West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Nov 1895, p. 2

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Established 1856. “MICE Largest and best Stock of 6tafle Groceries to 0 found in Durham at prices that defy Competition Read, Ponder AFB Dlgest See (ht N815 Gallon Lamp Filler. “Large Bales ik Small Profits." We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system arr111 merit a continuance of the same. .1313}:qu times combined have made the sale of overcoats very dutietilthat in order to move them as the money is more use to as we will give a reduction of 10 to off our very low prices. ’Havo sol?l very well and we have only never had as clean a. stock at this time at present and the only thing we cap t was the Extra Good Value we had in don't delay long as we canm In Dried Fruit, 2tsusius, Currants, SHOES l Have gone up from 25 to 50 per cent. hat we mm a. large Stock bought before the r'aise.whiuh -wo will _rell at the cur BIG 6 PRICES as long " i1torit. Women‘s Henry Lace Shoes. We. ,wo-rs'irPruelle. Garters, mr, Women's Prunelln Slippers, Elutic Front, we. ill-6’ and. Children’s Sboes all sizes. Moots Boots & Shoes all aim & prices. But. Lulu-f Shoo iiaulu,tttraatl the; bottle. .LM Oil Cloth.- 1t,rd;d"lt 40e yd. {Best Table Oil Cloth. 4tFin wide, in {In All-Wool able Form)“ White and Colored. 25e " Serum. as. (a. JAB-Wool Twilled Grey Flannel, 16c yd. 7 , Toe, shim mm 2Se up. Men's Under Shirts a Drawers, 25c tt . 08min. we pair. up. Oren'. iiGGriuestand 129 Collin, 'llt. Wand Factory Cotton each. "s, _ _ ”in low”: prices But (however oatmearBoqp; 7c. a Bar IWst2tiif,f',St'aj,',it,,'d'.Gt 18c. GFaimtorfltre.. . mink torn. air am. Envy admin-d Man-P141. 25c. ', Soto-r um lot 011w "iiiiiijieita.es alliiB1iirg..jiE Durham, _ Here are a few of our lines and prices: We Have Extra Value " Eli. PARKER, The Mild Weather 11 different qualities ot Teas from Sugars. Syrups Pearl, Tapioca- trl Oatmeal, Commal. Cofke, 'W, Coconut, Camiied Peelh h l Bad Filbert; - New Carma and Raisin!- LOW PRICES AND PROMPT Mustard, Soap. Matcher, Pot Barley, Pearl Barley, Jaw. Rica, Rica Flour, Corn Starch. Laundry Smith. Macaroni and everything in the Grocery line. Tire beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Ladies' Jackets Are you aware of the fact that we carry the Largest and best Stock of Staple Groceries to be found in Durham at prices that defy Competition, THE CASHr dk J,, McKechnie. California Raisins and Aprioc Prunes and Evaporated Apples, ADOPTED BY " G. lt J. McKECHNIE. C. L. GRANT. 9th, 'OG. a have only a. few left. We havo at this time of the year as we have ag we cap attribute our success to e we had in them. If you want one as we cannot repeat them. Druggist d; Seedsman. Nice Raisins 31.001301. sums vinegus. Cows. l ash Almonds, Walnuts 51b. " Me. 15e to 75e 11; Want Your It!” A TTENTION. Apricots, Taleneid upples, Pure Spices. but we had 1: hr!!!" h w" win «all at the iilit tttit, .i,4,1titit11'. .-Tho Hon. Mr. Whiteway, I’l‘elulcl of Newfoundland, is expected in ot. tawa. The admission of the Island in. to the Dominion is tn the tapis. Hitherto Newloundland has asked for terms which would be prejudicial to the interests of Canada. It now seems to be one of two things--eithtr that Newfoundland must enter Confedera- tion or become a Crown Colony and be [ goverm d trom Dnoning Street. --The " Canadian Freeman " the, organ of the Roman Catholic body, in a very temperate communication pub- lished on the “Globe "on the Manitoba School Question says. that, as to the two warn. so far proposed, of dealing with the 11ge,tl' the mandatory ord- er of the 1 well Government, from the enforcement of which however the Government shrank, and the Laurier method of a commission to inquire into the face, the 'e Freeman " accepts the Laurier method as the mom prrifitabie ut the two. DURHAM, ---A verv