West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Nov 1895, p. 1

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" very lowest rates on good land security. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Claims of all kinds coueetea--old notes Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building Iota, will be sold in one or more lots Also lot No. o, con. 2, w. G. It., Township ot Beutinek, 10.) acres adjoxn- ing Town plot Durham. Lot. 29. con. 5, Melancthon-83 acres well timbered. Lot 16. con. 5. Bentinck, 100m known as the Jas. Bamtoed tarm-well im- proved close to Luniash. Lit I, Durham Street. North Priceville. Lac 3, Kinross Street, North Priooville. With other splendid Farms in Ontario and the North-West. Toronto an! Hanover properties for sale or ex- change. mom To Lon: _ _ Following Properties at Prices Asked Lot; 2n. 912, "t con. 3, S.W.T. and s. Road. Township Mislanethoa-174 acres timbered. item taken for part purchase now. _ - -_____ ___- ___ FOR SALE flt EDGE PROPERTY. I. the Town of Durham. County of Grey, includitgg valeane Water Power There's Big Money i 1.08241 242, con. 4, S.W.T. and s. and. Melanethort-1N mesa bush Mt 218.com. 4.S.W.T. and s. Road. - Melethoat60 991-93 ged bug} ---- Prop. and ManttGetarer Sold by 11. PARI'QERL _ y For Impure, Weak and Impoveriahcd Blood, Dyipepbia, sleepussueto, Pulpota- tion of we Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu.. rnlgis. Loss of Memory. Bronchitis. Con- unmption. Gall Stones. hundice. may” and Urinary Diseases. St. Vitus' Danes Female Irregularities and General Delulitr. t Laboratory - Goderich,0nt J. M. McLEOD, TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTE 250 ACRES belonging to the Estate of the how James Barnett, 125 acres under cultivation, rest hardwood Dash. bait): Lots 23. 24. 25, 26, 27, Old D. B. in the Township of Artemesia. County of Grey. the miles from Fleuhenon Sta. ton. tin-no miles from Pricovule. For We: particulars spring“... - ' than”! Anemone-r. tor the County of Gny. hug" madman. Ind "tiattsetion cumnzouL 'i't't'i'J"'t/lk1 tor ulal .cun bo and. u the “:31 on“. Dmbum. or at his ”olden“ PW D.MaCOBhuCE. LICENSED AUCTIONEEB tor Co. of Gray. All communications ud- dnued to Lama P. o. well be promptly “tended to. Residue. Lot IO, Con. it, Township of Bantinck.‘ - .. -- - bougnt. DAN. System Renovator '. on! " nmuabln Pttt, DENTISTRY. II done. unit. Loan and Insurance Agent. Con- voyzmcer. Commissioner doc. In)”. Arr-hand without dull]. Collection! Noun-My nude, hum-mu. "ectod. DONIV 'l'u LOAN “Iowan. rate.qtlgttqrtmt M 1m- ono door normal B. - Sign Durban BRENT“, SOUGITUR M SUPREME tht NOTARY PUg""r.Cor-_rr.rte.. 7 ICESSED AUCTr0NEElt, for th Jconuly ot any. Salon “£212ch to prowp BUSINESS DIRECTORY. N EXT Door TO PARKER’S MISS GUN s, W. L. MCKENZIE, MON BY TO LOAN, Fire Insurance secured. ”HOE. cvrn Gum's 5mm. Loan Tm A Farm for Sale. Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and J. P, TELFQsz. ' . ' A. H. 'titiRNET, Bopevtllo, IRS. BURN ET. Durham. tw T. G. HOLT, L. D, S. HUGH McKAY. LSO MISCELLANEOUS. McLEOD'S at greatly reduced rates Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill. Ont» Wall Papers AUCTIU'NTER. Druggist, Durham. - AND OTHEB --- B. H. MILLER, The Emma Conny“. MEDICAL. DURHAM. DURHAM LEGAL MOLEAN. MM”. Durham Oat --AT-- of DAN. McLEAN. or canuauu Aunupa, Ium "e'.""""""."'" curba. sweetly. shines isnd "prtuns. 1 George Robb. Ftirausr, Markham, Ont. Sold by McFu'lam a Go. , A Boon to Homemso.-0ne bottle ot English Spavin Lin'unonb completely removed a curb from my home. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy. a it: acts with mysterious Pmmmnesa in the removal from horses ot. barman". or canned lumps, Iglgod spagmaplipts, ‘l'n "0tat not Blackberry Bum allow C) U luttl.'lf'i1l'7t1 thorns. usto iartherenamerata, Tree Roses, ete. BUTour stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and complete we; And conga I I III Iv outfit furnished - of charge Writa for {chm and particulars. - OHASE BROTHERS’ COMPANY, coma-mt. Ont. WE WANT A MAN AT ONCE in this commum: to sell specialties in our Hm. Trees that Uf, aemileis Pan. Apple Trees hardy " oaks. "Excelsior" Crab as largeasan Apple, Cherry m proof: inst black-knot. Plumueea not affects-gal.” Curculig. Tet 55111333; EEETSURE off1ce next door to Standard Bank, Durham .mm. W .. w... -......V.. -. W, .V "___-_ Building aaa' monthly. dim-nu. sumo eagles. 