West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Sep 1895, p. 3

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IEMOC Grey! Lnt excellent. The kd Courage to be WOOL STONE k \VELIJNGfQN eds It or Plane. CASH OR TRADE c. LEAVERS, it, STEVENSON oiesale I (be i; T” Tweed C. STEVENSON, Manager. D EGGS. TANNER. FURS. iouens, Blankets, Yarns, Etc". JinkV u. rs like leather. IOCBAT W ht Prices. The [mafia In IIT,',.'.:,',? rig t 1mm. mand furjfruit. rsnmn u li my 'rc.',,",',',',',,"".'))",;', L0. m- win shun} Harms u runssed. Best t t.lt,rtirw wrrti for rt, w 5- ien of a n. Highest c half Trade. new " t 3f heat not LB The C, m awn. trinum Fibre Chamois for 30c per yd. at Tvt,odlar.d's _ V Mr. Hugh McFayden paid a brief visit to friends in Keppel last “trek. A hug bargain in Ladies hose this week In. \medhmll's call and we them. Miss May 1utewat left Tuesday morn- 300 ing nn at nail to her sister. Mrs. Hopkins I in Martney, Mamiioha. Mo For mun: of the very Ina-st Novelties l t in dress goods. we \Vomllaud‘s new I kin than Durham SI " H plugging 'hrown 1 'a tree at he mm c against them is ham: "up: come up at the Fall Assizes assigned In: the abuse Iva cruelly to his wife, but, Mr: evidence denies an unple: rcpt. what is can“? by her I Her mtimony was all that loved wife could give. _ lnt‘Pnunir3 """c'H'ft."" ". __'" . . I Tgb5rrc. ..7 ' m agency in the cultivation of public l Fi/Gr Col spirit. and however humble it may _ (r2i,itivGil, mm beside the metropolitan daily. l "; . A _ it. has a place in the popular education I _ ' T, which is too little “yank-d. While l . YOU' “ the editor is not often "ltoye the rain: i For living a of a. practical printer; mm- nre many i For doing rv, persons in most of the animrhun tnwns. For being ki erergymem iGirFrsrtGaiuty,yyltttP.'.rt: l For looking who have the leisure and ability to use T For your fai the paper as the vehiele'of influence Furnearing over their fellowcitizens. ahe couutry For vein c: newspaper is usually 10ml in its uewa. 1 For minim and the way people who might. make Q For harbori it fresh an suggest/ad an? those who Furdisconn complainmoat loudly 6t its mange ehnr- f For helm: It “can. Shun. articles iieruiimriiir/c11te,i, tie: staudin -ee TN-. .... _r “n grannin FAR)! FDR SALE on TO Rm'ero L Gun. 3. Glenn-lg. Apply to C. McAr M newspaper is mummy mun "' "a ..‘ .PF'V and the var . people xrlu, might. 'ttsake it from I',',',?' suggestive ari- those who complain mo it loudly of its mangrc thar- acct-r. Shirt. articles pvrtriiniy; tnlocal inns-restarealwuys wclcvniy in its col- mum-x. and the men and'wmnen win) "umtdeuirs In “Mk" home life in the country rich and irtticrerttiNiean hand" B" hy contributing tAely to its ttofusuttg of whit, they have in mind. In some places this has tri'";,');'.',',":",.; and the result Ill iiie.auivkted. ll of the community han been gruitriu'et---ex. M The country newspaper is an imp _ .. ,I..-..