West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Nov 1895, p. 2

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s,Nire take this opportunity of ' thanking our customers for v-past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system $711.1 merit, a continuance of the same. "%arge Sales & Small Profits." A direct Shipment of 20 Ib. Chest New Japan Teas. 1ilxtreptiona1y good value just to hand at Grant’s. Call and get a sample. Both Fitters and Wearers to hand. No breaking in needed, they are made to fit the feet. C. L. GRANT. “(MICE Larges! and best Stock of Staple Groceries to be found 5:: Durham at prices that defy Competition, Read, Ponder 1lill Dlgest. -.-i'"-- "H ._ V .. CLD BIG 4 PRICES as long as they last JAPAN TEA. SHOES} Woutea's Heavy Lace Sham. 900. Worueu's Prime-11a Garters, 70e. _ Woshen% Prunvllu Slippers. Elastic Front, tDe. Misc! and Cbildren‘u Show! all sites. Men's Boots & Shoes all sizes & prices. Best Ladies' Shoe Dressing, 10 and ak. a battle. moor oi1Cloth. I; yd. wide. 400 yd. Best Table Oil Cloth, 4iritt .wide, in rm, Att-Wool nimble Fold Dress White and Colored. 250 yd. Serge-s. Ix-. id. - Amlvoo1 Twilled Grey Flannel, 16c yd. News Top Shirts rom ac up. Mea's Under Shin-tn & Drawers, 25c tt . I"... sod“. my ptir. up. Men's Ruhherinc Stand Up Collars, 'lt Prbtta. Flannel: and Factory C alum each. t at the low”: pricts. Best (futile or Oatmeal Soap. 7c. a. Bar as lbw heat Laundry Scan. 18e. or l Bars for Me. Sc. Japan Tttey in town. Try a. Ih. Heavy Galvanized 14 qt. Phil, 25e. Established 1856. The CtiEBahggit See 011:" liimi Gallon lap Filler. Durhzun, JLug. Oth, '95. IIiijijiitSitytiir dk Co Here are a few of our lines and prices : Boots & Shdes " C. dk J. McKechnie. Gi'o Us a. Call- H. PARKER, Sugars, Syrups, Pearl, Tapioca 51b. for 25c. 11 ditrerent qualities ot Teas from 15c to 75e lb. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Gash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Another lot of. our Celebrated Maccar r/tter'), THE GASH---- Are you aware of the fact that we carry the Largest and best Stock of Staple Groceries to be found in Durham at prices that defy Competition, Have gone up from 2.5 to 50 pm- cent, hat we had a. large Stag-k bought lgefore the raise which we will sell at the up. Matches Pot Barley, Pearl Barley, Java ice Hum. Corn Starch, Laundry Starch, m and everything in the Grocery line. ;§oan. 18c. or 4 Bars for 'ak. - rn. Try x. m. Heavy Galvanized 14 qt. Pail. 25e, See our 81.00 lot of Tinware. ADOPTED BY - 1895. N., G. 84 J. MCKECHNIE. if Druggist & Seedsmam. We Want Your Trade. re Raisins SLCO box, ices, vinegam 9rot, uh Almonds, Walnuts Isq,r)li!r'.i',, Tld 3'5 fits "5i, ingwn worse s der the tariff} ed into a law: ght (trtt,t,t gnaw. The Liberals of South Wellington have taken time by the forelock. They met in Guelph on Monday last to initi- ate the season's work of the Young Men's Liberal Club. The new Opera House, where the meeting was held, was crowded to the doom, and among the speakers ot the evening were the Hon. G. A. Ross and Dr. Landcrkin. After some humorous alli1sions to Con- aervative methods in North Wellington in the earlier times, and the modern Conservative methods adopted by Messrs Foster and Montague recently in London. Dr. Landerkin took up the challeng made bv Mr.' Foster on that occasion, to be judged by his record, and showed from the puhlic records how the the country had posit- ively retrograded under the Govern- mentof these men now holding the r sins of power at Ottawa. For instance Eudora revenue tariff 1871-1&ll the city oi‘Guclph had increased in popul~ ation over mm but under the li. P. of L%t-1891 the increase was only M2. in South Wellington the showing was won-r, and in North and Centre