West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Sep 1895, p. 1

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FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTY. Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building lots. will be sold in one or more lots Also lot No. 60, con. ft, w. G. It., Township of Beatinek, 100 acres adjour has Town plot Durham. In the Town of Durham. County of Grey, includigg valuable Water Power iottgag-e taken for part purchuo may. _ - _ -_-- __ --- iticahlh. Following Properties at Prices Asked well timbered. Lot 16, con. tk Bentlnck. 1001mm known as the Jas. Bamford tarm-welt im- proved close to Lunlnsh. Lot). Durham Street, North Priceville. Let. 8. Kinross Street, North Pricevillo. With other splendid Farms in Ontario and the North-West. Toronto and Hmour properties for sale or ex- sugxprion. Gall Stones," Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. St. Yitus' Danes Female Irregnlttritits and General Detulivy. Laboratory - Goderich,0m Sold by n. PARKER. Drugaist, Durham. There’s Big Money ! For Impure, Weak tsnd Impovcrlahct Blood. 1)yepcpsia, tyoepUsauess, Palp.ta tion of the “can. Liver Complaint, Neu. nlgia. Loss of .\lemory,_l$roqchitis, Con. a 'is-rims-ate- good land neuritv. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Chin of all kinds cotieeted-Oid new ' B. B. MILLER. In M 0mm. LICENSED AUCTIONEEB tor Ca. of Gray. All communication! Id- droued to Luann P. 0. wall be promptly Manda! to. Resident» Lot IO, Con. it, Township of Bendnck._ - .- __. - 250 ACRES balm. of the late Ja sores under cultivtuim Dash. being [mid 1575. 24 B. in the Township of c' of Grey, cm: miles tror Ion. three miles from We: particulars app! TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE DAN. DENTISTRY. Loan and Insurance Agent, Con- veyancor. Commissioner &c. Loan. mum] without daisy. Collactiom promptly mule, lunar-ne- "tuctest. $0381 To LOAN “Iowan mime! [Mani u tTrogtqdoor mad lino“ Stan Durban 'UXUi; Urn or mum t'w J. P. TELFORD, Bmxsm 50mm m 3mm com NOTARY Pbr"."'.Coos_f.eorr.rtr., ml“ Auctioneer, for tho County " any. Mac. Inc-dunno and. “when“ gum-uul >mngamontl lot we. 3.1: ha nude u an truly once, Dmhm. or a his nuance System Renovator I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -_. “73;: W on 211. = 243. con. 3, S.W.T. and B. Road. Aswyatrip 3risunethou--1N Jiruriu" '05.» 4, sum. and s. and. Maranethort-an mesa bush ot 248.com LS.W.T. and S. Road. When-y) 991-9 399d tey, --_- NEXT Door TO PARKER’S MISS GONS, W. L. MckENZiE, Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, 1ilMBR01Dr'R1Et3 and SILKS, in all COLORS and MONEY TO Fire Insurance secured. ethos. our: mum's 3mm. Lama Tm ICE A Farm for Sale. T. G. HOLT. L. D. S. HUGH McKAY. at sreath reduced rates Wall Papers MISCELL ANEOUS. " "W A. H. '1itiitNET, Hopevxllu Ins. scum. Damn. Nn inn? To 1.01m MOLE OD’S Apply to JAMES EDGE, Edge Hill. Ont. A1Jtn'1irNTirti'dt. "ici;'.' 5': iiiiGhhon-et acre- non-b1 J. M. McLEOD, MEDICAL. DURHAM. 'orad tale of the Royal L DURHAM‘ LEGAL MCLEAN. Prop. and Manufacturer Won“ Dublin Out LOAN, TIONEER DAN. MeLEAN. D. MdIORMICL emesia. County FIenhonon eta. tieesulla. Fo, EEK, for th mam! to prom, the Estate ruett, PM 27, Old D, hurdwooJ y GM My 22¢»qu Rama " 1tyxiiP,tT/,'td,Pa “(13113ch and in " an tho W South Amino It!!!” Can” This In My I. n W and delight can“ “in ptnau in “phi-Ohm. back: In! '"t M - yin-UM I: nub-1.3.1. nun-m KtentiU at; . on an and . t "Maud _ amped). ”Wm. l Boost to m,trscxrs.--0tte hon}: of English Spavin Linimcut completely rcmm'cd new!) [rum my horse. ttake plvaourvin rceonuneudirvg the remedy, ssit acts “ilk mysterious promptncun h the remuvul from bone: of bard, "ft or :‘allnusod lumps, Mood spay-in, splints. ought. uvccuy, tstifle. ml sprains 6mm: Eon, Farmer. Mark tra.es,fh= Sold by McFaer ' Gs Out. of the 1,000 “mu not. Icldemicim. or urchitectf exhibiting " the Roy. Academy thir you, 181, over I sixth, Bret women. including 37 untried women. mun -," and, fail humus of all. Snvoro!, or Suwurow. This celebruod genenl. who tigured inmcunteiy in Byron’s " Don J um," WI! never defeated in the field. He wu