-.:.... " nu LOCAL AND GENERAL. (s just what D. J: ”TE (Esra TN HOLLAND.» -Al the l Sound Police court Inst week two 'ptr ttatued Lowry and Howey were 1111 by Dr. Bull, of Holland Centre. "oukpiritvg to assault and wound On August, 10th hast. Dr. Bull, was red from home by n. stranger to a. patient, and on the wav while Hg through a hush, a. blanket was vn over his head, he was hound to a and lashed on the bare back till as ("at and bruised. The prisongxs adnnttcd to hail, as the evidence us: theta is light hut the case will ' up at the Full Asxizes. The mason nod fo, the abuse was his Alleged Ly to his wife, but, Mrs. Bull in her. moe denies an unplmwmtness PX" what is can”; by her own friends. rumimonv was all that as loving and uncut. and on tt through It bush, , wor his head, he l d lashed on the ut and bruised. I minted to hail, as them is light hut at, the Frdl Assize at run McM atch M ll Dress goods nlland's with Al the 1ltlk'a"E ‘r‘vsr: 'fdih7):C,',fra' Lookout for Ws odlnnd‘s Millincry openings this fall. 11mm you tested yourself in estinmt- ins: the weight. of w beast kuety? Iteu nu-mlm the REVIEW Cash I';'.zo of $1.310 for ths "mural kin-xx. Durham Show (hwm'an Sept. Piith mull?!» This same pri '2 at Ntuisttult, Last yrur created grout. kiwi son is keeping a very lar 2 en- oval store. You will all 'i',7,,dllW,.fl',T he mine ilnwn from the Northwest onl F a little while aqonnd 'slipped hack With um- of Mr. Cux‘stm's daughters. of Dur- lmln. Ilvll you Mr. Jropk'ips and his but girl wept' kind to me. They have n. luvs-1y fitted up lmusuwunl things look as lhnuzlv life was worth living hr with Out' ulll Beutind kind son is lumping oral store. You wi he Came dsrwn from a little while ago an one of Mr. Cnrsun's hum. ltell you MI but srivl wun- kind l as oi them inte Ih “Me widl h Tweed Dress goods. for 30c. regular co, Pet' yd. at Woodlard's. Ln-Hrr in Hanna-r Post from Hartney Manitoba ' »» Our old anim-k frivnd. _Mr. Hop- Il 1 Rogers. 1tawdozc.usrerlittaoysty.tlo"ss, i Mrs. aunl Misos anKunzio. (Sm-nun.) )Hnlf than: hundwnrkod doilies. Mrs. I Hum-is and Limo. Dresden China Lump, ', Mr. and Mrs. Mascott. Dresden-china 1 clock. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge. Dres- idvu china an. caddy. Miss Culvevt. .Tthk‘ dmlie. Miss Kelly. Mahogany uml brass table. Mr. and Mrs. \Vuldie. Fluzitt. bowl and cream jug (silver), Mr. am? Mrs. J. P. Hunter. Large white marble clock, theofttce staff (Mr. Grant,'s office.) Large black marihrclock. Mr. Goo. Grunt. Cake .doilie, Miss Ann Jane Davis. 5 o'clock table Cover. M rs. Earl. Hand worked tea. cosy. Miss Nairn. 5 orclock table cover, Miss Belle 1 Parker. Centre More, WnvsAitstieNtriru. ' Crntr‘e niece. Miss F. Wightutam Jane Davis. 5 o'e Earl. Hand wo Nairn. 5 orclock t, 1 Parker. Centre pi! . Centre piece. Miss ver ten- 't and sum Mr. f,'lra'l/l.' Wm. sterling eottee spror Beatty. Se} ofcarvu i) Tenor-d. Wm. Kent Roma's. IL Foy living " white life. Fotr doing ymu' level best. Fur being kilid to the pour. Fur hmkmg befove leaping. For your faith in human y. For ncnring before deciding. Fur Imin . candid and frank. For thinking before sgenking. For harboring clean t oughts. For tiitrcourstirt . the tade4reaver. For teine by“? to the preacher. For standing by your principles. For stopping your curs to gussip. For asking pardon when‘in error. For being as courteous as adyke. r ur the igtnneuce of ugh motive. For hridling a sttitsderogi' tongue. For being slum-e in' business Gills. For sympav. inning with the gg,",'erif F: r (lying-an Mn 'eikett..t,!t, lovy are! Mrs, Youth, WEDDING BELLS! I "y"W""""""h "Iv-n ..