shocking case of mutant}; is reported from the township of Ker) pel. A Barnardo boy of the name of George H. Green was staying with a gram of the name of Eliza Findlay. he boy took nick and died. Ugly rumors were about that all was not right. A Coroner": Inquest. was held, when it alarmed that the boy Green bad beena used by the woman Find- lay, and that he came by his death from the combined effects of such treatment and the want of proper food. Ellen Findlay has been arrested and sommittcd for trial. . Last week 24 good looking horses from Lucknow were sold in London, England, at an average of 24 guincas apiece, the highest price being 81 and the lowest 17 guinea. While horses; stand this well across the Atlantic, live cattle are still excluded from, British ports, sheep also are about be. ing exelcded for the reason that scab has appeared upon some. imported from Canada. his claimed by Canadian shippers that the sheep so idfccted had L been shipped from the States by way of Montreal. Bat, if so. where are the Inspectors whu have been specially detailed by the Government fer the purpose of preventing any diseased catt e or sheep passing -:hrough Cana- --The Alger Insurance Case, which we mentioned. has been continued be- tore the Magistrate at Whitby. Cur ions developments have come to light. Not gei2,t', the poor man, Mr. Alger, the has nd, been charged with con- spiring to defraud the Insurance com- panies by effecting large policies on the life of bis dying wife, but, the agents of some of the Insurance Companies are charged with complicity in the alleged attempt to defraug the eompanips they rcprescmcu. n. V. Brown the agent of the Home Lite association and J. M. Hemp, ot the Ontario Mutual association have been arrested. And Mr. Irull the agent ot the Héuitable Lite assurance Coy. is wanna , bug has left his house and can GiiSe found -SOORI.\'G THE GOVERNMENT AND THE C. P. R.--'ulory o'5iore" in the Chataworth News last week has a long letter referring tothe promised aid to farmers in the way of reduction of freight rates on hay and straw. At the recent banquet to the ministers in Owen Sound not a reference was made toshcrtage of fodder, the harbor ini- provcments occupying the attention or all. Mr Cteland's question. Lr Why Canadians left Canada " could have ham answered. the writer says, by movements occupying the anemia” u. all. Mr Ctelatui's question. " Why Canadians left Canada" could have been answered, the writer says, by many honest larmcrs and their sons on the way to Michigan lumber Woods. The C. P. R. is scored thus: "Home consumption is simply this,--thousaqdis of tons of straw are tonsmncd daily by fire in Manitoba, with a home market tor it in Ontario, where stock are saeritieed or starving and both pro- vinces connected by this boasted enter- prise--ple C. P. R. which great railroad was built mostly by the poo- ple's money ; yet for all this, one .pro- Vince cannot bay what the other has to sell, on account ofthe high rates ot freightnge. When the government . . --------m Am.“ Gym-mm vauuc \acbuuvu van-y _ vie'" to sell, on account ofthe high rates ot freightnge. When the government wants to ship scavengers from Toronto, Detroit and Chicago to impersonate dead voters and thus elect the govern- ment candidate, then the government has no difh'calty in arranging with the C. P. B. to bring such free of freight; or when Premier Bowelland his Mur istcrs and their families go pic-nicking from one end of the Dominion to the other, the. freight on such ware is paid without a word. But just now Premier Bowen is somuoh taken up with Separ- ate Schools in Manitoba, ind is so com- pletely covered up under the influential garb of Archbishop Langevin, that he has no time to attend to the wants of the farmers of Grey County, who are only taken into consideration one day in fire years. and that is on election tity. My