West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Dec 1895, p. 3

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IUNTER. Ldvt. & Seedsman. 185G Didest. )urmnam. sale ! WHIT 10z°en, . zrry ihe to be OK» & H Know t/i the larg day town Christm#& Do You es48000.°188°28%® U MackA A Comb anonemenmmenmeenamii NU e coczncarcom SeRIITITEEOT O cacancns nacncomnnmenansecosnmacnaen Robe 21 w Don‘t You |" se28e08e0808883°888%8 Hid 66 3 § CALL A We Ha Beayy & Light Workmansbip Unsu?]dsstC« Fine Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &e., &c. ted STOGCK We do the trade in RaW Furs. Price Paid. istmas and Holi PRESENTS * This fine animal will be kept of JNO. CLARK, LOT 32, CON. 8. wW.G.R. _c. LEAVENS, Jr. Thomughbred Borkshite Boar. ‘FERDINAND. Satisfaction Guaranteed. THOMAS SMITE For Service during SOREMI 12 2000 2C Reogintered in the "Canada Berkshire Swi Record" as No. 2956. Farrowed Nov. 21 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Or $1.00. To be paid for at time of Service Aberdecn, Oct. 15th, 1895. HARNESS ! We s must Robe Tanning :=.â€" FURS. â€"â€"~ | Robss & e Noeow it . GORD af zis ()f RLA 11 ‘1%“5’0““ id You â€" mokers ND SEE OUR TO SUIHT Y0 1 Fin *TTM U 3. W. G. R., BENTINCK, during Season of 1895â€"96. e *Canada Berkshire Swine 2956. Farrowed Nov. 21st, y John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont. Bites, vi , wWar 1Loil 1M 4 L031 x DBOOKSCcuC Unsurpassed. rocess, 11 vx71 MH Hayages on the premises Jr., H Soft n Highest 2l ta W O CANADIANzA LAL and useful .public the public. This i lication and it is f statistical inform new features. â€" Dr and useful .publication is again belore the public. _ This is the 49th year of pubâ€" lieation and it is fuller than ever of alâ€" statistical information, besides many new features. . Dr. Bourinot contributes an article on **The Forms of Governâ€" ment throughout the World," which is interesting, and the article on the quesâ€" tion of a Canadian Flag is timely and beautifully illustrated. The publishers are The Copp, Clark Co., Toronto, and the price 20 cents. An urgent message has been cabled by Premier Bowell to Sir Chas. Tupper in England, desiring his presence at once, in Canada. â€" Matters of Imperial RTF MATTBATCT CRA Un I once, in Canada. â€" Matters of Imperial concern is the alleged reason, buat no deubt his name and presence will be utilized to save the sinking ship in the com‘ng elections. f ww_x_ t G 4t =â€"_â€"_â€"__~â€" t M 11 = Edge Hill I ertainment 1 pleasantly. Miss Mari home after friends at G: The * hoys . p:mizod a Mutbt it on to meet winter months Messrs. Hugh { hovs D ys" of Edge Hill have orâ€" Mutual Improvement Associâ€" reet once a week during the W Friday EDGE HILL t] H irch S. S. Entâ€" ht â€" passed . off Antedt (h in MRidhcoiant wl The ide and Liter Forester‘ has been acted upon Dy QUNAS 2 MNBCLâ€" ing last Tuesday evening Dec. Srd, when the Debmiing and Literary club was organized. _ More will be mentioned in in the next budget. Mr. Robt. Renwick requires 200,000 ft. of hard elm for his vinter sawing; so all those who have logs to dispose of should take advantage of this as soon as good sleighing sets in. \W axTED.â€"At the Dromore Saw Mill, 200,0(¢) feet Hard Elm, 8 feet 6 inches lonz, from 8 inches diameter and up, straight grained and free from defects, ror which will be paid the highest price in cash in the market. LTEFUL LETTER ea of crgonizing a " Debating erary Club" originated in the "s Court Room during the proâ€" at the anniversary and"the idea i acted upon by calling a meetâ€" Tuesday evening Dec. Srd, when baiing and Literary club was »d. More will be mentioned in S FOR Thi OF HER SE Oeeploon l omes o neran o Wls c ied y es esns lelerine Psn aintamneieiimnat i ies M:i?fip. ns in ue D ISLAND LADY THE BENEFIT Pale and Easily o Severe Spells her Distressing RoBERT REXWICEK. 