West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jan 1896, p. 2

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Robe Tanning? Horse m Bay is Scarce; --mrt-- i, Money is mentor) ar. B.--To nnsure a . Hid-I mun be well salted n In oth luv he you think it in not, hat H. H. HILLER. the Hanover ( onveynncar. is Wing human! it at 5k per cent and on - good lotus " ers-Costs low-- Tom. " any “was”. person may claim. Collects Notes and Aeronnts-ne charge if no eclteetioa. Chum Farms for Sale Deeds. Manny-I. Lenses And other writing- neatly and quickly pup-red at reasonable oi. Lark Box 28. Hmowr P. o, "Telephone Western ADVERTISER 33rd Year We Handk- every: CALL Arm SEE QUR\ l, Collars, Pads, ---,tf, as Young as Ever . . . The best and brighest “teddy Paper published in any ot the cities of Canada. wortousushi,' Add!"- all communications flan 81 Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Sixteen Pages Every Week NOW IS THE TIME TO sU%C'R'u3FC. . . . . illild tlirm nuw toJAN.1,1897 “SPRUCE LODGE HERO," N0. 402 will he kept. for Service for Season of 18660 at Iart 7, Fun. I. Normuuby. use. can't be beat. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Clocks and Watches Skins -.q.arg.a.1trrItEhra'-- ALIVE. mm ems m cams Special Rates to Clubs. Good Indueemenzs to Canvassen a Choir. in values, Grips. Horse Blankets, are" ac. MODERN. HARNESS E Robe Tanning ! Tamworth Boar A. GORDON. Ess- FU RS. ‘53. an Business confidential--- lox at. H. H. MILLER. nwr P. o, The Hanover “-l-nhnno " Conveyaucer. ALIVE) ! Are not Amclem but New Process, 'r Finish and Soft- THOMAS SMITH. THOROUGHBRED WESTERN ADVERTISER. London, Ontario, Are not dead but , everything in the 11arneats ,ne, " right prices ft DAILY WORLD Pr} --OUR-- 1111511 I‘EVIEW Bites, Whips, dx., &c. H. w. LEESON, Prop p Unsurpassed. All) W 3 good job the ad u 000: an ta. NOW. "--Alrretl Auszm nus Jun-y m roman! poet humane, an offieo nines tnc death of Tennyson. tht tttt gamut. or did not g: Thom n I hand mm Sir John led --This is the week of Prayer through- out the 'world.' We think it must have been timed to such down the. ruffied feelings of election time and Ret nu all back into peaceablc paths. --The sentence ot Shortia, the VAL leyfield, murderer has been commuted ufimprisonmetlt furlife. The people near the scene ot the murder were wild with excitement and are still hold- ing meetings denouncing such cle- mency. . --rtt t606 England, under the Prince of Orange mm prepairing for war with France. In 1796 she was beginning the lite and death struggle with Napo- leon. it appears that 1896 may also be distingtrUhed by trouble with the Durham. Thursday, Jan. I), 1896. same nattott, 1896 has opened badly. ‘11:ng grant Anglo Saxon nations just . w: ing their breath after; war scare. and now this Swath African holiness lead- ing England into trouble with Ger- many and all Europe showing their teeth at thc British lion growlmg. -Hatred to Britain seems to be a common possessxou of most of the nations. It must. be that her success arouses their envy. France it seems would go with Germany even against Britain, whlle,l<ussix would eagerly follow suit. Austria and Italy Would look bu at a distance. And what would the Yankees do? Would they stand by and see their best customer's purchasmg poxver weakened? We have a uouou that were Britain sorely pressed we might find that blood was ”ML-“r than water and see Brother "Jonathan" bestow a fr of such a name. sl purchasmg power wea have a nouou that were pressed we might find LI thicker than water am Dr. Jameson, an agentof the British s. African Co., led an armed force into the Transvaal, adisstriet, .ndepcndent, yet over which Britain has a little