West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Jan 1896, p. 1

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Lumber, Shingles and Lath always: In Stock. A Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the djrer-"i, Sash and Door Factory. Iota. Also lot No. 60, con. a w. G. R., Township of Bantinck, 100 acres adjoin- Intr Town plot Durham. now taken for part purchase FOR SALE I 55111;; al, an}: m: "LC/id/rc"'.;',,' . rulglu. Lu" . I .\Irn- C. luau-huh, Co . t aUlhlIliuu, Liad hit, mm rutkhec, KG,., e . 11nd Ctiuary Diss-a,,, 5. tit, VILIH' Uh... _ Female Invgu'urniw and Gum-mi ----- : Dcln,uy, Inthe Town of Durham. County of Laboratory - Goderich,0n Grey, including Vduable Water Power I Brick Dwelling. and may eligible _ J. M. McLEOD, building Iota, will be sold in one or more pm. “a munrmm. Our Stock of DRY LUMRE is very Large SO that all order can be filled. '3 LICENSED AUCTIONEEB to: Go. of any. All communication. ad. dnuod to Lam” P. o. wtll bi promptly funded 'o:,1utidtrrtt" Lot 19, Can. a, Township of BiaGi. "w“ D. “Wm MOLE C) f)' s DAN. MCLEAN. System Renovate “County ot any. sun “and“! to prcmp and n ”nonsm- nun. (Luv L avaT Innsb- ( A gonna! tinanciai hum - I “on.“ Aatttioooqr. by as County of any. “ Office next door to S - module. And “Manon gunman-d. ' v) " manual- tor who ,un " and- " tho I ' Ut "ant My]! on». [Nahum or n ttta adden-:4 y --_------ --.-- . ---- In“ "HACKS; WJJE H OFFICB:--DURHAM PHARMACY i Calder’s Block. I VT NIGHT BELL AT RESIDENCE. "U DENTISTRY -arurGrcGir, aria. mix»? 'tiiriirGL i ant Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. DR. ARTHUR GUN Monz-L. PHYSIG'IIN. "ttGEON. H'- 1'oroEt'rt. &"r. prompuy ma.|a_ 1n.urLrautrdGiC""" 'l“IKV To 1.0 " “lo-loll. msto.otIrttoremt l 1"- onu door audio: B. Soul’- titorq Durham Loan and Insuranqe Agent. Con- veyancer. Commoner ac. NOTARY "o""r.eor-smer.rte, MONEY TO LOAN. Luna. Arr-axed without deny ymmpllymn‘lq luminance ICENSED AUCTIONEER. for sh BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. P. TELFORD, Bumsm summon ill mm mm NEXT Door TO PARKER’S HUGH McKAY. MISS GUN’S. Ol'FlcE, our: Gsunn's 370m. LOWER Tm DURHAM~ T. tl. HOLT. L. D. S MISCELLANEOUS. LNOR Graduate of Amy to JAMES EDGE. 3480 Hill. Ont, Fancy Goods, TOYS and Stationary, WOOLS, EMBROIDERIES and SILKS, in all COLORS . ' ,_,_ .7 .. w.__r. :v-yra uvu the pod ottiee, whether directed to In name or number, or whether he has sub scribed or not is rouponsibla for the pn’. B. Irtoatmeriber orders " pug-er to b, "oppod It a certain time, and the Publislm continues to send, the subscriLer n bonu- to pay for it if he takes it 0mm! tho pm odieb. This proceeds upon to grumn hat I ma must pay found)" be can. AUCTIUNE'ER. at areatlv reduced rates I. IGuy person orders My ptpu discm tiouod. he mm: pay all Atrbugea, or th, publisher may continue to ttphd " until pa} menus madman"! collectuw whole uncut: whether“ be taken from the ottice or no: There on be no legs! ditutontuttltu,ee anti psvmonnnmado. Wall Papers We an“ the Ipesinl attention of I‘m ninth” and subscriluergto tim fulluwh u .3 nopnil cftlvo 1eewcpttperltovtst . L. MCKENZIE, ngdgnt. flu-dc 2. Aay person who on} path DURHAM. MEDICAL. We. Durham Ont N eWSDaper Laws LEGAL Fire Insurance secured. DAN. " “0- It N., G. " McKECHNIE. “lies I yiprt tron to aait Ra Canoe non. J Blood, Dy-lwpaiu. aim: of the “can. rnlgin. Loo, " Me sumpliou. Gail tit, and thin") Dit,tu I Female Inn-g1 S G. REGISTRY OFFICE. I Lauder,Reaitstrar, John A Deputyaesrutrar. Office hour- B. m. to 4 p. In. sum by il. PARKER. Druggist, Durham TENTH!) REMEDIES SPEClFIC a nd ANTIDO'i Money to lend. Money invested tor Parties. Farms bought and sold. David Jackson, hr \ 1sr'ri m. mm A1 Lhnr fl. J.;ckson. Nu'-rry Puh'.w. Land Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. .2?! In only nr.:..-m.. no" ru- ln lawn. {Furniture Vii) Best Make CONVEYAK CERS. will adaFiie G E on the mmcemin Would f1Ml'l1'llll ITI) L1lEl'r'l'.1lilri E J. SHEWELL Juyrure, We Aver": Su 1' Ib HIghest Ao Are the besi Liver, or Bowels, . AYER For Stomach A ___ y r' e SPEEES All-mun known.‘ Ave., N my invariable tt Taken ta ht'a,'im cold. pnwc-n: la g regulate the My: easy to take, and and liver troubles. and for t headache caused try mow der" Ayer's Pills cumin: be equal, my friends ask me what is named: mr disorders ot the an "t would like to Add m that or others who hm Pills, and to say il at I In: for many yum. arr! um: best results trom um: um JACKSONS. - All) orHsue -.