-- . (lying an unfortunate May a lift. being patient. with cranky neighbor: . YOU wud. NEVER BE SORRY ll) Mrs. Wut. Mulork, Je. Ado-7.. cofree spams, Mr. Mrs. Pen-)- Set ofcnrn t's um strel,Me. Inglis Silver teapot. Mr. and Mrs. J. rd. Large banquet. lamp, Mr. mt. Sterling 5228“]: Sifter, Dr. 1141de men siermTco.vste1tIovks, W w r and st Beauty or , left for Toronto Il Sunshine Fr, m m-vcr duy oututow! Ever;,Teens by IUHHN “Tye trauslmruu from the swisuspti to deck our bare streotsand cfiuefs. For was not the great man, with the great name Oronhy- ntekhu, kidding the grin-LL omce of Supreme- Chief Ranger ot the great Order of Independent', Fotvsttytm expected to he in our midst. and with him some hundreds of visiting hruthn-n and their friends. not tonmntinn the Nov. Alex. 31cG"rllivt'uy the eloquent. Past II. C. Rnngir The tv,vdistinguiruied ii. C. Ohio-rs arrived Thursday night by his Luiln. und a large number of our citizens hy common consent, found their way to the station, tohuvca tirst, sight of the fruie (ms Indian Doctor. They were not dis- appointed, 1mlcss indved ii; was the small boy who was thorn in Mir-gt- nnniiwl's. Stum- nilht-sv Inlior. it, is smncrtrd. i‘xiwrli‘d to 50921;) Indian with Imu- ahuwkund fcirtluts, and possibly Win- paint, and insimul lhvy mw a hurliy gi-nth-niun. of pleasing nppmmnre in v1ry "ivhizctr main; (won to a shining "tile." t'hict It.nnsrvvC.alder, Brus. John. ston. Patuueitm and " NW otit pronun- Sumo 0111 oxpcctod t almwk and paint. and thcuut,clvvs mum-how. and \vrro eVltit'rtL" ly sull‘oring frmu itu',ttiriicmt prnrtiro. The sphm'v how-red a 1:: mid (11-11! round Mavkdale'rs guul. but yJavkdale Iy's1 " gum! 1mm in the gate. ' The Lacrosse Much I' as the feature of the afternoon. Mt. Forest and Walkers ton “UNI {133401 full team and the little rubber wits kept on the more getting lit-(worn the smkus four thues for Mt. Fovesl, while Walkerton scored only once. As usual there was some rough work and objections were frecly raised at the irregular manner of cheek. ing indulged in by some of the players. A much of the szross Jumots of glanovgr and 1913mm): went to Hanover by thratt? oy'. '.,. ' The fumhu Murkdnlo, rm scoring. Our The Bicvé'le .x'arc . E sport, then- wm-c four a wadkertom, mining in ' The concert, Was not t though the allmtevlr Ile - ..m. .r:iiste. b, The concert. was not largely attended, though the amateur pevtiitTi.rrtc'e.s were good. The Mnrkdale baud played with taste and skill. Mr. Johnston and his four good 1ookiriir"jurf skilful daughters rendered some of thnir fine violin sc- lectinns and whm'e twice cheered Miss Meredith and Mr. Parker sung a (Inert. Mr. w. Ihunage gave "The Death of Mwvleon." The lender of the Markdale baud gave a comet solo. _..