advice to the farmers of Sul- livan is, reduce Your stock. provide fodder with your own means, and though poor, we are h, nest, which cannot be said of the government that has treated our small request with such indimsrenec." The power of the law has been set at deLutee by the ratepayers of the township of Low. This township is in the county of Ottawa, some 40 miles north of the city of Ottawa, in the Pro- vince of Quebec. It appears that the township has not been regularly organ- ized, ard the people being poor and the soil not productive the settlers as a whole were not inclined to pay their taxes. Indeed at no time did a large tgititg of the people pay their in- ebtedness to the County, and the amount of arrears due in 188t was about 1500: After many threats dum 0-qu AVv~- -- - v ing last eleven years, the county ottieials bestirred themselves. proceed- ed to getjudmpent, in the courts and then to serve legal notices upon the delinquents. But now the people, got up in arms, waylaid the emissaries of the law, removed the nuts of the bug gy axles so that they could not go on, and by any and Every means in their __a, t., w,..-.,"- tho qu u] an: a...“ -V-__, 7,, iGiver'.sptjtttdrl in preventing the orders of the Courts from being execut- ed. Policemch were called in to Cu. ,1. vuvv..-y.. - - - assist the constables. A mob collected numbering at times 200 strong, and with defiant determination threatened to drive thoetrnsvablets and policemen oat of the township. " Do we not paw enough taxpsin and?!” asked an rd man, one of the earlg settlers, it witu out being compelled to pay taxes for roads we never got." The question was a, very pertinent one, but unfortun- ately for the poor tratsitanta.shtsrNrve failed to take the right way to obtain a. remedy for their grievances The latest report is that a Military force ot 100 men under .001. Ayknems en route for the scene of the disorder. Lasmt.--Clt? girtgitt, the (military has producedt belt results, and are the axes being. pan NOVEMBER 21, 1895, H, . - Mr. Whitewtsy, Premier ' 14 Ah RIOTS 1N LOW, case of brgtgjity _,i?i1ti't _-----------" “The Sultan is yeilding to the powtrs" is the eomtorting despatch received everyTew days. Meanwhile the massacres go on, and the European powers have an apwzlmnce of "one's iatraid the other dare not". Lawver Shoemaker, Holmc’s 68. under, has been discovered to he guilty of subornation of witnesses. The discovery will lead to his dowxm], and rightly to, as any man who would procure false witnesses to save Holmes IS guilty of a tremendous crime. Atrocious carelessness on the part of a bridge company led to the death of over 20 people in an electric car in Cleveland on Saturday Inst. The bridge was open and the current was not turned offas it should have been, hence the cur mum: rolling on and made the terrifitrp1unge of 1.001: with the above result --Canadian Protectionists, in the lack of anything better to sustain their monstrous doewines, have said that Protection, the so-called Fair trade, was gaining ground in England among the Conservatives. However, it is a, very signifieant fact. that Lord Selig-l bury, though at the head at the strong- est “British Conservative Ministry of this century, when speaking recently at Walford on the depressed state of Agriculture, had not a word to my in favor of a tax upon bread, of the re. imposition of the Corn Laws Agricul tnrel was almost ruined he said in many counties. Landlords, farmers, laborers arenll suffering from the de. pressed Mate of Agriculture but the only remedy hinted at, was the gradual adaptation of our Agricultural system l to the conditions of the present. A long recognized truism surely, and of -vcr_v general apglication but having nothing to do with Totectiou. --The British Navy in well occhied at the present time all over the G obe in preserving the peace of nations or bringing order out of confusion. 