West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 Nov 1895, p. 2

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"TThe Bis SHOES 1 Have gone up from 25 + â€" Stock bought before CLD BIG 4 PRICES as long as they last. Floor Oil Cloth, 14 yd. Fine Allâ€"Wool Doubl« Serges, 25¢. yd. Men‘s Top Shirts ?rnm 25¢ up Men‘s Socks, 10¢ pair up. Prints, Flannels and Factory. at the lowest prices. Big 3 & Bar best Best "¢. Japan 7 â€"DELLER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicies, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Just Arrived Chas. McHKinnon WAREHKOUSE, Upper CA &0 Durham, Ms Misses‘ and Children‘s S "Large Sales & Smali Profits." And kard dtimes cgmbinell have made the sale of Overcoats wery difficult but in order to move them as the money is more mase to us we wili give a reduetion of10%, off our very low prices. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, a«nd we are convinced that the new system will meris a continuance of the same. Havo sold very well and we have only a few left. We have pnever had as clean a stock at this time of the year as we have at present and the only thing we can attribute our success to was the Extra Good Valae we had in them. If you waut one don‘t delay long as we cannot repeat them.. In Dried Frurt Rasins, Currant @ne Car Brockville Daggies Al€o Gananojue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the #amous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Hakes. Cme Car Maxwellss Light Steel Findersâ€"cheaper than ever. EYERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH And Solé at Lowest Possible Prices. ‘ali and inspect and be Convinced. IDDurhsam., Aug. 9tLh, Women‘s Heavy Lac C Women‘s We Have Extra Value Give Us a Callâ€" The Mild Weather 1 OW ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be 1 Fruit, California Raisins and Apricots, Valencia Currants, Prunes and Evaporated Apples, Pare Spices. TVPPEm To Ladies‘ Jackets feavy Lace Shoes, C0c. Women‘s Women‘s Prunclla Slippers, Elastic Idren‘s Shoes all sizes. Men‘s Boots Best Ladies‘ Shoe D1 essing, 10 and 2 4 yd. wide, 10c yd. Best Table Nunble Fold Dress a .\\'hin .l.mn'ulr}' S ea in toOWn. " PRICZES AND _ PKOHPT ATTEN TEON. THE CGASH â€"â€" CHAS. McKINNON. Hapold mou"râ€"ar, PUREZANML r $13% 18 .. G. & J. McKECHNIE. S*Y | _A few Stoves at job prices. Binâ€"| _ New Williams Sewing Maâ€" ger chines. ilso We Want Your Trade: Womea‘s Prunella Garters, 70c. ers, Elastic Front, 80c Men‘s Boots & Shoes all sizes & prices. ing, 10 and 20c a bottle. Best Table Oil Cloth, 45â€"in wide, in White and Colored, 25¢ yd. Allâ€"Wool Twilled Greyâ€"Flannel, 16¢ yd. Men‘s Under Shirts & Drawers, 25¢ up. Men‘s Rubberine Stand Up Collars, 10¢ exch. Rest Castile or Oatmeal Soap, 7c. a Bat or 4 Bars for 25¢. Now on Hand to 50 per cent. but we had a large the raise which we will sell at the Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Seott‘s Seed Drifts Harrows. Wilk Orga Full Stock of Repairs always on hand ‘**"%. Town. Durkhanm. 1OU, d 14 qt. Pail s of the best makes s and Scuffle ind Ehe Obug â€" Asvicw. â€"Those who take an interest in British politics will be interested to know that Mr. John Morley has a¢ cepted the nomiration for the vacant seat in Montrosc. MGATEZTRCAEIIE Sent un | :'l:\imi‘n-,; to hlz:‘ House of Cemmons is calied to meet ‘ :l;:\ “(";:.'.."’,',‘],”tll, Jan. 2nd, 1896 The election _ in | patented June Cardwell takes place on December | _ Amongst ot] 24th. Itwill be a cold Christmas for 1' carried sampl somebody. ilm;u‘(l and am made by drivi THE CC vacant 6c were as 1 Card well Jacques Carter Charlevoix ... West Huron ... North Ontario . Montreal Cent« â€"Fire broke out the other day in a feather and down factory in Chicago where much property was destroyed, and a frightfal loss of life might have cecurred but for the coolheadedness and promptness of the firemen. _ As it was, there was no loss of lite. â€" The &vre orieinated from an explosion of } The.case may yet form the subject |.of investigation by