West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Nov 1895, p. 4

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F'rhertou--Mondoy before Oran evil Dummik -Tutktay bofurh Dungevifiole tiu"iuyrne--1vedyttiity belore oiautstervil1q W-.iruua--Lasto' Wednesdty in one]; day Ina? Guelph. fccreuei- FirstFriGyiss each month: J'/rv.um-- Tt'y1rsday {allowing Mount For" '1lvkttrsle-'-Sutarday before Onngevillo orarsresille--lieeond Tummy in em umulh. Fi'vrl"rrtorr-Mortdey beforo Omngoyil “an Durham-Third Tuesday in each month 1'r"cu. clu--Mondtry before Durham ir.tuuvcv---M:mdtsy bofora Durban. bivuut yorerst-Third Wednudxy in on!) An air line train while going neatly. I 50 miles, an hour, struck a little gltlv nfttNrtrthrord. Conn., remedy. Wben the train pulled bark the engineer found that the girl. whom he had seen thrown at the air. was able to walk "and. Instantly uninjured. l SAUGEEN’ TENT, K.0.T.M.. No. 154, mean: on we first And third Tuesdays of every mouth. Thou. Brown, Gun. F C. Hamilwn, B. K. SONS OF SCOTLAND. BEN NEVIS CAMP NO. M, meets in S. of S. Hall, Pndny on or before full moon. George Binnie. Chirf. Geo. Babel, Sec. In Russian Poland all trains must,' stop " every statiop until the police. (or 'tmtdarmerie) captain of the place glves 5 permission for its departure. I s'celirh--First Weduday in not month Iarristou--Friday befote the Guelph Wit m.) tou- Saturday below Guelph. alum--11”; day before Guelph. n,u;:raii--Mouday Loforo Elan Shir. Iaostdtou--crytstrl Palace Grounds, th moon in each month Socratary. ' to} oimék.’ m. Anmml t, W. Gl M Eféif Vissti Postmaster, an: bred DURH AM DIRECTORY " 2 I. If any person orders hirpspor discon tinned, he must pay all ”ranges, or the publisher may comma: to send it until pay- ment " made, and eolleetthe whole amount whether it be taken from the otiiee or no!” There cm: be no 1033! discontinued tttttil pavrtsentismttde. Jay on We all the special attention of Pol mastm s Ind subscribers to the following a} nopsis of we nawspapctlavn: _ ll alum H‘rhw‘ For REY Lor of Mecth month b or another u r. Gun. ims, HANICS' INSTITUTE. New Monthly Fairs TA M TI Newspaper Laws m thir" OiWFet vrn welcomed. ll L. o. L. NO. 6 (w. or. Thnndnv [ii Ru _ be ll, ti C e c rstrtt who takes I pupa: tr tee, whether dimmed to ther, or whether he in: 31 t is reaponeible for the pay 4.; a 'i;' :',ii'ti't.ii.'),.Stsh' Jh"ipJ" _"' j'?iTifflirS"i.i)?rii' _ l ever): GP, N0 pr every mac s Pills tr I) NO. 806 OF 111596)”; T n of ouch marth' we. Thea. Drown 169 LO.0.b'. Ni, Eco beans from 1 Arch. MucKcazu: w. B. Valli. J amcs Staples, " cranial: from my hum 2 to I It CH I A. Munro its from It on “Educ: 'to, Soc Night Q m. and d T. M See rm growing. A farmer of Albany. 0re., is texhibit.. ing a bunch of 42 stalks of wheat, with 924 meshes and abpuc 3,500 grains, which grew from a. single keynel. An- other runner. m.Cedar Rapids, Nels.. has , cucumber live met long, mam” "That whisky is fifteen years old. I know it because I've had It that long myself." The Colonel-" By java! sir, you must be a. man ot phenomenal self- control." A perplfaxed woman can ask more questions In a. minute than sts, cgm rc- member the answers to m a Immune. A bad man's example often does more good than a good matt's precept. A woman can lose her head about as easily as she can her heart. No man's braiqcan drive other bodies unlegg it drive his own body. Heating stoves and open ttrates are to be managed as far m possible the same as a. umace. With the smu- there is no trouble. there being plenty of checks and draughm. The open wrath is nut so well provided. If the furnace fir.? bynllowed to burn to a white heat tt will be ruined for that day. unless more mm ho put on a little later. The cold tyir boxes mu.st admit enough an: to tlrive the hot air through the house, but not more than can be heated. careless people leave the as at a time at the bottom ot where they absorb the heat house of its share, 7 C Ill Mr. Richard Burton has written an able article to Show that. there is tire.