'In the Chinese watch, oif the coast of Ven. ezuela. in the Levant and on the Gold Coast of Africa. Her Majesty's iron clads are the Peelers of the nations, l endeavoring to restore order. The) king of Ashantee, one of the States in- land from the Grld Coast has made himself obnoxiousto all well-wishers oi 3 Africa. He is tt young man, declines l to put a. stop to human sacrifice within l his state. encourages the traftie in slavesand behaves with all the reeks lessness of a juvenile despot towards theme.ipttxrrityt chiefs under British protection. A British agent was sent to interview him, bat, slippery as the Sultan of Turkey. no arrangements of a definite character cauld be made with him. An intimation was served upon him after Lord Sahsbury's that» ion, but, as no attentiorrhtus been paid wit, a British force of 1000 men is about to be sentto Attica to bring the king of Ashantee to his senses. Prince Victor, of Schleswig-Holstein, grand- . son of the Queen, is to accompany the force kidneyl. Objection is taken, and x'lguv ly, to many remedies because of the methods of use, a well as Mter unpleas- autuoss. This is never the case with South American Kidney Cure. It gives use to the patient in six houtm, and no annuyinq effects follow. foe in a short Lime.m‘eu in aggxavaled cases. an entire cure is effected. There is no other med- icine like South American Kidney Cure. It, is a remedy for the kidneys, and bind- dee Jnrsr--ndrasreneval tspaitie that“: supposed to cure tytls,t,,?,iu"tf, and ends yy. art-cum no cure. Smut 1 Any riean kidney Cure does its pulhcdllr work and does it well. Sold by 51aeeselane M". w. Petaae is busy putting the machinery in his mill. He raised the smoke stack on SatuldnyJauL. Munici I maners are much talked of in this 'v'1itU'/'ll"d' surrounding country. Mr. Peter Dixon has signified his williugumusto o pose Mr. Murdoch. the present new or this township, in the cousin election. Mam: think that Mr. Exxon will be .e'lecued by a. sweeping majority. Mr. mm Mrs. Richards and Miss Nellie left for their new home in Guelph on Monday morning last. T. T. Penna. has bought; the business ofL. J. Brown, harness maker of this village. w. wish Mr. Penna. success. Miss Mary McLean. of Toronto, 5 m, a few days at. her morhev's, ondfil'llielll' her brother‘s reception. tiiieareuuastsd again this week. - . .. “Mu“ “F... -._.V __ The Messrs Brown brothers. march- ixnta'of this place are away, on a shoot- 1111; expediuuu. up in Munkoka district. Mr. Alex. McLeod. of Sunuidulo, is tel/ei a short visit, to bis brother anliam. of the South Line Glands. NO Mr. Thomas Ginn of Ethis places has been unwell for the last couple ot week. The old genxlenmn is getting very frail, an man. his (in. upon the earth cannot Mrs. McCunneI tir. has been away for the last two weeks attending to but daughter', Mrs McLeod, of Sunnidnle. who, we are pleased to bear is. getting better. Mr. James McDonald, Elder. who has suffered so 100%. is drawing near his jmlrney's end; e I! getting very weak. fhe good old gentleman longs for the rent, that remnant for the. people of God. L, that. " days upon be many. Miss McDonald of the south line Ax‘teuxeaia. who suffered amputation of her leg, this time last fall from the effect! of Cancer. She is very low as, the germ has taken hold of the system, making its appearance in other part: of the body. She is not expected to recover. - -- . n .a, WW. e-___- W ,, . Mr. Neil Gunman of Grand Bands Michigan. who attended his 1,,',',tl,",,u/,', funeral. returned on Monday following I he is head filer in a large factory rccuh- ing mind wages. his brother John is travelling agent. for a large firm. Both are good an trustworthy young men. “’nnmxo BELLS. McLEss-McEtsso.Y. At the residence of the bride's mother, IO, Alma Avenue. Toronto, on the 13th November, by the Rev. Alex. Mac- Gillivrey,pt