Well. ington worse still, tor the increase un- der the taritl' revenue period was turn. ed into a large decrease under the N. P. The deceptive work ol'the census enumcrntors in the mattcrof manufact- uring industries was then dealt with, and the Doctor concluded a most able and effective speech in pointing out the inefficient and distracted condition or the present Ottawa adrninistratitn. Certainly when Mr. Laurier comes to form his Government there is no lack of able and devoted followers on the Liberal side of the House, bat of them all, thew-are few who, bv icngthoi service. steadfast adherence to Liberal principles and devotion to the interests of the country hold a place superior to The Hon. Mr. Bayard U. S. ambas- sador to the Court of St. James, recent- ly delivered a scholarly address on Individual Liberty below the Philo- sophical Institute of Edinburgh. After doing fall juetice to his own country and retterrirvg to the great and rapid changes going on among the nations," he said, that in the U. S. he had witn 's- sed the insatiable growth of protection, which, he believed, had done more to foster class legisla tinn and create in. equality of lortune, corrupt public life, banish men of independent mind and character trottt public councils, blunt public conscience and place politics upon the luv level ot mercenary scramble, than any other single cause. the member cf South Grey the 1 tcrview with th scon “Reporter “that a large tl been meted on candidate Tack --.A large and enthusiastic meeting ofthe Liberals ot the Maritime Pro. vinces was held in Halifax last week, when arrangements were made tor placing candidates in the tleld in every constituency and holding a series of meetings in the different Ridings. The visiting delegates were entertained to dinner by the local Libuyrals Mr. Mr. Davies in replying to the toast of the Liberal Leadur. said, that ah. Lnurier during his term of ofliee had never made a tactical mistake even when called upon to act on the spur or the moment and, without any dispar. agement of the late Alex, McKenzie ot Mr. Blake, he said, there was no doubt bat that Mr. Laurier was beloved by his followers tom greater extent than any other Liberal leader. been meted oat" to t candidate Tucker. -The decision of th great Elbe disaster of h the oftieers of the C blame, and they have l Day all damages, the s great Elbe disaster of last year is, that the oftieers of the Crahiuc were to blame, and they have been ordered to par all damages, the slip to be held under seizure until all IS paid. ministry under 2i. noun. prumised " thorough investig the affairs ortlie Southern R and announces its intention ducing a b.rll prohibiting Sen members troto holding pot directors ot any campanie: contracts with the State. much needed reform. --The marriage of Miss Vander- bilt to the Duke of Marlborough came off in New York on the sixteenth inst. The affair caused quite a flutter in the fashionable circles ot New York. Out ot it all the Duke has come with credit havirm refused to he a nartv to the --Canada. it would appear, in not alone in seeing its political life degrad- ed by railway scandals. The late French ministry fell by reason of some at its members being: implicated in the Southern Railway Scandals. The new ministrv under M. Bourgesis has DURHAM, NOVEMBER 14, 1805. Mgr. Satoirr the Papal Ablegate to e United States has been raised to e pomion ct cardinal. Wiizds: DR. LANDERKIN AT GUELPH. l to he a party to the 1 of the rehearsal ofa uc he did step on her could blame him, when rler Hnycock in an in- e editor of the ralmer- .. ex pressed the opini‘ n unount of justice had tt" to the disqualified of the court in the h investigation into ltllem R. It. Gov. intention of intra- itint,r Senators