West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Dec 1895, p. 1

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Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building Iota, will be sold in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60. con. 2, w. G. It., Township of Bantinck. IU) acres adjom- lug Town plot Durham. FOR SALE The" EDGE PROPERTY. Following Properties " Prices Asked Lou 211.212. 2t3, con.3. S.W.T. and B.Road. Township Meianethon-174 acres timbered. Lots 241 2h2, con. 4, s.W.T. and S. feta". Melancthoa-1U) mesa bush ct. Lot. 218.com 4.S.W.T. and S. Road, Meianethon-al acres good bush. Lot 29, con. 5, Mehufcthou-8t acres well timbered. Lot. 16, con. 5. Bentiuck, 100m known ”the Jas. Bamford farm-welt im- proved close to Inmlash. Lot 1, Durham Street, North Priceville. Lnt 3, Kinross Street, North Ptieeville. With other splmdid Farms in Ontario and. the North-West. Toronto and Hanover properties for sale or ex. " very lowest rates on good land security. FIRE. Life and Accident Insurance. Claims of all kinds eotueted-Old note. In the Town of Durham. County of Grey, including valeable Water gown- iiorttragir taken for part purchase money. - - -- _-.--. ---- -._ E5iiiPs'c 5mm; or It .. u There's Big Money ! sow bf U. _PA' LICENSED AUCTIONEEB tor Co. ot Groy. All communications ad. droued to Lulu” P. o. mil be promptly "tended to. Residence Lot 19, Con. 8, Township of Bentinck.‘ - - _-. ' nun DAN. TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC and ANTIDOTI DENTISTRY. “at. unit do T. c. HOLT, L. D. S FIS',)?,'),'. Grmiuate ofthe it uyul (h or Deutul A'ttravous of Unznnn Tm w Auctioneer. for the bug.- Iudcnu unvl sum-4 mugging: ter. tel" ,cnn VI" 1352815118. SDLIGITDR .ill SUPREME} CUURT. Mott " Y P UBIJC‘. Conulujoncrmxn. System Renovator I OFFICEanURHAM PHARMACY ll change. bougnt. DR. ARTHUR GUN, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. NEXT Door TO PARKER/S MISS GUNS, W. L. MCKENZIE, MONEY TO LOAN. Fire Insurance secured. OFFICE. ovzn Gum's 810m. Low“ Tow. a Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS 11:06:11.1; PHYSICIAN. SI'RGEON. At'- l‘OI f JErR. &"e. Int.» 1:01:3va l'hw’ci‘n. Emmi \'ir‘.r: 4,f?CT0iLrfhrtp, ICEXSED A UCTION ma [trump-LI; "" To HUGH McKAY. I. one door at greatly reduced rates MONEY To LOAN Wall Papers MISCELLANEOUS. McLEOD'S Apply to JAMES EDGE, Edge Bill, Ont, mum-bl. n Amyi'i0Fii'iiiiR Calder’s Block. HT BELL AT RESIDENCE. r. Draggiat, Durban. DURHAM. MEDICAL. B. H. MILLER, The Hanover Gunmen. DURHAM tutulty. [gunman-B ottocta.' N - I I.“ IN ulowunr. tutu: 011nm": , aunt: of a. in“. Stun Durban LEGAL My“ Durham Ont MCLEAN. LSLH‘ZI-DCO Agent. Con- Goatmigaioaer ace. am- and DAN. McLEAN. D. MUCO MICK. Bur lTr'l,rstkelr8 and an bailout amnion. write to A " NN a.- co.. who hue hm “also!!!” your expermnce In the patent Dunne». minimum- uomc urn-Hy crsntittenutst. A Hnmlhoak ot la. tormmmn concern-u: Pntetttrs and bow to ob- wn mam sent tree. Mao a mum ot menu- Mal and magnum boon mm free. Panama when lhrpuxn Mann & Co. ”who are»! notice m the MeiengHie Americnnumd t up are broth widely new": the while with. out can: to the xnvmor. This tttf'g't,'gtitt tuned weekly. eluutly Illustrated. has " " 1h: lax-gen: etreulatiott ot In! ttmttntttMt in?! m m; world. " I year. Summ- capes untrue. Irv-MAO.“- IfAn‘nn ".1."th _ III-vou. Blame wuuu. W. Lu...“ mu...“ -.. Fm'eqr9."_ -__i__ Building Edition monthly. ifwuyeu. Starla comes. 2.} cents. Every number contain beuu- um plates. in colors. and glam-aha of nuw Donne. with plan. ttttatttintt mum to show we tastayyt9ryrtattrnq.eSyr.t' Mme. Adm“! - . mm...“ -, v-__.