West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Jan 1896, p. 1

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kR 1+ SR HARB‘‘SiN YO CO ***** * * * % % 4 148 SHELBY ETROIT, MIC sOIT, MICI:!: "*DRS â€" w a with tbis 100D "< ED MEn NSENT. Pm w L2 TeP Xas or envol. ost of ":".g. OTENCY COOELE ONSENT QQ etter united 829 RISK ~SIO®*Ig CURED ~Cr l.fi-v’.q-nd e Aoveg € atiex na ons & 1 ST m ury t LF‘ancy Goods, TOYS$ and Stationary, LOOLS, MISS GUNS. sUSINESS DIRECTORY. N0 P A 48 Wall Papers D® DENTIST R YX. T (G. HOLT, L. D. S. J. P. TELFORD, Newspaper Laws. TNL «CX X«X«. PHYsSICIAN,. SURCGEON, At corecnEUR, &e. EMBROIDFRIES DAN. McLEAN. FOR SALE | The RDGE PROPRRTL | G In the Town of Durham, County of Grey, including valeable Water Power Brick Dwelling, and many eligible building lots, will be sold in one or more lots. â€"Also lot No. 60, con. 2, W. G. R., Township of Bentinck, 100 acres adjomâ€" Ing Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for part purchase money. | 1) Sash and HVUCH McKAY. Having Completed our New Factory we afo Ex0E CE 0C 0 _ i6 FILL ALL ORDERS PROM PTLY. We keep in Stock a largs quantity of Sash.,\ Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the diferâ€" ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber tor outside shecting. e n ier 1 HHARINEY *o ware T .arce so Litbalt ordo a MISCELLANEOUS. eatly reduced rates F:â€"â€"DURHAM PHARMACY Calder‘s Block. HT BELL AT RESIDENCE. * Lumber, Shingles and and SILKS, in all C Our Stock of DRY LUMR . soLlItOR _ SUREME COURT PUELIC, Commissloner,cte., ENSED AUCTIONEER for Co. f Grey. All communications adâ€" 1 to Laxrasa P. 0. will be promptly ad to. Residence Lot 19, Con. 9. n who takes a peper trou , whether directed to hi r, or whether he has sul : responsible for the pay. iber orders his paper to be tain time, and the gu'bliblxefl nd, the subscriber is bount he takes it out®of the post roceeds upon ke groun{ it pay for gwhat he uses. DURHAM . McKENZIE ARTHUER GUN MEDICAL. AUCTIUNEER. LEGAL DURHA M. â€"â€"ATâ€"â€" rTO PARKER‘S Apply to JAMES EDGE, ERdge Hill, Onty of Bentinek rders his peper discor y all arreages, or the one to send it antil pay llectthe whole ar ev ui from the office or not al discontipuance unti ial attention of Po bere to the following averluawms : and all COLO® #. Hoot‘s Stom«. Lower Town tor the ( DAN. MeLEAN. D. MeCORMICK, a County of Gro& uction guarantee be made at the «t his residence of Interoat e Dushare wed aliulde..» {} qstt for th y.614 Ont §n Stoclc. L(E is very 1 in be filled. VOL. XVIII,â€"NO. 8. areo Mc EECHNIE are now prepare! Tht Lath always ‘THE VICARS GOVERNESS j raising MI# * ECUICC ols l| :ns his eyeimtur;; fi: fair mcj perfe t "She isn‘t very well £0" ulp C20CC 04 ly," says Clarissa, reluctantly. "She‘s anyhow," . say8 Branscombe. freely ; and | then his eyes fall upor Georgie, who is gazing, in her rapt, chidlish fashion, at the singer of the moment; and then he doesn‘t upeak’ again for a little while, f "Is Horace quite well?" asks Clarâ€"| issa, pmsent,l{']. I f "Quite _ well. _He always . is, YOU know. _ Whoâ€"â€"who | is the girl next your father ?" â€" uP AUICT Y _ 0 . ) Gtanvola Rroughâ€" your lather i "That is my friend, Georgia Broughâ€" ton. I think I told you about hber. She is governess at the vicarage, NOW. Is she not lovely,â€"quite sweel ?" asks Clarissa, ea%erly. But Mr. Branscombe | does not anâ€" swer her. He is still staring at the unconscious Georgie, and seems ah nost deaf to Clarissa‘s praise of her. At this Miss Peyton is somewhat «dis gusted, and declines any further atâ€" temxt. at laudation. "A governess * he says, at