West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Sep 1895, p. 2

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9 School Gpening ’DON’T FORGET r" WISHES & School SUPPLIES. Just A 1,03% We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced th:at the new system, W111 merit a continuance of the same. TRY " OUR PEERLESS c' Tire beg to inform our Custom- ers and. the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." SCREBBLERS MacFARMNE l ill kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles/ -r Organs a Pianos,Sewing Machines, Etc. ””3335 WARE?., Fi. WHAT CONFECTIONS. CROCKERY. -And BEAUTiF'u'L GLASSWARE. 3);:l'hzun. One EVERYTE th hte SEAS. MCKINNON VERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Arrived The and inspect and be Convinced. ORA S. MCKIN NON. ht FRUITS in Season YOU EOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. "Atlas THIE CASH HAS Moffat Ile, a J. McKechnie. FROM le to lie, EACH ADOPTED BY \ug. Oth, ".9.5.. Id at Lowest Possible Prices. 115 N'iirio, hav Two 200 Pages for 5 cts." is” and "perfection" i? Cheap. '; OEM,ER IN-- G. d; J. MCKECHNIE. IT New on Hand A. GORDON, To tell you we sell GOODS CHEAP: Come in and see for YOURSELVES. STERLING SILVER, KNIVES. FORKS, TEA, COFFEE. DESERT and TABLE SPOONS. CUFF and COLLAR BUTTONS, RINGS, We. REPAIRiNG A SPECIALTY. TN II T2NT 'diRiit " {wit her Limmmr space to quote PRICES. The Leading Jeweler. IV i Ill Very Well Pl OVCS tk of Repairs always on ur., Qei.; I hit mg DURHAM, SEPTICM an: (tstil! tom width varying from 110 to 20:: tact surely large enough to carry away the scwugc (if Chicago. But the knowing ones my that the ultimate iuteution of the maximums of this enterprise is to make Chicago an inhind sea. port, as by its comiccziun with the Mississippi river and its immense size, large ocean going vessles can sail up the Mississip- pi and Illinois river v than through the canal can unload at Chicago. This is a great and far reaching: enterprise, and worthy of plus American genius which evuf delights in thé element of vastness. .. i. -_ . __ '1.BUIA\ w- Inasmucl‘, Lmvcx'cr. as the Chicago end ofthe canal tops Lake Michigan through the Chicago river, whose cur- rent has been divided so as to 1111 S mh wards into me great canal instead of into Lake Michigan as it has hither. to done, and as by this means the AL the l \lutiun w D: riiii),'titi'i, 'li'iti1"t'ii But the knowing imam intention of tiss cuterprisc is to mind soa port, as tlt the Mississippi article. '8ai7t2j g'ih?.ii,'eku" 'ttri,') q ll elmnnul will carry Michigan tt vellum cstimatcul at 300,1 minute, all those ----" channel will carry luxury from Lake Michigan a volume of water which is estimated at 300,000 cubic feet per minute, all those interested in the navigation of the lower lakes have taken the alarm. A board of engin- ccrsuppoinlcd by the United States Government has examined into the mam-r, and bus cumc to the conclusiun tlrntthts nlrstracrion of nhc estimated quantity of water frum Lake Michigan will lunvortlm water in all the lakes lwhm' (rum thrown) six ilmlws. This isu very serious uuitretsfur the ship- ping lrm'lc ml the lam-s, especially, Hm: own now in '.t dry smlsuu such as Wt', have had this year the (lvpth of water in our lulw ports is so reduced r'..,, 1“...