West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Nov 1895, p. 1

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612335; 3611755.}; "dai/cud-ou notes bought. B. B. MILLER, The Humor Genny-our. n: ‘75-; ESE: aa G" {gdod land security. FIRE. 1,399.94 Accidgnt Pytr1pr. ., lots Also lot No. 60, con. 2, w. G. It., Tonahip of Bentinck, 100 acres adiotw lag Town plot Durhmn. Brick Dwellfng. and many eligible building lots, will be sold in one or more Mortgage taken for part purchase money. There's Big Money ! In the Town of Durham. County of Grey, including walkable Water Power FOR SALE The. EDGE PROPERTY. Dummy. _ Laboratory - Godcrich,0m J. M. McLEOD, TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE of Grey, t inner part Dual). I 250 3r": System Renovator au of Gray. All .oaunttttieatious ul- dmnod to Lama! P. o. Will be promptly “tended to. Residence Lot19, Con. 8, Township of Boutinck._ --. --- __ __ -- FiieGum Arraiisrm, DAN. MOLEAN. i. H DE NTISTRY. I Fre'e'ér i, G. H615, L. D. s. I _ir"',t'j,ij',r,:t, Jen-anal A 'ae' "O. Loan and Insuranqe Agent. C, veyancer, Chaauniasioiusr &c. bunn- "mam! without an“. mu..." A Farm for Sale. _ICENSED AUCTIONEER for Co. BANNER. SOLICITUR IN 511me tttit NOTARY PtELI".Ibumlulcner,r|¢.. MONEY To LOAN. IRS. BURNET. Durham BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NEXT Door TO PARKER' MISS GUN 'S Apply to JAMES EDGE, Edge um, Ont. Is/if,',-)"',--?'-,--,"-]-,;"'---- i I.iihj,,q,.lh1.rii1lit2) il. PARK Fire Insurance secured, “HOE. OVER Gum's 8mm. Low“ To”. W on. door not HUGithiEKAY- hmm'nn m LilEiluir:1(l cum? ycfy?.,y'/'ir'Cv'C.1 , E. J. SEEWELL Protuleuy Hui-lo. luau" NI! '" '.otM.tlow MISCELLANEOUS. 41332 1751-5980,, Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and I at areatlv reduced rates we. Weak and xpvpsia, Sleephsss Wall Papers A17C'1"iirii . L. MCKENZIE, -tt --m'r.rrE- um apply to magma new": DURHAM. rt, MEDICAL. Prop. Bad Mnnnfucturl DURHAM t. Durham. LEGAL my " " lawns: human! itttorort no: s. Soon sum Durban --ur-- DAN. McLEAN. D. MOCORM ICE. amt JG r01" Lewes To“. Ki ly as it acts with mysterious promprneis in tin removal from horses ot. hard,sott or calluscd lumps, blood tspavjrt,splintri. curbs, sweeny. stifles and sprains. Goon? Robb, Farmer. Markham, Ont. Sold y McFarlune a; Ca. F A Boon to Horem.em--9ye battle of English Spavin Linimsrnf completely removed a curb from my horse. I take plague in .re.corumyf,iHt the remedy, -__-__" m“ ' ”bolborne, oirt." Tu "Out Run-u" Numnm. Space I Gooseberries which will do not mildew. not V Blackberry Bushes allow wlthoatiltorns. ustoiurther an amerate, Tree Roses, etc. BUTour stock talks for Itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and complete plates and ge'g'Utg I I III IV butftt furnished of charge. Write for terms and particulars. CHASE BROTHER§I OOMliAMY, " - irtTiiuaiuGiT, T, iii 5' "T ifa in our line. Trees mania: st2,r,11,alf1,t'. Apple Trees hardy as oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as largeas an Apple, Cherry trees proof against black-knot. Plum trees not affected by Cut-enlig- Tr,tt gamut; WE WANT A MAN AT one; m this communxtv to sell specialties A general financial business transacted Oilice next door to Standard Bank, Durham Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. David Jackson, J12. r'ut.k m. Court Aithur fl. Jackson. Notary mm. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioptsrtt, Building Eamon. monthly. Kala year. Sumo Cores. 2.. cents. Every number commas beau. t1 ul plates. In colors. um e,"/dfrgt',e of new houses. with mung. annulus ulldara to show tho Jayttuttyitttrry iutuHMtatteetr.et.'y Adm?“ CAN I OBTAIN A PM'F.NT , For A mm In“!!! and my none»: ovum-n. mac to r, UN S .t' co.. who have had nrmxytmy years' experience-m the punk! baldness. 1bunmumCtw hum- nm-cly "ontateertttal. A Hnriqttrook or In- !unnntmn whom-mun Pn lent! and new to ob- unn than: new: man. Mao u mutiny: or mochaa. tcul and trctcntitht hook» non: tree. Patents Luau through Munn & Co. mocha may noucum the Mraesteute A merlrttu. an)" In are brought manly 00mm the publlcwlth- out coal to the Invanmr. Thu! uni-maid mit'; tamed "may. alcgumy mum-meg. has by w ch: lament r-vrcnhnmn ot my semantic work In an inrld. " a year. Sample copies :4an tree. mum"... ltd-onw- mnn'hl' I, HI (I var-u dinu‘n Furnilnw of the Best Hake CONVEYANCERS. "iriLik"i"'aCycWYoliTsieWi' giiiiS?niav. Aucr's Pills C fiil8 PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAUY Free from Eruptions A U0mmon Permanent}: Cured tr Taking ',' .071: All! - them p, w .