West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Feb 1896, p. 4

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in Roamani it is 98 to 100. On the otber band. in Great Britain from whict the emigration of women has been con: tinuous. they outnumber the men in the female fion increased ihe more n.pid.ly.pm 1870 to 1880 the male emigration was the larger, but the feâ€" male population increased the more rapâ€" A still more peculiar manifestation of the same parsdor, if it may be so mawhtho&a&' reâ€" ports recently published in England of the emigration from that country durâ€" ing tthzst qm.ner:fl:h:n:uy. In 1860 â€"2 per cent population of Grest Britain was male and 51 1â€"2 and 1270 the female emigration was the lurger. vet by the census of 1#71 the female population idiy an Unexplained Circumstance About The dAyer‘s Pills Lor liver and boweis. Aygr‘$ oniy $ arsaparilla WITHOUT AN AYERS=: Sucafifis American Xwory petent takes out ty : thr public by 2 notice given ;â€"an man should be withou: 4 PARADOX OF EMIGRATION Admitted at the World‘s Fxir Propertion of the se nt of 2 Well Kpown Doctor A MEDICINE bere being 1001 wom: roe <f charge 1t Sbe EOUAL. !%s iisbursement of things to gratify maâ€" terial wants sccompanied by no efforts to improve the mental and moral condiâ€" tion of the beneficisaries and no evidences » friendly inquiry into the causes of ;hc:ir poverty is a charity scheme that gets pauperism. The benevolent maâ€" chinery that setisfies itself with the amere distribution of physical necessities Lemient to Creditors, Within the domains of the Czar are to be found thirtyâ€"six mortgage banks. establisbed for the single purpose of making loans on land. Three of these banks have the right to make loans anywhere in the empire ; the others are confined in their operation to particuâ€" lar provinces. No province is entitled to more than two land banks.. Thelast statement sbows pearly $600,000,000 is cold and unfeeling and will never eradicste the canses of pauperism. improve ihe condition ol XDe poOF €Câ€" pends upon good will and friendly coâ€" wperation. . A system of benevolence that does not include education and healthfol social amusement and recresâ€" RUSSIA*S LAND BANKS. CURREXT XOTES l it Oe tains but little butter. Two blades of ‘mxmus! now grow where but one ly grew. Improved machinery and sdvanced metbods ow bold sway over the sgricultural world. so deep study to fully comprehend as that of sgricalture. The fact is really pow beginning to be realized. Somany conditions and circumstances confront the farmer from day to day that soores of points must be considered before s step can be judiciously taken. crops are much surer if the year is a omne. We know that success in ET ing any plant depends much upon amount of moisture in the ground. The~world moves. Old metbods } able matter are plowed under during fied with a full The majority does not appreciate what vegetable matter in the soil does for us, passed awsy. We do not stop now count the grains. We do not plant in the moon any mcre. "Ve are not s&UiS~ is not in any way sn agnicultural triâ€" umph. Let all the premiums be given as a rewurd for earnest, intelligent efâ€" fort toward raising the standard of our products. There would follow grester interest and better results. There is no business or profession which raquimwluightanin:e{ledand in the way of moisture, in the time of drouth. If one or two crops of vegetâ€" AGRICULTURAL P t . it tempting a sale without offering their prospective customer a cup of the scentâ€" ed beverage. It was at about this date, too, that the custom of five o‘clock teas fmtmmmvofi‘?unm that it is generally believed to have been ~ Tes found its way into Europe through the cararan routes to Russis eil-lfi%" im the meutaenti:dcustnry. In tea was first served on an English table. A curious and almost unknown fact is that the first export of Britisi tea to England was of the erop It came in wiith Victoria. years prior to this, Caesar‘s soldiers hayâ€" ing learned to drink it in one of the campaigns in Gsul. Japan lesrped the mystery oftea early in the eighth cenâ€" tury, when Chomme Tenno, the Mikado, entertained a deputation of Buddbist priests from Cores. From that time on nrongh the nlends of Jepensand mier t tbetmdemeumex-v:flz'hipk#_a& mational babit. It is rapidly getting more and more an American custom. Along towards the commencetnent of the Christian era the (mandsrins of China began to make a decoction from the leaves of a Corean plant. This aftâ€" erwards became known as tes, and the secret of it« preparstion was kept in Ch_inafor_ovuaevenhundredyam._k is interesting to note in this connection that beer was invented several hundred A DANGEROUS POINT. H@lnt‘i:sile uml?;w ’abotber c?:mical principlé in tes, « y impairs the coat of the stomach. AM this time the drinkâ€" er of the beverage is unaware that his nerves are being shattered and his diâ€" gestion ruined, and that the slow poisâ€" oning bas long been going on. ]m latter balf of this century tes drinking bas increased enormousiy throughout _the civilized world, and strangely enougb, during the time nerve weskness and irritability have largely increased. â€" Overâ€"sepsitive nerves and readily perceptible at every stage, but wheine .ihedmfi:ttbehuuj of tes, can be taken into the system innocently and in dangerous quantities, the Arinker hayâ€" of peril to his constitution. . _ Tes quickens the beart‘s action, genâ€" tly and agreeably. It stimulates the perve centres