s. Aay parsvn who “he: I pap†iron "no post. other, whether directed to hit lame or ttnotlter, or whether he bu Mair lcnbad or nut n- raspouubln tor the plY. 8. If a. subscriber orders bu - to be "ottped " a certain time, sud tGpitblisdted conunmw to send. the subscriber“ haunt to my for it if he takes it out‘vlthe pots? ollicn. This pruceeda upon to groun- lt.st I mun mun: paw lor_whnt ho nun. to pny for ottieo. Tl hat I In†Fancv Goods, TOYS and Stationary, ' WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS and BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " NOTARY "bgrg.gr.teo-uoarer."'s MONEY TO LOAN. I. IGuy l' awn orders hir ptpor dinol tinned. hu nu»! my all arrange-,0: th: publuhu mu) CUIAUIIHI' to sendnnnulply metttts Junk-gun} cullectllw wholeuucvul whether n. be “km from the crime or not. There can he no legal discontinuing-cunt» pavrtseritimwNde. N EXT Door TO PARKER‘S W. ttalt the special attention of Pol masm ' and “lid-Pl Went» zlmlollowinx " nup~i.- u: tlu r "W lope' lun... Bifiiituirriciit mam aim Loan and Insurance Agata. Cub- Voyuw at. Commissioner ace. be“. arr-mm! without _ Conan-um Fully“) In“... hamme- .ttorrrod. - To LOAN " Iowa-I. "mullahs"- " â€who: mall-Wu 3m Dub“ MISS GUNS H OFFICF:--DURHAM PHARMACY Calder’s Block. 'tu' NIGHT as LL AT RESIDENCE. : DENTISTRY.; “ H050“ 0111mm . or “In tt ttltiug ll "nc'. uul. Ind M. l. lfnnylwrwII-I sued. he mun! pH [Misha may conu etttttt .u:hl»,uml c: mum " be takcu he" can he no ug "uuetttu,uvule. s. Aay person wt a post. omen, w? mac or another. or Fire Insurance securrd Clint. ovtn aeeitoe Lona Tov- Lxcnxsan AFcrromum for Co.“ - . of Grey. All communication. ul- ', - AND 0TH†- 33? e" 233.123; ",etrty."t i, TESTED REMEDIES Township of Bantinek. l DAN. Kalil ' SPECIFIC and ANTIDOT FOR SALE The EDGE PROPERTY. DAN. M' m. ARTHUR GUN. MCGILL. I'lllxlflls. SI'RGEOS. AC- t'ot'rMEtHt. £c. L.1.- |:v|.!wn‘ l'h\~m.m, than “norm In the Town of Durham, County of Grey. including writable Water Power Brick Dwelling. and many eligible building iota, will be sold in one or more Iota. Also lot No. as, con. 2. w. G. R... Township of Bentlnck. 100 acres adjoin- lng Town plot Durham. _ - 7 ---= -.-.h- Wall Papers was“ Auctioneer, tor a. County or an . hug-o undergo: “a amt-Amen (nun-mi Jr. gamer!“ for belo- an bo lands a the Mum on“, Dumnm. or " at- random). kin-vino. n. [enamel at areatlv reduced rates - howls-0 taken money. _ 'iii2il and Door Factory. ‘3“ o - Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the differ- ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber tor outside sheeting. Our Stock of DRY LUM RE is very Large so that all orden can be filled. Lumber, Shingles ICESSED AUCTIONEEB. for th ‘Couuty of any. Sula attorad.d to pwmp a mnnblo Pty.. “A et--.-- n . . L. MCKENZIE 7M£SCELLANEOUS. David Jackson, Jr.. (W m l - ---- tf T.7 Althnr fl, chkSOIl. you.†HUGH McKAY. [ Land Valuators, N ewspaper Laws. . G. HOLT, L. D. S M AUCTIUNEER. DURHAM MEDICAL. Apply to JAMES EDGE- Edgo Bill. Ont, DURHAM. --AT- PM £51.33.an Dun-hm thtt MOLEAN. r, Ont-r15. Toe an! a snrzeoas Ont for part purchase the Boyd C D. loCOBMXCI. [t'r"it I In Stock. y um C. l J. mE1itmmiri “MINIâ€! ID [KNIRHKIME E J. SHEWELL Would Intimate t l-‘nynhuru and Un Hahn! by his mm Mn cum-nor to tti an the Ntutte enun- Furniture of IV Best Make 1 For Impure, Weak and Impoveriuln Blood, Dy-pepxia. Sleeplommmn. Pulp“. ' Dion of tho “can. Liver Complaint. Ne, I nigh». Loss " Memory, Bronchitis. Cot numption. Gall Stones, Juundnce, kids" sud Urinary vibrant-s. tit. Vitus' Dam Female, Irrrgnluriiies and Geueral Dubl'ity. 1 Laboratory - Goderich, 0n- I J. M. McLEOD, " Results Astonish AYE RS WITHOUT AY EQUAL- Statement of a. Wall Known Doctor Money u Parties "Ayer's Sarsaparills 'rs without an equal as , Noou-puritler and Spring medielue, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched in elects tn chronic cases. where other traumatic was of no “an, and have been Mammalâ€. No ottter_thef, "e""'""" .._.,__V _ _ V- tried them all. ts so thorough tn It! action. nnd Min-rt! rd, mahy pI-rmnnent cur-w as Ayer's s.srwaparrlu."