control by treaty. The reason of the invasion was ostensibly to protect some British residents there, though the dis eovery ol new gold fields may be the reason. Anyway Pres Kruger met the invaders, and completely defeated them. So far all well, as Chambers Fain, Colonial Seey, had cabled pro- clamations forbidding the expedition. But the Emperor of Germany has put a different lace on it fle,'eabled with great haste a congratulatory message to the President, which not only ex- pressed sympathy, but almost amount ed to an offer of help, and the nation, which all Pres. Cleveland's blaster could not agitate. " once went wild with excitement at Germnny's inter- tereuee and Jamieson has becomea hero. The result may be serious enough. An alliance is talked of be- tween Russia, Germany and France against England, and at present Brio tain stands detiant at a hostile Europe, strong in her sense of justice, her powerful navy, her loyal people and comfortable surplus for the past year otS25,0(X),000. -)Iotires are often mixed use of President Cleveland, Ring in the face of the Br ver Vgnezeula boundary THE CRISIS AT OTTAWA. There is an old saying that when thieves fill out, honest men get then. rights It will be the fervent wish of every patriotic Canadian that the old proverb my tind its exemplitieation in the state of Mair: at the Capital. For manyalong year the dectonte has sustained a series of governments, com!) t, exmvagant and self-seeking tothe last degree. Then govern manta an been key in peethrttitr Alfred Aastin has Jet hen up. TROUBLE IN THE TRANSVAAL. ir. Chas. Tapper, Sr. could not ' not an come funeral at Six-John gm“ ' year ago bat h: is on or the funeral of the great party lected El ----io opened bays, . Thae? who resign“! his scat m in i311 Monday lash with h) at his last election at 100 this time. Tipper, Sr. could_ got of Sabina pron.r ,cudshi p wort hy vacant th Ilse of money obtained from totttrttetoN monopulistm, oRice seekers and hang- emon of the government of the day. and used to corrupttho, electors, and in mm the boomers hate been re couped by the Government they help. ed to re-instatc in power. That these things are so is abundantly shown in the history of the many Scan- dals and mal-appropriation of public niuneysin which the Governmcnt of the day has been concerned during these past eighteen years. But the day of retribution has apparently come. For months the ministers oi the Cabinet at Ottawa have been bickering and quarrellirut. Each had his own little game to play, and each member was distrustful of his neighbor at the board. There was no master-hand to weld the TEE discordant elements, and so. on Satur- day the first stop in the grand denouc- ment was made by the publication of the charge against Dr. Montague, that he had written and sent anonymous letters to Lord Aberdeen, charging Sir Adolph Caron with bribery. 0f couise Sir Adolph indignantly denied the charge. This was folloch by Dr. Montague and Mr. Ilaggart demand- ing the resignation ot the Premier. ir MacKenzie Bowen however could not suit, and the final step in this the ilrst not of the drama was taken by seven members of the Cabinet, Foster, Baggart, Montague, Tupper, Dickey. Ives, and WoA sending their resigns tions to Premier Howell. Nothing daunted by such extraordinary con duet, the Premier stands by the ship and is said to be busily engaged in re- constructing his cabinet. What is the meaning: of all this by- play? Unquestionably the chief ele- ment is the inherent incapacity of those men who have been pitch-forked into high oifiee of ministers or the crown, positions for which thev are in no way titted. But the determining cause most probably will be found to have been the impossibility of the Csb. inet agreeing upon a remedial bill to coerce Manitoba, and the probable outcome will be, an early dissolution and appeal to the country. The Council met Dee 1641 pursuant to Statute. All the members present; the Reeve m the chair: minutes of but meeting read and confirttmd; commun- iutionl read ax follows I From Duncan and Hugh 31100th relative to gravrl procured for mums, From school Board -.. t . n - T_...., ... c..