West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Feb 1896, p. 1

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Lumber, Shingles and Lath always Having Completed our New Factory we are now prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. We keep in Stock a large quantity of Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and the difry- ent Kinds of Dressed Lumber for outside sheeting. Sash and I)0or Factory. Oar Stock of DRY LITEUZE is very Large so that all orders can be filled. Brick Dwelling. and may eligible building iota, will be sold in one or more Ion. Abolot. No. 60, con. 2, w. G. R.. Township of Beutinek, 100 acres ndjom- tng Town plot Durham. Mortgage taken for part purchase money. i For Impcre, Weak and Impovcrishu . FOR S g I E ', Blood, Lywtrlsia, sureplessness, Pulp-mu ‘1 mom or {La “can. Liver Complaint, New _ m I rnigiu. Loan of Memory. Bronchitis. Cora, e GE PROPERI f 5 tmrtoptioro, Gall Stones, Jnuudico. Kidnqx . . wand Urinary Dist-uses. tit. Vitns' Dana - I Female 1vregnlaritias and Génernl lathe Town of Durham, County ot Debtlity. .. Grey. including writable Water Power i Laboratory - Goderielt,0n' LICENSED AUCTIONEEB for Co. of Grey. All 4sotnmurtiostttma' do dr-sed to Luann P. o. wtll be promptly Attended to. Random. Lot 19, that. 8, Township of Bentinck. DAN. Ltetotrnod A nfw 08100, Inutusad or Li fa' WOW“- JAMES LGCKIE, OF FICE:--DURHAM PHARMACY Calder’s Block. " NIGHT BELL AT RESIDENCE. ' t 'SSC H VIO- NOTA "Y Pt'gtg"er. 'ummue.surr,rse MONEY To LOAN. PHYSICIAN. saidi:ox. M mrnwm. div. HUGH McKAY. Apply to JAMES EDGE. Edge Bill, Ont, kitmetr-E, W. L. MCKENZIE i. G. HOLT. L. D. S BUSINESS DIRECTORY LIISCELLANEOUS. qt. ARTHUR GUN FZN'T‘T " AUCT 1. Many} tiqud.hu n Ween" tho speziui Attend“: of I'v canton Ind uni-whim" to thr tolluwsse . nopiilofllm us'xqmzlelluWa: NTISTRY. ttlr., DURHAM. J AEE F WM yo th PIEDICAL. MCLEAN. MCGILI. Im mum's STorte, Lawn Toe DUREAM- , Gum's Bron Nev " ii'iER LEGAL DAN. MeLEaN . LE,' KRESS " Licamen. Amy a of Brutus and Grey D. MOCORXICI. B. tigot'. 'tt wt T n Fi, tocthu li., G. ttir. McKEC-HNIE m swam com Lance secured. ram I th I pron); I n ;S. S a. REGISTRY OFFICE. Tho I Latuler,P.ugitstrar. John A. Mn Deputyuiesritstrar. (who hours trua 1. m. to 4 p. m. TESTED ItEMEDIES SNlCL1i'10 and ANTIDOTE MCLEOD’S ,1? System 1tenovator': f, Office Durham La lby ll. PARKER, Dtuggiat, Durham. JU u CONVEYANCERS. Fl'RHTUiE All) L1l)h'.llT,iiirip E J. SHEWELL The urniture thur H. Jackson, New mm. aul Valuators, Insurance Agents, Commissioners. ey to lend. money invested tor 'ties. Farms bought and sold. ALWAYS ON “AND. PICTURE FRAMINBA SPECIALTY J. M. McLEOD, tliuiMllll, " JACKSON S. A] financial business transacted ANI -.. AND OTHER --- next door to Standard Bank U laiill'b'u 'gi Prop. and Manufacturer l-rlusn near-0 " (own. JI VOL. XVIII, *7 NO E. J. 3|”)?! ELL. In“... TAKENG WNGE 1858 um Jiah The .old man. who rises and goes to bediwml; {he sun (13cm nonsltant com- n on o simple min 8 ' bad 5 apt peace- thn/l, all night, never Zionbting‘ that the chad of bis heart. lay dreaming calm 331d hnpfy 'irmurvs.iri her own room. Not pm; the morning was tar advanc- ed Ot be discover that Ruth's bed had 1mm no qccglpang the nigh; btsttuy. fl'ired nut with. his day's work the miller had gone to bed. The girl, as "uvs.her habit ever since the longer eyenmgg had set in, had gone for a. little walk into tho dewy woods. where we are told "every bough that. movm over our head has an oracular wisdom." Alas! than; they should have taught her so little. She, had'crossed the road before the very eyes ot her household. had entered the green forcst of egrlyy breaking leaves. had faded from night” 31le waft c'0tpe lyack.agairi., . _ .Only water eve she had poured out hrs tea as usual, had hidden him good- nighr,-rrovimrly, indeed. but not as one would hid an eternal farewell. After.. ward, he remembered. she had not mum him-on that night of all others --rrse, cumtomarx kiss. but had passed away. from him coldly. ealimtsly--or "ttt ii, that she feared? 