Tire take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system wall merit, a continuance of the same. Just Arrived "Large Sales & Small Profits." WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Call and inspect and be Convinced. iiiiii"a" Greatest Bargains ! Chas. McKinnon --DEALER m- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. And hard times combined have made the sale of Overcoats very diffiealt but in order to move them as the money is more use to us we will give a reduction tlot, off our very low prices. Have sold very well and we have only a few left. We hive never had as clean a stock at this time of the year as we have at present and the only thing we can attribute our success to was the Extra. Good Value we had in them. If you want one don't delay long as we cannot repeat them. Ready-Made Clothing, a Overcoats, Underwear, < In Dried Fruit, Basins, Currants Before you print :31 One Car Biockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons. also Snow Ball Wagons. Now Stock of the amen: Ramsay Carter-at fabulous prices. frat & Wood's Stage Apron Bin- ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (I. Car Maxwells's Light Steel Binders-eh- than ever. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Durham, Aug. 9th, "OG. We Have Extra Value " The Mild Weather LOW PRICES AND PROMPT ATTENTION. il Fruit, California Raisins and Apricots, Valencia. Currants, Prunes and Evaporated Apples, Pure Spices. ers and the, Public generélfy that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Highest price paid Our Stock of GRQC‘ Ladies' Jackets tr1?gsg to inform our Custgm- ' . _ Jul...“ 7 THE CASHri CHAS. MCKINNON. dk J. McKechnie. EVER OFFERED IN DURHAM, IN use elsewhere. By Stan-:1. Trs.tex ADOPTED BY " G. * J. MCKECHNIE. G. L. GRANT. New on Hand Maxwell's Steel Rakes. etc. Coulthard & Seott's Seed Drift: and Hat rows. F' Wilkinson Plough' and SttaiNrrs Organza: Pianmrot thn2Sat 191mg. . A few Stoves " job' prices. New Williams Sewing JG- chines. '6, ' 3" 3 Fall Stock of Repajls' alwoiysithazd. 1riir Poultry, Butter _&.__Egzs. so doing you will SAVE MONEY. 133138 is ALWAYS FRESH and Complete Boots do, Shoes CALL . MCARTHUR. --The electionin Cardwell has re, salted in the return of Stubbs, Mo Cannyite by SW majority. --Mr. Wallace, in resigning: his met has pleased his constituents. This is something. On Thur day he met with a representative gathering in west York and gave an account of his stem ardship, with the reasons for his rem. ainingsolong in a ministry to which he was opposed on a fundamental Blank in its policy. and the cause of is withdrawal finally, He referred to the insistence of the Separate School Contingent and the compromise made by Sir McKenzie Howell and Mr. Foster in promising Remedial Legis- lation, thus substantiating the state- ment made by 8 Quebec Senator 'a'a1iiii"Att,e'c.s.,er, the Seperate S , " tlL’Eavernnient -m is good to live in unitv. Mr. Laurier in Montreal and Sir Richard Cartwright in Cardwell have recently been addressing the electors. On the great question of the tariff they were at one in deploring the evils entailed upon the country by the so-called N. P. and the operations of mono lists and combines. On the Monitor; School question it was not otherwise, Said Sir Richard, the Government had net- ed arbitrarily. hastily. and unconstitu- tionally. The policy of the Liberal Party is withdraw the remedial order, investigate the question tind out the facts and the contentions ofthe minor. ity in Manitoba. Then after gettinl: at at the merits ot the case, deal with the Government of Manitoba as reasonable men who equallywith all rightthinking people through the Dominion wish jus- tie eto be done, and then justice would be done. Mr. Laurier has always held similar language in all part: of the Dominion East and West IJ" I Il!" w " , r hm ,':d.'i,r1i'r'.l'rCl', "ci'i'l""ir,i'! "'Crse of last "iiriiiii it,' I. till _i,vullit,ec and his Whv? PPOI’L the Lvovcrmnem. President Cleveland last week made Public his manifesto accompanied by Secretary Olney's correspondance to Lord Salisbury over the Venezuela affair, and the whole civilized world has been talking ever since. The whole outburst will cement Canada, not one of whose son: but will defend her from the vandals, who are already planning the destruction of the Welland Can). It should stim- ulate the {amnion of petriotio club- Venezuela is a country on the Northern Coast of South America, having an area of nearly 500.000 sq. miles and a population of about 12% millions, which is about the same as our own province. It is one of the countries originally settled by the by the Spaniards and still retains the characteristics of those people. On its eastern border lies British Guiana held by Britain long before Venezuela was a republic and it is over the exact boundary between them, that the trouble has arisen. Gt. Britain has long claimed a district near the mouth ot the Orinoco, and had it not been for the weakness of its opponent Would likely ere now have pressed the matter to a conclusion. This generosity has led the Venezu- clans to be haughty and they demand arbitration to settle the ownershi of territory, a large part of which Britain claims as undoubtedlv her own by old Spanish decisions. The territ- ory, which Britain will not submit to arbitration lies within a line run by the famous botanist Schomberg and new knbwn by his name. A conform- ation 6f Britain's claim has been found in an unexpected place. A few weeks ago. ima map issued by one of the trftieial bureaus at the States, " Schom- berg Line" is taken as the boundary of British Guianall What more is need- ed? The. stand taken by the Ven- ezuelans has been supported by Pres. Cleveland who applies the “Munroe doctrine" to a case never intended by by its author. The President, backed by a large section of the American people, evidently wants this conti- nent to be as distinct' from Europe as if it were a separate planet, and no such insulting diplomatic language has been used toward Britain since the days ot Napoleon. Four of the leading papers of the States condemn the movement. New England is against war, and it is safe tosaythe conscience of the civilized world including the best elements in the States condemns the course of President Cleveland and his government, who have just passed into law a grant oi $1000“ for a com- mission to examine a boundary line between two nations 1200 miles from her own shores. and with which she has nothing to do. When the States can protect her own citizens by course of law and put down the horrible lynchings which are a disgrace to civilization, it will be less absurd toset up a claim of protector over others. When the nation instead of throwing up their hats for a. war which would cause grievous loss of life and prcgmrtyend stop the prog regs of the worl , will stand as shocked at the thought cfitas they did over a prize tight a few weeks ago, we will admire their consistency and examine their claims. Meanwhile Britain is cool though indignant. ready. if the “dogs of war are let slip" to defend herself. She has the support of all Europe, except Russia, whicll is noneommittar, and ribl'y the Sultan, who, poor, man, Boa: been sadly hampered of late. DURHAM. DECEMBER. 