short of stature, being only five feet four inche- in haul”. Suvorof in idolized by hits Ioldxera. He had implicit faith in hi: nu. his conceit. wu- unboulsded,aad he be- haved wmozhing like “mung Inn-tic. He would come out of hi: can! stark Inked and mm lomemu on the gnu. m. other oceeatriaities were equally ginning. At time: spparerttly humune Ind tvem to the Iheddmg of blood, on who: occasion- he auctioned the mono awful muster“. It was ho drliberuw convicuon that. than were only three grertutetrati' in the hie Lory of modern waruRT-Ntrtuute, 1m. and t3avoroL Mrs. Do Style-l Am afraid thst young mun who tmlled on you but evening in not, muammod to good nociely. 1uughter--Fhr, mother? Mo. De t'srylo--Wt-r he tpeaka, he A Story of Wolfe. Au old Itory about the horn of Quebec has been resuseiwted. In bin oarliest car- eer Wolfe wu side.de-etunp to General Hunky, who secompunied the Duke of Cumberlnud in that cunpdgn which culmi- nated " Culloden moor. Dr. Willon than all the Itory: "As the Duke rode over the damned ground. wuh the young side. dc-cump in his train, the colonel of the Fra- youth who had fullest at the head ot hu "eu-rs..-' himself with An elort to gun upon the face of the victor. ' Shoot that Highlmd mandrel who due- to look on me with no lunch!” a azure '.' oxelnmecl the Duke, turning to Wolfe. Pouling for I momout " the brutal order, moon-ding to the nur-tive of": eye witnau, Wolfe replied: ' My commit-ion is at your Royal Highneu’ diupoul l I tun A Ioldicr, not nu sxeoutionor.‘ Some mower hum had to be found for tho deed oi butehery." Wolfe :3: s yourg mun than of twenty you: My: Iomothin'g. If," 1hr in 30 degrncl of cold and dashed cold water over them until Lhey were liter-Hy frozen ' the Prince of Naassut.sietgort, who w“ batman by Gulmvun Sweden " Sven-hand , Joseph Rib". upon whom was written tho annual apmph, than "by hits own win he became A good generd. an excellent. diplomat, And even an hone" _ - . I II u.._-_‘l Undermk ing film The soldiers to whom Catherine In: indebted for she glory of the Rani-m urn- inclnded Ruminntsof, the conqueror of Kngoul ;the snug: Kamicuski, who would trite piece- of iUsh out of his man " the ,msuevaverrs,uttd who "ripped hi. prisoners FOR 1WENTY-FIVE YEARS David Jatlaoo, JP" mm; 131v. Courb, Althnr fl. Jackson, Salary Pubhc. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money invested tor Parties. Farms bought and sold. Furniture of the Best Make A general financial business transacted Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham Would lntimnta that he will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Bushman camsh- liuhcd by his father in Durham in 1858 and will endu-nmr to give all old and new custom. ers the uunc culiru tvatutactiott. FIRE and LIFE Assurance Policies issued Transact n general Banking business. Money loaned to farmers and others on reasonable terms. Interest allowed on special dvposits at current rates. Also PARK & CO. f1ll.iltrl'dl HI) tr.ri)nrdlir.ill E. J. SHEWELL iiE chosqs egg {REED CONVEYANCERS. DUNN? tirAijfjlhl.tij) Ptl)WDEllrt, Middnugh House Block, Durham R PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY "Gri'WFsiar.e-t u CANADA. One of the Common Herd. BANKERS _ W 1wG:ivet, Durham: only nun-Inn - In town. “a J ACKSONS. thittteritttrs Generals VOL. XV IV-NO. 37. ALWAYS ON HAND, .-VtJLt. LINE Ol and Emhnlmim: on latest prin -:4 at rcmonublu rum. the E. J. SHE WE LL. Kim mm xppositc n "I bought a horn: for $300. lie Wu a bountiful minimal and mu gentle u a child. You opposed his purchase, and to curry out your fell design! you went out to the burn in my leBDCG and drove nicks into him, And pounded him With the mow-shovel, And otherwise shunned him iiuLil he Wu frightened to death." "Why, Mr. Bow-er I" "Doa't 'why, Mr. Bowser,' me! You have charged me with throwing “my thounndn of dollars foolishly. I gm either A lemible man or a fool. Give me in instance of my wasteful extra nausea.” "r-d don't thing you wuzefuuy extru- nctnt. You simply do odd thing: sad haw! qrsnky notion-J: _ v . " Wasn‘t that. tire escape acnnky idea?" Ibo hesiusvirutly queried. " Nov. . hit of it-nut the augment