and positions as mics havmg 2. This Is u "r,"i0',r.d, -The Rev. Dr. Dewar: holds, that‘ the principles ot the Cl ristinn religion should find place in our Public Schools, but more in the way ofthe example of the teachers and the discipline of tln F school than by dogmatic teaching of any system ot theology. He attaches much importance to the daily reading of the Scriptures in the Public Schools, but, should this be objected to, he would rathor give up all religious ex- ercise than give any support to denom- inational Schools. which, he regards as injurious to " country like Canada, and a hindrance to that unitieation of the people which is so nem:s.<nry to the henlthv politieal and municipal life of the couununity. --.1n Foreign affairs all eyes for the present are centered on Turkey. At the Lord Mayor's banquet in London on Saturday. Lord Salisbury spoke hopefully ttsto the peace of England audot the possibility of the Sultan securing good Govet'nment throughom hisdominions. 2xuovitlitittitulinpt, there iumsaying: what contingencies tnay ansc at any moment and Such as to necessitate interlvrrncg hylhe Western Powers, who. Lord Salisbury avers, are in perfect concord in their dealings with the Sultan. The policy of the Sublime Porte, as it has always been, is one of delay. Plots and counter plots are the order of the day. Eran within the walls of the Sultan‘s palace. His otWials are said to be were nonen~ tities, and it sec-ms to he the impression all round that the Ottoman Empire is drawing near its dissolution. -rt, is n matter of observation that many of the streams in the County of Grey and elsewhere have in recent years largely lessened in volume. For instance the Saugeen in the davs of the early settlers belonged to the class of noble river; Now, in the dry seals- on it can easily be fouled dry shod. A suttiltw d rving up process is going on in the Western States. The " Mail " has it from the "St. Paul Pioneer Press" that a great many of the lakes in Wmesuta and Dakota have dried up, and that of the remainder nearly all have shrunken in volume. This plum: The Kickapoo Medicine Company left our village this morning after a. stay, of two weeks. They intend to spend a. wool; or two at Dromore. The collectors are now on their rounds and municipal matters are looming up. There will be no Council by acclnmation in this township as a keen battle will take ghee for the two deputy pod tions as we I as those of counci low. It is not likely the ss,rronitho1d ot the Reeve will omcnon is due to first, the diminished rainfalls of the last ten years,' and second the cutting down of the forest where forest existed, tly1. breakiryt up A jolly crowd of young people on'uy- ed themselves at Mr. T. Gadd's un 'E',',',". day evening. Methodists always take lots of fun along with their company. I Mr. A. N. Tucker. of Toronto, an em- ployrre of T, Eaton & Company, was viuiling acquaintances in this village last week. Ile wu formerly a clerk of the titat: of J. H. Richards & Co. We regret the death of Mrs. Nelson Main. who died on Sunday. November 3rd. She was burned Tuesday the Gth, The funeral was largely attended by friends and acqttaintitees, The farmers in this neighborhood have their roots up and most, of them are busy ploughing. "Turn the rtvurarout"-Uu, familiar pnrty 'ery-mV he glyph-d to microbes as Well as to men. he germs of disease than lurk in tho blood are " turned out" by Arer's Samapnrilla. u etrecturtll.v M the old pmtmouben are displaced by I. new administration - . _ The. people m-mmd Patty's corners were chm-red " the beginning of the tvtwk with the happy presence of Miss MaryJ. Ellis. We have had the pleasure of seeing some Rainy River curiosities which Mr. Watson brought. home with him. Indian arrow