West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Oct 1895, p. 3

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EE ! ay hing it the Show and compare s2%%24%%%°%°%°%%%ep sses%°asessesse¢ emind you it will be to n carry by far n in town. »ANDP. L TURDAY o| Bonnets. (% d 5th, VALUES, C564 Bone ie new Openâ€" lg 1 Holstein show was a great success yesterday. Prize List next week. Miss F. Vair returned this week from an extended visit to friends in Galt. Miss Acton and Mise Graham, of Chesâ€" ley. are the guests of Mrs W. Calder this week. Farx For Sice.â€"Lot 12, Con,. 7. Glenelg. Apply to C. McArthur, Durâ€" haur. H Priceville fall show next Tuesday and W ednesday. Special La lies‘ Vests shaped, for 250 at Woodland‘s. © Full of the year comesin in October." Walkerton Full assizes next Tuesday. Featherbone Corsets, regular $1.00 Corset for 75¢ at Woodland‘s. Laidlaw, Moffat, Mockler, Calder, A. S. Hunter, Sparling, Jno. H. Brown, Clerk Russell. Best MeEEtine or THE Lotâ€"The Annual Report of the Farmers‘ Instiâ€" tutes for 1804 contains some complimenâ€" tary references to South Grey and S. Grey men which is too good to let pass The report of Mr. John McMillan, M.P. of the meeting in Durham says it was the largest :mh most enthusiastic Instiâ€" tute moeting they had ever attended. Siz to seven hundred being present and many having to leave for lack of room. I; compliments Mr. Binnie as being an excellent secretary, while Mr. Thos. Brown it declares is a good man for the position of president. Quite so. Mr. McMillan, good officers uu:ke sums:ful classobith on dn naifihtminnnth cnintantee o e s 9 0000 l > eebrtpetiegatieeait n it Institutes and South Grey has prc »ved it Catarmy ®ELUEvED T® 10 to 6OMIXUTFS â€" One short paff of the breath through â€" the Elower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnow‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuse« this Pawler over the surtace cf the nasal passages. Painles« and delightfnl to us«e, it relieves inâ€" «tantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Ray PFever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonâ€" ailitis and Domfsss. 3) cents. At McFagiix® Dr. Arthar Gun We will furnish the ReviEw to new LOSAL AND GENERAL. ntrea ust im ckbott f Royal Victoria came bome last this week at m prices for d What is this we hear? _A case of 8 helmets for our worthy firemen armved at the station some time ago. _ All the way from New York, Stamped ~*Durâ€" ham" and â€" all complete. Cost $7.50 each $60 in all. Now the question arises who ordered these ? The council knows nothing of it? The Mayor did not order them. Neither did the Reeve, yet they came addressed to Mr. Gorsline." _ If Mr. Gorsline wrote for prices and samâ€" plesonly it will rest with him to see that the firm is reminded of that fuct, and take their goods away. _ If they have been ordered by a responsible | town officer, then the town will have to | p«y it, or look to the officer. { Again our hose cost us a $1000, We have built a tower at a considerable cost | to care for it woperly, vet the firemen ' aro rnm]wllnf to leave the hose on the reels from one practice night to another Ifur want of appli:\m'_n‘.iu the tn\'_vt‘n'. The Lawsuit, Ronald v. the Town of Durham is caking place this week at Stratford . _ Town Solicitor Telford havâ€" ing Kingston, of Mt. Forest, associated with him has been for a few days past busy securing evidence and witnesses to endeavor to win a case of such importâ€" ance to the town. â€" The purchasemoney $3,500 has been deposited in court, Mr. Ronald refuses to accept this. but like Shylock of old wants what he alleges is his bond viz;â€"the debentures. Now the said debentures are worth $3.800 at least, and her Majesty‘s judge will have to decide on the evidence presented who is entitled to that $500. The concert in the evening was a huge success as far as attendance went but the performance was not: first class. When a Flesherton audience has to hiss a performer it is plainly a case where he bas underestimated their intelligence in the character of his selections. Flesherton‘s fine band contribuied good music. Secretary Sproule and his brother diâ€" rectors must have felt gratified at the success achieved by their efforts. Patron Canditate Allan anvd Mr. Arch. Patterson were on the grounds, THE STATION. Mr. Cains, late of Durham, seems comfortably situated nere, and his affaâ€" bility and business tact will secure him a large trade no doubt. One would think one hotel mfficiem.fm-thisRlace, but two are found and both seem thriving. TT . Tmeny ol Mr. J. D. Egan keeps one of the two stores and has full lines of all goods in stock. Mr. Wood is the other storekeepâ€" er, and both do a fair trade, Sawmiller Legate is finishing a fine stable near the new residence into which he intends to move soon. His enterprize is a factor in the making of the place. Mr. H. Tucker is now a resident of the village, having bought a fine property on the outskirts. The Station is to be congratulatod. Some day nothing will "come out right," from the time you rise till you retive. Ten to one, the trouble is in yourself. Your blood is in bad condition and every nerve suffers in consequence, What you need is the cleansing, invigorâ€" atine influence of Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla, TOWN AFFAIRS fine band ‘orest, associated a few days past and withesses to of such importâ€" purchase money ntributed Do OxEx WErr?â€"We are sure the hearts of our readers will give a responâ€" sive thrill to the touching incident recorded below. Yes Mr. Ledingham we think your letter worthy of apace and will have much pleasure at any time in giving consideration to anything relating to haman like actions of our Domestic Animals. VEsStEâ€"In Sullivan on the 8th inst. the wife of Wim,. Vessie, of a daughter. BUrxsâ€"In Bentinek, on the 25th inst., the wife of Michael Burns, of twins, son and daughter. MCKiInxoxâ€"In â€"Priceville, on Friday, the 27th of September, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinuon. KxaPPâ€"In Durham, on Tuesday the Ist of October, a daughter to Nr, and Mrs Con,. Knapp. McGILLIYRAYâ€"In Glenelg. on Tuesday, Sept. 30th, Neil James, infant son of Mr. Neil McGillivray, aged 4 months. 1'.}' Nr. Inkster and Dr, bird, which were fully relished, especially the part of the spoech. which was given by each, and in which both were fally interested. The music furnished by the members Sunday School Choir is worthy of special mention eonsidering the short timethey had to prepare their select ions. ‘The singing by the children was good likewise, while_ the â€" trio, _ composed of the Misses Hartley, Mr. Conkey of Priceville and Mr. Wim. Ramage gave appreciative selections. and we must not forget to mention the "Hastic Quartette" whose selections were likeâ€" wise well rendered. _ Rev. Mr. McVicar chairman. _ _Proceeds in aid of organ for Sunday School. Lvlcnmro. We think indly words and good oldest correspondents his storling Charneter valne bis commendatic ’.‘61.“‘.1.‘.)_',” 11 Miss Loomis accompani left for Cleveland Inst. we sams place is now visiting Moser« Hee were the gues who has «per turned to the Wa are plensed to Dougel1, who has been now conyalescont. Mrg. Angn« Konnedy her varents reside. . 