West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Oct 1895, p. 3

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Of anything in the Music Line write or call and see us. Special discount to Music teachers. Just Artived Is rspidly becoming We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuarce of the same. We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be "Large Sales & Small Profits." WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. MacFARLANE & CO. Ard Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. Durham, May 1st, The B1 WFioor One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. Keaw Stock of the famous Ramsay Curtsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders. Buckey Mowers and Tiger EYVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH When in Want ! One Car Mi Bindersâ€"£ Durham, Aug. 9th, 95 ders, F Rakes. CHAS. McKINNON ., G. & J. McKechnie. < â€" THE AUTOHARP â€" > CALL AND SEE THEM. i#wells‘s Light Steel heaver than ever. d ds zse THE CASH CHAS. McKINNON. ADOPTED BY "05. f .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. Now on Hand â€"â€"»â€" Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffters. Organs & Pizzos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. * Full Stock of Repairs always on hand «>4 The 6rp Acicc. Toronto in good | health. This will be a cause of rejoicing to his many friends and admirers and esgeciul]y that his health has been reâ€"esta lishc‘d. Cl P on dncb andranicne it dn tnomy We have it from the Mail that the citizens ot Toronto purpose giving Sir Oliver a public reception irrespective ef party. This is good, and in doing so, Toronto would be doing honor to itself. â€"The sudden thanges of the weathâ€" er prevailing on both sides ofthe Atlanâ€" tic, now the temperature rising up to ninety and again talling to the treezing point, are quite out of the ordinary run of things. Various theories have been put forth to account for these sudden changes, the most novel being that of a French Astronomer who has discovered the comet Faye making directly for this planet |Its last appearâ€" ance was in 1888, and as it is due this year in our solar system, he supposes that to its proximity to the earth at the present time the sudden changes of weather we are experiencing are due. â€"The Rev. Dr. MacKay, of Formosa, who has been on an extended visit to his friends in Canada, left Woodstock, the home of his boyhood, for his misâ€" sionary field in Formosa on Friday last accompanied by his wife, three children and a Chinese student. At the station many friends and relatives were assembled to see hisu off. From the dp}atform of the train Dr. MacKay made a short speech concludingâ€"*‘I bid you & iong, long,. farewell. Be true, be faithfal, Trnst in God and do the right." (He expects to arrive at ‘Tamsui, Formosa, towares the end of November. â€"Having squared up matters with China, and settled the rebels in Forâ€" mosa, the Japanese Government is now turning its attention to internal retorms. _ Among others, education comes up for consideration. _ The old system of studying Chinese Literature in the schools is to be done away with, and a liberal system in aecord with modern ideas is to be introduced. The study of the English language will be compa‘sory, and it therefore may be reasonably expected that within the next ten years the teaching of the Buddhist and the Contuacianists will be eonsigned to the study of antiquarians for the schools will no doubt be purely â€"A vessel supposed to be the Fram is reported to bave been seen abont the end of July last .embedâ€" ded in ice drift off the east coast of Greenland. The Fram sailed from Christiana, _ Norway over two years | ago, with Dr. Nansen the Arctic exâ€"| g::'er and his staff of assistants on| rd, bound for the North Pole. Dr. Nansen‘s intention was to get into the drift ice north of the Siberian islands and then allow his slxig