West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Sep 1895, p. 4

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Lost Five Children In Three Weeks Fivo children of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene “'ilnon of KlizOenh, N. J., hue died line. July 30. of n urauge melody than. battle the play-lame. The In: child to die Wu Eddie. Aged 6 yet". who died on Mundny morning. Hie twin brother. Eugene, died on July 30, nnd magnum.“ child, Esther, on the rune Joy. hilip, aged 3, died on Aug. 8, and Annie, 9 yew- old, on Aug. 14. In June the children were stricken with moulu. nod whooping cough follow. " In the Utter put of July the children bagel: to tado Any. They were nnsble to reuin nouriehment,end were reduced to shat-wan. One child, . girl ot raven yam, in sick with the um poculinr dire-0e, but App-en to be recovering. Wileon in I machines: in tho.Singer ttTlx"?,',"'.',,".,", Worn. Tho illnes- and dent in his }..in hove so inure-nod his srl",', um can. lbw-um the “any, n public nub-aim he been euro-d in their Apples moot. ban in it us they do in nnch bulky pawl-gen u barrels The {night would be no gunner. the hmdling would he euier. in short, the cute. seems to be wh" in hooded for mulriplyutg the Cundiun hpplo train runny (old. and Ut ll'. n. from duty. The nutter in worthy of tha “Lennon of our farmer; Ind fran- growau. In this country we me coming to a due new of ths using of lira-elm quality an! uric: beauty in our goodu and uedingn. The tirnt word "Ill tthtppens or union wen getting In about the qullicy of our about brought the mutter before. Publmf. The country“ being edumwd and ouconnged to make fir.t.elans butter for the British market. Precnnciom huh: boon taken to hep up the gr-dmg of our iirs-t that. Strict Inc-lure- no enforced whey our on“. balmy. In ia on Gl nocounu mt _irnporun§ this} our ‘apple- “we--- ...._. ...., ___ _ _ grown. and Ihippen Ihould study tsnd carefully conhynn to the tum And re. qnircmonu of the British than. Above .11, they owe it to their country to be scrupulouly hone-c. There Arc vat posit. biliua in our export. fruit trade. if it in ml} handled. This idms of n bunker. or an” mm to be . good one. scams!" mum on the market " first-ttl." stuff. In such cues of fraud the top And bottom respec- tively content a few lnyorl of choice fruit, while :he centre in tilled in with All Iorte. There Ire other hem]: with over-ripe fruit in the centre. which soon duneges Ll the teat. An exnminetion of the content! of n barrel is, the writer up, en interminable job, end cannot be mule without bruneing the fruit. Hence, dnlen lune to buy with their eyu Rant. The lone! they have tsutfertrd in connequence hnve become I ueriaue meme to the Candi“ lpple busi- neee in Glugow. The” losses uh: one of two tonne. They Are either direct, the dry-let hustling to cull and reject the un- "rand Ind inferior Iruit And realize only on the "maimUr ' or they ere indirect the cit-toner returning the peckege or disputing the recount. The loee, however. “In on the under, Md tends to prejudice him ngdnlt Candi-n npplel. In fact this am {wing of poor fruit in agree: a check to the buying of npplee by the barrel an ID the in or that peekAae. The bucket Mr. Malena repreunu. out be curly mind by tit-dealer. In itheceneee whet he in buying. end know: whet he in ceiling to hie customer. It in not no good A cover to trauds " the barrel. It is the right due holds ,rdl buy so large parcels. whereu- pncxugu oi 40 or 45 pounds would come mLhnn the nope of tho new: And tron. numpuon of the mnjorny of Inmilaes. The town, Mr. Madam prodicu, would be a - summon of the demand for Claudia: sptrlers. Further, he couidon the change in called for, not more}, for the “tension of the Ludo. but. the for the very pretens- tion of It. Larsen“. in not the only hull. of the bgml-pncklge. n is the menu of convoying a lot of we dnwn . suggntion concertvutit the Lpple crude which ought not to be Ion. on the Canadian: farmer and fruit grower. The writer, Mr. John Much». is nvidenuy . very clear- heulzd And experienced batman mm. m, Ingguuon in than tho barrel he ducurdod " In Apple-”chum. and upbeat! by three nuns wicker Its-ken. or er-hours joint “puny " aqua to thuo! one hard. Hu funny trod Reports trom the continent. indium tint l the Unlonllt. triumph in use genernl elec- 1 none in the [Inked Kingdom in viewed with "tinaction in Gummy, Auntie nad luly. but with not I Hula uni-giving in Flume. No doubt the growing chnngo of Eogtialt public opinion in (“or of join. ing the Triple Allinnu,in order IO mrutral. in