n I'M jun. such a purchase Many sensible mun would make. and the only reason it in now in me guru. in because you cut. the rope: sud straps to pieces to display your spite. Mn. “owner, you have accomplished your object. " " W-what object t" " When you saw Ire taking cnmfarb in my own heme you mule up your mind to spoil my evening. You have done to. I was never better unwed in my life. I let. out to laugh Ind P""'. n good P? Ind "I do 0d?! things. do It Just mention one innuncc, will you? I have anally notions, hhvo It J um. specify one ot than erehr notions" ' "Waro2 it odd about your wearing your night. shirt around sll day t" "No, ma'tsm, it wou't--uot when the circumstances no cunnidered. In w“ Iimply I put-up job on your pun, Indl won'g forget. it if I live to be ts thousand you: old. Now, About. being cranky. Whrut hue you discovered any evidence that. I w" a crank t" . _.__ Ne9__ -- ____ UT'" ___ w . you mulicionaly sud villnuonaly turned the eonversstion mm 3 channel to vex and degrade me. I hope y_ou fee) better '." Despite her yous of munied life, Mrs. Bowler had made the miltako of specifying her huebsnd'a faults to hits “my, even though he voluntarily brought tho mutter up Ind confessed them one by one, and aha now decided that Iilcnco wuss her "itat refuge, _ . . l " L "T/ii." iCaui/GihG needle and mud: no reply. A _ _. A ,,,, __ #:11:‘_- -r -11--.. '"Ui'iirve thrown away millions of doll-n -1 lmve acted the 1001-1 am an object of ridicule r" . . . ' . “m,“ " Right here in my own house Ind by my own wits I have beta called notional, whimic-l sud cunky '." cxclnimej Mr. Bowser u be walked up tusd down. “my-.- . Mrs. Bowser continued her work and mnincained nilqnce. - " In my good msturel partialy admitted that I bought a hammock for 52 which was well worth Si, tusd what do you do but hop on to me and charge me with being the biggest fool in Americn! That’s just the wny with tsll wives ', give 'em the alight“: Intimde and they will try to walk right over tht hnnbnndt _ Mrs. Bow”! '." , "iiii'ehir'i'ioivd, thing: have I 4 Just name one uinglgphipg, Till you {highrprice which yGu had to give inwny ", you've bought. hem " $2 spiece which never hid u: egg, arte----" .. MN -Eiii; Fl.' rtV-Vslrking to me, Mn. Bow-er '.) he demanded. " he rose up and "ood be fore her. _ A --- . "Why, yes," she replied. "We are h ing a. gdodmtstured, bulk about. name of l foolish things P"! hnyg dont, and I--.' "Didn't you pny $300 for a. horn: which ran MrBy and smuhcd everything and nearly Exiled us both the tirst Lime you drove him v." aha Limidly naked. -“""I . -- .ee"eee " a a u the Limo I bud the grippo and thought. 1 Wu going to die- bu! ha! ha! chpec: i'm the bolt crank in America, and you donor": . pen-ion for baring With me to patienLly. Do you rues” the day l tame home And jawed around ubouz. the nut. cf my collar, sud you diseovered Just [had been wearing my nightwhin n11 dtsy--hts'. ha! ha! It's a wonder that you have stood " with me M long at you bum." "You’ve hid is good many whims, And notional, butt hope you'll reform in Lint, direction. I expect you've thro wn AWAY $3,000 since we were married “I indulging in your oddities." -- . ... , L, ”Am-.1 "How thrown away?“ sharply queried Mr. Bowler as he instantly adhered up. "Why, you’ve pnid as high an $300 for a horse not. worth $50; you've bought pigs M. '"iiiii"iiiirriiGa -Gr%udid suspended in her hand and baked up. . . . . " No wife cm bo happy with . fcol M a huahand l For the no“ “10 hours I shall bobuly in the library ”ranging pipe" for the Fwre.ry to leg t.o"nor,r8w, l We will _ "Nothing to lpenk of, uni don rememl er of my taking a tit In glen hammock an the roof, and how one ropes broke one night uni -.htsr. ha! some of theats funny men could get h my Adventures what A lecture they mike '. Have you forgottcn when I done of Hunt dtstsdrufr.eradieir for tunite-hs , ha I ha l" - _ . "That was funny, indeed Bowser in trim ol her mum "Funny '. It was dnwg-go the Limo I bud the grippo was going to die- bu! ha! ha tbe boa crank in America,: . pen-ion for baring mth I Do you not.” the day l jawed around about the w try and dam mud-1, um I mu allow you enough to live on comformbly until you find mother tutsbtutd.