West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Feb 1896, p. 2

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Is one of the best pro parations of 1ts kind, it is a Sure cure, (d diree tions are follower) fo: not only " Rheama. tism " but also for " Chi]. blains" being successful in every case of the lat, ter where it has been tried, also in " Sprains,' " Cout," &e. Every- boiiy should have a. bot. ' tie of this reliable _' remedy. For Sale at LI ("1" a pasano Rheumatic Twinges . . 36 Days ads and Watches Tuesday, Feb. 11th, 'G. Mil. CHAMBERLAIN, Blltt IIE WILL BE AT "MacFarlane d; Co.' DRUGSTORE. ALIVE. mm cums Ilill CHARMS REIUGTEBE Wall Paper MODERN. - DURHAM, ONT., A. GORDON. hrita0lill tl CO. - Eye Specialist, tops Always cures. We carry this as well as all other standard remedies con- stantly in stock. The Coming! h1Mtle“m With Old Age come Twiuges of tt Rheuma- tism " and aches in the back which FOR THE NEXT ALIVE) I m not Ancient but: Are not dead bat " " as Red Oil" AT OUR- IN When the proper time comes. the gimme?! ft, the council from oft',?,'. rey wi an the oppommit an mining to the notice a! 'JeFllll'lll'; I Council severai very eligible sites for _ l Home ot Magda M WWhood reDurham, the moat: quantum in. the may _ 1 Another important matter was the erection of a House at Refuge for the accommodation of the "poor" ot the County. These uufortunates without house or home and dependent upon public charity have been in the past a?co1tuxiated in the jail at Owen Sound. It is held by the philanthropic mem- bers of the council that such an ar- rangement is very injurious to the. morals ot the "ihdigent" who are consigned to the care of the jailer, while at the same time it is 311de that their maintenance in a poor case would be a much more economical at rangement. That would depend upon circumstances. Bat, admitting the cor- rectness of this contention, we quite; agree with the view advanced by Mr. Thompson, that when it isfonnd neces- sary to proceed with the work of erect. init a House of Refuge a site should be chosen as centrally for the county as where not only the first cost of the in- stitution bat its midntemutee would be reduced to a minimum. At the late meeting at the County Council two important matters were ventilated. The Reeve ot Glenelg Mr. George Binnie advocated reducing the number of County Councillors and thereby materially reducing the public expenditure. Surely a very good thing to do. There are vcrv many who are of the opinion that County Councils should be abolished altogether. There I is no question but we are too much ROV. I armed, and to the County Council it is considered the pruning should be titst applied. There are many no dott't opposed to somdical amessurc, bat all will agree that the work to lo done by the County Council would be more eftieiemly done, and much more economically by a Council of ten or fifteen or even ttalfa dozen than by the present cnuibrous machinery. and at a very much reduced expenditure. Mr. Binnie did well in bringing the matter before the Council, and we hope he will bring it up again and again until his proposition is dealt with in a somewhat more intelligent way than was done " the late Junuary meeting. For, although the question was ruled out, curiously, neither fact nor argu- ment was advanced in favor of main- tuiniag the present state ct things ordinary mm was examined ify the . The Remedial Manitoba School Bill new eleetrie ghtiylei, process. is reported to have been laid before Not only was a exact image of the the House or Con‘imonu on Tuesday l bullet and its position clearly delineat- last, bat a eopy ot the Bill het not yet _ ed on the late, bat the injuries to the reached W3. _)Tuwever.the Bill as out- bones ot the leg as well. This new lined in the Conservative Press gt means of diagnosis will be of the great vides for the .re.sta.bltshtuerst of p- est benefit in the practice of medicine aratc Schools in Manitoba, and here is and surgery. the vcrv crux of the whole question. l -L---..