}.,...l "mm-v, A. Hunter for of Health. the the Reeve mud report. W" of Mnrkdnle redauvc to Schunl From Jacob Fress. account ft for Inte Alexaudm ihtrCtrllutn. A. Hunter for same. From Lac of Henth. their unnlml report. gt.wieew.ul.r--Fyy the late Alexnddcr M in to $7.45 was grunte inurd'ror $22.50 to Jo? b:1mce of expensus around Irish Lake, and curing patent, for same. staples-Mm/eta-rf was granted to late Ale turn, he being in very do: stances up to the time n: staples-Mm/tnt-fs"' extra. charity was granted to late Alexander McC'al. lum, he being in very destizndo circum- stances up to the time ot his drum. Lamb-staples-Hurry McFadden, G. Binnie. Jamel Edge and J. S. Blaek wu- granted 86 each. and Hugh 5rekre $21) or services on Laval Dunn! of Health. Arrowsmith--MeFa0en-Atolt. Me- rt,,rotA an mm! $3 for gravel for two Arr/wsmirh--sittuiorn-At Donald Wu paid $8 for. gravel Road divisions. umtr-MeFadden-dotme Dillon, Catherine Cameron atad Mary Flynn were exempt from Tp. tax" for 1895. McFadden--Lunlr-That, the thanks of thin Council are due and are hereby tendered to the Reeve for the erfticient and courteous manner in which he has prenidodover this Council during the year now coming to a close. Also the Clerk nnd'l‘rensurer for their eftlcieut and courteous manner in tilyth they _ l . . A: -_.- M... . In... The Rum Saving len. the chair tho same was taken by Mr. Staples. por, In)“ uvuuun w, .. tce-ee"-" Clerk and Treasurer for their eft1cieut and courteous manner in which they performed their duties as such.--Cars Fied uruutisuously. The Council adjourned Sine die. J. ti, BLACK. Clerk. Is THE Bnoxxstxc ot a new year, when the winter seasuu of close con- finetueut is only half gone, many tind that their health ”gins to trreak down. that the least exposurr threatens sick- nm. It is them n: well as at. all other timets, Ind With yet-p10 even in good health, that the to lowing facts should be remembered, namely: that Hand‘s Sumparilla lamb: everything in the line of medic-Mos: that it atrumplilbes the grentrst cures in the world I has the largest. sale in the world, and rr-quires the largrst huilding in the world dr- voted cxclunivrly to the preparation of the proprietary medicine. Does not this conclu'ively prove. if you at" lick, that Hand" stu'suiptsrillis is the medicine for you to take? M r. Editor, Though woather is stormy and elect- ton excitement high we still find time to record the doings of our prOsperous burg. (.nruugu, "a: nu"... u. ._._. L eve V e-' ashormy reminder. So on the last, day of his existence he hurled against usone of the severest storms, We h-u’e had for some time. 1895. rather dull and disagreeahlP all through, was Ruth to leave us without . i 0.. - .. .1... I..." .luIv Though times are hard and a severe winter just. at hand, still the pmverh which says "That though yummy is scarce yet. weddings are cheap" is likely In he virnt'uaued in the [war tuture. when accmding to Dame Rumor another of our fair ones is likely to be taken from our mid" to shine in another home und heart and brighten the gloom ot single Tite for another favored young mun. Tim. some tot our metre-10.x: were do. ing something In the name line. --- . " - L-- L-0I..-u ...,, w...-v,, r, WAmn.