West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Feb 1896, p. 2

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£51? The. sts: I ' ct.", fig? £191 ':'s' o 2.Syt'ta,- . .i"N irst '".'N A Colonist Sloeper will also be attached to the Express leaving Toron- to 12.20 P. M. same days, which will go through without change, gi " m 7.1:; It?! can "tits' ' 'RNtittt8lrtt$tltSrWn= R. MacFARLANE, Jr, tro 3m pwfarml to take building con- tact. and uni-b all kinds of Hunk! at living price; Sch. 14 xv a WATSON BROS Rheumatic Twinges " . this as well as all other standard remedies con- atantly in stock. The . " " Red Oil . . I . was and Watches ALIVE. .3375 grt1tulil) cams u :MPROVED MACHINERY. rm mm mm." Basaiv,yis Red Oil" MODERN. A. GORDON. SORT" EG REMONT. M; to announce to me pm at we hut: the null rebuilt _ and named mu: Emma-r MABKK: PM“ was m. Duh- ALIVE I «v .V.. and every luau thereafter during and April. Railway and Steamship Tickets to all points at lowest rates. For parti- culars canoe 'or write Ire, Moth. Ths, . le. and " feet: Hock Elm l is feet length: Birch. t hug!) over 10 feet. Tuesday, March 3rd, and every TUESDAY With Old Age come Twings of " Rheuma- tism " and aches in the has}: which m not An'clem but Is one of the best pre- parations of its kind, it is a sure cure, (d direc- tions are followed) for not only " Rheuma- tism " bat also for" thir. Mains" being successful in ivory case of the lat- ter where it has been tried, also in " 8praias," " goat," lac. Every- body should have a bot- tle F of this reliable 3621155335 Rural“; Always cures. We carry Are notdead but Imam“ otm 27g sraiit,TgWiy V J, $541: to the pu.triie W1 March Pam MFG any It" Durham, Thursday, Feb. 27, ’96. (Eh: (t;tt..tt gum. Mr. Mekeen the M. P. who K,,', way " Sir Charlea'l‘upper has on appointed to the Senate. Such shame- ful bargain and sale could not. Ko further. --A Bill for the permanent exclusion of live cnttle from British Ports has been laid before tho British Home of common; Such a step tty.titrt sight appenm to deal a L%'re blow " {he t'acadian Cattle trade. Bat Prof. Rob. rrmn of Dunn. says that it is not so and advises that the cattle be shugh- tered " Montreal and tltes.tireatsc3l beef exported in cold storage to tht, British -Johanneisbttrqt mu bmght again before the world last week as the vie. tim of the worst dynamite explosion on record. Eight cam of the stutl‘ were standing in a suburb of the city and exploded with appalling force and de- structivenosat For halfa mile radius, homes were dem,.,litshed. several han. dreds ofpcople wounded and over mu killed outright A relief fund has been started for the thousands of homeless. and 8501000 already subscribed. Bears and titlanders Bre working in harmony in the face ot a common cal- amity and there etuthe no doubt that tore feelings will be cemented by the deplorable accident. --And now we an informed by an oftieial return made to the house that Sir. Chas. Tapper invited himself out asfortows: “Shun! some out to consult you about fast service and Ptteifle cable. Think I could render you ma- terial assistance. Do not make contents of this message public until advised." (Signed) '2,utrg',' What could the generous Route 1 do but reply "Re fast line. Come out to conmlt. Get all in- formation possiblo,” _and yet Tapper ma Kes llisboast in such: way as leaves an impression that Bowel! initiated the request, " --The new photography continues to engage the attention of science. Dis. eased bone has been clearly made out the positions of bullets indicated and even the characters of a stone in the bladder have been traced by the new method. The dilcoverer of the new departure is Wilhelm Roentgen a native ot Holland now Professor of Physic at Warsburg. An improve- ment, upon Roentgen: discovery has been nude by Salvioni of Rome, who hat invented an instrument by which, the aid ontoentgett's electrical appara- tus, the interior part of the bog). {an be satisfactorily Examined. This in- strument has received the name, Crvptoscope. and promises to he as net- viedable to the medical profusion in the future as Laennec's Stethoscope has been in the past. -Somc old ma have been discov- ered by Mr. mug of Bothwcll in the' Library of the Home of Commons, These maps are of grant importance in the Venezeula matter. One of them was drawn up by a Frptteetiee.- pher in 1722, another in 1774, both giving the the boundaries of Venezuela and other South American pmvinces, also maps of 1740 of the same provinces. 