-- tor the Manitoba Government has al- THE DEBATE ON THE BUDGET ready declared its tixed puersSe hthat _ -r- . . it will not re.establisht3e rate c ools ii' as . Tell. sustained. Sir Richard in any form while it is grille ready to Cartwright P the course ot B masterly remedv any grievance complained of address reminded the Government of in so fir as such remedy will not im- One otthe'Aementary truths Cf political pair the efficiency ot the Public School economy, that commerce means a pro. Act. Further, the Remedial Bill is re- tita We. exchange NEW?” two "on? ported to provide for the handing over mums of ,rroduqtis which the one 18 of the Separate Schools to be establish- able from its mition to raise more ed in Manitoba, to the Roman Catholic p.rytitatly than PM t).ther and t.h.at all Hierarchy and thus to be independent this miserable interlerence with the altogetherofthe Provincial authorities course of trade by the Government, l as regards text books, teachers and .ttAs attempt to make wt.Itu:r run uptly ' the control and management of the hilly can only result, M it has done, m lSchools generally. or course such disastrous “WWW! and gre.at loss to ) Legislation is cutire'y destructive or the people whomit It) attempting .t.lter S" Provincial autonomy and'will not be l by to benefit. . The Liberal p/l.tty. IS accepted hy Manitoba and was not P frame the tttfir, as m Great Britain, even hinted at in the deliverance of ’11} the Interests ofthc consumer, the the Privy Council. lt is not by any I Whey Pf. the qttawa Government to means probable that the Bill will ever adjust it in the Interests of monopolist; pass the House of Commons. Take the article of rice, an article of common consumption by people gencr- ---- -- - ' "a ally. The tax is enormous on the HISTORY or GLENELG. manufactured article, so that " every -_.-_ ( dollar which goes into the 'rremsttr.s', The letter of our Priceville correspon- 1 three to tive dollars go into the pockets dent last week has awakened an interest *of the two or three favored "mm 'Jet,t,1t,e,','i,'r.v"l,ytisd't"it'.hg',n'tvlyifi,h. mots, mld so,.of 'o a hiber tll' greater Lion on the subject. This will he found extent with a” the fostered industries below in the list of the councils of this l ot theeoantry. The Government boasts I township from 1350 to 1896. "1'hough that the tree list isa large one. It only " bare list it furnishes food for numbers some 378 articles but with l thought on the lapse of time. in. of all three exceptions those aiticles admitted I the. men who were at the head of aiming free of duty constitute the raw mater. for.the Ist. 10 or. 12}?an {my PY, re- ial used by the manufacturers. A not 'h"it'uvditeu,t, if]?! Jtt.ettdei,gceug . . . . . ' ?bjeftiont.ble 'trrangcment in itself, his own township after a la so of AP. but it is ot no advantage to the consum- years. We are indebted for this inter- er. The manufacturer gets the tretMstit, estipg list to the resent clinging clerk his t"awmeterial being admitted free 31 'l'llit"2Jt'sh'i'll,hT.C)'ll/ S, Black. of. of duty, tor the price ot the finished article is regulated by the tariff, and the taritf isso adjusted asto enable the manufacturer to andersell the Brit. ish or American imported article. The application of electricity in the nsetul arts continues to engage the at. ' tention of the seienUfie world. Already l electricity is the chief lighting agent. It is rapidlj becoming the chief motive power, an ere long we may find it become the chief heating agent Re- cently it has been used with most remarkable results in photographing. ny this new electric process the bones 0 me body. the position of foreign, bodies such as bullets the nature of the contents of cavities and so on are correctly and distinctly set forth on a metal plate by the ‘cathodc rays from an electric battery. A case occurred