-- an: M Prop. and Msnufmcun mm: la xiii: tlu, Illsrsth aka. and In. May Jun”... tl' atyl la: poyetiUr VOL. XV11I,---NO. 5. E. J. RIII'JWELL. $153? Nrr *9." .LS' which "inc-V " " the acumenl transacted 'lurd Ba nk, Ayer' M n 1858 the 'iiittt Mm W I .Silently they walk through the dam? imam. grass, neither. speaking, until, fcommg go a. curve tn the way. she I breaks sdenoe. 7 __ "With my brother, of course. She --she would not cure to dance very much with any one else now, on ac- count ot her engagement." "Her engagement?" . "Yea. tstt'btrs.tobeytarrit11torny brgthqr 50mg tum next gersx?', the virl beside him. . "Who has she been dancmg most with t" Eagerly, almost painfpllyntpis question IN put. . The upm- simplicity of irAopehes Dorm to hip heut's core. "One can understand that at once." says Dorian. quistly. "Both her face and figure are perfect." As he says this, quite galmly, Ins heart bleeds for the girl beads him. lshrubs are , ithe 51mm lto bun as ' 1 was born a I 1y owner a b ' Then-n 1 .. You are talking war? great nop- 3 sonar." says Dorian. rough y, though Ut l his soul shocked to the last degree by l tlve girl's manner. which ia full u reck- less myery.. "Nobody sees any 3mm Imom in dying. Come, let me see you l home." "Very," gays Dorian, unkindly, yet with very land]? intent. "But then she is always one o the most beautiful wo- men I know." “Is she very much admiredt"--this ra!lysr timidly._ _ _ M _ _ __ "s.iFCGFrtitut Miss Pey.ton looks to-night," she says. in a tone impossible to Quanta. 7 "Then at least I shall seq you safely as tar as the gato,"~says Brgnsoombe. who is tender and gentle in his manner to all women. "Oh, no! please do not come, Mf. Brat:tsaornbe," entreats she, so earnestly that he feels she has a meaning in her words. "I have the key tt. the amen gave, and can run home in five minutes mm Pads'f was". . u _ _ q away the wars that still lie heavily ' upon her eheeks. and then mom‘s a little I away from him, so as to elude his touch. i "i came to see them dancing," she ls’tys. at length. with difficulty; "I l, [bought it would he a pretty sightzand 'i--it Ls-l have been WP-so pleased." g The words seem to choke her. With e',tt movement that. is terribly pathetic is”: lays her hand upon her liq-art; and i then Dorian, following the direction her ieyes have taken. sees what they see. r In an open window, directly opposite I to where they are standing, two igures loan he seen in very close proximity to leach other. Beyond are the forgns of l the. dancers; the mint sweet strains; of ' the hand tioat out, to meet the midnight 'air; but the two in the window seem :lost to all but the tact of their own ‘cxisusuoe, and that they are together. } At least. so it seems to the onlookers 1n 1 the shrubberies. See. now he takes her hand.-the kindly curtain hiding the Bet trom thqse I within; he stoops toward her; the girl l I leans a little forward; and then Dorian l lk_nows_ thqpithe plan 18 Homes, tad tti0atu%iairiit ’V' BREE: he an "What is it t" asks Dorian. "Are you in Pain? How whites you 31:0!" bt am tired. I haven. pam here," prtvcsirur her.ltami. still more closely against her Side. "This mominEII felt well and strpag-and ttow---. y mo- thvr died of heart diam; pox-half I 3-th die of it too. I think so; I ope 'r You have seen enough of this hall. Ruth." says Bransoombe, very gently. "Go home now." .“l’es; enough-too much.".aays the girl, starting into life Birtun, She draws her breath quickly, painfully: her. brow contracts. As though unable to retust the movement, she again lays her 1; mt] upon her heart. and holdait there. as 1tyyu,rh. it} gngujsh; . -.- ot the girl Clarissa. Peyton! Instinctively he glances from them to Ruth. She, too, is leaning forward. her whole attention concentrated upon tho picture before her. Her eyes are " ide 15nd miserable, her cheeks pale and haugglrdt Dorian up to he shoulder. tr, w Ot haw around re Hills and The on the ll of wind come calm that. hart down in the b; From the di musk from th ductively to bl above it comm gale that. hm pours forth its melody, as the me Iod y will be Dorian. , l6 walks, , Ind. listen A1 and down the windin paths beneath has 1or1x5u B truth upon him that for tho subdued Ii ht of (imam Chinese months he has deteryrinedly.pu,t. behind . g . C' him. Her tears, her agitation, the Amer-m. that, hanging amidst this. zygony that shone in her eyes (at shg foliage, contrasts oddly with tho cold! My? Pt upfn Hornlw'slfofm m 2t _ ' , . l, ... Wm ow, ave wotraye on y 00 surey Ill" brillisury of the stars overhead, the secret she would gladly hide. at She makes no further autumn at con- "Rush forth in mvrimls. as to wage versation. and. when the P came to th. _ . . ' War with.the lines of darknms." fit 'r,t/"it/, Rate that}1 Ite, onhto h" road, , ' . . . won ve passe t rout: an gone (chi as tho night yr 1.1. not ll brmLh' on her homeward way mechanically. of wind comes to disturh the strnnrz‘él without. Yi.ddine him even good-night, calm that hangs over land and son. Far. as if (which m indeed the ease) yhe has down in the bay the omnn Hm at: _r,xsei'if,r.'irie1eit.t the very fact of bis near From the distance a faint sound ot [fut ht; cannot let her go without s/ musie {mm the band mums softly. 