to be carried *by the .drift ice into the open water which is supposed to surround the North Poleâ€"the Fram being specially constructed for such an adventure. Rumor bad it that Dr. Nansen had found the North Pole and hbad planted Norway‘s flag there, but whetbher or no the world will rejoice at Dr. Nanâ€" sen‘s safe return, and will be anxious I to learn the particulars of his perilous | yoyage. * | DURHAM, OCTOBER is to the process of ‘logging . A steamâ€" logger has been it use in the Michigan lumber woods for the last two seasons, and bas done splendid work in hauling logs from the lumber camps to the mills â€"as saving in the haulage bill being eBected by one um ber man of $250, 000. in Canads there is yearly output of logs to the value of nearly $110,000, 000. The great advantage of the steamâ€" logger to such an industry is apparent, descending a steep grade as it can do with its beayy load and climbing up on the other side at the rate of fifteen miles &n hour simply guided in its movements by the gilon ‘The traction engine can be used for the purpose of hauling logs through the lumber woods, also for passenger traffic as well. is ’ éhe St. Lawrence by the French river â€"The Armenian erisis has been | and Ottawa route dates as far back as transferred from Asiatic Turkey to. 1847. Since then the project slumbered Constantinople, where the Armenian | until 1893 when the Montreal, Ottawa residents, in attempting to obtain an | and â€" Georgian Bay Canal Co. was interview with the Sultan on behalf | formed for the purpose of pushing of their countrymen, have ‘been not | he project through to completion. only prevented fromdoing so by the | The total distance from the Georgian T“I"‘kiSh “(}')OPS‘%U‘ h,?);’? ‘been shot, nOt | Bay bythe French and Ottawa rixers to ould ohoa C ink aoie oi Socuteriol | Nontreal is 480 mllee ef wlich doljofies of Constantinople have been in conâ€"| already afford good navigation. Then sequence, infuriated and have risen | this route has the yery great advanâ€" i’,‘tf‘é"‘!" 3-‘a;§i“5‘;h_‘=ir °P8!Ԥ55°l‘8- The | tage that the distance from Chicago city is in a state of siege. Other portions j 5 $ n9e mernontbmgns Amiigares) o tm e gas shorter. Bs tC and Mesopotamia, are on the point of Georgian Bay, French and Ottaw* insurrection, and to guide the ship of rivers to Montreal, than by the Erie State in these troublous times, the ‘Caual to New York, and looking to the %;1.1‘?‘?; & h:v.mgu ‘ifpfiged dhis former | great importance of cheap transportaâ€" c.dmlfingié wa;tl:: cgun(::il: nTh%x‘r;’eg:éfi ’ tion to the developement of t.h? North Powers have made strong representa.| West transportation by water is most tions to the Sultan on the grave condiâ€" | desirable whenever it can be had. tion of affairs. | The estimate cost of the undertaking e ene 1 is $24.000,000. national sehools â€"The last of Dr. Grant‘s letters on ‘ the Manitoba School question appears | in the * Globe" of Saturday last. It| cannot be said that, Dr. Grant has conâ€" | tributed anything towards the solution i of this quesiion. _ For, with the excepâ€" | tion of this last communication, in his | previousletters he assumed the posiâ€" } tion of the partizan and awas loud in his | praise of Separate Schools and in his | condemnation of the act of 1890 and of | those who favored a non sectarian system of Public Schools in Manitoba. | Such a course called forth bitter eppos | ition to his views, and Mr. Joseph | Martin the author of the 1890 School t Act, in a letter to the "Globe" pointed out the misstatement of facts by Dr. Grant, and his ignorance generally of the subject. In his lastletter Dr. Grant puts forth a plea for mmgx“)omise on the question, between the Dominion and. Manitoba Governments. And in doing. so, he makes a yer‘y imputant contes . sion, that the Parliament of Canada has not the moral right to intrude into the Provincial domaing. This was the dictum laid down ‘by the Rev. Dr. Caven, who maintained, and rightly, that the State is an organism, and has the rlfg:t at all times to legislate in accordance with the interests of the people. _ This School question will. conâ€" tinue uo be a disturbing question until it is settled on the lines adopted in the neighboring Republic of a purely secular basis. The gwm is only called x:snn, said Dr. Cayen, to give so much ucation to the young as will enable them to understand the constitution under which they Aive. _ Religious | training, the highest anthority has deâ€" dlared, from the days of Muses downâ€" | wards, shall belong ._qxcl_ng}valy wfgo wards, shall belong .exc]nsiveol?' to the parent. This is the drift public opinion on the.other side of the Atlantic where State Churchism has existed for ages. â€"Sir Oliver Mowat is now in â€"The latest applications of ste 10, 1895 ers with This The Great Western Agricultaral Exâ€" hibition was opened at Collingwood Tuesday week. The attendance was large, and the exhibition of products very sreditable. _ The Hon. Mr. Ouiâ€" met, of the Dominion Government, officiated on the occasion, at d declared the Exhibition opened. The speech of the Hon. gentleman was a remarkâ€" able one. â€" To a foreigner not acquaintâ€" ed with the internal condition of affairs in the Dominion, the speech ‘wou]d m The cost of the transportation of the prodncts of the West to the seaboard and the phenomenally low waters in Lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario have directed increased attention to the imâ€" provemen; of existing waterways and the making of new ones. A congress of Civil Engineers and others interested has met in Cleveland to diseuss these subjects and ff possiple, devise .a scheme by which ocean going vessels loading at our lakeports and making the voyage across the Atlantic without breaking bulk. So far nothing.definite has been arrived at. â€" A scheme indeed for the damming up of the Niagara river at its bead was proposed for the purpose of raising the level of the water in the lakes above, but further deliberotion will be required for a scheme so gigantic. The Canadian Engineer gives in its September number, a very interesting . athapen e t e o2 notice of the Montreal Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal preject. The proâ€" posal to connect the LQpez Lakes with lraus w ie vens n We oi (tiaid hn ie ons Ronald v. Daurham, an action to reâ€" cover from the defendants the price of a fire engine sold to them. Detendants paid into court $3,500, but the plaintiff would not aczept. His Lordshiponderâ€" ed that the money in court be paid to gluintifl', after deducting theretrom efendant‘s costs. Mr. Garrow for plain- tiff ; Mr. Kingston for defendant." The Town on Top. The " Mailâ€"Empire" of Frid has the following : T0 OO C ME L acannss Aicirtretsieinintintd i1 case was bandled on the town‘s side with skill and acuteness W6 believe and in about one hour, and a half Judge Street gave the above decision. The much discussed .and alleged binding resolution weighed pothing with his honor in the absence of a byâ€"law, and since the money Was Frcfl‘ered easily within a month of the ast date of delivtery, there was nothing else to do. Only three of the delegation were examined. ® . _ We.congratulate our fellow .citizens on the fortunate termination of this affair, ‘ : We confess to an inquisitive desire to have looked over <the Mayor‘s shoulders while he was -readin%osome of the letters received by Mr. Ronald i from this town. â€" Interesting Jiterature that, but it will never be .published.. . Thus ends the trouble about the fire engine we bope. The delegation went down Wednesday but the case was not called till Thursday afternoon. The Logt.