2a cam. in.” number conunna beau. ti u] games. in colors. ma WED!!! ot new booms. with plan. 911anan "all to thaw the Jeett.Wupt/UynVtuee.'rW.'P.. A999" A general financial business transacted CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT'? For I Tee, nun-mar and an honour oputtott. "my to t' . N & co.. who hu- no new? tttty yem' axpenenos-In the patent Mums. hrtuauarumw Hons and.” cunnaenuul. A Handbook ot In- {mutton ouncemum P" lem- ma how to ob. um than: gem. free. Also a mm or mechan- lcad um" momma books Ion: (rec. Puanu taken through Mann & Co. receive Iran-l notice 1n the sstierttUttq Amerlrnn. And t no nre brought widely Damn the pumicwnh. on: can to the Inventor. TBU splendid paper, new roomy. elegantly ”named. has I»; tar Marc lament “rem-clot ot any Immune Ior ta ttra "ms Jitrer, my; om? t.ef..rre. . Money to lend. Money invested for Parties. Farms bought and sold. David Jackson, hr, mm: m. Court. A1 thur E. Jackson, Notary Public. Land Valuators, _ Insurance Agents, Commissioners. z:"1hr an], lint-clan Mrarnr II town. tt FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS its CON VEYAN CERS. {monks 3531 FRIEND BURNS BAKENG POWDER ll, Growth fm? bottln hair was color am the «my... u- m... w-.." ..-_.w. MN * Co. szw YouK. 361 Buowwnn iLiakisT SALE m CANADA. ' bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor my , was restored to its original or and roused falling out. An asionul application has since- kept hair in good we.or.tdityyt.y-Ws. F. Emmet". Digby, N. S. J AGKSONS. VOL. Rhianna-I. Emmanuel: do not mildew. wiiiasktmrrr. Bushes AYER’S of Hair. mine (fi/ttit '.,---NO. A7. l "w"; kibtryxiaikri," iuiViG tiiFiial'ar, He yawns languldly and pulls the head on a tall dsndelwn. that adorns “be " She reminds me of same lowly way- side tlower," goes on the old man, mus- ingly, hetdl.esa qt the brilliant inter- lude. "raising its little head sadly among gay garden plants that care not for her. whilst beyond the hedge that bounds her garden she can watch her. own qpecxes grow and flourish in wild luxutmnoe. Her Me can sarcely be called happy. . There must always be a want: a cravmg for what can never be obtained. Surely the one that could bring sorrow to that pure heart, or tears! to thoes $0999 was. would be?" _A"wfully pretty girl," returns Do.- rmn. carelessly. " Fi?,'iy'.riigg.t.1gdi,' very pretty; and I.th.ink-d ops-upright, as she IN beau- titat. Poor child, hers seems to be a very desolate lpt. Far too well edu- cated to assocqnc with those ot her own class. she ls still eat off by the laws of caste from mixing with those above her. _She has no friends, no mother._no sister, to love and sympa- thiap, with her.", - - As Moss. again catch sight of the old 113111, Salmons says, quietly, with a. laudable attempt up unconcerq that would not .haveyecoived the veriest in- tant, but IS quite successful with Do- riunuwhose thought} Fre fytateyc- " My dear Arthur, how you do agon- ize yourself!" says Dorian. "She has her father, and about as comfortable " tipstyutage.tter as l_know pr.". They have reached the village by this time, and are walking leisurely through it. Almost as they reach the hue! they meet Mr. Redmond, the rector, looking as hearty and kindly as usual. Lord t"rart,oris, who had Cyrne down on purpose to meet yan: having asked his question and recaived his answer. turns again qnd walks s.lowly humcward. Do. nal) sun beanie him. "ririift"ir" min 1311' tiiiii mugs Ruth mgrwnl" .. .... ' n "I think him a low, underhand sneaking fellow,” says Sarroris, unhesi- tatingly. "I should not keel) him in my employ half an hour. I owever." relentingly, and somewhat sadly, "one (nylon gulways jl'ulge yy t,ppeartytes." " Yes. yes, I dam-'0 say. But pheasants my JIot_everrtp.ing." " . . " Well. no: there are a few other things." my: Wriartr.amiqayly,-r"not: ably grouse. Why this undying hatred to Sawyer, my dear Arthur? in what tuvs_he been (qund wyurirtirt'1 _ _ " Eht oh. no; Stywyer. is not that, sort of person. He IS quite straight all through. And he never worries me more than he can help. He looks after everythmg, and wh.a.teter he touches fig12rttifit,yirigriaien) turns to gold. 'mgure any: mg like those pheasants "0b. of cnursc,_" rihyeritieg Dorian, oheertylly. "Nothing like personal titt- prrvision, and so on. Every now and then. you know, I do look over the ac- counts. and ask a few questions, and show mvselt very learned in drainage. and so forth. . But I don't see that I gain much by It. Horrid r'i,tg'.,i',?.l work, ioo,"r-wittr a yawn. "Luolgi y, Saw- yer Is one of the most knowink fellows m the world, or I suppose I should. go to smash. ..He is “E to everything, and talks} lxkea. boo . Quite a plea- sure, I glve you my .wurd,--almost a privileges-to hear him converse on short-horns and some eccentric rout ttttt coll marytelt." * . . .. 