-otse who In: no faults l If any one cull. lay that I Im not. home. Woman, goodnight.'" “Of course we do,tluntgh there Are times when I onghc to be kicked for my foolish- ness. On the “not. car the other day I gm, lo thinking about. my buying um tire. eacnpc. and 1 Inughod ull every body looked at. we. Wtusn't that I 1hsisy-ttttst fire, e-e-Ins '. h- , " l” " Any new» in the evening paper," she queried u he lu-ld hiv, mdea and gurgled. “When I'm a regular old crank." he tin. ished with a laugh. Well. doa't let that worry you. No matter how big a crank I In, you are duly appreciuwd. It's funny what nation a. mun gets into his head, iln’t it I" “Y-e-s," she reluctantly replied, fully " Its I In 3 hu'. Do you remember how I tried to put down that bedroom carpet. and nenrly killed myself to lave fifty eenta '. That w“ one of my cranky notiotar. And don't, ynu remember howl tried to clean house-lm '. ha I ht i." " Bur. we get nlong all right," mud Mrs. Bowser, wondering how she could load the eorsverststion to some other aubjecc. “Of course we do,tluntgh there Are times when I onghc to be kicked for my foolish- ness. On the “not. car the other day I "I am glad to know you are "tisiied with your home," replied Mn. Bowaer. "Of course I'm "tisfied--1Shy shouldn't- I he'll don‘t believe theresU a house better kepr lhnn this. In is always mic-spun etein, nothing in wasted, and your bump of order is something remarkable." "I'rn awfully gled Lu hear yo" any so," replied Mrs Bowser as hot fuce lighted up. "l try to do my best, bat there are Limes when-when--" “When I'm a regular old crank." he tin. mine. Mr. Bow nor had being reading for nu hour the other evening when ho laid with: his paper and said to MrsBowser, who eat near him sewing: "I was jinn. wondering what men do who have no homes, and how many of thou: who have homes appreciate “um “I do THE HEAD or THE FAMILY IN A CHEERFUL MOOD. m, Admin That he " the Greatest I'rattti-- "III a mule. Wore1 Kindlm n hew Hanu- --Thrrt the old Time mt" "r h an the Herm- Again. " AND MRS. EDWSER. the evening paper," she d his alder. and gurgled. lpenk of, uni don't you taking a tit In sleep in n mo (um! We no ittw. nomo of the nughcd Mra, LW. , could took I spring It DURHAM, CO. GREY, TH Thu Lwo great. mines so far are the Cari. boo and Horuelly. Of than. the Caliban 'uojuatcleat:ed up $14,000 after 0. run 01172 home, and the result. of the tirtrt clam up of the “cruelly is daily expected, while the Anglo-America?, on the t%tttilkrsmeers, should be hand from curly next. month. The clean up uf nnobher small property on which $20,000 hm been expanded ha: jun come to hand. The Nelson Hydrsulieing Company hull cleaned up between tN,000 and $5,000 in 1:30 hours' run. wno GETS THY. PORTI'NI. In eomeideriug the results, it is only fair to remember that none oi tho mine. are yet in fair working order, or, u, my rue. not in such is new as to nuke I ohoroughly mspreatsntatio Ihowing of what they can do when fully under way. Upon the Semilke- mean the results of panning in all son. of places. likely end unlikely, from the river bed to the gran roots, and in BhUJIICO feet deep, was An Iver-go of 27e. to the cubic ynrd. A large amount. of pltstissarn in nllo found in the gnvels of the tiemilktstneen sud Tubuneeu, which hm been sold hitherto in the local "ores In. St an ounce. At the present moment American Capital in buying, American energy is conquering, and American people populniug British Columbia, simply became Ihe is utterly neglected by theme of her own kin, Ind, u lanai, the American in making a. fortune out of the operation. Since 18.19 Britiuh Columbia has contri- buted $50,000,000 to the world's more of gold. oi which by far the are-tor part cum: from Caribou. This zonal does not. include gnld taken oarby Chimunen, of which it otermsdiffiotllt, if not impossible, to ohmic In Accurate estimate. To-duy tmselsinery an be Lnken into the gravel: oi the Frazer. tho semilioutieen,tutd the Tulumeeu. 