-rtrs It. F. Mmmu.1.. Augusta. Me. A , m . Bi 8 Only arsauan t -... A gc-nornl financial business transacted C)ttiee next door to Standard Bank Durham F Iggy; Aid, rijr. tirer and bosreta. - MCLEOD’S System Renovator S G. REGISTRY OFFICE . Luuler,Regiterivr. Juhu Deputy-bleittstrtsr. office hum B. m. to 4 p. m. sold by El. PARKER. Dragy,ist. Durham, CONVEYAN CERS. Ru PICTURE FRAMINC A SPECIALTY Admitted " tho wortdU MEN OF SCIENCE. and Lath always Insurance Agents, Commissioners. " VOL. XTrm,----NO. 2. nttimtytp. "gal ont, llr-trhlu “can? " lawn. J ACKSONS. to lend. Money invested tor s. Farms bought and sold. Jter the sittsrui-oppotdto the Market. Durham. Dr. H. r. Merrill. A MEDICINE "ift,tea Prop he will comm akin): Boning: 'ara" and Mnnufncturr Notary Puhl in iii, ttt (tii/ttit llhttit ICE. Thour, aim A. Munr- boar" troat 1 Sarsa- by"; has and teto, Court , the with THE WWl'S (yy/fifiN,ESS, Fr Until lo-morrnw." replies Clarissa, with an: attempt, at gayety, though in reality the vhild's mournful taee is op- Pressing her. Then she touches the ponies lightly. and disappears up the road and round the corner, with Bill, as preiernaturally grave as usual. nil» ting bolt upright. beside her." The next morning is sort, and warm. and. indeed. almost sultry for the time of year. Thin misty rlouds. white and shadowy, enwmp the fields and barren ghost-like (rum and sweep am,†the distant hills. There is a sound as at aiming rain,-ss rushing and n rustling in the naked woods. "A still wild mu- uic is abroad." as though a Norm is impending, that shall rise at, night and shake the. land, the more fiercely be- muiso of its enforcn-d silence. all this day. "Good-by. Clarissa." she says, a tle and imploring cadence mmotatiruc voicw Rltr'tiCiCii1Niiiréicr" silt! the children must be counted utterly. soulless. as they Cul to hear the subbing of the coming storm. but with gay voices and Ray" laughter come merrily over the road to Gowran. Upon the warm sul- len air the children's tones ring like sweet silver bells. But now. at. noon. Upon the southern side. of the slant hills, And where the wands temw "tt the northern Must, . The season smiles, resigning all it" rage, And has thr warmth at May. The . vault. is blue. Without a cloud; and speck. The mulling splendor The frost has Cone ing; no snow fell In: does the wind blow. As they enter the grates of anran. the youngest child, Amy. runs to the side of the new governess. and slips her hand through her arm. "Look. look! the fairies dam eagerly, her ll lighllnuwilh .4 stiairnifreeut ol apart from all though it had and storm, an "sole king I); [l bhild‘s believe wise. - WUMT. .. Well. you ought io know all about them," says Amy. with a, transient hm meaning smile: "you belong Io them. don't. you? Well" (glrpgully). "lper; don't your Well" (drewuily), hups some night we shall no out in hand and meet. them here, and with them all the way to fairy! "Miss ttrouwhton,--there - th the trees! Do you see twrtttt' gleaming whiie , rr asks Ethel. the pupil. "Yes?" "Well. there, in spot. in a. marble statue of u w ind ugdernenth be: ism spring an“ "P"-"""" ___ - the trees! tJo you we tunnething gleaming white I Fr mks Ethel, the "lder pupil. "You?" "Well. there, in that, spot. ha a marble statue of a \vuulun. and underneath her is a spring. " went fry ever so my years, ago. but when Harman's sweai.-iriuttiurher: died the waters burst out again. and every one said the statue was crying for hint, be was so good and noble, and so well, lgeloved.". . . . ' L d " .. I think you might have let me tell that, starry," indiinanlly. "You knew I wanted Lo tell er that story." "I didn't," with equal indignation: "and, lrsiges. '.iaiyii.i,Attfjt.ytd?,t tiTrrilis' hallmark that,ij _ .. m to speak . c/rltur.. Hut than“! "1 man u " they “are two of the prettiest sturiea‘ I over heard in my life. I don'l know whirh mm the prettier." " Now look at that tree," breaks in Aruy, hurriedly. feeling it La honestly her turn now, and tearing teat Ethel shall out it before her. "King Charles the Second spent. the whole. of one night in that. identical tree." " Not the whole of it," puts in Ethel, unwisely. “Now.I suppose this is my story, at all events," declares Amy, angrily, "and I shall just tell it as I like." . " Poor King Charles."' says Georgie. with a Laugh. "It we are to pollen all the stones we hear. half his Momma must have been spent ' 11)) a tree.'" . . -i---e-e I- "M Hm frank I “Cissy, when is your father's eon- , cert to come off?" asks Clarissa. pres- ‘ Gently. l "At once,I think. The 91d organ is ttnendurable. 1 do hope it will he a success, as he has net bk heart on [getting a. new one. Bat it is hard to :mnke yearn attend. They will pay , for their isheta, but they won't coma. Mud. you Bit, mm ttteu-ths other: like, u in gee gs may}: = , "TCUGie Vlmlcunv of the house. y iii tire) -trpFrlaiun, but. runs down the steps eagerly t? Petf them, "Corne in," she says. "How tate you arel I thought you bud proved faith- les, and were not magma at ML" "Ah! what a lovely hal l" says Geor- gie, as they enter. stopping in a child- â€?th delighted fashion to gaze round er. “It's nothing to the drawing room: that is the most beautiful room in the world," says irrefressililc Amy. who is in her glory. an who, having secured the unwilling but thoroughly polite Bill, is holding him in her arms and devouring him with unwelwme kisses. " You shall nee the whole house, pres- ently," says Clarissa to Georgie. " in- cluding the room I hold in reserve for you when these chiidren have driven you to desperation.