West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Sep 1895, p. 2

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% & . se [ > o Remaoeel . + A T (T‘NDER 4A ® Drugs and Druggist‘s Sundrics, Diges infant and the invalid, Toilet Article Medicines, Perfumes of the latest styles hand a choice assortment xfflr;t class G We uy Ne _ 66 P (UNDER A NE VY mEDGLYILLLLESNME®NE® * / Will be REâ€"OPENED on C m L ® Ssturday, ZRist inst. Our Prices are right. FOR _â€"= . x\oy\\. I 5@% And note well the PRICES. __â€"â€"qg#»> Fancy Goofldi.“ MacFARLANE & Co. All kinds of Fra COrgans & Piant wWAREKHOUSE, Jast Amived Musical Instruments and Albums One ThE Dlll‘ham 3® Prarmacy! Frost & ders, 1 Rakes One Car Maxwel Bindersâ€"cheay er EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH iz ‘And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. DsA and inspect and b_e_co_tr_vinced. *~~~ ~â€"Motto will be arge Sales & Small Profits." ew St Cartsâ€" CHAS. MeKINNON â€"DEALER INâ€" kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, ans & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. We beg to inform OuUur Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash orf its equivalent, and that our ER A NEW MANAGEMENT) Will be REâ€"OPENED on AT uil'x'cv,i and Campbell, LOD~ rriages & Puggies. Cbatham Famous Wagors, ow Ball W agons. ck of the famous Ramsay â€"at fabulou« prices. Wood‘s Singe Apron Bm Buckey Mowers and Tige: mimnm. / TE CASHâ€"â€" ckville "ULL LINES OF __â€"â€"â€" & J. McKechnie. We will offer Singe Apron Bmâ€", _ New Wail Mowers and Tiger] chines. ADOPTED BY A ug. 9th. "*O. ‘s Light Stcd than ever. nt of first C &e., &e. PBuggies, also impbell, Lonâ€" G.& J. McKECHNIE. Upper Town, Durham. special inducements in Come and see our display of â€" Digestive Foods Articles, Sponges, t styles and odors, class Groceries, To Call and examine. Harrows. Wilkingon Ploughs and Scuffiers. i Organs & Pigzos of the best makes. |_ _A few Stoves at job prices. _ New Williams Sewing Maâ€" Now on Hand McKINNON. DAYS ONLY. Maxwel!‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts and Full Stocek of Repaire always on hand. « Foods for the ponges, Patent L odors, also 08 rries, Tobaccoes, DURHAM, Th: 6ft9 We will farnish the subscribers from date for 81 00, which mea 1895 free. The two papt! Jan. 1st 1896, for 2 4 We will furnish Weekly Globe frot 1897, for $1.45. We are able to make ary offer by the very granted by the Globe Our standing offer of t one year IOf @1 course, but it tal prove to enlighter nearly four mont! 10 cts. is a snap. The Globe has no paper in this Dom ers who have stof find that to guage correctly they must #gAIN Globe. ~ Its news are the fres poli;ice are the fairest, as is â€" in its reports of conservative being nearly as full as the | tive organ. | Its market 1c second to none. | Its family m is excellent, while the world and sport is not neglected. The REvieEw, to its reader commendation. . It ever stai front rank as a local journal. staff of correspondents, who to timejrefiect the life of their communities. | Its aim is th: event of importance shall pas and at the same time to pY week a condensed account and political news. While adbering rigidly to 1 ciples, it will endeavor to be â€"A McCarthyite candi brought out in Brockville, sented by Controller Woo¢ â€"Amot is taking bicycles, â€" a number paring to Eut down by foree the 1 of bull fighting which has lately into a mania in some Southern cipalities. _ Local Mayors an ofticers have been terrorized lowing them. â€"Henry M Staniey, African explorer is visitin Formerly he was a soldier i Army, then correspondent t York "Herald," when ] Africa, and now, mem ber 0f House of Commons. â€"The "Electrical heview an estimate that trolly cars h away with the service of 275, in the United States. . The eat over 100,000 bushels of co in a day, and bundreds of tor Enough to affect the markets commodities. However activity im other directions maintain an equilibrium. â€"It seems to pL that the authoritie like Holmes to is the prison cells, a will allow the pris black mailing in indeed they sub: number of copies can be the effect 0 crime by makin that he is a hero. sins in the same 1 the notorious Birc â€"The French