West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Oct 1895, p. 4

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. [nonzm ROBERTSONX HALL, Lot H, Con. 4, Bentiock. & Bot Estrayed Heifer. remind you NESAY ed it will be to e carry by far ion in towun. NE Mil M1illnEry. VY C you some new Styviles in PROP WEFK UA & rty and paying expenses. ng On. ALL & VALUES, ttleo Strayecd. on the 2nd July, a Hefe! can have same . by prov‘s AN D. the Show l compare all Openâ€" he Premises of Neil id 2, Con. 16, Proton six head of ymr-Old nd 4 neifers. Steers ving: & l:!ob uiu;ocwd-o“. rish, aod two hich will lead to thetr itably rewarded. nnets. Swintem Park, or (Glenelg,) Priceville. = of the nnd_"' ’ & ‘{l | Heifer. Household Remedies Perfumes, Soaps, Sponges, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Cloth Brushes and all Toilet Requisitios. Also Groceries, Patent Medicines and Toâ€" baccosos at Are a Pure Brugs T# DiRHM PMRIMAL it‘s Al Ve&y Wall fo T HEAP Robe Tananing ! RINCGS, &c. EPAIRING A SPECIALTY. W; MVE A Vid To Smokers A. CO Tt H. A Combination Plug of tell you w« RLINC Satisfaction Uus Giow Pot QV | Tableware, Bedroom Setts, Tea Setts, &c., &c. ent piec NS. CUF A. GORDOoN, S. J. MOFFATS. BANANLS, GRAPES, APPLES, PEARS. AND "T&B No ticket require(i for adâ€" mission. Mcffat Sells Chesp. Robe Tanaing ! »= _ you we sell GOODS > : Come in and see for YOURSELYVES. That is the Show of The tin tag " T & B " is on svery posc. Ropss & Coats ness ; Suppl nsumer s W SILVER, KNIVES, FORKS, EE, DESERT and TABLE TP? an»a COLLAR BUTTONS, Now Process, th vERY CHOE LNE Of [HOMAS SWITL. Al he wisnes of their customers L. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Ont., have placed upon the ading Jewe TCinish should have well salt« a long feltâ€"want, gvIDZ ne 20 cent plug, Or & 10 5 cent piece of the famâ€" " brand of pure Virginia COLLAR B sMOKXG TOBACOU. | which every we can su Guarantsed H 1 Soft Miss L. Ewallow retarned from Torâ€" onto last week. | I Miss E. Patterson goes to Hutton‘s Hill, to the west of the town. WiIXTER.â€"Tuesday _ was â€" decidedly wintry, with a feathery snowstorm, | 1 Rev. Mr. McGregor is visiting friends in Detroit, Cleveland and other places, Mr. Geo. Watson, of Swinton Park, dep.â€"reeve of Proton, was in town on Friday. Mrs Magg Maggie, are at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Brown, of Durham intend l?aving for Michigan soon on an extensive visit, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Little, who were visiting friends around Guelph, came home last week. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Chatsworth exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr. Little of Dornoch last Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Sutherland is on a visit to her brother. NMr. McAdams, of the Sarnia Canadian. Miss Gertie accomâ€" panies her, Mrs. Dr. Chais, of BayCity, Michigan, was visiting her old friend, Mrs. Turnâ€" bull, of Glenelg, last week, whom she has not seen for twenty years, th us Mi LOCAL AND GENERAL . Jno. Cameror. agent of the Mcâ€" i Bros. Publishing Coy., arrived e last Saturday after his extensive ness and social trip to Scotland. r T. T. Gadd came home from SnockmG DEaATZ OP Noraax CatTâ€" T1cK.