1nd over a million donuts has nlrendy been ex- pended in hydraulic works on these Crane rivers, whilst it menu: likely that another field will be opened up this winter in Chine Creek in Vancouver ll‘lmd. In it not. worth the while of some Eng. lish capitalist to send n puny of reliable expel-u through British Columbia Io acer- min whether what is good enough for nlien inventor: in not good enough tor noma oi than who talk so much sbout the necessity ot uniting tho dtifesreat atoms of the Eughlh Empire , A report tellis of large quantities of shelled eggs being sent to England from Rnwin and Italy for the use of pastry cooks bakers, hotels, and restaurants. The eggs ere emptied from their shells into tin can: holding 1,000 or more, nod after being hermoutieslly ruled are peaked with urew into wooden cues, the tape, through the contents ere drew", being added by than uning them. Great care is ncccrnry in selecting megs, " n single bud one would epoxl the whole lot. Lower price Ind nav- ing of time. and greater ease and u" expense end loss in bundling Ire numed u the ndvnntegel of this; system. Thus far the Rnuinn product he: been uniformly good, whereas the helm: shipment: hlVe no frequently been lpoilrd that Indy-in of the Ruuiun supply he: been ordered to determine if prelewutivee era and. sensing the greatest. Amencnu mining espihsinaur and ore Gudlery,neit.her should We have in such n. young country att many nipping mines. Unless rude” bear in mind the time in which these things have been done, the limited populntion we have to draw upon, and the abnormal scarcity ot ouch in this country, these developments may not, unem great, and yet there must. be sumo gran} intrinsic value in our mineral belts. If it were not. so. our mountain would not. he slive with prospector! from the Comer d Alone, our amps with middlemen upte- "hug-Yea And it filled the conletvntory nnd garden-ry one went out than. SILT per tom but your a 3m curing an investment of 87 opened " Pilot Bay, close tn curing an invmstmeLt of $750,000, 'wu opened " Pilot Bay, close to Nelson,lnd not only is this to be enlarged, bat Within the hot fortnight repr1saerttariveir of four of the greatest. Amencan Smelting compan- ies hm'o been hovering About. tho district, them apparent aim being to make Arrange- menu: for the ouxblulunent of n gran cumom smelter u or near Nelson . We know now Um. from the Kettle river to the Salmon river (a tributary of the Penn! d'Orcillc), " lent, there is n belt of pyrrhotite, mth some chulcopyrite, carry- mg said in very considerable qunntitics, some silver, with A percentage of copper. As long as British Columbia was only known " a silver fiold this was compre- hensible, although our uilw-r deposits have now proved themselves rich enough Lo pay. with silver even lower than it is M, prcnouc But. since ' year a. gold-bearing bell. of ore but: been opened up, which, added to our gold-herring gravely, seems likely to give British Columbia is prominent place amongst. the gold-producing “as! oi the world. During the pun twelve mouths, in Ipite of the silver panic and such dxilicuhiua of transportation an mu exist, our silver- lead mine. Alone have shipped 24,500 Lon: of ore. A shipment. of 2,114 tom. sent from level: ditiereat mines to the Omaha and Grant smelter, netted to the owner- SIK'T per tom but your , smith”. reproa- su-pid my voice fill the drawing. room'. - -- --- _ - ll i l a I I t 'i "it- of the richest mining fields in the empire to be reaped by aliens I any, more, they are showing A province of Canada to Lemme American in mm, nmnnura, money and sentiment. A Fine I-‘li-Icl for ('nullnl Brhttt ('nnanr- " 'tr I." Amertrtttt--Ytsr mam: mum: Ftrtdq In the Fostptrr-Mivrr and Gold In Abundant-r. A British Columbiscorrespoudeut write: as follows to the Times.Londun,Englund ..