the perch“!!! “friendliness of Frnnco. nod tho {not that the Connrvnt'we party ttae inclined mo" to the: policy, - connu for much of the French npprehen- lion. Bat then: ll good reuon to believe that. up.” from the leer ' Brim-h influence my be thrown on the min of the Triple Alliance. the French drend n de. mand for the oeulement. of . per: " loan: ot the long lUt of diplomntio injurial iMieted upon Great Brian). conf-ion of this belief, it. is claimed. hu been given in the mugre publicity accorded by the French pres. and government to the for- mnlopemng n few weekn ego of the grent military port nod nnvul nmunl comrtruetml by France " Bizertu, in Turin. though mu Import-nun to the republic is scarcely les, than that of the Kiel Cunnl to Germany. Fur by cutting n ainnl from the non to Lake Biz-nu, the French have ”cured u: inluud harbor cup-bk of holding their tenure Ileot, sad a nhuolutely protected lrom attack by a houulu squadron us the German fleet. would be ii matured in the m idle "when of the Kiel whicrwny. gnaw-r. mean will some 1ur be France not. on to permanent!) Englnnd'n reqt that Bum-u w miliwy and a pledges, it is I government " advertising nu dread the n! premier likely the injury dos coeutrusittm of Brit uh mum t add it to the li A Val-mm: opening of this grant. 1: soqn the on. tit M ed "at " mks. Yet. the only In tho and; 10 French Madmen-n Moreover, I DIVII hm u Bizertas more an doubles the "rattgth of Frame in tho eduernneul, giving her, with Toulon, . our. and nlronghold on either hide oi OUR EXPORT APPLE TRADE, med . direct promise made to Urea: min. For in the correspondence between two governments which wcompenied Freneh occupuion of Tunis in IMI, nee not. only reputedly promised not rerrmsnerttly occupy the country, but u :lnnd'n rcquul. gnve speck! sumac” l Huerta would not. be converted into I tar y uni and port. In View ot there lgen, It in no: mun! that the Paris :rnmenv. Ibould crucially refrain from "HI-mg the completion of the port, Ind ul the rebuxn to power ot I British mar likely to dew] compemtion for xmurv done l.o British interest.- in the nod to hunt u: ‘n opemmr able Sig-gallon I. lie talus“:- l'nr-u-r and Frill Crower. o His-gov Evening Citizen of . re- in there is . letter which counting I'UB FAMILY TRADI- CL'RI.'E.\'T NOTES. onsbhng her Lhil chum! m waighty, And -om experience. The Prune one and in dwgomer too Urge for r. Conuining from 120 to 140 f A limited number of house- 1qu of Injuriu for which pay me any be "and. lt in true " the breaches of mu. Are b) on the gran. port wu I parade ot ditch-urn!) i1eot, conducted " was badly known outside due, no doubt, to the he: a": it u. I", the republic I DIV». Indim at better true I “rough enemy ssaietly d but} (P. 31': "I. *'ittsiir,'i Pf. " "A to Hi. popaUrity 1. due almost entirely to me n "ge or mourn-swig“ nu nu "brbqbrT.b-'. mcurod In his military prawns. There ia naming three wry-u 11ml uu one amnion while ag their 1m _ " V working m the trench“ ho Wu! bowled poung or magma about. his Bppeure2UN'. over by a aolid shot. urikmg him. Be was protected He bu act the tim, physique of Lord picked up for (lead hardly racogniznble m as the 'Bobs." tilim, mull summed. with a from Lhcxmmbcr M woundan his face. The "severMp ed in the q ' . ,', T . surgvona declared tlust than: wu'uo sul- b, ' 4' "by Ce?, face, nrrhly lined, semhxng blue I bility ot his recovery but he Ull . attended “in? ' . er" tusd th drooping muainche, his gencrnx , different view of the matter sud lived to {no “oft: 'w baring is by no menu. that of tho typirrsl l see all of them in their guns, Although thzlrilbmty an" more ‘oldicr of romance. Although 62 year! of 1 for I long time he mu: compellml to live In and said G use tn the BM, he looks at lea-L ndcc-ulr younger,md a lt" mum. total blinduest, being threst. A friend, Inn on o I . . . . ‘ene. . l a bottle of A fulllemof hu Iroh birth ohm" marl: In 3 "ttty While not, engisged in mmgng with the lit-nan to tak . “rogue, wl.:ch he would le. gud to ro‘muvc sword. Lord Wolesloy has been wiulding rclleved. m livide her from his “mm M ho hes no qupuhy l the prm with almost. as good etfeet. In lulu bottle. I was ua both wh-ver “who” , 7 f l' "1:” It i essays he has not, hemmed to criticiso had much oi )n of the C '3 muse I', " t , “I . , almost (wary gram. general oi ancient. and t1rmly bollcv T mond and Mobunhy. Tire lrmhmun m ! modern Lime», To complete the picture u saved my h parade ot __ m . . . . l I Am. Lowell :mlducted -e V 7 "We- r _-----------------------"" V-r‘ l lunr’o T a, , " V .3; . A; " _ a. y it%"ck " AA; yy A - .n'mk. - AN‘I’V‘. 