West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Jan 1896, p. 3

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\Kechme. gams I IN RY “‘Q“‘$m” “ssxswm CO. ATES. i: Shoes. , Durham. Eggs. i't,.acilv't, SPACE rally Ill! or Ares Ft waiting at doch: 2ridVice President. H. Fame DIRECTURN: (ileuelg. Geo. Binnie. m, Smith. Egremom. Jag. Allan. The Caldwell. Bentim-k. Henry Bri hat Wm. Lawson. Normanl-y. R. bark n. Barber. Durham. Wus. t'aldwe' HOSORAMY MEMBERS: Glen-lg. l Firth. EgremonLJas. Matthews. No manhyJ-ZReinw. Bantinck.- Scat Durham. H. W. Mocklcr. ACDXTORJ Wm. Gnrsline, N. w. Campbell. One of the largest. crowds that ever entered the Durham Skating Rink na- nmhlcd there last Fridny night to '/re2ht in the Masquerade Carnival. fully 'peopioCtio coming from Walk- erwn. Mount Forest, Hanover sud other adjacent. towns) being mutant. The races tor the diamond pin and gold watch wore hotly contested. and were won by LesaJlmn. of Walkerton, while Harry Truax won the boys ran and the gold cuffbuttonu. Mist Nellie Swailnw. Fine weather. Splendid sleighing. County Ctaneil next Tuesday. Ben Nevis Camp met-La Friday even- ing, 2tth inst. Mins Edith McKenzie. is visiting friends in Bunessnvn. Mrs. Dan Edge, Edg.rhiil visited LOCAL AND GENERAL. most graceful skater an; lady present. Corn Mom Cull and Master Bert T nucceuful In winning pri: chm-actor repteetotttiot Iuttaliort Baud furnishe and every one went home with the evening's eaten: guld cuff buttons. Miss Xi uf Durham. won the gold ' but looking girl pt'errept Jena. of 1Vlke.rtyn, took, THAT I-Iusc’ruu' LirurT.--Our rc mark l ' few week ago Making towards Lho im- Emvemcnt of our electtic light system any given oitt.nos it svemq. We wrote in tho interest, of the town. and if power sufficient. can ha obtained hero t , give m: a. untisfm'tory service we will he the last. to advocate any other trcheme. That the power (or the plant) ii inade- quate is 'uirnitted by Mr. O‘Connor himself. as applications for more incan- descent lights have heen refund. it. is aim a runner of common remark among ritdemr that the service is heir-w the requirements of the Lown. We am very glad to bonssurod that there is no dan- ter in our wires and thankiul for the .otter of a for lessons on dynamo rlectric machinery. as we positively mature Mr. O'th that what we don't know about electricity would ttil ngreat big hook. 'However we are glad to observe that a. practical turn has been given to the mater by - of - vnvrgetic fellow townsmeis--wtto feel " wa o the im- ntinfwcmry nature of the "tttict-- in torm‘ly bringing the ' matter before the Town council. In this away our position has been pustain- ol. The right thing will no doubt be done. sud mciency and economy will receive due attention. We have made (“1-9th innuiries into the respective “gnu: an“: wk .Wre_.. -....- H, and large wwm the incandescent light is taking the place of the are. light in (batches. Theatres and Public Build- ... . A .L- -._“:..-......n [autumn-n receive due attention. We have [mule further inquiries into the wanectivo merits of the are and incandescent lights and we learn that. in our cities _ . A ----_- in... :......_.l--mn\r. Hal". l n‘u'uunn. -uu.-..._V, “V, - _ ings. Wt hope the conference between the gallium“ for a better tel-vice and [ ass” Havana hetotee the firm iiid 11 ht committee may result in some cinema to utihzo- the. PoP er M. Edge Mills 90 better adv.uutage. -tot iLIcC'rmc Lmirr.-our re mark rk ttKo looking towards the im- ILof our electric light system a offence it seems. We wrote crest, of the town. and if power Gun be obtained here t ' give {artery service we will be the uiroeate any other mbeme. "nave-r (or the plant) is inade- ','Cb7dg85'ttvkyri"er; ' 'rc ”:21?