â€"The deceased, whose parents live in Walkerton, and were at_one time residents of Durham where Norman is remembered, left for Manitoba on one of the fall excursions, He was empleyâ€" ed, in company with Fred Anderson, of Paisley, in tinning the sides of one of the huge elavators at a height of 80 feet. A bolt which held the swinging stagâ€" ing from swaying pulled out, the stagâ€" ing swung from the building, and both men fell through. Chittick went head first to instant death while Anderson was miraculously caught on a small ledge 70 feet from the ground and manâ€" aged to crawl to a window and escaped. We learn these facts from a clipping | kindly sent us by Mr. A. Davidson. A P1ONEER LOZ N the death of Mrs. John Glenelg. removed anoth lessening band of those p first Canadian home wa the forests. She was in and up to four yeats ago b and useful life. For the she has been helpless, an« !aithfullz cared for by Ann, whose vigil has b T Pn Tacpiotn Emt 2t one. Twoother absent GrU; and Grace have contribute the comfort of their mothe less years. Her aged par her and is still in fair b wedded lite extended 40 ‘6 Afuneral day was & bleak on number of friends and neig ed the obsequies, which we by Rev. Mr. Jansen. A. Harris and her daughter, ire at present visiting friends are leath of Mrs. John Hall, 3. MMUC lg. removed another of the ever wving band of those pioneers whose Canadian home Was hewed out of orests,. She was in her 90th year ip to four years ago hadledan active iseful life. â€" For the last four years as been helpless. and has been most fully cared for by her daughter ; wiu)sb vigil has been A ceaseless Two other absent daughters, Bessic Grace have contributed largely to comfort of their mother in her helpâ€" years. Her aged partner survives and is still in fair heath. _ Their ded lite extended 40 62 years. The e8 C 2o s bleak one, yet a large § Week l came home from i charge of his sister me indisposed there Orextna@.â€"Speakin with â€" .â€"Speaking WibD pighix-y;; -\}j&‘ud- were conducted s Cooprenene Te iss mcomeaniinnt uie tertie “{: ringing out even in the village "Two year old Filly" ete. etc. his _ _The Society is one of the best officerâ€" 7rk[(‘d in the riding, and as their efferts Ity | have been well seconded by the townâ€" unâ€" | ship the show has no superior as & his | township affiair. ork â€" The attendance . it seemed was led larger than last year and the exhibits oc ‘ were certainly no fewer though in a 20 ) ns vlaces certain Classes were unreâ€" Mr. R. Watson, Jr., is expected home from Rainy Riyer towards the end of month. Miss Nellic Purker has secured Traverston School for 1896. Miss Hattie Cochrane leaves on Satarâ€" day for Hamilton, and will stay with her sister till Christmas. Rev. Mr. Burns, Jr., of Bentinck, srenchcd in the Baptist church last Sunâ€" ay morning and evening. Miss Jennic Cochrane has gone to Duanville where she has accepted asituâ€" ation in a Millinery house. The Patron meeting was not largely attended Jast Friday but some com: mercial activity was displayed. Mrs. Arrowsmith and her grandâ€" daughter Gertie left for Toronto yesterday. morning and will be away for a week. Mrs. R. A. Grant, who has been stayâ€" ing with her mother, Mis. J. H. Hunter, for a few days left for Toronto this morning. Mrs. Dr. McGillivray, of Denver, and Miss McGillivray, of Elmwood, are the guests of Miss A. L. McKenzie for a few days this week. Mr. Dan. McKinnon, of the "Flags of all Nations" ciothing house, Toronto, was home this week on a yisit to his suffering brother A rehie, and isrenewing old acquaintances as well. RESIGNATION.â€"We hear with regret which will be general that Rev. Mr. Mcâ€" Viear, of Dromore, has resigned his two charges. We hope this action may be reconsidered at the special mec:Ling"oi EPCVE Te Te SPe ons nown L Presbytery at Harriston on the 21st inst. Mr. McVicar‘s pastorate has alâ€" ready been a succcssful one. From an early hour on Wednesday last many a home in Egremont was astir witl}IPrcpurar.ion for the ** World‘s Fair." he weather was delightfally fine and settled in aEucamnce, and while in doors the packing of butter, pastry, fruit and many other excellent articles was %oing on, the slow moving bulieck or other animals were started, and for four or five hours, all roads led to Holstein. The stranger arriving in the village