1 into his new as one of the vpanied. Dy ind Sunday Wilson arc 1 Fons, Barley, Potato®® Pork Sueep«kine, C# Butter per ib.. Euygs, per doz Weol per lb. Turkeys per 1t Starw, per Hide® G Ducks, * Cl ickens, pet 1 =â€"â€"~<* ~=2cre. oure babitual constipse ‘ ]'-lood’d PillS fios. %%wbfi PP _Ahnincaiin se i ts 44‘ Catarrh in the Head Is a dangerous discase because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or gmell, or develop into consumplion. Read the following: «My wife has been m gufferer from catarrh for the past four years and the discase bhad gone so far that her eycsight was affected so that for nearly a yeat she was unable to read for more than five minutes at a time. She suffered severe pains in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she comâ€" menced taking Hood‘s Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved. She has taken six bottles of Hood‘s Sarâ€" saperilla and is on the road to & complete cure. Icannot speak too highly of Hood‘s Barsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend 1t." W. H. FURSIEER, Newmarket, Ontario. Is the Only True Blood Purifier Hé&d’s Sarsaparilia Prominently in the public eye today. les per bb) fpx hind There will be no election in Scotch Town this coming year as all are satisfied with the present council. Mr. Angus McDonald (Rbeal) had the Mr. Angus McDonald (Rhea!) NO THT first Wnod%efi of the season on Tuesday of last week, a gay time took place durâ€" ing the evening in singing, dancing, and other amusements. Mr. Alex. McMillan‘s sale went off in good shape evervthing was sold at a fair value considering the cry "hard times." Mr. M. K. I§ramn'u sale on Thursday last went fairly well. Mr. Thos. Sanders and his son George from Varney are at present on a water hunt at Mr. Hugh !Vl(-[‘llun‘s judging their motion we are safe to say they are experts at digging and plank cutting. That youth, our neighbor scribe calls the Scotchtown Swain sold his little bay mare to Mr. George Black of Pomona. Mr. Alex. McPhee and family are leaving our Burg and are going to live on the farm he recently bought on the 10th. Concession Glenelg. I-Ia;nhurz. for Mr. N. Mclntyre. Mr. Donald McMillan is still wearing that happy Wednesday smile. ItUs a girl, all are well and uncle is happy. We are sorry to learn Mr. Arch. Mcâ€" Millan had the misfortune to cut his foot while hewing square timber near Hamburg, for Mr. N. Melntyre. A Sunday School entertainment will be given in the Glenelg Center Baptist Church at an early date, which prom: ises to be the event of the season, all are cordially invited. gIr:. john Beaton and his sister Miss Jessie visited Bentinck friends for a few days last week. Messre P. J. and Frauk Sullivan in company . with | their sisters, Misses Nell and May from Irish Lake were welcome guests in our town on Sunday 17th. inst. Come again all are welcome. Miss Belia Graham spent a week with friends near Farewell Corners. 17th. inst. Come again all are welcome, Mrs. Barnet, of Owen Sound }mid a pleasant visit, to her many tiends here, and on 6th. Con, last week. Miss Jessie Murchison has gone to the Queen City to remain a while. Miss Mary A. McCormick is assisting Miss Flora McMillen with her household duties, at present. utor‘s Notice. Miss Katie Martin is visiting her many friends here at present. Mr. Will Neil is home again and calls occasionally on some of our fair ones. J Arthur also puts in an appearance and makes a 40 mile drive on Sundays and meets with no accident. A sleigh load of Balsam Valley‘s Youth and beauty, attended service at the Glenelg Center Church last Sunday evening. Mr. Michael McMillan with hi« able gang of men are making square timber North East of here. Mr. James Mcâ€" Donald from the Grove swings the the broadâ€"axe. Mr. Dannie McDonald is again in the employment of Mr. J. Morrison Jr. Mr. John McKinnon of_ Priceville rarters, J per ba Ib t SUPPLEMENT TO GREY REVIEW SCOTCH TOWN. gCASH AND ONZE PRICEK. ‘“0‘0‘0’0“‘”0“‘"VGQQQO‘OWQQQO 200000 _ L opmpemnemcomsenemcnvemenaneons to deliver or send John P. Telford, of ham, in the Count Dated at Durhanm UUP CC November, 1895. JOHN P. TELFORD, of I Solicitor for the you think you will have HAY! not drop in Loose Or riceville i figure Heavyy A APPLY TO the _ Bundles for Sale __â€"Apâ€"â€" Mt. Forest. Beaver Ove Durham, Dec. 5th, 1895 How abou We have on oh. Out tI We rices we Following our practice of last year, which gave such great satisfaction, we announce that we have again secured a handsome CHRISTMAS ART SUPPLEMENT which will be supplied to Subscribers free of cost. _ We hope all in arrears will wipe them off before we issue our complimentary number. THE DELINEATOR.