--. _.., - Sece Gooseberrles which will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow without than". ustofurttter enumerate. Tree Roses. ete. BUT our stock talks for itself. Prices right. Handsome book of plates and com late . outfit furnished Ik,',' of charges Write for A Boon to Horsernem-One bottle of i rial! him in spito pf threats and wither- English Spavin Liniment completely I mg . ,snccrs. With one consent her removed a curb from my horse. I take l family cast her off and consigned her pleasure in _recommend.intr the remedy, : to her ttste,.detsitsf.utq themselves inea as it acts with mystenous promptness algle of dealing with a. woman who court; in tha removal from berses of hardisoft 1 K'l,1,tp.%'ev"if, a man possessed of no- or etslluned lump... Mood "psEin.ssttir.tes, ‘I thing. hey ways put a capital N to mums, sweetly. stifles and spurns. I this last word, ant} perhaps they were George Robb, Farmer, Markham. Ont. right. as at that time all Charm Red- Sold m Magnum, & Co. f 'mond could all his own was seven iiiiii 'dr iriFiriGrra" Co Pariles. wgae1rtrttcglF.rn.t,ualti- CONVEYXNCERS. In "Out hum” Manual. I " "my; - "a"? "u' Mu; m S mmum 0 " in our line. Trees that uf, seedless Peam. Apple Trees hardyas oaks. "Excelsior" Crab " large as an Apple. Cherry tree: proof against black-knot. Plum trees not affected by Curculig. Tgee felet trPAaPGLar_tiehayt: WE WANT A MAN AT ONCE m this community to sell specialties A general financial business transacted Office next door to Standard Bank, Durham David Jackson, Jr.. Clerk m. Court. 1itl1gp fl. Jackson, Ntotvry Public. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. Money to lend. Money investgdrfor Ema“; "iiriiiiiikmr comma". Calhoun. Ont. Titia' 'a""a';rs"iiriaiiiRiiif BTiaiiiur. THEODOK'AS BESIFRiEND LTiaiirrshLE IN CANADA. J ACKSONS. VOL. XVH,---NO. 49. iifttt i "She is so quiet, too, and so retiring. r She would not. even shake hands with '!you, when we met her, though you l, wanted her to. Did you remark that. t" I " Sometimes I am dull about. trifles, such as that." l " Yes. By the bye, she did not seem , surprised at seeing you here to-day, al- though she. thought you safe in town. as we all tiid,-yoa deceitful boy.” " Did she nott" "No. But: then, of course. it. was a. matter ot indifferemy, to her." " Of course." They have reached tho entrance to “he yncax'nge by this time, and are 'ttli'.,','."' to say farewell fur a few ours. "Vay we“. dearest. Do whatever makes you happiest." returns Ire, se- cretly Pleased that the ice will be broken or him before he prepares for his mauvais quart d'hcure in the li- brary. "And if he should refuse his consent, Clarissa, what theat You know you might make so much a bet- ter Anytime-ii, _ _ _ _ - l "A generous friondship nu cold medium knows." Pope. Mrs. Redmond is sitting on a center ottoman. dinning stockings. This is her favorite pastime, and never fails her. When she isn't darning 'stockings she is always scolding the cook. and as her voice, when raised, is not melliflu- one. her family. in a body, regard the her. When she isn't. dinning stockings she is always scolding the couk. and as her voice. when raised, is not melliflu- one. her family. in a body, regard the work-basket with reverential affection, and present it to her notice when there comes the crash of broken china from the lower regions. or when the cold mtta.t has tee? upmirly _dealt with.. "1 shall come up to Gowran to. morrow morning first thing. and speak to your father: is that what ynu wish $6 to dot" asks Horace, her hand in IN. -'ries. But, Horace," looking m. him earnestly. "I think I should like to ttll it amt!) ee sielt. ttsy, L111: -'s. Might 'Ht'u-tenderly. '4 I don't think so: and papa would not make me unhappy." She is of the lean cadaverous order of womankind, and is bony to the last degree. Her now: is aquiline. and, as a rule, we blue. As this last color qlso deseri q her eyes, there is adepressinq want of contrast. about her (are. Her lips are thin and querulous, and her hair-well. she hasn't any hair, but her wig is flaxen. In her earlier days she had been call- ed a belle,--by her own‘people.