-- The mindl of (Lil English mining men ap- pear to be so engrossed in South African ventures at present. that they will pay no Mtemion to anything else. One ot tho most deplorable results oi this in this? they A dcnpntch trim Bonday "ytc-serious disturbances resulting from the enmily oi the Hindom and Mohammedan: are report" ed from Dhulin, A town In tho Knmleinh dinner, shout 150 miles from this city. The trouble hogan an August 24, when the, Mohameduno “nickel and routed a Hindoo proeesusion. On Sun-lay laat the Hindoos held another proceuion. which was headed by It band of music. A mob of Mohmmncdnna obetrueted the wnymol- withstanding tho cxlorta of the police, who escorted tha pander; Then somo one ordered the police to iire,and the commtnd was obeyed. Tea Mohmnedsnn wore killed by the volley sad 50 more were wounded. FURTUNES Ill THE MINES. BRITISH COLUMBIA NEGLECTED BY ENGLISH CAPITALISTS. A Slob or 'tohttmttrrrttttt_ Allnck n ma" duo Prorrwlon-I’ollrr Fire and lull Trtt of thr Anrttttttrttr. Shipment of Eggs in Balk, ALIVE W I?” PEOSI'KCIOF FACTS A N 1) HO CREE HAVEAN EYE ON IT, RIOTS IN INDIA. Rough. niece. Gordon first attempted to treat. with the Mahdi and rent him preuenu and an up- pointmem n Governor of Kordofnn. The Modem Mcuinh, however. wu not to, be won over by such menus u thew, And lent two emmiuriu buck IoGordon with drawn swords, who. in dit"uiutul_mer, gnu: him their trusater'ts morgue. m, did not. want. the (invarnunlhip of Kordohm, for he ruled it shady ; of candy robot, too, his more- house: were full. His answer ended in there word: '. " Tull Gordon Huh I have sworn in the nnmo of Alluh to have his Max:110 distribute his gold among the poor who tittht him." Then the 'itrrr,o of Khnrtoum began. The forces under Shstin Bey, the Governor of Durtour, hid been reduced to 290 lick and wounded men, and funny they surrendered And Such was prisoner in the Mahdl’n camp. Hick. Puma-Col. Hicks, formerly of the Bombay m" Corp-the lender of nuoLhcr native Army. w“ annihilated by the fallo Praphec'l hordes, and Gen. Gordon’l journal of his days of waiting and hoping in Khartoum after new»; from the outaids world Ind ceased to come, has been published, ad in in plain and simple word: tells tho {mimetic story oi the event: which precodu the downfall of the ciby. The urge lasted 320 days, And thre is no fell um! authentic account 'ii"iririGiuusuu and Awful amaze that ended it, Perhaps it is better there is not um. Slmin Puma. though he. " n captive in chaim, had little chance for observation, "w enough cf horror in those eventful hours to hue driven nu ordinary mum into raving madners. It was not uatil you: Ister-only a. few months ngo in tset,-.. that he wu 31:1: to "tubpe from the Mahdi and regain his freedom an" untold tsuffer. ings and tinndulxjpa. He is 'fl A‘utt'ian by thLh, and his We wt! spared only humus}: he professed tho Mohotnetun religion. Curiously indeed was the award which was taken from him when Darfonr {all eleven you" ago returned to him in Lon. don ofortnighl since. When Sistirs aur- rendorod,hie sword, which wu of Austrian pattern and tbe first he received on cuter- ing the “my, was given to the Mahdi. Upon in blede wu Sloan's name in Arabic characters. After ths home oi Yoshi, in 1390, John M. Cook, senior of the tirm of Thoma: Cook & San. purchued the sword on Luxor, on the hunk: of the Nile, iron. I naive Whohld but jun Arrived from the Soudsn, and Mr. Cook's “London was u. once numbed ton mscmr‘nox m ARABIC on the Mode, which on being docipherod. proved to be the nemt- ot I' Shun." .u - -uu....n Al My... lean-A In”! In.“ P The sqabbard of the sword had been broken near the point, tad had been roughly but uncuruly iuwned together wich A piece at 517.9119 hide and gown with n thong of hippopatnmna hide. There wu Aluo a sling “cubed to the Icnbblrd for ranging our tho nhoulder. On Mr. Cook's meeting Sluin Pix-ht reed-nay " tho Geographic-l Canyon, he informed him of the discovery at Lax“. 3nd returned him hits long lost an . '"'s"iiii, Europmn have borne the tight of Bay and Pub: in Egypt during the luv. half century, and the [in of British oirutera gw mu: have played suelsstirring parttr on 4sworldh, stage In various chum-n a: tttcf, wither Chv. rl, a " Gordon, wri', Watt called "China Gordon" And “(anion Pasha." His tint. military exper- int". vu in the Crimean 'rtu'. A few you: ‘3. viiiiiii.iiiii),,i'ii,i June- HopeGr-nc I " 1igt"a4 (at. w whim-mnwith t eographietvl Congress in dsy, the Itory of thetorr; G en’- eventful life, which l di de Ago. i on Gordon': hste in erpUined at. "Kh-rcoum fell thn 20th ot Jrunnry, " and