'iiite Ruth Annersley is missing! She has yrsappeared.--uttisrly ! entirety '.- legw- ing no (race behind her, no word, no line to relieve the heart of the old man, her father. and which is slowly beginning to break, as the terrible truth dawns upf?n, him. Upon Pullingham a great cloud has descended. lt has gathered in one piclgto-rswiNy, secruly,-aud has tai- len without warning. crushing many hearts beneath it. Shame, and simand sorrow. and that most. terrible at all thipirs--unerttinty--ltave come to- gether to form it, while doubt and sus- pirLiot0ip in its train, "attiiriarlf," E557 hraii"ii7akr%Oine lo Mush crime generously. Th mirth. and, layi liners. laugh; ti when I think 0 WNW. on, the ke tone-iw I p mvalierly i tre what was it I a name the wed what a. dear ' Upon Pullingham a great CREEK u'.eqferoded.._rt has gathered in mvaiiorly I treated his magma], and-. what wax it I said about as ing him to name the wedding-day? Oh. Clarissa. what .1. dear you arts!-and what. 11 gm!" "Well. certainly. I never was so tak.. en in in my life," cont-ss Miss Pey- ton, and then she laugh: too, and prey ently is as deeply interested in Cityrts lover as it he had indeed been Georgie's. "Sin and shame are ever tied together With Gordian knots, of such a. strong thread spun. _ They cannot without violence be un- done." wk mes}: Sharper than the stings ot deaTiifr _ n .r. . ' 1.Uypslhs 'Mysclf nking ' THE CHAPTER NNI, an talking about t--yot1meit t" What on earth It is now Germ disappointed in Georgigg Fe glad to marry a. man w Ti(lhfi'S GUVERNESSAE 1rblaster. wk H Y oy 1GEk "My; I am ve much engaged. . I can see no one an? Sty I am dung; for town immpdiqtely." . 'f' "It isn't'umg, my-ppd. It a nome- thing I mysall have to my to yoy. If vou could spare me a few iitinuai-." He coma a. little nearer. and milk: lie is a we? old man. and has been butler m the amily tor more yang-a than he himself can count. His head " all!!! white, his form a. little bent; there 9. at this moment, a. touch ot deep Aia- tress upon his face that makes him look even older than he is. . . "Are you busy, my lard t" asks he, 1n a waving: nervous tone. "pEaririF" I)? am: tct . impatiently; and Simon Gale. opNung the door. come- 51le in. a 333$ E5391; 7sC'tiit"To"tr', L an. S k. mm: iirtiit ifitP" "A 5:5; I heard this morning, - r, -.= "may umu w an": AUSL.’ ways Nassjnger; and surely he is right. Sarmris. in deep rplexxty. acknow- quges the truth (>th line. and tells buncelr that in his old age he has been sandy tried. The whole world seems changed. Sunshine has given place to gloom: and he himself stands Blone,-- “Sxovndc and umuzde at his own shtde for dread, And Imaging greater dangers than was n e." Not until he is thoroughlv exhumat-1 ed. both in mind and body. does be tity cide on leaving for town by-the mid- dav train next day. . In the mean Mme he will telegraph to Claridge's. some taint remembrance lingering with him of Doriaa'a hung maria rum-uh... Ar uL..L L.A.I ' For hours he pace? to an axing on what is the best on sue. He is aol. his father, coerce him. By nature (”laugh Urayier-hartisd and t)tp.erGiaiii' believe that tuyl, trusted 1 Thus he soothes the old man with vain promiwx, and so gets rid ot him, that he may be left alone with his own though G. .Shall he go to Dorian? This AS the Cust engrossing idea. Yet it affords but. little consolation. To see him, [.0 hear him, to listen to a denial from In: lips; that is what it holds out to him. and it is all insuffieient. How shall .ti.e, believe him, knowing the many thinga that have occurred? . How treat his way meat eager denial as anything but a falsehood? l ing how hideous