“- lrulvm‘tl vessels mnnu: In as Chas. Run Jos. Atkiu Nathan Duns: anry stoyder, The Herrknfm: The i1ivs,"t'or Postage :1 tio Tln- t 'lm'l: for Rt'gislm'iug ilivt hs, Murringvs and Drums " 70 Coin. lur Ward l uppx'upriuLiou 21K) 12 .. Special gvunts' 41 3.5 '* Wnrd 2 1vpvopviation 197 70 '. Syn-vial grams Go oil .. NN nrcl 3iipprzopvi;.tt ion 2347 36 It Ward 4 aiapt'iypriatiuts 217 10 .. Spm‘inl grunts 23 00 Thus. Mcr'uildeu, Lctring and Inspecting IO 20 George cLavwsmitls Lcttiuct and 'Jllspecling ZS 60 Um). LuuirrLeuingnttd I'ns.mtctjng 21 R?. Jars. Staples Leimiug and ihspecV iug 23 " Archibald McMillan, damages to horse etc. 7 00 By Law No. 318 was introduced and read " first and second time with rates inserted as tollowst-Caurtt l y 2 3-10 mills, Township 2 5.10 mills, Equivalent. to Scisool grant 6.10 mills, general school rate 1 6.7.00 mills. _ The Council ad'oumed mSe t tuber 3jttsat10tcut, " p? 5 bt IN 1v 1 l FA IN II it id f d IN MANITOBA i'yir5'ikgi-' Printing :mvel foe roads hue issue of thr T very J. S. BLACK, Clerk, OF t When the Id and be. the volume aka Michi- O, 000 cubic ty equal to low passing onfiden Provinc bat al lo interest- of Matti. and the st sewers Je bt ve r Tn) thcr " 70 200 12 .11 a." 197 To ar, co ()0 50 95 A list, was thrn made 011me the mums of those wishingnid and thearuopnts required. when thirty-five mudouppli- cation for aid. :mmummg to $2165.00 to be repaid in ap.ttuitl intrtrdtuents and one for a ttwe grunt of $50. contract. It, MWH than mow-d by MrrWillisevoft seconded by Mr. Foster, that as Wodu not canshlm-:1ll puvtics, irlrerested were tu'utwmt.ut thin-“meeting the list be left open till thr, (llh day of Sepuruilrtte and that all parties requit imp; aid or help communicate with township clerk by mail and let, him know the amount they I hereby notify the public that, my with. Julia Aron, has left my bed and board without muse. I, therefore. will not. be responsible for w, debt te pay . ”my... 'PCT, vcquire and whether they, want it as a frva grauCor lihrut--pmrried. I) 1 tiii i"ii"i'iiiii'ii))'ii4'si', A F 2u'y up “a. if? 43,9 _isrk'i5tit" Cri"; H CHRISTIAN GIVING M M YEOViL ITEMS h tl, ds' employ, o, their dcclir [ms but the t M Notice J AVE. P. MARE. Sec. Markdalc Stamlard. H in prom mihT Jhiia.. {H my tale) G'et' $0003 ly tl the Durl Jer Y' ett I' on t 1nd the n Imported and Registered Bargains at Wholesale!, mfiéfigouth Grey! The Crops are reported good-We yield and sample e prospect of High Prices for farm' produce gives t1 prepared for the Is the right, place to go for Fair Dealing and And Winter requirements:- neavthe cityof I‘m-mm :mu close 10 railway station. with oomph-1e appli- ancvs for. all dairv purposes. Thehouse, barn and nuthnildmgs are of the most modern kind and of the highest stand- ard. 6. A nice sum“ farm 871 acres nem- Chothiritt in a tiue section of country. we have also two very derurahle farms of ICO news in the immediate vicinity of the C4 by nf G uolpb. _ _ ForoprinIovi11tttipt1 and particulars apply to. ._ . C J. E. .MCELDERRY. Secretary Guelph a: Ohtario Invest- mentk Saw! m: Society. V . .-V.endors. Guelph. Dated 9th ot.Septetubei, 1895. .. ' 2. A fine grain fatan 200 acres close to the above and first class in every re- spect. 3. A Int-"e dairy farm ated in '.r"i',iiiii't'ihtt Net' ample building at‘vmm chm-s1- "nd _ Inn-livl' fact G. A 2m acrq :rni ship of t'irrrviizhtr, Surrounding court buildings ryid in ttt Farm. t. A gum! stock and grain farm 100 5411-3“ near Isl" Huron good markets convenient, gnqd ytildiuktsausi turnpi- ful surroundings. -. 