5 Threshing oporations rre now the ord»r of the day. The company machine is doing excelient work. In fact it has no superior. . The following lines fit men and machine: x T hen Freddio drives, and Archie feeds And Dan, attends the gearing; Just how the grain comes rolling out, Ia well worth sight and tearing. The Scotch Town correepondents newsy four and a balf lines regarding the Mink were "(as is chaructoristic of the Mink) becomingly and faceâ€" tionsly received â€" He believes however that the 8. T, youth rues the day hae kindly permitted the M. G. seribe to enter his hill« and dales for uows. Caledon friends in the Iwrsou of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson have been visiting rolatives here of late. They were the guests of the Stewart Bros. lust week. Phnr;nmist Juo. A. Conkey, lanves this week for Chicago. Mr.C, is too well known to need comment. We wish him nil success in the gront city We think it ft and proycr tc pay a passing tribute to the worthy Jrish Lake scribe for the able and svh:x budgets sont in from time to time Thestyle and language used is secon «to none on the stafl. Mr. Duncan Raxter, who has been a tesident of Hamilton duricg the suammer months returned last week. (We regret that we find it impossible to give this week‘s bndget of our ostcemed correspond out in fall. Ed ] Tigart Diskase Reueyep Is 30 Mixore â€"Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Aeart gives porâ€" fect relief in all cases Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath,, Smotherâ€" ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all sywp« toms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinâ€" ces. Suid by McFarlane & Co. Tast week‘s lengthy t Dornoch 21th September, 1805 he city this week. â€"etor anl Allan Mclean rests of the Kenuedy Bros MAPLE GROVE DEATHS BIRTHS ell. who las been residing i me past, is now enfoving he -nm.fi domicile. . Miss Lizz c «1mimer at the same place, re ++ + y left for Kingston, where She will pay them a brief on the Revorw staff, and ind experience makes us «tate that Mr. Jno. Moâ€" under Dr. Hutton‘s care is Agot from the t be was sein r worthy frie 1 jend for his of Osnrey a few days of eqimanen ate e M en dn in Mr. Joseph Spence, of Toronto, was visiting his brotherâ€"inâ€"law here, Wi. Mitchell, last week. Mr. Jas. Roberts took in the Guelph show, also visited some of his relatiyes of that place last week. Miss Emma Durant, who has been away in Denyer for some time, is now visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. fi{nlmrt Sim lost a valuable cow last week by eating rape. . Is it not time that farmers should stop sowing rape espcially for cattle as they often lose more than they gain? There was a number of animals tut. fall died through its effects. Miss Emma Brown is home from Mt Forest having had an altack of In gripp. but is recovering slowly under the faith cure treatment we anderstand. Miss Gray, of Nichol Tp., paid her uncle Mr. J. Reid, of this place and Mr. Hugh Reid on the 15th con. a flying visit last week. Mr. Alfsed Hans has secured the conâ€" tract of puting up a barn for Mr. Sim, next season. A first class job can be depended on as Aif can do it, Old Mrs. Morrison, mother of Mre. J. Wilson, we are told undertook a journey to Guelph last week for a visit to her friends. â€" Mrs. Morvrison will be 907 years old next birthday. Mrs. J. Bruce acâ€" companied her. We understand that a certain party living on the 10th con., not having a very kindly fe(-hl-(ic towards his motherâ€" inâ€"law and wanted to punish her some way or other hit iipm: the idea of tieing ap the woman‘s cow and gave vent to his feelings by beating it. Mr. W. Winter has returned home from an extended trip through the North West, and some of the western States. NMr. J. Renwick is engaged with Mr. Jno. Sinclair helping with the fall work, and