the Imperial Govâ€" ernment. The lad Green came from ) | the Barnardo Home, London, England . | an Institute which has done incaleulâ€" | able good in rescuing the waits of Lonâ€" ) | don and other large cities, providing | for their wants, and finding emp‘oyâ€" ment for them when able to provide for themselves, â€" Many are sent to the Icolonics and ‘have turned out to be :| useftal members of the community. Some may not be very robust, but this bov Green was certified to by two medical men in London to be healthy. The Superintendent ~f the London Home said that he was quite healthy Â¥ | and free from disease but rather simple . | and Dr, Barnardo has just written that he was a bealthy and intelligent lad. «| Miss Findlay hersclf has admitted the |.substantial correctness of these testiâ€" i\ amonies by signing the agreement to L take the:Jad and care forhim after a â€"{amanth‘s trial, and still farther ‘by hay 3 made no complaints against him to Home.in Toronto.:=" : _). . S DURHAM, NOVEMBER windhanl dotvere . was, there was no l0 fire originated from chemicais. of his head to the so1 More than this, he wa miserably provided for that when the short 1 wave of two weeks ARV LLINE LUZAC upon Keppel the slowly ebbing life of George Green was suddenly stopped. On the other hand Miss Findlay swore that he was cared for in the same manner as the rest of the family and that he had access to the cupboard at all times. She admitted haying knocked him about a little, because, as she alleged, he was so stupid. Then she ordered him to sleep in the barn (others of the witnesses sa®d the piggery ) because his habits were not cleanly, as if, forsooth, all young persons were ubov e suspicion in this respect. Above all, she said, he was cross eyed, hunch backed, knock kneed, etc., etc. But there are many just the same, and able to work well on the farm «or else where notwithstanding. _ But it the boy Green was s0 inczgoable as Miss Findlay would now lead us to believe he was, why did she sign the agreeâ€" ment with the home in Toronto that she would look carefally after the inâ€" terests of the lad, and she did this, be it observed after having had a month‘s trial of her ward. The medical evidence was sircularly contradictory. â€" The evidence "or the Grown went clearly to show thar.death had resulted from bodily v‘~ is 200, neglect and want of proper food, and the Coroner, Dr. Cameron, whose evidence was yery clear, fill and to the point, said, that there were many marks of violence but no appearancte of disease, and that the cause of death was criminal neglect and starvation. The medical evidence for the defence found tubercalous deposit, it was said. in the lungs _ There was no proof adâ€" duced that this so called deposit was tuberculous. But in such cireamstances and secing that the life of a human being might depend upon the evidence it was incumbent upon the medical withess to have sent a specimen of the deposit found to.a competent bacteriolâ€" ogist tfor examination, _ The simple ipse dixit of anyone on such a question is utterly valueless. onservative majoritics in the onstituencies at the last election follows: he was poorly ind illâ€"4 : severe 8. 1895 10 To the Editor of Grey Reviea StR, â€"As you mentic ned m connection with reference yO the patent fence business in of the 14th, 1 thought with mission 1 would give to y« and the public generally my €lijal made by dri the ground, ) then putting HomrPG SARROT CCC Zn ts made by driving one upright stake in the ground, wiring the rails to the stake, then putting on brace stakes and riders and wiring at top. He wanted me to buy the right to build said fence on my farm which would cost me $5. I refused to do so stating that I had a two stake fence bailt for a number of years which anited me better.. He then fook his deâ€" parture. Since that time a great denl of the two stake fence has been built in our neighborhood. About the middle of October last he again visited our neigh borhood, claiming that all who had built the fence had