8atMi generalTa Canada in October, 1167, nnd commended the expedition to the Red River. Hie gnllnntry on the tield and his aervieel an en executive olliuer won him I nomination as Knight Commmulrr of the Order of 3.5". Michael and George in 1870, Mid upon his return to England he we: manhunt. generhl " the war ollice in mode P37l. Whcn the AsGntee war began in August. 1373. h" WM chosen to command the Briunh Lrnnps,wilh the local real: of major general. The Afri. cui munpsigu Wu K tmlliarytone,tircnstwet, being dofearedarevery turrt,G'erteral Wolse. lay eareriug Cuonuuuue on Feb. 5, 1"74,and receiving the aubmislion of the king. His return In England mm a. great popular triumph. Like a. second Scipio Airiouio, he we: the hero of the day. Parliament. pruned A resolution thanking him for his service-a to the lit-rush crown and gunning nun $123,001) as u placid reward for his ., cournge,energy And perseverance.” The Q :een made him 1: Knight Commend" of nu: Bath, while the City of London, not to be outdone in favoring the popular hero, pro-eaten him with the freedom of who city and neplendid sword valued at 100 guinea. He wu shortly Afterward mule commander of the auxiliury forces, but it being felt that his services were needed in Africa, where eneceu had t,,gtJ2, met him " every turn, he wu inpnnched to Nasal to not. on governor of that colony.t.o advise the coloniAl oairre of the bestform of government (or the “Lives, and to "mime ior suitable miliury organization and defense: in the even: of “other outbreak. Upon his return to London he was again made commnnder of the auxiiznry forces, and ' a men-her of the councri for Indra. Hm next. uppomtment. was an Governor oi Cyprul, and commundor in chief of the “my, In ' newly seriaired important mxlmry plum. Airimut warfare Agni" do. mnnded hu- Iervicea in June, 1879. and he mu made wovemor and high commie-toner of Nat-l, the whole of the Zulu war being left in bu handy. In thin venture he wto aucceuful, In slwstvsueeeodjag in denuoy. ing the stronghold. of Sikukuni. At the close of tho umpuign he held successively the office. of qmsrterm"ter general and Adjuunr. genus! of the Irmy.but. when the axpoditionny force Wu lent. to Egypt, in l882, he wu about: u in laden His sol-Vien- than guned him Iguin the lhnukn of Pnlilmont. us well u the tigle of Enron Wokelcy of Cairo, tad of Wollolay in the Conny of Statrord. He duo obuinod tho nah at (an gonad. while both an can English urginn'itiu con- [and upon him than: high.“ do. which the British army him been engaged. He wan an ensign during the second Rur- mole w". At the siege of hhs'oaatopol he Wu 3 lieutenant, Mid my: on lhnc field to the rank of explain in the tint. month of 1555. On his way to China in [3.37 ha endured the hardnhips of the am. being wrecked nou- tiingspore. He took put in the suppreuicn oi Lhe Indian mutiny in that your. receiving 5 commission " msior in March, 185tt, nnd the next you gninimz & lieutenant. colonelcy M the age of 26 years. In 1860M served on the an]! of the qunlermuur general throughout. the China: clmplign. fur which ha received the honor ot I. medll with two clupr. m wu nppoinu-d deputy quurterm"ter general in Canada in October, HGT, und‘ ccmmud_ed the expedition P the Red] he has been in the mort no! which the British “my hum He w» n ensign durmg t mole wnr. At the liege of we: a lieutenant, And rose 1 the rank oi “puma in the 1555. On Inn way to Chi endured the lusrdahip' of hard campn: u enuxgn In be has been He It must not be Lord \Volueley is do mos: of their t HAS EARNED HIS SPURS. dunng LORD WOLSELEY TAKES CHARGE OF THE BRITISH ARMY. Ttse.utaurttmrr" fan-an (and I, "on In F.tratarot--trr " n In FighteriWhIIr of 'riot mrttr no Sympullu' “Inn Hu- I'H'N’III -Nomr " “In Bulllu. .nndency b HONOR“ CAME VERY PART. many men gas since F, March, 185: lo pul lore than his share of = he entered the army 1852. From that. Limo so't notable battles in hglAKd h war all} MMAXDER-lN-Cl Gteat Mullurmh " u lh-mnvnecl ll mrth. Me "an I'rru'nl l.r:uler ' lupprem fin n um raking blue his genera; Chiruuur..