heads, gold ore. oats, Limutvhy, pumtnvs, om, tte. We believe Mr. Watson will make many converts to It. R. The wiauG. is fine, but the roads are very had m the prairie in the Western Statés and the consequent absorption of the rain and melted snow bv the soil. In the County of Grey the forest is rapidly disappearing, and the swamps which form the headquarters of our streams though still in their primeval condition comparatively are being slowly en crouched upon, and in some cases have given place to cultivated fields. Un. less something is done in the wayof planting topest trees and conserving the swmnps the Inevitable result will boas in the West, diminished rain fall, and long continued drouths. be Gsau ed. Mrs. It. Mon-rice returned home on sacurGyatter visiting friends at Hamp- den fur a few days. Miss Lizzie Gudd inunds to leave on Friday morning for Guelph where she wdl spend the winter months. Mr. C. Poul rammed from Manitoba on Friday. .. M y lauds l" he's glad tosce Nurmanhy friends again. Mr. J. Snell delivered A grand sermon from Knox Church pulpit on Sunday. Miss Mary Momnce spent last week with friends in Fergus. -" The love of money is the root of all evil." So says the Apostle, and all experience goes to establish the truth thus so tersely put in Holy Writ. Many ways have been resorted to for the purpose of getting money other wise than by honest means. Bat it has been left to our own day to enter into league with prim Death for this purime, and anxiously await his com. ing,and as he tells no tales, to assist us in cheating the Insurance companies. Cases ut this kind are becoming night- fttlsy Common. so that when " friend or it may be a husband or a wife ad- vises one to have his or her lite insured there is no saying what sinister design may lie conecaled under this other wise very proper suggestion. The lastreputed case is the Alger affair which came up before the magistrates Court at Whitby on Friday last. The wire ot'G. E Alger, of Pickering, so wire OR}. B Alger, of Pickering, so furlmck as 1888 was found by her medical adviser to be suffering trom consumption. Mr. Alger no doubt at- tended to his wife carefully, but as his efforts in her behalf seemed to be fruitless he determined to do some thingforhinryell and re-coup himself himself lorall these attentions to the person whom he vowed to love and cherishtill the end of his days. lle mm secured}; poliqy dither 1ittjor our readers at prirsent. The case is/be. tore the eourts--Alger being sued for 1ierra11ding.the Insurance companies. K'Fdij'dtll'xdi; ijdiey"euping due. We will not intiiet any turtbtdetails .upm an NORMANBY GOSSIP, HOLSTEINA On Thaw-11y momma at 12.80 o'clack um 71): in»... Douaid Cameron. non of Mr. Juan" Out" Iron ot this village bro-“bod his lug-cad 20 you: on the any of his “mural, mulling the on: death in Mr. Camoron'n ttarnly daring the int unmea- yous. This young mun 3 little our 1 your ngo mu the picture ot balm. Ha cou- trwwd s I: we" cold. from this collects thereof no new: reeaverred although Able to be up ind going 11mm :11 mlmlnor until tupotth I would: :20. Ho min tttl exemplary itrte young mun, d ullul Ian and brother um] by his removal. this ruthennuw gutting in his declining yerrum,htw ro- oerived n sow-re blow (H! In: expat-uni him to be a null: [my in lain old nun. Mr. Cums-rot: ex- prv'sum deep unmw at um deal: at his young- ." mm but prMImt the Lord tor run) ling him to bmrr thiu mum at ullllvlion, )nullenny Inuk- ine, (“Hard for that bletoed Mute wlmn than shill] tu, are union with thou) bolovcd anon gono before him in that place wbere in no normw. The lunernl which bunk plum! to smellttyh csmnuuy. DJL, Gimmlu. an Saturday mu urc.ly ttttenned tsotwluvstrsi4mt t t luclumuucy M the wonth-r. Row. ty. Nel,ood