-und had been exglected, at.ecortrrnsrly, to draw a prize in t e _tiiiairt-gicr/ij,ti, Hut Penelope Proud had ruled them, and by so doing. had brought down eternal condemnation on her head. In her second season she had fallen foolishly but honestly in love with a well-born but irppetpuftttus curate. and had mar- ried him in spite pt threats and wither- ing 3110813. With one consent her family east her off and consigned her to her tate., declaring themselves tgtit able of dealing with a. woman who con d t'iidfp.'S mar-3 a man passessed ot no- thing. . hey . my; put. th oap.ital N to As Clarissa enters, she hastily draws the stocking from her hand, and rises to greet her. A faint. bhuh mantles in her cheek, making one at once under- stand that in bygone days she had pro- bably been comigicred pretty., . w...” W". w....,...v.m “WW. "go unexpected. my dear Clarissa," she says. with as planed a smile as the poor thing ever matures up, and u lit- tle weakness at the nces. meant for a courtesy. "So very glad to see you,"- as, indeed, she is. THE VICAR'S ‘GOVERN ESS, CHAPTER tyr reached the entrance to by this time, and are my farewell fur a few scys‘. and it, wax at the dinner " the ltuuwys' that. he first: pressed my hand. I thought, my dear, I should have drop- ped, ir was such a downright. nob-to- ire-got-over sort of squeeze. Dear me, Ivan alums”. feed it now." says Mrs. Itedrnond, who is blushing like) a. girl. rr Yes, do. go on," says Ciarussa, who in reality, IS enjoying herself intensely. "Well, then. two days afterward. to my surprise, he called with some tick- ets for u. cancert, to which my mama. who suspected nothing, took me. There we met ngain, and it was there, right, as one might say, under mamma's nose. he proposed to me. He was very elo- quent, though he was obliged to speak rarh.er disqonnectedly, owing to the music stopping now and then and my mama being of u suspicious turn : but he was young in those days, my dear, and well favored, no doubt. So we got. _rparripd.", -- .. Splendid is a lung word," says Mrs. Redmond. trying to speak carelessly. but unmistakably elated, "yetl must confess there is some truth in the re- pnrt to which you allude. Sir Hubert Fitz-Hubert was a lmronet of very tul- cient lineage, came over with the Con- queror, or King Alfred, I quite forget which, hut. it was whichever was the oldest: that 1 know. He was. in fact, a. trifle old for me, perhaps. and not 'so rich as others I have known, but still a baronetn He proposed to me, but I rejected him upon the spot with scorn, though he went on his knees to me. and swore. in an anguished tren_zy. that he would eat his throat with his razgr it I refused to listen to his suit! I did refuse, but I heard nothing more about the razor. I am willing to believe he 'g,i.gt,ne restraint upon his maddehed eeluigg and refrained from intlieting Mammary 3.1m. himself-Z. . . _ "" 1.Gi;rTte%Ft. "G7rciarissa, in a auIR.iyom9 choky tong. . -- "'Were'--are. you mean," says the erafty Clarissa, knowing that praise of her husband is sweet to 'ho soul of the faded Penelope. and that, the surest means of reducing her In a pliant. mood is to permit her to maunder on uninter- ruptedly about, past glories and dead hours rendered bright by age. To have her in her kindest humnr, before men- tioning: the real when of her visit, must be managed at allurixks. " Yours was a. iov.e-tpatelr wasn’t. it?" she AT.!.'. " There isn't much to tell." says Mrs. Redmond, who is quite delighted. and actually toreitoes the charm of dank ing, that she may the more correctly remember each interesting detail in her own "old story ;" " but it was all very sudden,-very", like a tornado. or a whirlwind, or those things in the desert that cover one up in a moment. First we met. at, two croquet parties,- yes. bswo,-and then at dinner at Ram- "That its. the want ending to all pretty stories. flfl is it true," says Clarissa, with a wiliness really horrible up one so young, "that iust " that time you refused a splendid otter. all for the viear'a sake?” _ “Thu I" aiGihufau