7%: is? pGitififfe" jo. be knowing," says hug Eyelet depretjaumriy.. ' .. . . “I dqre. say. .It is amazing th amount of information people posses about other pecple's servants. Bu you look after things yourself. 0 course? 1iPwtsyear..fairhful and trust worthy one's hirelings mag; be, one' own eyes should also be in t e matter: Looks after the men. r. and takes all trouble t. Never could understarr treasure is till I got, says I am most, fauna ot a steward.” ." Quite in the mode rum. cheerfully. "TIP invaluable fellow, Du you know,-which is n rian .t .. rum-mg vans. Brunscomhe looks surprised. "You altogether mistake mo." he says. 'ts'ntly. "I now-r associated you in my mind with unhappiness. I mere- ly meant, bad you n headache.- any ot than small ills that female flesh is heir to? I beg ynur pardon, I'm sure, it I have offended you." ' He has jumped off the wall, and is because sullwnly be?" relax in which f, mastery. wit h y a faint " But ly and HE "It seems a long time. since I have seen you," he gives on, presently; and ashe speaks, his eyes seek hen. Some- thing in her face touches some chord in his careless kindly nature. '. How pale you are I Fr he says abrupt- "It k warm-very," she say ly, hut indifferently. "'0 I call it-werry 'ot," he, making his quotation as as though she understood plucking a little rose-bud tron near him, proceeds to adorn I with it. THE VICAR’S GUVERNESS. w 1 Wrong ty Am himself smile. thin, to rt y pnuwx Ruth I " The heat, E ld mks surpriaed. her mistake me, I never aswciatod art Lme since I have l ligh ' presently; and ftu.v, eek hem. Some- I in]; ch03 sumo chord us l nature. on ' he says abrupt- Ihr nor no doubt,"-with ; r10. 1 .livtr you not? And i," Sim :ou not? And Anything wrong 'ot," returns ion as genially rstood it. and, mi trom a tree adorn his coat calm Jun nun". w u.‘-..,......,ru‘._-- Yee-" --. as_she never refuses an invitation, thinks nothing of three balls in one night, and insisted on my dancing " tondnnw on her everywhere. I never suffered so much in my life; and then at last I gave in from shoot exhaustion. I found my clothes no longer fitted me. I wss worn to n. skeipton from loss ot sleep. the htsavrattaip on my mental powers. and the heck gndunnoe of her "Numbers, my dear Arlhur.-nny trmount,--hut; not one I should care to marry. You see. that makes such edif- ierenee. I remember once 1??f.ore-ru.st reasontyou spoke to me in this strum. and. simply to oblige you, I thought J would make up my mind .te try mam- many. So I went in heavily, heart Ind soul, for Lady Funny Hazlett. You have seen Lady Fanny t" " Yes, a good deal at her." " Then you know how really pretty she is. Well, I spout three weeks at ie; regular hard work the entire time, you Jmow, no breathing-space alloyed, Fr You rm-un you would like me. to marry Clarissa Peyton." says Dom“. .swod-lytrnoredly. " Well, ir is acharm- in): seherne, you know; hut. I dont think It will come off. In the first place. Clarissa would not. have me, and in the next, I (lnn't want to marry at all. A wife would bore me to death; couldn't fancy a greater nuisance. I like women {My much, in hurt, I may any, I am de- cidedly fond of a good many of them. but to have one always looking after me (as you style it) and showing up my pet. delinquencies would drive me on? of my mind. Don't. look so disgusted I feel I'm a. miserable sinner; but.1 really can’t. help it. I expect there is some- thing radically wrong with me." . "Do you mean to tell me"--with some natural inriignati9n-r"tlust. up to this you have never. during all your wanderings, both at home and abroad, seen any woman you could slncorely admire 2" - ' .. i "t lac-re in something the matter wlth you this morning. isn't thaw! You're not well, you know. Yuu have laken some- thing very badly. and it has gone to your morals: they are all writmt,-rv1Ary un- Wund indeed, Have you unral'uuy con- si.de.red the naturo of the advice you are glVIng me? Why, it I were to let my can beat every time i. meet all_the pretty women I know, I should be in a lunatic asylum in 1: month." ."Serjousily, though, I wish youwould give the matter some thought." says Lord Samaria. earnestly; "yoa are Mventy-eiwht,--old enough to make a sensible choice." Branscombe sighs. _ '.' And Isee nothing to prevent yfrur doing so. You want, a wife to look after you,-" woman you could respeqt. us well as love,--a thuughuul. beautiful wo- man. to make your home dearer Ito you than all the amusements town lite can afford. She Would make you happy, and induce you to look more carefully to your