†"'.That will be never," declares Amy, {tying a final kiss to the exhausted Billy. cr We like her {at too much. and always will. I know, because nothing on earth could make me, afraid of herl " .At. thug they all. laugh. Georgie, I think, blushesa. little; but even the l thanaht that she is not exactly alt she cram Well. at lu"; B352 "iiiGGis7Gigi to My you- ‘ll [MIUVCLL mink you might have let me, tell starry," indiinanlly. "You knew ted to tell er that awry." didn't," with legging indilznaltiw: s gone. for the time be- felt last. night; scarcely blow. It, indeed. "there all erupts." 39.3!†‘Gegrgje‘ teen spent ' up a. tree.'" lounv runs be ore the front e. On it stands Clarissa. oaeh, but, seeing themmhe the Iteps and advances 5:35... "How late you you hed prpvq'iutmth- 113121 'iatiiGrubour white wit hunt of the scene be :11†132.5. l', _'strr, mm, A“ tt'istt'sri _ _'i'iiili:if.i':ii,'iii,ii',: 'irit?jiii e'iie'istliifr.fi iiiei, t 'iVrCrC,'s'f:y'ta' GK W- 'tggeiiig Eti'birit, ‘ kat: B. iliMil " - I go out hand were. and 'lane/t to Fair.vlsud/' we - lhruugh a lib {Nuhmyy I it! her I rm i', 1'ilry DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1896. Georgie, iluliffo of something l desire to knuw. " Dorian .'" r.- surprised : and with n start, . knew Dorian. at mum-r. He mine; he lives like him." you r muvh, lur In Cissy, at "l and then. I tient, they a and the gun the open air nounwd. Lingering. and wandering on, t to die. Like (haunts whose very aw yieldelh proof That they were.born for ie,try.y? )'r'"ititieTm1PWrimer.eWryy,s1? is as naught in the eyes ot the pirisrhityy. era. in that it is devoid of an organ. No sweet. sounds can be produced trotn the awful and terrifying instrument: that for yearn has unwed to electrify the oars of those unfortunate enough to posses" sitting" in the church. It haw at last failed. One nwumralde Sunday it gmaned "lwrud,--then squt‘akvd mildly: cr-r-r-k went something inside; thorn was a final shriek, more weird than the form.. er, and then all was still! How thank- ful they should have. Men fur that! I helium- 1h--_\'_\v¢-re truly and devoully _ ... C,, __,._'_urr 'tll'" "bE'_rtle'. W.'""' Witt WWN' in he iluno.’ Tlc. villagers should and would have mimic at any must, and they never Collin he brought. to my the enormixy of worshiping in the whitewarshed i'liupol that, was, and is, a.» lln' Inuplu of Bolial in the eyes at llwir virar. " would Lake some time in procure funds for aunt her and mare satisfactory organ. In the meanriurs, the whilom choir was Falling to pica-s. The late mgan'ml had accmsted a fresh and more lucrative post: Llwre was literally no head to keep the members together. What was to be done? In desperation the vicar asked him- self this, while looking vainly round for some one to help him drag back his flock tr.om the vifioui infleence of um um. ..u... my ..._.w the "American gangsters.†as he moat. irreverent†termed Messrs. M. and S. And it was then. when he want at hit wits' end. that Mrs. Redmond unexpeet- wily came to the mscue. It was the tirst. and last time in her life she ever row L9 the occasion; but, this one soli- tary time she did it perfectly, and com- ing boldly to the front, carried all be fore her. _ . , . . . She would undertake a. f"'t52,t Claus: she would arrange. and mac . and keep iogether a chmr that should reduce Io 'trisignitituuce the mt pre: mmlons of a man like than)! The. vicar. dazzled by all this unlocked- tor energy. gave his consent. to her scheme. and never after termed it; tor in three short months a e bad re- gulated and coached a singing-class that upmlijtukably outshone its Misthodistiea1 FIVE. . '"Giii then came the question u the new»9rga_n. M " L l enough money." said t.he v.io'T one even- ing, to the partner of his joys.; 'Und something should be done to bring the want of an organ before the public." "I should think it must be sultioently brought, before them leverv Sunday.†said Mrs. Redmond. friluisphap.t.Lr hy- ing her tenth mended sock In the has! ket near het. . .. .. . "The parish is all very well. my dear. but the county ougbp to hear ot it, and on?!» to helm: inst. upon the county pu ting its da m it? pockets." " think you are. nite right to in- sist.†said Mrs. 393mm glacidly ', but Jtow are yqu gomg to tltr.i t.". -,. " Let us 31ng a_ concert." ugh! ,the vicar. at last bringing to ttys.i.igh.t of day his great project. that tosirly took his wife's breath away. "You. a. con- oert. to which the whola country shall come and by; my-mv, your-choir w.» w... ,.-..v.,_..