26, 1895. he 6ch gram. WIND OR WAR. WHICH? as the the the among the people, ana snomu luau our rulem to take steps at we: to secure Newfoundland as part of our Dominion. Howcvcrwe think " is Wind and not War. No time is fixed for the Cdmmisssion to report. and the next election will be eumfvrmbly oCer be. fore such a thing is thought of. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. l The accident winch befell the elety tric light apparatus in the Presbyterian I Church on Sabbath evening? referred to in another column pus es to the front again the question of the electric{ lighting, not only in public buildings buildings but of private houses as well. _ The present system is admittedly in} adequate forthc requirements ofthe the Town, and dangerous, for, al- though the accident on Sabbath even. ing resulted only in n scare. it might have resulted in the most appalling con sequences. Further, the light supplied is of a lurid character iltful, inconstnnt, and cxpeusive. All these drawbacks 1 could be remedied by tho me of the I incandescent electric light. his urged I that there is not saftieient power, but if this is the can, if ixrwerusumeiettt cannot be obtained at the Edge Milli: there is no wantof power. Steady and constant to be obtained on the Rocky Saugecn at Aberdeen or Glen- rondin. And we bring this matter up again in the hope that a forward step may'be taken to supply the town with adequate electric lighting. With One Consent Clergyman of Lend- lng Denominations ‘peak In High Terms of Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder. In matters ufdnctrinc and creed the clergymen of the varlmu religious den- nminatiuus Will ditter. it has been mid. however, that in this day the trend of of religious thought. through all den- ominauons is towards union on the main euentinls. It in tertainly the cauetfust the clergy socm well of the unelnind reganliu . the merits of Dr. Agnew": J2i'l'.f.'/L'r' Powder, In the Episcopal Church the Bisho , of Toronto, IV. Rev. A. tiweatman, D. (X. D. U. L.; Rev. John Langtry, M. A., D. U. L: and the ttev. w. R. Willistns, humps familiar to cvmyonc, have spoken in warm praise of this eceellent specific for cold in the head orcauu'rh. This medicine has been used in the home of the Rev. A. H. Newumn. [LIL L.L.D.: Her, T. Trotter. IS. A., and Rev. Mul- calm S. Clark, B. A., prominenx mem- bers of the Faculty of Elk-Master University. and like their Episcopal brethren they sayeood things of it. A kindred opinion has been expressed over their own signatures hy leaders of the McledisL Church. like the Rev. A. s. (‘lmmlwrm L. L. B.: Rev. William Galbraith, L. L. B.: and the Rev. w, ll. Wirhrow, I). D. Just and heartily the Rev. S. Nicholls, of Olivet Congregat- imml Chm-ch. Torimbo. writes of this Ono short puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Aguew's (Smurrhal Powderdifhas- n this powder over the surfam- of tho nasal pas-5a vs. Painless and delightful to use, it x‘ofieves in ten to fifteen lulu- Utes, and permaneuly cures esuarrh, hay fever, colds. headache. sore throat. tonsilitis mud deafness. 