3. A Int-"e dairy farm of 275 acresuitu. ated in ,.r"iiiiv'ii't'ihtt section of country ample huilding acvotn1uoGriorts., guod chm-wand butter tactoviis in the im. nut-(limo ncigh1sovlsood. ' TERMS: $6.00 to Insure a Foal WORD WITH OUR READERS HIGHEST ll Clydesdale Stallian. ll Nacx'qgrnin farm in the town t'irr.tsviiizhtr, county of Durham. “ling country beautifld. good ,rs rid in {very way it desirable ,,i"':iii'iiiiii: 'i:i:9'Ciiceiiiiiyatriaat:ncraEie. tn and Cheapest Goods. BOUT. WATSON Fall 'I MCARTHUR’S STORE 1 grain farm, 100 nugmrn old Stand. Uppe= to go fur Fair Dealing and Good Goods at Right Prices. PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. o to find out where he can exchange )ods. We have much pleasure in we 3:2 iiigigaigagiaii%iaiayiiii% i i N-r-steers: Come a Democrn ts any person We have th, Karl: and I, ForaSot of Team. Single, Double Driving or Plough Harness in all kinds of mounting and style, or for Sweat Pads, Whigs. Blankets, Bells, Carry Combs. an anything in the xtyty,,t.at horse furnishing call and inspect iiiy complete stock, Single Ji.arPPt from $12.00 wp. . Farmers and others atten- tion. Pushmg. trustworthy men gr. 1‘1"?" sent us in the mlcofour C,hoico2Gtiigiwr Stock. 'specialties controlled by. "i. Highest SHAW or Commission amid weekly. "s',iauirsstudo.ytttetir tho you. round. onttit,tr.esp ', exclusive terrjymy ; oxperienct not J‘Gccssary; big pay" a» sured workers: special inducements t.." besritattevs. Write ab oufe far as Equality ALLEN NURSERY co. HARNESS! HARNESS! beginners ry a: Glassware Din- iiri'v; Tea and Toilet Sets (i At Popular Prices. EJCAMERr SALESMEN WANTED. The InmIgmept Sc We have a Sold for Mc. 10- "a Sold for 4Ce. Its. 13 Sold for soc. IS), TEA ()1 Al The Cgsnmon gums up TALLOW Ill ck THOMAS SMITH. BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT UMBER Sewing Machine, Organ or Piane, DI it Kurma Tea. and sample expected to turn out excellent. The .uce gives the farmer Renewed Courage to be tth 'ull tty:MESTEttsm'rY, I need 1nd we will surprise y 1;? n mph . .. . v A: ' w fig a. itt slit" guru T A." - , . ‘3", w: ,‘l ”f." an “53% Season is nearly overbut ttT which we will sell at Goa in 0 11 xad time to buy a Te shipment ot at 1 must have room. be scarce I chumy at' Town. =rax1==u-s. L and F Sewin; riees wl LIVINGSTON, Agents, ll " ge his produce for the Best in announcing that _ mi W Gk at M' t' hir. TANNER. We Ha 'cs. Camus an; CALL AND SEE OUT Collars, Pads, Bits, Mir hips, &c., &c. Heayj 81 Light Harms Workmanship Three " T" Tweed Wags like leather. WOOL 200 Cash. 21e half Cash, half Trade. 22e Trade. Tweeds, Woollens, Blankets, Yarns, &c., Of the best quality, in Stsypk Come and inspect “our pricas paid material before eommit, ting yourself. Our J. M. "mum": Old Stand, A good man in your district in re p. sent the “Fonthill Nurseries of (gin- min.” Over 700 acres. The largest in the Dominion. Position I,'te'i',tg',T" Salary or (Nomination lo rig tt "an. With the iutteashtgdemand faw.fruit. a 1miliou with us as Salesman wil v hotter than ettgruring in farming.’ Rain ttN your application and we will .sttow you how to on m good mom-y, Schml Teachers"..' its just, the hing for you during the summer. “Witt; for particulars. .- .. In low prices WANTED! IN CASH 0R TRADE " ; we have arranged ts Att" cent. straight loan suit ARNESS! WOOL 'c have a te omiertoelear Dc ‘suranoe STONE ar lvlstLrhT7qs th STEVENSON, Manager. FURS. T0 G We pnces gm mes 21 VC few Buggies and ar out our Stuck Mes, amps. lone T YOtr. ICN Unsurpassed. all and Winter " FTIr, _ _"', I Hm.» ii8irtiitj'iitl' . ,.... EMU)" "\T. ll yek Bah It A yr, host iris tl' H H ft Ow Persott" in most "1 teeeg,vmeo. uwse who have the his the paper as the over their fawn“ new is usu and the Vet-v P" it fmh and my) napkin mo A 1m Wu Sly-r; arti interest an Mam! “guns aatd the t ”his! m " may rich and go by coauihutjn In by cG.ataOutrittp, 1 of what, they have pluses this has mm, In the'guicker'xi tif has been mufyi‘xg LOCAL AND GENERAL. H ly H M " eir '"uioweitArx't"u pee in 1':Slutt y verv people U l and Stu-19‘5" _ utmost loudly of in shut: midrs prru' are always wcmyst and the mm amf sie m nub but: trich and Mus“ M

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