- vival in the use of the terse. simple. vrrnarular English of the time at Shakespeare. He is undoubtedly r ight, in this. "Fine writing" is no longer in much admired as it want a genorutiun ago, " hen Macaulay was a literary die. lntnr not. so much because of what he had to say as of his manner at saying it. The English of the fifteenth cen- tury is not equal to the demands of modern sch-nee. But except in discus- sing technitraiitie_ and the novelties of modern lite, it is fully equal to the ox- pressiun of every clearly defined idea that the mind can entertain. To he clearly cxprewed. however, the idea must, be well defined. The Englishver- muutlar abhors vagueness. Before any one can talk plain English he must. have " plain idea of what, he wishes to my. o herwiso he will stop in the tuid- (Ill! rd his sentence and “new. the viiipiim-u at his mind. lt is otherwise. of u-iirso. with the Latin and Greek derivatives of the langungv. whhh are (when use! to produce the impri‘x‘iiun of uiwlum “here the only thing that, is bviug really expressed is a lurk hf Ellen“. The inn-reruin: Use of simple, every- CURRENT N0 TES, l "rommyAtkins" Did you ever hear an explartatim of l the origin of the term “Tummy Atkins" as applied to all British soldiers.' ll, originated in this way'. About 41) years ago the Queen caused a little ledger to be published and distributed to every in- ldividunl in her army and navy. In this book the soldier was expected to enter his name, age. date of enlistment. length; at service, description of medals received, etc. In the hack of the ledger. by way of instruction. " filled-out leaf was in- seated. The name used.in the blank was "Thomas Atkins," Just as we use the names "John Doe" and "Richard Roe" in legal patterns. Soon after some wag gave the meat “Tommy At- kins" to the book; and_it has smce bo- comc common to apply it to the soldiers themselves. _ . ' very arcoplahle and t'ottitils' with the trim. shawl). suullcss mu: 1mm. of mm!- ern squares. Altogether a visit. Lu Golden square will inLcrlwi. l "erkeley square every one knows. Yet, it has an extraordinary syutparho- tie attraction from its grass and fin" shading old trees. Noumea“! may Immune, had noted that these leafy patriarchy: scum to mum: in two rmvs down tie middle, like an avenue. The fart is it, was the deauysne of the lawn in from of the old "ericeley house. which stood at ”in back of Duvnnahiro house. The mansions round are very tine, and the iron work, railings. clan. are all admired and to he. admired. There are some queer things to he, told trbout, squares; for ill-"anus. that there was a Gen. St rn ls who hat! a mania for setting up Malawi in 5.111112% ab his own expense. We have, seen muesm'ian statues in Leicester square propped up with a hroomstielr, with portions broken away. whieh shalt.” it cal lines, and t of statue in the armor, and ropr grass and walks Lain free and e: DR. SPAIGHT. U. S. VICE CONSUL. UNBURDENS HIMSELF. THE VENEZULEAN DISPUTE m" ' bjdi w» . "r?, S n itytlf with a w. centre, urcscnting is are laid easy .care t he all up " ith a var s phat i, with m am a; H" and ' knows. ed w utparho- A , md fin" of ro ‘Incsurm from trim‘chs each MD the ttms, wt is it to'os, from of "P, t stood at ' Col 3. The Shaw and [he Pan's; udmircd ?ityil! The trustees of the English National Art Gallery htyvts gust acquired. a pic. ture Painted m 1 "Smugglers on a): Wish Coast 'h-try Julius “all! Ib. son. V . , In. Turkey even object; ot pupae ne- oossxty are sold on predxc, and m t.ut country. as well as m Russia. the tune allowed is. in moat onus. 12 months. of Pittsburgh, Penn., was almost, in.. stantly killed the other afternoon by falling on a slate pencil in his pocket, which pierced his heart. After splice] he started home on a run. He sligped and fell to tho sidewalk. The driv.er of a laundry wagon yver.ib to his 33313- Lance. The Ir.oy