in the Montreal General Hospital the other day, in whieltaman who had been shot in the leg and in which the bullet could not be located by the ordinary means was examined by the new electric ghotogruphing process. Not only was a exact image of the l bullet and its position clearly delineat- _ ed on the let; bat the injuries to the bones oft e leg as well. This new means of diagnosis will be of the great est benefit in the practice of medicine _ and surgery. Several Bills. which experience has shown to be very necessary, have been given notice ot in the House of Com. mons, one, urgently called for, is that g.oi'.1.//i'l,t,it),'. the transnortation of voters y railway or otherwise, free. Every body knows how the C. P. R. and the International railways have been weighted down in the past in carrying: votes to the Wlls. Another is to faci- litatc the resignation of his seat by any member of the House wishing to do so. These have been introduced bv M r. McCarthy. A third, equally useful 13 by Mr. Rider, for the par e of pre- venting the intimidation ommployees who vote at a Dominion election. -hianitoba Legislature was fanned last week. The speech from the Iron: eongrau1lates the province on the fine harvest and depletes excessive freight rates. It says the result of the election loaves no room tor doubt that the atti. tude. of the government on the School questiun meets with the apprcval ot the electors. It goes on to point oat that the revenue is quite inadequate to sup- ply the. “nuts ot'thc province. express- es sympathy with the royalties in the death of Prince Henry, and declares its unswcrving loyalty to tho empire. --Jastin McCarthy having resigned the Irish Leadership, that party is now in the thncs of electing a successor, and. Sexton is Iikey to be the man. --Presirent, linger will visit Eng, land to confer with Mr. Chamberlain. Durham. Thursday, Feb. 13, l896. (ilit 6ttlt, 'ltrint. W0 NBER WORKING ELECTRICITY, REDUCED COUNTY COUNCIL mass; HOUSE or REFUGE. The clerks of Glenelg township since 1850 have been three only. Mr. J no. Swinburne. till 1859. when Mr. Jas. Brown, who, in company with Mr. J no. Kelly. had several years before straight,- ened out n. tinauteUt angle into whwh 'he tonnes? had fallen. got. the posit- ion and b it ton-26 you“, hung luc- ee' lay the preaettt occupant Nt. Jno. James Edge willmn Bell James McGirr David Jackson Neil McCanuel Joh n Black 1 Neil McGannel JnoButter JasEdge Mathew Irving William Morrison _ 1857 James McGirr Archibald Black John Black Neil McCannel Wslliam Morrison James McGirr Archibald Blaek Mathew Irving William Morrison wiliua1.hay James McGirr Archibald Hunter Archibald Black Duncan Smith Samuel Scum Samuel Scott Archibald Hunter James Why, James McGirr A. B. Manb James McGirr Archibald Hunter Neil MeCannol Samuel_§_. . negate A. B. Manb , _ _ * - REL-.5 ?;’§3§Wi.§ a; , jig?!” J runes McG "t Archibald Black William Purdy Allan Cameron l The letter of our Prim-villi- t't'rr'esplt'" l .'iiutu_rarwotustsivewe passed. A Linmsc I dent last. week has awakened an “litre-3L l Wtt'i ',waurtul in IV. 1.latn Ct'urystytt; m the hirtory of this townsrtip which [f.iy to the Ontmwi) Ititle Atso1intiyu. l we shall gratify Ivy " {unlit-r ('nntrilm- l rhe ret't't. orGleuiig TTum' “uél-“l'IZWI‘l” 1 Linn on the subjL-ct. This will he found I Ptorylyy"y n Pluck (or the Ihogistty oitiwe nelow in tlie list, of the councils of this 3 HI s. Gvey. lummhip from 1550 bo lh'M. TUNE-{hi The Poor. House again canwup and lunly " bare list it hr,rttishes food fop urgumenls vhiltmchrvpicund fiu.vuGl l thought, on t'nelsipse of time, as, (if "ll l wore pttsetited in itsfavor. while at hers l the men who were " the head of afrrr'uts I took the view that, the hwnships should l for the lat, 10 or l2JyearS only one re- look after an“. poor. Several of the "mins with us Mr. M. Edge, of Edge l "numbers Wett inclined to shout: at Mr. Hill. and he is still it trusted off1ver