own interests-and---- " "My dear fellow." says Branseomhm severely, removing his glam from his right to his left eye, as though to scan more carefully ms unrm's (-uunLenanco. "Yet, how seldom you touch on the matter! Why, when I was your age. I had seen at least twenty women I should have married, had they shown an answering regard for me." " What a blessing they didn'tl"say5 Branscomhe. "Fancy, twenty of them! You'd have found it awkward in the long run. wouldn't, you? And I don't think they.?! have liked it, you know, in this illihersl country. So glad you thought better of it." tr I wish I could once see you as hon- etu,ly"-with a slight, nlmmt unmn- seious, stress on the word-Nn love as I have been scores of Lima." _ Fe What , melancholy time you must' DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1895. iyG'iirict%Tiiii.'t become imlispenslle to him) would prove "flat, stale, and unprofitable." Bur to-day, he hardly knows why.--or, Swrliupx. hardly dares to know wls.rvr iiq nephew's may liglir-hearrisiness Jars upon him, vexing him surely. As they turn the corner ot the road and go dowrt the bill. they meet llo.r: twe, coming toward them at. a. rapid Hive. As he sees them. he sluckens bl speed and approaches more. slowly. "Just. as well inn-r. you." he says. with an airy laugh, “3:4 my “mum were. running away with me. and P . bus Apollo tN in the aseeatdant: veri.t..- Hill): 130 ‘rules the roost.' This uphill .. Am I one of them?" says Dorian, lightly. Then, glancin st his uncle’s film. he checks 'h"l'l',i','ll', and Roe, on quickly. ., I beg your pardon. I'm mute. I have been saying something unlucky. as usual. Ot (nurse I ”me with you on all points, Arthur, and think the man who cuuld wilfully bring B blush lo Ruth Anncrsloy's chock neither mpre nor less than a hlackguard pur ct mm- Ie"; By tho by, that last little home- y plmuw calm-s in hadly there, duesn'c it} Rather out of keeping with the vxlulperul tVC noun, ch l .. " lather," returns Sartnris. shortly. Ila drops his mtphew's arm and walks on in silence. As a rule, Dorian’s care- less humor suits him: jt amines 91nd. adds a piqunncy to " life that with-l pleasure. escapes him. "There are some subjects." he says. wilh calm severity. " that it would}!!! “-0111 to plum? beyond the reach of ridi- cu e." yvursidv. in a snmcwhut desultory fash- mn. The valor in the older man's chveks grows a shade deeper. and _u peture, as full of impatience as of dis- pltytyyre. escapes him.. . h un, eh I " turns Sartnris, shortly. tphew's arm and walks As .1 rule, Dorian'" rare- Is him: it umusex and y to u. life that. with- M; Dnrinn's society htyt 'it/ia = S w H. w Jv’r'r'IV I The poor phild stands gazing down upon him with parted lips and clasped hands. and a, (we almost. as aahea u that marble one to which her eyes grow with horror unreliable. He looks so peaattul-so muc as though he merely tsleeps-that {or one mad moment one tries not. .to believe the truth. Yet she know: It to desttc.tytryiataai.re.s, und_re- tutiesr, upon winch (or the first tune also looks. no la gage. fox-overt without tsnottter kin. or mine. 0:"an word beyond figure that lies just as she last saw it, w en sleep o'ercame her. The eyes are closed; the tender smile-the last tond tynlie-ttill lingers on his lips; yet, he 'us,1itstuil 7 _ _ When next she wakes. my dawn is everywhere. The wind 'Ml moans un- waqmgly. Still the raindrops pallet tfl/fly the panes. She raises her head a tri.trhtyyy., and, springing to her rcpt. bends with bated breath above the quiet tory? lying on the bed- A _ _ -- Ataal maniac Hinge is here? m has not moved; no faintest alteration gm be Araft4 in.thp cahy p.oe of up She neither sighs. nor weeps. nor makes any outward tsi n of anguish. U.n- like most people, she in realized to its fullest the awfulness of this thing that is about to befall her. And the know- .iedity has Paralyzed her senses. reader- in5,.tg du I with misery, and teariesty . resenlly the white lids, weary with nights of watching, droop. Her breath comes more evenly. Her head sinks mom henylly against the gillow, and. like a child worn out wit grief and paw: sho sleeps: . . His eyes meet hers, and he armies un- duly. Gently she slips her arms round him. and, laying her golden head upon tke. pillow, close to him. presses her lips to hitHrlys soft. war lips, thlat. cun- trast so painfully with "Me,' pa e cold other ones they touch. So she remains for a long time. kissing him softly every now and again, and thinking hopelessly of the end. He is wandering. dreaming his death- dream pf happier days, going back, even 3.3 be sunk-1 into everlasung sleep. to the gilded hours of youth. The girl presses his hand to rouse him. "Think of me now." she tsutrea..tr, despairingly; "it will onl be for a lit. tle whiie,ubueh'a little ',%g'A'ii' then you will be with her forever. Oh, papal my.deat, my dear; mile at me once 'ldl'dl' Think of me happily; let me feel w en you are gone that your last hours with me were lawful." "Yet-oo like your moUysrC.he myt- term somewhat Lhicklv. clutching mm- [te/r at, the quilt. “Poor Alieef-poor girl It was that dag on the beach. when the wave»; were ancing. and the Bun---- was it t--.