trt'erutttod u when uni-mun " me lioum-M llm tiny “M no unfavorable be umugln it not mcvirusblo to dwell long. kin rrforrod to tho (inputted What) in onnvcrnntion with hlm I low sits) " tretrsro Lit, (lnnlh hr ex unmwd lxlmacll It! randy tor (ll-nth in the ierspes a} I ulnrinun renu- motion. He lemma ml nip-d lumbar mid two Urothrcm, John uurl Neil, ml (”and RA )i-ln, boll: mnn'iod and Mime vamiu mud Mn. 5011]] Me- luuia to mourn tsis (cull). his 7 It refer Mr. and Mm. Ne who up (heir abo tut. Neil WM busy Mr. Jun. Jone bor summy [up the old human: I Mr. Thos. sauna“ bu mam his farm It Glu- es”. In Mr. Tlsos.uornn whuu extent ot hut! in mpklly Accumulating, he being we pauuwr ot about 400 norm-a nl. wanna! um execution ot tho road that intervenes. Mr. Stephen? Kelly is empluvod with Mr. Jun. Knrloy, piouchiug. Mr. Kelly in I tusInvtslo pain- takin. workmnu and will both surly and late. Altar an nbsm‘cu a! some moulhlin Waterloo, Menu. F. and W. H. Martin no home again us hourly uni happy u uvcr. Most Pronounced Symptoms of Heart Disease, and How to Secure Relief in 80 Minutes. The most pronounced symptoms of heart disease are. palpitation or flutter. ing of the heart. shurtm-ss of breath, spells at night, making it necessm y to lit up in bed to breathe. swelling of feet and uukler, my the most eminent auth. orities is one of the surest signs of a. diseased heart. Nighmmre is It common symptom, tspells of hunger or exhaustion It. is estimated that, 60per cent of all cases of dropsy come from heart disease. The brain mzw be conjested. canning headaches. dizziness or vertigo. In short, whenever the heart. fiuttert' it tires our mail , aches or. pnlpihntes, it is dis- eased t"//il nothin will give such perfect relief or so 'tleo/ll/is" other. a cure as Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. It has awed thousands of lives, and yours may he counted among the ndmbefedf It! use is begun at once. - . . " I - -----.r_ *..tt..t... Mr. Editor we will on in n few Roma tor fear been mowed eve) dutit, Mr. J. inn-helm. the b mg hummus. He is the u lace. Minion G. Bryeo mad J. pare Valley list weak to "rtoitd the umi Annual Conlorenco ot the L. D. s Church. A few from this nun unarmed the Ruin) mooning: on the 16 con. one man last wank. Mr. Alex. MnLurcn and Mix: Nollie In". for Pn. tsat week who": U1eyiutvud remaining fur memo win rrmum tor " mu k. All " make I list ot mm din. um. b " inlay. buy the iiickuqmo Indium on your m-y reluieivq to your “. Mr. L.Peret Inupc tor of an Co. " this cliulnct. wus in brow wuek hum; to get the good pm); hw- . uow.' Dr. Ar bur Gun, of Durham Thurldny with D1'.erdhnro new)". of S. S. No. 12 E (tomcat for October. IV clams-Eli" vep mam, Thoma Lawrence. IU tsta-butt) Pynchon, Robbm Itvid,Tt" I. In. Luwmuce and 1lmro Luna-ones In]. " owe-Georg," Reid. Bella vausnn, Charla. Reid. James Whmnnro, (‘hnrlmw Pollock. Arthur Lawrence. Agnes Human. Samuel Whitman. Victoria mull, Jun a. lib-in Pt. It trhss.s-Eurltt Mutthews. Jouwh Nelson. Pt. 1ettuus--Mary Putnam. Mm Forguaun. Bevan ofS.S.No.12 E; I" clams-Eli" 31c? Md. Ill ctaaro-futnuel Puma} Jug. launches and 1'sotro L In order to facilitate and ha atln basins“, Mr. Robert Runwlck mm and " new chopper plnnod in his mil1 and mun more will be no noccidily 'or human to Null for their chop. We: helluva under tIto any urmuaumuncs nesrly 250 DAR! u day will be an ordinary day's work Mao loan ought to boom this winter us Mr. Renwick bu n. luau con- tract on mud to supply two exwualve 21mm wittt lumen-:1. and a tremendous buulnen- will earma- ly be dow- this wluwr in loan. 80 than o mm to be looluug u): with those who havologs to dispom ot. Last Thursday M hubbwd with ' hand: This remedy absolutely never fails to give perfect relief in thiArmiautee!d it in u harmless u the purest milk. Sold by MacFurhme & Co, Gia a. "vi ”can tl Y Lining potato" and r day. 