800, Sample bottle and blower lent on reel t of 10 cents in stamps or silver. S. G. f't,/'L',," “Church at., Toronto. Sold by Mate- Farlnno &. Co. Wirhrow, D. D. J Rev. S. Nicholls, C iunal Church, Tom medicine, and so tt tended. Miss Bella Graham. of Bunmzsan. spentlast week visiting " Mrs. McIn- Lyre's. South Lino (ilrnolg. and other friends in that viciniLy. TVe are sorry to boar of Mrs. Simpson and daughter‘s illness, of this town. We linen-rely hope to hear of them getting better. Mr. James McDonald. Elder, who is so long ill, is not Improving much. He is now hedfu! fur nearly tourmonths. Mr. Donald Blavk. of Dornoch, in visiting friends " Balsam Valley Lhi- week. - - _ - _ - Mr. Robt. McDonald vented his farm iot 413mm G. Road. Ghrnelg, to Mr, Rom, MeMeekin. Mr. McDonald in. tends to 1msve for Idaho in n shut-t time, We are pleasdd to hear that John A. Conkey, tornnerly of thin place. is get,- ting along well in the great, city of Chicago. Cone at once and we will surprise you with low prices. We have a large shipment ofSwvea, Cutters and other Fall and Winter Goods on the way and must have room. The Implement Season is nearly over but we have a few Buggies and Democrats in Stock which we will sell at Cost in order to clear out our Stock any person in need ora BUGGY, CART 0R DEMOCRAT We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in stock Ben, Kara and Doherty Organs at prices which will suit the times. Money is 'it' io be scarce this winzey, we have arranged foloat1 any amount ot it on g farm security at 5k and 6 per tuint. straight loans. All kinds of Ploughs, Cultivators; Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, " in stock at our Show Room in Lower Town. Marriage Licenses Issued and Fire & Life Insurance promptly attended to For The Jiext 10 Days. Bargains at 1lll..ll.1..pllesale , To Sell m, Special Fur Sale The Fall is a. good time to buy . the people, and should lead Great Success CALDER fl LIVINGSTON, Agents, Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. A UNITED CLER0Y, . G. ALLAN dk GO., C :taCauSm==2t. ( =v'v;-n r,s.t..i'v,j;iry,iij'g,rie.', 'wr' Cr, "f,, 'icfic?yirihrtl' v? "M†:gqhu a, ,. ' Fyfifi, r,a' i?byfif 5cilt,iiiiii " ,'j/it 3257. tttmtg Wu“? Err“ iig PRICEVILLE. Our Immense Stock of OVERCOATS, CLOTHING and MANTLES. ... . . . .. 0N ACCOUNT OF THEA WE HAVE DECIDED T0 writes migh OF OUR Im to " more won. ir.' Hutton was culled "my on . con- anltuion on Wedneadrry ev'niug of Int week on Mr. Donald Cumphall. of Flir- Mira. Egremont. who \ppnrcnlly it 1u/,,'giiM from lama internet nilmenl luppos to he droply. which we hope “mi yet be treated to " to mtore him to will: "pcm. Mrs. Campbell has lost the use of her eyes from a can of cnumct. She intended to lune an operatiun again, hut now having the double trouble she may nor co for some time. -- - . . . f '00v. Lnuchlan MrLauchhm is home from the lumber wood. of Michigan, after spending tho beast of the year there. to Inn-nu I.'. u“. .... "W W, 1y oontpareriyhsent speakers And their oxvusvs to the men of old, who had bought land. married a wife. etc. The twodoctors who were expected, were dvtairtert by profttisi.onrtl duties. Mr. - _ _ . " “Tm: COMMON PEOPLE" As Abraham Lincoln called them, do not care to nrgm- :leut their ailments. What they want is a Ina-divine that will cure them. The simple, honest state- ment, "i know that Hood's Sausa- purilla cured me." is the best nrgummu. in favor of this medicine, and this in what many thousands voluntarily say. Harm‘s PILLS no the '3." pills, assist digestion F. [Clash (Yullough Fagan, E Straw Cutters, Turnip Cutters, " At Cost X. Bentley. H. Parsons, H L S. J. Seyler. F.S. Milllrd rBurnio. w. T. “'Illors. Jun new) Paul, W. M. Riches, Y Frank w. A. McCalhnn, C 1g. Chas. Clairn. Jam. Gordon