vicar." stllf'. Mm. Bedmond, with a sentimental as . DURHAM, CO. GREY, THUgSDAY, DEC. 5, 1895. sounds like a blast from Boreas-"l married the vicar." "And quite risrht,”says Clarissa with a cheerful little nod seeing Mrs. Redmond has mounted her high horse and intends riding him to death. "I myself shouldn't hesitate about it, it I only got the chance. And indeed where could any one get a more charm- ing: husband than the dear vicar!" .. Well, well, it was a, foolish match notwithstanding," says Mrs. Redmond. with a smile and wan sort ot blush: cr though certainly at that timel don't deny he was very fascinating. Such a. voice, my dear! and then his eyes were remarkably fine." (Sho Km] Hammed’ Ef,iiir,1.?,yl.,ie,'ritt word of it about a andre times ‘be- fore.) " 1 do am like a real love-affair." younger brothers and a tenor voice of the very purest.. As years rolled an. though Mrs. Red- mond never. perhaps. regretted her marriage. she nevertheless secretly BC- knowledge to herself a hankering after 1 the old life, A longimt tor the grandeur ,zlnd riches that. Ima'rlmd to it (the lPrnmlm for generatiwns had been born and bred arvl had thrive" in tho soft [goods [int-Land humped the _derttor.t.sl- tt a»: mum...“ W. a-" J-"" " l have socurexf a. governess for Mrs. Redmond. Such a dear little gover- ness! And 1 want you to promise me to be more than unusslly kind to her, because she Pd yo young and triendiess and it. is her first effort at teaching." " So that question is settled at last," says the vicar. w.irp a decpTif careful- ly 1nuwytssed.-tight of rehet. .. I am rejoiced, if only tor my the's sake. who has been worrymg herself_for weeks peat, trying to replace the Inestimnhle uit somewhat datiri'titieig! Prood." "Has she?” says . C new. kindly. "Worry IS I bad thing. But [0-day Mrs. Redmond seems much better then the has been for a long time. Indeed. uremic! 903: __ .. . “L "Did spet". says the vicar. with n. comiml. magent _smile. Mrs. Bed- mqnd's maladies being of a. purely im.. wnm 9’93? -- ' L. b '" _ " No, no. 1'11 take your word for it," says the vicar. hastily. "The fact is. I have just been listening to it at the morning school in the village, and when one has heard a thing repeated fourteen times with variations. one nat- urally is not ambitious of hearing it again, no matter how profitable it may W. " When I giet, of filling Charlotte's place," says 111mm. " I did not alhde Mt any way to_mysclt. but to--- and now 1 am comm to the news." "So glad!" says the vicar: " I may overtake old Betty yet." . u since "Well, yes. my dear. I suppnsc- in a .way I have; that is, l have ceased to 111138 the inevitable breakfast. lcclun-uu the darkness and coarseness of the bread; but I have hardly gained on other points, and the Batcswnn are I mutual scourge. They have de- liiR?rt"il,r'.'tiF2i'iin, ‘Wkening the c h d.oor.' (their own words. my dear Clarissa). because I have taken the Vicarage custom from them. fl'hey prefer imperiling their souls to giving up the chanee_ot punis.hi.ng me. And now the question LB, whether I should not consent to the slow poisoning of PF. children, rather than drive my par- ishioners into the arms of the Metho. dists, who keeg agen house for all comers below t; e ill." ‘I don't think I should poison the children," say: Clarissa. .. But. what is to become of my choir? Charlotte Butcson mm the sweetest voice in it, and now she will not. come to church. I am at my wits' cnd when I think of it all." "I am going to surply Charlotte's place tor you," says C minim, slyly. " Thank you, my deer. But. you see, you would never be in time. And, unfortunately, the scrvmes mast begin always at a regular hour. Punctual- ity was the one thing I never pould teach you,--).):.. end tlMucat.eehistry.'