â€"One sheep, white " W ".on side and holes in ears. (One ‘lamb, white, holes in ears._ Return. to D, Wilkie Rocky P. 0. and get rewards <= 0 =90~~ THE TWO MR. OUIMETS. A NEW CANAL LAWSUIT ol aV last Monday, Oct. 7th, Members all present Monday night. The following accounts were passed : G. Ruseell, Salary, $17.50 ; Firemen‘s Clothinfif‘&.m; C. Fnlkinfivh.'uu. work, $2.00 ; nt to A. McFarlane, $6.25; N., G. & J. McKechnie, |Lumber $24.00 ; Juo. Kinnee, building gravelled sideâ€" walk, $241.05; Wm. Walls, grading, ‘The job of cutting hill, &c, had been been let in the morning to Mr. A. Wilâ€" «on for $199.00 unh’]'(-(-l, to approval of Council. In council a motion prevailed to send back report of Board of Works for further consideration at a special meeting. The helmets sent by the enterprising New York firm were discussed but no municipal action was or could be taken. They were simply not ordered, and reâ€" main here at the firm‘s cost. main here at the firm‘s cost. At Tuesday night‘s meeting the counâ€" cil decided to let the cutting of the hill alone this year. The pleasant days of October with its cool and frosty nights makes us believe it is the beaithiest month of the year. The woods indicate that winter is apâ€" proaching in the near future and warns us to prepare for its arrival, Some are busy taking up their potatoes and others think it is too carly yet. The crop is good, Thrashing will soon be wound up and we are now sorry, for it is not a very pleasant work to be at on account of so imuch dust, bowever, it must hedone. Straw is very scarce and everybody seems to think they wont bave euougfl to take their stock through. However, we think when oats are up to 15¢c bushel that it wont be a hard task to spare 100 bushels extra to make up the deficiney in the straw. Thos. Nichol bas returned fiom Maniâ€" toba a few days ago and is just the very identical Tom he was when we saw him last. He reports hard times there as well us bere. He had been running a thrashing machine in company with Robt. McLachlan, he says t.iml. wheat sells there from 2¢ to 35¢ busbel and oats at 9c to llc. A good deal of the wheat is badly damaged by frost. . Altoâ€" gother Tom thinks it is pretty near as easy to live mnear Pricevillie as it is up there. We are glad to have you back Tomâ€"welccme. "Miss Mary (McPbail, of Hamilton. hupend.lng* her byliduys ut the home of ber mother, Sout Line, Glenelg, ind vi‘l stay homefor some tine, ©Mrâ€" Hector Mclean, Artemeria, has had his hous~ vensered this suinmer wud makes it look gomf Mr. weuk REYV. EDWARD A. WILSOX, Brocklyn, New York e n s 7 vix,h wsevere lang afection, and that dread disease €onsmmption, is anxious (o make known to his #éllow sufferers the means of cure, To those who desive it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a ecpy of the prescriptan used, _wbv'.h th:y will Eud e en No e a_ _ Fm oo esn i Simaloial, x aure cure for Consumption, Asthimn, Caâ€" tnvch, Eronchitis, and «il throat and lurg iadâ€" ndtes He bopes all sufferers will try thiszemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the preveription,, which wi)} cost them nothing, and mauy prove & blesstng, will.plasse address, CaTARKII RELIEYED IN 10 To 6UMINUTES, One short paff of the breath through t Blower, supplied with each bottle of I Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses t Powder over the surface of the nasal passage Painless and delightful to use, it relieves i stantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Ee 1 ul _ L . Lo hssy n Fâ€"e_vc'r: b&ldu: Headache, Sore Throat, Tonâ€" «iliti=and Deafess, $9 cents. At McFagiax» 1 bereby testify that the reports in circulation in regard to the tampering of milk by Mr. A. Tacket are altogether misleading. â€" I have always found his milk in a pure state and except the one small offence which has given rise to most libellous talk there bas not been the least cause for complaint. Signed The undersigned baving boon restored to bealth by guimple meonu®, ut_tem-;flafln)u lLor -‘evex;n‘l years An honf[sérgfi[l,aég:eworth of FOR Ax Hoxsst Dorrar Has been the Foundation of our Success. A partial List of our ASTOUNDING BARGAINS. 