about 1 oclock would have no difficul ty in locating the grounds as James Ailan‘s stentorian voice could be heard 1 1 mt Limnces n pl:\c« impl unde HAPPY HOLSTEIN. EGREMONT‘S EXHIBITION A SUCCESS. The REvIEW weight of an Ar keenest competi being no fewer was a clear gain The result, as in bread and buns 2 cake." CeZRC C. L. Grant‘s special prize for home made overalls went to W. J. Adams and And. Allis. There was no competition for Grant‘s prize for home laundried shirt. â€" How is this? We saw some Egremont young men with spotless fronts. > Ey 3 m m EEUIIUCK Mis. Wm. Mountain‘s deft fingers 1 secured her eight prizes in ladies‘ work, the like of that silk .etabroidery is surely seldom seen. We did not quite agree with some of the judging glereul)outs. especially that ornamental wreath, but then tastes differ. It was a good display, from blankets to band painting, but gren.uy handicapped by the confined uilding. A small display of agricultural Impleâ€" ments took the notice of maay of the farmers, and we have no doutt the enâ€" terprising exhibitors profited by their public spirit. . _ T es n ptanadChnsice pusMtcSPOCCC > The Neustadt ‘band stationed beside the shady undergrowth on the. south side ‘of the ground furnished splendid music and in the evening serenaded some of the citizens. The Society and Mine boat KlemP deserves the tgmks ~{ all, for bring!D8 them. AL CNBPAIY CT MB onec oo ours w# took the notice of maay of the , and we have no doubt the enâ€" ng exhibitors profited by their an in the younger classes attle, swept the board. T. rear old bull got 1st rize, m. Sr., 1st for 1 year olé bull r had only one regret that t more competition, as bhe article was hard to beat. lloway, A_yrshir(- and H‘exl'o- rere each represented "y e :ldlllil't‘l‘s,lll)i('KS\)ll, Bowâ€" Bros. and Reid Bros. but s it would be much more have more competition. wanston in Grade cattle e specimens, and took a zes, T. Orchara and Reid good exhibitors here, 1st herd of cows went to the hreeders. Caldwell Bros. in gnLhrsL for rams. on‘s would be a good place ksgiving day. What fine aeet S. Patterson is also ng was interesting and n hard to decide. Miss held the ribbons nicely fly the tibbons nicely r, which was up to were beauties, ing lange and ng the j\.\\l{.‘.i‘i s of Swanston and Bowman e list, though N. McDougal f tae and Stands amd waggous with candies, apples, ete. were anumerous, and we were flad to find our friend R. Heury Jr. just about eaten out. R Loo m esn s Mess snn 37 A Yl«thom of â€" entertainment was furnished for the evening. The hobbyâ€" horses for the young, a revival service by the talented nndgdc-\'ou:d Miss Wilâ€" liams, the usual concert in the hball furnished variety for all tustes, The concert, in attendance wias markâ€" edly. lower than last year, yet some brilliant talent had been secured. The Jonhston family made their debu there, and weremuch u‘l)))n-ciau-d. Miss Nancy Swanston and Mr. Jno. Murdoch sang with taste, and Miss Jenniec Doupe was MR USRARVTRARTUIMIT Cc ces dn t rer i y c Jonhston family made their debu there, and weremuch u{)lpr(-ciawd. Miss Nancy Swanston and Mr. Jno. Murdoch sang with taste, and Miss Jennie Doupe was ‘ a new favorite,. The variety company from Orchardville, as a string ?;?md moved the house to tears by their mummery_ and to admiration by their music. _ Miss Jessic Mcllvride as an accompanyist being hard to beat. President Swanston and the directors had an arduous time no don bt in preparâ€" ation but the success of the whole day was their reward. To Sec. Petrie our thanks are due for press favors, and information. The prize givers from Durham were J.J. Smith, If. J. Middaugh, J.H.Hunter Dr. â€"Jamieson. G l\:l(‘lli(-rlhni(-.r Con. TE . + P mondinge ols it k PEA it n d N ank Dr. â€" Jawmieson,. G, McKechnie, Con. Knapp, J. W. Irwin, H. Parker, Jas, A. Hunter, C. 