with it that city's bravest defcn d on. Gordon hirmtelf, killed cu the t Rep of Je animus of his palms. tv head severed from hil body, WM f ted to mo with durision and disuin. " ing . chained and helpku captive.” tp) in these graphic V Puhn told for tho finr " aims magma» AT ERART00N . gm u. mum's moswms. ttt GORDON BEHEADEB. ill»! ur r. NONE LIVID TO TELL THE TALE l I'm-Ian n Tami". “Hm-uni the 'ret-tii.', Egyptian . Chief hymn-NI unlon': Gut" nml 'i" on to Ills-II That l Would [Inw- m, "rnn-uormmu lDAY, SEPT 12, 1895. "ww- a Cws,1StC time before nme ovcr a. WI]. tha jliitgittt), "ttt the A confusor ha: been nelectol for the inlmt. King oi Spun in the pawn of Faber Mun ml. 3 learned And highly unpacked [rieaL Ihpa, the lawyer, bun profound knowl- edge of hunmn manure. and in in the habit of weighing can” and etretct with nice dieerimutsttott. When he has won I cue he writers to Em chem. , I have won the we Iglinll A. But when he hos lost mu one he write. ' You have lost your lawauit wish B. runny other mmmg diatriuls (omen the “me news of dxsmu, and the wifering among the poor in wom thin iv In during in whim I.“ ot In» mm. 7 A mlegrmu from Broken Irill district will! of tum-ring from cold Ind hunger among the miners The Government, hats neubSlJJoO tor xmmedi‘h rend, And more tiaamfusl uni-tunes in to follow. Fran Growth " Eight war: ttgo, 1 had the vario- Iwivz. an! Inst my hair. which previ- ously was (lllillf Mun-113m. I tried " vircivy rd (r,'.',?,',",,':',:'))",',":,?' but with- v 1L honour-1:1. x‘csuli. tiil I began to f 'ai, I should be pccu1av.tsn_tly bald. About six months ago. my husband brought, home a bottle of Ayer's Ihir Vigor, and I hogan at once to use it. In a short time. new hair IL-gan to appear. and t.h.ere Is now ("wry prospect of as thicts a growth of hair as bpfore my iynbss."-- Mrs. A. WEBER, 1'olyuiur.s 51., New Orleans, La. AYER’S HAIR Itat Aucr'a PM: can Sick Bantam M.hil. AYER & tlil., LBWELL “88.. ll .S. A. year; On MIX] advice: from Auptnlm ny that from all pm: of Auntnlin word in received oiarovere cold And terrible stsiteriug, any running rivere and lugs hsrbors being frozen over for the first time in thirty um} Ioldiern of fortune from other land: who have won dulincLion 1nd titltm in Egym and Equatorial Africa in Along one. The life is stirring and dangerour, for the” foreigners hove nanny cocmxu, lr‘d, unlike the old Egyptians they have no need of I grinning ukuil " their imota to remind them thn ”nomination by poison " home and drum in some horrible form when they walk abroad no ever-preacut pooibilitka. While We swrlu-r. Hu- Anllpmlrlu¢ Are Having “no Coldest Weather. SEVERE WINTER Pd AUSTRALIA Distinction, No Difference PREPARED BY AYER’S of Hair. Admin] Keppel, the grand old mm of the Englinh tieet, in nix months older than Gladstone. Be vu l and] buy Handling n hocp when anobon wu overthrown, but when the Canon wu- broke out he Gd become u: oitieer of experience. had was put. in command of the naval brigade before SepatopoL In Rio ”nude do Sui, in Bud}, l‘lllln And German colonial; hive lulled aide by aide, beginning with very grub bud-mph The Bnulh conlul repen- that cnme ia prwlicnlly unknown uncut; the lull“! C that. they are extremely lie-July, having no doctor, uni that they In more tidy, pruned Ind anal-gene than the Germuu. A comma-cm miulon to China bu been org-nixed by the Lyon. Chumber of Com. meme, ncling in concert. with the Frouch Government. Young not: will be ”In, out " in expenle for two yarn. first to Shame hai, And then into tho interior provinces back ot Tankin, to Indy we mum for developing Freud: and; a“ "Do you tigrd this wanker oppreuive r' Ito any f'Yaq" tl" tteyed..: “VI veg credit, nod. in} Gd n drive." 'n ti,j,iii,ii,tiir1Mlli.iiif1'idtt,t with don musk bundles.- m 58 ouuees,for 3623: four chued circa!