-iro he did ' but it was on con- dition thut the would not nutty spin. critic. We should naturally look to him an the most. promising source oi invention. In the gloomy menses of his mind we might expect some ucheme to take ahnpe, some plsn to be hatched out, whereby he nnghl "wafer from his ileiicntc nervous uyntem to an unfeelmg, unthinking muchnnirm. But since Jseobworlrod for Laban there has been no hired man with head enough on him or application enough in him to think out an inutrumcnt for tho puree. At lut We have one, but it does nu. proceed irom tliepeople who had to bear all the drudgery of hand. milking. We have hld a trial of it in this province, and the thing can be recommend- ed. It can be had in vixen to suit custom- ers, to be run by hand. horse, or engine power. With it a man or able-bodied youth cm milk and etrxp tour cow- in the “me time as, sitting on e three-legged etool. he can) milk one by solitary Gad ibour. The cows themselves seem to be dumbfounded with utoniahmcnt at the Income of thin mechnnicel millr.leech. But until they get used to it they seem not to pert with All the essential constituents ofthcirmilk no {pent-neonaly as P. the bend process. Chsttits-.1 has: that. old De Cabin dead. Ctustgie-Eh'. I .lwayn under-toad he intended m lenvo hi! young wife hi. entire fortune. The boon of a milking Intent gift of since to th Hitherto milking has been ml Art. The natural, prim Though the new milkcr mny burn out to be an etlieieut instrument the old method will be Apt. to linger on to than“. Unless ib mun hang 'a very large number of cows it Will acnrcely pay him to put in power and set up in stationary muchiue to exhnun their udder! morning sad evening. Milking remains a lnndicr-h. The hired man in still under the yoke,is yoke with two pnila. crowned with a creamy hand. depending at. either end. The plan-nu figurrr of the milkmnid. to whom me “me nwnin is reuponnivo n she Iinga, continue: in the foreground. L'hirtnie-Yett,, died yesterday, and his widow bus retained me to come“ his will, Jo exercise, whether at grey dawn or dim walighl. They found stronger expression in bu deep ejaculation- " the cow now coolly walked may from him in the middle ot the operutiou,raow calmly upset. the pail. now upon him In the odor: to dislodge a fly. now smote him In tho face with her tall, or softly twtned that appendngo about: hm neck. Tu in: capable human were usually "signed the toughest. animals of the herd. He Lhexefom knew I” slmut the imperfec- Lirns alpha 1yuu1proeeas,ytd. w_as its. (reeat inspiration. People who did not like the method were free to adopt any other, but up to the present I“ stuckto the pro- cess on which all had originally bit. The In. is one of the few thin have been pre- served no long in their original simplicity. It wu open to objection, but accmiugly not to improvement. The objection were informully entered every time the hired mun Wu called to “his: the women folk in Hitherto milking has been a atrtouy mm- uel an. The natural, primitive, pastoral, universal, and imrhcmonaJ practice has been to milk the cow by Luud. Mnnkind begun to milk thus an it by A common inspiration. People who did not like the method were free to adopt any other, bat A Machini- That the Mm" Tinn- green. Almost. before he hm! thoroughly rested himself from the Egyptinn cumpnign he was lent back to that country to the rclici of General Gordon. This wus the only failure in his cureor, and oven for this only his enemies hold him accountable. Through a combination ot tftreumstrutces his Manner nrrivmi at. Khartoum forty- cith. hourn too late, rendering the expedl- mm nhorLivu. To console him for his rruusppoiuunent, “to popular hero WM! thanked for his service: by both hou Ycan of parlinmont. 1nd was main Varmint, Wolwley. In 1890 he reLircd from being Adjutant. general to the (crew and beesme communder in chief of the ioreo m Ireland, which pnaiuun he has since held, his con- _ . . . r. Ty I..L "...... rm"-.. .._ .._, or,” . duet winning the approval of the English tones and the hatred of the Irish, who would ulmoux. no noon use further honors heaped upon tho Duke of Cambridge him. self as upon their enemy. This, oi course. in nnoLhcr thing which gives the comer"- Lives gran atstiahsetion. concur“) wn‘ustRs. Wounds " well u honors have been Lord Woiseley's lot since lid tirst donned a rod uniform. In lending s worming party while ensign during England] war with Barrmsh in 1554 both he sud his brother olilcer were allot. down as they entered the enemy's works. The other hled Lo death in five minutes and it WM! only ll! ii by n "Lucie and after inlennc unfl'uring that. the lilo of the future vornmrurler.urcltief of him lit-inn" va wan nave-l. During picked up for (lead hardly roe from Lhcxmmbcr M wounds on his surgvona declared tlust were wu' bility ot his recovery but he different view of the mute: And see all of them in their gavel, for I long time he mu: compelled has he is A eontir, or BRITAIS"y ARM of mar“ MILKING THE STRAIN OF' MILKIN Mais Brutality. wt" Milk Four huh In In "nr by llnncl Labor. BY MACHINERY, enchel ho was bowlul I striking him. Be was ad hardly racogniznble wounds on his face. The tlust than: wsa'uo possi- are is need only to add i prohibitionist sud an He has an only daugh- aee. who will inherit '%s" Fr, " . ' "1 4.