West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Feb 1896, p. 3

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}cKechnie. [McKECHNIE ASH I have arranged to loan It, gent. might loans, m, Agents, MCKECHN IE JAKE. Mex JilM00RAT Lt, Durham ttam Turnip Cut-m My an“ promptly attended . ma: TOWN, --- ATES. ~‘WM oiesale I BY We. have in stock BM, all Profits." or Piano. few Huggins Md ar oat our Suck Custom- generally the Cash 'all And Winter Cash or DUKE) . at our " " For bargains in the other departments you will hear later. .1. l HUNTER These are some of our prices in the Boot a Shoe Depart- ment only. The above are a few of the bargains we offer-in this de- psrtruent-there are also great reductions made in Ladies' and (hrntlemen's high class good-especially in small sizes. We Don't All: You To Bay I Doz. pairs Boys'-Hsmall 7Giiiiiar, sizes) -LOaNG BOOTS were Tm: Mao $1.25 reduced to 550 pair. 3315311. UPPER WWW, DURHAM. BUT COME Mi) SEE i Ladies' Dongola f Buttoned BOOTS In order to make room for faritc,yc uses of New Spring Goods in our Boot & Shoe De- WE KEEP Everything All under one roof. OFFERS: " ssass. r i' WE WILL MAKE J Efttt vs 3 Itiec , Patent Tip-were Sl.25now........ Previous to Stock-Taking. IN OUR - Boot & Shoe DEPARTMENT. The Following\ 9.7.33 _ LATELY TO Hasn.---Duritw the past; 1 few weeks the mails have broilght 1N I Sumo papers and mugnzmes which we _ awn. to native: and cordially thank the , senders. Among these are the Christ- i was Suuvl-uir Nmulrer of the Normcl _ Light published in the interest of the (Ottawa Normal School students. A- mong the successful ones act the last session we see the names of Miss Edna Stun». M r. Chas. Rohson, Glonelg, and Mr. Jno. Ferguson, Fergus. Congratula- tions. The last narued grntleumn ap- pears among the sts'waets in a foot-hall grou . The Dec. and Jan'y numbers of the 'd A. C. Review. Guelph, two spicy and readable journals. The Chicago Chronicle contnining a glowing account, of the celeltralirms in connvcnon with the Burns Anniversary, in which Dr. Hugh McNeill, Well known to Priceville readers. Pres. of the Chicago Scottish Societv took a. prominent part. What with Scottish magic. Scottish dances. tableaux illustrating Scottish Life. etc. i one would think the windy city waal half Scottish. What Scowhman Imam not delight to hear a lecture IT, “Wal- lace Bruce,” on "Barns an Bet and Patriot." Prom Taunton. Mass. some: the doing: of Clan Got-ion on the same occuion with an attractive programme of song and dance on the moat attrac- tive “Dane. Order" we have over soon. For there last we have to .thank Mr. Don. McKochnie. brother of our council} lat. A fricndin Rochester “and: copi- of int-papers. Edwin-red in the town, and the wish ', was expressed that Mr. Jansen would I Bee fit, in pay Mezlfnrd another visit/ in Ili',; capacity of a 1etrtuver on some 1 future occasion. Roy's. Messrs. CumWell and Wellwood moved the lecturer" a. hearty vote of thanks which w... carried amid applause. The Plato tab lectiors amounted to over $13, w . h ,uoes toward the leper mission f d. Mr. Jansen deserves'lhe avmputhy ”It! cooperation of all Chriuinn poop“ in . the .wylk in which he is ongtttru.catk TH K M “one AT Ho3iE.-Thie, annual event came off last Thursday evening and was largely immunized. The Mag. (ms won- must attentive to their visitors and whether in the homelike par-101:; at the delightful tea, or in the bewitching ilamcc actvd the host to perfection. The little mud and chwket parties set-mud to viva great pleasure to many. but " little inure music or intel- lectual entertainment would hive been inure- eharrutteristic of our homes, and should ieceive the attention of the masons next year. It must have been felt that the preparation and tixtttrets deserved more that: one night's use. so, on the following night. a number of the vuung people were entertained in,the may dance. This action has been ad. versely commented on in manyqualibers and we believe the Masons WORRY do themselves honor by omitting this feature in future "At Homes, ' and substitute smnethingcqually interesting and more odifying. LUIUI‘IL try a Luv nox or .. Just TV Cough l Ia-zengers. They will "liay the irrita- 1 tion at, once. Foe sale by all drugmsts I and (In; Key Medicine Co. 395 h' nnge QI_....