38- wed. . . I alttctively to the var; but beyond and', . . 'Good-night," he MES. very kiudly., ky whispering but of leaves, on which h the lege),? . t th birds th b eaveu sinus“: o e a slung“; , t tics one. sweet bird refuses rest, J, as though one of those “small Jes". that "alepen am: night with ale's . Young. Having watched her until the lust fold of her gown has disappeared, Brsnt rumba turns abruptly away, and, pas-Sr ing lhmugh a (was door that leads in. to the gardens outside, paces slowly up and down the winding paths beneath the subdued light of countless Chinese "tttmi, that, hanging amidst thn foliage, contrasts oddly with the: cold! um) Damn if "It is the hydra of calamities. The mevontold death: the jealous um K, the m " THE VJ CARS fi01/fij'ilN E35. rt l distyr1len his full soul of all its music." 1e notes rise and tall. and tremble he air. No other sound cornea tram breast of nature to mar the richness s tone. No earthly thing seems liv- hut itself. For it the night appears ted, and draws its "sable curtain ted with gold" over the sleeping d. This nightingale, of all the ionul tribes. is wakeful. and chants Jmn of praise at midnight, whilst s brethren rest in peaceful slumber. L' intense and solemn stillness of all ad renders more enchanting the! l and tender- trembling that shake my throat. There is Join ct for him to utter forth his se-chant, . burden his full soul of all Its sung strolling absently through and into the shrubberies be- us, and feels some sense of 1p thr CHAPTER XV " stho mug of the nightin- sting in yonder thicket, s heart. in tender hurried tough fearful the night ypen alle night with In courageously amidst . [eels some sense of yet with it a touch ugh him as the night- tng smxtcs upon his {mil There is a patriarchal sofa, born to create t.stahrtter,..B.n4 an ancient arm- chair, united with feathers sud mum ot my deepen. Over the door land The room is a mingled angl hopelessly entangletl glass of guns. pxpeshwhips, spurs. fishing-rods, and sportmg-plc- tures; there _are. too, a. few other' pio- tures that might not exactly come un- der this head, and F. various and most 2gti." oolleotlon of lounging- 0 ma. It is two o'clock on the following day. Horace,-who came down from town for the ball. andjs stayipg with Dorian,-- sauntering leisurely gnto the smoking- room at Sartons. .fiyyis Bransoombe ovtriookintr lsome .ruthityr tpiskle, "Known mischief: have thgir anoint doubts have none: . And better is despair than frwndleas Mixed with a killing tear." --_ W‘fi- -- - -.- w... " no] r-willingly transfers her hand from the heavy's arm to his; and then they dance; and presently he takes her down to the Peytane’ carnage end puts her carefully into it, and greases her hand, I think. ever so alig tty, end then drives home. beneath the went ears. with an odd sensation at Ins heart- half pain. half pleaauro--he has never felt before. hapfiness Of the ppm-eat. 7 "J“- " he next is ours. " it not? " beggar: . t1.,s,l..ey,Eni1t1tttlip, aed--ep it _ f _"'-'-"'",""'- e----- “-0.“- The nextrinstnnt she ‘is 99:10; but he followa.her slight form with eager glance. and at length crashes the room. to There she is now "2t,hi,t,i,,th, her y.rldier, As he ghee so he tags from Aim all tormpspting thoughts, forget- t.i.ng-tu, it is his nature to do-the ftbler.saiaery of the future in the cum bagging}: id. the Pwnt. . ' _ As he regains the ball-room, the re- membrance 9f the little partner he Ms come to chum rushes back upon him pleasantly, and serves to disqipape the glacial); and somewhat in.digzy.utt thong ts that. have been glU't'flf, him. But where us she? He loo alumna}; around; and. after five minutes' trui.F gess search, lot them are her eyes sunl- mg out at him from the arms eta guy was“ f'.eelts.eL..euet {gluten . . So, for the first time. these two part poldly. The old man 2003 slowly, mood, ily, up and own the graveled path be- neath the