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Grey Review, 30 Jan 1896, p. 3

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KzCHNIB, Egags. KE. 1i HPYOIILS. alns ! or Piano. TFS. ECHNITE IOCRAT 1k 28248424448 %# echnie. lesale! urnam. THU R Shoes. Agents, Prices yYN. DCRHJYM. i stock Bell, d to low nans. C ittended to erally uitters, &e SA OFPr ggies and our Stock 5+4 + i Winter 99 w ALKERTON, DURHAM. D. Richardson, Jno. Hunter, N, Collins, T. G. Holt. J. T. Nichols, W.Calder, W . A. Green, sk 19 H. W. Mockler,sk 21 HawppEx Somme®.â€"Wednesday last the Hampden Presbyterians held their annual soiree, and. as usual, success crowned their efforts. _ The church was comfortably filled, and so was the proâ€" gramme. â€" The Hampden people are unitedly enthusiastic, and having been once at their entertainments the desire to go again is strong. â€" Passing by the excellent eatables provided, (witg the pen of course, it is impossible to do sofin the fHesh,) we nisy note that the able and respected pastor Mr. Cmi‘}éfi filled the chair and did it well. v. Mr. Clark, of Hanover, gave an address, capturing _ his .Andience with some humor, and ending Wi*" * comprehenâ€" sive description and eulogium of the Bible, as to its origin, compilation, etc. Mr, Wm. Allan, though there for the first time felt perfectly at home, and made an address with his usual fluency and ability.. Nose can make a better Soiree apeech than H. H. Miller, of Hanâ€" over, and here he was feeling his best. Rev, Mr. Flagga surpassed himself in the opinion of his friends. his theme being "Fidehty." Mr. C. Ramage made some remurks on " Loyalty," Mr. And. .Der:fi gave a recitation, and mwlardmfi Ane music was furnished by the Hanâ€" over choir, led by Mr. Hughes. Mr. Jenner gave solos, voeal aud instrumentâ€" al in a very pleasing manner, We may mention as another pleasing feature that the proceeds muom_au'd to $52, but of the pleasing eognpamonsblpc..'hich were mach in evidence, we will say never a word. H WALKERTON D. Richardson, N, Collins, J. T. Nichols, YW. A. Green, sk 1 * Fidebty." remarks on gave a recl his spinal column. _ It is supposed that death resaited instantly. ’i‘his is the «arond accident of this kind that has happened in this vicinity this winter. The funeral occurred at the M. E. church on Tuesday afteruoon. . The house was crowded and Rev. Brown preached an excelient sermon. The deceased leaves a wife and seven children, a father, three sisters and a brother who deeply mourn his departure and who have the sincere sympathy of the entire comâ€" We give this week the first instalment of a wellâ€"writtee and comprehensive account of Ontario, its resources, &c., from the pen of Mr. H. Hunter. It will prove interesting reading. Mr. H. J. Middaugh has been coufined to the house of late but is again getting better. Mr. Middaugh has several times shown surprising vitality and we hope to see hin» again on his feet. DistRICT MEETING.â€"A meeting of the Womens‘ Foreign Missionary Society of the Mount Forest District is toâ€"day (Wednesday) being beld in Arthur. Mrs. R. Parker and Miss Orchard intend beâ€" M ing prese CoruERs IN Harristos.â€"On Thursâ€" 1y last our curlers went to Harriston + trv conclusions with Walkerton in vert has several carloads of first class straw on hand. Those ueeding that article should give him a call. Mr. Jno. McKelvie, we regret to say, was list week prostrated with an atâ€" tack of partial paralysis. We bope soon to see bis familiar figure on our streets ag®il Mr. and Miss McDougall, of Tiverton, are visiting friends in town this week. Miss Bird Woodward, of Hanover, is visiting at Mr. Wimn. Johnston‘s this week. Our instalment of the Manitoba sketch is unavoidably left out this week. Miss Slade, of Kincardine, has been the guest of Miss Maggie Cameron for some time. ENERAL,.| Watson Bros. of Fairwell, Eg;c-;ont. LOCAL AFAD_ G ninenrmnsatesd , were in town Tuesday, They are doing ~ pommeren nc utm ns a good business and expect to do better Mr. and Miss McDougall, of _'I'n'ort,:n, [ in the fatmeâ€"when they get that much are visiting friends in town this week. ‘ needed post office which has been promâ€" Miss Bird Woodward, of Hanover, is }svd the&:}. They have the ln;tlcl;um:u } at Mr. Wim. Johnston‘s this | far as distance is concerted between ‘\::““L“K avdh. Wa ‘ Dromore and Priceville. amty M eng=ily, skip 22 StRAw AT HoLsTEIN.