-------------" Ayev's Hair Vipru' tones up the weak hair-root's. stimulates the vessels and tissues which supply the hair with nutrition, strengthens the hair itself, and adds we oil which keeps the shafts soft. lustrous, and silky. The most, popular and valuable ballet pre- paration in the world. w" ' I. o. F. DEMONSTRATION, al days- )n-r-(ngling lust Fri. l took/ry " may umwau‘mwc. bv hauls we}? [Randi-trod wktupti to deck our bare cdvuevs. For was not; the Be ,z'uuc . ended the dai"s were four entries. King, of coining in first. I) H D 0 W t i) _ the ll hful ll I) " pt ti ll The Dquank [In-mil has a numbrr ofcottti.v,d,tusts in J’rplun who send same ixnzxgilm'rv rqmrls to that raver, Lvitweel: anvvilh- News cottutietictut with Mr. D. C. MvAvstle and Miss. N. McArcllo- raid f, irmls in Melancthon " visit Inst. Sntnnlnyamd Sunday. Now I sun informed that neither of the "host panics has Hwy frionds in Mrlmu-tlmn. nnr “'vrt- tin-y llwlo. Tho (um-vapou- dt.urctmld. by u little Mon. get some news t1t',u.r'N'l' hump to wytltt when“. Mrs. Dui‘ngwail. widow,. and Mrs: Jas. Diugwrrll, ul't' visiting friends irrTm unto - Samuel Supt-r is home from Simone County, _ ‘ Miss Anni" Mc.trsrlle has lvft, iior her home in Midl,trul,,gtr'mg by Osprey. Mr. Wus. Trump is sinking fast. JHHH'S Itid'de.'s and Alex. Russol have purchased thr: Pride mm-hino and cum- xnvnm-d threshing. Luther and John Vex-levo‘ tgg?,tt,t:1. il, tww tiweshvr. Things will mzz now. Ton. Wo were phased to notim- the "Yam kevy Itnprvssiouy of Canada." which all. yearn-d in the mlunms of the Rvam‘ iwoweeksago. It would (tn-mint; b: wad with inn-rust. by many as well a being well penned and spivy. T b J. A. “mm-r. (' Holrerts, l, Roberts“ Wm. Lauder, ll Mckenzie. . . . . . . . . ' . D. C. MvKomcio. h Roberts. . . . . . . . . .. J. Ibrhertson,t' irohevty, h Itobevts.. J. P. Town-d. l. b. w., i, Roltvts. . . . . T. A. Hum-is. c McKenzie. h Roberts J. McFm-lmw. " Sheppard-.-.... -Fotwstev, I) Sin-ppurd. . . . .. ... . . . .. Geo. Shires. b Sheppard. . . . . . . . . . . _ . w. Harris, l, Sheppard. ' ' . . ..'. . . .. .. A. McDougall, not out.... . . . . "..... Exuas .......r.... ... . '...r....r. Thos. Glazier, L' Forwstor, 1) Mcszio c, IV. H. Roberts, C' Robertson, b Rub. ev ‘*ertson...................,....., 8 J.D. Morgan, L: w Hun-is, hMekenzie 0 Dr. Ronny. h McKenzie. . . . . .. . . ... .. 16 H. 'r1,1yg'gt',f.i l) McKenzie: . _ . A . . _ . .. 0 Chas. I cherry, c McKenzie. lr Mo. Kerezie.e......-_....,.... 0 --3reHobhie, st. out, b Robertson. . .. 1 D. M. McKenzie. h Mekenzie........ 11 Dr. Mitchell, c McDougall, " McKen- aie,.......-.....1...v..".,.... H. Lame", b McKenzie. . . . . .'. .'. .'.', .. g R. \Vildsou, not tttW...-.......:.., . 2 Extras.........--........ 7 Park lot No. 2. at present ace . tly?Aev. Chas. Cameron is $29252. This is a. very desirable locution for a. retired farmer. Apply.w_" Total Total tal Duudaik--Heetond innings', Duvbavw-Fiest, innings PRICEVILLE‘ HOPEv1Li.E, vlcg;ER& I' L 7f will etstlursiatsts " to lay H. march in 'IU' he sea-n below “MISC runs to the we innings to lluir returned from It is mnmred he Lt'. {till account J. P. Tmu-‘onp. tl: H :uulat from IN 30 12 28 21 0 U 0 0 You nr Ioelp you: If your eyes arr wily well for you m amend I Have ynm' v.vr"spvirtu'l.V vxatuiued I.) "I". and it may tiv" you your Ila-chm eyesight. PROF. GHAMBE uLINN, Will be at MacFurlane & Uo's Drug j lity?.r'e, '.Dtstrh'trtti Wedgesday. Sepbi A YOUNG LADY 1N ELGIN COUNTY TELLS HOW IT SAVED HER LIFL. The Case Baffled the Family Doctor and He gave up. Relief Came When Hope had almost Gone.