goyvernm â€"We have it on the autnor Winnipeg "Tribune," that. Schultz, ex Lieu. Governer toba, is about to receive his He is to be sent to the frozen Canadian Commissioner on the boundary. But, as & good attached to the oftice the Hor man will unquestionably satisfied with the appointm more especially, as the office good for three or four years much longer in the hands of _ent persons. m n e e N o acd coannant neltg Montreil for the purpose of establishing in that city a permanent National Exâ€" hibition Museum for the display of the natural productions and special manuâ€" factures of all parts of the Dominion of Canada. The first attempt at a perâ€" manent exhibition of this sort was that of 1851 in London, England, and this has been a great success and of inâ€" calculable benefit to the people, educationally and industrially. in hinsoretiine vrog educationally and indus France, Germany, Belgium land, and the United States ft the example of Great Britain an Montreal is moving in the direction. â€"The German Emperor is determinâ€" | ed not to allow the spirit of war die out | among his subjects. For some months l reviewing of troops, celebrations of | former victories and mock battles on & | large scale have been persistently carâ€" | ried on, to the amusement of outsiders, but certainly a serious matter to the pockets of the German tax payers. Whether this sort of thing Awill haye the effect of consolidating the German States or of precipitating a conflict | with their neighbors remains to be | seen.â€" We hope it is not the carnage | of war they celebrate, but rather the" spirit of selfsacrifice w hich every great | contest brings forth, and which, after a ?narter of a century it is impossible \ to forget. â€"Both France and Spain have each | a little war on hand. _ France is trying | to subdue the poor Hovas of Madagasâ€" | car, who never did them any harm | and whose one fault is that they love | their country and will not have the | French to rule over them. . So far | nature is fighting the battles of the | patriots in Madagascar. The invaders | are decimated by malaria, so that reâ€" | inforcements are constantly called for. . Cnba, an ancient colony of Spain, has | rebelled against the imisrule of the' Spanish Government. The insurgents ‘are determined‘to follow the example of the United States and form an indeâ€" pendent Republic, or cast in their lot with the American Republic, while the Spanish authorities are equally deterâ€" mined t%rgrevem such a catastrophs, | and in order to do so is preparing to | adopt the methods and means of modâ€" ern warfare. _ > ‘ A project has been set on foot in NCd . Feammen l neteg oi ies e ng the articles Nasru home to Afghanista: a }gnncll and Judy s r of nursing bottles. SEPTEMBER 1 HHCHNFo es k epgret ie fairest, ds i5 C f conservative ) is full as the C Its market re] . Its family m ie RevIrEw 1N3 the RevIEw date to Jan on 1 Review " makes lly cars have done ge of 275,000 horses es. â€" These would shels of corn or oats reds of tons of hay. e markets for these owever â€" increased nts th fg;m:inr. Jan. 1st 1894, he balance of d trial )th, 1895 now repre U U hyaolol n t nereased helps to TC W 11 I1 11 wacscommecceommme l cccnmnccaminnit [ _Sir MacKenzic Bowell arrived at j to i Winnipeg on Friday on his homeward | ra | journey. HMe was interviewed by a | nC | Rumber of his political friends, who | 86 pointed out to the Premier the injury | sl ldonc to the Conservative Party of the | su | west by the shillyâ€"shallying policy of | Sc | the Covernmentâ€"especially _ their S | issuing the remedial order, and failing | st ‘ to build the Hudson Bay Railway atâ€" | to | ter promising to build it. The Premier | th ]1\-1»1‘,«-(1‘ 2 la Sir William Harcourt, 2 ! that if these things were so, then as | Of | honest men they must support the Libâ€" | a | eral Party . at. next election. â€" The | d | meeting turned oat a very unsatisâ€" | {] | factory one all round. To a reporter |e | Sir MacKenzie suid that he had had | y | no conference with Mr. Greenway as | § . wed me the occu ful t their work tortures an the truth n un ha the grea who hay troubles districts the trou Choo. < 1 es es A io hours The important question is, how does bicycling