-Work for a boy. hath-w and mode”. who arrived at. Mr. Henry Tacky:- on Mondnv In: and tte 'lr: , ___-v -_.. ..- ...u a. iiiGiiiid only nu inkmilo poten- T GLENELG COUN01L. Treasurer, 1330mm Giiiuirri' iiiGuited hi. l relative u From Schot F to School account ft l hel Wright, was a1- re Labor as charged kof lot 8 con, 9. Lid 40 cents for ex- hmicipul Stationery. I rho Treasurer was I eml oxpensm r Callum amom N A Chrititttttut Tree in eonneetion with the Amt“! Sundav School was Itelrl in Ihmlvll Hot“. Uranium. on Chrigtrtnaq night. the prngrnuunr- was um- of unusual excellence {urn fret, entertain. mm! the two treett were laden With many wrutty and valuahle twr'serits We wist the Sunday School a pt’mprw ous New Your. Mr. Jun. Hustle ovvopied in Amos on Sundav. As first Nunduyin the New Ye, jcct and the serum” were and suggt-scivc. Special ', [Hwy-2r will be hold on Tue, nostlny. Thursday and Frid: or this Wuck. service to lw P, M Miss Eliza Wilson is at home at pres cm. baking a. well tamed rest. Wc are plryysetrto Nee her again ullhnugh we believvr'nuch plenum-c will only lK-enjuy- ed for a. "tort Lune. Mr, Geo. Unnhnie has been engaged to wield the birch in our school for (his . I a _ _:_.- A.A'.:un year, he is a. capable in: "tvmchevand we cnn only results Mr. John Leslie in visiting hi! parents nnd other friends a: present. plemcd to no ynn Jack. Min-tea 1orie {in} Maggie Izzy. paid .....~mr~..u.,.. _.._ _ "r"'T' _ their laments a visit on New Years. The Patrons of Industry have order- yd u. car-10nd of null to distribute among UM uwnlherl at the I'onhonnble prico of (E cents per sack. Court Drmnore I. o. F. have as A result. t theivspecial campaign initiate od seventeen [wrsnnl as members. They hope to tum." mun-mac their memlwmhip. Miss Nellie Natalie hm neawly rncnver- Miss Nellie HMtie baa nearly rvcnver- ed from her recent illness. We are glul to hrnr of hrr rm'uvery as Nellie In I. fnvorhe And is much missvd in social circles during her enforced annencc. Miss Nellie Mcken dresmnakor leaves u: toumdon. Miss Mary J. N from Toronto. Fair lug helht are wafted ing wing. u... ....,... Mrs. Jones hm rvmed the Pitt. farm for this Your. We heheve possession will be taken in the spring. Mr. Funk Coloridgo spenthw Yum at the home of his paranu. His Vin-it however was nocosuarily short a; he has necutsd the usilinn of Science Master. in Watford I'ii"it, Svhnol. and left Smur- day morning to autumn his new duties. Mrs. Albert Bell has returned from " visit to her daughter in Tomato. Wc are glad to are het back again. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Snell, late of Elam. 5 want. Chriatumx at the torv.ter's home. 1They left last week for. Witirton where Mr. Snell has sevuved a sitntatim M head nutslvr‘ of the High School. We wish them always mrcess. Miss Lizzie Laughton is home ngain brightening our hurgh by her plwnsanc Miss Lizzie Laughtm brightening our burgh smile. In view of (‘rutchlev (urn) Keivirrtoutl.y Miss T. Treadgold hulidnys at her home Mr. Jmurs Hamil! spending a. few weeks tiunintanvet'. Miss Ball. of y her. sister, Mrs. Ge P. o. Miss Susan Ch: bones in Wutevloo Co. drawiust tunnel- for Mr. Ed. Hartford. Mr. John Humour i's at, present un- able to have his hed. We hope to heat of his being around before long. TunnnyTuckex is also ororafiriud to his bed with isttiasnmatiott. Dr. Jamieson in in attendance. Hui: in the way of recoverv. “ . __._s-.a L2- 'uwnl Pt?coverv. Mr Chas. Gray has rented his farm for three years to Mr. Henry Dennet. Charlie intendl leaving shortly for Hamilton. Mr. S. Queen diagonal of one of his horses to 3 horse uV'er recently atm fair price. lie. J. Brown sold one also at, the same time. I, . I __ -" ..o o .. at [he same Luna. There was a Urge turn out at the. school meeting on Thursday. Me Ed. Johnson received the contract of sup- plying the wood at 70 cents a. cord. Ne. S. T. Orchard wu re-Plected (Jaime. M r. Z. Clark will preach in the-School Home on Sunday evening test, We uronlwnys pie-used to have Mr. Clark with us whou he! finds it convenient to CONN“ imam." Ontario. Is the Only True Blood Putmtt 'ii"i"idu Sarsaparilla Mum“, in the public we “any. can: when In other pupa-£10m an. fci'ttfririiiiiriiiijtegirayllt" DUB Ctonhnie has been engaged b birch in our school for (his l capable and pains-inking we mm only expect good nitric ovcopird the pulpit Sunday. As it, wan the n thr New Year the sure sax-umu were appropriate ive. Special meeting; of was: MURDOCH. eadgold spend, her Xmas or home m-ur Berkeley. Hmnilmn. of Dakota is . Nelsnn has returned Faint tingle: of wedd- fted on rumurs enchant.- his occupancy iGr fem" Mr; Dan E pnrvhasvd a. fine ho ourc at, " good tigttrw weeks renewing old an Edge spent NW. Ye.ary Ivnzie. our popular l'XTUUI Boned; Jr Tuxeniay. Wen. Fridny evrrtinRs to begin m. 7.30 week ori innit. ms two Leann (1 drawing mums has gone to to learn dress in visitir 'c the ttife the Mm ttue Tea of Teas KURMA TEA. A tie1icitnys_10.nt1 HARE Also .1 full assay“! xm-m nf Crockery & Glassware- Dinner, Tea a; Toilet. Sets J. CAMERON At Popular Prices. ' l Mr. Aubrcy Evcrdcno looked out upon Sackvillo tttrcet, and yawned. Only Tu: instant before he had written "this” to a magazino artiedewith adash of the tl',',, across tho last shoot. and now the _ SS. lay ready for the post among the debris of printer's proofs, new novels awaiting n-vicw. em, with which the writing table was snowed. '. One of tho best known littorateura in London and a. brilliant eouversstiorv. Jst, his tongue could be as scathing a: his pen, and it was said of him, with regard to tho latter weapon of warfare, (that in half a dozen polished sentences he could do more toward damning a book than any two of his oompccrs. A big, iooscly made man was Mr. Evordems, with shrewd gray eyes and tho maim- ism of a modern. Studying his face as he lounged by tho window, his handsin tho pockets of 'nis smoking jnr‘ket. one could ecu that he had a lively some of humor combined with his other charac- mrinics and tvnde-rtood the interest his Try it. and you will lu, perfectly iuttisfied. Also a full tugtaorttnettt of humor combined with " other chamo- teriatics and under-stood the interest his personality aroused. Presently a rcrvnnt brought him a visiting card on a salve: "The lady would be obliged if you would grant her an interview. sir." "Lady Hilyard. , ' muttered Evcrdcne. reading tho inscription. “I can't recall the name. Bother the woman! What does sho went? However, ask but to Sold for Mc. lb. Sold for doc. Ih. Sold for 500 Ib. come up, i, When sr.o entered, a fair. elegant woman of perhaps 25, in an irrcproaelr Fable Parisian toilet, he was Mill more convinced that he had not, tho privilege 'ot her acquaintance. ) "Mr. Aubrey Everdeno?" sho queried. , Mr. Evcrdouu bowed. "Pray take a seat, madame. " i "No," she said. "I have come to quarrel with you. and I don't sit down in the houses of my enemies!" ' Comprehension Ptolo ovcr his face and with it a slight amusement. Ho fish. d 'among a pile of volumes and lmmgh' out three bound with an ongmxco deo ',iinrt to win the hearts of suburban cir- culating libraries. . ! "Oh. by accident. It's a long story Sand unimportant, since you dou't deny {the imputation. Now, Mr. Everdette, I know it in very imminent of me, a gaming”. to come to your private ad- K "To quarrel with me!" H is vyebrowu went. up. The thought came to him that 1115 visitor was not in be: right mind a "Yes. Perhaps I had bate: explain myself at once. I am the author of “Fashion and Fontlights. , " ', Mr. Everdene, standing perforce bo- ioause she would, pulled his mustache, [while the fair stranger tapped be: No. [8 shoe on the carpet with impatience "and looked pitehforlrs and dangers. _ .. 