brilliant moon, tttata. Cg From her clouded veil soft gliding. Lifts her silvery lamps on high," and thinks of many things in th humor more sag! than bitter; while the young man. with mgry_brow and lips com- ggemd. goes swiftly onward to the use. "Y.etvrn9,r-prerty well. Are you coming int" . _ They are mum in front of the house. and near the snaps that lead to the conservatory. "Not just yer, I think." “Then. I tear, I must leave you. I an; engage}! {gr this dance." "No." says Lord Sartoris. "Any other fellow might have been hem as well as me. You,' for example." "Just. aol FF says .Lord. Sartoris. #r Then why bring Ln the word curious?" "It- merely occurred to me at the mo- ment," says his lordship. dryly. "Been dqngmg much t " l " I dare say. Imprudtsnt, however. was the word I used. I am rather glad I was the one to meet. her, as she. knew me; and. as a rule, people Lalk so much about nothing, and make such moun- tains out. of mule-hills." "It was fortunate, indeed. your meet- ing her. It might, in fact, ulmmt be Lei med a. curious coincidence. your man- aging to he on this deserted walk just at the required moment." There is something so miglmsanth so snacking. about his tone t at Dorian colors hotly. . "I confess I hardly see it in the light you do," ho says. easily enough. but very coldly. "And I think I should term the coincidence '1qplry' rather than curious. I see no difterisrux, between this walk and half Ldozen others. Poo. ple gon't seem to affect any of them. mac ." “Yes. Veriv imprudent or her, of course. and al that." "There must have been some strong inducement to make a. girl of her gentle nature undertake so bold, so daring. a step. it was a. strictly meroper ac- tion." says the old man. in hiss most, stilted style. t Dorian, when she has safely passed the spot. agreed upon. ova back once more in the direction ointbe house. He I has hardly however, gone two hundred yards. w on the Value of his uncle, Lord Sartoris, calling to him through the. gloom, stays his steps, and row-m him from the painful reverie into which he is fast fallmg. "Who were you parting with at the gate? " uh; Lord Snrtoris, in so unusu- ala tone that Dorian looks at him in some sur rise. He is a links sorry. for Wu.me 'illft do not, touch himself, that 15:16 question should have been asked at a . l "Ruth Annersley?" "Yes. You will, of course. say no- thing about, it. She was foolish enough to wish to we a few people dancing, NO came here. and standing among the shrubs, obtained her wish-which, no doubt, proved as satisfactory as most of our desires. when gained."' ."At {his hour of the night to be here, xtorii " Ruth Annersley." he out hesitation, feeling th cation at this moment ' matters worse for the May not. Arthur have tR hert sight DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, JAN. 80, 1896, can fling moan am with only hear her! Her Dram seem as death. Oh, to free Irom all wan . ___ ""W w” m... -""Br" .- gently. 1Good-night," returns she, slowly, and Ihen turns away from him, never remembering to manic him for his kind- pess,--hturdly, indeed. conscious of hav- ing spoken the farewell word. ‘strungu. even in Mr own ours. "Wrap your shawl more closely rnuqd you. The night is add. Is the mm In your side better r' "Yem,"-almost regretfully. l "That ix right. Well, good-by. Ii shall stand here until I see you In. safely turned the corner: then I ah know you about. of all dam" _ has been holding her hand meyvhac anxiously all this time. not quite liking the strained expression in her face. Now he prawns it, and then drops il, Dorian would gladly lmlicvn that her silence means indifference; but to-night has forced a. truth ttport him that for months he has determinedly put behind him. Her tears, her agitation. the agony t hat trhotte in her eyes us she Fixed them upon Harm's form in the window, have lmtraypll only my) surely pil‘v for the girl who walks beside him. 'l hey are now within tho shade of irees. and he cannot. see her face: 1hough in very truth. it he could have seen it at this moment, he would not have looked at it. No ward (menu's her; sho walks on steadily, though actually {Jr-uh! strong by the receiving of the Mow. _ They are irees {Ind though m , Ibis: but anmething within him oompiis hjus to the cruel deed, it only throw): pig}: for the girl who walks beside him, CHAPTER XVIII. 