pleasantly, and arouses the intellectual feculties, stretching them to TBROUGH SIBEBIA ON A SICYCLE ous expeditions. have bean crosand vellers, who have More About the Great Remedy Which What in lbe.unmemo( Jup'xtc.;[ bave sewn ts my My dear, said Mrs. Wilson. I have an important letter to my milliner that I will take time by the forelock, andâ€"in using South American Kidney Cure drive the disease from the system in its incipient stages. Fortunstely, if it *Do you know Bilk?" "EKmow the inâ€" fernal scooundrel! Why, heâ€"â€"" "Ab, I see. you do know him." x Tribupals fall to the ground with the pesse they are no longer able to upbold. Ifin Doubt. Use South Amreican Kidney The average man or womsan cannot beomay he Aimuntt baly a. resule mt may t & t cola. )torat.h::“fifilyi;hthewam- irz note that kidney trouble bas taken ;Jdo{tbesysum. It is simply amazâ€" ing the extent to which kidney dissa«e wflz&&s&fimbymdo('mw keep a remedy % AFnew's ure for the heart, close by. This remedy is a besrt remedy only, but is almost mirsculous in its effects. In all cases o{g‘g-tmcarsymwbeucmw relief is secured within thirty minutes, and there are scores and hundreds of wlemc?:}ada;bomdyzwdh:&g been t use madi:imtheywwmintheir graves toâ€"day. women on the stage of life to Gay are over working what at any time, and unâ€" der any circumstances. is the bardest worked orgsn of the bodyâ€"the beart. So long as people will persist in this for Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart The whole trend of present day living is in the direction of the grave. Where our fathers lived so that they might gnlagglifc.thepeopleo(:bem& y live so that they may shorten it. It is all burryâ€"burry «nd the result is that a large perceniage of the men and y ah ahone YITAL TO PERFECT HEALTH WONDERS OF WOOD PULP Making Him Carry It. be needed in the €I stimulant« and drugs A womsm will be drafted for service in the French army next year, for the resson that at her birth she was eronâ€" eously registered as & male child. vetitimecien .nC + ~ ie m precivus. 'l:beboodmyhednwndown thus screening the pstient‘s bead from view, but is so arranged thst be is not deprived of s constant supply of fresh air. The perambulstor is providâ€" gmh_qxgalmwh{{m “""“m the officials are cognizant of the , red. W it essential for ber to present for military duty. __*_ A Manâ€"Power Ambulance. John Carter, an Englishman, bas inâ€" vented & persmbulator, which its inâ€" ventor calls an simbulance, consists of a stretcher laid on a twoâ€"wheeled truck, and provided with bandles, somewhat after the manner of a push cart. One improvement over the prevailing sysâ€" tem obvious. â€" The motion of the vebâ€" icle is very essy. The patient rests on 2 double set of springs, which do away with the jarring so disagreesble in horse ambulances. The arrangement is styled the "Salvator." Jt has no pins, buttons, i or caiches to gei out of order. %hm The readimess with whi it is handled is of signal advantage in cases where minules are tions than these bave a rifle of their own; the French, the Lebel; the Rusâ€" sizns, the Mouzin; the English, the Lee; the Italisns, the Carcano; the Swedes, the Remington; the Swiss, the Schmidt; the Japanese, the Mursts; and the Portâ€" pguee.xhewuxh_-‘riea in use among the armies of the civilized Governments and the longest as well. The standard messurement of a modâ€" emriflehahutfi!gymhs.ah«hcog& the exact lengtb varies somewbst. T rifles in use in the United States and in the English army are a little below this standard, and & Germsn rifle is 488. The French rifle is a little longâ€" er; with bayonet added it is 72 incbes long. ln‘n-peaotmmtbgni-m a great difference smong the rifles used by modern Governments, nine pounds® being the standard. The Portuguese :ifle-mfln ten pounds; the Italian eight. The general velocity of the shot fired is 2,000 fert a second. Mannlicber rifle, in use in the Austrian army, is used also by the Dutch, the Srarilians, the Chilisns, the Roumaniâ€" zns, and the Peruvians. Most other nsâ€" They &A Medical View of}ts se Three Conturies Ape. It nesded a very bold man to resist oman | si are to be excluded :mmncnmm.. tbe sume Weight and Length. L hime be th _ pe WATER NOT POPULAR a4 an UnDieass er clubs er ~ EDi TORS. CLERSYMEN, PHYSIE [ AWS or Mwuflu_â€".&mammuuoâ€"uâ€". in soutnmletedi Ames un o O OWP P PR OO which soon lead to Insunity, Consumption and an eariy grave. WooS‘k Beofore & m&m-dmly:yza‘.ud cuses thet seemoed almost hopelessâ€"cases that had been treated by the most talemted phycâ€" clansâ€"cases that were on the verge of despair and insamity â€"ouses Lhmt were tottering over the gravoâ€"but with the contisued and persevering use of Waond‘s Pospbodize, these cases that bad bees given up to Cie, were 4# G m-.flrmdhâ€"hâ€"uflrm:â€"lmmâ€"mm "'/ ter who bas given you upas incurableâ€"tbe remely i% Dow WRELL JOMC _t.tyn-yum-hmnho; life of use"clness and haypizess. Price, one package, $1; six packages, $5;, by mail free of postage. One zl please, six guaranteed to cure. Pampblet free to suy address. 2424%%%%%%°%%%%%% °C @ 2e 4 * m & G iea and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Rena Cares Wrought by South American Nervine Tosic SIX DOSES WiILL CONYVINCE THE MOST IXCREDULCUS, Sale by McFARLANE & CO,, Wholesale Agents for T The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. "*DA‘S + ES TTE CY . vanety no other remeay can take its placs, ~x. © 0 0A 2A

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