affect the health of the cyelist when practised in moederation and as a means of physical exercise or recreaâ€" tion _ Here opinion is divided.v Sir B.r 66 AAZNAEUUMUN TTE oc cyet w t tion _ Here opinion is divided. Sir B. W. Richardson says that cycling is of great benefit to dwellers in towns. Mr. Watson, the champion cyclist says that be never suffered any i1 effects from bicycling, and Dr. Andrew Wilson advises cycling, with the single proâ€" viso that tho e with weak hearts should let eycling alone. _ On the other band Ur. Macks, Superintendent of the St. Louis General Hospital denounces biâ€" cycle riding in unmeasured . terms, asserting that the dangers are maltiâ€" tudinous and injarious not only to the present but even to the future of the human race. This in reference to the male sex, but as to ladies his opinion is that bicycling is injurious morally as in ne nheacany. in this (I{Vld('d present but even human race. This male sex, but as to is that bicycling is D well as physically state of opinion, exJ ereat teacher. The Rev. Dr. Grant, of Queen‘s Uuni versity, is contributing & series of letâ€" ters to the Globe on the Manitoba Schools Question. Two letters have already been published. It would be reasonably supposed that the opinion of the learned Princival, a seholar and a divine, formed from personal knowâ€" ledge, at the very seat of the controâ€" versy, would be of an eminently judiâ€" cial character. â€" However it is otherâ€" wise. â€" The first letter is a strong proâ€" nouncement in favor of the Roman Catholie Separate Schools in Manitoba, and the second equally so in favor of a eontinnance of the Schools of the Menâ€" . \ nonites. As to the latter, howevermuch | that interesting people may adhere to lthoir schools, and Dr. Grant admits that their schools are no worthy of the name, it is quite evident that mo erotchet of society or of the individual can be allowed to stand in the way of the general good. The Province of Manitoba enacts laws for the pa?ose of promoting the best interests the whole people, but, bowever wise and ‘ beneficent these laws may be, there is | no legislation but bears rather beavily mpon some one‘s comns. Bc in the School Legislation.. The best is intendâ€" ed and the best interests of the whole people are being wrought.ont, slowly M L t conversant .‘ e and the wor & them have a the M _¢_¢_¢~cp ie ie nal is h uestion NANITOBA SCHOOLS in a recent number of urnal says, that bicycâ€" me to stay. And such to be the case if we may increasing popularity of The inventor of the rearâ€" y bicycle estimated the l at over a million, and ent at over ten millions. L States 250.000 bicycles sed last year and there ver 800,000 riders in the lom. The bicycle is used ess man in the rounds of by the tourist in moving place. Some have made . continent, while others, MVEA L220 nin n, experience will be the 1 smmA I c ccconccc to be sure, against the prejudices of race and religion and _ ignorance, but none the less su.rel%'. Dr. Grant himâ€" selt admits that the Menmonites are slowly coming round to appreciate the y umuactirurhe lint! t+ha . XPADVIG Cl :\ Aaeien mm oromperaininat n Suk NO superior advantages of the Public Senool System. In 1887 the Public Sshoo‘s numbered 23. In the face of a meierni o Nn n ninsWW es (ReWl EraaMi me C lnet uced ts t mm esd‘ strong wave of sectarianism they fell to 6 between 1887 and 1891 But since the latter year they have increased to 29, with, says Dr. Grant ‘"‘the prompect of a continuous increase." Let well alone. _ The increasing light will ‘ dispel the darkness, Dr. Grant pays the compliment to the Greenway Govâ€" ernment that it is doing its utmost to : win the Mennonites to accept Public Schools, and the figures he gives shows that their efforts are not unsuccessful. What is wanted then to secure the hearty acceptance of the Public School System throughout the length and breadth of the land, is time, and no meddlesome interference from w ithout, both as to schools among the Mennoâ€" nites and the Roman Catholic Separate \ Schools as well, for, what holds good of the one holds equally good of the l other. â€"Mr. Harty bas been unseated for bribery by agents. I S eA NZTMMRAC Y C 00200 â€"The British Association for the advancement of Science meets in Toronâ€" to in 1897. 