1771 and 1778 and an atlas of the whole continent from 1680 to 1839, all of these extend the boundath Guiana as far west as the month oft is Orin-too. Mr. Mills has brought the matter be. tore the attention oithe Government which will at once communicate with the British Government on the matter. --Tle Anglo American trouble over the Veuezcala boundary is rapidly passing into the domain of common sense. Secretary Olney is satisfied that the whole matter will be eettled amicablv. Lord Salisbury is ready to agree to any reasonable arrangement, and a very important meeting of re- presentative men has been held in New York when strong minions were agreed to in favor of all questions in dispute between Great Britain and the United States being submitted to a. court of arbitration. Sotar good, for this is in keeping with the highest en ligbtcnment ofour age. Bat, when a. court of arbitration iiseotutituted and when its award is given, how is the award to be enforced. A way of camp- ing the diitiealty will be found, no doubt, bat this banal ditfieuitr in way of uzzling international disputes by arbitration. In the House of Assembly the Hon. Mr. Harcourt has brought down the estimates and delivered the budge: smech. It in very satisfactory to know that the Province at Ontario has B comfortable balance to incredit, this being on Mr. Harman's showing over five million 60mm at the close of last year. The rgceigca offing Prozmce have Been from LG/U timber dues, sue-I cession duties licensesetc. Of all these, next to the Crown lands receipts. the largest item is from the scene-elm duties which have always horned u considerable pun of the British revenue and now gromim to do the some for Ontario. beta duties have steadily increased year by yesr. They are no burden but Arise from the :hest of tIll taxable conditions, the ' “ability to pay') ( and then when it is observed that small 3 properties do not come under the 1 the succeeelon duties IR only large estates, the wisdom of ttttt these duties becomes all theme o vious. Curiously although the courts tfre. cated during the veer upon 45 tes- tates, only!” of these were autistic under thiAetandM them. twenty- two were reported hen the fttait York. the Ainetrtderttaitit9tei'. 7 York, Hm Kaimde m i”, Fur, 13! alumnu- - 7.....-, 7 _ , diets: 1a2',tigtaltrd,'l"'ld,'lt Armin. “a " "bib!“ " Gnu-dun J, (a, _ unberhnd. The aiittmitt.ditrmn Chm-rm. higher nnmbgrol poun- A _ A Midweek -tiiiiiiriiiuduii- iartitiriG.ratseeei! anatomy my] _ _ l - ttdi'aMt','l2'ltl'l"l _ g,',et.'gg'.'st',7, iaiueyttttl't _ t” Trrp _" . x rr V The -trmtrms on“ Airvtne. m” s'i"GatiGruhtttatSyynde' C-ce",, "d' ..1",_' . et, T - . _ . .__, __._A I LB.... rilrer'r"iir'iilFiGsiiitu0ieiie, T -isiriphiira)r0,6rarrrii'te,itr',, j H! . V I _ li‘ ccpLu.'auaaa 'r 1 ML a.,ciauri r,.', mr " ".. m - FiiGihiesh 'ji, THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. -.----_----- I to have anything: to do with a commie~ i, sion to investigate the facts of the ease. iThis taken with the character of this l and other documents come to light, ; and the circumstances of the Remedial l Bill itself, afford internal evidence of i there having been a collusion between l the Government and the Hierarchy, in all the sagas taken by the Govern- I ment in its ealing with Manitoba. i But the HierarehyPas .ov.trcrtyilrf --.All of the Patron members Lepislirtart.have individually 1 Ranch " ilwa y passes. --The Manitoba Legislature has be- fore it resolutions strongly condemna- tory of the passage at the Remedial Act. They will carry tou. KONOR TO WHOM HONOR ETC. The charge has been frequently made against the Orange Societies, that willing or unwilling, they have allowed thomsclyesncq be dragg. l at the chariot wheels of the conservative leaders. However this sort ot thing is not to be in the future. Mr. Clark Wallace Sovereign Grand Master of the Orange body withdrew from the Cabinet when the Remedial Bill had been finally agreed upon. But Birtw ingham who is Grand Secretary of the Orange order, at the same time is the chief orgnnizer of the Conservative Party and Secretary ot the Conserva- tive Association, still holds the two oftiees. He evidently has not the baek. bone ofGrmd Master Wallace. The orange Society however will not toler- ate this truealenee any longer, and at a meeting of the County Lodge of Al. goma a resolution was passed ex- pressing regret that Mr. Birmingham should so Mr forget his obligations and calling upon all Lodges to elect to oftice only met. ot integrity who will maintain the principles of the order, equal rightsto all and special privi- leges to none. No doubt other Lodges will follow the example of the Algoma brethren. _.