West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jan 1896, p. 3

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AQ4t® 1S. iC . aASsS â€"â€" o our Reeve Morice, of Normanb Longratulations on his . vic scored 423, his opponent 417 y~do. Bob has a bubit of ge which sticks close to him an« vet to sc« him distinguish h tha. Mr T Grier. secure Owen Sound are safe in his hands. . The North Ward presents a surprisâ€" ingly close vote, Mr. A. S. Hunter being ouly 7 behind the highest but goes out on two votes. The candidates in this ward were somewhat rattled in their camvas owing to the doubts as to whether they were elected by acclamaâ€" tion or not. _ Mr. Parker desired most @oriously to withdraw but the Clerk ruled ultimately that the four names must appea: on the ballot as the resignâ€" wajority shows that the town was fairâ€" ly divided between the two candidates. We regret Mr. Calder‘s defeat, and yet congratulate bim on the plucky run he made against adverse inflnences. | His friends worked well, and the fight he It was a c on Mond y, ed ones the A sea yet to sc= bim the., Mr. D. Deputy positio wider field of well known ab show themse!v jority. Schen comfortable 2 maintain the n Lc 20 WIS MWn Boland is Reeve in this Township, deâ€" feating the veteran Thorp Wright by 64. In Ward No. 4 we believe A, 8. Madill defaated Geo. Thompson, Jr. The other Wards we have not heard from. This Township elects a man in each of four Wards, the Deputy being sppointed by the Council. Here we have an interesting position» not often seen, but illustrating finely how one man may turn the scale. The vote for the Reeveship is a tie Lotween Rogers and Corbett. It is expected the returning officer will give Corbett the position. _ Mr. Geo. Watson secured the Deputyship by meclamation, quite a compliment and war on both sides of him. Congratulations. McKenzie, Wil son and Shaw are the Councilmen. TIE VOICE OF THS PBOPLE. Reeve, Bell, by acclamation. Cocsxci:LLo®s : â€"Sheffield, Henderson, Fhary anmd Gilmore. nglish war talk. . LNewe IMEL MMT® TCC scussed â€"by the defeatad candidates. Mr Goraline beat Mr. Brown in the LAIDLA W ELEC Our New Municipal Rulers. e Morice, of Normanby has out tulations on hbis victery. He 423, his opponent 417. Six will ob has a bubit of getting there sticks close to him and we hope sc him distinguish himasel{ furâ€" Mr. D. Grier, secures the lst y position and we believe in the feld of the County Council his own abilities will have room to hemselves. â€" He has about 100 maâ€" Schenk is 2nd Deputy with & :table 200 behind him and will win the name Schenk in the Counâ€" his Township. ** All things come se who wait." So after many trying Mr. N. Rozell has captured his companion being Anderson. SPARLING REEVE BY he temperature fel im distinguish D. Grier, seci ition and we b of the County abilities will )1d day for all the candidates but at night to the defeatâ€" evanaerature fell still lower. on the bullot as the resig t in in legal time. NORMANBY. ARTEMESIA. e three storm centres on t: Durham, Ottawsz and talk. These last were well DURKHAM. DUNDALK. PROTON. H TED BY $ MAJORITY Mr. Gorsâ€" this fight x W vassin up. as ess ac W LOCAL AND GENERA&L. FoR COUNCILLORS. Hunter 35 36 82 78 96 110 â€"â€" 4 Leith 101 91 100 105 55 57 â€" 5 Queen 81 13 62 16 35 11 â€" 2 NorE.â€"Ward No. 1 is the N. V Ward; No. 2 the N. East; No. 3 He« stein: No. 4 Murdoch‘s Ward ; No. Mt. Forest Corner ; No. & S.E. Corner, in the West but heis h the east not being widely Get a term or two in a C axsessorship, Mr. Queen. sonererulate cour ‘old ff Fraser Many eyes turn to Egremont and here the fortuues of War have given Mr. Dickson the civic chair for 1806 by a good figure, the wards nearest to Mt. Forest and Durcham, singulariy enough, giving him his biggest votes. Mr. Murdoch wasn‘t in it, and Egremont has lost a good reeve. Blume was attacked in Chicago last Thursday by two footpads. who atâ€" tempted to rob him. _ The judge kept his presence of nind, and securing his pistol shot one of them dead. He is an ax Toronto lad with a bad record though en oos Si s oeaeee o o We which might well apply to Ayer‘s Sarâ€" u‘rrillaâ€"â€"tho most efficient and scienâ€" tie bloodâ€"purifiet ever offered to sufferâ€" ing humanity. Nothing but superior werit keeps it so long «t the front. Notice.