'dly. indeed. conscious of hav- n the farewell word. m seem on iirst; her body cold Oh, to he in her own room, all watching eyes, where she herself upon the ground, and cry aloud against her fate. the friendly durkm-m to over- She hurries rapidly onward, the corner hides her from :rsle‘v.” he answers. with, feeling that any prevar'r moment will only make » ty the unhappy girl mys. very kindly, cause of his pity for, yourself. Are you Rf mum; alone 'I" - ( n arid 'kn'dwn and sound; "Ho/out-it have com here t" asks Lord Samaria. without raising his eyes from the luoklegs hap.epsliiest. '. Do 'e'd'tirp/%',t'g Lt'ii we." to " ; cap 1 Bath. I gnu it to be: but Christan.” spoken in ttt to mean more thao was ever inten d, And. a; all events. no when what comes of It; he cannot be~ tet. hia will”: " A _ "It might," returng Dorian, absently. Hectares notspeak hasmmost thoughts. After all. quaoo may not be in the wrng the irl'a own vanity. or $/2, t'll'll yo IU her to believe a few wot apokeninieattommutmorxsthaowaa " 'R. A..'" remarks Lord Snrtoris. slowly. " Why, that might mean Ruth Ayleraltt',' -- _ _ _ ttiritWtkit LiiiUTais' “mare. "wears; eyes are still alpa- Bad mum. as usual, Pet. his expreuwn has strangely alter- £41th by a tatshio.ntu?le world. is not has than 4eapicable. A deep sense of contempt. for the man who. to may away pleasant” a few dull hours ttt the country, mm d make a tary Ef trt a. woman’s bean. tills his mind. o la frowning bully. and his lace has grown very white. Looking up, be begun pure that his uncle 15 "$1128 Airy narrittyiy.. . "to-i-tii', iiiT aTCiiiif 'altemd coun- m_3t APLTRWW' hi? val.?" .astd Had he lied whim when he told him atow minutes since he had boon .to Biddulph’s tum. and not anywhere m .ths.ditUstion at the 9ld,hrillt Doupt. havmghgnoo tyetyrt1.itayt makes mm ‘now ruattat of his brother's every look 1nd every tone. And an; hand- kemhietl He must have had it from Ruth herself, and dr.opppd it here in- adverpentlg before leaving the room. To him t e idea. that Hot-gee should have .choaen th timid, fragile', gentle girl, like Ruth Annersley, upon whom go plty.t!tt the fapoipptiom, and wags Now, in spite of himself. a terrible dt?ub.t.frises, that will not be suppm ed;. llksa blow conviction tails; and my past actions and past. _words crowd to his mind um. At the time of thgir occurrence. seemed as mere po- things, but now are "confirmations strong " of the truth that has just flashed upon him. Notwithstanding the scene with Ruth the night before, when she had so un- nnstakably betrayed her low tor Hor- we, Dorian had never tor one moment suspected that things had gone further than a mere foolish girlish mung for a man rather handsome: thnn the or- dinary run of men. Hia brother's hon- or ha had not doubted, nor did he deem bun capable of any not calculated to {was misery upon one who had trusted him, btiiuihGGitaiirai iiGC%rimoia the t.tyndkArphhst only too well now. Jie 11le had given it to Ruth at Christ- mas: but how bad it come here? No up“ had entered the room to-day except himself aad-Horacel "Not unlesa you can count. Homa- us one," says Dorian. with a light, 1awrh. "How_ on earth did that come here f" Stoopmg. he, too, examines minqte.ly the fragile piece of hoe and camhnc .his pncle is still holding. Suburb) Luz-mug it again, the initials in the qorner make gbemselves known, and stand out leg- iblg Indy-tally worked-e "R. A." .".You have been receiving mangle "mtg”; var early," sags Lord Sarturis, tut-mug the pretty t ing round and roggd! curiously. _ ___ '.'Po Iluok tired enough to ren ibis?” pays Samaria. sinking. hows very willingly into the chair}; ern'or Ashe does so, something lung on around (that has escaped Donna's heelgttncts him. ."Yyyst in this r" he mks, stamping to me): it up. It is a lace handkerchief, of delicate 1nd exquisite workmanship, with some leggy; embroidered in one corner. (Int. there. may it' tnom would be tt sure and c5113 (wen one's own brother. Ft Here is Arthur." says outly. drawing himself up his lounging position. "A guns a long way; andI judging from the e.xpresiv (ML he is in his moodiest. You may inasrvicw him, myself unequal to the ta my love and a. kiss and say for a ramble in the irtaoo He leaves the room, and halls, makes his way into throng hthe qonservatory Sartvrrs, entering by the t being directed by a servan Dorinu's den. Lm or i, that sort. lovely sh, - u """"rN --e-v w--- a.-.“ w. "And Clarissa. t" asks Dorian. dryly: '.7 can't say about the dancmg part of it,-pou may.l suppose. abjnre that it you 1ilce,-rrut1 think you will Nite a. Imll or two before you die. She likes that, nor}. of wing: By “no bye, haw g e' ought. to bu turning in. and one in when one ought to be going 'ti, The; upset onc's whole mlculne (i??,-,",'):,; Rreri, I marry I shun. make a pom 7i,rYjii'itiii1irtji. thy: sttjehyrintpt be." 