“ I scafmivsu, I governs rum Walk- The I over and order b ' prosent. I wellcln .1 and gold [ to the and ways» i who ga rum. why! a and tit If? and me 3 with th , 1"s:Nlc.e: ', and otl Miss Mgggie Moran. of D-mun-h, has 1mm truest"? tttttrtBmrahirrrarir"Nr2 vrrwn this week. . Mr. Pat. McCulloch of Iisr'sdale, was in town Tucsduy.. .Glad n) have a callfrom Mr. Donald E McQueen (.f Stayner. . .Mr. and Mrs. Taylor took in the Farmers' Institute, evening meeting and all. .. THANKS-Tho Baptist Young People of Durham derive to publicly thank those who so cordially oponvd their home-slur the reception, of ark-gates at the Young Peoplo's Rally held on the Itilh inst." E. H. PA'rrrtuucsox, Sccy Y.P.B.U. nmm. after the routine business was transacted it was agreed to defer tho election of oirtcera till the June session in ordrrto comply with the law that governs F urumrs’ Inartit Lites. _ The shawl-ma session was called to order by President Wm. Irvine in a. few well chosen remarks and be introduced in the meeting Mr. Simpson Rennie who gave an able address on potatoes and field roots uencmllv. in dealing with this question he advised farmers and when in the business to plow their land in the fall, put out their manure 1n the winter. and in planting. plan) shallow, any: 3 or t istdhes'deep, and cover with a heavy furrow. In Delect- For that tickling sensation in your throat try a. 10e lx): or "Mist," Cough butt-“germ They will allay the irritat- ion Moms. For sale by all druggists Mu! the Key 3Irdicim, Co. 395 Youre street. Toronto. At the business union in the ft noon, after the routine businesl , transacted it. was agreed to defer election of omcers till the June sea: in order to comply with the law t ing need. he preferred our. potatoesto whole uni-s. as it was found that whole ones producpd mow small potatoes than cutoitesdid. He advised flat cultiva- tion cf all kinds of hood crops. Car- rot» should be m. inns early in spring as ponihlo as Jd'; need the whole sea.- nnu to grow. For all kinds of roott he not; to grow. For all kinds ot my thought, there wan nothing better a clover sod. In the harvesting of Mermaids the tops should he wrung otr, not cut utr, this would make them keep better and longer. M r. Rennie is a thoroughly practical mun. having won the tirst, prize 1 few years ago for the best kept farm in Ontario. hem-e he was quite rmnpetout to ttnmwer' the many puiuted questions pm. lo him tothe sitistacrion of all. hlrctvtat'T Geo. Binnie read a paper rm .. Lieakicge und \Vnsteou the- Farm.” 1h,- condemned in :Lrnnp: terms the prawlicc of leaving farm implenwms out. in the tields and burn Vania the whole year. as by this practice the imple- ments did not live out half their days. Another waste was leaving stock out in cold weather. especially to be dammed in a. year of source fred.. The credit, system received his attorn- tion as coming within the rungs of his subject, and he, showed {begin this had taken in showing that " ilful waste makes woful want. Ill-constructed barn yards. and the raking of tscrub stock were two other sources of waste. long Mr. G. C. Caston being next called upnn. he delivered " very practical ad- dress in a. practical wav on "Pmrltry on the Farm" and “How to be suc- Chssful in Fruit growing." It is not r,',','; sable to give justice to his exeellent address in u. limited notice. but many useful hints gathered from his own ex- per'wnce were giver} P. tht, mgotinc. 'Fr'bWEA%V .wF'W_. ,....-.. v- __ 7 V FiGi, can be no doubt that. the farmer or others who give attention to the raising of poultry alter the. moat, up- muvcd plans will make no mistake, Town Hall, D and as usual in the meetin; number ofprt mu, on the w t interest y the ever "sire farm- s" wl than Mrs. McCnunel Sr. is home from visit at. Sunnidale. Mr. Whimide is visiting at Sandy McKecbnic's this week. Miss Nelly SCOLL was visiting frie m; Mr. Arvhie Clark‘s last Monday . The people of Hampden are not dead, although the public has been hearing very little of them for some time. lee visiting his niece a few days Fast v "t the with”; mm; seem making good use of their way. Mr. R. J. Marshall. formerly a t-tamp- denim, but, now carrying on a thriving businass in Neusuldt, has concludhd thtst single lite m pullmps not tho plemnlest and has taken to himself a help-ttsate. We understand her home wtyefdrruete in some part of the North West. Mr. T. Young, who was married on the lat has returned with his bride trout visicing friends in Owen Sound and elsewhere. After their return on Wed. 35th, about forty of his old friends were invited to spend the evening at. the home of his parent» to get Mtgminted with his wife. We wtsh bot the couples many Happy New Years. As usual at number of teachers were bump for their' XIX)" holidlelgs. but we notice all have not return to duty. Miss A. Young who has been ranching “out Owen Sound, intends spendinga. short time