'Fashion and Footlights, ' " he re- _itueted aloud. " ‘Fashion and Foot- 'lights' En!" _ . . A. _,__t_e_Ir_-, -.-> "mania w» "you hanged and iqnagtercd it !' ' (stranger, to come to your private ad- idms and worry you. I am doing a very put-usual thing, I am afraid. and Mrs. :Grnndy would be horrified. Bat Tools tee in, ' you know, and widows are :prlvlleguL You must have a little pa- }tienoe with me txwautso"--for the t1rst :time her lips related, and the smiled e smile that was sweetness itseit--"wel1. iuat because I'm a womw and you’re a gentleman. Acknowledge the truth. how, on your honor. Don't you think Eyou were unnecessarily harsh to my [poor little literary oeort?" 1‘ "No, " he said bluntly; “I always ', 've my true opinion of things end I guide:- your book had many faults. " '; If she had been a man. he would have anid, “I thought it was ----bad. " with le brusquencas of conviction and prob. ,ebly declined to discuss the matter, bat ito n Indy it was impossible to be rude. He regarded her absurdly incarnation- !nl presence with I tolerant Mesa. t' "Of course. I admit that there are ’lnnlts, but upon one or two points in [your criticism I cannot agree with you. , should very much like to discuss them "3713:; It}: "iiiviewed it in The Can. 'tnrion, didn't m", A _ "Trr%, sorry. May I ask how you Sound out that I was tlyt merit?" {with you. May I?" l "Certainly." His mouth was twitch- 'ing under his heavy mustache. "But ldon't you think. pending the verdict; ithat you had better sit down? You will be fatigued. If you'll permit me to ‘wheel this armchair nearer the tire for ,orv--sol" ' Having awfully arranged it so that jshts should face the light; he seated him. tle appetite her-tlu, A. B. C. of di- , lunacy, but she did not appear to no- tice it She was drawing arabesques on ,the carpet with the point of her ivory handled umbrella. l “I should very much like to know, " 'ehe said. "what you think of my eon:- tng here?" , R.- A A CHANGED CRITIC. ldonyit.” " Eu who: torttsro1orAex'mtPt 0., -..._. [ “I think you are ptuokr-re', and reckluuly uaisouvtattional. " "Candid, at any rate! And I lib that" She looked up. "Now for tho that indictment on the list. Mr. Em done. Yet; new no of tmprotmbi1itr. In that dearmunxry which men eau, With number plum-r. “yum prouy ttum) There 131m "rrintt, there ia no (all, And biting winter tthris no plaro. Ono light. cub wax-mm. rm- land": all. Otser audios: Butumor harbor: than). 'ii,7iiiilTartiaGt track behind. To one tho wanton wnvolou roar hon cream along the grassy men. En does the stcplsrr of yogr "rttiq In that dear country. nlda by um, Ttterr be two placid lake-I that. rd True worth I mugdnmrlordlvldo -rsAs my. lmhIhotnlble dour. And during all things to pot-nu! Tho secrets ot your soul'tt recess In other lands 'tu, push": awn: To watch the whispering mum wind 00 Min: All thy whatnot! whey. .. 