__. V , ___ v, o, tug in, she oongented to teach the choir. assiduously thoe a. week. all the qttBr- temss and tries gnd _solos ‘she knew; while still declarmg. ma. dismal tash- ion. that she knew. the whole thing would be a. dismal (allure. pm! that the great muse yould lose by it more than iL pyould gym. , L n iiiriijt,j"iteiei',', _ - - rs. Redmond .wtu5 struck dumb by rtsis. hon} propomitioe, “it: 1iells At â€mu...†m. Mn†. - nudist (so he. tells himself): but a can- oert, howevg-r 1',y,',1,t'1i,"t,it isa pro: digious affair, um nut to be conducted by halt a. dozen raw recruits. Besides, tlrt cuuntfy admires the coun- ty, and would pre er seeing itself re- presented on.the boards to manning to the warblingy be _uter never no sweet, at an outsider. .It tN so (at mom delicious to_luugh behind and: tan " 't'iii"TGistrurainsassttMnatt?"'. H mm... 0...... Many days. many tours has Mr. Redmond spent, arrgngmg and diaar.. ranging all the details u the proposed wncert.__ . . ., 'r '., '"'riir'uies is in.' itself a "ha " tsgur,"--.ta r, h,otpp,it.I1tyMt “9â€!" BIL" 'rri7%'i'a, 501319 _morgey. but not ANU' rorugvs m pariah" l iudifrvrvntly CHAPTER XIV " Where music Sléx Pe ll fre ym.sie dwells wandering on. an Ms him anything.", mnswnnln- f" mku murv from want, Hum any aetual "-with a faint mm 1 Humm look at. me?" orkwi at herself . and smiles a that ix full of Iactiurt. as she whirl) is given ndly “new. wok at, you too ‘- uf mind." â€I, a laughs . . " gutting . , are the pi tay linger-y rmmn tea Mush. hum of s not the rose .. He is only ' of Lord 'tstu it4T. asihough Wmâ€; herself t every one ol, you Iâ€? a [I friend of Ind you must Na ya Cissy 'tl m“ parish will lend a helping ham Js',,',"),',"'., Wand hang n brother elem: impâ€, d there In. Walden. Mr. Handle; in!!!“ plays Lye violin, and Mr. Johnna: ing'in gnome both comical and metal iwmv‘? ~w1ch such success am to F w C,ii'k's (summer. as the cm m a?» "eq Cyttie eke ot any one with fl 13hr outside the. pale of moonlit/inn. And of ammo, the dummy must, Ire human-d The vicar grows ileivousi in he Illus- Iers this tact, and strives 'lilim-mly lo discover some among the mun-r ten who will come forward and help In sum-W“ and gild the "great. unwasheti." The duchesr. unfortunately, is from home: but Lady Mary and Lady Patti- via are at. the Castle, and Lady Mary- when she can be heard. whieh. to do her justice, is very seldom. even in a very small roottt-Nbn sing nice lilllv tot2RN very nicely. Indeed, she is fund of describing her own vain. as "a sweet Ilitle voice," and certainly all truth is erulrotlied in rlrt_ssyrd '.'litlie." sweet little voice," and cuertaiuly all truth is "rulrouied in t_he word "little." Then more is young nix-ks. the nur- geon's tum, who boasts :1 gum! harilone. and is addicted in Mullny and Adan and all of their class. and who punitive- ly revels in Nancy Lees, and such gentle beings as those to whom the "'l'ur's Farewell " may bf. manly hrepthed. Then there is the long murky man staying with the Hellews who ran shout from Mar, and make- music of his uwn that will pruluhly, nay. surely. go it lung way toward bringing down the home. 11.4 fur as the farmer class is concerned; and with him will come Miss Bellow, who mu produce a very respectable second in any duet, and who is safe to go anywhere with the long “Milky young mm. it report spank: tru y. , Mrs. McConkie. from the neitrltlNrtrgt Wish. _w_ill. lend _ helping 1tEtsAc.is.s.ttt a new 0131p. . .To the vmar's intense chagrin. Ihr. rum Ihansxrmh.e is Bbsent,-hss, in- deed. been up 1n (own since the day before Georgie Broughton's arrival, now a forrpiglit oll. . a. “nun..." «W. Dorian would have been such a com- fortl Not. that he sings, or plays, or riddles, or, indeed. does anything in particular, beyond cayrling the entire nvighhnrhnod; but that, as it happens, is. Hi this mac everything. To cajole, r‘w-'"-.--*~-v . -". is. in this case evarvthing. To crude. to entreat. to compel the pea 1e to come in and fill the empty d,"i'l% is all the vicar would require at. his hands. And Dorian could do all this. No one ever refused him anything. Both old women and young yiomeri'aelmos.v.1edfie hmgmwer and gwe in to him, and hard- ly eel the worse because of their sub- tiervieuce.