is the promise, knowing what yet he clings to tho ht [egg mistaken. new: sums upon his breast. Then he mums himseft, and, glancing at Lord $urturi»; says entreatin 1y, "Won't yen write to him, my lax-If? Do. I im- plnm of you, and conjure him to r.1Y lum. If any one can help me it will he Mr. Dorian!" "I shall write to him now-ttttw-ist once." says Sangria. mmhnnimllu faseo, r e}. . Ls nuzu lender-hearted and indilgent in wr ways), it comes easily to him to ieve that even the man in whom he ' trusted has been found wanting. yr1e1 is worse tttttto, hare last,"' If Mr. ti Am: DURHAM, CO. GREY, THURSDAY, v mdeous is the tYorker/tlt' Tiii, a, knowing what he knows. Even flings to the hope that he has ' he para to and fro. pond- at is the best. course to put- not. his father, that hogan y 53y Anisture . tr.u.?pieiot.1s to" tf,T,critiidiktuFGTir' ersley, in a stricken' ' mrthend was», "he v He has airways been a we and mine?' 'torbs draws a deen hr 1etoris, . mecLinjeaiiy'teeT y lord t" 'asks he, in 'A. tttuk 3 tone. must a. 'much Masada 1 ountp. hi Say I am stump; mrprumg sly." _‘ woqun w rpm. It is some- ounolu. n: sto my_to you. It . .5 pack a tow ','l'gtt,eiai' : nearer, " 'sreu.r.Ir Am stl .. "It is about i y T _ _ Mr._qu ring down his pen. most Rf/f return. my lord t" He said so. at least comes at all bend. a; Giiire Iii, hardly recognizes it a deep breath, ly voice, wopld a kind His 'A Ithicairo Human bumped u against ll')Slap:tle'i1's'l' woman. " iuat 23 mngq has luck." and gnocoedeg in a 'mtupirising guy. One Kolweman'held thn wanna whxle the ot a owned the oariotta, mmble lump. a_.nd round it a we .5 package ot stolen silks and linens __ ,,___ 6-- "'"o “.ku u... u. my her out ot danger she was car- ried athwarp the cable chains of the Lucinda. which was lying at anchor in the streyn. The Pearl struck the chains with such force that she was almost completely cut in two. Thea the current turned her over and she sunk. More Ihe went down, how- ever, , vast volume ot steam was soon aaasading from her, and it was after-, wards learned that her steam pipes had been broken. Many ot those on her lower deck were tummy melded, while forty others were drowned. The work of mm the surnvors was extreme- ly diftit.n.t.lt. as theygvm carried m- wad with great rapidity by the flood. Thousands gathered about the some of the disaster. and there ‘were many " tecting scenes as the living and deed were brought. whore. Some of the bodies will never be recovered. . of forty persons. The Bri-ilxme River has bean greatly swollen by the. heavy rains (het have fallen lately. and the current Is running very strong. The Pearl was not powerful mug}: to stem the current. and was swung broad- sidaa on and carried down the river. IK- fore she could get way enough un to; carry her out n dn'noar a»... u...” m". x A later despatch says t-Thts steamer Pearl having on board about 80 per- sons. met with a peculiar accident Thursday, that resulted in thss.dsssth Lou of the would" Purl II Brianne. Qurcnulund. A despatcb from Br'mhane. Queens- land tiayts.'-A passenger steamer cap- sizod in the Brisbane Rim on Thurs- day. and 40 of the pew who were on bout! bar were dmwncd. I "A wlwmm. my lord." says one of the men, Banding m a yellow envelope. lam] ris, tearing it open, reads hur- n y. "I shall not. go to town. Gale," he an. ulnar a minute or two at tho ht. "Counter-orda- the earriagrs. with qum- comes home to-night." . Just at_ this women? ttiGs TGiiiGlin inttrrtmtion. "I . envy' y6u Your faith," he says. P’eanly; 'if Iwouil?l give LII/ii-gy.) all Tdnl 1 con my t t ones” '." “St at this "l,'l1,',,u'yW,',e, (‘nmtul Dan .Logd Sultan's 10016 at him strangely; his lips quiver; he seems old and worn npd as a. man might who has just seen hir..last hope perish. _ - 7 "I will, my lord." Th, fully. "Not that. any ol trust Mr. Dorian in this I -', kn.oy,' lusfvs, innocent FORTY PEOPLE DROWNED, f "You Ime- trembling," hays [Ami Sm .tm- "Sit down. This nous, what em It is. has unstrung you." "It has." cries Simon. with vehorn feet' "I HnArernyinir.: I am "mu-um Changed the Luck. cove " lard. which I feel it my duty to repeat tooott, Not that I humus nno word of it. You will remember that. my lord, rtot one word." The grief in hm tone palm the truth of hts arowal. H is head " bent. Hia old withervd hands clasp nquunclnsp "tch. other nervouuly, (To Be Continued.) hat lasiQ‘TZE speaks again I bung} “some one else, because t yr bust I' Went that far. my was well uneasy ifi', tth be is often "viii. lord. though a welt ' Them very wint- ng: one would, 'iis- t IS matter. I feel ', FEB. 20, 1896. Simon In 'T,',2fs,','ff,; which is a point that the h papers are Mug an outcry against Just now, behevmg in the mol- it, agpucntly. ot "France for the ‘nnc ." These foreigners also add much to the material we; th ot the citt..iy the my- ment of the may taxes whieh are levi. ed for name sight thousand of them are Premiers," which may be free! trans. laced as being "well to do." 'il Paris a well " 'lr2T,tt? also In! the wurld, ( the American onus: is the {nest nought. altar. and commands the hlghest price tor NI work. To the aggnrgnte of 181.000 foreigners, who are not citizens of France though they are permanent reaidents of Paris should be added about 47,000 people of diverse nationalitiex who have complim: with the complicated ms,quirememrs of the French law and have become citi- zens of the Republic. _ The parts t.rUyed pay this quarter ot, a. minim: tfyeigisers In Paris m impor- tant and dxverse. Sixteen thousand otl them um clerks and the like; 57.500 are handierattsmui ot various sorts. and 17,0e-these mostly Womet1--are do- mestu: sex-nuts. Alpat 5,000 more wo- mn find tmplorptat 8.8 teachers and Elle Mae "H.000 "width-h. Fur More Hum . Loud-m. N. Parry-burger Berlin. . Of all the capitals of Europe. Paris F has the most strangers within her gates. her foreign rolony, according to the latest statistics which have just been made public, numbering 181.000 snub. The proportion of "etrangers."ur foreigners in Paris is 75 to the thous-‘ and population, in London and Vienna the proportion is much less. being but 22 to the thousand, and at St. Peters. burg it is PA.' In Berlin. Mnvever, it falls lowest of all.dor the German cap- ital has but 11 strangers to every thous- and of her population. There are but 397 Freneh people in _:,iii,,ie,i.,i,cii,i,iC',:i_, At Paris, on the other hand. there are 26,853 Germans whose resi- dence there is an established me. This number does not include those whu are German who hide their nationality. of wbmn there are said to be man r. Of tho foreign colonies whicg have established theumelves in Pixie. by far the largest is that of the Belgians. who number 45,000. The Swiss come' next with 26,000. and the Italians follow,being , 31.000 in number. 1 shall to entertain do moistsun. Any mumbor tr)).'.?", .txtrv'. 503. less than half sunl- tsll it for dit.eiub who can't tlodge his (1“'n!{1"rnilfilxxiufio;§l%d annually to the fume-hm had better resign. When " . ' m; . tie. lord. l refused to put de moshun de Rm: Hen- f A Wig-hm; diaatom), the rineat ever ', Ind _ lurk would appeal from de. dormhun: "mm m Africa. was dwwvered at Jug- And i f',iNtBstitiitiokiiiiiigC,igdii de aye" Gtptiii'.,uid,ge 'itggtt,1itottult day att' " ' m _ _ 7 " ', ' a .3. com- , to amend; Samuel Shin would my. out Noted that it tafu%ia'uuui-, _runs 1 all de lamps on do ally side, an' humvl, s. Lewis, who w” horn in Sierra apter I C'akoprs would move to mliourn. _ Lemma ..Am;n...4 ... um .A-_‘.: l " _ ilitttittt), i "Now dat dis subject it"! til up lpfo [IS I hov a, few mo' words to add. l has bin pained to obsarve a Jympimtii apathy on de part of Kurnel