iu Shuleof Holland, but that gentleman his own township after a Inga of 42 was provided with tlqutstrt, to rove- that pears. We areuidebred ftttl. is inter- the present svslem is mucli cheaper eating list to t.he Firm“ (milking Clerk than with the House system. of 'hstowyyship., r. Jno. s. Black, rd. Finally utter much wrangling some Pornoyy hmmell getting txptse " vetentat one moved in adjourn till 1.30, lost. Till township oryer. ilv,,e, are Bure Frill". pre- 2, lost. Till 7 p. m., lost. (,'g"u',ree',1/i'i',"dohrl','dl,',"t'r;Til'/.t)l",e'i': M.e.rre Pltt,rellot.tth,a.r,y ultimntely a sat in Glenelt; Council in the old pioneer ' motion t: adjourn till .m p. tu.-Uarried. l days. I FRIDAY Emma. 1851 I Ian" Peter Wataon IA. B. MeNah Allan Cameron iNeil McC uel Donald iilieGaiekl S. B. Chasgy Duncan Smith ! Willisun Morrison Janurs MeGirr l, William Bell A. B. McNah J as. Ledintthaua Allan Cameron Donald McCurmick Duncan Smith A. B. MeNab The thst named is always the iReeve, the second from the you! 1856 and on. ward is Deputy Reeve. Never until 1396 was tbnre an election by acclaim» timi, and the same council was never tl.tse, twice. excepting in the years Correct again. Ourtime would not permit us to enter into a demonstration as to whether A C or B C was the greater, so we leave this interesting part of the problem in abeyauee in the nrcantitne. We reasoned '. this is a rt. angled tri- angle. . '. the lrypotl!ennse A. Il. is greater than either of the other two sides. Correct. Bat, any two shits of atriaugle are together greater than the third side, that is the sides A. C. and B. C. are together greater than A. B., agreed again, but we found this truth is not worth a continental in pot- itieal Euclid. Vide N. Ont. Again, the squsre on the hypothcn- use is ,rit'll, to the sum of the squares on A C, C. l, 47. We were led to think of some of the thcfruperties ot triangles lately, (we use to be fund of the study) and some- how the following tignre developed before our astonished vision. --Sir. Charles Tuppiw was banquet:- ed at Halifax and Uatceal last. week. At Halifax he rcviewcd his political career and made a speech that delight- ed his friends. In this spuch be re- asserted that the Liberals had usci $25000 to suture his dctFat in Cape Brown, and this assertion hos cttlled forth an emphatic denial from Hop. J. W. Lousloy, Attorney General of Suva Seem, who characterized the sum-- mumnn unmitigated Falsehood, made gixifulig' and reéklesaly "It was delightful to see our Can adian Parliament for one day unanim. (ms as they were. last week discussing Mr. MeNeills loyalty mailman. A. mong all the warm specnhcs made that of Sir Richard Cirtwright was the bust, and, on an authority not. like- ly to flatter, the, MaiMympivc, ".tn'eur- ed 9. profound impression." 'la,, ' . 'tl ' 'i)N, p' 1irdt't) 'ehatE, r,; ', Continued W week. POLITICAL EUCLID, LANDERKIN, OTTAWA, J rune: Edge John A. Lamprey John vaars . Francis Walker Hugh McFaydon James Edge John A. lamprey John Travers Francis Walker Hugh Mgnyden James Edge John A. lamprey John Travers Francis Walker Hugh Myirysdea J amcs Edge Yr, B, Che. y John A. lamprey J ohu Travers Francis Walker John Mcxéchnie William Purdy Franck Walker James Ed; James Edge S .B. flhet y James Ed e William E',,.,.,., Neil McCannel E B. Wain. Franci- Winger S. B. Chatty William Morrison James Edge John Mchcchnie J oahua. Dodds {any tt Esiée Neil MeCinne1 s. B. Ghafty William Morrison William Bell James Edge Neil McCunner William Morrison John w. Reid S. B. C1y1itp teitir.Agte Corbett. Beam; Bin-- nie, okmd. Btowl, Bye, Clan-h, Davis, P. Dickson, Erskine, Gilrny, Grier, Mr. Allan followed pointing out the loss of time for years back by these fruitless discussions, and urged the tak. ing of the vote at once to settle the mat- ter for this session. Mr. Irwin replied stating that it appeared opponents were bound to vote it down no matter what arguments were set forth in favor. Mr. , Binnie retorted that the same argument _ would ugly to those in favor o a poor _ house. e then referred to crop fail- ures in the south of the count? urging 1 that it was time to can a. h t in~the fiuaneud depression caused thereby. He was sure». plebiscite would debut the scheme. Mr. Sing thought a plebiscite would carry. 