.' "Well, sol said; and wheat had 1xpotstulattd with them, mildly but tir.an.ly, and suggested that better tiour mum make better dough. and they had deolined to take any notice of my pro- teat,-why, I just ordered my bread from th.e Burtons opposite, and--" The wear pauses. "What a libel!” says Clarissa. “I shouldnt malian my own teaching it I were you. 1 am peyl'ectly ounam I could my it all .m."r this very moment, from start to. finish, questions and all, without a mitstake. Shall It" "It is poisdn,'.' says Clarissa. who pcver dyes apthmg by halyes. and who is_r.1.?.th.irtg it, not..tiyrttpayttse.tie. - _ _ Vivian}; you laughing at now i" " does foolish things sometimes." It at. now, was a wise one. f w not, marry a king it I 1oveda Regain Altogether, you have behaved 1xgitthtally, and just Ilka n novel." All}; you have been happy ever it Jmiieauy it is bad fibtgittt), _,','! "I don't care what you are master of," said the gatekeeper. inexorably. "It you are not the mute; of twopenee, you don't go through this gate." A story of an opposite character in which a lack of even civil deference is rudely shown. is told of a famous muster of Balliol College, Oxford. He was out tor a long walk. and came to a. turn- pike gate where toil was dem:u1ded. Putting his band into his pocket he gout"! that he had left his money at ome. -vGry aqua man," he said to the Rate- keeper. "it will he all right. I am the master of Balliol College." . This is an extreme exam le of the deference paid to royal rang by Eng- lish people. Probably there are few suhiects of the Queen so foolish as to exchange a half-sovereign for three- pence simply Immune the smaller min had been handled by royalty. The ob- uequious devotion to the great lperson- ngw of the court is carried to engths which are often incompatible with self- retpett. . .. . A . Some of the spectators expressed as- tonishment at the liberty the newabuy had taken in selling the paper to a member of the royal family with ax little ceremony in though he had been a g'if,aheNi,t The boy was roughly nmontshed hat he ought to have more sense and better mum-em. One indig- nant person expressed the opinion that the police did not do their duty in not preventingsuch rm outrage.‘ M " I want the coin." she said, with eager interest, "which his royal highness as given you for the paper." "I would rather keep it myself," an- swered the buy. “But I am willing to pay you well for it," said the excited woman. .. Well, yuu will have to Lid high for it in order to get it." "Here is n half-sovereign. Take it and give me the prince's min." It was a good bargain. and the news- boy promptly .handed her the coveted threepenpy piece, remarking that he had received a good deal of money tor a penny paper. The excited woman gazed at the coin as though it was I. pearl of great price. It had touched the bud of a. member of the Queen's familymnd was minted with_thp royal presence! . _ _.. in naval uniform one day a! a British port from a steam-launch, and was sur- rounded by a crowd of awe-struck ads mirers. He sent an attendant to fetch a carriage, and gazed at the throne with undisguised amusement. An energetic newsboy. who did not allow the dignity of the royal presence to interfere with opportunities tor trade, boldw approach- ed the prince and asked him wad. paper he wanted. 7 Another bystander. a well-drew“ wo- man. followed.the boy a few yards from the landing pier. and then touched him on the shoulder. . Mowler--1 see some philosopher says that the way to cure yourself at a love t"," is to run away. Do you believe 1 - __ V _ . .. The prince smiled and taking a paper from the newsbuy messed him a three- penny piece, wavmg him oft when two pennies were offered in return. The pringc then strode of! in the direction ot_his carghge. . .. rittniug,tgt.ruin1r' it you run away wit the girl. . _ T --.."'" v ----- Our distinctions do not lie in the Iamss we occupy. but in the $1100 and again with which we til them.- iusks Clarissa, who has marked thia paw- mg gleam of amusement. _ . .. At you, my dear. you are an quaint- ly humorous." replies he. " But. no on; tell me of this new acquisition to our household. is she a friend of yours'" " Yea, a great. friend." " Then o emu-lie we shall like her." . " Thank sou," says Clarissa. 