infringed on his ramn. He came to imy place on the 6th October, 1 was not at home when he came so he left word for me to go that evening to A neighbor of ours, where he «long with his daughter, Miss E. E. Page,. who was lecturing to the ladies of Durham at that time, were making their headgrarters, After leayâ€" % Eud So us t nds mevees niestierint u:i‘ghlfin-;o but so his sainple had fence two stakes You Caxn BeumEve ‘ he testimonials published in behalf of Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, They are written by honest people, who have actually found in their own .experience that Hood‘s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, creates an appetite, strengthens the sysâ€" tem and absolutely and permanently cures all discases caused ‘by impure .or deficient blood. Hooo‘s Picts for the liver and howels, act promptly, easily and efâ€" fectively the n Miss Jennie Gordon retuned L.mo Suncay aiter visiting her ristor, Mrs, R.J. Eden, lox the past two weeks. mm Weadeene e t In conclusion, for the protection Of the public in future I would ask can, and if so ought not legal action be taken in such a case. For my part I think it should be probed to the E)ot,tom. The papers are still at my place open for investigation. Thanking y space I reman ~‘The cows of this tc owing to the thought Mine host, Wim. Crawid®C ANC gnareh ATTUC were hunting last woek. We are pleased to hear they met with such great success, as most of our hunters return eny ty handed. Owing to the storm lust woek the cigat dele> gites.of the League were not abse to attoad 402 convention heldvin Mt. .Forest, but Rov. Mrs Flagg kindly gavo report lnst Thursday night. Rev. Mr.and Mrs. Flagghad their Thanksgiving tea ~vith Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Miss Jennie Gordon and Miss Bnttio Eden were the guests 0 Mr. and Mis, E. L. Flagg last Thursday. te AuSoh Cl ‘Mx, Geo.«Cameend eb OeCE EiDEE ARiTortGn esd Carson one evening lust week, Mr. Huzh McCalmon has left theso parts for & hort time, The Sundayâ€"School intends preparing fer the Christmas Tree next woek, Mr. Adam pittle «recteda horse power latoly. It works well, but the hurdest work about it 18 the driving of tho horse. )ir, R. Pcttigrew lost one of his best cows last w ek. Mirs Mury Wallace was the guest of Miss Hattio Eden last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.Jus, Hoy were guosts of Mr. Wa. McCulinon last Sunday. A fow of our young necple make frequ mt visits to Exremont, . Gled to know the pray@r moetln is so attractive, ‘oregret to obronicle the death of Mrs, Byers. . ‘Woregret to ohronicle the death of Mis. Bvoent 1 wor public ad ter. Geo. Grantealled Cars pl O WIRE FENCINC f Grantecalled on Mr. and evening lust week. uen iema x you Mr. Editor for so much Respectfully Yours, T. MILL1GAXN Durham | Win. Crawford and mss Allan left word for me to go to a neighbor of ours, z with his daughter, Miss ho was lecturing to the V ARNEY i man calling himself The town are baginning to . ¢ry t of the bard winter befor0 my name in you made to in vour issue il avead and g-(;t._l.; EnCt ABO §0 Nowniant No. 267 myself. He nces, wire, ur. rendel l‘Xl)Ol‘lCll(' to show up now. sell in th vour nce Mrs, John A special meeting, hell on Monday L . "L24uh nightdisposed of the helmet question by I l Ele U-l q :a‘ b .\/ b b agrecing to ]pm-vhast- the articles which. * it is alleged, nobody order ed. _ This result \\'}i:l){'nughI’InIumL partly on the advice of Solicitor Telford, who thought | the case of the town was not a good one EVER OFFERED IN and partly by a change of front of some of the members. l L Four of the council stood firm howâ€" R d _M d Cl th v ever, and voted as they felt that a stop ! ea’ y a" e O lng’ o should be put to irresponsible ordering | z of ;."(nn.'