¢ ,‘_ -. _ Street, Toronto. . a Mr. Jnn. Cameron. Pottinea, N. Dak., I in n-ncwing for the REVIEW speak: en- l te1tyriasticailly of their crops. He herd ($155 bush. of Wheat. a return of 38 to 45 bush. pvr "two, and sells at 38 to 40 ets. Fancy a threshing bill otFAh) to $1,000! Horses wanted to attend the2nd great Horne Fair at the Central Hotel, Upper Town. Durham. on Tttendrly, Feb. 18th. Roch Marion. of Montreal ', J. M. Amer. of Latutaster. Ps.. and a numbernfother good buyers will be an hand.--W. BEITZ. Any tendency to prcmature baldness may he "yt"ply checked by the use of Aysw's szir , agar. Don't delay till the i scalp is bare and the hair-routs destroy- 1 ed. " you would realizetloe best results. i begin at. uncc with this i'.tvau"ablture. I The British Hotel. Furniture and business is otterod for trale m. a. bargain. Apply to Mes. A. MvNeiL Durham. We regret to hear that, Mr. Georgev Binnia in under the doctor's care at’ present. Dr. Gun faced the drifts and I storm to mm on him. I Fur that. tickling sensation in your thosat try a lot. box of .. Mist " Cough r __-_-_, m, ." .. . i 7 Mrs. Elliott. of Chatsworth. visited her mothor. Mrs. Mcttae last week. Mrs. E. J. Smith, of Brandon. Mam. is at present visiting hermother Mrs. J. M. Hunter. of town. Miss Peehles. of Tivvrton, is visiting at Mr. James k'arson's. Miss B. McDougnll is visiting friends in Tiverton. Miss Orehard is this was}; visiting Nt. Fun-st friends. LOCAL AND GrmzkiE? '?,iiirif' as: . ' AE Mr. I. McFarlane, 216 Wellington street, Hamilton: "For many wee I I have saftered intense gain from rheu- matism; was so bad t at I could not attendto business. I procured South American Rheumatic fhare.op the re- commendation of my dryggist, and Wu con‘iEku-Iy cured in than or tour liars 2 can of thin remedy only. It in a beat remedy I our aw." Bold by MacFarlane & L'o, Another Hamilton Citizen Cured of Rheumatism in Three Days. Death has once more visited our hamlet and taken away Mr. w. Gor- don's little hnhy. It. took ill on Friday Dr. Martin was in attendance, hut did not think it dangerous. He said it was a. gathering in the head, it passed away on Tuesday morning. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the whole community in this their hour of be- reayement. Though your darling child is taken From your bosom to the urn; Soon the sleepy dust will wakeu, And its spirit will return. Yes, again you will behold it; . Fairer than the morning my: In Vottr arms you will enfold it. When all tears are wiped away. Mr. T. Woollsey's lime bov aged three years met. with a very painful accident on Sabbath last, while playing with a spoon in his mouth he tii ped and fell. the handle striking the goor pnrhing [ the other part, up in hts mouth scooping 1 out a. great, pierd of tiesh. He suite i great pain from it. He is getting bet- ter, hut is very weak trom the loss of blow. Two ot Mr. w. Bryee's bogs met with u. very narrow escape: one " last week. They were up in the bug mow in the barn putting down feed w en the roof and one of the plate fell in. One of them got a slight cut op the head, bu_t_ tht orherSstyyped unujueb.ed. _ Mr. Jarues Fusirton, who has beer, laid up for some time with infUmma. tion of the lungs and bronchitis, in iav proving very slowly. Mr. J. L. Mortimer. of Arthur. alder of the but" Day Saints' church, has been holding meetings at, Mr J. Batch- elor‘s foe the past week. Three were baptised, on Monday which were the fruit of his preaching. The two Miss Scarlett; also Mr. W. McMurdo and Miss E. MeMurdo were the guests of Mr. Adam Bryce on sub. bath last. yarsarrariua n/nv. lt will do you good. Rv-nd the testmu:nials published in be. half of H ood's Sstrtixpariiht. all from ra- Iiuhie. grateful people. They tell the story. Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tor sale. I or will ram an reasonable terms. f Apply in J. TLPORD. , The Ladies‘ Auxilliarv. of Trinity 1 Church. intend holding a social at the i hnmo of Mrs. W. B. vollett Thursday l night. WooD.--our wood pile is not yet too large. Will some of our subscribers who have nnl yet. settled. remember us in this shape? Either at, the house, low- er town, or at the amt-o. The last instalment of Mr. Mctttt.suut's Manitoba tsketch and Mr. Hunter's arti, cle on Ontario are in t3 pe, hut unuvuid- nhly left over. ONTARIO Lkort,thrmd..-set on Tuesday last. Sir olivoe is loyal: on the same day the British Patrluunent meL Bruce County Council has not aside $50 for the best ”my on the County. Toc little money to induce good work. Miss Rose Horringvr. of Mildmay, is a private guest at Mr. w. Benz, of the Central Hotel, this week Misses Jennie and Hattie Cochrane are brightening the purunlui home again. Mr. and Mrs, visited at Mrs. week. Mr. Johnston, of Chatsworth, was in town last, week. Don't forget the carnival tu-morrow night. (FlidnyJ Assessors will he on the “Wu-path in a. few days. PROTON CENTRE. 33E? ',rgg'gt 1"." yi,'aia'il WFS' 'T D. Muir. of Flcsherton. Turnbull's, Rocky. htrt Cs? fl'ty MABLE Scrofula. lurks in the blood of hourly even-yam, but Hood's "rtsrperitudrtvie a}! (1:10:11 tho system and makes pm ' qc, , , C,gfg,'.hTgtut, cures Oatarrh, pg Favor; , Ms, Headache. Sore Lin-ma mums. ind. Dms!nts,trs, meats. Bo by In: Fume a; as; oneyrhort putt of the breath through the Blower. Apppiir4 with each bottled pr. Agnew“; (Istanbul Powder, diam-e; this Powder over the lug-{tee ot the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes; and P", warmly CW: Caters, Trep Page; few equals. and the Emple of Knox Church. one of the Pres reerutt church- es in Canada. belie" he stands at the head of the list. He had truitered, u no 'umnz in 1,',,itr.?,?'rei,'.'i'g Sutter, from cold in t e he --" seriou- bindmnne .to, those who have mental worktodo. Dr. Agnewln Catarrhat Powdcrwu Wilt under hll notice, tutd over his awn signature be has told pf the great, bona- M, it has conferredon him, " it dam on all who use it. or Hamilton. ont.--This Wen-known. "iti,tgit.egrg Divine. Pastor of Knox Chum: ' Hamilton. 0nt..Has Used Dr. Agnew’s Catawba! Powder, and Tom its Virtues. Few ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Canada. are bettetrApown that the Rev. Mango Fraser, D. IN. of Hamilton. His grew talents have been over and over again recognized in the church coyrts. te, preather Jet. has Mr. Donald Graham. Jr. mid Edam Valley a flyiug visit last week. Donald. smiling contenance in welcomed w again, acme fair one says. The mammoth woodeutteru have once more started operatic“ and are cutting shingle holta and tearing thing: in gen- eral. They are hard to hunt. Miss Maggie McIntosh ha: left our midst and everyone is missing her fit'; ant smiles. one especially. Sti i the driver won't belong goin out to Dom noch when the road it 2005. Mr. Charlie Ferguson is making pro- pamzions for a brick house to be built next summer and is hwy hauling brick from Proton Station. Miss Bella, f"a'll,",',1, of Swinton Park, paidk Balsyru Va lay a fiyiteg visit last wee . Mr. Thomas R. Smart of Sault Ste. Mnr'e. Michigan, is spending a few week: here with his old schoolmates and special attention is given to the brick house near No. " Eminent. Tom is a very industrious young man and has been engaged with a steamshi Company fora number of years as has cook on their boats. Miss Sarah leer, of Durham is visit- ing at, Dave Melntvre's for a. few weeks. Here is a chance for some young man. l Mr. Thou. Pan-is is having a male of farm stock. I w. hear wedding belU jitteliua. Tive Lawn Day Saints an building a i S Inge shed. Some of their opponents are 8 biutmu that the lau, municvpul Earettort I c-xupnigu has a uphLiug lo Jo m helping; it Mung. but wr' Nee one of and: loading F Eden. Mr. J. L, Morttmer, in the nrigh- I itr than! and he i holding nighbly meet- REV. MUNGO FRASER; D. B., it along. but wr' Mee, one of Elder,, Mr. J. L, Mortimer, ltr