~Health Again Restored. From the Tilwnlmrg Observer. Mr. J. W. Kunncdy. who tveudss on Buvhmn is one of the must, n-specled firrttuus in the township. lh-m-mly an ()lm-rwr tvrresenrative visited his home tor thi, puWors" of learning the particulars of the recovery of his slaughter Miss Alice Kennrdy, [run a severo and trying illness. through the use of Dr. williams' Pink Pills, after nwdiual assistance had failed. Miss Kennedy now Inn-souls the appeararee of a healthy and active young wuniau oCtwtrnt.v, and beats no indication of having passed through an illness that battled the doetors' skill. To the Per portcr Miss Kennedy said that; in the autumn of 1533 she was Ldum ill and ttr physimn was eallvd in. Despite all the IF YOU ARE S? King Fir. E. . TORONTO. ONT, I visit: Durham twice each your. 25th Only M y Ptvsr fl n' il work, mental worry, or excesses tpt any: nature. Tin-yum sold only in Boxes. the “WM nun-k and wrapper printed in red ink. at Go cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. mailed from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Brockville, Out., or Sueuecuuly, N. Y. Coulinucd. 3.-0) (a) It, shall be unlawful in any perm”: manual). Kitt or destroy," pursue with such intent, any groust pheasants. prairie fowl or mu-Lridg: woudcuck, smpu, mil. Mover. or an other water fowl (mother game bird t animal (including black and grey gluirwls, and lulu-s) not. Incl-tin other- " in: provided for, at any Lime between the tiireenth day of December and the Mun-nth day of September in the iol- towing year. (h)0r any quail or wild turkeys be- twccn the tittcenth day of December and the (invent): day of October of the following year. (c) Or any swans or geese between titctirst day of May and the titteenth day of the fulluwing month of Septem- ber. (d) Ot ducks ofnll kinds Many time between the fifteenth day of Deeentlre" and the first duy of the following month of September. (2) Notwirhstausdhtg anythiustin this this section contained, no wild turkeys shall be hunted. taken or killed' at any time before the flft,eenthduty of October, (3) Notwithstanding anything in this section contained. any pers"n may at any time limit, lake or kill that species of hares cmmnuuly known in this Province as the' trotton tailed rabltit/or any species ot rabbit. t 189?. htut no pmrie fowl or English or Mougol'unu pheasant: before the tiftcen- th day of h'cptettt1ier, 1897. (4) The possession of guns, decovs or other implements of shootiug nrhunL. ingut it time and in places where the game-birds or unimuls above named are usually found shall he primu. facie evi- dence of pursuit thereof with itstettt to Ilma'r ”Isms: Rmxm'zn IS 30 Mum: --ur. Agnew't Cure ter We Heart given per- feet rclletin all one: Orgnnic or Sympathetic Heart Dina-0 in 30 