also in putting up a driving shed. Thrashing is all the go now. it will not last long by the number of machines going, as there are 4 within 3 miles. Mrs. Duncan Sinclair, the beloved wife of the late Duncan Sinclair, passed away at her residence here, after a lingering illness at the ripe age of 82 years, on the l1th inst.. The funeral services was conducted by Rev. Mr. Millor, of Holstein. The hu‘ga concourse ¢f friends and relatives which wended there way to the Woodland Cemetery, with the silent dead spoke eloquently of: the §N‘at esteem in which deceased was held. YEOVIL ITEMS HYMENEAL Don‘t trifle with this precious gift by not heeding the dictates of nature. There is such a thing as wearing Spectacles when you shouldn‘t and not weuring them when you should. When you first notice your eyes failâ€" ing, or it seems a strain on thein to read or do near work, consult an eye specialistâ€"one that is permanently located and makes a specialty of the eye. â€" This way you will have comfort and save what money can‘t buy. " EYE SPECIALIST " 87 King St. East, Toronto. My large book on the eye, " How to Preserve it," can be had free by writing for it. EOD‘S CREATEST CIFT TO MAK Is HIs VISION. 8. A large dairy farm of 275 acres situg ated ig a benutiful section of country Amplé Duilding accommedations, good cheose and butter factories in the imâ€" imediate neighborhood. 4. A good stock and grain farm 100 meres near Lake Huron good markets convenient, good buildings and beautiâ€" ful surroundings. 6. A nice small farm 874 acres near ‘hatham in a fine section of country. We have also two very desirable farms of 100 ncres in the immediate vicinity of the City of Guelph. 5. A 200 acre grain farm in the town ship of Cartwright, county of Durham. Surrounding country beautiful, . good buildings and in every way a desirable farm. me ppivn eactcunt t NMnders, Guelph Datad 9th of September, 1895. We Iandle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. CALL AND SEE OUR Collars, Pads, Bits, Whips, &c., &c. Heavyy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Workmanship Unsurpassed. ipply 1 Fine Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. We do the trag:i ég l;:‘wd-l'-‘urs. Highest C. LEAVENS, Jr. stt J. E. MCELDERRY, Secretary Guelph & Ontario Invest ent & Saving Society. _ ASFET A fine grain farm 200 acres close to rbove and first class in every reâ€" HARNESS! 11 informatic FURS. ind particulars Lngif in t alped n it ze Lt ies t orine e w Cmm ie in sefi ol e tm ce Thoroughtred Chester White %%t, Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. No & * 7 x 4 VWWashington, breaking in nseded, they are made to fit P e Iporiet from the Enied â€" _ the feet. in oadtaian amegon, . o. TmRrms â€" $1.00. BOULDEN & To., l A J®m ds Pushing, trustworthy men to repreâ€" sent us in the sale of our Choice Nursery Stock. _ Specialties controlled by us. Highest Salary or Commission paid woekly. Steady employment the year round. â€" Outfit free ; exclusive territory ; experience not necessary ; big pay asâ€" sured workers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once for particuiars To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Puckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upou the market to ALLEN NURSERY CO0,, A Combination Plug of To Smokers This Supplies a long felt want, grving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famâ€" ous "T & B" brand of pure Virgivnia o & Tohacco A good man in your district to repre: sent the * Fonthill Nurscries of Canâ€" ada." Over 700 acres, The largest in the Dominion. _ Position permanest. Salary or Commission to right man. With the increasing demand for frait, a position with as as Salesman will pay better than engaging in farming. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer, Write for particulars, SELESMEN WANTED. Te afonedie} slamkadsks) I "T & B" The tin tas " T & B " is on every pas. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toroxte, ONT. ROCHESTER, N. Y .‘Q“WQ“M“'\@“‘Q“‘“"QSQQ5‘”“‘\“““’% fi\\\\.\‘\efifl Aot blend put up in . Lead Package TRHAPB. SMOXKINEG TOBACCOO. within one amile . of hassnere ng of 100 acres of land, Have ell fenced. _ About 80 SHOES ! .\l::‘.k d under_ cultivation. QLD BIG 4 PRICES as lon and comfortable dwelâ€" j _ t pnavable in advance. . | Women‘s Heayy Lace ieyieant i in the Township of Harness Makers, Durham :o T he Bis It ‘ Boots & Shoes. c yoyise x MEASURE. A direct Shipment of 20 lb. Chest New Japan Teas. Exceptionaly good value just to hand at Grant‘s. Call and get a sample. JAPAN TEA. 43 PmA &4 Co Men‘s Top Shirts from 25¢ up. Men‘s Socks, 10¢ pair up. Prints, Flannels and Factory CoU at the leavest prices. Big 3 Ib Bar best Laundry Soap, Best 2%5¢. Janan Tea in town. Try F1 An honest Dollar s worth of Merchandise FOR Has been the Foundation of our Success 29 Ths. Standard Granulated for 'SI.m. me q152 woly SUGAR BARGAINS. 2 8 Good Tea _ 15c. per Ib, 8 ts Fire Japan 25¢. per Ib, 5 Ibs Very Fine â€"45¢c. per ®, 5 ts TEA_ B"A‘B“G‘”‘-"é-.h[\Nx%:nllfl x |m@f\ !fw.@ Mc Extra India Breakfast 40c, per 1!-.1 Extra Hyson 5%c. rfl Pure Mocha 6 Ibs Rasins 25¢ (pel Pare Snices. Gr nc Women‘s P run Misses‘ and Children‘s Shoes a Best Ladies® S1 Established 1856. ~gm* _ MEASURE © Not Only ( Oil Cloth Allâ€"Wool Pure } Give Us a Call A partial List of our ASTOUNDING BARGAINS. on 50c. rt'r th, 5 Ibs for $2.25 Pure Mocha and Jav i Coffee, us un e i m AA2C. rt-r in Tesdrassidand ts yrccatah ure Mocha and Java Coffee, Ground on the ywmim sins 2.")(‘(5\1‘!’"1.. 28 Ib box for $1.15¢. 5lbs. Pea Spices, Ground and Whole: Cloves, Allspice, Cinn: Peppers, etc. etc. Try our mixed Spices for Pick 15c. per 1b, 8 Ibs for $1.00. . Extra Imperial 25¢, per Ib, 5 Ibs for $1,10. No. 1 Japan 45¢. per Tb, 5 Bs for $2.00. Extra No. Another lot of cur Celebrated White Wine, English Mait, C . Parkke TVPPER TOWARt, DUR anrmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmememmmmmees y Have gone up from 25 to 50 per c @â€" Stock bought before the raise ICES as long as they last. Heavy Lace Shoes, 90c. Women‘s 1 Women‘s Prunella Slippers, Elastic I hildren‘s Shoes ali sizes. â€" Men‘s Boots . Best Ladies‘ Shoe Dressing, 10 and 2 14 yd. wide, 40c yd. Best Table : Double Fold Dress White c. yd. Allâ€"Wool Tw s from 25¢ up. Men‘s Under e pair up. Men‘s Rubbe and Factory Cotton each. »siWest prices. Best Castile PE td Knan \IRe: or 41 FOR 14 yd. wid Double F We ZIN B3 36E3 . Druggt STANDARD VINEGARS “.".s‘ll;s. I:i;_;-fli-Bm\\'u for $1.00. , 40¢ yd 1d Dres ist & Seedsmau, Durham. pur $1.(X BLACK TEA GREEN TEA 3 N x2 . f < ;? C * 0 %2 * 18 sizes. . Me: e Dressing C Ddy TV .ATLAI L. _â€"?m for $1.75 Best Black 75¢ per ib, 5 o T OS le: Cloves, Allspice, Cinnamon, Mase, our mixed Spices for Pickling. FOoR / H M ‘st Castile or Oatmeal Soap. 7c. a Bac or 4 Bars for 25¢. avy Galvanized 14 gt. Pail, 25¢. f Tinware. anadian Malt and Cider, Want Your Tradeâ€" Not Only Once W All the time. per cent, but we had a large raise which we will sell at the bl e Oil Cloth, 45â€"in wide, it te and Colored, 25¢ yd. [w!illed Grey Flaunel, 16¢ yd. er Shirts & Drawers, 25¢ up. berine Stand Up Collars, 10¢ : Front, 60c. s & Shoes all sizes & prices. 20c a bottle. Prunella Garters, 70 Ax Hoxzst Dorra® 5lbs. Pearl Tapioca for 35¢, per ®. 50c. per It 5 th for $3.50 BUT ht Yellow for $1.00 wpu nee n nr s. for $1.50¢

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