5nd ad a. ing at Mr. Bin.. nie for representing that South tgs formers were atfected by tho’ h . times. Mr. Davin made a few remark: in opposition which broughtMr. Palmer the mover of the motion to his trot. Be had agreed to any nothin if Davis didn't, and now, being frag, he ttted- his shot by saying: " those fellows will notchauge their minds undar any con- siu'cratioh," and added “win man change their minds fools have: do.." Mr. Smelzer and some other: 21 ke had " last a vote was reached 'Vd'h'f'e follow- ing result: Calls were made to put the question. But not yet. M r. Reid make a strong pro:poor house speech: "No man nor body of men should have the power to put a person in the common jail who is innocent of all crime. let his "etressities be over so urgent. For their own sakes, it not for others. we would suppose those in authority in the counties should see to it that the unfortunate are Kli _ rided with shelter in their old age. his [ world is a world of ups and downs . the mun of atmseuee of to-day is often the poverty-stricken creature ot tmuorrow; riches take wings and ily away; and when. old age, poverty and disease come together, " iail is a poor sanitnrium for such mortals. Fifty years hence peo- ple will scarcely belinve it when told that in the year of grace 1896. some of the richest counties in Ontario housed their poor in the common jaill. We ( hoar uireat deal about Russian despo: tism, t o Armenian peiuecutions ind Chinese atrocities, but we have yet to learn that either of these nationalities cast their honest poor inmexrison. to be released only when carri " to the Potter's field. Rattle his bones over the stones . ne's only n. pauper whom no. body owns." Council went into cmumittee of the whole on report of County Property committee. Mr. Dickson in the chair. This Re- rg', dealt with the finding of the Gran 1 any at the Decetuherset.aions, in wh.ch may recommended that properand suit- able accommodation be provided tisr vugmnuand paupers. that is, a. House of Refuge. , . Finally after rnuch wrangling some one moved m adjuum till 1.80, lost. Till p., lost,. Till 7 p. tm. lost. More talk followed and ultiumtely a motion c: adjourn till 7.30 p. no.I'arried. FRIDAY EVENING. \Vurdon Anderson took the chair at 7.35 and to expedite matters omil'ed calling the roll and reading the minutez. [unis votes after one hour and three! uarters'lahoo the second tiny was Miami. 1 THURSDAY. 2 P. M. I A deputation addressed the t'ouneil in contowtion with the Children's Aid Association. Mr. Davis asked the dole. gntinn, if it would not be a correct stop for the council to take if they endeavris edto stopthe importation of "Home" Children. Thur association represented by the delegation deals chiefly with children belonging to this country. i The month-9501' the Judicial Board of Audit are Messrs. Sumizcr and C1eehrane the latter defe.uriug Mr. Brown. of Dar. hmu Ly 25ro23. The contest forthe Auditorship was a keen mm. Mr. Mc- [unis on the 5th Ballot. receiving 29 I nmxliczh-iuus fur the position of County Auditor wore in and at n subsequent. stage Mr. G. Mohmis. of Egtvtiurut., secured the position. The County has secured a faithful and experienced audi. tor. Certain matters in connection with the High Svhouls. anfurd and Owen wero dealt with and the round! derided to adjourn till Thursday M 2 p. in. So aft or one hour and tin so quarters'laho a Allan and " mun. Byr. Mo:ive, P. Dickson, Wattson, Rolls and 12': others. COUNTY Pty may“ z~JIcI)ox1nld. Ch., Allan, tihench. Rae. McMillan, Hawks, Corbett and ”lulu-rs. and the55 had the waning to beeonil acquainted. FINAsctc.