â€"Mr. John Cal RINK J WALKERTON. _ ‘acch for the Ontario Tankard. me they met with defeat by 8 as will be seen below. They sligntly rattled owing to Jack r missing the train but as lonf as is horse fiesh in the country Jack e stuck, and get there he did and e to do some good work too. erton played with Fergus in the hardsor at tickling sensation in your y a We box of "Mist" Cough s. They will allay the irvitatâ€" e. For sale by all druggists Key Medicine Co. 305 Youge ne V RINK f the We u Moffat, skip 12. DCRHAM, Knapp,. P. Telford, Cochrane, One short puff of the breath through ; but we suppose before A he Blower, supplied with each bottle of | we will not fall behind our Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder, diffusâ€" | Township or Towns, for C es this Powder over the surfue of the | beginning already to have nasal passages. Painless and delightâ€" | tain sound as to the time ful to use, it relieves in ten minutes | vacated of their contents, 1 and permanently cures catarrh, â€" bay | ing us as a whole we belies fever, colds, beadache, sore throat, | ity of us will be found ~wat tonsilitis and deafvess, 60 cents. Sold ; the month of March takes i by McFarlane & Co. I Our fair on Monday. was " Our attention Las beer drawn to the fact that the report of Hutton v. Jumes, as given in last issue, did nov do Dr Hutton the justice which the case deserved. â€" For instance the report did not state that his elaito on account was fully allowed, viz., $85.02, and also that the jadge found that the treatment of Dr. Hutton was skilâ€" ful, but the eyidence given ab the trial was that for a few days he had not visited the patient. Io this the Judee deâ€" cided that there lay negligence. ‘The inâ€" completeness was cansed by attempting to giye in short space the gist of an extenâ€" siye judgement, which covered five poes of closely written manuscript. As euterâ€" ed upon the clerk‘s book it stands «ns folâ€" lows ; Judgment for plaintiff against de fendant for $85.02 and jadgment for deâ€" fendant on his counter claim against plaintiff for $85.02 with costs of summonâ€" ing jury and such costs of plaintiff as reâ€" lates exolusively to bis claim against defeadant." Council met Jan. 20th. Members elect subscribed to the required declaraâ€" tions and took their seats as follows :â€" P. Dickson, Reeve ; R. Bye. 1st Dep.; Jas. Allan, 20d Dep. ; D. Hunter and D. Leith, Councillors. 1 12 it mie The reeve nominated Chas, Mclnnis as Auditor, and upon resolution of the council, John Ross was appointed as the other. 1 ENS ons We inserted an item last week from the Flesherton Alvance on the aboye case and below will be found another from the same paper putting the matter in a different light. _ We regret baving been the meane, bowever inadyertently, of giving wider publicity to an article which does not do full justice to both parties, and Lbave plessure in makings the * smende honorable." _ The item it last week‘s " Advance " is as follows :â€" Minutes of previous ed. Council went into commibte® .** MMC the whole to consider appointmwents of Tp. officeis and Byâ€"laws Nos. 76 o apâ€" point auditor, 7i to %point,a Treasurer, Clerk ang Solicitor, 78 to a.p*i‘oint. Health officers, and 79 to require Treasurer to keep certain Bcoks according to 57 Vict, chap. , S. 4. Said Byâ€"law passed the usuat readings were signed sealed and ordered to be engrossed in the Byâ€"law Book, in Byâ€" law 76. The names of ‘Thos. Brown. D. Allan and Wm. Kingston were respectively inserted in Byâ€"law 74. . N. esn x2 | _ Btsuesâ€"Vâ€"Barts.â€"â€"Not a little com | motion existed last week oyer the efforts to recmrs the Town H«ll for Tharsday evening â€" The Clergy wisbed to have it for speocial service=, the ladies for preâ€" pmration for the Lerp year purty on Friday night following : the ladres got it. Each biamed the oiber for rrousing a purty «pirit, and the Clergy, to clear | themselves from this cherge, with the best ‘o[ motives decided to have no spectal | meetings this week. _ We are sure the l purty folks dad not select that mizht for ‘ obstruction purposes as the party was : arranged for before the special seryices, | but the same eannot be suid of it in relaâ€" I tion to the C. E. Convention in Hanoyer | that same day , which was arranged for a ! month ago. _ Mowever there will be no | gonflict as the loyalty of Christian Enâ€" deavorers ‘to their own meeting will preâ€" vent any from going to the Hall that can get to Hunover. Mr. J. Neilson, who has been for some time up in the Wiarton District, timberâ€" ing, met with an accident, by gettin his knee crushed. He is now home :mg is somewhat better. The driver of that blue borse from the Sth Con. had better bring matters to a close soon, or be will get left, as Wat R. is a hustler and has a cure way of doing things. Ezscrrrc Rartway.