than! and he i lxniding ingn, al,o stirriue up the me Mr. David Scott's. of the 10th can. olden: son George, died I: few day ago aged 5 years. Mr. B. B. Heard has purchued Mrs, Black's farm. Andrew Dears has returned house After a summer's wmk in the States. Mr. John Russell is on the sick list, but is mum bctter. The I’atrum have n whaling in the Hull here on the 19th and are “probing Mr. James Bum-s. the Patron candidate to ndLrt-m tlorm. Miss I'iullips, of Egrersmt, has been viuiling at Mrs. Snark-us daughter. J. W. Morrow, Auctioneer. Dundnik. but begun hulllilxg union of store goo-ls for here some few nights lad week. Wm, Ihornet attenduln convention of the Christiau Endwvor at Hisnoorrlatst we“. We have just hud a lurua know “any and Lha new!“ uro- pattls blanked. Joseph MrArdle mun delegate from here to nit-Jud tlas Patron" of Industry conyL-ntiuu ttt Flemherton hut wvek in cmzpnuy With S. R vdghrx. D. McKenzie and Alex. lienovlr. HOPEVILLE. In" stories high, all with collar full size. tbrouWoat, also a mu inn. tumult-r kitchen, v 'ttt {game mhle. u: 'tti, may good state 0: ',', "rsaetg.u-Ten per ttltr: money moat 'Pe pt 'glti,tt,',', any .mncecnn arm a ttit'iu2g, uni manage: , the Auctioneer. I. Hannah. Mt. Forest All that certain parcel or tract of land and herediuunents situate in the town of Durham in the county of Grey. being compowd of the South East not lot number three west of the S,'gf, Sound Road and South of Hunter Street being a subdivision of the mud log) ird division of tot number twenty F ur in the Township of Wk " formerly laid out by em Hunter and now forming a grown! the town of Durham, w ich my be Inscribed as ttW1owss--cour aiaiteipg at the South East angle of " lot: at the corner of the Owen Sound and Durham Roads. thence West along the Northern limit of the [ Durham road one hundmd and fifty tour feet to a what distant ten feet from the South at ttt of mid lot number three. thence 'orth parallel with the o. Sound road tonyfeegthence Inst parallel with the Durham road leittehtindred and ttttr four feet more or less, to the Western limit of the ow- 'on"50und mud; thence South tleer the 'Western limit of the Owen Soon road {any feet to the place of begimng: ecn6ainimt " thousand one hundred and titty feet more or lean. The Improvement: on the mid pan-col maid to conliut of. a. solid white brick shop and dwelling two and one balt stories high, about o4xlio n, mm cellu- full size. well annulled throughout. also A small frame addit- Son. tum"!!! kitchen. woodahod. work atio ' frame “able. and dnving shed l'tt'lhi'itl',' madmtoof tennir. _:, rdeh-n per cent. of the tttrt money mutt he paid at the me pink, when any tag-ma for the aihusixsctustse urn-n ed. For further tttttttthee!) tl,%'lli'lfa of ale npply Edi lizctiongor. . r I u Mullen, Mt. Forest. ot' to, hunt, Marsh. & Omen-on. . Vendors' ttoiieitom. r" g3 Toroyto Sh. Tomato, at. the hour of four o'clock P. M. at the MIDDAUG H HOUSE --tN THE- TOWN " DURHAM. BY J AXES CARSON AUCTIONEER, the following valuable real, estate in one parcel, namely: VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of a. power of sale contained in a certain morn, e uiade by Archibald Davidson tom vendors." which will he product‘d at. the tirv.eof sate. there wil be offered for sale by puhlic auction on. TERMS OF SALE: Twenty per cent of the purchase money at, the time of the sale and balance within thjrty days at 6 per cent interest. Dated 25th day of November. 