-Did the old man avg; t.orgive--.r" A _ _ _ _ _ buriés hé'rYEpZ'idK'tiS Tauideiils, i‘o stlfle hat rislng grief. but her father In umgsc too ttr gone to nqtiwung. . Leis' " shall go out, as a gamma»). I shall get into sumo kind. pleasant family, and every one will be very good to me," says the girl. still in a resolutely cheerful tone. "It will just suit me. I shall like it. Do you understand me papal [shall like it better than anything. bcrausa children are always fond of me." The father's face grows sadder, even grayer. as she span s. He sighs in a troubled fashion and ntrokcs feebly the little fragile hand that clings so dear perutqu to his, while the dumps ot death lie thick upon his brow. "A governess." he murmurs with some difficulty. "While you are nnlv a child yourself. What a hard. hard fate! In there no friend to help and comfort you t" . "I have a friend," replies she,stead-, fly. "You have often heard me men-i non her. You remember the name. nuw.-Clatisus Peyton? She mm my Dept friend at school. and I know she will do what she can for me. She will be pble to find me some nice children. Hum-ling trirl,--hait child, half woman _--with a lovely, miserable face, and pretty yellow hair. it is almost dusk. and the sound of the moaning am: without, rising higher and hoarser as the tide rushes in. names like a wail of passionate agony into the silent room. .Th.e rain pattern dismally agninst the tfefotti-ttgit The wind-that nit an; k T tit F n‘aungn y,yri, attttttttML-m Frankly)?“ or”: into a ury long Rt, pressed, and. dashing through the litt a town, on its way to the angry mm. makes the mud-moms rattle noinily and the tall “‘ch away and bond beneath its touch. Now. in the darkening heavens, gray vlmnls are s1urTyirut madly to and fro. _ "(in-unzip," whiNrers a fninl. voice from on! lhn watlterins,r gloom, "are you still} quietly Snrtoris is silent. A vague suspicion of what now appears a. certainty has yor Home time oppressed and haunted him. At this moment he in sadly realizing the metim-ss otpll _hi< dreaming, Present- ly norGit" GGG-tol." ir- mam or two. and then says. very gently. M thpugh 9?"? to spoil the old man’s cherished p art.- - ., rt, is altogether impossible. Clarissa In: no l.wa.rt gr} give me." . . ly, he says slowly,-- "Are you quite sure of this t" " As certain ms I can be witheyt ex, BCllV humming it from her own lips." " Is it Horace Y" ". Yrs; it is Horace," says Branseombe .. Lady Fanny is one woman. Clarima Peyton is quite another. How could you fail to be happy with Chris“? Her sweetness, her gram ot mind nnd hpdy, her beauty, would keep you cap- ttly 'r.ven against your will." A little room .. Tread softly; how the hand In reverent. silence how, No passing bell doth toll. Yet an immortal soul Is passing now." very well. I shall marvupi'to [hers have lived before me." Aunt Elizabeth will Lake Von little while, and then-then , to say to you. wright upon my wright. papa?" worming about ; [lying may, with I there not be In: Tke, her moan. an: i give herself wl giant Despair? thoughts altogot l: ry well. I shall link of me." unpatuttrlly , that she m to steel herw CHAPTER vr m. scantily but. neatly fur- w bed. A dying man. A '--halt child. half woman ly, miserable face, and ti, rolirte Sout hey 'rd'gi'e'g'ieti'utt; 'tt,'( Ci4iijkiitt"ti ctr""iitt"ai calm and to 1oe, _ making a fut- tut against the any kind. Hy [ long years in and weep. and wholly up to rt "Put me irtd nk‘me says the 'nur futury somp, Phir I shall "it'.Y,it iliibtgit General Duchesne. the French com- mander in Mason. bu neryed tor hang? tY fes,tlhryttr.tAy.?1ten Those who have ridden at ninety miles an hour on ttlocomotive know that on: good read (and there are many much) the engine is not shaken and swayed in a terrific manner. bat it is rather com- fortable. and the speed is not so f.i'STil'rt. as when one is riding in a par or car. where only a lateral view is had. The engineer can be very comfortable if he is quite sure of the track nheaduand it is only in rounding curves or In