â€"At a meeting o‘ the Council last mgbt it was decided that the town wonld not bear the expense of a delegato to Ottawa in connection with seâ€" curing the clarge. It seems to us this is right, the prelimisary expense should come from the $250 the towa has already paid. EGREMONT COUNCIL. HUTTONâ€"Vâ€"JAMES elistic Services are conducted he Methodist Church by Miss aims, beginning on Sunday evenâ€" YEOVIL led and ordered to be Byâ€"law Book, in Byâ€" mes of ‘Thos. Brown. Wim. Kingston were £ Minto, 1« spending a tds east of the village, meeting coufirmâ€" We were pleased to see that a new corresponeent has come to our assistâ€" ance in the ReviEw of last week. We thank him very much and hope that he will not get weary of the business before he serves his apprenticeship, in fact he appears to be quite an expert at it, judgâ€" ing from his tast y budget in the columns of last issue. â€" Hoping he will not beâ€" come like his D."(‘d[e’-ccssor‘ in his corresâ€" pondence, let it die a premature death. A quantity of snow fell during this and last week. _ Steighing is vyery good and people are beginning_ to make good use of it in way of bauling saw Togs, wood etc. There has beer but very little cattle feed introduced into our locality as yet but we suppose before May comes in we will not fall behind our neighboring Township or Towns, for our barns are I s aern yR e innda alewt Merchant John McArthur of our town sold a good two year old colt to John McLean, of the South line, Glenelg. We are not sure whether be sold him, or bestowed it, however the price was not enormous. Mrs. MacIotyre, of .the South Line, Glenelg, and son Norman and Red Jim McDonald are away on a visiting tour tothe Co. of Bruce this week. Mr. Arch. McCannel and sister, of Arran, Co. of Bruce, spent a few days visiting at their cousins, McCuaig‘s and McCannel‘s, of the South Line, Glenelg, last woek. (Mr. McCannel was the young man who contested the elections in Bruce as the Reform Candidate in 1S91, He is a fine speciman of humanâ€" Nrs. Donald Graham, of Bunessan, spent a few days at her father‘s, Mr. Allan Mcloms, of this village, last week. l’("gllllllllg Mn ns n eeealel 2t tain sound as to the time they will be vacated of their contents, however takâ€" ing us as a whole we believe the majorâ€" ity of us will be found *wanting" hegorc the mouth of March takes its departure, Our fair on Monday. was as usual not very brisk. A tew head of cattie chargâ€" ed hands at nominal prices, fat cattle are beginning to look upwards a little, Cattle in general are looking better, and feels better, than they did for the last few winters. The sick of our town are beginning to get some better and under good treatâ€" ment and care we hope to see them all around in & short time. kind. The Sunday School Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church will be held on the eyening of the 5th of February. A good programme is in course of preparâ€" ation and a good time may be expected. Mrs. McCannel, Sr., whc bas been visiting ber daughters at Stayner for the last month or two returned to her kome on Saturday last. â€" Perhaps we are intruding on our good natured friend‘s Territory, of Fairwell, We would not like to be guilty of such an act, as it would be only imposing on good nature. W W. FF 1 M y "I Took Oneâ€"half Bottle of South American Rheumatie Cure and Obâ€" tained Perfect Relief"â€"This Remedy Gives Relief in a Few Hours, and Usually Cures in One to Three Days. J. H. Garrett, a prominent politician of Liverpool, N. S., makes, for the beneâ€" fit of the public, the following stateâ€" ment : *I was greatly troubled with rhenmatic pains for a number of years. On several occasions 1 could net wwalk, nor even put my foet to the floor. I tried everything and all local physicians, but my suffering continued. â€" At last I was prevailed upon to try South Ameriâ€" Rheamatic Cure. I obtained perfect reâ€" lief before I had taken half a bottle of the remedy, and toâ€"day regard it the only radical