West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Dec 1895, p. 10

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--- bhas. McKinncn - Special Fur Sale Ready-Made Clothing, a Overcoats, Underwear t The Greatest Before you purchase elsewhere. By so doing you will SAVE Our Stock of e-.t,-aieCrC:'CE3CEBTCECle is ALWY "Large Sales & Small Profits." Tire take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system 1-7111 merit, a continuance of the same. WAREHOUSE, Um: ~DEALER IN-- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Mgchines, Etc. Just Arrived And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. can and inspect and be Convinced. To Sell For The Next 10 Days. Durlmnx. All: One Car Bruckvillc Buggies, also Gtmnoque. and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. ' One Car Chatham Famous Wagons. aiao Snow Ball Wagons. New Sun): of the famous Ramsay Cons-a: fabulous prices Ptmt a Wood's SInge Apron Bin- den. Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. One Cur Mtyorelis't Light Steel ""'aiGCiiGid. than ever. . am“; H --- EVERYTHING BOUGH’T FOR CASH. Great Success Highest Price paid for Poultry, Bu We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the: Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Our Immense Stock of OVERCOATS, CLOTHING and MANTLES- ... . . . .. THE GASH--- ON ACCOUNT OF THE EVER DEFERED IN DURH a J. McKechnie. Etna» VP? "6iiLrii. Mc1rnirl)"if?.l).il, WE HAVE DECIDED Aug. oth, "ors. ADOPTED BY ., G. & J. MCKECHNIE. OF OUR Now on Hand 1iaxwell's Steel Rakes, ete. Coulzhard & Seott's Seed Dr Ilat rows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scumers. Organs & Pianos oi the best makes. A few Stoves at, job prices. New Williams Sewing Ma chines. Full Stock ofpteptrirs' q , J,lr.tr,,i,,i,,l,9.,,ti,i.,'t: fawn, Durham L” Custom- always on hand Boo CA3 its am ---"" . . . . t I q ' L‘-,v-._._V__,_- Miss Fraser Standard : BANK; You want Photos , We up 11y all sizes and prim-u as low as the W,ul:,'l ‘uml Photos as good as the very beet. In unim- to turn out work second IO mule MISS FRASER use-s the best ma- terial that. run be pun-“red. Sitting“ can be had in all kinds of weather. You will save tiiom'.V lry getting your «work dorte at the Upper town Gallery. n THE _-Ft" UPPER TOWN )3 ASKS A FAIR TRIAL. tyt. J) F Ff/rf Y'i)thf!,' 1:5 j. A. Fraser: STOCK at all times that can bc touched for cash. Also: Lumber, Windows, Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mat Since tl If you an --DEtAXa1TM5 IN-- Staple and Farngy 1l.,rrt..?fyls, Bill Stuff Gut To Order At The Shortest Notice. Instantly manufactured and sol quantities. 'teff. LHH New Bands I Mn] A - Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Stationery, Groceries, Eta. Etc. "K nt all times well ASSORTED and sold at tho us estimate a "_-N'"" _ - m» _ rr' ---- W _ "r" _ . ' . ' . \A . V ' P \q . y, . , regal %J%y G. & J. Mckechnie LOWEST PRICES Y()l' WILI, FIND AT _,vyr1rli,.'in 1191.193 ""." . Trh re I' Il. 01.1.13} i1'5ilf: STRAW co Supplied with SEWING noun We do the business Thanking the public tor their' liberal pat the year'. and trusting