'm l') The Klvknp nun-11 Hull} M Mis- Reborn Canon 1 G. Bryan and J. Cm I Ilcnti‘ in war PROTON CENTRE. [Hindu ot Min Kata )Ich, will In she Luna taken no: 4101:":qu Rum is a bright vivumun girl asiuly b0 minced. On the on of us merry crowd congrruuled nu- hcr home where a woman lime ml IRISH LAKE. 'sirsu,,. Findlay “haunted bar . huudsoxno baby uoy. PRICEVILLE. HONOR ROLL Indian Medicine Co. have routed lccmmrucmz but Tuuuduy (mm " mu k. All " um! urn “new! our din. ”we. b \th I‘ll and {map 1elrupuo Indium Medicine and so do“); to your 66 Home." n-pc tor of Stuudurd lunar-nee ct. wus in Dromore out: any lust " the good poo pie to insum their EDGE HILL was callmg on our now That-b right, nhvnyn tytt N0! vent DROMORE the ten Intent. in doing: a rush- mum right mm In tho tight dl mum: and many haw do in Muhdnlo for the win- buttdiug It neat. Hulls hours rim told we“ overtook him. In to mnuma his unnnlnbed we slack m town. of Durham. spent part ot N. MACMILLAN, Tucker. the harm» ot km. union in the order ot mo f. fra Tarantula: week, my plu-H took n trip to an] the “uni Annual '", '"eys'ttfti- : _ iii , iikt I?, to lend IMHO mu neigh- lar h',' £13m: B'ti'i"ttt, 'i'i"ttt, Mr. John Sinchir bu new stock mad. which will mid In comfort. Min J. Rom in now homo bsiqtttonitstt upturn om hounnzud Ii“! spending the annular month. at str.csulhemi'rr. . Mr. And Mn. C. Hindu. of Owen Sound. were Vishnu: In. Mr. John Philip's wd Vicinity hut. week. Mm. Dunc“: Mum“ - a. few plenum darn mums tr and» uuund Guelph and attending the manage of her an!“ I." wont. Mr. John Mnntu’y hid the minionuno to 1099.1. vnlunbln borne by An ovar bed ot on.- In.“ week. while some omen mloaing harm tor the WIN. _ 7 l, _. u-.. n.-m .4. mm. may of on,“ and u wont on my wuuu on. ... , . Deputy swunnlon ll bound to In? a}: will: tho muc- by Improving mu not tiuq oc of sheep. About I month ago he purrhaaod I prize wtunlug Lit-cum: Run trom Mr. Humane! than. There in much nicknen in this vlclnity thin h”. At manual. Mr. and Mn Jun. Brown nnd'l‘lwmu Bun-mu m nursing themselves sud old Mn. Wm. Mold in h: I vary low rune of mum. sud Mr. Georg-1 thurll " down with the typhoid never. [duo Mr. D. Campbell with magnum-Hon 01m. boards um Mn. Mun:- EIlin In very uuwcll. be luau“ them all Dr. Brown ls A very bun, nun. Mr, T'. EW.. of Mount You". bu not I'mul two or mm hundn-d nun lumb- puturinz on I tield of mp. belonging In Mr. c. Maxim's. Rev. Mr. Match, of Toronto. is unending I {ow du- thu week at nu old home-mud Ind uuund Holnuxu. .. "AL-AI bgnh-v Deputy Sv-unuion In bound on time- by Improving Inn not I About . month ugo be purring Liz-cam: Run trom Mr. Hume: There in lynch 'ee.' in my} Man Mary Betstt,our energetic whoa] “an: we no pin-sod to but I: may“!!! tar next y: People' Hoard ban on taking adv-mugs of tl Duo wanker and In human up um: turnips. Mr. Wm. Lawrence. our old Deputy Room ground “menu: the - in the“ pans. Mn. 51.1mm McGunvny And! a. number yqu of Ut hum: Lin-punt! tttin me on ms 11 Moet. and he: corps. In Inn! to roll. in I Woodland Cemetery. A _. =Vl_. . 1--- n Flour per 100tt e........... bl Oatmeal " ......... ... 1 Shorts " ............ 0 Bran " r........... 0 Fail When: per bushel ... 0 Sprang Wheat bb ... o Qua. tt - ... (1 Pass. " ... 0 Barley, " ... 0 Potator's, per bag ... 0 Hay per ton w.........-". 15 Starw. per ton ........t-". 8 Beet, tore quarters. per 100 8 Beef, lured " " 3 Port, " ........m...... 4 Hides, " ......... ........ 4 Sheepskins. mul............ 0 Butter per tty...........- 0 Eggs. per doz .........m... 0 Wool per lb. a...........". Turkeys per m............... 0 Geese .. .........-". U Ducks. " ............ 