m. A. W. McDotvitall,r, Mr LOWE: TOWN, BURIED If. Th me the best after-din. iceslyiun, cure headache En ,Agh \‘nlters. Jnn. . Riches, Y, cCallum, c, Jas. Gordon, ",tall,T. Mo ton, J. D, J. t1EMBRONPoB . . . . ' TOWNSHIP OF EGREMONT Crockery & Glassware- Dinner, Tea. a Toilet Beta A delicious blend‘gmt up in “hi. and 1 lbs. Le Packages May 28 Juno 5 July 17 Aug. 6 Jan. 1 Aug. r, Hay is Scarce May he you think it is not, but H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveyancer. is lending Ion-mt it at, 59 r cent, and on extra good loans at, L',e,,'ifll',lid, low-- gems: as any rmonslh person may euro. Collects Notes and Aeeottnta-ne. charge if no cclluctiov.. Cheap Farms for Sale Deods, Mortgages. Lease: and other writ lugs - and quickly pxopnred at reasonable cost. Tea of Teas KURMA TEA. Mob. 16 Money is Plenty. By Clerk. rr'C. fees, births, marriages and don .. Clerk, for distributing hnilnt. boxes... . .. .. " J. Mitchell, balance on printing. . .. . . . . " J. Mitchell, advertising tenders for bridge " J. w. Sharp, u" of hall for Nominuion. . " J. Ricknh . printing Financial Statement... " Election Mre'lu'll'.f.".l .... .....» " J. Rutherford, printing. . .. . . .. . ' . . .. Reeve Teiophuninz...... .Fr.P. ._.. .. Councillors, one day nah . . .. . .. . .. Br iitFiiiGrii'; 57:65.: SUBSCRIBE B y By Try it. and you willbeperfectly iatistied. Also a. full assortmentof Sold for Me. Ib. Sold for 400- lb. Sold for soe. lb uell'sBriagc.....r...‘. ..F'. _........-"" Reeve, search Reg. othce re Trensurerh occur- itiicu and Railway rar..............--- John Rose., service u Auditor. . . . . . . . . .. . .r. . . H Chas. Molnnis. tt F. Humeâ€. ttxing approach to bridge. . .. . . .. . _ R. Bye, "Insuring span of river, con. 8. . .. . . .. a»): II. ll. MILLER tx:-. w. A. Frmr. meaauring npln of river. con. 8.. ROM. Kerr, rrerimr railing on Holstein bring Clerk, Express charges on books. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. David Eve. “curing old timber Runnell'n Bridge It. Bye, letting joh of securing old timber Rus- C. Molnnis. extra. service.“ Auditor J. Ross. br .. A. Hugerlnnn. aid for Mm. Reid.. #r A. Hagerman, 2 month's aid to A. H Councillors. one day each. . . . .. . J. Rutherford. printing. .. . .. .. .... Duncan Paul!, repairing Holstein Bridge Mrs. Fergusnn. rifundod Mun. . .. .... A. Alt-Escher". burying an animal. . . V . . J. G. Wilson, Atssmraor.-. ..... ...-. Councillors, one and A ha." day ouch. . . . George Calder, coffin for Miss McFadden J o'.m Garvey. ttrave James 1bmcrtaon. lt John Bennie. for Miss: McFadden. indigent. . . .8 D. Allan, quarursalazyu .... .. .. .. w"" ... D. Allan. cards an"; printUtg prruunaater's note G Jossg‘h Bella . S. It. F T. C. Donald. Mrs. Hilts. ai w. ly iv. Wrdlm Shell. indi; D. AHAâ€, I Jusszyh Bellini and E. Wyse bridge and Culvert . s. It. ligreumnt shalt . . . .. .... F..... T. (1.1)nnuld. Gravel..., _... Fr.. r... .... Mrs. Hilts. aid to E. Shell. Indigent. . .. .. .. R. Morri-un. grin-elm .. .. . .. . . . . .. ... w. Kirknessi, gravel and tiruber. . .. Tr .. .. Vim. Wilkie, contract at Mn-Quemu liridga. . . . . Geo. Dn-wrey. rep. Drawn)". bridge. . . F _ .. . . w. A. Fraser, services“ com. McQuecn'u bridge D. Ferguson. Lilnher.. .. .. . .. .. .... w. Hamburg. gravel†... .. .. .. .. . . Mrs. McCrae, oil to Mrs. Reid. indigent. ... .. D. Allan, services under the wate" coum act. . J. Tmynnr. services an Engineer. . .. .... . . . . J. Horrsby. gravel i. .. .. .. .. .. .... J. MrDmmld. gravel.