'Rmuu§e(2). A. MeLachlan. W J. Mitchell, H. W. Mockler, Dr. Park, A. H. Jackson, C. L. Grant,(2) A. â€" McKenzie, Thos. Brown, â€" Wiw. Gorsline. D. McNichol M. P. P. gives $6.00 in three prizes for best 4 dairy cows. In addition to the many first prizes taken in recent years, by Miss M. Adams, of Dromore, for Ladies) work, this year is the 4th in which she has taken_first for ‘Rag mat‘ and 3rd year for ‘Gents hand made shirt‘ . This laly also took C. L. Grant‘s special for home made overalls, and the way thesclare sewed, gives every indication that they will not he likely to give way, when trials come. Her brother also took 1st for short white oats, which tested 44 Ibs. to the measurâ€" ed bushel. For judges and Prize List supplement. M U GAvieTnoge M TE Omondionian THE VILLAGE. The striking feature was new framework of the mill t nix like from the surrounding debris. _ Mr. Petrie and the are to be cqngrat.uluted at l BE SUMIRIUN C AORIOCO D enatots I new framework of the mill rising phoeâ€" nix like from the surroundingashes and debris. Mr. Petrie and the township are to be congratulated at the accomâ€" modation the new structure will afford. It is over 100 feet long, and will contain both chopping, and sawmill fixtures, which Mr. }Petrie will have in place beâ€" fore the close of the year. Mr. Geo, Freema thing in the fire is c in a four and feed popular, and is bout Mr. Geo. Calder is kept busy Will 700 lath, planing mill, hardware business and shingle factory, and his widely exâ€" tended windmill business. Richards and Wallace as general store keepers are making their pile. â€" Seamâ€" ans in the tin trade, J. .,! Brown in harness, W. T. Brown and Ellis in black smithing and some otixen‘eflt‘a.l.lishments !} 1 sn 1 roQ. i.2 MUm ons A noted improvement is the elegant new house to the north of the town. The proprietor is Mr. David Allan well known in various official capacities in the township. _ We are pleased to state that three burham men are the con: tractors, Messrsa Crawford, Kress and \Wm. Ritchie, pleased also to find that Mmep on omm on anen onA 4NR Uhal ANPCC ADMAAIAUC CE IT Ro c n cov tractors, Messrs Crawford, Kress and Wm. Ritchie, pleased also to find that Mr. Allan is highly delighted with their work as he feels that he bas a home to be proud of in beauty of workmanship, in convenience nd in cost. Mr. Allan has been chiefly his own architect, and the ho:u.in%au-x:mgemoms from the furnace seemed to us to be excellent. We wish Mr. A. and family many happy years Richards and Wallace as general store keepers are making their pile. â€" Seamâ€" ans in the tin trade, J. .’l Brown in harness, W. T. Brown and Ellis in black smithing and some otherestallishments ail renoct credit on the village. There is only one botel, but with Geo. Klemp in charge there is neither need nor deâ€" sire for more. yB i Great ied mIED RUN RMICIOCT Dr. Brown is the resident medico, and Mr. W. J. Sharp the popular teacher. Holstein should have been _ called Brownsville, for what with Peter Brown and Thos. Brown, retired farmers, Brown, Trea., Brown blacksmith, Brown saddler, Brown doctor and druggist Scotch, Irish and English Browns. . it uts one into a brown study to get at puts one them all ornament to the many gables, got The structure is with ample cellar a large and room story. Evergthit furnace in the ba hoat the whole st near the roof will will be utilized 1 occupancy. Speaking of yresiden fail to mention the fir of Dep. Swanston now neRtINE EL221 0._ tion. _ Its architectual features are alâ€" together new in this locality, the plans in the main haying been derived from an Owen Sound residence., In coming from the east or the west it is a striking ornament to the landscape, with its many