Bonner Street. Presbyterian Church, Mr. Hugh McLealnnl‘ Montana. to Miss Annie Catherine. daughter of the lube Aux. McKinnon, of anmn's block, 7 com, Tp, Vaughan. A large gatlnsrinxivM asaerisbled at. tho maiden!” of Mrs. cLean. South East GIMME. on Wednesday night of but wee . For the purpose of giving a. grand reception to her dutifu son Hugh of Montana who was ioined in WediOCk the previous. day to il'd'l, A. iKinnon ot Toronto. A giant}. table was spread awaiting the arrival .of the young couple who came on the night. tram- The night passed away suits Irtor the occasion. each on. enjoying themselvol in a Incoming manner. The young; couple receive numerous tokens O congratulation from the gum“. w. und Mrs. Mama leave for their home in Montana. on the max inst... with the best. wishes of their many friondl tn TO LET. That old aubliabed‘ blacksmith shop in trtu.ytetttioy with; woodattop. [13(1ng 'tr' ii7iiiiGrGi," 'iuiiiiGiauim iii." " this-pm b. 'h VERY HELPFUL To LADIES McCunnel Sr. has been away aal two weeks attending to but r. Mrs McLeod,. of s.uiiueyle: ------_---- PRICEVILLE HOLSTEIN [on expect him to know all about his business ind part of you" My long experience, in that treattrenc of tho eye troubles of any kind And nature have earned me the reputation of a lint, class IpecinlisI. If KNOWLEDGE, SKUL, SCIENCE complied with EXPERIENCE and RIGHT PRICES count for anything. oto PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Eye Speqenst My Urge book on the eve, "How toprtsserve it," can be had free by writing forit. 1 will be at MacFarlaoe's Drug Store, Durham, Ont. soon. Watch for date. DOUBLE‘D UP WITH RHEUMATISM: k Norwood Citizen Praises South American Rheumatism Cure. William Pent. Norwood, Ont.: .. LIL-l Christmas I could hardly walk, and was nearly doubled up with rueumatisru. I ' A. L “I-.. “r <1“th Arum-m- nun, -___' -_ __ . p1 ocured three bunk-5 of South Ann-ne- un Rhelmmtism Curo irons w. Ruther- ford, druggist, of Norwood, and found it the best sud quickest acting nwdicim- I ever saw. The first dose gave rnlief and the three bottles "rupletely cured me. Ibrve had neither ache nor min fr, m -u-,,,r,sttintTt lime." Sold by gavFurlmm rheumatism since Corn - -- v 7 " EYE SPECIALIST " 87 King St. East, Toronto, 7,31% /dGsGnd some of the C nearly M much. In the can" sex 1nd th_larguit acrcug‘ building. nnd. perhaps. mm mm. m. necessary machinerv that the Average farmer can lll afford to spend. Yet there are umnv who could and would build. if they were convinced that it would lo to their advantage to do so. But without a silo every farmer should have hiseorn [gin-h. lf fall pastures angst» it can used then. and if not, nee ed. there is nothing better to feed to amok when fitst stahled in the fall and saves A large mum-mt of other feed for more profitable use later in tho lea- son The 1nwkwheat of the Proviruis ls l largelygrown in some of the ouster”. ruunties. Northumberland taking the lead ssuth {H.313 acres. Pi'ilu'o Edward. 1 Durham. Hastings. Norfolk and Ontu min in the order itarued. The. highest yitld is in Middlesex. with I, return of igrintshels per acre. Perth. York ind Leeds having the next highest return. The county of Grey had 8Ps", acres which yielded 16.6 bushels por acre. Kent Co. has practically A monopoly in the prvducriou, of henna having in 1394 35,905 acres. Elpr,itt having the next highest average. with only 4,WA arm-s. Another wide mp is followed by North- mnlurhmil ..W' Lamhmn. Grey is the 12th on the list with 501 new: and a weld of 15 bushels per new. Kent with her large area has a comxmmidvely low yield 12.5 hushols. the highest in Perth with a yield of 21.5 bushels per acre. In 189l this County had'an are" orla, 218 acre of hay and clover. This was about 16.000 aorta more than Huron the next highest. Bruce and Middlesex lol- lowing. ‘In the thirteen you: sun-age. the same Counties lead in the some order. In tho yield we me away behind. In 1894 Grey stands forty seventh in the list, having 1.16 was per acre. Glou- gnrry is the highest with 1.70 tons per acre. Prescott, Russtllsnd Essex follow- ing closely. In the yearly average tor 18754-94 Grey stands a little better. boin thirty fourth in the lint, having 1.33 tons pet acre. Oxford leading with 1.