minutu and 19mm], elfecuzcurc. his 3 peerleu rernddy for Palpitninn, Shannon of Breath,, Smother. in; Spent, Pain in Left Side and all lymp- toml of I. Uizeuod “can. lute dose cumm- col. "field by Mohrluno h. Co. tT l WUNDERFUL REMEDY. Mel). km or destroy the GAME LAWS --COT THEM OUT. large book tre it." can DO NOT POT IT OFF, EYE SPECIALIST 13L"! , ttwtuuate' and nu the rye be had tre, nay w.:.k, it ' nd to them at tll be unlawful for h, Kilt or déstro.v,.OJ' intent. any grouso, fowl or lutrLridge. mil. plovew, or any who resides on the tnwnship of most rcspecu-d 4). Recently an BLIND same. "How to by writing asuined by r l recioutt may 1mm Mill be It N. Grey Fall btllil)ilii)o Japan Teas. "rhrceptionaly good value just a,.,-.-,,...,'-' Al'.:,,.,.,..,,,...,., to hand at Grant's. Call and get a sahle. ummmmm*€“wwi*fpml "Ff”? La'ii.rii'ii'ii' Li"ii2'riat,.r, fi :'. - T E95 fi 9.} " 23‘ ill) . F '1'PEPs' S, :3: ti 2.3 BRINGS US E :1 . . .21 [AM Tfl, KARE C) nn Dl'uv my... "up“ _ w.teee'e" 7,, _ -e Quinn-us. 5. Ghana” Brotr., Wire Mad Tug?“ Perforutotett. 6. coruet Solo. 7. Cynue. Mk Wire Act. m tull evening autumn. M. 8. LI. Rollo Bron" Raven-Ln. Mexican udder. M. a. Fire Works. 'r-cle"' undur le, only 10 cu. ad. l. Judging: Liv. Stock 2. FUrmera' Trot or Puma. 3. Graham lira; Double ae, Win 1nd Trapeze Act. 4. Green in"). tt. ynne. Mutton and New Yore'r.Ftworito. a. Open Trot or Pace. 7. nmnhnl! nu]: Bievcls We. 3 but». 8. Lu. tsclleDror.. Double Truman m. a. lion-hitch- Bud not. 10. buy we win. 11. Mink: by com. paring Baum. I. Fund Be1octiou. zGruhum Bros. 3. Twi- light Quuwue. 4. La Bella Bram. mo "otre Ancemxon. 5. Connor. Solo. G. Cyrrno, Chum-m: and Ae rolumc Dancer. 7. Ln Belle Bum. Double slack Wire with Acrobatic Clown. B. Gym. Who Act in tan Wank-x: woman. 9. Hm Work. J. Daubie 1nd Single Turn-outs. 2. Saddle RotTrvg. 3. 3 min. Trot or hoe. I. But Lady Driver. 5. Syn-no. 6. (hen Run. 7. Gnhnm Bros. 8. Team Trot or Para. 9. La Belle Bron. 10. , mile Lmdlou'nmdle Race. 11. Ben Pedom- unce uvor Hurdles. u. 3 mile Bxcyclo mam». 1:5.Dny Fire Workts. H. Music by Rnndr. N.,-. At 4 P. M. Grunt] Fund» ot all I'm Animdl. L, J. tv.yCi,b2 4::1‘392' AllExhibiu cieemt tive, stock mun be on the ground Tuonduy. Sept. mum A. M. Momma tick 1 ll not-trunntornlnc and not good to admit to waning euu-nuiumeut. Ticket; transferred will be annoyed. . FRUZLEQ. Kuhn-e1,- ciao mat. um at 12 PM. For turutor pnttiuulnum we Prim um. Bills, budgets. Limo“ or apply to J. g. 1id'JUtMllt M. ll, l LEW. President. Manager. W. l GEEK. To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Puckett &rsontfoi,"tatd., Hamilton, Opt., hive placed upon the market ' . C ' -..t' iiGia. “rue-day To Smokers A Combination Pluggf on: “I T a: B" brand ot pure, Virginia Tobacco. ..This Supplies' 1ongfe2t want, guns the consumer one 20 cent plug, or it 10 cent. piece orf 5 {rent Piece of the fun- 1. Judging eotttur n Brno BrotucTrryt1 Sin le Fare by'rrslu and Bou, Wednesday. 18m. FARMERS' DAY, Tpgrsday, 19th. CITIZENS DAY Ammxohftr. “III 2ie B ' , $lilllllIllll 1lllllMlll. mexoox. Placing Live Stock, A nxnsonx. Judging» Live, Stock. 