to merit a comm favors. we wish a113, Merry Xmas and a H: GALLERY all other articles usually manufactured at a Sash and Door Factory. . . O . . . toption of tht ' tind it is ju: Cutters J, Sleighs, in Joug',UJNd's32Bus"s.Lo' Mt "KW "W‘M' V4 - Roller Flour and Chop You G. & J. McKECHNIE to build " house it will pay you to lot on it beme awarding the contract. In Robes & Fur Coats THE HOUSEHOLD a business. You can buy a good Robe for $5.00 - Stoves at ridieulously low prices. All the best makes. will find it to your advantage to call. :the public for their' liberal patronage during and trustingto merit a. continuance of their a wish all aMerr-y Xmas and a Happy New Year. m JTTERS. TURNIP PULPERS. just what need this winter. Mt Cash System ( just what the Wop WING MACHINES, WASHER MACHINES. ORGANS. PIANOS. &e. g Durham Agency. 't A General Banking Business Trans _ acted. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards _ received and interest allowed at high- est current rates. F Farmers' Notes Discounted. and special attention given to the Collee- tion of Farmers' Sale Notes. _ ARE ALWAYS WITH us. Get the best at We lead the trade and pay best cash prices. In tact, we handle all kinds ot Farm Produce and in this scarce year we make a speci- alty of M in large xtpruxrsasio-""ttair"dr hlso manufacturers o: Matched Flooring In Butter & Eggs CAPITAL PAID UP _ SMIXMXX). RESERVE FUND . - (mom. . McKiNNON. J. KELLY, Sparling’s. Bay & Straw OF CANADA. o. SPARLING. want 1nd sm tl I I (iii/6.”; 4 wir t:gluieu, (“Zeaté >3 hd I. V N p.a Vi K you Santa Claus A ?rrerty Christmas jtAftsr'i: .. _ 'i??sE,ii.li'i?éi'2eii jkpfg'r, siii?gk"iyi'ai'i"t" iiiB'firi%i5tYarfiiiiaiikttis T mum- To all, and while C'omplimenrs ot the, still have you bear Prices & Goods The Big 4, Are both right and that wc glad to have you call and sec assertions an: true. - LS ON IIIS DURHAM PHARMACY wisheis You The Compliments Oi The Season. Calder’s Block, ED1a.a:2:2.aaar2'= s14 71$ C. L. GRANT. (WE EXTEND TO YOU.) The Compliments Of The Season a, AND while wishing you the 4 the. sc-asun we woaid Umr-in mind that our tth My TO The REVIEW. ANNUAL VISIT 9w Year H AND AT THE SAME It INVITATION To V " STORE AND SEE or, Goods, Ready-Made Ctottunl BOOTS & SHOES Are worthy of your attention. OUR WINTER STOCK oF Fran! tstress on W,‘ a.” nun I' hat we will be and see that. our J. & J. Rummy "tt0ii fi f i SAME TIMI-J AN TO VISIT ouit SHE OUR STOCK. um ExcEpillit?..E., Browne's Photos Browne's Photos Browne's Photos Browne's Photos Browne's Photos Browne's BROWNE. Made Clothing. and LAND V'ALUATORS. Notaries Public, Cimimiam a Oftiee next door to JAGKSDNS, tt_":cirl DAVID MKS] LOWER TOWN. An undo ot the but “mm many can pmcum. Am up - in style In! ttubtr Took turt [min when“: oxhlhllod In An the but in tho County of Grey INSURANCE AGENTS. in! chin w 'iiriiiidsr {om I / . ?iS (UM/ cc:Mursecs.. ' In“: DURHAM. The Photographer, DURHAM. 