length, | raising his brows, but withouti removâ€" ECCE TS L us nf DURHAM, CO. only eager to reassure NMD, °* 700 030| C him of the fact that she is worthy lnl‘] come to his relief. "But the song ?" says Mr. Redmond, |" still hesitating, and alluding to the E second solo chosen by the defaulter. * "It is an old Irish song; I know it. 1 It is ‘Shule, agra,‘ and it begins, ‘My | Mary with the curling hair,‘" says |‘ Georgie, with a slight nod. "I used to sing it long ago, and it is very pretty." | "Well, come," says the vicar, thuugh‘ with trepidation, and leads her on to the platform, and up to Mrs. Redmond, to that flnd woman‘s intense surprisn.‘ Lady ary has nearly brought her | little vague whisper to an end. She has at last disclosed to a listening audâ€" jence that she has discovered the real dwellingâ€"place of_ the lost "" Alice,"â€" who _ is _ uncomfortably ensconced amidst the starshine," if all accounts ; be true,â€"and is now quavering feebly on a last and dying note. "‘This is the song," says Mrs. Redâ€" mond, putting â€" Sarah‘s rejected solo into her hand. "“lel i‘.;d;'uidxil-';'ci final cfiuxver dies, and she moves to one side, eaving the space before the piano quite clear. "Thank you," says MissD She looks neither frightened cerned, only a )il‘tlg pale, ar CO. GREY, THURSDAY, JAN onl e 2 e She looks neither frightened nor, conâ€" cerned, only a little pale, and with a great gleam in her eyes, born, as it were, of an earnest desire to achieve victory for the vicar‘s sake. CC PSE CCAE T AEOIY: nswaw Alae: he tells says â€" MissBroughton himsel There is a slight pause ; and L008 T slight, childish figure, in its gown nfl thin filmy black, comes forward, and | stands before the audience. She, is | quite selfâ€"possessed, but rather white, | uite SAICPACOTER®! OF vandaring her | come to C407 79 T3 ln1d k "At that rate I should soon have no poor to look after," said the gratified vicar, gayly. { 3 "And a good thing too. The poor NDGP in\ ail_Lar__so eb ooo hA mncliictenis â€"AM 40 [ ape always 80 oppressive, andâ€"¢râ€"8s0 | dirty, but slill"â€"secing a change in his faceâ€"*‘very interesting,â€"very !" | And then the concert comes to an end, and adieux are said, and fresh conâ€" gratulations poured out, so Lo speak, upon the Redmonds; and then every one goes home. Dorian Branscombe climbs into . his dogâ€"cart, and drives swiftly homeward, under the alisbening. stars, . whose "beauty makes . un ppy,"â€"his mind filled with many thmu{hu, * ‘My love, my pearl 1 »â€"the words I of Georgie‘s song haunt him incessantly, and ring their changes on his brain. "What words could be more appropriate, D V Jas t4l.0" achan wa Oy Hesy PRHie CE We c 4 0s 2 Rodu more suited to herf" (Alas, when we come to pronouns it is generally all over with us!) "A pearl! so fairl so ure! so solitary! It ‘i:nt expressed her. gly what rate has Fa cast thnumtty child umn the cruel world to take her Qancsats live or die in it! chance. TORONTO 1g, 1896. and Lbeâ€"l; the“ "How large her eyes are, and what a heavenly blue, and what a sad expresâ€" sion lies within them! ‘Grandmamma grandmamma, what hig eyes you havel‘" " I EBs T en uu.she & Here he rouses himself, and [MUEIA .2 little, and wishes, with some petulance that he could put her out of his head. NML, wngn DiR C200 NC CC rouses himself, and laughs a | GLASS FACTORY, WITH GLASS CHIM (To be Gontinued.) UTTOT The financial system of Venezuela is the admiration and envy of all South American countriee. the single . gold standard being in force, and the pubâ€" lic debt being of quite insignificant proâ€" portions. United States Minister, Mr. Pile, once ventured to present himself to the president on one occasion minus a necktie. President Blanco very sharpâ€" ly reminded him of his forgetfulness of qgiqueg(e.