ep- proaching crossimgs that Ite. feels ner- vous. and it is don all}! it is pay more strain to run I. lopomouve at high speed than to ride B bicycle through crowd- ed thoroughfares. Judging . by the oounitenuwe of the bicyce rider and the engineer. the engineer has rather the best ot it. _ The locomotive engineer in n remark- ably placid fellow, with a habit of delib- erate precision in his look and motions. Ho occasionally turns a calm eye to his gauge and then resumes his quiet watch ahead. The three levers which he has to manipulate are under his hand for in- stant use. and when they are used it is quietly and in order, as an organist, pulls out his stops. The noise in the cal) makes conversation difficult,but not as bad as that heard in the car when mas- ing another train. with or without the Windows open. and in looking out of the engine tab the objects urn approached gradually. not rushed put as when one looks literally out ot a. parlor car win- dow. The tact he that the engineer doeu not look It the aide-he is loo ing ahead --and therefore the speed seem» less. yr the objects are approaching gradual- 1y "Tee, drunk. The eoorder retryutdM her until next Friday as tho {apnea wish to cumin: her premises w ich ther any is full of goods. They also glam: to hive “was mngns toy suspecting that the alleged son a a girl. heard of in Canada came to light the other afternoon in Montreal. While Constable Fufard was on duty on Otta- wa street he saw a sruall-sized, dark- haired, pale-faced man. without a hat and dressed in an overcoat and ablack pair of trousers staggering in an in- toxicated condition across the street. On ucoatin the inebriate the Utter remarked t'fal he was going home to his house on Tar Lane. a. small thor- oughfare ott Nazareth street. Think- ing the man's voice sounded feminine the officer arrested the individual and took him to No. 7 station. There he, gave his name as James Mitchell. tab-l urer. On being searched. the "man" was found to be a. woman. At eleven o'clock at night a woman called at the station and said. "You have arrested my husband. [want to see him." Asked what her name was she aid that she was Mrs. Mitchell and that she had a twelve-year-old sou hy Mitchell. The! they had lived ngtr, Lana for twelve years. and they d been married for five venrs. Her son's limo. Iho slid. was Sandy Mitchell. In the morning. the alleged Jas, Mitchell. said that her right heme we Annie Thompson. She silo add that she had lived u I man for the put five yearqon Tar lens. working granola and mm; eatin- ly with men. How the wanna man- nsed to ooneeal the identity or her Box for so long 'ggrShd" a mystery. as for that period she always been regarded as a mn by the inhahitaata of Tar ' She always smoked and would get drunk. - 7 - -- 'tow In locomotlvo Dinah-cor Ark “In. Running a "rr Faat Tmort. Judge (to pickpocket they nought. on gun? Y.ou comma” “night a r than tax months. Thick-I wu 'IIN, with . more hand. A Woun- Slum-ende- " I II.- In lol- trent. One at the strangest. and most suc- Cessful (use: of mvupteradirur ever have forgotten mu; also how (when we think on our bleeding hearts) could ther he?) their him so perfect? Mourn ully as Mariana in her mound grunge. the poor child laments. While subs phala- her slender frame. And the day dies. and the sun goes down. and hapmly some noise in the house-ry step. a vo1te-Brout5et5 her. and. running " though from some ugly dream. the takes up her Ken ngnin. Ind writes eagerly, and wit out prsrdltatiom to the one friend in whom she still puts faith. written k her nrma "1rh'et .. 'arysl Misery hurts. hut, it rarely kills: and broken hearts are. out at fashion. All this le,eei,'gri', came to Georgie llmukhtnn u wont 3 year ago. and though bruin-{ever followed upon it. attic-kink her with vicious force. and almost. hand- ing her over as a. victim to the greedy crave, yet she had survived. end over- come death. and returned from the 13nd of shadows. weakened. indeed, but with life before her. Months passed before she could sum- mon up sufficient energy to plan "t think about. a ihle future. All thir time her aunt Bi','.,')',',','; h but! clothed until fed and sheltered her, but unwillingly. IW":,','; my grudgingly had she dealt out her measure of “brotherly love" that the girl writhed beneath it. end pined with a [insinuate longing. for the day that. should see her freed from a depend- t'ntNt that had become unspeuskshly bit.- ter to her. To-day. sitting in her little room.- nn apartment. high up in Aunt Elim- beth'n house.