gables, gothics, projections etc. The structure is a full twoâ€"story On€, with ample cellar accommodation, and a large and roomy attic above the 2nd story. Evergthing is modern; a fine furnace in the basement is intended to heat the whole structure, a roomy tank ‘ near the roof wiil receive the rainfall and will be utilized for a bathroom, as well as other domestic {.)urposes. There are at least 12 rooms of easy access to each other, 10 feet ceilings. Fine views can be obtained from the upper windows, and altogether the location with a small rivulet in front is charming. _ We learpâ€" ed that 35,000 brick had k‘imon used in builaing, which 1s 46 feet long, by 29 feet wide, height of two stories, gl feet. The stone work is the work of W. D. Stewâ€" art, of Mt Forest, Brick work and Plasâ€" tering by Trout of Mt. Forest, Carpenter work by a well known Egremont artist Switzer. The chimneys ate doubleâ€" fued, one flue in each going direct from the basement, REeinâ€"In Durh;;t;,”nn Saturday, Oct. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Reid, a son. Harrâ€"In Glenelg, on Monday, Oct. 7th, Mary, wife of John Hall, aged 89 yrs., 7 mos. Thursday afterncon train brought a surprise to Varney ‘when the cheerful faces of T. Gadd and his sister Lizzie wrrived home from Guelph, Sorry Tom had to go back again on Tuesday but bhope bhe will give us a longer visit at Christmas. We are glad to see that Varney has on anaant hone i xouâ€"willâ€"have We are glad to see that Varney TA a correspondent, hope you will have enough of news in your village withâ€" out coming back to Normanby again Doren. " £ encb on ie ons Dorel. A number of our young people took in Holstein show last week. Some of them stayed for the concert but .others came home in time to go to prayer meeting. â€" Who can tell us which of the Ltwo parties received the most benefit ? Mr. Jas. Watson drove his wonderful prize winner to Fergus last week we bave not yet heard the result of his trip. Mr. Wimi. Carson was home to see his ‘ mother on Sunday. ‘ Eighteen merry lassies and thirteen jolly good fellows had a big jollification at Mr. Johnston‘s on Frifiny evening, after kicking up the grass in the garden they returned to the house where they were â€" refreshed_ with â€" sandwich and lemonade, lots of fine music and a few quiet games were kept up till 1 o‘clock, when the merry party broke up. Miss Henderson and Mrs. I[:. Nichol were the guests of Mrs. Robt. Morice on Sunday. (lenCha e mlinpol eacen Dan s on Mmss Alr. Andrew Carson left for Calgary on Monday after visiting his old homestoad a few da ys. We hear that the poor lone girl of Ontario, won‘t peod to fret nauch longer as Charlie is coming home.8000, _ M}. Kobt. Potty has bought Mr. Alex. Marshall‘s furm,. Hurry Bob und settle down as We rejoice over the thoughts of haying & good voung neighâ€" bor to isit us. T»® TATTLER This medicine will not cure all the iMSs that flesh is heir too, but it will cure kiduey trouble of whatever kinkâ€"no case too aggravated. It will cure speedily Tmis CC macco c cenore deminhcn EARTV CCC OM C000 â€"sure relief in siX l}ours. Tu) Ey Ca 8e LOD ME t ECAE Oe o usore e C â€"sure relief in six bours. It is rich in healing powers, and whilst i%&uickly gives ease, where pain.existed before, it also #iges strength to the weak and deâ€" ranged organs, making the cure comâ€" plete and lasting. Thousands who know ht South American Kidney Cure has done for them will tell you so. Bold by McFarlane & Co. ids $ Thousands Know of the Quick and Certain Relief That Comes From South American Kidney Cure. This medicine will not cure all the ills â€"2+ flach is heir too, but it will cure Freemufi, who lost every fire is domg a fine business ad feed store. . George is is bound to succeed. ‘alder is kept busy with ts 1 ‘ en Pane