0 Chicken”. pet pair ....... . . . a The undersigned having boon matured to health by ulmple wanna. Muir annulus tor Iowan] yam with Navar- lung Inaction, sud that than! alum Con-lump“... in union: to make known to m. (allow “Heron: the mum- of cure. To than who denim it, he will cbmrfully lend Urea of chum) . ccpy of the pro-crlptou laud. which they win and a. aura cum for LOIS-I'll... Ant-u. (3-- lllrrl. Bronchial. sud all throat-Jud lung In. “In. Ho bogey .11 BtsttrmtrT' wilt try this ”may, n MI and“ 10. Those damn!» prourlptlon, which will not: them nothlng. and may pron I New“. will plan." man-u, m. EDWIN! L BMG, Brocklyn, New Yuk. iiairpir" bbi " SPRUCE LODGE Emo," 310.402 will be kept for Service for Season of 1960 at Lot 7, Con. I, Normanhy. Thoma! J. La lamp}; C. Hull m gone Away to (Amorous lull-ad tor the winmrwork. Wat. Bum is I puma: young mun. ha bu since be thanked Inna-d . bum 40x60 um raked it with we axe-puma of the gutters, sud nu uh help mm In: Mather Jun". Kn mind It with raw and will“. Dune] McKechnio u a proud mu: “not! the mm of his daughter on Sand-y but. All u doing we“. Andmw Win-on ia timberinz with D. C. Irs Anna. Elation new: are commencing. m”- a.“ WWW...“ _~-_._ - Thm of our was N, A. McDould. Ram. Allan and D. C. iirai went . human: uni brought. homo . ttm, buck Mu: the middle of the snowman of me same any. m us..- IF'."... .nm ,-v.-., ,. V, - . :13): Inst woe): thing to an noun ut the menu ot the board ot ham: unxod up with m but In to do so. " was About aoetoritttt chum t bud contagion dbouiuu. Ready-Made Clothing, 2 Overcoats, Underwear 4 Before you purchase elsewhere. By so doing you will SAVE MONEY. Our Stock of GROCERIES is ALWAYS FRESH and Complete. The Greatest Bargains! Dalglinh'. 01:1 Stand... vase: 'I'cwn. Duncan” THOROUGHBRED Tamworth Boar CONSUMPTIVES. l Manna hid the minionuno to lose; |orno by an over (out ot on; Int week. comb" mlonina harm tor the wan. a some an alarming than no that. they I ntrndcd for hut week DURHAM M altKET1 TERMS 81. Highest Price Paid for Poultry, Butter a Eggs. YEOV IL ITEMS, H. w. LEESON, Prop p bt manning: up the old the Hummu- month. at now ttruubod bu 116' d much to their own EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM bl c mhool tucker. god tor next you tu1rntstagro .of ttO (tor n number ot We on titrt i7ttt a to mt. in we 20 to 225 to 185to 080to 080to 068to 068to 20 to 0 06 ts 0 04 to 0 05 to 048to 030k 025to 600:0 800:0 800to 350to 480to 400to 085to 010to Of2to " to to "a IOVOYIJ Tel 8190 185 100 090 070 070 024 049 040 030 1500 450 510 ooo 012 0 20 005 Unit 'E§?§WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. mg -NilALEIR IN--- ‘An kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, ;§;i0rgans a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. i:Just Arrived The Implement Season is Democrats in Stock which we any person in need of a. Cone at once and we will surprise you with low prices We have a large shipment of Stoves Goods on the way and must have room. We have the famous Raymond Sewing Mael Earn and Doherty Organs at prices which wil We dothe trade in my Furs. Highest Bargains at Wholesale! Money is going. to be scarce this winter, we have 2 amount of it on good farm security at 51 and 6 per cent. an All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators. Straw Cutters, ' in stock at our Show Thome in Lower Town. Marriage Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insurance p: pin. choice in Vanses. Grips, Borse Blankets. an, 80:. TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Foe Service. This splendid uni: ml was imported from the United States aud was a winner of tour Prizes at, the World's Fair, Chicago. This iiae animal will be kept on the premium CALL