“ Balt celhrr, 1741, 40 ounces. tor $500; I an two-hmdlod bum ind covor,1Tte,P..' ouncehfor'3300: I Queen Anne ulver, 17H, 276 anneal. for $1,813. '3tmurtt--1 learn um there use can in which people hue had from childhood An uncontrolllhlo dam to can mp. Whu in the came ot that.. hot Ind We." "\Vould it [mic number-Eon gamma: Prem tow-ops. A short that Ago, at Tuvey,switr.eruad, the Inn became guilty of Incendiuilm. Nut I sunny window, on I table covered with oileioth, awed I homo filled with water. The mush fUrees rnvl concentnung through the bottle u through I burning glua. not firo to nuanw hat Inning on the table. Soon the oiicloth In: shine, but that mined Inch . Imoko Ind lunch u to Aux-ct "taothns, sad the Iolu coca-gn- lion died In it. incipioncy. Trade have“: the Puget Sound region and Central and. South Americ- h:- duel- oped very largely in the hut yet: or smut] IcVel'll a" line. of uunmnhxpu hue been put on batman the two. Another new line, to run have“ Tacomn, tTush..l'artrrna,aad South Amos-in portal" jun been e.taliuh. ed, and will commence “ding: chin month. Prince Bismuth bead bu been meu' nrcd.md in content; hue been computed. The ex-Chmeellor’n cruium shown um- ordinary dimemionl. The ulculued weight. of hi: bruit: is 1,867 gamma. 3.) per cent. more than the Henge weight at the (hues-ha brain. Dante'. brain weigh. ed 1,420 mm, Napoleon III.'. 1,500 gamma. m Byron's 1,807 gunmen. So uyn [Independence Beige. with French Proolieitim. . A rtteifitmnt, not. of 900 driving: by old mule”, collected by Mr. Malcolm, hu just. been "quired by the British Murearn tor 8126,000 given by the Government. The collection m though: by the museum authoriuu and the experts employed by the Treasury to be worth " In". $200,000. Almost the In: cam-1 let ot Sir Wrlliarn Hnreourt In to content to the anal. The white rhi,oiAi. has become nearly, if not. quite. esxtutsttero are two "atfed upeeimen- in w, and one In my Cat" Town I .. T-tr h n the Ingest upwin- ofthe ii, v m A I. I V. if" V .n I A . n . upmiun an: a, _ - eventually drive the modern , I ‘ 3;” the garb of the inir uex. cr 3&3: /, H. " Some cm " tP/ " been for two months on - ,: new wreath m We". Parthdf : " " recently were found to In" .. - , thood by (mung each other'. bi! ~' 2; , Berahu Mind! " this yen-'- Ito, it" been bougts' f'hsntrey fund ft According to journal. n Gen. "A firm is tt phonon" hie clocks, which -. hour 'i',','l'l',2l' of "riking it. v-', Au-trtlin but, mm P ' of 12.- than 5,01M,000,but declare it could support. 100. m. Tho dinghy»? of on " the nu: of 6 An haiku.» brown” ftE.P.otutte.d Most of the It Mexico it held in TAU) funnel. hunted Pere-trr-They we vietima of hand Pmt-or-A desire to on. 'OHL Rind-me G' "p ta, the l 'emiuino downs. _ A fltrenowu, nu on! 3nd lit-w W4 i'larnI-klcd I pulling: " la RDUND THE E10111? WURLD WHAT IS coma gala m2 FOUR coxmaxs or . GLOBE. WHOLE N6;?887. Luynt--thn-wut does app-0mm!- Simplicity of Science. July-mum new sold in France in de- l known doctor to be ruck ulna; in on the inure-u. m city of Paris ha jun: Iehrinu ulyum for 800 no not 31,000 publicuu “sought. to he the but; and *r.oeo 94 "urir exhxiutzon, union out of the :‘SpuktSpuk . Fra “I. [an ' 2MMKq . L Engulh It 7. 'ik"GG,'P, 1 a. . "i- MP. i% * yt-lr, H. p, _ w", i.erer, 4 H Of the Be Hand-made Waggons Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN likf,iiiiLilh'l PRIME BOULDIM a CC'L inimsurrAiu'ss Promptly fault)“ mam:- Author-l Banking I ”and but common. " nook-é nod m m. AGENTS in ttll prinripal pri, A, orttarfo.otetboe,iitobs United Indlnphnd. DURHAM AGENCY. W. F. Cowan, President CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 " Paid up 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND 600.000 Has opened out a first-che 1:818: 81 per year. m ADVANCE CHAS. WAGE Ett'.tor&Propttetor. StandardBank of Canada mm OFFICE. GAMMA“ Br.. DURHAM. THE GREY REVIEW " dt).- "t,5'fll'f(, 12) why/(,0 ' / . ticuecr tor C Beuiastoee-1, JAMES L00 "srst-Giass Hausa. SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. Grand Trunk R JAKE KRESS Thursday: Morning. OWEN SOUND, ONT. Juhhing of all this promptly l 5 ALLAN MoFAB_LAN_E, Furnimre the old stand. All lr, made shoes. Also Head Office . Toronto WOODWORK SAVINGS 3A3 in connection. A first-class lot of Rot HARNESS MAXI-IRS. 1SPOBUSBED my for sale cheap. --'ro st flhflh'ly:IS OIL. --AT o ATTI D AT JAKE KIlES OCKIE, Geo. P. Reid. " " t, and. Grey WW b? go

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