â€"The December number of this magazine is called the Christmas Number and is filled with holiday good thines. The exposition of Winter styles i‘u complete, and the Ee on 2 n n n sn Seasous Millinery is attractively presenâ€" ted. There is a special holiday article on Dolls and their {?nmsing. and another on Novel Homeâ€"Made Christmas Gifts, a theme pleasantly sup »lanted by the covclusion â€" of Tillie l'{oono Littell‘s , PMA Dss etap, ador c The practial side of the Christmas dinner has an exposition all its own, while the Christmas Turkey | itself figures in an amusing sketch of Cabin Life in the South, by Lucia M. Robbins. Henry C. Wood tells how some bright vyoung people of the Blue Grass Grass Region celebrate Christmas «t *Happy Valley", and a helpful article on Caryâ€" ing completes the tribute to the day. Subscription price of the Delineator $1.00 year or 15¢. per single copy. _ Adâ€" dres«s all communications tc the Delineaâ€" tor Publishing Co. of Toronto. Limited 33 Richmond St. West Toronto, Ont. Hea account of how to make Brownies. A good man in your district to repreâ€" sent the * Fonthill Nurseries of Canâ€" ada," Over 700 acres. The largest in the Dominion. _ Position ‘perm»mentv. Salary or Commission to right man. With the increasing demmand for fruit, x position with us as Salesman will pay better than engaging in farming. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. States it the World" Also RUFU from Prince : i fine animal Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, ‘*Washington,‘ A pr KR ABDTECCSD 1 pNLY $1 from now to JAN. 1, 1897 3OR . OSBORNE, Mn Durham the 18th day of n LV 1 I ART SUPPLEMENT STONE & WELLINGTON PAMSAY & MORLOCK, Service. â€" This splendid ani ial s imported from the United ind was a winner of four Prizes NWorld‘s Fair, Chicago. RUFUS, six months‘ old. a get rince and Princess Lyons, and alo Clerk Market Scales take 11 a ()Â¥ LD hi of Durham, the Executor BOULDEN & 20., Harness Makers, Durham nu { a look at the Butter oL fants B TnroxTo ONT t and n rV JAI id Cash» ‘i‘Ope- Paper nd idherchief 1 Laiwn B about the Ist. Octo‘* two lambs. Owner property, pay °xP« animals away. 3 will be kept for 1895â€"6 at Lot 7, Came to the t2 490 «©SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO. 402 Tamworth Bear 11 e last inclu TH Came Estray. â€"The continued low water in the Lakes Haron, Erie and Ontario has beâ€" come a matter of great importance. Dr. Dawson ot the Geological Survey who has devoted considerable attenâ€" tion to the subject is of opinion that it is due to the low raintall, and conâ€" sequently, of the clearing of the forest which facilitates evaporation from the earth‘s surface. _ At present the water is lower than it has been known at any time to have been, so that lake vessels are compelled to carry much lighter cargoes and consequently the cost of carriage is increased to shippers and purchasers. The lower portion of Lake Ontario is said by the Kingston News to be an archipelago of shoals, danger ous to navigation and costly to vessel owners by reason of the many breakâ€" ages that occur. In these cireumstances the Mail urges the appointment of a commission to enquire into the matter and determine upon the remedy. ire a very Han Western ADVERTISER 33rd Yeer Sixtcen Pages Every Week xow Is THE TIME TO SoBSCHIrE . . . . This world is hardiy game of draw. . It takes:â€" A rich man to to draw a A ‘:rcll_\' girl to draw att A horse to draw a cart. A live newspaper like c subscribers. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brocklyn, New A GAME OF DRAW. THOROUGHBRED The best and brighest We published in any of t of Canada. emerepatme urnrep agice rrror mergene e somgune ym mt se CC C 2 s ) the &remues ol the subscriber Ist, October, two Sheep and s. â€" Owner will please prove pay expenses and take the Special Rates to Clubs. Good Inducements to Canvassers TERMS $1. X) for Service for Season of t 7, Con, 1, Normanby. s« all communicat 7} L4 Y coNnNsUMPTIVES . 207 0 J. McKnxox, Rocky Raugeen WESTERN ADVERTISER, London, Ontario . YV. LEESON, Prop [) rld is hardly y O But as Young as Ever . . . No. 49 se28°e8%e8*% he k1 T ea of T cas KURMA TEA. A delicious blend Try it. and you will be perfectly satisfied. Also a fall assortment of Crockery & Glassware Dinner. Ten & Toilet S6 At Popular Pric J.CAMERO Sold for 30c 1bâ€" Sold for 46¢â€" 1bâ€" Sold for 50c¢. 1b Uppe â€" FME " as blend Mr“t up in 4 lbs 1 lbs. Lead Packages ase2e8s0ee8ee8e0e,4 t e

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