-he havinga little way ofbis own that makes them believe. when they have been most ignominiously be- trayed into saying "yes" to one of his wildest prqpositions, be has been run- ferring a favor upon them, more or lest for which-he is just too generous to demand thanks. But this invaluabln nlly is absent. The vicar, in the privacy of his own sanc- tur-vhere no one (an “imam the un- godly deed,--stauttps his feet with num- tion as he thinks of this, and tells him- self he is unlucky to the lust degree, and tsckuowtedgeats worth in Dorian Brunswombc never learned boron-l Clarissa is perfectly delighted with lln- whole idea, and somewhat (annulus him by her ready offer of maistunw, and her determination to step into the. alarm, Dorizm'n shoes and make: love to the country in his stead. She wrslsts in calling it the "first mnwrt of the gunman," which rather alarms the vicar, who is depressed by his wife's promursticutiops of failure. and 31-034 nothing but ruin alsead. She declares her intention of publishing it 'iit.1 all the London papers. and offers _ the whole of the winter comervntories to decorum the school-house (where it is to be held), so that. thwa- accustomed to the sight. of its white and somewhat iluin-n walls will fail to recognize it in its new-born bunny. I "Then. shall we uuuu- tlie 4th as the ldayr' say! the vicar, with soun- trepi- I dution. It, is now tho end of January. and he is alluding to the first, week in tho ensuing month. Ct I wish you could lsinu. Clarissa! I dare any you would help me." _ l - . . . .. not. '._F...,,s wrBct m ... an. "indeed I would. But. Nature. has proved unkind to me. And. after all, you want no one else. The choir, in itself, is very efficient: and if you must. call for 'out-door relief,' why, you hum Lady Mary, and the others. That. fearful young man at Bellew isa fortune in himself; and Mr. Johnson makes every- "oMyery--snd i_L is so nine in cry." b, "hes.u-yes-1 dare say," says the poor vicar, who is somewhat d'rstrait, and, to any the truth. (l little miserable about the whole undertaking. "Now, there is Sarah Martin. Do you think she will pull through? On her I build all my hopes; but some inward doubt about her oppressw me. Willie Beal- ma.n hasa capital tenor: but, he and Sarah don't tieslt,-.stse refused him, I t.hink.-and so they won't sing their duet together. Then there is Lizzie Bealmn. she might stand to me; hut. she loses her voice when nervous. apd has a most uncomfortable trick of gle- 31% when T the itttt, excites; 0.... "a“. ... we MtP"eV-t" V, 1"fVt', her in the background," says Clarissa. "She is of no use, except in a chorus." "Her people. wouldn't stand it. They look upon her as a rising prime donua. Imui'e you. my dear t?rarisna," says the Vicar. funively wiping his brow. " only for the gin of it, there are mo- ments when I could wish myself he- neeth the sod. The incessant. worry is more than I gau_hearl": ' .. u. “NIB Lu.“ I Wu - . "Oh, now. .don'tlsay that." “f5 Miss Shaman, mums his arm loving y. "It w l m.a_gr_ea.c Buf'.',"'.".'.. this concert; I 'Gi;wlitiGf"it, Win I " (To Be Continued.) "" ama-cl I'M! Ill-y Wound: “Ill te Lena Iona-o 1 Ian " Formal- Wain. It would appear probable that in tbl future war many ot the wounds pro-' duced by the new projectile will be surgically less severe and prove amen- able to effective surgical treatment. writes Sir Wm. Moraine. Probably also. the number of severe injuries will be very great. when we consider the enormous rouge ot the new weapon and the penetrating power of the pro- tSie' w ich enables it to traverse the " of two or three individuals in Iline. including bones. and to inflict scr- Ious or fatal wounds at a. distance ot 8,000 or 4,000 {this It is impossible to any what t proportion between these two " likely to be. At near ranges the explosive effects will be much the name as before; but at long range the narrow bullet track. the small exter- mu wounds, which often approach. the subcutaneous in character. and the moderate qegree of eP,RP1ie.e.. and P."""".""' ucglw v. \v........__.e_v {insuring of the bone will be surgically advantageous. These will form the bulk of the gunshot injuries of the lulure. ttrr it'would seem impossible with maga- znne quick-tiriptt ri les to maintain a contest at close (111111191?! without speedy mutual annihi ation. We may take it for granted. that. the number of wounded in proportion to the numbers engaged and actually under fire will be greater than .before. The supplty of ammunitiou will be larger. the agility for its discharge greater, and amokelese powder will increase the accuracy ot rum. . . . . I think we are justified In believing, mlthough there is high authority tor a contra? opunon. that the next great war wi l he more destructive to human life. "bloodler." in (not, than nny’ of its predeceasorl; lend that the numbers ot injuries. and In my? cues the ee- verity of the injury ml be largely In- creased. But very men! cues ivirl w . - _-----.- .- _ nun-p mom main by severe in character, more capahje of wwpIul tmtpant. Ind less likely to out“! tgtuxge dmblslncnt. while hemmed .umutlon and anti.. uptio hod- wul enormously W . Juan..