-she tells herself aha will hesitate no longer. thtt she is strong now. quite strong. and able to face the world. She holds: up her delicate. little hand between her eyes and the window. as I mt. pt her returning atmngth. 9111!..‘9.t'.'!d utetuhcemg.L.aAatteyA He. in: it Crown. Hut she will not be disutoarteneai: and. duwing pen and [)upor toward her, nhe tries Lu write. But it in n. difficult. task. and her head is strangely heavy. and her wards will only to find that” can amt. got 1hefiMrt, thmugh 'r--nm.thtnLfo-rrtit Impeiled by some indetimsb1e desire, she lays her lingers softly on the hand that lies outside the coverlet. The aw- ful rhill that meets her touch Ferns. to reach even to her heart. Throwing her arms above her hand. with a wild rmuionato cry, she falls forward. and ies Banach.“ across the lifeless body. those last uttered. He had set out upon his journey alone. had passed into the other happier land. in the mld silence of the night. even while tshe tslept.-trad been torn from her. whilst you her fond 'tms encircled him. DISGUISED FOR THE MAN AT THE LEVER ai." He line beets oiioe 1756th f twice mud tn general. or:- Court Briefs. (T beC ot inued.) MANY YEARS, A famous and venerable weather 'prophet of Eaton. Pu... known as Uncle Josh Walton, in accorGnce with I long-established cusmm. han issued a. bulletin ramming the. com- mg winter. Hes predicts that It. will come at! nod any late, and will be renal-ma tor high winds. tremend- ous worms. deep snow. and cold of the l?.oia.r variety. As muons for his pm diction. he an that the lavas lung on the cm: W_ at (was anti syrups wind; the crickets stopped unsung only. chipmunks. hare laid in . n",glgllh,g PrfFPMmh, the corn bl! . lo thick goat ot husk. camshaft-ion no... my" acerbicy. the Mac burn an [mad with Im- .tmtmttr_.gtr.eed.thttr.ooet.taoe " mostly m Uncle Josh is hon- aupg in his oe, way. fol-his W'bbonn Utathu predieti up Llwpyl (shied. Eh Into-t in tlr. Munwycheu'hsou. Furriers Ice House. It the armerwould have any of the luxuries which "we possible to those who live in cities. them is nothing that will insure them so cheaply as a good ice house. A “lame building for holding ia, my be built. wholely strove ground. t.'r puny below sud finely lhoVe. hut. In either' use in ghoul have good dram- Bite, end tight roofing. and smple u- nngemenc tor veritiUtioo. There should he s space of from diatom: to twenty-tour inches between t wells. and the cube- of ice.. This tltr, is best filled.with sawdust. or in t e nbsence of this with (men lam or chopped straw. The hing should be on. the North side gram building. and " in beat it the building is not exposed to the sun or winds. G. Gold. of Runny. bus I hen which lays . shdleas egg the sing» or the tiattre eight, the yolk being ut one end Ind the white in the other end. Juneau Week of the sum place has I giant Fh"l'i no Gr as vines are oopcerped. he nae: quad out would 'ta!fslr till.' WWII box. some of ghoul being m {ectulong and m thick as I broom hamiltt, hjTtoCuiiGiiGisrrtas td the West uide of .the degwuer wharf. The original chun was $44,000. A Bicyclism in Wtrlkerville um restrict- od by a meant. bylaw trom riding fast- ey than tte, mum to hour within the lama of town. They must. sound n belt a corners and crossings.“ 'tight. The maximum fine for conviction is 'eo. The hm Mr. Molluxley. of Port Col- borne. boqlluhod 830.1110 to the Metho- list church '.10,000 to the superman”- unmmd Links mount to the home mom. Michal Connolly has settled his chin: It:ith. the. dty of St. John, 51.13., for 'Ish- Two peach trees in a Kinguville or- ehard which always bore blood-red fruit this you produced white peaches. R..D. Grant, of Gleam. Ont., has been tPte/tf, seeped about on the mutt o the cotieginte school " Portage I; Prairie. lt i: aid that Jacobs & Sparrow m endeavouring to secure the snap! the attg, burped open. home In St. turi-H-cr----- . The Gilford Good Tempus have de cided that 40 chickens no more profi- table to . farmer than one cow. -ftgT,'eTuiTii"i'ir Cum. increased by 36.29:.000 than the sow June. 1894. sud the 30th June. 1895. It the G.T.R. sh Brantford the con cit): 833.5whonul, The oenwnnhl mivemry ot the set- tlement at Starboro' township will take place next June. If the G.T.R. shops ere removed ttom Brengo‘rgnghe compeny must repay the Am.1.terstbyrtr . in looking for I chief of pence who will serve for less than 612 a month. A mail bag stolen eight years :30 has it,'), been found in . chimney ot the City olel u Guelph. Montreal 0! the? '13 Rev. J. B. Dunun his resigned the peorar, of the Perry Sound Presby- Lerun church. the 'C. P. R Rev. Mr. CMwortE. Troy. hats H ogpted a all to the inirton Bat, “at. church. A bicycle oompcny has been organize Ittjn Goderich with B capital. of $100, The wuer in the Holland River is {bugle feet lower than the ordinary eve . K A 8301110 [nth-my is being built in oonnecuun with the Hamilton asylum. A new settlement of Mennonites}: Pldibury, Muitoba, is progressing me y. The old Hanan tnvern "tand It Gaunborough in to be remodeled. The old Surnin immigrant sheds are converted into n brick yard. lt is said that l,.".50.W square miles at the Dominion m unexplored. Mr. Hugh Graham. Montreal. curries "50.000 insurance on his life. There is un increase at $231110 in “In!