- " the dairy farmer, It a strictly man- machine is the toiok I lived to Although il Tux “Ow mun-u" Kiwanis". " mum...“ -, -_.--.... - V, - Space Gooseberries which will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow withoutthorns. usm iurthercaurnerate, Tree Roses, etc. BUT our stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and comPlcte‘ L I plates and .,ioert1c,"t I I III I' outfit furnished - of charge. Write {arms and particulars. - CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, 7 _Gothorrto, Ont. W - i2%rsuaGuGitTiti gar spea‘ "has. in our line. Trees that Uf, seedless Penn. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as large as an Apple. Cherry trees proof against black-knot. Plum trees not affected by Curculig. cho Curran; WE WANT A MAN AT ONCE m this community to sell specialties Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neva}!!! In no nun/rte. aha Coated longue, Dun:- ,fss,.B.ititytsney Pala m the side,Cditstlp.tiort, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to say cured also regulate tho Sowcls. any mo. m nu. in height, but In the rng Scotland this olevntion is I About, a sharp distinction of the air between the tr the valleys. bark. "May their tribe increase Atreue " an". Ar 94:00 mun. are hall-v37 pan . I!lll4‘lA\ .. . W.--., - . - V, Kl'3hti'ky'l'/irr and an hon-rut omnmn. write to UNN & co.. who have mm neulgtmy yem' experience no the when business. nmmumw non: strictly eontMettttitu. A Handbook of In- !annulon concemmk Plumm- and how no ob- mn mom mm mm. Also a analogue ot meanin- lcg! and mmnpmo 139mm 1uW1tt: " a m“ I“! In“ WIUIIMHU wanna acne AlVI-d Pmnu amen wrung!) Mann & Co. receive arson! ounce m the Schwinn Amen-Eran. and t us no Draught widely baron: the public with- out cost. to the Inventor. This splendid {apes Issued weekly. olenntly tun-muted. but hi at we lamest circumuon or any semantic war In an world. " tag; Sample Wh7, sent tree. Build"); Ed than monthly. 50-year. tntutto caries. 2.' can". Every number com-m- beau- u ul amen. In colors. and ghownphu ot new home. with mm sunburn: ulldonvonhow tltq 1ayyt4trytpti1u1q,tyyttyee,te. "eetef, .- A striking indication of the comparative freedom of the higher regions of the at. mosphere from i1ostirtg germs in: been noticed in Scotland. During the put. twelve years I meteorologieul observnlovy has been maintain“ on the summit, of Ben axing I wnu te " - " 5:." ' ",.-.-,-sz,-,,-s,-r:,-rct-aaiit . " }"/’:':~:?-\~.D,, 'sm " E8WE '* arm f, "r. cm u if m: MiiNiEiligt25, F"stf ti M u BMro. f 'rrrrf VI Cty, Ell. c .. Hunk-11's levlll Curt, " mm): It Hm best lenlueuv, mmwl 0M Purl), at": ISL two "one A't"tvr'm, "tt urn-flu "t.ryy truyyte Try? Almost a A Terrible Cough. No Rout Night not Day. Given up by Deccan. KENDALL’S SPHIH MM. Miilit$li'if,'lk"ii. "Several years ago. I caught a severe cold, attended will) a terrible cough that allowed me no vest, either day or night. Tho doe. tors. after working over me to the best ot their ability, pronounced mycase hopeless. and said they could do no more for me. A friend, learning of my irouhlc. sent me a bottle ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take. and very soon I was greatly rr-iicvcd. By the time t had used the whole bottle, I was cumpletc1yeured. I have never had much of a cough since that time, and I runny belie“: that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my rrtv,"-..W. n. Wm, 8 Quimby mi icGliin.i"tl In in keep a bottle 43171341111 KENDALL’S SPAVIH MM. Dr, B. 1.7 tarmac mm “w..."- ....\. "WW WW...“ ..-_._,. HUSH * co.. NEW You. 861 BmwAY. Ayer’s Wrrrihit1rpl d yer u For sate l: y all Druggism. or mare-u Dr. It. J. K FJAU9ct LL COMP) su' Willing to Give Him Madge-See here, whim The native d - iyxAdtiiiiith {Mada-con , B, J. All!!!” co. - HIGHEST mans at WORLD'S ma. Certain In It: erttrett, Ind never when. Raul moot: below t Health on a Mountain-Top Hrgpeless Case. POWDERS my lite,"-.) Lowell, Mass A LIFE SAVED l wnn’n huh-win ey-What shall I 2'ilta tho Beat Fem“); Pin/dio- ENOSDVRCN FALLS. VT. En Enid kit mm Yours truly. , W. Ir. Ward. :of Australia, the Egypt- Peruum desert dog never mod morn] brrtO me" grim much CAMS. Mo., Apr. s, '9! .4 s;...