- " marl-L . Wiilo mi med Mutation Inn nau- uptic mfhod- will enormously morale the proportion} at mug. . FUTURE WAR SURGERY 'e name. the (th as the vicar, wit h t40tttt' trepi- nv the end of January. ur in the first week Ill tlt, “I wish you could I dare say you would rytt 14aat, than iy I p%arire :7 he others. That. fearful 'ellew isa fortune in Johnson makes every- is so nice in cry." _ m. ryr-n ip a nu mm: Illllv i, she LN fond _iii'/it'iriiiiiitii, Ce ', _ fl , i " fish" ,,"il,'r'i,:s1"i'i, ri' Ji;Ft1ly Gr SHARES WI EASY AT SEA. THE GREAT MAJORITY CAUSED " TRIVIA]. THINGS. good My of them no ch tot nt All mun-nu tour: “Hume rum Anion: lip run-gor- on I user-- Wnulmv wan-J- enn-n Mont FM“.- 5-: - m"---." acme In '"grtt Mere o,zteor-ruortr" od Ball. Just as sum as the skies take on ulinm- of winterSVray the ships that go "coaouwise, rruus saw. round the warm and back again" begin to bring tales of dosperntc struggles with giant ormlrern, of panics and tsairirreadth - capes, and all sorts of thrilling Idven- lures on the gray winter was. One: in a while there comes in I linerww has met something bigger that and in the way of waves tad than is sum to he a story of panioi the [maengotm It's the “but! the world to get up 3 sort at; nun-m! the annular: our 11-8 W"'-Vi - _ ' primary cam of the accident was tem- peatuous weather. Popular belie! is all the other way. Ind when Capuin Frederick Watkins reported at the close of a winter voyage from Liverpool a few years ago that. in a hurricane he had stopped the engines of the Paris and let her (all off into the trough of the sea. to ewe her, his report created a sensation. "Of course I did," he said. when he was questioned about it; "that. was (In simplest thing to do. Nothing could happen to the ship. The weather doesn't, blow that. could founder her. She's too Mg and too attach." If a demonstration of the ability of the modern pasrtsngerrcarrripy orxuutBo- er to withstand rough walnut needed a decuorvuration it could have found several in the last few years. There was an accident. to the Paris. when with three compartments full of water sh e rode on}; shun? land Arois,i,yct an e run: on... aw... -___ a Queenston with everybody safe. There was the Spree. which went erough a frightful storm. with the tail shaft broken and the after compartments tilled. There wan the Umhria. which lay for a week with her nose held up to the winter gala by her an ant-hora while her engineers patched up the hruken thrust shaft. There “in the Hum. which lost her screw and drifted around for ten days before she was towed into the Azores with all (In hoard sound and well. And there was the (imagine, last winter. which got into New York eight days overdue. having been out in the Worst storms of a particularly stormy W, and not. under control for a week because of a broken piston. Them things lend force to the statement. that most of the (rights which the manger? oqt.tst hi3 liners get every winter aretrwial or must-less. Every time a. ship gets in and reports any such experience as La. (‘hanumgne rewrwd last week it, is certain that. the. passengers willapin yarns to their friend» nature which wouid put an able sailorman to the blush. These things alm lend point to the, story one ot the most. popular captains u -"". A BIG LINER sertyetiy.tes (ML! when l. good friend mums Inn: in his room up on the bridge deck. _ .. H L H: 000K. IL was a lung ' ago, when Illinl mpluin wax in annular“! of the old City of Chicago. wlume hunt-:4 lie on the oldl Head of Kluwle. Plum: by Daunc's HANK 'l'he voyage we“ in the “eastward oul‘ from Liverpool. " was in the early fall. and the first cabin was full to) "vernowtug with the first. hume-cuuxers at the suunm'r European wur'mls. The weal her had been superb all the way. and the ship'n company were wngml- ululing llwumelven on an unusually quick and pleasant voyage. It hap- pened that. we morning nvutio'clock the capLa'm went. upon the bridglre to look around. He has made now near y 600 voyages acres: the Atlanllw ocean and he has seen the ml: in every phase. Never, he says. Aaa he - such a sight as glut. which lay before him on this exam. when he got. to the bridge. The sea lay perfectly still. its aux-hoe Iunbroken by even ' naw of wind. Ex- cept tor the oocasiond long have ot I bony swell. the In: memory ot some tgh-thr,' storm “It rose_md tell no gr Giii.iiisyEygeytt,iyut'l.s to _ A ml -.._i- -.. AM nulm no the practised eyes of an old ulnar. no motion of the water could be discerngd. The sky w.aa Iigrftif,? cloudleas. afunt gale blue up t t light ot the full mg. be away: loaned against the mil of the bridge and watched " the old lost star wheel back again " in the tut n9rlheg'n heavens. Somewhere, be hind him. a long way c.rtf. there norted up trom below the musu: of the engines. - _:_.- " Dinidhv rinidilv rigid“. H' '.""" WW". t"? '““'.".