--. .... .... .. J.Calvert, gravel..:-. m.... .... .... .... J. Stephenson, timber for culvert. in lim. . . . . . . I)nv1dSim.gmvel...... .... ...m.. ..... Jno. Calder, din-hing. Em. and Glonclg T. “ac Jan Swanston, services“ "ommitmioner....... J. Muir. culvert, Ext. and GlenelgT. Line. .. . . John_Phiiip.gxn\'?l...... ...... ..... M. Gmnly W. thrweu J. Kerr lb A. Moozri,' gravel.... 'e.... t_.... .. David Bye, S. upprnm-h re Mqueeu hridgo. . . f f Peter Keith, right of WAY at Itusnell's. Iseitlqe. . Bilton Bros., constructing McQueen-J Bridge . . . Wm. Jilus. repairing Davidson's bridge. . .. .. J Ttebortaon/gravel....,. ...... ..... D. Hunter. services a: com. n McQueen'n bridg. Jas. Murdoch, mice In com. on o. S. R.... . w.tpetru, rep.HoUteirt Bridge.... .... courun'itom.otto dsy each .. .. .. 'o". .. D. AlGr J . Aw Esme“ Tnpnley, road improvement...... James Sumter: n can: Arthur T. lines..., James Baird. ttral...............-.- James Swanston at Com...........-..- Thomas Tribe, expenses Ann McFaddon. 2GfdiiGid%t, did each FINANCIAL STATEMENT To Bahnca from in! year.... 'l Laud Improvement Fund " Lioeuue m.......................' " Licenne .bb..........e........... -THE- Melinda. repairing Dam: Jtarr _t'iiiii'iiiiiiiii1't con 9, S. ilor 27eon. 9 W. J, lot 'd, con. 6 tor 1894 Collector S. D................ Collector N. D................ P. Moodio hm "turd Interest on B. L. 478for 1894........ Been sale of old t1mber................. Omitted in hut. Report.................... All-ours of Luca S. pt. Lot 28 and 2 IS tsc --B0t--- 41 w,†"'V'""ee'"" hex-tum. labor wrrhuaued com. but mgr, priming planer mlnry For the year 1895. Up to the 16th Dec. 1895. FEBRUARY Wh, 1805. JANUARY 21st, Iak5, SEPTEMBER 6th, pl MARCH 16th AL OF THE J ULY 8th MAY27 G UST h his: io A. Bugle Total Ruth)“ ' “541 -'zi::' frs ' Wan en's Bridg and (mm s P. oll's I Hil ."IIZ'. . 35 Bridge 17 tio ' 2m M IM so " so so Mt M'tt 18 6455 Me'. moo woo 350 1(X) 0000 1500 35 10(1) lar 100 6(1) 800 1000 H 590 4100 ltr 00 w, oo 10 00 16m 150 1000 100 670 150 700 700 100 510 900 96 50 oo 50 28 (I! oo try 50 00 00 (I) 00 66 85 50 95 s, MI 5o so By By By Trustees S. S Br Tonhnro from 1ast.vesr.... .... ..r. Feb. 2 Interest on Durham Debenture "tt..3 Inn-mt. on Guelph Dehentures. Feb. I'., Interest on Mortgage No. 3. . .. Crt. Fob. 19 Guelph Dolwntlm- No. 3941.. l i'a',','t',"ot Interest,........ AprilG Guofb Dehenture No. am.. Jan. 21 Lon on Dehenture No. 7400. Dec. 2 London Debenture No. 10233 Alex. McDomdd. E1litttt wsodootst........ E. Murphy. plum (Sudan‘s Briaâ€... Duid Byr, ti. approach Ind pluuking Arthur'" Bridge................... Albert like» N. lpproMb..............4 A. Meiutvre, .. ......-m..." . . 77.,_______‘._ mm A. â€IUDUUv-u' D. Femmv-n. "wring Ferguson‘s Bridgomm. Robert Noni-on, 'tr-L.....---.-:.-::;,"; Junta Murdoch, services " corn. Arthur'u Bridge Arthur and Pigment wwnliue............ Juno-n Murdoch. mice: “com. wwnline. Arthur D. Cunpbell. gnvel............,..... ...-.e...r."."'" W. Kingdom leg-l "vim......-..---- M. Baker. mveI tor 1ts94.........---- David Brown, work Arthur's Minnow W. but, material foe Arthur'. Budge............... Robert Bio. unice- u can. Arthur's Bridge...... Councillors on. drry oneh.........----- lam Queen. 'rr-l......----:-"-" Bilton Bron. compuion of Anhur'l widowâ€... Button Bron. Work on Fuse: Buidge.................. Elijlb Smith. -sl.....-v-v:-y-- Richard Morrison. burymg 1 dead burne............... J. K0".urnvel......................... .......--.'""'" Albert Hnw, gr|\'el............. ......