22 bs. Standard Granulated for $1.00, 28 Ibs. Light SUGAR BARGAINS. Good Tea _ 15¢. per Fine Japan .25c. per Very Fine 435c. per Extra India Breakfast Extra Hyson 50c. Kcr th, 5 Ibs for $2.25 Pure Mocha and Javia Coffee, Ground on the a):u’t'mim:s 6 Ihs Rasins 25¢ gerlb.’ 28 Ib box for $1.15¢c. 51bs. Pearl Tapioca for Pure Spices, Ground and Whole: Cloves, Allspice, Cinnamon, Mase, ‘Peppers, etc. etc, Try our mixed Spices for Pickling. MEASUREK. any. sdeanonkned w s vensered th rtuble, Established 1856. e _ MEASURE & Not Only To Whom it CcoNnNsUMPTIVES. TOWN COUNCIL PRICEVILLE One NOTICE. White Wine, . RParkEET, FOR J. G. MARSHALL tt) t may Concern. that the reports in ird to the tampering insl Druggist & Seedsman, Darham. STANDARD VINEGARS Checsemaker 40c. per Ib, 5 ib for $1.75 ‘Best Black 75¢ per 1b, 5 ib for $3.50 E;Ex;â€"fi;lt. Cauadian Malt and Cider BLACK TEA GREEN TEA omm _ < NC ¢» y «> ma ' s & 1.00. _ Ex zar 2%s. Light Yellow for $1.00 »ht Brown for $1.00. I r 1 Mr. Wim. Burnett is rushing DUNUUT l here. bturring the sod on the farm lately owned by Jno. Black, and we have no doubt that Bill will be a successful farmer. Messrs Duncan and" Sandy Muir are ! busy storing their corn away in their | silow this week. Miss Bella Stewart intends opening . ' seca o m cA ds The weather has been all that could be expected for the last week. Threshing is in full blast around here at present. The Whittaker Bros. are deing good work with their twelve horse power, and the two comdpuny machines the one on the south an the other west of us are second to none in County* The Old Line Machine Company bave purchased a Bell cutting Box from Mr. Chas. McKinnon of Durham, Duncan Muir and Hugh McPherson are manâ€" agers at the East end. Mr. Robert Cook a well known cattle buyer is moving to Toronto this week, we wish him success in the Queen City. Mr. Re buyer is we wish Mr. a Mr. John A. Blac sale on the l4th. 0 intends living in D but we hope soon to hea Miss Bella Stewart inten up a amBinery shop in Pr fall we wish her success, is one of the thoughtJu} pPCRLLE® day. The active interest he ba in questions of social reform ha him wide influence outside b church, where his influence is ut ed. His mind is of a kind that out a problem, and then he is to speak with force and intellige is to be credited with examinit the merits of Dr. Agnew‘s Ca Powders, with the same bent of And what does be say ? That medicine ‘he bas found a reme gives quick relief for cold in th which is so uncomfortable to eve and giving relief there it helps ) more than any other remedy t off the ill effects that come from rhat trouble. One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supphed with each bottle of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder:over the surface of the nasâ€" al passage, _ Painless and delightful to use, it relievs in ten minutes, and preâ€" menently cures catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 60 cents, _ Sample bottle with Blower sent free on receipt of two 3 cent stamps, S. G. Detchon, 44 Church Street, Toronto. _ Sold by McFarland & Rev. W. Galbraith, L. L. B. PaSstOP 0 Elm Street Methodist Church, Toron to. Has a Good Word to Say of Dr Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powders. The Rev. William Galbraith, L. L.. _B. his T1 Not Only Once Readyâ€"Made Clothing r»,/ Aâ€" ~ * Cl ) . xT Cff FÂ¥> CE 'Y"'i 1 y _% LN 2e 2DG FLESHERTON STATION HICHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND ECCS. Daiglisch‘s Old Stand, Upper Town, Durhar. All the time. \ McARTHURS GREAT DISPLAY LSL icLewru, 1008 Stutes soom to nly fiwished b hey bad a biz D ie and Jumes mrduy the 5th. 2 lmndthe al t come mt iie work with their twelve , and the two comdpnny one on the south and the us are second to none in Villiam Galbraith, L. L. B., thoughtful preachers of the tive interest he bas taken f social reform