was trying to pull the pencil from his body. The lauydrsmt.ut, seeing the boy was bagly hurt, carried him to a doctor'ty office Before .thp doctor coulii examine him the boy died. John Dripps, a. nine-year-old boy re- siding in Mt. Washington, a suburb tops. Lumutues, onions, celery. etc. Sea- son to taste. Cold corn is nice prepared av, follows: Shave the corn horn three or tour good curs: add one egg: cup of sweet milk; pinvl) ot Hull. and ttour enough to make a good but ter. Bake same as pane.altes, in a wellhuiererl spider; serve mm a little butter while hot. [ C'old potatoes are nice. chopped fine and warmed up in milk. slightly season- ed with pepper and salt. . A palatable wup can be made of hits of roast beet br steak. the, "mfg-overs" from former meals. Put in n little of each of a variety of vegcrahles-pota- lut's, tmnatuns, unions. celery, etc. Sea- tovs, tumutoes, onions, celery, etc. Sea- son to taste. Cold mm is nice prepared GR follows: Shave the corn from three or tour good li, Pencil Point Pierced Bis Heart. fl ABUUI‘ THE HOUSE. At Our House. and of the house docs not, for dinner, opportunity is Home rigid cannot"); at that I, summing palatable is Jared. The "left-overs" are zed on that acumen. helped . with a johnnyeake made as ch buttermilk, or imifcrcam ur milk will do; half Lea: Take a Holiday, ot salt. and a [iced Mix to n light ar.. aeal and one-third med tin in moder- In some way or other Jacobs grabbed it. With a. last effort be threw his leg into the loophole and Auryr. He was taken down, taint and sick.frryn the tall, and removed to the hospitpl, where it was fqund that he had suffered a bad contusxon on the leg and a. bad cut on the hand. . l . His leg struck a beam at ghe eighth floor, and this changed the direction of the fall, throwing him toward tho shaft- ing. Past the dighrh floor he went like a shot. turning oyer. and over. Be- tween the seventh and enghth floors the elevator rope has 3.10013} , , , ' If Tii' G%ri'iii'a GiG:idli t Jabbbs héyond his balance and he fell with a cry of terror head first inside the byildipg. . them to desist. but dared not interfere. Jacobs struck Connors in the breast, and Connors replied with a, staggering blow. Jacobs mmed another blow, but Connors dodged back.. apd,. mp ippeue .. You lie," said Jaeols. Connors stepped out, on the beam and the men began eriking at each other. The, beam was ten inches wide, and be- low them was the network of beams. ten stories of them. A tail promised death. The other workmen cried to them to desist, bgt dareoi.nup.int.ertery wltl.p ! two Worklnen Come in Blown “'hllr V “mull": on an Iron Beam Ten Sunk-n l Illa”. ‘ A fight, in mid-air, the giving nnd taking of blows by two men standing on a small beam in the tenth slurey of a big building, WM witnessed at the big Ellicott, mum-c building on Main street. Buffalo, the other afternoon. Edward Jacobs and Frank J. Con- tlol"3, ironworlcers employed on the build- ing, had heen quarrelling for several (lays over the ownership of some tools. ’lhe argument was resumed at the nopn honr and was getting warm when the whistle blew and the men ascended to their workngam. They had been work-; my: about fifteen mmutes when Connors, who was standing near the .shuftmiz.‘ flaw Jacobs coming towarul.him, wink-j mg on one.o.t.rhe iron tstanblityr.ts.. ly hen he was Within a few feet of him Cum-3 nurs reeognized in Jaeors's hand.) the' .tools over which they had been disput-i mg. He yelled: I :‘Yonjve got them tools now, soul "1 doan' say an members wn't dis- rum religus subjicks at, house, but, when such discushuus result, in muwbndy bein. hit on de jaw den I shall take a hand in. Bruddet. Watkins. the up dat winder back of yo', and Bruddcr Shin, vo' put sum lemon-peel on de stove to kill oft de microbes tloutin' around us." "r-d hain't Rot no appeal to make replied Penstoek as he sat down. "Ohl Yo' hain'tl An appeal an) all in order in dis club. P'raps some odd members wants