AND SEE wax l Collars, Pads, ' ', Bites, Whips, E] dx., &c. Heavy & Light Harness April 3rd. m. For Service during Season of 1895-96. Willard in the "Canada Berkshire Swine Reward " " No. 2956. Fan-owed Nor. 2ist, 1893, uni bred by John Meyer. Kouuth, Ont. Thoroughbred Berkshire Bar. TERETNAND: $1.00. To be paid for n time of Sonia Aberdeen, Get. 15th, 1895. We Handle everything in the Harness line, at right prices. Durham, May Ist, Thurnughbred Chester White Bum, 'Washington,' of JNO. CLARK, JIL, LOT 32. CON. 3. W. G. R., BENTINCK. CHAS. McKlliNilNON And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. tall and inspect and be Convinced. TE+ runs. a?» One Car Maxwells‘s Light Binders-cheaper than ever, EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Carts-at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood's Singe Apron Bin- ders Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. The Fall is a good time to buy a HARNESS! 'i, do BUGGY, CART 0R DEMOCRAT CALDER 81 LIVINGSTON, Agents, . LEAVENS, ar." Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. TERMS t = - “BLOC. BOULDEN & C‘c fi' Boots d: Shoes CHAS. MCKINN ON. Harness Makers. Durh um '05 CALL nearly over but we have a few Buggies and will sell “Cost in ordertoelear out our Swot C. MCARTHUR. 'iTt51,'Eh."et? tits winter, we have arrange " and " per cent. straight k APPLY TO Loose or in "s. Bundles for Sale New. on Hand From the premises cf the Sn about SAmrday the 19th im two year old steer. Any inf, that will lead to his recovery suitably rewarded. ARCH. McCUAIC Lot3S. Con. P., S. D. It Prieeville, Out. 30th, B5. Came to the premises of the subscrib- or about the Ist of August last 1 yearl- ing heifer and 1 yearling steer. The owner in requesud to prove ptopertT. pay exponents and take the LhasaU away. Came to the premises of the sub-rite er. a red yearling steer on or about August lst. The owner is requested to prove property my expensos and take " away. G lascott Nov Came to the premises of the lub- ncriber. a two Frar old my heifer. rad neck and head. large white mark on fore- head. Owner is requested to prove property, My expense. and aka her HAY ! Mt. Forest. Strayed or Stolen. achincs will suit II utters and other Fa .IN . Jon: Mann-103'. 1otik Con. it, E. G. R..Glenel: Estray Heifer. Came Astray. Estray Steer. WM. Tamas. Lat M, Con. 3 E. G. R., Gieneltt, J. OSBORNE, Clerk lax-kc: Settles. LOWE: TOWS, D We have the times. HENRY HALL Lot w. Con. I, Im, ves a Se 3533 as any ter M be maps-be all the “AREA” Are the modern FERFUNES & WATERS. Our Perfumes are . AsFou an gods', mad rich {Harm was“: in Perfur all. Ton“ An Spomres Cizars, Patent Medicine, Remedies. Call: 5nd no for yours the LATEST onoas The Geo. Hut-i110: market As Sweet As The Brea com. pm out' .. T Tot-3mm The Durham PM This Suppl“ thetamurza-r ro tell you “I CHEAP: Come Wo To Smokers STERLING SILVER. kth' TEA. COFFEE. DESERT SPOONS. CUFF and COLL RINGS. ac. REPAIRING Robe Tanning) It's All \‘ery l Horse H Bythe New Proces which for Finish and St ness caeft be Lear. Hides 1mm ken otr, saws -- --- OUR 'll i l _i"-'tirtiu A? ANNUAL IMPORTATION We will]! iatvite Mother- " come and selves. are showing some (6717/ artistic books at hard tianespriax. A fall line ofthe ms in Fancy (you, Padded 3forroceo, In more ALBUMS German Flower Odo: ot um " Satisfaction Guaranteed THOMAS SMIT our: Witmows, A. GORDON. giit,?h'riUili nt wumows are A true ind be variety and tua4witirencw k. 'Ce chum the display - Watch men! OF A CHILD Robe Tanning JAS. GUN Robes & Goats ro Utttit so! can mm; better prepal to supply you 0/ S. s. Library. and Presentation is mabout ample Come" in and FSf SEE RLAKS. fl 3111171170 BEING WEAR “mag we NN M"

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