'j].ucky you!" fawn); .Homoérlgfx- uidly. "Of all nominations, surely SIS "e. Flu; wfrrtrt, Ogre gags out; when "Ah! past, the will: I mean 1lirectioti t--uyward th upper I "No; I went past Biddulph': Horace. eauily. halt. Musing: his " Dorian believes him. "IL is walking that way; not. so hil you put in a good time last. ni ”Rather mo. I don't know v enjoyed an affair of the kind so 'f Lucky you!" ynwm; Harm h. th, out. the skeleton remains of n. horse's head. bleached and ghastly, and alw- gather hideous. that, even now, reminds its master of a. former favorite hunter that had come u, n loriotvs but. un- timely end upon the ff'J',ftl'i'l2d'l//i. A stuffed setter with very “has? eyes. sits starring. in an unearthly ashioo. in one wrner. Upon a. window-sin, a tat sits. blinking lazily at the merry spring sunshine outside. "Are you reply going back to town this evening, Home!!!" asks the owner of all them gram. in a somewhat glonmy fashion, bending over a fishing-tine as ht weak _ ‘Bmiiieiq'v"'" _--_ - ‘" 'Well, I can hardly “I; $an puginaw," says t, Is. I feel I tun bound to be hack yrainsys won as possible." m guilt. . 7 tidriGf way; .not; so hilly.” good Lune last. mum? . , dpn_'t [glow when u agreeable.” lookirur at. him emu in his eye half oontrmnl. 77‘, ,_,_.____. "um“ - muuu-M- “ Ian-nu; - The audacity ot the young doctor: At this mat " shot. tmm ghe Rus- mused the chancellor to ramun dumb sign Ilmtsergaswlt.ubuqr alongm frront for a moment; then be trrimly.aaid. "If , of him. cutting the up; the pound you madman u you are Importin- ttShtte.dfAhtayrttg1r.trfftrutrt.e ant..y9ungm.youmustbon¢rut1withurflbhmm therider'a ohm" .m "Very well," calmly replied the (joc- tor, "it you do not mat to be quesuqn- ed you had better send for a. vetcnn- try: He is_ mustang! to treat his Biamamk Imam intimation and tin- uuy deelate.d he won! not answer an- oqitsy “mm Bismarck and the Doctor. Prince Bismarck is fond of asking questions. but does not like to answer them. On one occasion, the chancellor called in a young_ physician who, indif- forcnt to his mtwnt'a rank and pros» tige, coolly pyooeoded to put him thropgh tll exhaustlve pmfeaaionU exumm- non. prove, equally tr.ecttisroG it will Karin: Leresting to see if she (‘nnduvts herself with the same superb carelessness. When the Duchy of Marlborough is presented at court Her Majesty will kiss her new subject on both cheeks. this being the myn! cuitom in the use of momma. _T'his precedent, and Miss YUnderbilt'a pearl necklace which she will undoubtedly wear. recalls the presentation of Grand Duebec, Sergius at the Court of St. Petersburg. As the Rumian grand dame Wu receiving the royal kiss the string which confined 1her priceless Fear] necklace broke tutti; the Jewels rol ed down her dress. rattl- ing on the floor like hail. Without looking to the right or the left. or notic- ing the loss of her mat/chum mark Grind Duchess Sergius murlmied from the room. tt the string which confines Miss VattdeIhirt's "ut0.00f Jteckltue wheat; without M31213? has; Grii 1121." to a.at.qtMeiapy.' - Mariam. $130M NGTABLE PEUPLE. The following are the favorite vari- eties of the weed consumed by royal smokers: The German Emperor mn- sumes an extraordinary number of ciga- rettes daily. The Czar of Russia has abandoned cigarettes in favor of a pipe. Old King Albert of Saxony smokes a heavy German pig with e mmlain howl: King Hum rt of Italy is I "Zr-ham" lemoker, and keeps one strong 'cigar going after another all day long. ‘Archduke Joseph of Austria smokes a elserrsy.vood pipex King Leopold of Bel. mum clings famously to his brier pipe. The Emperor of Austria smokes so-call- ed "Virginia cigars," which. being mun» ufactured of the mkest toluene at Tri.. eate, have straws running through them to make them draw. They are softener: that tror.he to be held. in the lime: several mxnutes bttottter will light.; [on your mercy." Mr. Barnum was deeply moved by this touching .apperl. am wrote bark that in the painful nr~ Pumstartres of the also he would huy back from the clergyman 400 share-1 at Et, the. price he had paid for them. Immediately on receipt of thiq gen-wow reply the. nameless country punch wired to his brokers: "Buy 400 Barney BIT- nato Ranks at 2, and send round to Bar- in?» Bros" who will give you t for em." 