cure for rheumatism." Sold Mrs. D. Muir visited her brother Mr. Arch. Butters last week. BELLâ€"In Glenelg, on Thursday, the 23rd inst., Isabel, elde;& daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, aged two years and five months. by McFarlane & Co. Is due to impwe blood and cannot be cured with local applications. Hood‘s Sarsaparilla has rureg hundreds of cases of catarrh because it purifies the blood wod in this way removes the cause of discase. It aiso builds up the system and prevents attacks of pueumonia, diphtheria and typhoid fever. Hood‘s Pills become the favorite ca thartic with every one who tries them Miss L. Hill, of Durham, visited at old homestead on Sunday. 1he youth and beauty of this nei hâ€" borhood enjoyed themselves on Frifny night at Mi. J. Fortney‘s,. Dancing was the chief amusement of the evening. A few solos by Harry Briggs was also apâ€" precisted very much. We are surprised to see the Varney corre«pondent of the Chronicle go so far as three or four miles to get news, when there is so much going on right in tewn. Don‘t see why be didn‘t give us a report of the Varney Council meetâ€" ing, 'ALU the result of the wrestling match which took place in W. McCaimâ€" on‘s Grocery Shop, a short time ago. A young lady who had been absent for a few weeks was quite surprised to see W. with such a full growth of whiskâ€" ers,perhaps he thought he borrowed them from the Bard. H. Ham, express charges 75¢; Rowsell & Hutchison Election ;;;upers. $7.07 ; J. A. Lambert, printing Financial Stateâ€" ment, $10; Jno. Rutherford, Staticnery, $4.76 ; Registration of Deed re McLacE- lan $1.88; Chas. Ramage, balance printâ€" ing and postage, $13.25 ; Clerk distributâ€" ing Ballot boxes etc. $3; T. Hardgrave, gravel account, $1.00. Byeâ€"Leithâ€"That we now adjourn to meet on Feb. Sth to receive appications for assessor, tenders for printing and other business.â€"Carried. The Clerk presented certificate from Registrar _ General, certifying that 78 Births, 19 Marriages and 20 Deaths, were recorded during the past year, which entitles him to $11.70 in accordance with the act. Order granted. Resolved that the following accounts be paid :â€" Hunterâ€"Allanâ€"That $2 be paid D. Ferguson bal. on culvert for 1805. Exâ€" Dep. Fraser having certified to its comâ€" pletion according to contract.â€" Carried. Leithâ€"Hunterâ€"That each Dep, Reâ€" turning Officer for Municipal Elections receive the sum of $8.50, expenses.â€" Carried. Resolved that we earnestly solicit an extra train per day for the accomodaâ€" tion of tne travelling public, the muniâ€" cipality having contributed very largely to the construction of the road.â€"Car rieci. Byeâ€"Leithâ€"That Dep. reeve Allan gearch Registry Office reâ€"Treasurer‘s sureties.â€"Carried. Leithâ€"Byeâ€"That $9.75 Egt‘s. share acet. for railing on Morrisons hill, Egt. and Arthur townline be paid and clerk to ask further information regarding the charge of $3 aforesaid.â€"Carried. load A communication was read from Clerk of Arthur asking remittance of Egt‘s share of a Bill of $22.50. Railing on Morrison‘s hill being $19.50 and $3 for assistance rendered in righting an upset Byeâ€"Allanâ€" That the acct. of \Wm. Wallace amounting to $3.75, for goods supplied to Mrs. B.'lrcln{' and ordered by the council of 1805 be paud. This pays up to Feb. Ist 1888.â€"Carried, We have just been informed over the wire by KReeve Binnic, of Glenelg, that Mr. Jas. Anderson, Reeve of Sulâ€" livan, bas been appointed Warden for 1896. NUORTH EAST NORMANBY Catarrh in the Head Intended for last week PRICEVILLE WARDENSEIP DEATHS D. ALLAX, Clerk some uncer I had seen the good effects that Pink Pills were having in such cases, and I tried them myself with the result that 1 have never bad a twinge or a swelling since. This was effected by taking seven or eight boxes. This made me lime for years, and from time to time the weak knee would give out entirely and the swelling would commence. This was always occasioned. by some strain like a sudden stop. The knee gradually recovered, but ahways was weaker than the other. About 15 years ago, the swelling reâ€" commenced, this time without any wrench at all, and before long I realized that this was rheumatisin settling in the weakest part of the body.. The trouble came so often that I was obliged to carry an opinte in my pocket everywhere I went. Ihad generally a packet in my waistcoat pocket, but in