to kick again de dew bun of dis cha'r t" No 'oLher member did. For six scmmls Paradise hall was so quittth; Elder Toots' buniun could be heard ache. Then. as he, proceeded to rcxun his garments the president. said. ., doan' any dat members ain't di runs religus subjicks at, house, but win. such diu-ushuns result, in muiubnd bein. bit on de jaw den I shall take hand in. Bruddcr Watkins. riz up dt winder back of yo', and Bruddcr Shh When the mound at the triangle. had called the meeting to order Itrothrer Gardner slowly arose and looked up and down the Male-i and said: A FIGHT JN MID-AIR LIME KILN CLUB. Por sixty [nit-L that heard to o re.Nume Guide-Para many zlwmlel me rocks! G uide. udvnu TERRIBLE EXPLOSION OF A BAT- TERY 0F BOILERS. Tn run Mt l'rrunn‘ “’uunIl-‘Il " Property lu~~ " Nu, Than-nut! ImIInn ram-ml FURTY PEOPLE KILLED. arrit-wt, In the Alpine Country For flu-r Fllu'll'c an "tlite zhent h-man vilt ur tall and t hat " " in For Sale by McFABLANE & 00,, Wholesale Agents tot. Durham and Viciuixy i to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. 'i, We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, 1 1 i Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- 5: ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheetmg. (, Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large so that all wit .3: C:' can be filied. The mission of South. American Nervine is to " once reach the nerve centres, which are to the whole 1xxiy whnt the maimrpring of the watch is to my other part of the timepioce., mum (Em-ply than the ilhuss of NT iitthe ones? She may suffer much 'tuyrscli;vud women are sorely aW.ctvd widi many ills, but she win endure a}! this, however often, without a murmur; but there can be no dis- guising her anxiety who the yttle ones of the home are stricken down with sickness. And how many puny ehi'..dre.u there ore! We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp. bat they are weaklings. 3 Mothers, would you have your: loved ones strong end healthy?! Would you enjoy good [with your- ttelif Then use South American Eerviue Tonic , there is no doubting ii: efficacious properties. Investigate from a treioutitio or a. common sense point of view and you will find (but! nonriyalldileuo usiuatartintU.' nerve centres of the body. I Lumber, Shingles and Lath Having Completed our N aw Factory we are now pr s.-r),ij,trt, i(..fyef.i?f (h, mm, " I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Saved the Lives of Two of My Children."--- Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong- Tired and Ailing Women Take on _ the BLOOM of EARLIER YEARS. we Mother Hear? lt/ijt/i/iii" ash and Door Faciaory ifEEEFFEZEYYSYYYQYYTYE! aqii.T4o'1,'tll'dh%Tp7ji"rft E'b"5'l'~l " "' . . "i.m 9 tan ' . . n T,r,"AT,' 1l',fi. "AEE?""""' confidential. 1s'S',t'ltg't%oa'u"tYit ESE i'liiU1T Ewan: '7' --- GTEiExcEssEs IN MANHOOD [WAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEN ernmsiKa5=2Rs as axzaas . Kat-g 'QRS . RatK N A: 'list'," f7 Sumac-I94" mother heartIScim illness of her! (he tr “0" I n Stovk. Tmgr'twi"i"re'eq5'Ft""s"i"mR'T0,tl and will say. I eon:.uter. it ti.e by gluedicinc in tho would. I in lime i; (saved the lives of two of 22:5: LLiIJron "rhey were down, and nntljng up pasred to do them my good autil I procured this remc" . It was Yer) surprising how rapid}; both irrspriv.e/ on its use. I don't allow t1ir:rclt' L0 be without some of it in my base. [I recommend the medicine to all 'my neighbors." It wm certainly want new life to all whe are dcu'icate, whether young, middle-aged, or old. (Do not worry along with in 1tealth, but dispel it; and brighten your lives by the immediate “South Amer. Sana Net-vine. ion: Nervim: reaches out t of the diiiiealts, and str: out wbnt is wrong that: whole body. Listen to v B. Russell, Wingate, writt point: " have used sore cf South' American Nervi tn 's J. MC KECHI-II away 3M5! 5 repar g0

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