“2 ~â€"* ".V. unsung. "Wqridity. rigidity, rlgldg. uniUryjng.. ueituuirimr. rigidiry." e heard it wtlboqt, listenmg. and caught the. rhythm at it. tuaeoytiyua.ly. A long strip of gleumng silver lay on the gums-like surface of the water. It; buckled evger so lightly once inuwPile . . - 'I __- " awn“. TPPV' w Rum, _._,‘ ___ as it caught the heavy swell, Ind it .le.d clear to the horizon. where it; un- i.shed suddenly in a. wild leap up to [and IN M lD-OCEAN Bttot.her “at"; tog whisfh begis in the worst. smrms ot wrmy W, and not. ur a week because of n These things lend mlanunl. that most. ."t '""r'" . - an old nylon n.o A story of a different sort is th the pasmeagerB in the Red Star Westeruland on In outward vnyam oral yearn ago. It was an the day of the vuynge. when the shit leaving the Grand Banks. andh prevailed. so that it. was nlmmt impos- sible to use a ship's length mew. All the morning the fog whistle blew tif- teen sounds out of every two minutes The wagers, who had begun m get A little lubed with one another. gathered mantle knobs and discussed the my weather. The lookout in the crow": neat was doubled ind two men were sent up no the bows. About noun, Jet after the )Vmwrnland'u syren canted one of us uncomfort- able boots. then comes an answering whistle out from the tug dead ahead. The \\'eswrnh.nd's :4an hunted again, and immediately there came an answer. The second whistle seemed w he direcrly in the Red Star litters (pupa The [WU left their steamer chairs antfgnthered along the forward rails. They peel?! anxiously mu into the tosr,.ltut the rightesr eye nmldn’l disziuguuth anything but the irupene- trahle wall ot stay tiiist. The ship had been running " reduced speed. but now her angina were slowed down until she seemed barely to crawl along. For a time the laterals between the 110:er hunts of the uymn were kept, at. a min- ute and f.o.rt.y-f.ive wounds. But, the whistle about kept shudily repealing the waning. t.e the interval on the Weaternlaat w shomned to fifty seconds. the hoot helm: prolonged tor ten seconds. A qmwmuwr sand on the b'yti, deck, much in bud. and marked t time with the whistle cord. Nothing more could be done by the ottimsrs of the ship than what. they were doing. They could only wait. The mwngerx dong the all: were too in- tereswd or too anxious to go down lo luncheon. and 1 o’clock found them all still Lbem._ _ .. I Then relief came, as unexpectedly and suddenly as the warning of danger. It. came with I gust ot wind that rifled the heavy fog. The hmzo hlvw up. It picked up the heavy fog and “baked it away as tn autumn whirlwind scat- ters the first, fallen leaves. And as the fog flew before the wind the looknuts and the [warmers along the rails and the officers on the brim saw squarely ahead of the Westernlatid, bound east, and on the name courst- a. little cargo boat. with her "load line over her hatch .. and the black smoke beginning main to mu out of her aqual. funnel. There was. mu from the Western- ta.od's whistle. The halls in the en- gme room Jinttied and she forged ahead at full spend. vexing}; It/tl", from her course to reignâ€. As the liner "pdurt'lel'd. was a flutteringttf sign-Ill. I dip of the nag. and the inci- dent was chad. ___- . . "ir'harutiiGirhe differsnm in Ueing frigth by fog aod frightened by somethmg _ 'rrnaaNe PUSH-Dh- Lboll “no or the "Gun Yolk: or the World. Old King Albert of Saxony smokes I - German pipe with a puma). lain b'owl, and is devoted to it. _ It " uid that when Queen Victorial tad the Empmus Eugenie are together they mad all their 3pm time doing needlework (or thm poor. , Queen Victoria's groan grandchild is 'grprttayRtiatg the moirriageaurie “in If her Majesty lives a few years onger she can 11an her {hobo taken in one ot those groups o five generations. Mrs. babe“: Bird Bishop, the fatn- 9n: traveller. is the guest. of the Brit- ish.the.uf " Seoul, Cores. Although :In mvglid we is prmpariryr for a wilf- 0:: Winter trip new we Peking. The fourth Hebrew user ' just been exalted. He b Baron Ell/l. De Worms. The e?.th.er three British Hebrew peers now living are Lord ttotlvwruld, Lord ',BattertoaL. and Lord Wsndsworth. |Md tor 30m mm has been quasi-u on , version at the Bible in me Bul- garnn tongue: President Diaa is to have a monu- meat ma to him in the City of Mexico. deqigattyd after the Arc de Try onphe in Paul. The aim selected I: 'iiir7iurri'iiCoCtiiilaiePtsLa,e rm non Jenny-hr“ A514 Pr,.he Mme. Saul: Bernhardt! fad tor coal- [Ugg,' knows no limit. Her latest pn. mtion is valued at $7.500. lt b, trimmed with diamonds and turquoiset, and the skins of goo amines were used In the lining of the train. Don Cirum. the Spdirh pretender. is one Q! the hmdwml. and laminating Pe? In Europe. His macs] spirit. still {was spine in mum travel, and be