‘spfi ?hoytly afterward sent him about hbis business Harryâ€"What girl was that in tow last evening ? . Wifly (i RESRERC OO CCIPO0 caorme ind in tow last evening ? Willy (indignant~ ly) What you are pleased to call tow is usually spoken of by people of culâ€" ture as blonde tresses. "I seem to be getting pretty close to the home plate," chuckled the burglar, so(ll()" opening a drawer in the sideâ€" Sheâ€"*"Why _ does man‘s name when . Heâ€""Why does she else he has ?" es a woman take a n she gets married ¢" _ 8 she take everything ter WHOLE NO. 905. A GCLASS RAILROAD NOW. tlass Shingtes and Powder, Tooâ€"Clams Dresses, Glass Honmets, Glass Floor Plates and Journal Boxes, €lass Oharch Nells and Hloors There was once a time when glass was used only for window pames and mirrors, but since then it has develâ€" oped into many . different fields. By means of a valuable toughening . proâ€" vess, recently discovered, glass may now be moulded into lengths and used as railroad ties. Such ties have their advaniages. They are light, easily transâ€" ported, rather cheap, have even sur faces and will not decay like wood Lies Glass rails are also produced by this you had NEY 105 FEET HIGH rom, â€" Dedit road, gays molor, ©A1 the car, W itated to to 14 least two persons "*" and a number seriou about half way aCr passengers felt a #wi next moment the |ig collapsed, and the © man load, went d0# the creek below. T place at a point a sl of RBedford township collapse of the bridg One theory is that ! track, lndythm the girders of the brid reports show that ! sengers on the mo the a:. consisting down in the wreckâ€" piritual 7(urce is stronger than h1 ; thoughts rule the orideâ€"Kuber: ‘ STEEL, HAYTi* W and 13 Front Stroe! L.s 1 make the bon ever. The possi " er‘s arlâ€"of the â€"â€"have only 1 Ad Passenger Car gl | Thursday, Morning. ;;\6II| pat StandardBank of Canada CAPITAL, Authorized _ $2,000,000 ** Paid up 1,000,008 RrRSERVER FUNXD ©00,000 RESERYVE FUXD W. F. Cowan, T TX Ontario,Quebec, Manitoba United and Encland . DURHAM AcENCY A generel Banking ) ssued and ‘nll.cuoum‘ ts received and in niorest allo tyd ap ward anafforded m. . m â€"£&A B 5 4 rteen E ?Q.-‘l‘ & .‘% l\'(;-::‘:x- ® "“ ": \ fl . uses me, you j ethod U |me h"v with fl;_':‘: @ sn 7 L s ame U Of the 1 Head Office . Toronto JAMES LOCZ »â€" tioneer for Coun Residenceâ€"King BSUER of Marris GENTS in all GREY REVIEW ALLAN A k SAVINGS BANK Horse Shoecing 5h Furpitul In the old made Handâ€"made for sale cheap. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. ALLAN MoFARLANE, SsEE OUR Hi UPPEE 1 Has opened ¢© £%.2.5% 4.4 FOR TWENTYâ€"FIV PI President OFFICER, GARAFRAXA BT., DURHAM. ¥¥ in this community to 56 n our line. Trees that bear seedi Apple Trees hardy as aks. *E Crab as large as an Apple. Ch pmo!ngnsns\macl. knot. Plus affected by Curculio. Trce Space Gooscher will do not not Blackber allow vit h o u t Sm on l2 Dae THECOSK S Tux "Oub erms and parEI=IC? CHASE BROTHE‘RS' â€"AT THEB~â€"â€" Tc Fimesy T WOoODWwWoOoRL 1 If your grocer does not k WANT A MAN AT ONCE in conn( A firstâ€"cla and particul year, IN ADVANCE Editor & Propricton c WomLE M ETE FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEF Reciasie® Numsuarme® Bt prin _ TER KEL Geo. P. Reid, Managet MTBNTT C talks for ight ok ol nplete H ith e ‘=SUBHR iree of charge. W ERS‘ COMPANY, Colborne, Ont. Iree I Proprietor, 0 () not mildew kberry Bushe YEARS tthores rry trees trees not

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