2...}25237 mm iat"Olr"isormtrtit,a Treasurer ens Bros. aGraham B: nr. CHILDREN'S DAY. "l:llllllP - For'.riNooN. he CiEB:iiiUiig; With FALL WANTS. We are happy to say that we were never ix; as good a position to cater to your requirements as we are at present. We have already passed into Stock many lines of Goods and by the end of this week our FALL STOCK WILL BE COMPLETE. Our Trade in this department has DOUBLED ITSELF dur- ing the past two months and PEOPLE REALIZE that we KEEP GOOD GOODS At Reasonable Prices. We take time only to men- tion that l e have EXTRA GOOD VALUE in 'ics" SILKS This Week OUR TALK IS ABOUT this week. Evaxn'r. BOULDEN & CY Harness Mak OPENING m: Exhihi l. l MY. spl , "" Attractions. TA Van-cull; 2. WI) " 'akrc ihuia. in by Bunk. 3. men. 4. Tumult! th f ft Exlnl-its. n Tr Secretary She In Durhm: .5an biy PM it" [$12 A direct Shipment of. 2.0 1b. Chest New "t':t,i,t' il 'tr' V" m... $7.213. SHOES , Mud. Mu; lit FACE Ti} EASE I:Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. Fo ff>§;'breaking in needed, they are made to tit Mar 8110 Po, $1.33 ' 81.“) Sa JAPAN TEA, idlitt, FT Big 3 lt, Bu Best 27tc. J Men's Top Shirln trom 2.1- Men's siks, 10c pair up. Prints. Flannel: and Facts at {he lowest prim An honest Dollar s word; of A . Merchandise 1toR cih" HONEST Dom Has been the Foundation of 0,1:- Succesg. A partialList oi our ASTOUNDING BARGAINS. 221m. Standard G mutual; Good Tea 15c. pm- aneJapun 25c. pm- Very Fun: 45c. per TEA BARtir/Mrrfiir.,,, ..ji,i,i),..,,:tty Extra India Be Em: Hymn 5 Pure I 612s Rusim' l "Pure 5110 SUGAR BARGAINS. MEASURE. ttt VAL'CTE a" Boots & Shoes. “Established 1856. Ni-"-'"'"- MEASURE gig Not Ugly Once [Bi-E Give Us a Call tpan 9tt .HK. wr m. G tbs for $2.25 "tc M, 'urc Mocha and Jar I (have. Ground on morn-mines y 'rats strirvi 35C perth., a, th box fur 81.15e. . , _ all“. Peart Tapim= "v" S] ie :5. Ground and Whole.. Cloves. Allspicc. Cirittammi. V Peppers, ete, etc. Try our mixed Sykes for Pic-Him " Another lot of our Celebrated White iea,, English u; " aEPaeisxNllllat 7-3-3213 FOR fire when 400. pr r 'i?gaatc0lyiiilt" dk ‘09 CliiUiEBeBdiii;. 05-13551 & ssedimau, Durham th. Stbs ,p.1 m. 5 ms (pr: STAN DAR!) NEG}? a L (iRAN'f1 tou for $1.00 E lbs. Light is Js/oo. Extra Imperial 20v. perii. G "In. ta 'iss, M fur $1.10. No. lJawm CGC. per m. G lbs. tor Lbs for all)". Extra No. .36 bur. pvr tb, 5 tbs mm an. 1fic Try a our :51 BLACK TEA GREEN TE A the feet h' 'll? Slit B. G m for $1.75 Best, Black 75c per sizes." "3t Ct e Dressing. $1.1 83x Gt, Canadian Mattied Crue We Want Your Trage. _ 13 " 2011 Brown for $1.00. Bes emf?" o oal Sup. st asti e or Mm 7r. . ot4 Bars for 250. Heavy Galvanized " qt. Pail. 25e, t of Tiuwm. w", ' Bind, Talrle Oil Cloth. “in m. il White and Colored. 25c yd". . All-Wool Twillvd G ray “11101.1. ICC rd. Mvu's Under Shirts & Drawers. So u Men's Rubgmriue Stared Up cotiam. 'lt li' 10 and 50pm- mm. hut we had 1 Iain . raise which we will rent! _ Pmm-lla Garters, Ah Pram. we. _ i k Shoes all sizes & prion. 'ak. a hunk. . b, 5 tt, for 33.50 ht, Yellow for ‘LO '2 :2

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