--I strum-1'. P.' D (Rn-hell, Spar others. HoaDR AND man. 1531-. Mn: Tuesday, Jan. 28th. The reprtvsettttttivey of the 22 munici- mums o? this cuunty mm; ttt Owen Smmd on the abou- date, M, in number, an iucvvase of two, one extra flan) Ben. tinch and Sim-awed; fur the flvst time sends u deputy mew. thw,'; Rutherford asrtsual took chargn. valled the roll. and then culled for nom- inatiuns fur Wurdeu. Nine were nom- itmtsul, mum”; whom 1vet'P IVetturut,'i 2nd Deput'vdns Allan. Mr. Allan mid 3 others hmvevrt withdrew their mum-n. At the third ballot. Audcrson of Sulli- van [evolved 2.8 volts and SHIPMH‘ of Collingwood 20, and thus Amlomnn gut. it. He wns numiunled by Messrs. Allan and Rims. Arte, "ppoirotirrra cmumitu-v of tivettrstirkethestand'-ouirtrittms, tlw rmmril mljxnn'ncd till Wctiyesduy, mil tee Ewry member Wm; present at 1015 Ihyyirtyla.y ll{{r_l'll}l}§:. _ A _ M r. B DEW 5n ATN the Chairman of specialcoru. ad l.hoir r0120”: r:.-Howe Ch., Roland. Mea- 'f Dickson. Binniv. Morice. Spurling. Bell, Rae and JP, COUNTY COUNCIL ly Mr. Shuts would aLthisi n. but opposed the motion in le same strain. Mr, to it lm‘nuse it would les on! {wart of tlteeounvil: the T sis iatttious sally put good humor (with thom. “"I'IDN EH DA y L'rvmr;Es.---Retul. Chair, ice. P. Dickson, \Vatmn, um 'gr may Council. doing by mi leuuty reevef T isrousod ' Bohr n'nn MI- .00. Ch Jilin d have the to the fam 'uuncil. Mr the county L, Roland lu, Staple ton. Ch ie and fmxii the put WE HA VE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT 0E....,..... The :lllltiBat,gix School Teacuers.t.t its just, the thing for you during the summer. Write for particulars. The mare you use' of it the bad} pm like It. was also. a. TUCKETT A SON Ar.. no HAMILTON. our. hires from the luxuriant coiodng. With the increasing demand for fruit, a position with us an: Salesman will pay leu-r than engaging in farming. Send Us your application and we will show you how to cum good money. A good man in Sour district to repre- sent the "I“onthill Nurseries of Can- ada." Over 700 acres. The largest in he Dominion. Position Ui,',"..,",?.'"". Salary or Commission to rig " man. 5 k Plus: LU. EDWARD l. WILSON, Brocklyn, New York ctpyof tho pram-hum; Kim-11, “lurh they will tlud a ann- ("um Mr ('c-n-unnplion. A-Ilunn. cw lnrrh. nrourlleand Ml 11mm: um! IuLg "at. lulu-- He bu):- 5 all man-6W will try tltisremedy, u I: u invaluu ble. Thom desiring the proeriptior1 wlicu willv-usnhem tvrt'uiug,tusd may prove a blasting. will plane nddreu, other amendment mess-Limb it is no the county to shot but that mark Linn ' business. The fie withdrawn and ment was carried. being culled called out for economy. Know What You Chew Ite arts of Finance cnmmittee and Bow}; and bridges conunitwe were then heard. these cunminvd nothing of great. consequence. The Township of Deran made a claim of $12.50 but “us put, " with $3.50. Another attempt to cuilnil the ex- {muse of the County Council was as fol- ows: tilsute-Hatttptou--tlmt the Co. Council of Grey do away with the Dee. Session of 15116 unless it he thought the. County will suitor. in which cau- the Warden and dork are authorized to call it not earlier that; Thursday at, 7 p. in. l An anmn way. folio Harupden, Henry. Messing", Mon. nglmn. Manor. McDonald, McGregor, McMullen, Preston, Kris. Sclwnck Shula Spurling. Staples, Watson, Wil. listvofr.-30. Foe-Badgers, Bell, Fox, Graham. Harness, Howe. Irvin. Kvlls, Lemon. May. Mills, McKinley, Palmer. Qniulnn. Bell. Road. Sing. Smelsvr. Snider. Thcnv son. Wesraway, Whittun.