1 Mr, Robert Barber after of 25 years returned to the 0 weeks ago. He has been and held a position in ‘ Abida zum vards. He comes his health. HYMENEAL.â€"Mr l neirspiitmnizemiifinnss s was united in wedlock Greenly, yesterday. C and much joy. Mr. Jno. Main has no matrimonial state and we €ETTVPTHACSCZC Mr. Jno. Main has now entered the matrimonial state and we bid him and his bride welcome to our neighborhood. Mrs. Flagg will take charge of the Epworth League at the meeting in Varney this week. We hear it is reported the Patron candidate int Those who build upo® their mistake in time. Mr. Robt. Eden Gordon nwpllscd t yesterday and were wish the young cou in their journey thro Mrs. Mclrvine, ing a few days Grant. wimarends". BIRTHS. TURNBULLâ€"In Durham, on the 17th September, the wife of Mr. John Turnâ€" Artexâ€"SAauxnpessâ€"On at Paisley, Fred N. Al Saunders. \\"RXGHT.â€";\L “ urday, 14th i aged 25 years Farm ror Sare oR TO. / 12, Con. 7, Glenelg. Apply to thur, Durham. and desirable farms whic at very reasonable prices terms of payment :â€" aiae T M enc t walt 1. A magnificent dairy farm 200 acres near the city of Toronto and <lose to railway station, with complete appliâ€" U AUUDOLOALoonzlctheknnse. Nn UOCeogniee s ances for all du.ix‘zipurposex. barn and outbuiidings are . L 2o redon use modern ard. 2. A fine grain farm 200 the above and first class spect. 1 SRsuan es 8. A large dairy farn ated in a %w&utiful se ample building accom cheeseand buiter fac mediate neighborhood. Bloom in a few days b bull, of a son For full information APC WH*DCEC: apply to. l or :‘ J. E. MCELDERRY, Secretary Guelph & Ontario Inves ment& Saying Socng&z. old > 4 ‘endors, Gueiph, Hkted Oth of September, 1805, We have on fmud the FINE FARM PRUPERTY FOR SAL NORTHEAST NORMANBY OUR FALL SHOW _ _ s + SUEUIACHE MCCC O O000Cem. F7 adl duixx:ipurposes. The house, [ outbuildings are of the most kind and of the highest standâ€" vine, of Brantford, is spend days with her sister, Mrs MURDOCK At Proton Station, th inst., Geo. C. es home to recuperate dairy farm of 275 acres‘situâ€" autiful section of country ling accommodations, good butter factories in the imâ€" den, and Miss Susan d before the Clergy were made one. . We couple much happiness through life. MARRIED hand the following choice farms which we will sell able vrices and on easy DEATHS rted that Mr. Allan R. Micklchoroug\h lock to Miss K Congratulations !:-â€"6;1 the 4th Sept® N, Allen to Bessic J. intends resigning, om this will find were seen driving e were inclined to re in search of those Don‘t give it up yet ey were not hangâ€" fter an absence he old home two een in Chicago in the stock 200 acres close to lass in every reâ€" To REext.â€"Lot olvy to C. McArâ€" Buosso M on Sate Wright 200 acres No Famine in South Grey! The Crops are reported goodâ€"the prospect of High Prices for farm A Discoverey Which This Painful Disâ€" ease Cannot Resistâ€"Mr. B. Blasdell, of Paris, Ont., Relates His Experience With the Cure. Paris, Ont. Review. Rheumatism has long baffled the medical profession. Medicine for exâ€" ternal and internal use has been producâ€" ed, plasters tried, electricity experiâ€" mented with, hot and cold baths and a Soan Pnd w xn And Winter requirementsâ€"to fur and Cheapest Goods. out avail. Rh fort, making the of misery and p« toward conque made when the Dr. Williams‘ P was â€" discovered thousands have erful effieacy in troubles, the 0 tra ced to the bl Among those est terms of Dr. Mr. Blesdell, of not only to all « Is the of this se ed as h sCi&UICiL, PHCLW ous trouble. e to all other tr «neerfic for th Dr. Willian a trial. If@ using a box better, and constantly A GREAT ADYANCE IN MEDICAL . SCIENCE. now but lives of so many WO specdily restore the to pale and sallow el down by overwork, will find in Pink ; Sold by all dealers 0 paid, at 50¢ a box, 01 by addressing the Dr Company, Brockvill REEUKATISM CONKQUERE]. M maeun tm Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post paid, at 50c a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams‘ Medicin Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenec tady, N. Y. Beware of imitations an« substitutes alleged to be just as