\‘. and that, there being a princiâ€" | O â€" ple at stake it should be fought for by | TJ ercoats, n erWear 4 the corporation as an individual would | do. â€" It is difficult to see a weak point in | their position, and certainly their action | emgprrmemnemmerermmensmmneternmnmmnsnrmnmmenmmnemenmersnnenerermmmmmmmy in condemning by public vote, what | nearly every onecondemns privately | '[]‘ hould be rewarded by a place in the | GI S A We append an votes on this gqu the division list w For purchase McLacHLAN WARNER W mTMORE WARNER MooRrE MCLaCHLA GoRSLINE Mr. Kinnee was in favor purchase. Mr. WJH Reeve left we are so Ul an en‘zino, co us well into valuable heln fire brigade. son as usual, . We know looked by their bi Thanksgiving expres their respective . W beautiful gifts. Mrs Mys. Win. Mumngo, 1. M. Brander. of Friceville, called on the Corners professionally lust Thursday. Last Thurudnf (Thauksgiving Day) dawned & lovely day. School teachers and their merry little pupils hud a holiday to go sleigh riding and do just us they pleased, iufuct many were thunkful for a duy of rest except the poor (Doctors) who had to go on l.'ler round of duties esn on CAALD ledunbnt ies W AXTED.â€" At che JPPOTIORO AmIN alUCr 200,000 feet Hard Elm, 8 feet 6 inches long, from 8 inches diameter and up, straight grained and free from defects, for which will be paid the highest price in cash in the market. On Nov Mr. Donald MeLangblar, Of DDNBONIUT DUZ the guest _ of his cousin, D. MeKinnon, last Sunday. We believe he iutends leaving in a month for the U. 8. A. We hope he muy bave success. Mr, Bruce bas moved dnto his now house. The people in this vicinity are anxious to get u post office ut the Corners and we must say it is badly ueeded, peor le hnving four and five miles to go for their mauils, sometimes mot g6tâ€" ting mails for weeks at % time on uccount of bad rouds and so far Awiaty, Miss Annie Hill left fo Monday week, Many wi ence. Mr. John Weir spent Saturday and Sunday in visiting his numerous . relatives near Durham and Bunessan. Mr. S. R. Jackson sud his sister, Miss Mury, were guests at Mr, S. Bothwell‘s last Sunduy week and atteaded revival moetiog. Mrs. Thos. Duley, of Lake View, is «pending a fow dare with her duughter, Mis, Gov. Wat " George Marshall i young ladies" thoughts tying those tight knots. 2M i0 ulc cdiizs: aewbttiinaet Qtr. T. Vince is filling the place of Mr. R. Watt who bus been working t Mr, J. Webber‘s. A few of thn neighbors took advantage of Mis. T. Nichol‘s ie on Friday. James Murshall still coutinues to.buy cows he certainly got some very cheup ones at the sale. Mr. James Morrice is doing some fallJ)Ion::hing on the furm he recontly routed from W. Carson, Ti is bound to rush chin ;s next suinmer. Mr. J. Watson is still making improvements on his frout ield by draiuing and ploughing. at‘ on pereo@ y oas Mr. P. MeEwenv, Mr ice visitea at Mr. Rol evening. re;;i{ ili_pnetunoni:} unless Lhe i is kept invigorated with Kood‘s Msooum Mr. apd Nrs. W. Matthews and Hrs. C.. Gray visited friends in Normanby on Bunday, _# 04â€"â€"â€" E,Epgeur&to cold, i1 of 189( NORTH EAST NORMANBY OT TOWN COUNCIL itmor it to YEOVIL ITEM® ush chin ;s next summior. s still making improvements on draiuing and ploughing. Mr. J Moore and Miss M. Morâ€" RoLt. Watsou‘s, Jr. on Friday the council is as under analysis of the two stion. On Nov. 18th is n hustler" were thos s when they were busy un RoBERt RENWICK r (he Queen city last 1 mies mer sweet pres damp winds, may unless the system HoxTer SPARLING McKinxox Moor® CALDER KixnxEe tbsent and Against 1 the The Greatest Bargains! Before you purchase elsewhere. â€" By so doin Dalgiish‘s Old St OFFICE :~â€"DURHAM PHARMACY, travb, Bronchitis, und whl 61 ndies. He hopes all sufferers) as it is in vnlun.lble. ‘Those desir which will cost them nothing, blossing, will ploase address, The best and brig published in E*‘ NIG The sndersig? by simple mown with asevere lu: Consamprtion fellow sufferers RBYV Western ADVERTISER 33rd Year Pushing, . trustworthy men to repreâ€" sent us in the sale of our Choice Nursery Stock. _ Specialties controlled by us. Highest Salary . or Commission paid weekly. Steady employment the year round. Outfitfree; exclusive territary ; experience not necessary : big pay Asâ€" sured workers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once for particulars to Address ALLEN NURSERY €0,, will SALESMEN WANTED. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCoOUCHEUR, &e. xow IS THE TIME TO SUBRCRMBE . . â€" > TY 41 from aow io JAX. 1, 1897 special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements to Canvassers. «©SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 | Rogistere 1 be kept for Service for Senson of 1805â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, Normanby. TI'IOROUGHBRED Tamworith Boar PDWARD A. WLSON, Brocdyn, New York {t (Intende tor I think . ARTHUR CUN, Calder‘s â€" lock. HT BELL AT RESIDENCE. *3 ill communications BROWNSVILLE Highest Price Paid for Poultry, Butter & Eggs. WESTERN ADVERTISER, London, Ontaric. ROCHESTER, N. Y ung affection, «td Our Stock of Pages Every Week [sSUMPTIV ES. ('uu-ulupolon. Asthanm, Ca: ti, uzd wl throat and lurg "Ead all sufferers will try this remedy. . Those desiring the preveription _â€"â€"_But as Young as Ever®. .. righest Weekly Paper in any of the clties f Canada. )r last week.) EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM, IN ind that droad dis o make known t f cure, ‘To those «nd may prove & tand, Upper Tcwn, Durham. GIVE US A CALL o+mes@ CC IELS is val | _ $1.00, 19 , Pmp‘ Aberdeco, O ‘See Our New 5 Gallon Lamp Filler. Bargains at Wholesale ! NOTICE Largest and best Stock of Staple Groceries to be found in Durham at prices that defy C ompetiison, Read, Ponder W Digest. Established 1856. Thoroughhred Berkshize Boar ‘FERDINAND. ~Rc;ord " a% 240. 20004 1893, and bred by Jobn Ma AV DU0CG Here are a few of our lines and prices : CALDER 1 Dx qvice during Season of 1895â€"96. 1 in the **Canada BerkAire Swine as No, 2956. Farrowed Nov, 21st, bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. 12 vances u»til WOOD ISJ[DELIVERED. When Delivered MERCHANDISE ! ewing Machine, Organ or Piano. 11 different qualities ot Teas from 15¢ to 75¢ 1b. Sugars, Syrups, Pearl, Tapioca 5 Ib. for 25c. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Coffee, Sl;igss. vinegars, Cocos, Cocoanct, Candied Peels, Fresh Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts. New Currants and Raisins. Nice Raisins $1.C0 box. Mustard, Soap, Matches, Pot Barley, Pearl Barley, Java Rice, Rice Flour, Corn Starch, Laundry Starck, Macearoni and everything in the Grocery line. U be paid for at time of Service. t. 15th, 1895. WA GGY. CART OR DEMOCRAT g you will SAVE MONEY. «s ic ALWAYS FRESH and Complete. Call for Specifications and Prices O00 WANTED ‘2 Boots & Shoes. W. J. A. HUNTER, 5,000 CORDS Or â€" PAREKEKR, SIUIVGLYV IN EXCHANGE FOR Are you aware of the fact that we carry the Largest and best Stock of Staple Groceries to be found in Durham at prices that defy Competition, SC C. McARTHUK. we will n â€"NO W . LIVINGSTON, Agents, e & Life Insurance promptly attended to Druggist & Seedsman. @% April$2d, ‘9C. FOR Service. This splendid anit «al was imported from the United States and was a winner of four Prizes at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. Also RUFU®S, six months‘ old, a get from Prince and Princess Lyons, and a fine animal. er prices for Poultry Straw ( Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, *Washington,‘ ae on each cord ke No Adâ€" LOWEt TOWN, DURHAM We have in the times. ers, Turnip Cuiters, &c BOULDEN & Jo., raicht loans. few Boggies and car out our Reock Dorhk am &D AEY W day MacFARLANE & ! CHEAP Know 1 the lar, selected Christn +2 Do You ses8%°%8% 1 °t# you SP A Combination To Smoker Robe iannio The Hid + Are the mod« "WATERS. O .comprise all t As Sweet As Thé comprise all the STANDAER the LATBT ODOBS. The Pvl taina S';onge.\ & Patest N Remedics. aud see fo The Durhan JAS. GUN, <€R4 s448882%82%% %% 2m] Don‘t Y Satisfaction Guar ""T_ i5 1 Genuine Flowo 781 n xt PRESENTS (7 A. GORDO Rol MSP OoF a CH! YÂ¥ «C STOCHK Druggists & 1f () Now Pro THOMAS $ 4444444 % be land Hid Y T H. PERFUN av®

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