'tstat-td 400 at S4, sinking my little all in them, and a great deal more. They have now fallen to £2. and I am undone. My parish I cannot tam, u a bankrupt. and what am I to fipt I throw myself , iN ','ciii '~' - “7.5%” pr 1; '9ii?ifi.'6itii'iififi; l A (only may". BEHIND THE SCENES WITH KINGS QUEENS AND EMPERORS. may $rererr-aurrmtnt hitter-nun! --rue l'rlucr " WM" and Tror-- Protre "rtsry and the Ann-uln- Ex I" Mann-Raul hum-urn. We, ar, Th" mm! r-nqh- )hil‘\:‘h- trt tr... “nun "Then she is no doubt heart-bro} imagining she has lost it. Return to her, I advise you. without. deh says his uncle. oonusmptuously, thr ing it. from him (on able near, need not detain you any longer, nu --risimr, and moving toward the, d, "Going at:_soun t" says tbe, yuun .. toul A curb her rank in life t' "She wished tm xtrplys, curtly. A Iggujgus gift to a girl in it doubt heart-broken. lost it. Return n u. without. delay," returns Bram» I A unique distinction belongs to Sir iRoMrt stlinaon. Ir.C.B.-thu of be- ing the only soldier who has ' knock- ed out ot the nddle by a cannon bail without being killed. The identical 42- pound shot is preserved by Lady Raw-; linnon u u: intasmstimr .retie. At the‘ ;Crimen Sir Bohr. was riding with ar) lgmup ot ts.til,1rg,eel't whgn he tit) manned non mums back. "t thismtqabot fiom gm Run-l Linn ling. an: winning done Mt frxont :°‘ him. cutting the rum. tho pommel i $53.94! tut11'tdg?..Ef 23°me an by a Cannon Ball, But Not Killed. All end began blowing through it at the front o the block with the end of the qtmw clue to the ice. Soon he had a little hole in the block. as neatl drill- ed as I steel tool could have Jim it. In theoouratsotout tsourandauithe had .driven I. hole alnntwise through the me. coming out It the top just. In front of the uddle. A stout strum passed through the hole and knotted completed hid sled. which oopld then Le drawn up hill about as easily " the ' punter that ever was made. If e boy ts metal ot his sltd.--atttt he is 'pt to be metal. for oomdenble work {may to make one-it will last or,“ It is than ready for its first trip down hill, and it the rider 3* skill- tai' he will mum very good time m it. Buqmygaf it back u, the top g' the undue w d hr too hard work. for f.te.n l Rim-inn toy. and pushing It up hill would be about u had. A clever lad once thought of a better way. And I,“ other boys have copied him ever 511190; 3010qu a yrood. {ye stray: Riding down hill on take of ice would not gem to us very amusing, except, pox-hm. to the specpators, who ‘mizht enjoy it u a sort of frozen-tub race. Aa smtmr ot fact, though, a cake ot in in the hands of I Russian 00! will make a very good and rapid sud. He 3w: out a block that is long- er than it is thick. and about. high ml: for . comfortable seat. Then he scape! out. l hollow like a saddle a little hick od the middle of the upper 5PM Htd.uptoisusrtr.it yitt.t new: _ The mills an filled with I delicious odor ot pins pitch. and the loggers and guide?! PP" m awn!” n IrturdsHook- The woods composed entirety of pim (ms. with slender. straight trunks am.- tap loluge. In: very interesting place; sud tbe'tnees grow so che? together that it Is omen very ysy.ilderipjr and makes one M to behave sit. the stories that we told of people lost Lathe mi tik o7GGr,' Jiiiiiti.; 235m" "5335:; the ulnar, effect ot hung among the lite-giving pines. focker's upping. The borers rarely in- out any_but dead. d.ry trees. so the logs m mainly kept an the water until medal. _ The white, smooth slices are carried I up m the edger 'at man who directs their course. and t edger heath trims off the edges. Then the planks run down mother track out-doors. where the inspector sits. pencil in bud, to tntrk the woth wood, which is practi- cally worthless. and which is stunted from the good lumber. It you go down to the river bank. where there are logs Hod for cutting. you an distincu‘ gear the hunt; or worms. at wot-I: under the hurt. They make I choking noife. not; uni-in u liyey none or I wood» mum upon. When the Jars get into the lock op- posite the. mill they an: stopped and. one by one. sent up an endless-chug cable track to the cutters. who roll and fwsten the lags into cleats, which an: attached to the side ot a fist cable car. One man attends to the brake, the uther to the log. The on runs the log wainst a sugar. disk-like saw. that man; it as candy In we slice fruit cures. The cleats as then Id'usted no the next section shall be “an ott. l When the log is halt sliced it iswhirt-l sd over and the other hair is tmated in he Hum: "Pr. The first cut from the oq Ls mainly bark. nnd this runs straight down . able track until it mixes three or tour saws. which cut t into short