â€"The 3rd Annual General meeting of the Shareholders of the Lamâ€" lash Butter and Cheese Manf‘g Associaâ€" tion will be beld in the School House on Saturday the 12th day of Jan. at 1 o‘clock p. m. for the transaction of genâ€" eral business. The Publicare invited By order. W. J. Earls, Secy. 1 The best anodyne and expectorant for the cure of colds, coughs, and all throat. lung and bronchial trouble, is undoubtedly, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, the only specific for colds and coughs admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World‘s Fair. only 20. Mrs. Jacques, wife of Dr. Burton Sacques, of Lake Odessa, Mich. is over on a lengthened visit to her husband‘s friends in Glenelg. Dr. Jacques has been yery ill for some time at his fathâ€"| er‘s residence and though still weak hopes are entertained of his recovery soon. We join heartily in these hopes. Sewoor MeEeETIxo.â€"The present arâ€" rangement of holding all nominations in the evening effectually bars all opâ€" portunity to discuss school matters. Some change is desirable, as many citizeas would fike to hear reports of our progressive school. The day in the country is often & very important one. Mt. Forest this year adopted the plan of beginnidg with the trustees and ending with the Reeve and Mayor. BAarrisr Youxo PEOPLE‘S UxtoN.â€"A ublic meeting will be held in the Yiaptisc Church, Durbam, ander the auspices of the Baptist Young People‘s Union of the Owen Sound Association, commencing at 2 ‘P m., on Thursday, January 16th. Ad resses will be deliverâ€" ed by pastors and others, inside the hounds of this Association, both at afâ€" ternoon and evening sessions. The Eons are cordially invited to attend. «*Old, yet evernew, and simple ano beautiful ever," sings the poet, in words ternoon &n public are c The undersigned having beon restored to health by simple means, ufter suffering for several years with 1 so ore Jung affection, wud that droud diseaso Counamption, is abXi008® to make knewn to his E TNLEA muva â€" Tathose Wwho Counmm pi°01, B ETITT CE OCLC ‘Ta thore fellow sufferers the meuns of cure.. To those who dosive it, ho will cheerfully send (free of charge) a ce py of the presoripton used, which they will And a sure cure for Consumption, Asthasa, Caâ€" tarrk, Broncbitts, aud all throut und luxg MaL udies. He W all suffesers will iry thisromedy Ee via invalaable. Those desiriug the preveription, «e ici«invaianble. LNODEUIIUC which will cost them nothing, ble«sipg, will please addrena, REV. DWARD A. WILSON, Brocklys, New Tork R 2xD DEPUTY REEVE onNsUMPTIVES. D EGREMONT. 6o 102 46 28 26 â€" 2 4 74 102 9 â€" new, and simple and r visite y last s _ of Dr. Burton sa, Mich. is over o hetr husband‘s Dr. Jacques has WE aud may prove a ms us that Society has anaged â€" S$12 ~â€" 218 N. w. 3 Holâ€" s Tree John‘s in the p CaAl D 1 iny 437 4090 M7 at tween the 2s and 3‘s in the morning A!! satisfied that they spent an enjoyable night. Mrs. Chas. McDonald of South Glenâ€" elg is suffering at present from a dangerâ€" our illness. We hope by good care she will continue getting better, Mrs. Simpson «nd daughter of this tewn we are pleased to heat are getting better. We are bappy to see Mr. Robt. Mcâ€" Gowan out again and attending to his business in the mill be says he is getting 5000 bushels of No. 1 bard Manitoba shipped to him this week. No election on Monday last in Glenelg. Could anyone believe that stubborn Glenelg could elect their officers by acclamation ! This is the first in the last half century. Shall it be published in Durham or told on the streets of Priceville that such an event took place. Surely the lion and the lamb are feedâ€" ing