70; of nur good Photos "l by " who unwra- o ek. c0h'VEYA.NcERS " Th) it (‘hlpmn II Standard Bank, Li a [SUN w 'N' " _ 7 mem WW 2Se.'Pi'; 'itF'RRhr> M " U. I... “HAN I I _ Never Follows Ready For The Holiday Seasun New, Fresh, Beautiful IINBS 0P CHINA. GBUUKBBY, trt, H" r11 . MAW HUI; WE LEAD THE TRADE IN MEALS: Oatmeal. Wheatmeal. Cornmeal of the best, quality. Fine Flour always Grhantt, Try our 25p Tea. 5aNBIBgBm MI' " " ‘ M :2 , - it , "5MREBii, ost" .7: .-,':;:.-.- ilMNE '.-.~. .. '.'-.-.- J 1:". "lMal+RlMlii Ast:-' El%iR8 . ,, - '.‘.',','. . w', tt . Fl _ ' P, "it I - " P. WINE -iI, Pry: \ .3215: rt.'..?.'-, - was: I , :?rr' - " . . :;;=.. Merry Christmas & Happy New of Business Did you ever know ? know now that everybody vou will get the choicest, U10 gnu cvc. any" . - " know now that everybody should know and conside you will get the choicest, best and cheapest goods It " wisdom for you to think and decide to g< prove the purchasing power of a. Dollar, before y where else. Test all our goods and Busy tit Busier osircA1i..iT.,..1,..,1.....T,,,,r,a?,tso'.sai,, .3113}: You are invited and always welcome to come ', our Xmas displays in all our lines. Everybody knows, must and will know that we the highest price for farm produce in exchange for I Burnet WM. £HE: LAIDLAW LEADS ! MRS. BURNET. 'tti2crrraur Mltt, Eggs, Lard, Tallow ail Poultry Our selection AT PRICE To PLEASE BUYERS [Adlai Jewel C,asets Mid Work Boxes. Curd (hm. Japanno- Cull and Collar Boxer. lrntherFuR and Collar Boxes. Toilet Sen. Cmnpalxinmx. Album. in lmthor. Celuloid Ind Plush. Fancy - White Modal Ink Shanda. Handker- "hiet Boxes, Pocket Books and Purses, White Metal (iignretw Fm. Cigar Ones. Plush l't-rfumo (km, French and other Foreign Perfunu-u. White Metal Framed Circular Mirrors. Sluu in: HOLIDAY NOVELTIES Mess Lineman the Busiest Corner found the lvlwivst Business sum" 93cm": RANK! _ H. PARKER, DRUGGIST. MW L,', ['0 ALL. . "Nrr-'rerf LAIDLAW, LOWER TOWN. DURHAM - -AND - Q1: 6Clyt,ttAltiio,s, ‘ Cups Razors, tte., Ion of Fancy Goods for the trade includes various you will come a-ARE WANTED. Select Violins from rordiul's. Concertin 'Pir..sc Ar.. Park IN THE- Did you ever ponside ' MCARTHUR. ORGANS M Calder's ROBES - CALDER & LIV1NGSTOt Our ft Year kamyé. Calder's contectiouery truer in Town is alw Staff in Town in $1 - an "re';dn. : Mouth Org; ave Depaz tment - Xmas B a are paying our goods. LISIC Store and witne ll rrivrrk' 133" WMO§QQg Ktuuw Hun m C'-ri't' T che /arycs' "tnd r,e.c', salami STOC K day PRESENTS townt 0/ ""1 to iny Christmas and ff youdo market lacFARLANE 51 C0 A Combination Pl Mam To Smokey: Hay is Money is Elem Robe Tanning E ' Makes th Weak Stro Horse IT To mee By the New which mdes mas' ken and 5c " tt ooods, -- _ Mar Don't Yot. " Satisfaction Tired 'icées/i. Ge H0098 Sarsapari m, a Pills a: 3-5;; Is the Only True moral Par) Moed's Sarsapa .tItt-esdasix botucs ct tL inm- II . W1 tome M the best ot but: A Mums: of work I hue ty ”kw; month: all =0 Gg-oct-id." Taottg "iiiiG-cssic,sdoot"r,Se" re Robe mentor thither an I u Which makes and ”gives s ticitr to the m toercrr pm Robes -.-----_ HESS Bruggi W117 in the Il'. but d immm O “m.s$§% earzws: Of con Did yc. mud. TO LET. THOMAS SE51 u " Finis} ISKS tsnvmn auuuM U I m Eruarante Proce It tl we r

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