TRIED, TESTED AND TRUE. NORMANBY GOSSIP DEATHS BIRTHS s we must not new residence earing cmnplc- M the large see small A letter from one of the OIGUB® Medical doctors of Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls, Ont., May 7th, 1895. Pror. CHarxsBErcarnâ€"Dear Sir :â€" The glasses you fitted for me are all right, can see clear and distinet with them and all those I have instructed to see you and be fitied with glasses are very much pleased with the glasses you fitted them with. I have no hesitation in saying to those who reâ€" quire the services of an Eye Specialist to call on you at onteâ€"to be fitted properly is a renewal of life. Yours respectively, w.E. BurcAa®, M. D. My large book to Preserve it," â€" writing for it. A SCEPTIC CONVINCED. eemennc HE HAD No FAITH IN ANY ADVERâ€" TISED MEDICINE. Attacked With A Dad Cold, His Trouble Went From Bad to Worse Until He Was Threatened With Locomotor Ataxiaâ€"Then Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills Cured After Other Medicines Had Failed. From the Yarmouth, N. S., Times. The remarkable cures affected by Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have long been a matter of newspaper noterity, and many of themâ€"well described as miraclesâ€" have heen in onrown poyince, but we believe so far none have been published } from Yarmouth,. A Times reprosenat I tive enquired in a quarter where such matters . would likely be known, and l=arned that there were several remarkâ€" able cases of restoration to health directâ€" ly traceable to Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, right in our midst. Curious to ascertain the facts in relation thereto, our repreâ€" sentative called on Mr. Charles E. Trask, who had been known to have exâ€" periencged a long illness, and now Was apparently in excellent health, his cure being attributed to Pink Pills. Mr. Trask, who has been an accountant in Yarmouth for many years, Was in his office on John street when the reporter waited on him. EYE SPECIALIST vf 87 King St. East, Toronto. e My large book on the eye, " How comenaarce it"vcan be had free by PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Found Mr. Trask in His Office. I Yes," he said, * there can be no posâ€" | sible doubt of the efficacy of Dr. wiliâ€"| 1 am‘ Pink Pills in my case, and I will be 4 pleased if the publication of the facts g helps someother sufferer back to health.| / I caught cold, was careless and caught | more cofd. â€" The first thing I knew I was | . seriously ill. I could not walk. _ All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weakness increased. _ Fron beâ€" ing obliged to remain in the house I became obliged to remain in bed, but still supposed it was but a very bad cold. _ I became so helpless I conld not move in bed without help. _ I had good attendance and the best of care and nursing, but as week succeeded week I seemed to grow worse instead of better, till 1 was worn to a mere shadow and began to care very livtle if L ever reâ€" covered. A hint that I was threatened with something culled locomotor ataxia reminded a friend that my case seemed similar to some of these described in the Times, which had been cured by Dr.. Williams‘ Pink Pils, and this first drew | attention to them as a possible aid to me. â€" Tadmit that I was skeptical â€"very | skepticalâ€"there are so many medicines | being advertiscd just now, and I was E never much of a believer in them. Well. , | Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills were parchased t | and I took them, as I suppose I would * | have taken anything else, simply as the : routine of a sick room. The first box p | seemed to show little effect, and by the t | tine Lbhad got tbrough with the third box Hs nvammenteanoonont mÂ¥ condition cold, _ I became move in bed