going to a conâ€" ference at Buffalo, I forgot it, and as the car was damp and cold, before I got to Buffalo, my kuee was swollen to twice its natural size. I need not say that I am thankful for my recovered independence, butâ€"I will add that my knee is far stronger than it had been for 35 years. *J am continually recommending Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills to acquaintances and those‘ I chance to meet who are troubled with rheumatism or locomotor ataxia. ? To the editor of The Evening News,â€" Dear Sir: More than 35 years ago I wrenched my left knee, throwing it alâ€" most from its socket. Great swelling followed, and the synovial jniee kept leaking from the joint. "I recommend the pills highly to all who are troubled with rheumatism, locomotor: ataxja or any impoverishâ€" ment of the bloo1," * In a letter written to theeditor of The Evening News, of Syracuse, last year, Dr. Calthrop told of his affliction and its cure. This is Dr. Calthrop‘s letter :â€" I took one pill at my. meals three times a day. I gladly give you this statement. Yours, 8. R. CaALTHROP. Since writing this letter Dr. Calthrop has not bad any vi«its from his <ld enemy and is even more cordial now in his recommendation . of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills than he was then. To thereâ€" porter he said : «"Pink Pills," continued, Dr. Calthrop, * are the best thing of the kind, I know of. Thay are infinitely superior to most medicines. tbat are put up for sale. I know pretty well what the pills contain and I consider it an excellent prescripâ€" tion. It is such a one as { might get from my doctor but he would not give it in such a compact form and so convenâ€" jent to take. During more than half of his pastorâ€" ate in Syracuse, Dr. Calthrop has been troubled with rheumatism, and at interâ€" vals he suffered excruciating agony from it. At times the pain was so great as to prevent him from walking. Many remedies were tried without success and he and his friends bad given up hope of m permanent cure or of a more than temporary relief when he took the preâ€" parzition that drove the disease com pletely from his system. cap and a black coat of semiâ€"clerical cut, the master of Calthrop Lodge graciousâ€" ly received the reporter who called to inquire about his health, for, though manfually repressing all possible evidence of his suffe ing. â€" Dr. Calthrop for many years had been the victim of a distressâ€" ing affliction, until by fortunate chance he was lead to take the remedy which has effectually cured him. REV. DR. CALTHROP, SYRACUSE, N. T. Dr. Calthrop has a striking personâ€" plity. To the eye he is a most picturâ€" esque figure. His head and face, framed in laxuriant masses of silky, snow white hair and beard, are of the type of Bryant and Longfellow. Aithough over seventy years old his rather spare figure is firm and erect and every movement is active and graceful. His whole life long he be has been an ardent admirer and promoter of athletic sports, and even at his advaced age, plays tennis with all the vigor and skill of a young man. To Syracusaus, perhaps, this remarkâ€" able versatile man is most widely known, apart from his profession, as a scientist. On a bright April morniug a reporter followed the winding driveway that curving around the hill leads to Calthâ€" rop Lodge, an oldâ€"fashioned red brick mansion, surrounded by a grove of oaks and chestnuts. Wearing a black skull : Dr. Calthrop was born in England and received his preparatory scholastic trainâ€" ing at St. Paul‘s School, London. Enâ€" ‘tering Trinity College, Cambridge, he soon became a bright figure in that brilliant coterie of scholars, literary men and wits that followed in the traditions of Macaulay and his associâ€" ates at the universary. In the middle of the century be wisited Syracuse and received his first impressions of the young city that nearly a score of years later he was to choose as his home and in which his labors have been so long and effectiveâ€" The masterly pulpit adâ€" dresses of Dr. Calthrop bave had their fundamentals drawn from the deepest research. â€" His people have been instrucâ€" ted by him, not only in things spiritual, but in the elements of the broadest culture, in literature, in art and in science. â€" His young men have been taught a muscular system of morality. In these and in many other ways has he endeared hnuself to bis