& tonsEpGr acre, with niiddlesex. forth .and sscx followiniz with 1.59 each. The average for the w 1010 Piuvim-e being 1.48 tons per zero. The low slanding cf this County in the yield of hay and clover is partly owing to the lit-hi. natur- of much u the soil. A good (You of it is too high and dry to Froduce heavy era . of hay. or indeed o anything else; andp this lowers the average of the whole County. while it is still two that there are as "good crops of hay grown in the Count . u snywhsre in the Province. ‘ But the low yield is also partly due to 1 improper management of grass lsnds. ‘As a 'general rule I believe the scedis sown too sparingly. Under favorable circumstances we sometimes get . very havycrognnd that is pointed to as showing t 0 folly of heavy sailing. But then heavy crops. especially. of clover, are very coarse and woody. and with heavier seeding. we would got as heavy, perhsua huvicr Pill and of ' very much tar quality. ut we want good. craps under adverse circumstances and we no certain of better crofps with launder sending and a. variety or, grosses GGre certain of better crop: vs nu. hgu'ior needing and a variety of gnu”: than with only timothy and clover wwn lightly. Auother evil is in crup- ing grasslands too long. I have heard men 51w that they had taken boar crop. of buy from a field. and it was good yet, they would mow it a your or two yot. This is a. great mistake. Sometiiuou circumstance? may arise. such as miss- ing a. catch of grass. that will render it net-usury to crop ' field for three or four years, hat two years of hay and one in pasture is long enough in grm tor one rotation, under ordinary circum- stances. With more need and shorter Nations even our dry .hills could be made to yield much humor crop; than hay do new. 1nd this would be gran, st in to tho individual farmer as well u to the community. a R If you would ruin pneumonia. bran. chitin. typhoid fever, and Sudan", cputru/irid eolds. These i . attack the weak mud run down system. The; on findmo toothold where the blood " kept pure. rich and full of vitality, the appetxm good and dgxeatnon vigorous, with Hood'u Sanapuula, the on. true blood puritier. rt __ - "- :II- “An-bin. um... '"""" ' man’s PILLS cure liver. mama-ti] ation, ishGiaiai,,auutoditx), sack hey WHEN YOU GO To AN YOU EXPECT HELP l AGRICULTURE 1N GREY. Buckwheat. Bea! s, Bay, Clovt p, Mum Yomxu‘ STRONG F; PILLS cure “vex: ills. consti balm-negl- jaundice. lick has: Id tletott and Leeds: Grey he. l 2.734 new-9. In yield Sum he lead with 12.60 mm pm , l y Russel. Simcoe. Leed! hwy stands 18th and hand r. Norwood, Ont.: .. Last dd hardly walk, and was up with rhoumatiun. I biotrles of South Ann-ne- tCuro irons w. Ruther- nf Norwood, and {wind it attdi"i"ifgt (i'i"ifgtS'i t the nvox'age , spend. in 11d and would vineed that it (mum?I of count up: an on I was tr acre the . e the lead, I rel" Htormont, am at will? second past Middle. town: ty standing in per acre. umm manning A time than corn docto 'P in being er the Pro- one, y, -of com. next. with Middlesex, county of IS MEANS OF RENEWED HEALTH I -_ "" - TO A ”FFERER. l --------"""- or. Williams' Pink Pills Succeed Where) The Implement Season is nearly ower but Doctors Had Failed for Thirty Years- Democrats in Stock which we will sell at Cost 1 The :m'erer t)r,u of Northumber- any person in need of a. land Co's Best Known Men. i - -- -- A - " I 1') m n1) The Greatest Bargalns! Ready-Made Clothing, i' Overcoats, Underwear < Before y l