has given ifluence outside his own e his influence is undisputâ€" d is of a kind that thinks n, and then he is able to i force and intelligence. He ted with examining into f Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal h the same bent of mind : Jook a well known cattle ig to Toronto this week, C access in the Queen City. s. Duncan Ferguason of were visiting friends in lack is going to have a of this montb, John Durham. ettis rushing business : sod on the farm lately ) We Black. and we bave no | Kar | will be a succesufnl[ he say ? That in this Sound a remedy that f for cold in the head, nfortable to everybody there it belps perbaps other remedy to stave that come from catarâ€" Boots and Shoes. per Ib, 5 lbs. for _ Me per Ib, 5 ths. for $1.50¢ per Ib, 5 Ibs for $2.25. BUT L.L. B. Pastor of the sick th t _ Now Going On. The Implement Season is nearly over but we nave 2 JCW UTKL! Democrats in Stock which we wili sell at Cost in order to clear out ou: any person in need of a BUGGY, CART CR DEMOCRAT Come at once and we w Bargains at Wholesale ! AO Gooeds on French Pattern We continue our Annual Fall Openâ€" ing of new, up to date Millinery. We will be able to show you some new and exclusive Styies in And we feel satisfied it will be to our advantage as we carry by far the largest selection in town. n We beg leave to remind you that toe& THIG WFFK Don‘t forget to visit the Show Rooms of our rivals and compare J. WOODLAND. in Tc WorL? @ CaDt TB FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA EuP Thz FiNCST Tea ONSsOoon as a -uplnofl'h.h:téulhu.ofh&-. !-l. ‘Therc{ore they use the greatest care in the selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they putit up themesives and sell it only in the original wwmhmdm it upin 16 Jb,, 3.1b. and 5 lb. packages, and nover ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP.1T. ‘If your grocer doss not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, MAYTER & OO0. a Y.and 13 Front Strest East, Toronta. The I i 1 Moasoon" Tea is '.,k.w.h, m‘.. .I‘d"‘._ n Te & mliine se tw s All kinds IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. ive the and Do STYLES, PRICES & VALUES, TT (ALDER & LIIVNGSION, Aiot, Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. A PERFECT TEA ave a large he way and 1 t on AND C MILINERY of v 0 ge shipment of Stoves 1 must have room. 11 surp ne to buy a Hats & Bonnets. Thlo arly over but we have a few Buggies ané i sell at Cost in order to clear out our Stock F5 Strayed from the Premaises «sf Neil McLead, Lots 1 and 2, Con. 16, Proton about 3 weeks ago six head of yexrâ€"old cattle, two steers and 4 heifers. Steers are spotted one having a bob tail. One red heifer, onegreyish, and two spotted. Any information which will lead to their recovery will be suitably newarded. NEIL McLzopn, Swinten Park, or War. MCLEOD, (Glenelg,) Priceville. _Came on the premises of the under signed, on the 2nd July, a Heifer Owner â€"can have same by proving property and qpaying expenses. CGattle Strayed. M ROBERT ROBERTSON HALL, LoAB, Gon. 6, Bertinck. Estrayed Hetier. $EE! W N Cuiters &c Patent Medicin{ baccoes fo tell you w« £€HEAP: Come Perfumes, Soaps, Spo: Hair Brushes, Nail Brus Cloth Brushes and all T Rearisities. Also Groce STERLING SIL TEA, COFFEE, SPOOXS. CUFF REPAIRING A H Are articies Regquisitiss. Ais Robe Tanning‘ To Smokers e have ne Horse H TH DURLLM PHR It‘s All Vay \\ A Combination Plug "Tiis Suppli *the consumer Household Remedic The Geo. Hamilton market cent prec ous P Tobacco. ‘Tableware, Bedroom Setts, Tea Setts, &o., &c No e BANANLS. GRAPES, APPLES, PE ND Pure Drug No ticket required for mission. Mcffat Sells Che iv you wit Housekee Satisfaction "T‘ & B That is the S it KE MYE i VE A. GOCGRDON. med Waw~C NErâ€" Poze Robe Tanain RQD ness mown i ToDY YOUCRSELY st be we . MOoFFAT New Proces THQOMAS SMIT ome in VER. KNIV W SMOKI®E

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