‘n.:'..,;.2; 'iGiaTriiGrd - i', a summit oi “on ubecrvnlory “if! ounuin day: have Elm. Pom our hundred feet noun climate of ulliciun to bring in the condition ouumm-Lop und Hts Choice, noted chat, they rh, und other nbrane and air- remaun on the mn nick no“. vcxy inclement on mean by Box " That. you Edi-é “at th for r"- .-__.__ ., ,, The lens in not only dimer, bur indirect. Indolence and incnpgcity always follow in the brain of excess. A manufacturer has likely been quoted in trsying thablle had mluy men in his employ to whom he med to pay tive dollua I day, but who could now with dittitsulry out: a do1Ur mud n. (putter; Had that solely became they would drink. And the uircumumce in not, excep~ that]. but ttrel. . . Finn Mrtuigortdarirtg long wait " nil- wuy "sstion-Urn--I heard 'sgeruthsman, cull you doctor. Are you a doctor of dlvinity? ' - . . v * A S_-s_.. " -iiiirai 'tranger-No, I Am a. doctor of medicine. 7 "WriasLi'iiiumsstr ne of tho nearest. kin to vice sud 9x06". -iGTGtmutger.-Ahi, then permit me to offer you teigtsr. V A man bu genenlly tho good or ill qualities which he “tribute: to mnnkind. -altetutoae. In point of husb, more are no Lwo Lhingu more " odds Linn etticient ltbor and exoenivo drinking. Abrutt a thouund million dollars I you are went in the United Sam: for [ulnar-l. wine. and ales. The pnporlion of this enormous Ium um come: trom the pockets of the working people of small menu» is qune out of proporfion to their Faulkner. , Sd An ugreemenb had been made between the brewers and their employs: which Wu “capable in every point butane. And upon this one point they held out. It had been provided blunt beer should be furnished the workmen to drink without charge at. nine, eleven, two, three, four and six o'clock, but tho men iruiated upon hAvix-g it free " every hour of the day '. Here ll oppression of labor by oNsitul with a vengeance! . The hintory of labor strikes, if fully writtAn, would contain some odd incidcnu. None could be more so, porhnpa. Linn the awry of A reeentsstrike in Omaha. among the brewery workmen. Sweet Pickled Peara.-ahske one quill of good Cider vinegar, put. it into a porce- inin kettle And Add to it four pound. of mg", and when it hu come to u boil, nkim and add two ounces of nick ciunnmnn. one ounce of whole cloves, and one ounce whole auspice. Pat, this spices lulu a muslin bugutnd when the vinegar in spiced to tune, remove and put. into the syrup I few pun! nu. time, and when they can moily be pierced with a fork, put them in a “one our, alter 'tiekiug I couple of move: into each pear. The!) min] more to the vinegar until all are lined. Then skim the syrup agnin and pour our the pen“. Seal when cold. Apple Butver.-0ae.ulf I bushel of Peppin Apples tad one gnllon of {nah "reel. cider. Cook thorou.,hly Ind put through a collwder; then plnce on the tire sad Add six pounds granulated sugnr. Stir constantly to pun-em burning, and cook until quite Huck, any two or three hours. Try . hula in a duh mud siit looks watery cook longer. When cold Putin “one jun And cover closely. Do not boil in bun or metal kettle. Pear burmuude.-Boil the fruit to u pulp, womb in And take bl” she weight of nugu. Pat the lug»; with u hula water " possible to boil nod skim while balling. When boiled to A crack Add the pul And boil. To every half dozen pent: Ming two drops or so of euence of cloves. pint of juice, and Loil “manly- or until ti, begins to jelly fro Rhubub "nu-To evcry I bssrballow a pound of uugl ounces of cnndicd lemon peel. rhubub. add tho sugar tu il stwd for twenty-four hours the lug“ in dilmlved. Pour, and boil " for three quarter: then ldd the rhutnsrb sad the cut fine, And boil the whole i, hour. Peisrs.-For ten l pound. of sugar. 1 pearl, Add a. hula make the. syrup. My Ikim. add the pun begin to change cc hot. Dried Fruits Wholesome and Pala. table. Apples, peaches, prunes, prumslles, rn-pborrios and blueberries are med com. monly in the dried form. All of them an» inexpensive. and when rightfully prepared, wllnlelomo and pnlnmhln. Oi com-ac much time " needed to prepare them an thut they will "umpb both eye.nd palate," bat the result usually amply repays one for the lshor. The Apple: And prime- require the addi. ion of lemon juice to give the needed acid. All of then fruits require long leaking and Blttw cooking. with the addition of nugsr when nourly done if you with to have them in perfection. Muzzy, almost endless in (wt no. the may: in which you cm nae the" freiU, either alone or in combination; pies. Puddings, when and sauces are mm: trom them. Hyg:oaieally, of course you should sewn I“ fruit in the simplcst iblo