wit] attendance and nursing, but as Y seemed to grow till 1 was worn to a began to care very covered. A hint th with something call reminded a friend that 1 similar to some of these Times, which had beet Williams‘ Pink Pills, an attention to them as i me. Tadmit that I was me@.)) DAAAE AIPWECORUTIN Clcu skepticalâ€"there are s0o being advertised just 1 never much of a believe Dry, Williams‘ Pink Pill: and I took them, as I | have taken anything el routine of a sick room seemed to show little effect, and Dy SNC time Lhad got through with the third box there could be no doubt my condition showed a marked improvement, and I was correspondingly encouraged, _ The pills were continued and I became rapidâ€" Jy better, so that I was able to sit up and go about the house, and occasionally go out if the weather was fine, Day by \day I grew stronger, and to make a Jong story short, I feel I am toâ€"day in as good health as eyer I was in my life, and I can hardly realize I am the same man who suffered for six months, a helpless deâ€" spondent being, who never expected to be on his feet again. While I have no desire to publicity I am quite willing these facts should be known for the benefit of others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testimony to the genuine worth of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They restored me to health when I never expected to be about again." Mr. Trask certainly looks the picture of health, and remembering the long period when be had been laid up, our reâ€" presentative left, fully convinced that Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have well deâ€" served all that was said of them elseâ€" | where,. When such cases.can be pointed served alls OBAE SNHE PE CONiaNGm e uon ts where. Whensuch cases.can be pointed to in our OWA midst there.can no longer be any doubt of the reliability of the many statements of wonderful cures effected through the.country. Farw FOR Sare.â€"Lot 12, Con. 7. (hileuelg. Apply to ‘C. McArthur, Durâ€" ann. . D CRCC TCO3 on 4t | to Worse Until He ed With Locomotor Dr. Williams‘ Pink ter Other Medicines of the oldest $fet Flour per 1001b ... Oatmeal _ ** besrerinnl Shorts ts Bran w Fall Wheat per bushel . Spring Wheat * ‘ Oata, se Pens, + Barley, ** Potatoes, _ per baZ Hay per 0N ........â€"«n==~* Beot, fore quarters, peF Beef, lind _ * s Pork, ** o kr==*****" Hides, 4 «e 9*" Sheeprking. each.......> Butter pEF Busksce e en =+ Eggs, per OZ ... =>* Wool per lb. ... Turkeys per ... Geexe ME on ersersnesen Ducke«. * Chickenes, per pair .. Apples per bag |..>«~ ‘nâ€"v‘ 4. 4& We Handle everything in the line, at right prices. CALL AND SEE OUR 1 CGollars, Pads, ‘ Bits, W hips, &c., &c. Heavy & Light Harness ‘ To sUIT YOU. Workmanship Fine Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &e. LOT 33, Con. 3, in the Township of Egremont, within one mile of Holstein, cnusistinfi of 100 acres of land, well watered, wel fenced. â€" About 80 acres cleared and under â€" cultivation. Good frame barn and comfortable dwelâ€" ling bouse. Rent payable in advance. For further particulars apply to MRS. S. ORCHARD, DUCRAAM. 14 Egremont, 3 Egremont, within Holstein, t‘ousistiu€ of 1 well watered, wel fen neres cleared and :md Pushing, trustworthy sent us in the sale of our Stock. Specialties con U ie enaieee 9)9 Stock. Specialties Highest Suh:?' or weekly, Steady en round. Outfit free ; experience not nece sured workers ; speci beginners. Write at to ALLEN NURSERY FOR Service. â€" This splendid anit ial was imported_ from the United States and was a winner of four Prizes at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. HABN_ESS‘. _ Boots & Shoes. Thmugfir?flflhester White Soar, SALESMEN WANTED. A good man in your district to repreâ€" sent the * Fontbill Naaseries of Canâ€" ada,." .Over 