- "M . IV , 225‘: .! view tlt fl pariilu , 'I'hl'y m 'CRW.." . "“m" “run. :11 A Cfumr.siirrrE2'tt swam: I I, “m I J ACKSON S. tr'tri'rliftgriayirig VOL. XTr1r,--N0. 46. m Affliction use the I; at: D, tutsrit, was i!iiit,,i,,,.i,),,, ISS tl; m olden days, must have been a re- factory. Chairs, carved in oak.» and built like bishops' thrones, line the mulls, looking as thong:s no man tor many a hundred yeara . drawn them ltrom their present position. Massive l and an tt.xvellynt argurnrmt. Corny here and tell your aislcr that, you think Jim l the prettiest, name in the. world." "Did anyone throw a douht on thr, sulrjert? Lives there a soul so dead to eyphony as not to recagnize thu- mu- [sic in those three letterst-.run! Why, _ ir is pastry itself," Hiya! Sir James, who is not so absent that he cannot, scent. battle on the breeze. As he spe:slcs he l smiles; and when James Scrape smiles he is almost handsome. . " Some day you will regret encourag- ing that child in her folly," remarks Miss Scrape severely. At which the child makes a. saucy little grimace un- seen. and rises to her feet. "What a solemn warning!" says Scropc, with a shrug. " I hope." turn- ing to Clarissa, "you have, takrn it to heart, and that it will keep you out of imaginary mischief. It ought, you know. It would be a shabby thing to bring down public censure on the head of one who has so nobly espoused your cause." In is "a; iiirkiad.tGhiaid" apartment. '.stonttnooryl and osk-paneled, that once In olden days, must ham bear! a. re: Ante follows him across: hall and cor- ruler, through two modern rooms, and gasta portion). into another and larger all beyond. Here, standing before a heavy when door, he turns the handle of it, and. as it swings back slowly and sleepily. they pass into .anothgr r,t.rsiir0VirUxpTdt"ittiirtittd5id strungély different from any they have yet en- tered, " almost to make. one start. " My conduct trom this day forth shall be above suspicion," says Clarissa. "Good-by, Miss Sonora." stomping. to press her fresh warm ips to the with- ered cross old cheek lmneath hen. "I am ttating to tread old ground with-- James." indeed, I think I should ra; returns Clarissa. mildly. "I believe that to he 1 able." relorts Miss Jemiur pl T i}. All! Whn Je A: pl Id ghts..all r fr CIIAPT M W kl II furl h, kn M in the I rather lik It IV W t tr hly wit an dead the mu- 1! Why, ms. who on scent, )clks he e smiles turi-trum/nelly, Isl “452*! crc. d _.-,",', _-,", T e,rvP _ " a. r'".'.,? wiv:,vl,cysyii:urrAirurs3?dij"p ”Jay,“ " ' "M'-. N. a My 'efnrt 'sH"heAi"rrp '0» _ 'i'itB" " Habit": ' - 'd £1, J'jtr,it'i'ii :1 I BM . sky“; MEPs w]:- _ (y "rr riENB' . ,,,. . Pr _ Fl3Tt.tefi ., 7 ME fra So, down the dark stairs he follows hur, across the stone (leaping. typ.1. into the hall outside. that seems so brnlliant by contrast, andlsu like mother world, all is so changed, so different. Behind. lie silence, unbroken, perfect. a sad and drcqmy light. tp/d-if orld grandeur; here. all is restless life, full of uncertain sounds, and distant tootsteps, and voices taint but positive, 'r , .. While I stay here I rsirt,-thyt is I covet," she says, at length, surpnsed by I his silence. "and it grows late. Came, walk with me a little way through tho park: I have not yet seen the old path we used to oall the ‘short cut' to Gow- rug. lopg aitof' - A : -, _ _ As for Clarissa, she stands. a little {warn unconscious of all that, As pasqmg m his heart, and ghzes lovmgly upon the objects that surround hex“. as one will gaze now and then pn thing‘s that have been fondly remembered} rough the haze of many years: 8lssis hapiiy, wrapped in mcmunes of a papt all sun- shimr.and no shade. and ignonnt ot the meaning he would gladly attach to her last words. " A countenance in which do meet Sweet, records, promises us sweet." Her eyes are still Bt 1igig at him; her whole expression is talt