Way. but simple combination: may Be tiled which are cxlreumy w'nolereotne mail will tempt, ofttimmu nu 9pperrite which otherwise would take nothing. Mwy 1og'.1'kftrr,,", still dry the windmll apples, awe-ct In Hour, and thuu have their mm uupply ready for wring. Biuelerrum an: ulna prupured in the sumo way, Although now the mnjor‘uy can them, a method," been): to mg. in: preferably to the first. hsve a bi bum “buts issurtig,s in: unullly chum the dried fruits and tiny an: by most. importapt to far u tho um hrce ABOUT In‘ quarter- Knew He Smoked. A Heavy Burden THE Fruits Lil‘s HOUSE. the lemon peel e fur at, [can no the tirat, baled under WWW Ltr f» V" ':V,' ~71 "why" . w, , l "it"sti'it' i1o'vi's"a"'i)1'2k', "iiiifgi' b "wry. Lr" tar-gq £31.19 HEAVY AND cLIGHT '-,ii'v,ii'ii'/) HAM-es, "ci/ii,',) I SADDLES‘, trri:'-i,':,i, BRIDLES, 3335223 commas, Etc. ':);r"l'ii.'l, New Stock Horse Blankets. H ALT??? “hips. Combs, Brush-s, Bits, Elm, 11112:): 'i/s,,":) Repairing promptly attended to. I First-class workmanship guaranteed the For Sale Reporln front northern leudor chow an nllrming number of dentin Among the Eskimm " Nun. n Moravian minionnry settlement on the northorn coast. Eighty person, or one-third oi the entire populuion. hue died within the put. two month. It in Also "polka that huvy bodie- o! ice from Arctic wuen In" been seen " the cont. Is still in his old stand on Lamtton Street, near the For! Omar, where he is ready to till all orders for Having Completed our New Factory we 'are now prepareo to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the direr- Sash and Door Factory. Lumber, Shingles and Lath always tllgittiilgilt SENS ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Oar Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large so that all orders can be filled. VIM: indigestion it is not only tlmt mm sutitra all imaginable toruicnts, plrrv.ical and mental, but more. per- l..qw., than Anything else. an impaired (ligation is the forerunner of count- la 7, ailments that in their course lend to the most serious consequences. Let. the stomach get out of order and it may be said the whole system is dis- 1vsed. When the digestive organs Lil in their important functional dutivs, head and heart, mind and body are sick. These were the feelings of Mrs. Galbraith, wife of Mr. A. v. Galbraith, the well-known jeweller of Shelburnu, Ont., before she had learn- ed of the benefieent results to be gain. ed by the use of South American Norvino Tonic. In so many words she said: " Life was becoming un- bearable. I wu so cranky I was really ashamed of myself. Nothing that I ate wouldagreewith me; now it does not matter what I eat. I take enjoymentoutof all my meals.” Here are Mrs. thslbraith's words of testi- mony to South American Nervine, given over her own signature t " Shelburne, Ont., March 27, 1894. " I was for considerable time tant- ferer from indigestion, experiencing ml! the minty and annoyance so "ll TELL All MY FRIENDS.” _ Durham, Jan 26, 18 Eskimo; Starved to Death. Lady of Shelburne, 0nt., Permanently l lured of Indigestion After Using Two E Bottles of South American Nervine i ---G1ad to Let Everyone Know It. I ,4? 'r Lt-tu iii,iiit,i$iiiii)ti,i, l PAP, V ST: ? ', l Asii-jir?jittsisii)i,i,ti i.lfj'ljil i HIGHEST Prue: CHAS. LEAVENS, Jr., by McFARLANE & co., Wholesale Agents for Durham and Vicinity PAID POR Raw I 7.1% A. I' “0w In SI 00]:- ., G. &J. McKECHNIE. Mullah Spuvin Lintment roman. alt Bardi8ott or tul loaned Lump And Blond-ho. Iron: honey, Blood Spurn», Curbs, Spun", Sunny, Ring-Bone. thiiisr, Sprung. ali Swollen Mu. Coughs. one. Sun 850 by aloof one bottle. ll arranged by Mir. In alt vernttteuta there man of I"NteS- aixy he W, the law and the orord.-- Cotton. 1|”th The testimony of this lady, given freely and voluntarily out of a. full heart because of the benefits she ex- perienced in her own person, rave an echo in thousands of heart:; all over the country. South American Nerv. ine must cure, because it operates at Once on the nerve centres. These nerve centres are the source from which emanates the life Baid tut keeps all organs of the body in proper repair. Keep these nerve centres sound and disease is unknown. Them in no trick in the business. Every- thing is very simple and common some like. South American Nerviue strengthens the digestive organs,:ones up the liver, enriches the blood, is pending-1y effieacimta in building up ahattated and nervous constitution It never fails to give relief in one day. since. I never fail to recommend the Nervine to all my friends trouble?! with