good. WHAT IN CONFECTIONS, CROCKERY, And BEAUTIFUL GLASSWARE. PON‘T FORGET GROCERIES & School SUPPLIES. FRESH FRUITS in Season Moffat Sells Cheap. HICHEST PRICE ‘ J. Moffat on ET es uh ) P PR $ WA Th L N6 cE IE T C onl ol C We reed ue oo ies aani it o CABTH'(J'B; richt ies mm o ipralhe To ie acnl e Nigae s ;;\;3&}4,..;@1,; e P resctcke McARTHUR‘S STORE ta YOU ta the r w che HAS y#7 B o tm -a hay zo Xesd e .:-.1 ace to nt. CA bles wh Daiglish‘s Old Stanm NEED 0 to find out where he can exchnal ‘ods. We have much pleasure farm produce gives t prepared for the for Fair Dealing and Good ~ HARNESS! Featherbone ¢ The Implement Season is nearly over but we have a few Buggies a Democrats in Stock which we will sell at Cost in order to elear out our Di any person in need of a BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT Bargfaihsat Wholesaie ! yield and sample expected to 1 e oi Pn oiR ammninns All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators, Straw in stock at our Show Ruoms in Lower Town. PAID FOR BUTTER AND ECCS. M imoW We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. Collars, Pads, Bits, W hips, &e., &o. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fine Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. C. LEAVENS, Jr. A good man in your district to repreâ€" sent theâ€"** Fonthill Nurseries of (g,a,n- ada." Gver 700 acres. The iargest in the Dominion. . Position &e'rnmnent.. Salary or Commission to right man. With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesman will pay better thai engaging in farming. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. _ School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer. . Write for particulars, on n ns ns ol Do nlo obedcle) L kene, per pair es per bag ... CALDER Sewing Machine, Organ or : the famous Raymond Rew 1 Doherty Organs at prices DpURHAM MABKET CALL AND SEE OUR ~yâ€"a d e ave A 1i he way a y is going to be scarce this winter, we have arrar it on good farm security at 54 and 6 per cent. straigh ce and asc Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insurance ; querte STONE & WELLINGTON, Toroxto, OxT. 1 TO SUIT YOU. pe FURS. Ac Beayy & Light Harness s a rood time to buy a arcc will surprise you with low prices. expected to turn out excellent. The the farmer Renewed Courage be 100 shipment of Stoves, Cutters and 0t ust have rooni. exchange his produce for »asure in announcing that 0 0 0 0 80 to 8 to 55 to 00 to 22 to 48 to 45 to 25 to to Sewing Machines We ha ices which will suit the times LIVINGSTON, â€" Agents, §2 00 2 50 1 OC O 0 0 48 0 50 60 Goods at Right Prices. Skirt Bone} s c odEmIEâ€" +3:+ _fi C3nGen u_4§ eâ€"drn emteatealralr abroir alroleaicalcniesiea HARNESS . Farmers and others atten tion. For a Set of Team, Single, | PDriving or Plough Harness in all o mounting and style, or for Pads, Wl;}ig. Blankets, Belis, Combs, and anything in the ° horse furnishing call and insve complete stock. Single Harness from $12.00 uy To tell you we sell G0DS £CHEAP: Come in and see for YOURSELYES, It‘s All Vey Well We have neither timenor STERLING SILVER, KNIVES, FORRS, TEA, COFFEE, DESERT and TABLE SPOONS, CUFF and COLLAR BUTTONS, RINGS, &c. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Pushing, trustworthy men to repT* sent us in the sale of qur Choice Nuysery Stock. Specialties sontrolled by us. H&efi- w‘ or Commission paid weekly. { employment the year round. OQytft free ; exclusive territory ; experience not necessary ; big pay as~ sured workers ; special inducements« to beginners. Write at once for particulars SALESMEN WANTED, Casgx yor Hiooes THOMAS SMITH. HARNESS! . GORDON, Cutters, 1w LOWER TOWN ns Arcat The Leading Jeweler c t EC NC roR the Best Piano axp Taruow v at 1e ie 5/ ~E uote space to q Eus LCK But chees t« M Mr. N Mr U LOSAL AKND H Mrs H Fort of th illum;‘ e is graphis the paper who have serloc Juth, Mi he reech comes fr tion on L which he little col men . froi and all d« It may i Priceville and Mrs 0) visit soon Or Aor.â€"S0% Society is now 0 Tuesday and _\ Annual Exhibit us youth and ti «hould not gro Jn the feture. I ‘one years, Ar.â€" o(ed‘ with the M miss the Ru s Go it L AND GENERAL. have t be M

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