congregation, which is one of the most highly cultured and wealthy in the city. ‘ A Scholarly Christian and a Beloved Pastor Who Believes in Training the Body as Well as the Mind. The twentyâ€"ninth day of April is a notable day in the history of the May Memorial church in Syracuse, as it is the anniversary of the instailation of the Rev. Samuel R. Calthrop, D. D., the eminent divine who so long has minisâ€" tered to them spiritually as pastor of the church. DCES NOT HESITATE TO SPEAK FOR THE CGOOD HIS WORDS WILL DO. A BRCAB MINDED BiVINE. pfl:m&% ie Have You Tried the " German Cavairy Condition Powder" ? Rheumatic Twinges .. "Basanos Red Oil" "IE DORHAM PHARMACT." " Red Oil" . ... MODE CALDER‘S Block, Durham. Is one of the best preâ€" parations of its kind, it is a sure cure, (if direcâ€" tiors are followed) for not only " Rheamaâ€" tism‘"but also for " Chilâ€" blaings" being successful in every case of the latâ€" ter where it has been tried, also in " Sprains," "Gout," &c. Everyâ€" body should have a botâ€" tle of this reliable remedy. For Sale at With Old Age come Twinges of " Rheumaâ€" tism " and aches in the back which Always cures. We carry this as well as all other standard remedies conâ€" stantly in stock. The . GORDON. to Just Avrived WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. â€"DEALER INâ€" All kinds of Farm Machinery, YVehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. CGall and inspect and be Convinced. Chas. McKinnon ®~ mee88se8002e0ec02eeeecee020222020 0t e "Are Hard . . . Though ‘Times One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananogue, and Campbell, Lonâ€" don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Suow Ball Wagons. New Stock of the famous Ramsay Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€" ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (me Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel _ Bingersâ€"cheaper than ever. UNION AND ALLâ€"WOOL CARPETS, Flannelettes, Kid Gloves, Trimmings and Boots & Shoes. Come and see the Bargainsâ€"the purchasing power of Dollar never was greater than at present. use A LOT OF LADIES‘ KNIT SHAWLS VERY mds ind And Money seems scarce, yet we have to keep| Thatold established blacksmith shop ce s f | in connection with wood shop. 1 replenishing our Stock from time to time. Wejof R. McFarlane, Insurnuce _ Agent : * EAlm house to rent, with 6 rooms, good have just received i""‘“‘- 47 CHAS. McKINNON. C. L. CRANT. Now on Had â€"â€"» Maxwell‘s Steel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Sceott‘s Seed Drifts and Haz rows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Seuffiers. Organs & Piz2os of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Maâ€" chines. Full Stock of Repair® always on hand. l a«ked, oneâ€"tnird down. This is a Rare Bargain. _ Stock or |Grain. Business meant. If not sold . will lease for n term of years. Apâ€" | ply on the property to Also RUFUS, six months‘ old, 2 get from Prince and Princess Lyons, and a fine animal. TERMS â€" S1006. BOULDEN &â€"00., Harmess Makers ’ On the 2nd Con. Normanby, containâ€" | ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. A l soil in | grand state of cultivation free from noxâ€" |i0us weeds. Spring Creek. Stone House & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank $1.00. To be paid for at time of Service. Aberdeen, Oct. 15th, 1895, ; will be kept for Service This fine animal will be kept on the promises of JNO. CLARK, Je., LOT 32, CON. 3. W..G. R., BENTINCK, For Service during Season of 1895â€"95, Registered in the *"Canada Berkshire Swine Record" as No, 2955. Farrowed Nov.2ist, 1893, and bred by John Meyer, K ossuth, Out. FOR Service. This splendid a was imported from the T States and was a winner of four | at the World‘s Fair, Chicago. April 3rd, ‘95. Thorughbred Berkshizs Bosr. ‘FERDINAKXKD. Buildings cost ever half the Money Barn 50x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 20x80, Stone Stables underneath. Root House I0x50. Hard and Soft Water. Churches and School copvenient. 44 miles from Dupâ€" FARiM FOR SALE, Thoroughbred Chaster White Sear, ‘*Washington,‘ BEVIE W and GLOBE, REVIEW and M AIL REVIEW and LONDON AD VERTISER THOROUGHBRED Tamworth Boa "SPRUCE LODGE HERO," NO.% 1895â€"6 at Lot 7, Con. 1, 1€ A SNAP ! ROBERT WATSON H ) Apuck 7 0 LET . CLUBEBING. H. AÂ¥. Varnex P. 0 Durham $1.50,

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