tit. John Jones regardin' de bizmsss which brings us together each Saturday cavenin' in de 'ar. No matter how grave do crisis, de Emma! wedges h'vuself behind do stove an' chaws peanuts. an' is nuns sound asleep befo' do meetin' adjourns. De ‘sune complaint ot a 'athy-cau' do eha'r assures de meetin' (in he knows what gain)! means-Jun be urged agm Lord ruwallis Johnson. Purfcssur Lay- back White, (Pineal Bull 1ttuuu'rirurGe an' upeml others. I want to my to Run right yore an' new dat Paradise hall am not , lodgin' house. ttrt' dose weekly magmas am not Progressive euchm parties. If day our tthues. up It,' 9P3“ _ietymapt T '.is.puyetdini, _ 7, h. -'-.e9ee_e.' -. W ,....uw....n nn' help the rest of us u, hold de United States on a. level keel. den dey had bet- ter 'fu? awly. Dat's all 2T, Dow. an' we wil pun-sod .ut attaurk e Ng'lar biz- ness of de meetm'. FOREIGNERS IN PARIS Brewer Garth THE LIME LILN CLUB Gardner Lays Down the I to Various Members. hisself behind do stove cs, gn' is anus sound neeLm' ndjoums. De t apathy-ha' do cha'r IL Fixing the Flavor. Waiter-t curt; satisfy that guest warm. P says the steak don't (an: t ye . '8',g?fivwe,, he trmnt From the Wasat. And this u Western beet. 1 told him no. bat he aaid it didn't taata right whom Oh! I see. He's used to steal: msoked on . not}: MI tim. .Hold it over that lamp than": n WM” Dr. Nansen, whose reported discovery otha North Pole will creme a. remin- tion in seieotitie circles. has been frozen north tor almost Oreo years. Ho left Norway in Jane. 1898. and on July t'.4th ot that year telegraphed tram Berle- Vang, on tht north cm» of Norway,hU programme. Be proposed manila; the New sil.ttriyp Islands. and thence due north tut his ship. Lbs Flam. should anginddod in the ice, and drift along with it. following tho west coast ot my l land found in tho north. On August. 1'A,) 1893. now; was received from Dr. San- oen tint ho Wu about; to Bid into the Kara Sea and that ths Frau had ' f,'gtl good qualita%s. Nothing was and of Nunez: during 1893 exmcpt lbupacms Eskimos myon_ having won t,gtt.ttftt, that m a drift of ice otCSo . ' 'lt was supposed by an!» that this was the Fran. but [his was not “mung accepted. The vessel ma pmlsmned r {in years. and Dr. Su- aen by! guide att my peptr.atiops tl2r'1i,i't'itt',i,'t2t,P,itEii'iiii,5,i the hope that tho current wo d same day curry hint to the Pole. A Brno" by Wu" at Mix-Ha fro-uh Dr. Xan- w- wtth' Inn-g MUM th- hum-um. A despatch from St. Pewmburg sun: -A despuch (run Irkutsk. Siberia, says a Siberian Uadar named Kouchuarett. who is acting in the capeeicy of agent 1 for DrnNamn. the Arctic explorer. hm mtormad tha meect of Kolymsk that ha has weaved information. that. tian- son but lucked the North Pole. where ti! {and land. and is now on his wu- _. , __ - -V. "my, unnucu mm m1. (The importation into the United King- .’ dom exceeds 2.000.000 gallons annually ! Sir Gordon Swiss. who sum Mr. I Rhodes as Premier ot. Cape Colonly. is the non of a Barbi. minister at pswich. and began. li e as a newsmper man. He showed mgr»; of consumptinn m his thinicgh year, Ind the doctor told him I that his oulv chance of lite was a. warm climates. He went. to the C , nur- I tied a {hunter's daughter, “tram-nod farmer humus“. H.tfi. gradudly made his I way up m the poiitids of the colony un- til ho was elected to the Cape Parka» I mom. After that his career was rapid. and he Ls new Prime Minister for the third time. The mm interesting phvsicim of the present time in Europe " Herr Ast. the shepherd doctor: who Wlgll'et'. for “hummus at panama " . [brueh. He idiagisosesr disiatg by cumming} lock ot the mtieut's ham and his umversal charge for advice Is tbout , quarter of B dollar. Ctients mm ri,',in,t2 the whole da tin-my); to see up. even 11: bad “anger. In if by the time he re- tiru. an: midnight, they have failed to have m ”nuance wi.th. him they Like their pasta uncomplumngly_ the next mums. The doctor's petunia no marred to by The skeptical tttt "Aat'a ahep." _ nunwriw may to know that it in Urge ly used in the am. Scotland alone uses upwards of 145.000 gallons annually for the process of Turkey red ttf,; In use as a. lubricant had been rgely re- placed by penpleuxn. put. in other up. 1;; oonsumptxon is .mcmizg. It Is #:59ng [9: d.mriattr A? leather. REACHED THE NORTH POLE. #4??? “1be " GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. 