at home. Mr. c, Cooper, who has been teaching in Essex. Co.. is also at home. We un- dersmnd he is engaged, in importing mule-feed at present. He is an enter prising young man. We wish'him suc- k'eas. __ --... . - , , 77 .1,_ “Ann“: FEES. Mr. D. Whiteford has also stopped teaching and has gone to W'alkerwn to att.eud the High School there. We are pleaseu to notice Mr. Collin- son's cheerful face again in our midst. As he has given general satisfaction daring the pass! year, by mutual consent he .. wields the birch " for another you in our' school. The Humpdeu Literar Societv has not been so well iLIvtl‘ntft‘d of late as other things have been mixing: its place. We hope to see it iloutritshitvg again as tho young people Becun to be deriving a wear deal of both pleasure and ptvtit Ifrom it; in fact, some of our young men are becoming quite eloquent public speakers. . . . , A lL_ ”m...“ V A yieamnc time is expactvd at. the teamieetinir to be held in Hmupden Plus. Church on Wed. evening. Jan. 22nd. The Hanover choir " expected heaidos a. number of speakers. The members of the Y. P. F. c). E. of Huxnrden and Hanover are making all possi tle arrangements to provide for the reception and entertainment. of delegates at the convention to be held in Hanover on Friday the 31%. was 1p.eyutyPteys,.et.sf?y'1t,,i.f, rum.-. Mr. A. Derby who has been in British Columbia. for about eleven years is home on a visit to his parents, visiting place. M Lqe.r%icq#t'r'ts M r idam ( McNalighwn. of Seep, is Min . McNaughton. o thin HAMPDEN eek r. "up to have bag!) of their tune in a quiet 'tou, of Peabody. was Mrs. John Weir, for I Miss Sada With her si i Balsam mm Mr. Lauchiu Mvinms from St. George is at present visiting his many friends in this neighborhood. The Hamburg Boys hnve all returned totheirwork. They spent their New Years iolif1cation in Durham. The Black Brut and Rocky Dan. are making timber on the tioutr.line at present. The Xnuutrec at Pomona. S. Homie t "tizttt---.Moudtv.v--is exected to be the event of the sensun. Mr. Martin frdin the Sixth spent. Sunday with friends here. Mrssm'Jnlm Muhw‘ and Michael Neil have returned to their tespective homes once more. Our. two over the Ch Seventh yet Tin party, given by the Knnold Bros. was a grand success. Mr. James Benton has left School B. No. l, and is under the pointer of principal Allan of your town. The ttial of this case before His Honor Judge Merriam at Trlesherthri on Doe, 20. tuning alt day and to a. late hour in the ev’nniug, has heel) decing - - - . . h‘ ,A - L- hour ttt Inc ew'umg. “as mm. _.Nr%e.m.H'_ in favor of defendant with posts. The evidence givnn win directed to the defendant‘s counter claim. which was for $1000 damage- tor 'y1g,t,)tf, in treatment by plaintiff of efrnduut’s hands. resulting in the defendant Buffer- ing the loss of use of the hand. El rm doctors pm we evidence at, the trial. ills Honor {mind negligence on the part of plaintiff and no coutrihutory negligence on the part of defendant, The plaintiff will therefore have to hear all the can! of " images, and defrndnnt is at liberty to proceed in a higher court if he b0 desires for the balance of the claim. The judgngnt ro-vers " Page: and 2 The Ludgment covers five gages and is in t e bftlee of the clor . Luca:& “Fright for plmntiff, J. w.. Frost 'or for efendaut. .-Advaeum, Ayew'ts Hair Vigor i1 certainiy 3.1-9- marknhle preparation and nothing like it has ever been produced. No matter how wiry and unnmnngeahle the hair may be, and" the inmtenee of this in- cmnpamhla dressing, it becomes soft. silkyand pliable to the comb and brush. Park lot No. 2. at, present occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tar sale, or will ram. rm reasonable terms. Apply to J, P.. TELFORD. 5 t P1110 Know What You ao It free trem the Injnrlous coloring. The more you use ot It tho beta: you like it. rm: also. E. Tucxcn‘ a SON can LTD ttANU-TON, our. . BUTTON v. JAMES, , did not. get. rightly " night. walk to the nu the Shah spent dslwre. nck spent last week Mrs. P. Siulliytu1 ot [, iciryiig' a 'seR?,i'rii, l _ , V V, 'Tri', ' N at“? Pio. since which time she 11:“ not mm a day's illness. 