'Sho 1:4 very pretty, and very charming. I'rrhyps after all. I am doing a fool- ish tting for myself. How shall I fool who?!) she has cut. me out. at, the vicar- ago. " Homeopathic. alumnus with (adders Ind wheel rakes. A o Maud Muller's rake the mangows sweet with hay alt . more. There Is no temptation now for eg,y"ad',',tg"' to huh by the wayside and mm: the Trilhy feet of the hit haymakers. Y.o [none dmming tor maid or man. Thu m an age at hustle tad push. We have left lotus land for behind us: and Maud an now wash dishes. in which employ- ment she is not likely maget in the way of spayeptiblq jug-Mg. . ut. we my tf of susceptiblemgurisu. ‘But we are as much imam in tryiag to penetrate the clouds tint veil the future as in looking bapk through the mellow hue that ids-dues the past, and. perhaps. when at last the “one thalt be _rolled away, we my tiad..p. perfect unlon of sentunent and utdxty, beauty, and machine. the circle“ sud spiteful lit- tle kicks o fthe adder. the gropdy gatherings of the wboel rake. forcibly tl.lu.strsrte the operation of that encr- flhlf, principle which has entered so surely into every industry. and is even now in its most active stages ot do- velopment. Along the lines of energy and economy of force it must be admit- .tasd great program has been made and in} puking. but at a considerable m- rifice of moral and asthetie consider:- 11003.. Imagine n genre winner at- temftmg to draw inspiration from the per O‘mtn-ses of a mowing mzehine. Be might get I headache. but'he would hardly come may never his purpqse. Anti t_he hopelessness Irt, construe?“ He drives a a of horses and rides a Humorous littmu m-rnanl. which lays the gran low mug mow rapidly than it tell when men mowed it. Back And forth, around and around, he goes with wearimme monotony, and when the lust spear talla his tmamill serving it over. If the work is not well done. m 'f the fault of the juggernaut: there u no evidence that an be appealed to that Kill fasten any responsibility upon tm. The valuable lesinn of doing one'i lint wan there taught and learned. m. was a sorry telow indeed. who would not mitvh the spirit of emulation or yield to ‘lhe lnfluenoeq of his environment. and .his runfeawd Jack of self-respect marked him for nvnidann‘. There. were thor- oughnercN and precision in the work, and Wm More mm not l.ching. The strokes had to h" an true as those of A [XIVERSITY CREW. with .1hie diffurenre to be borne in mind, that if they failed to come up to the es- tnl-Iiuhml standard, the aired-off field diswlosed the disgraceful record to the observation anvl criticixm of the whole rr.trrt.my.nity. With such discipline be- hind them, is it any wonder that no large. a proportion ot the country in." made sneer-awful men. freshenintt Mid strengthening on? service in life with 51mm}: and stand “may. and ocrupy- mg with credit and distinction that!" broader fields not bounded by woodland and stream. .Then, too, there were the field darts. SiekneAs or other misfortune might be- fnll some husbandmnn of the commun- ity. The long. sunnv dnys would no by and his crops would be ungathemd. Then neighbour“ kindness saw its wel- come opportunity and n "bee" would follow. Perhaps something besides pure philanthropv entered into thin free ten- der of helpful service. Challenm ore- viously exrhnnged over the dividing fences had there 1 dance of settlement under the moat’ hworeble conditions. However, the side motive WIS not an un- worthy one, and assisted rather than imoaired the interests of the beneficiary. It seems almost incredible that than pictures. BO nnfunilinr to the younuer Reneration. belong to a. period of only thirty years no. not they no In irre- ; vocehle on though they had belonged to the Bunches of Virgil. The youmrfnrm- er of to-dsy he no comprehension of what the scythe? noble office bed beers Re understands it in an implement to pick around fence: and corners, slough!»