Emigrant om. cur. me, I am not bid up. and frequentl} eonitaed to bed six or eight unable to move hand or foot ant ing-untold ngonies. Two well doctors told me one time that, I have to have an arm taken " my life. I tell.you I bare been I Butterer in my Lime and I tell I am not oonftaed unable t ing. unto would glve anything to an bushes-ranges we a great ing and getting in and out agony. anxious that Dr. Williams' Pink hm should have a severe url, we prevailed on Mr Frost, mucbngainat his will. to who them a trial, He got. six boxes and commenced to um them. At the nun-t he unilcd at our coufideuee in the pills. we saw him after he Lad med the JIr" box and he admitted some relief and said he believed there was smncthing in the rmuedy. He continued their use and by the time he had tinUhed the six boxes he was as sound and pmudl a luau u could be found in the counties. l A eoupleot months have pused sine. thel cure mu eite dad and We deteced giving ", a history ol the case in order that we could see for cetlam that the cure was permanent. w. see him soversl times I. week actively attending to his business and at all times loud in " praises of Pink Pills. All who know Mr, Frost know that his word is u good as his! bond. Yesterday we said to him. "Now, Mr. Frost. do you really fool tbs: you-re cured of rheumstism? Do you fed my twinges of the old trouble at all ?" lie replied, “I am cured. The Pink Pills have thoroughtly routed the disuse out of my system and 1 tool A new man. The use of the pills has given me new Meatui! am telli'ng everyone I meet, tttttttst. tho cure." Such is the use. sud luving’known Mr, Front for yous the’ sufferer Le St/sh and -eciug him now aetive,andahuoert youthful again, tho rapid change iron) suffering to health ,secnis slmost a rnirncle. However we are not st all surprised. for on all sides we hesr of cures affected by the use of Pink Pills. The druggisu remark their mpid sale and the attraction they give their customers. nnumcr Flour per mm ........ Oatmeal lb ....w... Shorts I' ........ Bruu qk s....... Full Wheat per bunhel Sunug Wheat " Outs. " Pena. d' Barley, IE Potatoes, per bag Hny per ton .............. Stu-w. per ton ..........' Beet, tore quarters. p0 Beef, mud " " Pore, " r........""' Hides. " ......... .... Sheepnkinu. oaglt......., Butter per tty.......- Eggs. per dog ......-.' Wool per lb. ........... Turkeys per m.........., Geese " ........... Ducks. " ........ Chick-nu. per tmir ...‘ Apples per tal. ......., "SPRUCE LODGE HERO." N0. 402 will a kept for Service for Season of 18:54! at Lot T, Con. I, Normnby. FRIENDLY ADVICE. Know (1,,fp, ' 7 J. CL-C." _ ' :5 Chas. McKmnon Tamworth Boar able rot mu purchase elsewhere. By so doing you Our Stock of GROCERIE! Highest Price DU RHAM MARKET, Sure THOROUGHBRED on}: can in “not: remark it one of the bun. known " county of ‘Northumbcr- . retired {armor of most. TERMS 81. r time ythiug my Rig pmedies. rceiv a u si?, is, mums. PE}? EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM, x or light. weeks. i or foot and mixer- Two well known time that, I would ukan " to saw- to tV human failed to mrsth [nu-sen that {mlufqtly l l"? at his will. to n. six boxes and At the "Art Hum 135m 080to 080to 0-63Io 068to I tell you I d relief. My ,deal of driv. of my rig ig bo true and af Pink Pills we prevniled ri.::::"‘3;.::; WAREHOUSE, Upper F 3190 185 1500 850 040 70 70 24 Cone " once and Paid for Poultry, Butter a Eggs Bargains at Wholesale ! We have ' large Goods on the way and I We have the famous Raymond Sewing Michtrtee We have in au Ram and Doherty Organs at prices which will suit the times. Money is troi to be scarce this winter, we have arranged to amount ot it can)? farm security a Gh and 6 per cent. straight loans All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators. Straw Cutters, Turnip Cut in stock at our Show Rooms in Lower Town. Marriage Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insurance promptly xv. Must Arrived ---DEALER IN--- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Fe Service. This splendid uni! ml was imported from the Uttited States and van a. winner of fout Prizes at. the'W'nrJd's Fair. Chicago. 