together on the green Fnst,ures of duty. Consequently tEe little one could lead thein both. S boanaite indsin an ni imaith oir gheibh ind tuaraisted mbaith reiop iad agus mar sin biodh «. The At Home, held in the New Manse. Presbyterian, on New Year‘s night was a success considering the unfavorable weather. A large number of bot h sexes, old, young and ha«lf way between, were in attendance and in fact it was hard to discern who was old or young, for all enjoyed themselves to their heart‘s conâ€" tent. The ladies as usual "Goodness bless them" were not behind in their share of the programme and the bountiâ€" ful tables sprend consisting of everyâ€" thing the season could afford, testitied that they are the true and faithful rervants. â€" Music of all kinds furnished by Miss McLeod, Mre. Hutton and a number of others who displayed good talents in providing music en the violin, &e. Mr. )Qoht. Reily, with his flute or pricolo, added much to the music. The local choir sang at inte:r vals some excelâ€" lent picces. _ The Rev. Pastor McLeod had his hands full in attempting to keep order, for all present seemed to enjoy themselves so well that order was out of the question, as all made themselves agreeably at home in the new manse, which by the way is a credit not only to the Presbyterians of Priceville, but to the church at large, for we venture to say that such & building is hard to find North of Torexto. Together with the commodious church, Priceville can compete favorably with any other conâ€" gregation of its ability in the Dominion. The crowd dispersed somewhere beâ€" tween the 2s and 3‘s in the morning all satisfied that they spent an enjoyable The old year departed pretty noley, for it blew a tervific gale as it was passâ€" ing away, We have lots of snow drifts and blankets, but the sleighiog is not extra good for all, as it is either too much in places or noune at all. The beginning of the new year reâ€" minds us that we are. a year older than we were this time twelve months. In reviewing the old year some of course in every community, may look back with deep feeling of regret and sorrow for the departure of some dear one who participated in the pleasures of the home circle in the beginning of 1895, whose place, the beginuing of 1806 finds vacant at the family altar. Mr. James Moore, ol 107 he will give his old school before he returns. Mr. J. Fortney and his have moved into the hous Gadd‘s farm recently oc haye mo Gadd‘s f Dicklem: Some t 0100 Li hndfi m in it Puse F and bring your best girl to it a be the last ever beld in this sch Mr. James Petty is sfem Christmas holidays at the hom*. What we would like to know School H If Mary has everseen any sandwiches «ince Thanksgiving night ? Who had a Social. Whether John has found warts yet? Why Charlie bought such ter ? Yor Cax BELIEYE The testimonials published in behalf of Hood‘s Sarsapâ€" arilla, They are written by honest fieo- ple, who have actually found in their own experience that Hood‘s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, creates an appetite. strengthens the system and absolutely and J\ornmnenlly cures all discases caused by impure or deficient blood. Hoop‘s Prcz.s for the liver and bowels, act promptly, easy and effectively. e wWATSON BROS We are prcfpared to take building conâ€" tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. We beg to announe@ i0 LNC PU® that we have the mull rebuilt and relitted with Soft Elm, 12 and 14 feet ; Rock Elm, 7. 8, 14 and 16 feet lengths; Birch, any length over 10 feet. w HicuEst MarKET Pricsk Pam For Logas. Dromore, Dec. 6th, ‘95. 