a gentle friendliness; and in his heart. a; this tuoment, arises a. sensatiun that MK nqt hope, nr madness, or despair. but yet ttl a fyint wild mingling of alluthree., - I Ierd "U DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, NOV. IA, 1895 aw.', about him." ver-go far above us ', is concerned,” she slight, smile plays 1 a. light, that was : since, coma to lite agh unconsciously mice t? "What. do.you meant" was the in- dignant tawny. " Why. t ls hale affair. you know." _ "I dint understand." " Why, you see, we got a tip from the boarding house next door that somebody here has been murdering Wagner. and tho boss sent me down to Work up the cue." raw onions, anomal- kisses bis driver, and another is ever on Um alert to go to a fire, taking almost, a human inter- est in his work. but he trot?,, not like to be fooled, mg the daily training he dusxises. lle us always first to spring un er the harness when the signml is iven; hut when the firemen unhurncss f/rf, and attempt talus! him back Lo his stall he manifests itis 1i,rti'1ig,tiyity by an ugly shake of hit? lea ' quilting out witlOis fore feet, kielr.ing with his hind feet. and than boanding back to his stable. "Excuse max: said the detective, as he presented himself at. the door of the musjc oonseryar0r.y, "bugl hope {3111 nge me what mlormatxon you vgdand pot make antiwar” . Fhlladelphia Fire Horsas. Philadelphia has some remarkable horses in its Fire Department. One arts as a watch dog; another chews tobaeco: another has developed a fondness for .. This is a summer's day. with a vrn- mauve." says Dorian, goniully. pro- cpeding to make himself comfortable on the top of the low wall near w.h.ich she is. standing. Ho ix plainly making up his mind to a lung and exhaustive con- vy.'rsatiory "Talk of India!" ht. MOM, "aiyt/1eS, ', " this beats it to fitsl" nth acquiem-cs amiably. the road. she raises her hand to her cheek with a. swift involuntary gesture. A moment later, as the figure fumes finger. so near that the face is dlsfern- We. she pales again, and grows white as an early snow-drop. . "Good-morning Ruth," says Dorian n.ry.nyorrme. with a smile, apparently oblivious of the tact that morning has [gm-n place tn noon many hours wane. Ruth returns his snlutution gently. {Ind lets her hand lie for an instant m :-r--with his poccnnt heat Has dried up the lusty liquor new Upon the herbs in the greene mead," “PM”!!! fallen in love with her - day, as he has clothed her in all hm glow. and tseems-reluctant to pass her on his homeward journey. The heat has made her pale and 19n- L'mgl: but just at this moment 1; faint delieate polar springs into her face l and as the figure of a young man. tall and y,road-shfitldered, turns the rumor of, .. This is a summer's d mnr‘c." says Dorian, selling to make himself )0 top of the low wall On a Murder Cue. (To be Continued.) 'ttiii'; owing Ruth," says Dorian t. with a smile. apparently f the fact that morning has U‘ noon many hours amine. urns his adulation 'rently, r hand lie for an instant in her ful I When the external body gets weary after u long day's work the tstomach hears its share of the fatigue. but if, when the body is weary with the day's I toil, we put It. to bed. giving the sto- mach meanwhile a five hours'. task. 'whieh must be pet-forged. we impose 'upou the very. best friend we have- the one that gives us one at the iarg- est amounts at earthly enjoyments; and if this oytrtaximr"ta oontinued it must as oertuply went: out prematurely as the body ittieit Will it it is over- worked overy dar, And if persons on: between meals, than the otomecb 1.taa no rest te. breakfast m the momma until I, . 