7 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a. mare potent iuiiuetiot on the bland and nerves than other known medicme. and speeds'- ly restore: the bluom of health to valid eheelcs. Pink Pills cure when all other medicines fail, Sold by all dealers or sent. by until at GO cents a box or six boxes fur $2.50. by addressing the Dr. Witruurm' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. or Schenectady. N. Y. Refuse all sub- Ititum alleged to be "just as good." time I well felt or weak BLACK.-In Durham, on J an. 18th 1896, the wife of John A. Black, otgdungh sgcLEas.--M South Bay, Manitoulin Jd., on the 2nd of Jan. Mr. John McLean, long a resident of Bentmek. McDouoAsu-At Clover .Valley. Hanitowaning, on Monday the 6th inst, Mr. Malcolmn McDougall. uncle of Dan. and Neil McDougall of Bentinck, in bis 82nd year. 'wet hr thu to lake a. short ride without my taligno. She wisely resot .out,inue the treatment. mud new 'ouud that she had rvgainod l BE ten REDUGTIDN 30 Days Wall Paper Is wife in order lo be able to say have tried all," rather than from g faith in them. To please her Ind Mrs. Hartwell willingly con- d to take the Pink Pillu. and great. vrrrttrprUe and that of bet husband ' after taking threo boxes she wns o lake a. short ride without {Peliniz taligno. She wisely resolved to nu» the treatment. mid before long 1 am. a... Imd rpnrainod her old MacFARLANE tl 00. ongth, and she declares that slu- -r recovery entirely to Dr. Wil- ink Pills. Lust winter Mrs. Mari . L n slight recurrence of her form- m-ss and again resorted to Pink me which time she has not had FOR THE NEXT 'ttartg"a"2"t'Ay] AT DEATHS, BIRTHS, IN v','i?iW,ii,8:','rd'r1 T, w----."'," A Though Times Are Hard, . . . ---mi1ALBR m- _ All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. WAREHOUSE, Upper Chas. 7McKinnon Just Arrived UNION AND ALL-WOOL CARPETS, 'i, 1i'1anne1ettes, Kid Gloves, Trimmings E and Boots d; Shoes. i,., Come and see the Btsrgaius--the pu: Dollar never, was greater than tt present. :33“: “72. Ccirs1iSii"ii'ti'iiiMsiER 'i'.?riii',i. t)ici%i5c'ii" ht1aiiaEiiti'ig 'f, One Car Broekville Buggies, also? Gannnoque, and Campbell, Lon-l don Carriages & Buggies. 1 One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, I also Snow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Ctuts--at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood's Singe Apron Bm. ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (mo Car Maxwells's Light Steel Binders-oh- than ever. oii'i"r"iii'ii'iiifiiikd BOUGHT FOR CASH T And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Ball and inspect and be Convinced. i LOT OF LADIES KNIT SHAWLS VERY CHEAP. And Money seems scarce, yet we have to keep replenishing our Stock from time‘to time. We have just" received T CHAS. MCKINNON- . L. GRANT. New on Hand Maxwell's Steel Rakes. Coulward & Seott's See Haxrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scumerl. Organs & Pianos of the beat makes A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Ms chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. Town, Durham. purchasi m g power of A SNAP! i ' l On the2nd Con. Noramsnbr. couldn- ling m acre-s. MO cleared. A l toilin i grnnd sum of cultivation free from nox- liou! weeds. Spring Crwek. Stone Home & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank l Bun (0x70. Stone Basement Sabin. Drive & Implement, Home m. Stone lgialttiA underneath. Root. House 1mm. l Hard and Soft Muter. Church. and lSchml committing 45 miles from Due- That. old ”wished blarksmibh shop in connection with wood shop. lnquxro of R. McFu-hne. Insurance Agent. Also house to rout. with 6 rooms. good anus FARM FOR SALE. Loose or in Bundles for Sale ---AT--- Buildings cost over halfthe Haney aat:aacsiir' W Mt. Forest. APPLY 1‘0“ FOR Service. This splendid m was imported trout the Unit‘v States and was a winner of tow W" a. the worWs Fair. Chicago. - Also RUFUS, six months' old. ' "R from Prince and Princess Lyon. Ea., n tine. animaJ. _ _ -;J - "WW" - SLOO. 's BOULDEN & Co., Hanna Nah April was. N _ Doretadtj, Thnmnghhrad Berkth Batr,"j"a" This tine mind will be up. out»; ofJNO. cuss. a, LOT 32, CON. 8, w. 6.3.. an Thnmnghbred Chester White Bear, 'Washington,' - For Service during Seno- d I Registered in the "CM Hi I‘M-curd" a No. 2956- PM. 1893, and bred by fin m“ Alnnluzu, ost. --. TERI! ' 51m. To be rid (arguing. " JMSB0RN?il, ‘rnnbmm: "i', E Clerk lake: Scuba ift

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