“ real sauce maroon: this you. ' Five wooden ttridges have been erect- Ut in Middlmx county last summer. i A 47-pound watermelon was grown in . Laminar” garden this season. Next year Simooe will have n tirnt- clnss bicycle track and ntbletic grounds. Kingmon in bidding for the G. T. R. shops now stationed n Bellevilla Mr. E. Marga. ot Delhi. has paid out over 814,0N or eggs since Jnnunry. Joseph Fallowfield, of Brampton. has fallen heir to MAID in England. A 8301110 lnfirmuy is being built in oonnecuun with the Hamilton asylum. Mr. FI over 814 - {wk att ting The bu rm Timid“ fever prevaurltst St. George Ind diphtheria at, Guelph. A new iron bridge in being put over the Tums in Stratford. d l ... " " rs protest against "lodge The h' . r Indians mar CLedorfus have H . _ B. . The -:,’ ion of Berlin is 8,395, an In ,, . .5" " . " Jumble property hande- I " . , MI decided to erect a coun- ty a"", . . Inge. A il 'l -1 house is being built at Jam ' . , .. T r, fl.'. aoured citizens in The 'a, _ are holding meetings at Uttttrw] . mfg , has been organized at new: ltr A Cold Winter Predicted. Vim cheese tacrory has been i, st I has of "ooo. m-foot Win: lynx was caught rtwynd the other day. indey dag, 18 year: old. is out- " third set of teeth. month 2.878 can of live stock through St. Thoma; loses 840,0tn by I change . bridge Agreement with lk P' 'INOII Pol-ll from II. - I. [In Paella. “on otOttawa is (9.500. I baa B Jack-the-Hugger, blunt. "Boys' Brigadof' p ice {mine u North Bay. ‘iearcity of water in Delhi. 3442 coloured citizens in " ITEMS ABOUT CUE FWN COUNTRY. CANADIAN NEWS NO. 897. 't','ri,rft'il'r;oi'iii"iit . ifxretasiiiir -iirtuir, 2t man! of all which Is that cm mm at wast-am l w., A Bicycle Tragedy. Butternut Park. London, “as last week the some of a tricycle lrazodyun- surpassed in its cycling annals. A lady. humus for (he munrtness of her ap- pearanvc. rode into the Park behind an L.C.C. water-cart. and. finding the road "uuNrnveniently crowded, continued lo peflll sluwly along behind that vehicle. which. it is needless to say. was not in active operation. Suddenly xhedriv- er npplied his foot to the lever. and out iioutef the water. The Indytried to turn quickly, bar her bicycle slipped. on the wet road and down phe came in and: ' position as to chum the [all 't-tit u the cold wear doehe. A ped- estrian. horrified u the 'uridequshoq.t- ed to the driver. who yr. once brought the an to I mdxhll. This only made 'nattara.o"ore. for. $'8Jltt: 1110er 'tneo'Petoe" ot what ttad .4. he mthlnd‘ In; keep the m pom-W wean. new use- 9nd,.-. 0.405.: tttt._,toeetfrr,,ff for sale Chen hlhi f . p. Maw.“ all lands promptly ALLAN MoFARLANE iitiiiiiia Band-made Waggons In the old stand. All hand- made shoes. Also Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN MCFARLANE trut In" Wiarto u First-Class Hearse. BOULDIN a CD’S Of the Best Qt THAN J Pal PRIME Has opened oat a first-class Durban Helium It. For, UNDERTAKING Prom ttt6rm_rod on M‘ trd mail-1'41. Prompt Monk-i automor- Annual Danna tuned-ac content I. _rqeatieqd And at“. age/t'tyo"moeP"i'"""" 1:an smo- DURHAM AGENCY. W. P. Conn. President CAPITAL. Authorized 32.000.000 " Paid up 1.000.000 RESERVE PON D 600.000 runs; 81 per year. m ADVAXCI aus was Edltoe&Pmprhrtors StandardBank of Canada SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. S “in tobe form [ oppoaitqtlse D . about for Conntiéa of Bruce Lid 6703. Itwtdetnee-Eitsg St.. Hanover. THE GREY REVIEW JAMES LOCKIE, 'SS>UERVof Marriage Licwm. Ano- pt Thursday', Morning. JAKE KRESS Grand Trunk Railway. WOODWORK Furniture 62331.5 3nd! _pr.irieirQ wing in Head Office. Toronto. in connection. A first-class lot of " VINGS BAN IE. WEISS MA D IS PUBLISHED "KEY -" Taw- OFFICB. GAB trr.. DURHAM. HARNESS OIL. I Ina-Inca tuna-ma butt on: made: on MI peuesta. Depol- umx tumult! u can.» a J . KELLY. Agent. aptly amend-d to, JAKE KBESS. Ink dam-.2: of cup um: um cunt-cu- an am. Geo. P. Reid, T Manages go AU

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