indigestion or nervousness. GALy,ItAITH, common to this complaint. to me as a safe Ind effective remedy for all such cases. I used only two bottles, and am pleased to testify that these fully cured me, and I but: had no indication of a ream: of the trouble American Nervino was recommend CHARLES LEAVENS MR: A. V. Gunmx'rn I Mus. Wcoit.ow'tt Suo'rmm; tit m r has but-n 'eued by millions of mulhcrn for their vitildrvn while teething. It disturbed at high: and broken of your reat by a suck child tst!tfesirar wd crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send " on“ and get I bottle of “Mrs. Wanda“ '1 Soaking Syrup" for Children Teething. lt uiil relieve the poor little warn-r immedin Only. hand upon it, mothers, there us no mistake n at it. lt cum Iharrhoea, re- grtlate. the Stomach and Butch. cures Wind Colic, gotten- the Gums and reduces Inttam, union, and gives too ated energy to the click system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teethingit pleasant. to the mag and is the mnpuon of one of the but female play-wins and hum in eh. tl'ttd got! b f,itrt'iriate'it',"it mm“ a roe t the world. Dayan Auk} tor 'UUg Watson's Sou-use Sum," It hu made ita uppesnnee this you-"tor, the first time and tau completely destroyed the gun nlong the buli- butane:- Romany otd Rampant. The warm on: the room of the gun cunning the blade- to fall and wither. Some idea of the - of this pen mty be stunted from the he: that : funnier who can About. 25 tom of buy will not get more um. five you um you. STARK'S Powders. each {mom of which contains two preparations. on in a. round wooden-box. the cover a? which forms a measure for one dose, an immediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia. and all kinda of nervous inte, and “other in rapt-ml (from f to ttl one in an ordinary 4033 which acts on the Bowels, Liver an Stomach. forming u never tailing pen feet treatment for all Bead and Stanza complaints. They do not. as most t and no many other medicines do. ttoh their enact or produce titggg,"ftt,tf'y omtarenisxst6take. Scents Abox. all ntedicWo dealers A New Farmers' Pest. Fumen living along the hunk: of the Kennebecuu river in KoigU county. Elk. Ire complnining of the rsmgeaof uncut-grub The Waterloo House of Refuge in no fa of inmates um. no more an be weaved. And than you hive 25 Amman: or 10 Purina Sup Wnppen and them to In, bad I thro- out lump for puma-ad we mu mail you FREE, I hand-om. pacxure unit-bl: for fuming. A 1m of pulmo- nround each bar. Amman. Soap has no rqul. We recommend it. Write your nun: plnnly And Kidna- : W. A. BRADSHAW & Co.. as and 50 Lrmbard St., Toronto. Sch! by All general marchuu and - (iive it I lrul. I. “Any person orderr his gape: diner: tinned. he must pay All Arranges, or tl." publisher may couzumt to send u uuui luO mm!“ mmlemml eolleettlic u huh-nu ' t-t,' whether it be taken from the can or an; There cu: he no legal diseontinutsucw anti pavmentismade. Om m an the spam attention of You mutan- nud su1meribersto tlie, foilowitn; " nopsis oz’tl-o nswspaperlnwl: y"yaRrh--Firtt \Veduday in ouch mouth mvrviston-Friday before the Guelph 1Uie Dray tou-Saturday hem-e AGn-clph. but): Ham: 2. Any person who “In: . pap" irr.tt' the post ttttice, whether directed to In! “In. or “other. or whether he loo all/- scribed or not. is rtrsirotssible for the pan Durham-NH Tuesday in etch Prurciye-Mondtry before I 1Lvuuver-hlomlet leiey.e Puflim W 8. Ifgsubscrihcr orders hm pug-u stopped a I commie», Ind the [HID continues to senthe when!“ in I to ply for it if he takes ir out-J the ottiee. This proceeds upuu he g Ittrt s nun was: my forth" be u. Mount Fore. SAUGEEN TENT, JLO.T.M.. No. 154, menu on tis. bat and third Tueshs.o a! evuy month. Tina. Brown. Com. 1" c. Hamilton. R. E. DUKE! AM DIRECTC lt Y Friday on or below tall moon. George Binnie. cuut. Geo. Baud. Sec. W. J. CON.\OR. I SIM-nth Services at 11 tt. Sunday School um! Hilde cl Church Wardens. W. D. V Whitman. MI “we Your Ammonia my Wnpvorl DURHAM LO. L. NO. 032. Night of Meeting. on Thursduy or before tall moon in cub month. Wm. A And-non. See. _ ortr 0N8 OP SCOTLAND. BEN NEVIS l CAMP NO. M, meeta in S. of S. lull, RINITY CHURCH Annnu has! clock, in 11.2 our Mathew woleotuttd ECHANICS’ INSTITUTE. N 'uM-opms tray Tttesur ever-rug fr REY LODGE NO. 161 of Meeting $99!? ESI‘J'TERIAN C C CHUL N ewspaper Laws. For Over Fill) "ran“ Monthly Fairs Wedueedn, betel- Orunccuuq Last: Wednesday in each LUiifird Wednudny in cub St II W. B. Valid See 1 month D urn-m ed go tll

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