3 or to'olock next day. Hence It to that so may persons have dyspepsm: the stomach is worked so much and so constantly Chet it 310me .tooea.e.towor.ei.an. Itutope f hoped that every Intelligent punt mu I "early happen. and The" Inn-II. f It ruwircq about five hours tor the stomach tn work In an ordinary meal and p333 it out of itself, when it falls intoa state of "spoke. Hence, it a man eats three times a day his stomach must work 15 hours out of 24. But the multitude of mechanics who are widely clamorous for only " eight hours aday" are the very ope: who. .while. they are angered at bemg required by others to work more than. eight hours , day, do not hesitate to Impose on their ato- machs 15 hours' work. After anightju sleep we wake 'N' With a. oertun amount of. bodily "got. which m faith- Iully portioned out to every muscle at the systen}. and every set of muscles. each Its rightful share. the stomach 11313933 others. - - - Just as civilization is the can» oCthe strain that, wrecks so many intellects, so it is also the cause of depressing the animal vitality of the individual. and brings in its train this dread' dis- ease. The main muss of this disease is "established wealth and a state of luxury. The appetite tor eating meat and highly seasoned food is indulged, 51nd can be rqgulurly and habitually iryiy.lsred. only y? 5 auto qt established yiilization, with communities engaged in accumulating fortunes 1nd vieirur in th Just 1fibtt)ittti_, THE NEW REMEDY FOR DREAD CONSUMPTION. SOME VALUABLE HINTS. ha I” Ian, ir w l The director-general of railways in In- ‘dia. reports that some forty-five differ- ent railway projects have recently been [approved by the government, and are Inow in course of construction. The var- ious lines will. when completed, aggre- Rate 6.163 miles of railway. The private enmmxjm In encouraged by certain com from the government. and: P' free use of [and ny.d provision of roll- ugg stung. The pa.rtiam.entrry pommis. anon. whieh has_ investigated mm the resource, of Indy, has reported. that “M mile. ot railway we needed m Inn gmmm 'o'?""'."""'""'"') In reply to the cry for :usixumr professor said: " If I could help l cauldn't. holp helping you. It is he I cyanot help you that I cannot he fusing to help you" And the u cant (lasted around the corner. gerrqr in his eye and cries of "Il In his mouth. .. They are." re surgery. .. But pect to make a easily” mswcn of the effect ol craze." " Are all thes; rP_yecorrte surgeor learned that :1 ought to be able The black-bean between his beet mar Shir. " Tbru seoutee . The p11 the rail smiled fe not teas than an t ingly. Hunk I'm tr; .. What makes spoken twice, L an both area; much pleased a .. Years Ago." the eminent tr In the white but in the sclu marks as security." .. I ity can you give me marks will be secure t" the uh me will I stare A ftBTI’d beta acorn Who wouldn't share a, h With a brown-stone u Strawber-'UJr. Probe ing my rheumatism tot outside the live: such as wants, as well as from lion or undn: le from any cause uncommon m " nlxinmens, who I dren. A digtinc: tween timing I able liver. TI case of I mum; lmrne 10 Charon is. fyronrysa. dila ”hymen-nu u Dr. Graham, in a above title. mm tha the liver my own? WHOLE N O. 896 Railways of India. 'I'th cal Hung t" td the le I the 11 nib], Ha a will a“ Il FALL FUN N can so my PE- ng?" .. Easily. sir: - he lecturer. "Think be present bicycle I ‘y tor assistance. the Mr, I could help you I do: . you. It is because It mt, I cannot. help re- low ." And the misndi- B l the_corner. with 1 ad can: ot "Help'." htr: "I ml: Mr Ii et men resent. his, la it. ' at like music!) " , w en anxious the visitor. turer upon my tx- Easily, s"; ll ll " r t Lbe sipreen Wed plate- rt aspha- me iii BOULDH; " I] for sale cheap. Jobbing of all his pump (sill"' to. 7 ALLAN MoFARLANE, Jimm'e-milly Snagg's mamma ful good to him. MLuqus-:WhaA has she given J immie-het him have the a thedaraaettmoitoNop. :/a' '"ya.r.TaiGaitd his on nuke yr more or less do need u to brace up and My cake is dc itt.id..hyftaPd, Yes. indeed b to commie him I); were plenty of _have wr know} In their own mg lions for non ls that so! low take itt He's couple _ I suppose In I hear Mr. Bell, Hand-made WE, Bs.ss opened out a f Horse Shoeing In the old stand. c' made shoes. s' ALLAN PRIME " I First-Class SEE OUR HAIL-4:: UPPER 'ici..?',',' H. W00DW0.)irc'j. TEENS: 8t per year. m ADVANCE. CHAS. RAMAGE Editor & Prapr".etcr. StandardBank of Canada JAMES LC REVIEW OFFICE. GARAFBAIA 813.. DURHAM. Grand Trunk it Thursday: Morning in connects A first-elass lo Good to the Boy " DURHAM AGE An Head Office. Toront HABNI Cash Git Ii M IS PUBLISHED SVEBY wan, President GREY REVIEW -Ar mamma is an; Pxoyrieior. (idenoa It go A2

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