boon: & Shoes All size. & prices. Best bullet Shoe Mug. " and ah: a bottle. Floor Oil Cloth. ll yd. wide. 40c yd. Best Table Oil C 10th. 4Fin wide. I Fun: All-“'onl lilo Fold Dress White and Colored. 25e yd. Semen. 25c. d. Atl-Wool Twine-d Grey Flannel. Mk 31 Men's Top Shim Ca 25e up. Men's Under Shins & Drawers, 2Se u _ Men's Socks. Ith: pair, pp. Men's Bnlvbtrine Stand Up Conan, is i Prints. Flannel: Mid Farm Cotton each. _ . --- A --e- Best Came or Oatmtal Soap. TC, " Floor Oil Cl'oth. lb yd. wide. 40c yd. Best Table Oil Cloth, 4Fin wide. in Fuse Atl-Wool Daurto Fold Dress White and Colored. me yd. Serges, 25c vd. Att-Wool Twine-d Grey Flannel. Mk yd. Men's Top Shim from '2Se up. Men's Under Shirts & Drawers. 25c u Monk Socks. Ithe pair, up. Men's Rethberine Stand Up 0011311. 'lk Prints. Flannel: And Factory Cotton each. at the lowest prices. Best Castile or Osmmd Soap. Tr. a Bae Big 3 n: 1bsr but Laundry Sou). 18c. or 4 Bars for sse. Bent 2Se. Japan Iain town. Try ' m. My Galvanized 14 qt. Pail. 26e. See our SLOO lot of Tinwm. Give Us . tun. We Wat Your Trade- - - A - aEiiiiiiii'iiriiicmtir dk Go An honest Dollar's worth of Merchandise FOR , Has been the Foundation of our Success. A partial List of our ASTOUNDI 22 lbs. Stand“ Granulated for on In, SUGAR BARGAIys. i - ---- Good m 15ts per b. 8158 for $1.11). Extra Imperial me. per th, tHU. for a“ Fine Japan 25e. per B, 5 as for $1.10. No. Lisp-n We. per tb. 5 lbs. for SW “--- 13.... Me, oer lb. 5 no for 32.“). Extra. No. go ae. per B, 5 the for a TEA BARGA¥N§z MEAFiURE MEASURE. Extra. India Breakthst Extra 837393 ag; 15c. rev lb. Boots & Shoes. VALUE .nHyson tioe. rrs,trtsmtct.9s Pure Mug; and Jar n Coca. mredo'"hugg"sit't "e..1ieiiiLe2Ql,'ii iiitrst;ortortUse. lbs. 'r?iasmtiPtois. Pure Spices. rouod and Whole.- Clovec. Woe. 11i.ru.e.ep. lug. Peppers. etc. etc. Try our mixed Spice- for Pieklimr. - ------ A all Eiéialishedmse. Another lot of our Celebrated “My” v -...i--" White Wine. nigh-h we. Candi-II “and Cider. 1895- . L. GRANT. 81'an mm -- . -.,.A fm-Au., "Alt-ad Draggist & Seedsmm ted foe 31.00. - I! Mitts. Light Yellow for 81.“ 28 lbs. Light Brown for 'Lar. Per ”-33 $3592. we will continue offering goods at BLACK SEA our ASTOUNDING BARGAINS. GREEN a; |.ODIW.l-“' 'Bu"ttiiari"iierers,stsro"sa' FOR A ' Durham. As Hons Donna 511315. for 9k. sure .U't?

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