lengths tor mm or TW- l Have you ever been in I lumber lump? All the cutting ot trees u done ‘in the winter, so the gmt loss can be rolled over the ice and now to the river. In true spring they we started down stream to the mill. the men following along the hm]: until the logs get into I. lock. when they spring out on the tangled mus of loose logs. jumping trom one to another with dexterity Lora of experience and 'xtol-headednena, _ for it requires both to trod ' rolling log, which myaink or whirl over‘ more rapidly than it is possible to al- He phys with my yarns And mics ally thread. And sometunes wiah That. that kitten was dead But what 'should 1 do Whene'm I feel blue If it were not. 'Y, dear. Little kitten. or you! And when I insist That he vacate the chair, He does something elm That I think hardly air; Aha-con gs [up Irrfa e sprung: In my . And pmoeeds to continue His unfinished nap. A114, er . place to ta Witt batter plane mrrik/ 'itirrtiet"rr" Oh, what dull I say. when I thas find him Ihq. tttar day. Asleep m 'Y rocker. The one like but, Cuddled Is qtmily As a. bird in its neat? Alt% He He is striped like a. tiger And m like one. Lon, Unless was the careful. Just m we all do. If his bountiful mil We men to touch, He at. on lets us know, Wo u: presuming u» I Hut it “a and gently . We A"Jtd his soft fur, WHOLE N O. 907 YOUNG FOLKS. And nit. G", com. too. And “It, 0(111 kinds He trtndrt: will chew. But stub on his hind feet And db with his claws. At his mouth for the taffy, That all.“ on his jaws; But toratt he has trouble Thu. may him mm. He won‘t. awe up axing. And an mews for more. A Russian Sled 'N/tttlt . box deli m l grates: u; . If the ammo will d..raw. tsim, From naming mu mgm. "we?!” potatoes. ith . "tiiii"oCiii' It18 loves his A s.naAl0iCro'i'i2" .iPdc,te.tA.ruuFr" ball, To Anotboi' a'wkgm tio ly/u. in Riots, Mr kitty, " _ Did. ever a " .hiiiCirttis'"iiiC"ct Phythinz of all. my; UN by my.“ hail-99y PHT. mg Logging Camps 'iiiTsii"iriiiii' F ___ _ 'TL" 1' StandardBaak of Canada «NW Iifllttf/ii, ' Head Office . Toronto. " Kitty. - aus, me. CAPITAL. Authorized $2,000,000 , f.P"i./.'tt " NH up 1,000.000 {@113 3231mm POND 600.030 Nndd GTaie it pig antics tla ease. much thit aFin'x Its, its. and} m‘_"""' mauiabulir. .'r",.Pt Uyouremrdo- not Iraqi! "Maureen" Tea i, put up P tho uaad,m' min a sample of the /a't','dlr,'ithae', . q Fen. lercforc thcy (be the EtqEtmt T _ seactior, of the Tea mud its t9d.3hata'. pot “up themselvcs au'd stat it with _ te.t.tt.: thereby uvun I“ m" _ utnnin um. rib. 'aTh"'i'lk"d'hTf,e, TN: hurt? Tu In 1m: won”: plates and cough I l I oettfit furnished _ of charge. term: and particulars. - ' CHASE BROTHERS’ COMPANY, - -.- _ - 'ottsormo, Ont. " in this community Mt sell Speculum in our Hm. Trees that bear seedless Penn Applieshaniyasoaks. "Exceis.or" Cmbaatargttasan Apple. Cherry aces [and . blackoknot Plum trees aot 'afr'e2fT,'tdXu'iih'l. Tree Currants. Space Gooseberria Which will do not mildew. not Blackberry Bushes allow withoutthorns. astofummnmm. Tree Roses. etc. BUTonrstock talksfor itself. Ptitxsright. Handsome book of p1atyaynd completo_ 4. F,12e E .- {if (ii), Jobbing nfall kinds paper attended m ALLAN MaFARLANE, Proprietor. WE WANT A MAN AT ON.CE 1n this mmmumlv to 0-1! qmunuu FOR TWENTY-RUE Y'FAFS Hand-made Waggsns In the old stand made shoes. Horse Shoeing Shr , .. t,'eCse,,5,,t, Pia m PG "tli)" iO a iRI THECOOK'S [b'-?,1?if,i"ii'i,i1'r0 LARGEST SALE m LAN. ml ”aw“ ' N 'ii? BstltlWis5)2y,t2 ALLAN [if .1135“?! amumu IQH’S MATTYE PURITV FROM THE TEA PLANT ro THE“. CU. Has opened out a firs BOULDIN a; cc. PRIME II First-Class Hearse. Of the Best Quality Che THAN EVER. UNDERTAKING Promf Aland-”omen nun:- bun doPoaut,,, a. tyd unreal. Prompt umnuon Ind Ivory Mound 'tttetomr" living " " dub-am. -- -..--_ v - ' AM may bunino- mun-cud ultimatum and. on u." point... " mum And intern: mowed n. t Inh- SEE OUR 3531C UPPER TOW " Furniture . home: for conurieUorifrrie I 1uitdmMse--Eing M., Hanover. JAMES LOCKER '3 will tube found in l [ min the Durham: SSUER pt yardage WOODWORE. run: I bayou. m ADVANCE ens. RA3EAtm Edna-t Propnemn JAKE KRLE, in connection. A first-class lot of GENTS in all 'mei I int; in Ctaii'iA'ldlUe'.d','t'd'l'lr'%rt2i sum Thursday: Morning. DURHAM AGENCY for sale cheap. SAVINGS BANK WE SS MAE I" Kiwi-nut". President. WE " musaxn [VERY HARNESS --Ar--- OFFICE, HOMER .htigdt ' KELLY, Agen JAKE KRESS Write for tho. P. Reid. Manage, Sta! REVIEW " 3&1 ndo M Draft. nu. D0,“. " cama’ go :3

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