- er weeds, And perky“ rut bruth m the tall. He cannot realize the pride with which his encoders regarded it. He little dreams how many local repub- tions have been won by it. nor for how may lives it bed helped to carve a strong and power, Eiildrenp' Conn-nu Whine e We" in tiPtrtted M “It" "I. . "o-d-Yhe, Old Hold my. " - I‘ll-- 3" “he Far". r-‘noll . n the "In." The great glo our nineteenth mntury is its . _ ntion. s, mar- vellous have been. 9 conquests that we look Along t eof its xxmihil- ities with a rave faith that neither discovers nor to discover any limitations. Any mpt to opposethc pew methods " "new” for doing lthe work of the d, which it has m l hillbilly brought ' service, would now it” as hopeless " . of Mrs. Parting- tum to keep luck l Atlantic with her ‘hroum. and much has heroic. ltut the Plowing condom of an nudnuhtrd and phenomenal gin is faintly bin“!- owed by a sense (flow. The dynamic tendrumy of our Curie has swept us must" from such experimiiUs that linger MUN“ ably in memory. 3nd while m- would not. bring back She pa“. in rhnrm whispers gentle was in the hour of mu‘ t‘MllLal.it)n. 1 Agricultural ittererits werp 'arnon7 the but. to be drsottt into tue, Iranailmn from individual .. ‘. to individual vt-) fort working th ", h more powerfully and economieatU', ( organized form. There were at » . two reasons tor this. One was " - 'responsiveness of the surfwe of the iti to the only oeer- rureaotkts. . u' a“ " . (ieI'h'i?i,'illi',t,e E,"; a”? iiii5 . 9 melt. 57139 rattle and drive orthe.. tyo.w.ir.yr Fiction Bthue. to the severe task by nwrpmtgce. Sunlight! _'t_.rutha THE LUST Am? ii, FARMING MACHINERY HA; TAKEN ALL THE POETRY CDT or IT. WHOLE N9. 899. DURABLE CHARACTER of,” " Hand-made Waggons In the old stand. All hand. made shoes. Also Horse Shoeing Shop, ALLAN MCFARLANE ila,,,i,i,,l,l,?s,l,U?,,?,l Of the Best Quality Cheaper THAN EVER. drawn throwjz‘h the turkey trope is 0001 and sweet. he szmcture_ IS porous. and I suppose that the output: ur gets through and tales off the hot. biting Lune. T.tt.em unoduuzer alum-n getting In: tongue burned “is he use: , turkey Yr., gem. Wi m: Turkey Bones " Pipe Seems. The bust thing in smokers' goods is the turkey bone pipe stem. .. There's nothing like it," said in old pipe smok- er. "It is light. porous. and yields to the pmgsum .of. my. "tftt.lr: Smoke --AT-. BOULDIN ds CO'S of Grey. two miles from Flebhem mi ton. three miles from Pricevdle. For We: particulars apply to A. H. BUBNET. 1Topevulo, IRS. BURNET. Durham. 'cn- PRIME 250 ACRES belonging to the Esta.“ of the late James Burnett, 125 was under cultimtiorr, rest lPrtiroed more“ snore-4 on msvtttg. bunk dot-amt: 0101“ tyd upwards. Prompt “annual: and ovarylncu- “alumni cu 10mm Hung " a was. AGENTS in a." primtipal points in outnho.ttuobee,Mtsrtttob. United Subo- uzd Enrlnnd. DURHAM AGENCY. ’USbERTsmxa Promptly meow to. JAKE mass. Amman! lit-chm: tummy-q ulna-dad Dam uuednuf cum-chum made on all poiuu. Dom- " receivm' mud tutmrest snow-d u. canon! 1m. W. F. Comm, President. Inns: 8t per you. In mule“!- CKAS. MAG! EditoripHetors --AT 'am- REW3rw OFFICE. GARAmlAXA Has opened oat a first-class StandardBank of Canada . ruoneer for Countiéé of Bruce Lad Grey. Beaidenee-Eitsg tit., Emmet. JAMES LOCKIE, S still who fo opposiur the Thursday', Morning. 'SSUER of Marriage Licenses. Ano- irst-Class Hearse- SEE OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. Jobbing nfall kinds promptly ALLAN hfdPAf1LANJil, Grand Trunk Railway. TI M rTrif, LE. Furniture Head Office. Toronto. A Farm tor Sale. WOODWORK in connection. A fizst-elass lot of for sale cheap. HARNESS MAKERS. Lou sis. 24. 25. 26, 27, 91d D. P HARNESS OIL. ' fortnd in bid Old Shad be Durham Bakery. J. KELLY, Agent. KRESS Geo. P. Reid, Mange: Ind Station! (V\ :73 go co

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