50 A good man in your district to repreâ€" sent the " Fonthill Nurseries of Canâ€" ada." Over 700 acres,. The largest in he Dominion. _ Position Kerumnent. Salary or Commission to right man. With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us as Salesman will pay better than engaging in furming. Send us your application and we will show you how to earn good money. td 7 e Weiipae n i ie 20 School Teachers!! its just the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, ToronTo, OxT. in uen IMPROVED MACHINERY. en nferedio d aleiclaics) L LOGS WANTED. THE PRIZES AWARDED NOoRTH EGREMONT. e ilk of an entertainment in baveinius me, held in the New Manse. , on New Year‘s night was nsidering the unfavorable arge number of bot h sexes, nd half way between, were e and in fact it was hard to â€" was old or young, for all mselves to their heart‘s conâ€" PRICEVILLE :hnr '1'us found a cure for sore chin after the Box Save your your money boys rl to it as it will this school. is Sfiendinz his at the parental is happy I ise on Mrs ecupied b; to the public a big cut the thing Write for W REVC PCO Anad se Ponel oi Presbyterian church have organized a have organized a Young People‘s Aid Society, which is now open for memberâ€" ship. The funds of the Society are to be appropriated to the support of Missions and to a reserve fund for the building, of a new church. Itis a move in the right direction and we wish it the best of success. Mr. Herbert Hunt, of Vickers, Sunâ€" dayed at R. M. Dargavel‘s. Miss Maggie Mcintosb, eldest daughâ€" ter of our respected postmaster was united by the bonds of Wedlock to Mr. Mclaren, of Owen Sound, recently, the knot being tied by Rev. J. Little, We wish them a long and bappy wedded life. Xmas entertainment were few and far between. A large number of our citizens visited the concert in S. S. No. 10, Holland, and pionounced the entertainment the best of the kind they ever visited. Dor noch String band, which consists of Messrs. Richard Cortlett, Ed. Sullivan and Miss Lizzie Sullivan was present and proved a very important factor in the musical part of the programme. Our band‘s reâ€" putation is now away up in G, they do themselves credit wherever they are engaged. Mr. John Skene, of Wiarton, is visitâ€" The young people ol LN Presbyterian ('imrch have have organized a Young P Society. which is now open f A Church Social at Cedarville on New Year‘s night, some of our people here drove down amongst them was our old Councillor was he lookingJhow the rote would go. A honey Social among the patrons in Scotts Mills on Friday the 8rd. Reeve Corbett put in an appearance. The Patrons are going to have an "At Home" in McLearn‘s School House, and the Townshin Pacron Mecting is toe be held in the Orange Hali on the 15th «nd for the Election ef of oflcer® and to wrrange the affinie® of the state. The country will be sate after then, ing. il'i; ||)an;?;-xo;)da|x) this vicinity. John MceCallum Jr., of Cornth. visited frienis in this village last week. A. R. Bains, assistant teacher in the Wisrton High School is spending his Xinas holidays by the parental fireside. The young people of the Dornoch ‘ F DTA Aaly To We had a very stormy meeting in the Grange Hall, at the Mumcipal nomination _ on _ Monday the 80th, rlthough the day was calm out side. I wonder was such storm the cause,. of the very blustering days last week ? On the stormy day of Jan. ; 1st three weddings were held in our neighâ€" borhoo 1. _ That day Miss Wilishire, oldest daughter Mr. James Willshire was married to Mr. J. Jaimnieson of Melancthon by the Rev. W. Harrison of Dundalk; on the same day by the Rev. Mr. Morrison of Cedaryille, Mr. Gilbert Gilles to Miss McCauby, duufb- ter of Mr. Thomas McCauby, Township assessor; ard by the same Mr, Robert Menzie â€"to Miss [Deborah Halliday, daughter of Mr. John Halliday, Tom wishes them all many bappy days. Miss Tena McKechnie has returned home from the Western States. Peter McArthur who has been at home for some time has gone back to his school at Owen Sound. W. W. Hall had a cow sick that was up feeding. She died. An investigatâ€" ion was made and a uail was found in her stomach. Intended jor last week. As usual we had a green Christmas and very muddy road=. while there. The annual meeting of Latona S. S. was held on the 26th ult., when our esteemed townstian Merchant, J. T. Foster was elected as a member of the schoolâ€"board. â€" Miss C. Putherbough has been reâ€"engaged for the coming year. Some degraded mortal around Latona is making himself busy by appropriatâ€" ing other people‘s property to his own use: â€" Many hovest farmers of the vicinâ€" ity have already been victimized by this promiscuous individua«l. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watt spent Christâ€" mas with friends in the vicinity of Chatsworth. Miss Maggio Melotosh is visiting friends in the vicinity of Priceville. What we would like to know :â€" Who the galiants of Dornoch were that wanted a reduction on the cost of their ladies‘entrance to the concert on Xmas night. Ts & ‘“\‘\.!;y ‘£§::vaggon ran off the track Sunday last. It is a yery difficult matter to coliect much news around these parts at preâ€" sent as most of the people are almost snowed underand we selaom hear anyâ€" thing of them. } Mr. Andrew Little, of Toronto is visitâ€" ing his brother the Rev. J. Little, of this place. He preached in the Presbyterâ€" ian Church last Sunday. Miss Mary Dargavel, after enjoying her Xmas holidays with friends in and around our town left on the 1st inst. for the Queen City. There will no doubt be a pair of sad hearts left in the rear. Mr. Wim. Smith has returned home after spend a fow weeks visiting friends in Chatham. Mr. Godfrey, of Sydenham is sperc. iAg a few days with his friends in this villa. On new years night a very pleasant time was spen$t at the residence of Mr. D. Quirk, where about 50 guests, who love to trip the light Tantastic, passed away the evening and spent & very enjoyable time. This week occs;i)gn: the d:p;rturei of two prominent ogues of this villa, Messrs R. M. “};.et,t amf‘(l). R. McJntosh, the former goes to Owen Sound for & course in the Colleifiat.e Institute while the latter is to wield the birch in S. S. No. 6, Elderslie and Sullivan. We wish them the best of success. Win. Smith Jr. has been laid up for a few days, having received an injury on the shoulder from a falling limb, while working at square timber in Sulltyan Mr. John Ledingham returned last week after s}:)ending the past 3 years in and around Dulath. fl‘HE Aunual Meeting of the South Grey Electornl District Agricaltural Society will be held in the 'Fown Hall, Durham, ©o Wednesday, the 15th day of January 1896, at ane o‘clock, p. m., for the Election of Officers and General Business. Jas. Epox®, Arch. MacKENzIE, President. Secretary The smiling countenance of Mr. and Mrs. Wwm. Hey, of Artbur, is seen in this neighborhood at present. DORNOCH RIPPLES. NOTICE. HOPEVILLE { Weston, is Becretary ToM nsive reed Luey Her Hoalth Was Buq‘lg Shatteredâ€" Suffered from a B Cough and Constant Pain in the Sigeâ€"Fale and Almost Bloodlessâ€"Her Health Again Restored. From the Smith‘s Falls Record, "I know thac if I had not begun takâ€" ing Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilis 1 would not have lived much longer." These words were uttered by Miss Mossop, danghter of Mr. Johnston Mossop, of this town.anla young lady excremely popular among her many friends and acquaintances. | Miss Mossop hd been ailing for weyeral years, and her recovery to health is a matter of general rejoicing amoug her frieaos. To reporter she gaye ber story as follows : I scarcely _ know how my iilzess began, The first symptom was a feeling of tireduess upon the sligh est exertion, â€" The color left my face ana J became as pale as a corpse. 1 hen I was attacked with a pain in my lefi side and coughed a great deal, At first home remedies were tmed, but as they did not do any good a doctor was calle 1 in, and I was n er his care for about a Will be at MacFarlanes‘ Drugstore Durham, Ont. soon. Watch for date. Write for my large book on the eye. I mail free of valuable information on the eve. THE STORY OF A YOUNG LADY IN SMITH‘S FALLS. world and the things around. â€" It is the parents duty to correct difficultics as promptly as possible having every childs evesight examined at the age of 6 years. Prompt action may preâ€" vent serious consequences in the future. Bring the child to . PROF. CHAMBERLAN, Morick.