-22. It will be seen that it is South against Nuth. WANTED I UPPER TOWN. DURIIADI. Is the Only True Blood Purifier Hood's Pills Prominently in the pubtits eye today, " My wife has been I sufferer from numb tor tho past, tour years and tbs disease had gone so tar that her eyesight was "ected so that for nearly s year she was umblo to read for more than tive minutes " I time. She suffered sever! pains in tho head and at times was Almost distracted. About Christmu, she com- menced taking Hood's Bars-punk, And Binco that time has steadily improved. She has taken six bottles ot Hood's Sar- snparills and is on the road to a complete cure. I csnno: speak too highlyoi Hood’s Bartmparitia, and I cheerlully recommend it." W. II. Prmsnm, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Sarsaparilla STONE & WELLINGTON, Tonomo. ONT. Sterling Brothers' HandJIade Shoes in Men's, Women's and Boys' sizes. SATI‘ RDA Y an a Go. cure habitual comm» thm. hlcozac. per boa. Messiruter, Mon. -Duxmld. McGregor, u. um. ticuenck, vples, Watson, Wil. was as fol- mL the Cu. lt the Dee. hnught the h cage the rnzed to call y at, 7 p. m. JUST THE SHOES FOR 21113 TIME OF THE YEAR.......,i Blankets, an, &c. --.---"-. FU RS. ----- We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. , May be ynu think it is not. hut H. H. MILLER. the Hanover (,mxveyancur. is . lending Xntsuf it at 55 PM cent; and on t, vxtra good looms at 1esa--Costa low-- N Terms as my ceasonsl le person may Fiat, Choice in Valises. Grips, Horse TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Wt 3 Bites, Whips, J! dm., dx. Heavy & Light Harness CALL d; SEE OUR F! Collars, Pads, We Handle everything in the names line, at right prices. Collects Notes and Accmm ts-rat charge sf no ccllecrion. Cheap Farm. for Sale Deeds, Mortgage-s. Leases and other writings neatly and quickly ptepared at reasonable cost. Lock Box 28 Hay is Scarce ----Stri' ._ Morley is Plenty. J. CAMERON Crock9ry de, Glassware. Dinner. Tea &, Toilet Sets Tea of Teas KURMA TEA. Hanover N, B.--To ensure a. good jolt the Hides must. be well Inked as soon atsta. ken oft. By the New Process, which fur Finish and Soft- G. LEAVENS, Jr. At Popular Prices. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning ! HARNESS E Try i a.) “so a full nasort.tuer ---All Business Confidential--- C Box 2g. H. H. MILLER. mover P. O. The Hanover Satisfaction Guaranteed. do. Telephone I lbs. Load 1h id far 300 I Sold for 41 Robe Tanning ! IT 11835 can't be beat Robes 81 Goats THE THOMAS SMITH. .19va I l for 400 ltr Sold for 50e. lb- m 'ouveyaucen perfectly L lbs. nnd batik at our sisokttani id L"rUhiGG.' Money is [ref m' be scarce this winter, we have arranged to 1mm] mun: at it on goctyhg farm murky a. 5i and 6 per cent. tstraight loans. . All} kindsag‘f Plank 03129:: _Su-av Canon. Turnip Canon a. We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in nook Belt, Kan and Doherty Oman: " prices which will suit the times. We have a large shipment of shoves, can"; and Tri Goodson the way and mus: have room. _ other Fall aud may Cone " once and we will surprise you with iow prices. I I C . . ' . . 093313 $333333: ,n/ilr2rioIt"rct1tti,rt,tar't, e'Ut'roee'gu1 any person in need of a BUGGY, CART 0R DEMOCRAT Bargaingt Wholesale , We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system Will merit, a continuance of the same. Marriage Linens“ issued tad Fine ' Utes Insurance promptly amended to CALDER tt LIVINGSTON, Agents, -----1DWE.t TDWR, DCRII) It. The Fall is a good time to buy a "Large Sales & Small Profits." -- -- -- - A Darin: In. A "ST. 9: h. -ors, Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. " C. dk J,, McKechnie. Tire beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be THIE CASH ADOPTED BY N., G, & J. MCKECHNIE. " HUN-T Por bargains in the o: Aepartments you will h These are son: in the Boot & mentonly. bargains we ptutment-- reductions and Gentleman's Moods-ct 3lre Don't Ask l 1 Doz. pair asizes)--LONG $1.25 reduced UPPER TOWN, DURHA BUT SOME AND The above are pan-s them ft In Rubber now “VG illl Pair: WE KEEP--""'"" Everything Here’s a Srta " All under one OFFER WE' WILL T 15.. - FOR - ' Ladies' (N E wr, E Cardigan Oversm Previous to Stoc NOW W mes 0 - The Following 381‘s 3 Wir 311388 “.%‘ St. 97 "

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