7 Also RUFUS, six months' old. a get from Prince and Primal- Lyons. and a tine animal. Durham, May Ist, April 3rd. 'W,. Durham Thuraughhrad Berkshire Bar. . saauTfiiasD: Thin fine animal will bekept onthc premises of JNO. CLARK. Je., LOT 82, CON. B. w. G. K. BEHINCK. Registered in the "Caaada Berklhire Swine Record " " No. $56. Fsrmved Nov. 211:, '1893, and bred by John Meyer. Knuth. Ont. CALL AND SEE 0012‘. H Collars, Pads, -ttszsro runs. -eszsi't- Wodothe mama“ hrs. Highest Price Paid. $1.00. To be warm w Abeniocn. on. Wh, 4895. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Weaandlts everything in the Earne- aline. " right price; ll dx., &c. i Hem ,& Light fItrusHaoost or i Fin. Choice in Thoroughbred Chester White Em, ' Washington , ' One Car Brockville Buggies, als Uananoqne. and Campbell, Lon don Carria ttes & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons also Snow Ball Wagons. New Shock of the famous Rams: Cdrta--at fabulous prices. F'rost & Wood's Single Apron Bu dem Buckey Mowers and Tigr Rakes And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. 'all and inspect and be Convinced. The Fall isaswodtimts'atti For S BUGGY, HARNESS l. CALDER Sewing Machine, Organ Service during Swot) of 1895-96. L LEAVENS, dr, TO SUIT YOU. Bhnkeu. ae.. he. tirriUior " tine of Servioe 12*- Boots d: 311% large shipment of Stores Cutters and and must have room, we will surmise you with iow prices. 3 - $1.00. BOULDEN & Co., Harness Makers. Durban Bites, CHAS. MCKINN ON. will SAVE MONEY. S is ALWAYS FRESH CART OR DEMOCRAT CALL LRlli(BTi)li, Agents, . MCARTHUR. Hone New on Hand Came to the premises of the uubsrrib~ fr than: the In of August tart 1 yearl- :IIIK better and 1 rearling steer. Tue 10m ianucsud tc pro? property.. way eypenm* and also the animals From the.premiees ofthe about Sunday the 19th two year old steer. Any that will lead to his recon suitably rewarded. Lot38. Con. 2. S Y '2'tioeviiies Oct. ahh, '95. Cum to u scribe. A two neck and head, head. Owner property. pay av ay. (June to tho promises of the but: er. 3 red yearling sit-er on or August let. The owner is reques prove property my expenus and it - APPLY TO HAY ! a ”way \Int 14. Con. 3 E, Glam". Nov. Im, 1&5. 03am at Piano“ A few Stovcs w Strayed or Mt. Forest. ', we have a few magma and in order to clear out our Sunk " W mm ew " sl chines " Estray Heifer. " - Jon 310331505 Tote 003.2. E. G. R..Glenel Town, Durham WWI-Ll TOWN Estray Steer. Came Astray. J.. OSBORNE.- Bundles for Sale ARCH. MoCUAI the pu'tnisrl o yer; old gray d. large white n or Piano. HENRY Hat, and Complete othor Fi, is "quash-d expenm Am Clark Aarket saws W1. Ronni L 6.3.. Glendon Stolen. R' W ate, OUR ANNUAL Ma‘m amp-ms. A In Man NETS in 1 Cloth, Padded Mar 00! Vina"; Ire ”m.”ss~ In more ALBUY We cordially ood others to CC) _ are showing IMPORTA A eomtrination P, of the and“! um mum stock. We rhuuro 1221 two weeks. Watch mg .HECFARLA _ To meet the wink, 2hr Geo. E. fucks lip-linen. Ont.. ha W To Sm4 cont. piece or 8 b ou- "T a W' Tobacco. Choconunm to tell you we CHEAP: Comei STERLING SILVER. TEA, “£2. DES SPOONS. CUFF And t It's All V) Robe Tan By tLe New Li Hides mus M Sweet As EPAIRING tn the Mm PE! WATERS. Our Pe' mpg-is. In the ST The Milt Sponges. Cit?"- , gm: Julian!“ .Wiu. Cali c. .‘nd one for Fours" Anyou an 1048* ' rich than-=0 nimbl- in Mum lab. Idiot Artis the LATEST 0003 Satisfaction orser Genuine fl, A. oo “60715 better pm} to supply: 0/5. S and Pr Robe YOURSEI Robes 51 rest, The OFA JAS. GU THO mama 81m res ()ll

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