â€"In Normauby, on Saturday the 4th inst. to Mr. aud Mre: James Morice, a son. SHCH Mn id Leeacine sys me any good, and 1 was steadily growâ€" ing weaker and weaker, 1 was unable to go upstairs without having to sit down and rest when 1 got there, and the pain in my side became more and more intense. 1 kept wasting away and lost all interest in life. and at last was so low. that recovery was not exâ€" pected. At this juncture my inother saw an article in a newspraper relating the cure of a young lady whose case was almost identical with my own, and whose cue was due to Dr. Williams‘ mrome io enc rhiuneemuteda trinlt ‘of b w e t BP n ny B hi ue cinopsult advasinng. Autsouiir that med.cine, By the time a couple of boxes were used there was a feeling of imprevement and I continued using the Pink Pills until I b«d taken nine boxes, all the time gaining rapidly, until now I feel that I haye recovered my old time bealth. I am uo longer troubled with that terrible pain in my side. My appetite has returned and 1 can now eat almost as much as any member of the family, and I know that had I not begun taking Pink Pills I would not haye lived much longer." Mrs. Mossop says she cannot express the gratitude she fee‘s toward this grand medicine which has restored the lioved daughter‘s bealth, and w.ll always speak of it in terms of praise. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are especially valuable to women, They build up the blood, restore the nerves, and eradicate those troubles which muke the lives of «o many women, old ard young, a burâ€" den. Dizziness, palpitation of the heai®, nervous beadache and nervous prostraâ€" tion spcedi'}.y yield to this wonderful medicine. â€" They are sold only in boxes, the trade mark and wrapper ?rinted in red ink, at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of druggists or T L e c smS DTAL vive! Madi. V Amiats Alhotibetimet +o Aitvabis se oo 211 Prerr A ditect by mail from Dr. Williams‘ Medi cine Company, Brockville, Out. A WONDROUS CHANGE. Is free from tho Ininrious coloring. The more you use of it the betict you like it. TX OKC. E. TUCKETT &PCN CO., its» HAMILLTON, ONT. Krow What You Che: Do Y P92 LOH Know that we carry the largest and best selected STOGK Christmas and Holiâ€" day PRESENTS i» town 2 Of course "EYE SFECIALIST," Of 87 King Street East, Toronto, you do! but we want to impress the fact. câ€"zhd see our immense stock of useful and attractite goods. MacFARLANE & 60. Put it off, then, but come Don‘t You :. es t Y "I‘d""“%-)‘.'\ nouk Druggists & Booksellers. Ne WhaindemHn Atnen rorle ts welr k. ces ns Smd ie patai en tyh pirnie P on ht e mds Ever consider how much better we can serve you by selecting your presents at the earkest possible date? Of course you have ! BRBid You BIRTHS Youthful eyes do not always have normal sight. _ A child who sees imâ€" perfectly loses the best part _ of â€" its education about the K tb â€"imy The Implement Season is nearly Democrats in Stock which we will se any person in need of a Cozae at once and we will surprise you with low prices. We have a large shipment of Stoves, Cutters and other Fall and Winter (Goods on the way and must have room. We have the famous Raym Karn and Doherty Organs Money is g amount of it on g in stock Bargains at Wholesale ! And hard times combined have made the sale of QOvercoats very difficult but in order to move them as the money is more use to us we will give a reduction of10% off our very low prices. Have sold very well and we have only a few left. We have never had as clean a stock at this time of the year as we have at present and the only thing we can attribute our success to was the Extra Good Value we had in them. â€" If you want one don‘t delay long as we cannot repeat them. In Dried Fruit, California Raisins and Apricots, Valenci: ltaisins, Currants, Prunes and Evaporated Apples, Pure Spices WAREEOUSE, Upper Towa, Durham. Just Avrived â€"DEALER INâ€" Ail kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicies, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Chas. McHKinnon One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (One Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever. Ard Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. all and inspect and be Convinced. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH The Fall is a good time to buy & Marriage Licenses issu BUGGY, CART OR BEMOCRAT We Have Extra Valus CALDEAR The Mild WÂ¥eather kinds of PI it our Show LOW s going on grood 1 Ladies‘ Jackets ing Machine, Organ or Piano. PRICES AND PROMPT ATTENTION. ughs, kcoms to | mM CHAS. McKINNON.»: D scarce this winter curity at 54 and 6 7 nearly over but ‘we have a few Buggies and will sell at Cost in order to clear out our Stock iltivators, . Straw Lower Town. ind Fire & Life Sewing Machines We have in stock Sell, ices which will suit the times. â€" rce this winter, we have arranged to loan any tv at 54 and 6 per cent. straight loans. LIVINESTON, Agaits, . L. CRANT. Now on Had â€"â€"â€"» Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Harrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scuffiers. Organs & Pizznos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Wiiliams Sewing Maâ€" chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. Insurance promptly attended to p€ LOWEt TOWXN, DURHAM utters, Turnip Cuiters, &c in stock Bell Flour per 100M ........ Oatmeal _ ** Ensieasine Shorts tt essunsie Bran ** Weeabave F«ll Wheat per busbel Spring Wheat * Oai®, ** Barley, e Potatoe®, _ per bag Hay per ton .......... Starw, per ton ......« Beet, fare quartors, Beef, bind fi POPK, = ** keerrnee>= Hides, * j Sheepa«kins, each..... Butter per ID........... Exys, per dOZ ... Wool per Ib. ........ Turkeys per Ib........â€" Geese 4* .. ieawrarer Docks. _ * serus Chickens, per pair . Apples per bbi. ...... That old established blacksmith shop in connection with wood shop. â€" Inquire of R. McFarlane, Insurance Agent. Also house to‘rent, with 6 rooms, good TARM FOR SALE. On the 2nd Con. Normanby, contsinâ€" ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. _A 1 soil in grand state of cultivation free f1om noxâ€" jous weeds. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Stovue Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House IOx®). Hard and Noft Water. Churches and School convenient. 44 miles from Durâ€" ham. a3r Buildings cost over half the Money TZ A. EC asked, oneâ€"third down. This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock o Grain. â€" Business meant. If not «ol will lease for a term of years. A; ply on the property to Loose or in Bundles for Sale APPLY TO FOR Service. This splendid animal 4 was ijimported from the United States and. was a winner of four Prizes at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. _ Also RUFUS, six months‘ old. a get from Prince and Princess Lyons, and a fine animal. daper ‘This fime animal will be kept on the premizes of JNO. CLARK, Jr., LOT 32, CON. 3. W. G. R., BENTINCK, April 3rd, ‘95. $1.00. To be paid tor at Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895, Thormughbred Berkshite Bef * For Service during Season of 1895â€"96. Registered in the **Canadsa Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2955. . Farrowed Nov. 21st, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, Kossuth, Ont, The undorsigncd has for Lot 23 and 24, Con, 3. S. D. | Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, ‘WVWashington,‘ A THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAKR. * TERMS $1.00 A SNAP ! 49 BOULDEN & Co., Harness Makers, Mt. Forest. BERKSHIRE BOAR. 10th. 183. ROBERT WATSON, Jr., Varney P. O., Ont ‘FERDINAND. To be paid for at time of Service. TO LET. . OSBORNE, SEASON 1895â€"96 TERMS : â€"â€"â€"AT.. nnveressmon, B 00350 rs, per 100 $ 00 to A. &.J. seacey. Clerk Market Scales §$1 75 1 85 Durham $1 90 i) * am 48 0 § O

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