1895. JOHN MCDONALD. Vendor. For t umber particulars apply to A. H. J ACKBON, J nuns (Mason. Durham, or Auctioneer. Friday, the 28th of Feb., '96, AUCTION SALE. Sort, Elm, 12 and " feet: Rock 8,14 and 18 feet lengthy” Bil I; We are prepared to take huilding con- tracts and furnish all kinds of Material at living prices. Wer beg to Announce to the public that we: have the null rebuilt and retitled with i, due to disordered kidneys. South Ameviran Kidney Cure Irena effective- ly those of any 33'. And with all alike relief is secured quickly. In the moat. distresxing mixes relief routes in not less than six hours. It is u. wanderfnl medi.. cine for. this (me trpottifiv nnd_ important purpose. Sold by MacFarlnne & Co. WATSON BROS Auction Sale FOIL Elm,12n.nd l4 feet; Rock Elm, 7. , ll and 18 feet length»: Birch, any length over 10 feet. if manna? MARKET I’RXCR Run 'ov. LOGS. -AW- own Property in the Town of Durham. Drumure, Dec. 6th I THE OLD, MIDDLE~AGED AND CHILDREN, Are one and all Cured of Kidney Tron ble by South American Kidney Cure. Kidrte.vtrouhies um not trortfined to those Many age. The grey-haired suf- far. and ku-qu unumtimt-u. The nun in the vigour of life has his happiness mkrned by distressing: disease of these part}. Much of the tryylrle of children IMPROVED MACHINERY. LOGS WANTED.‘ NORTH EGREMONT. iwvnty rods. Thence with the suntherly new). sixteen rods to ning, and containing 'iose, and hyingyart let Twenty per cent of ney at the time of the within thirty days at :r-rty. viz: All and in mum-l nr tract of situate lyingand he- mnihip‘nf (jk-nrig. 'esivihetl as follows t In: planted tun rods Wtttit, angle of the number fifteen, in A. H. JArucros, Vendor A5, And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. Gall and inspect and be convinced. Just Arrived WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. --DEALER m-- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Iptre Hard . . . . Chas. Ill/Ili/limo):])? a Dollar never was greater than at present. EThough Times EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gananoque, and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous W also Snow Bull Wagons agons, New Stock of the tamoug Romany .C1.asta--at fabulous prices. ' Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Bin- dem Buckey Mowers and Tiger Rakes. (me Car Maxwell“ Light Steel Bindsn-9hsaper than ever. s‘oussa‘oag$‘§9$sos$$$s.$s UNION AND ALL-WOOL CARPETS, (, A SNAP! 1i'lanne1ettes, Kid Gloves, Trimmings and Boots & Shoes. A LOT OF LA0IES' KNIT SHAWLS VERY CHEAP. Come and see the Bargains-tha purchasing power of And Money seems scarce, yet we have to keep replenishing our Stock from time to time. We have juss received CHAS. MgKIN NON. th L. GRANT. NOW011 Hand - Nhxwatt's Steel Baku etc. Wind ' Sean’s Seed Brim and Human. Wilkinson Bouglys and Scumcrs. Organ“; Emmet the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Ma.. chines. U , Full Stock of Repaire always on hand. l - v __ - -- keep; That old established blacksmith shop in connection with wood shop. Inquxn We iof R. Mchrhne. [nuance Agent. iAleo house tc rgnc. with 6 rooms. good “SPRUCE LODGE ”In!” will he kept for Service ”a monument.” SLN. To be paid for at tin- of“ Ahead-u, Oct. tsth, 1995. . For Service during Sen-on of 1895-96. Registered in tho “Cu-mi: Berk-bin Sib- Rreord" " So. 2956. Fan-owed Nov.“ 1893, And bred by John Meyer. Ruth.“ This tine animal will be kept on the premise. BOULDEN & Co.. limes: hickory April 3nd. = Durham Also RUFUS, six months' aid. I I" from Prince and Princess Lrorm. sad a tue animal. Tlmnglhrdl Berkshire Bat. . svsaiiifiaso: FOR Service. This splendid animal was imported from the United States and was a. winner of tmo PM a: the World’s Fair, Chicago. ofJNO. CLARK, Jn.. LOT 82, CON. 8. W. c. R., BENTTRCEV naked. nut-third down, This is 3 Rare Bugging. Stork or Grain. Busineu meant. If not. sold will but. for A wrm of yet". Ap- ply on the property to ROBERT WATSON. Jr.. 49 "army P. o.. Out. Buildings custom half the Money l On tle2nd Con. Normnnhy. "otstaiet- ‘ing 174 arms. I40 cleared. Al soil in ‘sa-nnd Mate of cultivation free h om nul- nous weeds. Spring Creek. Stone Halli. & Kitchen. " and Shed attached. Bunk Barn ats70. Stone Basement Sublet. Drink Implement House 3mm. Smog Sta/Hes undcmeath. Root I." tlitter 1mm Hard and Soft meter. Chutrhes and School convenient. 45 miles from Dur- Thumnghhred Chester White liar, 'Washington,' FARM FOR SALE. cellu- RE THE Br and GLOBE. RE VIE W'and HAIL RE VIE W and LONDON AD. VERTISER Tamworth Baum THOROUGHBRED TO LET. CLUBBING. 31.95.

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