131350; its Fr tooiod dune Prom and t , ered_ot. 119(an Sale - And Himpto: all the ttsir expanse. And stoma ites ooum AM ttoato a.nd me- In ripplu o'er yuur lurking eyes - .. .. " 3-1... -THE' my blond Jh2 in illm. and 1 lbs. Lou Packxges May I?" TO M1014 eed, a tair, elegant 25, in an irrcproaelr on. he was still more had not tho privilege t'itW"if,Se " in)? Aid) Budget Mon. tn truth, be was thinking what ivos.1erial lashes she had, and how bo- coming a tlash of excitement could be to a clear. pale skirt. " You use", " she continued warmly, "that it is ridiculous to suppose that a mall and woman of the world could tall in love at first sight, an I make my hero and heroine do, and that such proceed- ings are limited to boys anti girls in their teem nnd the mans of many tio. tion. I should have thought that Mr. Aubrey Evcrdoue would have shown wider siymp.nthiets. FF "Thou you really bolierts, Lady ml. yml. that adult, sensible people con- ceive such abrupt attarJtroeuu?" “I am convinced that it happen! tm. queutly." "Oh, come, not frequently?" "Wall, sometimes." abomonded "I could give you tt dorwu nuance." m lacked the heart to argue with her. It would have been like breaking I butterfly rm a wheel. And, after all. them might be more mutimem in an do decle humanity than he thought. Women have wonderful intuition in these matters. PHARMACY. "Woll, snppoac we let that slide for tho moment and proceed to indictment No. 2. What other phrase of mine do you take oxeeption to?" "You said that I had not the remotes: idea. of construction, and that ‘Faqhiun and Foothphts' was evidently . speci- men of that objectionable class of t5ctian which you regretted to see was growing so prevalent-the, amateur novel, born of vanity and a lack of wholesome oc- cupation. " _ Ber voice die Be had only stun {not did not pram Evudcno from fe mimd a panda and the ghost ol to arraign him whose opinions h any tion rose to the man's forehead. "Good heavens, if I had only how much I should hurt you! harsh, monstrous. No doubt I bad temper, and your unfortun was the first thing that Mtor& opportunity to vent my rtpleen.‘ Lady Bilyard applied six inches of cazubric and lace to tt inchcsc of an e; Lady Hilyard. when I tell you that rm Barrier than I can say. " “Then you acknowledge that you were needlessly cruel?" N was brutal. " He would have oom- mitted blacker perjury as she wiped that tear away. Ready-Made Clothing, a - Z Overcoats, Underwear,< Before over her face. “In that case, I suppose I must for give you. " _ . -. ' I A _4A-l_‘ I}. Dalglish's 01:1 sauna. Upped: Town. hot; and she had talk-ad a great Gen). She yhrldrai--aud mare. When the re- freshments came. accompanied by won- dcrfal sweetmoats from Bond street round the corncx. she asked permission to pour it oat for him with a winning graciousness which charmed him. It attorded him an odd sense of pleasure, too, to see be: white fingers moving about the chin; He was unaccustomed to the presence of women in his home. With the Japanese table between them, them chatted far uwhile. and then the clock on the man tolpieoe struck 6. She rose. with a pretty gesture of dismay, like a second Cinderella. “Do on know, Mr. Everdeno, that I have {ten 3 whole hour wasting your value- Mr. Arch. McIntyre. of Bad Axe Mich,, spent the holiday week with pa: cmsund friends in Scotch Town very agreeably. Helen hut Thursday for home, but Mrs. McIntyre rennin: for a while longer. Archie: visits mmuch §ppreciated and he is oxceedingly popu- ble time?" luv u»... “I thought it had been 10 minutes, " he amend, "and the pleasmtest time ot my life. " -» --. . __ea t.T-a_G...r. v. m, a” “Very pretty!" she said. blushing faintly. "And. in return for it, let me tell you my address is on my card, and that my 'day' is Thursday. Also I mast thank you very heartily for your kind. ness and courtesy to an impertineut in- truder. Very few men would have been so considerate. " - . m s, v _|_- Iii. W vmpAAr8*r_0.'"s". "PUase don't thank ma It is I who owe you I. debt of gratitude. You luvs taught mo something I never expecmd to learn. rt "What?" "That tho conduct of your hero and heroine was “of. improbable at all. " Their eyes met. The woman's dropped. all conscious. pleased. "You many mean that?" "On my soul. I do." The most delicious salmon was in W Bargains! 