----'" W. Bell. gt-L-rr-cr-tCC-cr;:.""" "mes Rubens. repairing Oardnrru Bridge....., M. MchneL com. "x........---.--" M. McCaunelL gravel----------- A. Sim. gravel-:------" H. Wagner. trravtsl-.-------- June: Ward. mm. ti.-.-.---"-" F. Dillon. ttrarverl.....--.---r--" Thom" Pbilp, road improv-st----- Tobin 3mm". road impro-t---- A. Emu. id to Mn. Reid............., A. Suzanna. Borsr to A. Boule............. Funk Jordan. ikilirttt in autumn"... W. k, Fm. when an and com.......... Dunc“ Hoover. oervico- " road comm... Jun“ Crawford. tint»! for culvert........., Hugh Hunter. road Improrcmcm.......... Alex. McMillen. road improvement--- Alex. McMillan, road improvement...... Chm. McMillan, road improvement.--. .. James Smith. work on Proton T. line...... Jamel Dublin. (inch Ind culvert......... Robert Bye, unico- 35 com-..-.- Wut. Kirkno-s. mpnlring eulvert.........-, John Dorv.rond Improvement............... Duh] Allâ€). quarter usury"... ..w.t.t_..'"r Jlmos G. Wilma. ticketing Jurors.-..- Chan. Jinn-gt. printing------ John Swnnbton. gravel W. lelnreJid to Mrs. Bucluy............ June! Murdoch. selecting Juroru......... James Murdoch. services Panda Bruin; Calder & Smith. conuuucung Bridge...... Welter Billion. building calw-rt............ Walter Belton, re irine Bridge............ Councillors one Ky each G D, w Total expenditure including $4000 curried t Railway Accmmt..... .... W-rr' li' Jot. McEacherm. Jas. Stuntman. ( Thus. MrLoren. l Jan. McKay. dim Thus. Philip. cub Alex. Stewart, di Geo. Muir. n-fum Jun. M. Lawrenn "s. G. Wilson. k 1 Interest on .. 16 Amount levied to rain-m Coupons 16 Amount. for Sinking Fund. . .. . . . .. 2 [wanton D-it.-....-...... fl .. .. t .. on l I'rineipal on Mortgage No.11 mt. Mrs. Burl! 0. Tan ner. gnn‘ m. Bell, gravel J. Wilson. timber. . .. D(dds u hbls. ficur r0 J , T. Brown. rep. scraper Allnn. W‘s salary Allan. I',ttt%'C,"r't"i'7rit Guelph Debenture No. 27% matun-d Interest on Guelph Delmamm.. .. Interest on London Debentum. . .. 1"RE @EWEW Interest. on London Debenture- on deposit. -rN " H 1w RA I [AVA Y ACCOUNT FOIL Ian, DECEMBER 16th Barclay. Indigent. . . . whim alvert d i tchi NOVEMBER Nth re. buildin bal. ulnry DECEMBER mu: bECEM BER Oth, vert ig%gieiiiE1itiiifg OCTOBER 25th 10 ll " ms. MURDOPH. no"; THOS. BROWN. Tron. oiiGu BridB' DR tax Mgtr.Ter.r.c, for the ye 10 '1 Bri-......... 400 00 n.................. " a) wnlinc 16 wing piles tis. 3mm gs 310m (5 843518 , 180m ,msz 8t 18 $13 57 750m 4500 manna 100000 1000 It75 “no w8e, 27560 9000 Mroo H000 SWISS 1200 100 Mt m " 746 mm 25 (0 (I) 26 M 40 so 0t " ot so 00 00 m )0 50 A Combination P town , of court. you ' but we tran 69 impress the fact. Haunt: market the HacFARLANE day PRESENTS ten "tr. Know that ,,.,, the largest an seam STOCK Christmas ands ff glides mul‘ Robes i (3an By the New Free which for Finish and ness can't be beat To Smokers Do You Robe Tanning -_.. Is the Only True moed Perii mmnsessttrsartttermtu-"it?rSof" ,u ' c122? h r',taat Hoof, s Puts M 'rtt,'Jsh.u,l, nigh-en by I aboutâ€. mama-u: Md 3000981"!!! totrrtt. Imnowukinl “mmnaulu. [on maximum: spent-*5†couch or puns nod dim ssratsmrtheust2s-vm"Y our. [on no down MI qrtthtmt any annoy"!on P, aaririuetattroretsy." E"ikrorGariisJ-V “I bu for the Inn: has: oomPiaining of 1:11.;- and ottids ttt th Hood's Sarsapar To meet the w Cl Satisfaction Guarantt THOMAS SM and set our imam: of urefw t it)†\' As, 4/ In Advanced Ye put it of, then goods -- _ Don't Y HUBER he suew» MKS A. GORDON Robe Tanni KOBE ALIVE mums "rn Dmggists & Book - Did Y 0 V 1K M