700 acres, The largest in the DBominion. _ Position g«-rmanont, Sadary or Compmission to right man. ‘ With the incxeasing demand for frait,. a position withusas Salesman will pay: better than engaging n farming. Send us your application ‘and xwe will show you how to earn gaod money,. School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the sammer, Write for particulars. ANOUUetisenmon® <n7" ARTTEPED I /fi Z2____ L oo DURHAM MARKET. f *Washington,‘ g» trustworthy men to repreâ€" n the sale of our Choice Nursery Specialties controlled by us. Sul:\l?' or Commission paid Steady employment the year Outfit free ; exclusive territory ; ce not necessary : big pay asâ€"~ orkers ; special inducements to oo Write at once for particulars FEURS. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toroxts» OST. RACHESTER, N ( 3 _ $1.00. BOULDEN & %o., .. 15 00 to 100 8 00 to 8 50 to ... 4 80 to ... 4 00 to is 0: 20 to ... 0 10 to ... 0 10 to ...‘ I0.%0 ... 0 07 to ... 0 04 to ___ 0 05 to Unsurpassed. §$2 in the Harness 1 85 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 0 58 to 0 55 to 0 22 to 0 47 to 0 30 to 0 25 to Harness Makers, Durkam 25 to © 40 to §$2 0 80 15 00 0 60 0 12 0 11 0 20 0 08 0 05 0 30| by us.| _ syH2 C "9â€" n paid & (;\ dhoake . e year y .:\ ritory ; i ‘ > o o f :4 ‘t ay asâ€"| b ® o al‘ 3 * nts to Â¥ iculars | w | : dX [ o« Am CO.,| 2A iE i Uhkc‘â€"/ s & | + * BÂ¥ }\ ‘ 4# jurrem nuM’ sn iD vlair. â€" A}TER TRHATMENT. . BEFORK THKATKKYT, M TCO Uovsoun 47 10 JAPAN TEA. A direct Shipment of 20 lb. Chest New Japan Teas. Exceptionaly good value just to hand at Grant‘s. Call and get a sample. Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. No breaking in needed, they are made to fit the feet. $ Featherbone pm“csvs“mm“sss sesee2ese8es82020800808?P S o C010 ncrmmmmacmmemneremmmenntem s STYLE & SHAPE s@"°CURES GuUARANTEED OR NO PaAY 1 200.000 WEAK MEN CURED! A“E Yuu ? bitionâ€"iifeleast n%_â€"uv EBBTTUICCCEO Joonee: restioen: nectond fackifyrioh e cnct P hairrcuss; clome: sore Sap '-lgofidwt urine dntuntuool:m'mdwnd qnerer strongth â€" WE CAN Cure You 1 mmmmmmmumunecons RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K, 4& K, JOHN A. MANLIN. JOEN A. MANLIN. CBHAB. POWERS. CHAS ProwExs. C m 22281 _ pzmm. . ARE YOU ? s Ladies‘ Dresses. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS ar ImMPOTENCY CUREO. specialiste to all my eSlleted fellowmen." _ CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, BEFOKE TREATMENT zs aF sarly bozhood lstd the foundation of my lâ€"â€"â€"_ mrivic sThe vicee of early borhootstehe fomnetomicea aâ€" | Syphilis, EMISSIONS W NP 4 G. 20 CC MB nds STARTLING FACTS FOR DI§SEASED v!ICTIMS. Another lot of our Celebrated For Giving C. L. GRANT. IRBATMENT. AUAU® CC Oc 00 NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. manog dCORQU _ _ _ vfiees on of the 20 a%+% “gwssmst@sssw to AND For deapondent; weak or debilitated l nmmmgcand ind tte "I was he counticns John A. Manlin says:â€" I *05:';!: years of age. fln-o‘“;uwm ut eve tch seven medical firms and spent $900 withont at EASRUERAN DE e I gave up in despair. The as ns sexual ond physical mniu:dhauwuum!-fl!w“‘d life. Iy-w;dfl-dmâ€".hnmonw € dy & Kergan J commenced their New Treatment and in a few weeks was a new Om I and ambition. num(mrmm.nndno' am married and happy. . 1 recomi faamg by A in ie s C ons ud ce made from quftils. It is soft and yiciding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. g1ry Goods Denlers The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. â€" The Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are corded with this maâ€" terial. Skirt Bone $ xo° light, pliable, elast No. 148 SHELBY ST. CONFIDENTAL, tired m N Sues on my syet m were Ti uC

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