'tFRE?: ' her voice: "It makes mo so proud and happy ta think I have convinced you. " There was a silence. She smoothed n wrinkle in her suede glove. He twisted a button on his coat Then she mused herself, witha little laugh, “demanded her hand. ner Wu. “Well, goodby. Mr. Burdens. and once mom, thank you. " Bo pressed her finger" ever so lightly .-.tter prosciyte. "Not 'goodby, , " he murmured. "A: "You. "-Bitsek and White. Es, lips quivcred. Quad? ofperspira “Good Ruiz-11:; I haul only guessed 1w much I should hurt you! It wa- 5h , aah, monxtrounL No doubt I was in a e d temper. and your unfortunate book ' as the first thing that afforded mo an thu.) uportunity to vent my spleen. " Il Lady Bilyard applied six square pas telses of cambric and lace to the owns: 00 n' an eyelid. "It you'll only believo me, my dear W111 \dv Eilvard. when I tell you that I'm i'on were perfectly right L smile broke like April i--I cric sriirtiia'tn had just must: for indig Kilyurd. you know the Arab I taking ml: with one's friends? c. -f Ctod w',',', permit mc to tho prosaic basalts}: equivalent 011 Highest price-raid for Poultry, Butter a Eggs. died away with a tremor. statrd tho truth. bat that prevent the t-hltrm Mr. an feeling :3 if he had com- vrtitmlarly brutal murder mt, of tho victim had come Our Stock jealously grateful. Be of relief and hesitated. on the button of the claw shemurmartrd pathetic i:t:relitvtse cisewhere. By was thinking what his A'pru sunshine EVER OFFEijD IN DURHAM, IN "t'i5:e' w “W, 'iir8iii,ils'.; iEt: P" i'j)1i'i'it" I,'trt) all t! wheat}. of CiHEBC)(C7 ' thin I'm "ts hb' room Gri71'iia' US A CALL NL, C. dk J. McKechnie. We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system w1ll merit a continuance of the same. “Large Sales & Small Profits." tsa------"" The Big Al: Adv’t. Dun-ha m. 4-1 “g. Ot In. '95 WATCH THIS SPACE so doing you will SAVE MONEY.- FERIES is ALWAYS FRESH and Complete We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be 2% Boots. d; Shoes, THE CASH BEAN & CO. ADOPTED BY N., G. 80 J. MCKECHNIE ----r'OR--- . MCARTHUR. RY The 3ayoralty tho (mm-X iris ”j orin Bhoars t V divided but" Was-t Mr. C Winn him and. min“ a, friend: Inn-luv} , made w“ rnudm able linen. Durk Calder. and we l It m I eol on Mend sy. F - cond uctH 01m) Mme! by od on.- the temperw' only tesuatido "up! to their rurstelr (if There Wire Hominy night [gang]; Ivar v li l-by l, a. it I": A ye'" W Mr. Good north ward coast-stamina: avowed ea hil do. Bots has do. Bots an 1 mm; m F"" mrhinh wicks elooe to has: uni ydwoeehim distinguish hit that. Mr. D. Grysr. seam. Deputy position and we hone Wield of tho (onmy (k unknown abilities will hm- alm- Much-6. He has aha yet. to use him um: M. Mr. D. Grim oepoty po-iLiou an: rider tieid of tba [ well known ahilit.ie an). Makes. 1 jo'rity. Schenk I. 1 comic! tahto Bi' h maintain the none can of his Town-hi; to than who “'55 yar- tryinx Mr. N. - his compani‘ Botaod in Reeve (m tho vent; " In Ward No. THE Wh'l (l? THE PEHPLE The other Wards "u haxe (Inn. This Township elects .choffour Wards. the De appointed by the Council. Hm we have an Ewen-s: not often sun. but in»: he. one nun any turn :21. qoto for the Reeveship is CK Boga- nod (fort-cu. It is will: on”! win give ”1100.3“. Geo. Nh A the DepuYthip by urchin”: Min-0t and In: an 1 ' Wxnhuons. Mr mandala": an the Cout w umuw 'a.aKrhro BY 4 nu Cot-sum» :As - and Gilm< In Reeve Moriee Our New Municipal Rulers 09481156 an BW. by not? by: NORMAN" DURHAM ARTEMESIA DUNDALK. PROTON tisegtutd.tb_o. “It“

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