38%}?43 flf WHUH WORM} It Ind New World Event. Cl ickd Briety--mterestus Recent Date. WHOLE NO. 910 rederie Lek): t painter, to arat dinmxd. the finest ever Africa. was dbcorered at Jag- '.P the ttyssrnat. on the dar sixty-mix yea, n Robina): rmhip of place will ‘1' the Wes; man pipe v is devoted _ Bet Inner“ hl $28 ills I ot Interest Chron- dtL' Happening- oi the the for He Quid Saba: a. by we}; F.iiiiFi"i' , and yet mm more than can: tub. r.’ was country. \ ., k A “1:359.“ the, United Bambi Dr, Gd, The Ite,""), Jewish took of (unda- mental In moan! w. any-31m thugs-cg thin}: lags-sons beside. Joatw Gold. silver. copper. iron. tin. lad. mercury. sulphur. when. antimony. bismuth and zinc were the only mineral" kysowtt at the time otthe discovery of Amman. . The city .ot Sidney, Australia. has impeyed a tine o e.1 upon any penal: convicted of spilling upon the noor of public buildings or upon the street Bears are the most pmditaue mind. for trappem In Maine this xenon. on account of the lure amount. at oil taken from their bodies. it is sold tor $4 a. gallon. . The city of Spin '/xg51',etu Einep _ El connc o spacing public buildiybs or I: .; ' wax: _ ,7 -.eN-- -- m..- .M. Aa will: tubes In and not to work on the English warships. owing to the rattling of the machinery. the afimimlty has determined to try tale-3 phones. I Biker county. one of the most. fertile commas in Georgia. has no mum-d. telegraph or telephone lines in its bor- ders and it has no newspaper. A.. _-4‘_‘,,,, A . - AgmxpdT-t artdBbrideottat,sere tanned In North Adams. Mum. ye- oeplly. The groom had outlived five Hum but the bride had only had one my; husband. Kaine . lathe United sun-.5; driver of bones ya: on the right and turns his (can u} that dimdon. In England the m- uoyal my; the avenue. "nyifiriihrdon, of Knox. Mb., ha been My); qchool for sixty-novel: yoga. stay..) stall in human: and marinas hard utmost. . . mix. -iGiiOhGti-diGTa. Chili. Is the most southerly town in the worm kn Daily 'frourarrvcmrdoe tttmms irrineipk1i . ' iyG,Tea%GraiL" Ew1°m° I.2amyaht may: at “whim put flammrfest. Norway, is the nonh- Juhhing nfall tid, attandad m WM ALLAN MGFABLANE. THECDOK'S BEST FRIEND gorse Shoeing Shop, @ENN’S BAKING POWDER "nd t3 Front Street tlove 19:7": TE FACI‘S IN FEW WORDS. STEEL, HAYTER a CO. Bas opened out a first-class FOR TwENTY-tiirx YEARS Mum‘s? sau-ti, CAKES: ALL GOOD GROCER: - V- t - - .. I]- tyd upturn. Prompt mat-Ion iiriTa"At'At “would autumn urine a. “I“... max-on Allowed on - IG Gm of“. tryiestmu. Prompt mum-ad "In“ BOULDIN a. 00’s A tonal-u tumult " "can Ind Ea-fad -__ PRIME 2:51:33 HARNESS OIL. tatmmgyijiifi W. P. ayma, ‘StandardBank of Canada Head orEri%-to. CAPITAL, Authoj‘zld $2,000,000 the old stand. All hand. made shoes. Also S NLYIVE Pull“ SEE. OUR HARNESS UPPER TOWN. WOODWORK GENTS in all rind . . bag-33mm... 'aif,'gg"ir'tUgt', 'te. DURHAM EGENCY. Thursday: Morning. in connection. A first-class lot of iif'j",racii,aiiiii",ijl if 'iiil" SAVINGS BANK. for sale cheap. {made - Waggons when bulls.- ‘V v - m concede:- and. on $rpaitf 1).... ad and interact um a - BARNESS “238. t 8t "your. ll mm “no: WOW mans, President. GREYREYIEI PLANT ro m TEA CU. {@pr 1.000.000 u.. gal-Li. " 'yuuo he grew an: In m4- when. LA hum Mllillulis KEEP go Ad

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