In pamimtately tond of tux hauling and all exciting sports. . The u.rtreat single life insurance pol- lcy ever mound is the 8rt00.000 pol icy just taken out by Colonel John B. Carr, of Durham. N. C. John iGaunakeeslite y: Armand for $1,000,000. bar the rink ‘m divided among a number of different 7Gilir'Gi"it. --- -- f “youâ€. Rev Dr. Elias Riggs. n memury of the America: board in Constantinople. though 85 yum old. is still in active work. He was born in New Provide, N. J., and. “Wet being grudunwd_ from Amherst College and Andover Semunary, he went a 1 mm. Cute Imam; .tbe Greeks and then among the Armeni- ans. He went on constaof'utople in 1853. uni (or 2',',','UW, has been elm-{Nd on I vex-sum the Bible in the But- Pansoxmj'mm'rzxs. A HEAVY FOG d forward to trail her. t ht cum m him and partly out. of her range. she ran toward the ow that. Lhe men were "my the life boat, but. leisurely and peacefully the morning's gum of ‘But she did not sunken ‘Nota thing wt» in her of the old City of ' broad and Hear. unob- dhnoettioem or ventuatora. has that spoil the gum- Re.weyt liners. here I to hinder her flight, and te%etg from her mum in B degree the frighuemsd wo- than with tal her speed. ‘mtcbing her nlusely,puw me of thorw who sat. " in the salt-(m. In the _ ht her face wuu ghost- eycs were wide open . d her exprthion was one Fd', the deck at. top speed fo.wy the. arm oouipaniorr Yiet titleen man that M tux} the mm of the l to give her a ameplinu tifiemtix, of the night.. She pd u, find out. what had Br. lime only knew that, ting at Irrenkfast. she faced mntlincbimrl.v. Perhaps atae ll him. but. if she had she my herself by so much u I of an eyelid. 7 oishmer churklm Wt up at him quickly. but be to noun it, and went on. LANK TERROR F herself try so much u of m eyelid. J' aid the eapuin to one the table. "what Hula mes frighten people at NO. 904. foo l, CV", . 'p"p" q £2,551. C,-, um GuiG'iiTrau "The a his“, and “an: be “M "New. by. ‘Pnt back 1 main. {unmet directly i7iLiGiG' ?- their third at of liner iTHE GREY REVIEW IBESERVE FUND runs: . per rear, m mum CHAS. MGR wmrampm CAPITAL. Authorized $2.000.†" NH up 1.999.999 and lid-ad W. P. Cowan, StandardBank of Canada Lem-I Bum; bnlincn tre and“ eotiqrtttottr, runde an an u "out“ And when“ tsUow Dunn allowed on Inna od upwuda. Prompt . imstrordod canon“: In 0f the Thursday: Morning. First-Class UNDhl‘ll'Ah', Na i'; PRIME BOULDiN do CO' m.. .%,i,iirr for Counziés of i',ruee and Gray 'treid-king Sn. Baum-er. JAMES LOCKIE, ALLAN MSFARMNE for sale cheap. Jobbing nfall kinds promptly smiled m ALLAN MoFAlgLAsjg, 83053 of Marriage pinata. _ fr". Hand-made Waggons Horse Shoeing Shop, S “in tobe It I W“ the We WANT A MAN AT one: m this commumtv to seii_specyfne' W in this communny to sell spend inonrllno. True-that bearseedless Pe n xtspuTryoshartiya.s oaks. "Ends Cabin Wyn Apple.†Cherry a GENTS in d] ptincipal points in cthysrttrAtu's.r"r"u'h"s United Stat- Hoad Office . Toronto. SPâ€. bovxoerrze: will d o n o t m i ttot Blackberry I allow withoutth “a m Inn her enumerate. Tree Roses, mow UU , ‘Uwunou: 1uo6u.. ustoftsrtlsereaumerate, Tree Roses, are BUTour stock talks for itself. Prices right Handwme book of plates mad com late butfit furnished {we of charge Wm: in: mm: wd pmicularsv CHASE BROTHERS OOMPANY, comma. tran., 7-- “Om W†Nun-nun. DURHAM AGENCY, Has opened out a t FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 'ici.' Thain thcy nu: the geeatcst are van lion of the Tras and in blend. that ind" put it up Much-cu and m" it only Eu an. terr..,': thereby waiving ilurpwilyand eter.i" “In. 1 lb. and s its 'rrA'qe",'da Win bum. A. "este-a “4.0000 ""_’., _ _ ', 'Wir-al . .-. " . v.\..~;:, 'iroorr-doe' "N', L if! -1 his . th" (l8lltjl,i','i,ij.'(ii,t,'fttilll ',s,?,cyccc, TEA m3.- . PM?“ SEE OUR HARNESS, UPPER TOWN- __ I Furniture the Best Quality \hcaper SAVINGS BANK iiirtiiiiRfi 353mm) LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. DU NN'S . tirpM...l'al1li,.ti? fi5tWi02jjiiiif.i.t., the old stand made shoes " PUBLISHED EVERY " Mon-con" Tra it gut Fiaii iGtbuckuisirt, Plum Iâ€: by Cutting. Tree C and in "in†H“)??? WOODWORK mom TN: mr'um'r IN ITS QAJ’IVE - President "Nass Hearse- HARNESS y, Best Quality ms EVER. OFFICE. GAR BE. DURHAM. in connection. A first-class lot ty, HARNESS OIL. " Durham KRESS ' do not mildew. Blackberry Bushes k without thorns. trate, Tree Roses, etc. [afar f. of late MW‘W. rt' the ban qua an: the - nd in. bland. t ad mil it only rimriyreeits KELLY. Agent. I humans-4! mun m an pniuu. noâ€. showed a: current Geo. P. Reid. Iuttag" to. Trem Carrion Gooseberrierthieh Proprietor. YO Ya: 7:5 cw I. "Excelsior“ _ Cherry as. Plum trees not Old ovorrGidi mimin ot India- .atcut are - 03701.10 ded to, 1nd- LSS E f go k":" 1E