-.-.-.--------" TEE RENEWAL BILL Is the question of the hour. A mass meeting of the citizens of Toronto was held in the Massey Hall on Saturday, of a non~political character, and ar dressed by such men as E. F. Clarke, Mr. Muiock. Dalton McArthy, Mr. MacLan. of Toronto World, Mr. Joe. Martin of, Winnipeg and others, when resolutions of a very ttnmistakable character were enthusiast ieall y carried strong! . condemnatory of the policy of the 611wa Government in the ques- tion and upholding the stand taken by Manitoba. Then the debate on the second reading of the Bill will, beg'n BCWIIU 'q"".'"" V. -.._ -'" 77 in the House of Commons on Tuesday next, and to add fuel to the flame, the Quebec hierarchy, through Father Lawmbe. who is spoken ofas a devot- ed Indian Mitoionary, has addressed a. letter to Mr. Laurier. in which he in urged no support the Bill. or, If not}, ’ . k “7-K ___ AA oh- nhnrn I uLgcu u) ”my"... n“. 'ee-'". , that the good Fathers of the church will do their uqust to defeat. himfell u... w "m. ......._v n and his party at the general election. Not only so, brpt wors_c still they retupe tion to class iikiiidtion, Mich will not down in a hurry and which must ultimately triumph. This is the teach- -v --. -- - _-__ _--...",- ulnuuu-‘AJ .. ......,,... - "W ing of History. MO‘cover everywhere there is evidence that the Roman Catholic laity do not want want Se r- ate Schools. They prefer sending Tg; children to the Public Schools. where they can receive a good education and learn to live in peace with their neigh- bors and build up a common national. ity. Morevcr the Schoolmaster has been abrnad and it we are to judge of the signs of the times. then at the gen- eral election, they will support the Liberal Party which has fought their battles for freedom all duwn the ages, as has been shown or late in Verehereis, Antigouish and other Roman Catholic constituencies where'the Hierarchy ex- erted all its strength, but where the Liberal candidates were elected in spite at its opposition. -r" - ' A . Just as we go to press, we learn that notice has been given by Attorney General Sifter: of a resolution to be sub. mined to the Manitoba Legislature to the eifeet, that the Manitoba Govern. ment urged an enquiry into the facts, that this, invitatign has been ignored by the Ottawa Government that no tune for interference with the Manitoba School Law has been made out, and, tlnt the Manitoba Legislature solemn- ly protest against the Remedial Act laid before the Hume ot Commons " nunma. Turning now to the Dniry Producu pt Ontario, we noticc that while the gum prion hue drama“ Mt per cent. during me last um years; tho Dairy pricen' blVe aeereased has than ' per cent. Ottawa. THE RESOURCES or ONTARIO AND THIIR RECENT INCREASE. Alchongb in Gunman-king. Ontario bu made B good start, it has not by, nay mun: reached the limits tttits mummies. The number of Chil§0 taetorimf bu unduly increased dating the last ten "tti.--' T I town or TEE cums must“. In 1883 were were 685 bakeries which nude cheese to the who.“ 15,589,889. In 1893 “not. wen 892 factorie- which made about. to the value of 68.888309. Bgtstitsthm show tht" our export: of choose have been ~tondily increnlxna since 1872. Ind that out butter exports dropped to t88t,9t8 m 1889. aineo then. however. than has hcon . gain! more“. us will be loan by the following ".-- xxrom or cause us» awn. You Chem Value. Butter "ulna. 18T2 , 1340.284 ' 8.612.870 1882 5500.869 8.968.156 1893 11.652.412 1.066.058 1898 18,407,479 1.296.814 The Cooperative Cream": ”Mom. be. gun in 1881--2 bu don. much to improve an quslvty oi the butter produced nod to 129"“. the dam-m1 for our good unitary» 1y mule butler. Tho 13mm, Statement of Dairy imports l for 1892 shows that while Camdn, (from 1 which the principal supply come! from I Ontario). contrihuled 46 pencil: of total ; Import.- of Choose to that canary. the con- Irihutcd "nts 3 percent at the butter. And ncno of the condrnsed milk. Tho low price ol-uina] tor Candi-n W that]. is oxylsincd by the “at that tho gnu hulk of it mu Interior (lain mud ttts) no. tory Inuit. mm Hum n womb nu. A very-gnu deal M expected of Ibo dcir‘ying man-try in Ontario. Tho Ena- luh ands-h no open to as. but u I. In". and. only tor the but grades. and when it humoM that at ths World’l Fit. 1” “was. how gaattyN may“! Awards. ad 31 exhibit- s! and“ Icing-r ”and. New gumbo! of poun- L out than “lawman! aim to (In, --.--i0e----"" um! upon“. rs oi the r renum- of Mr. Editor.~The Brownsville cnrrmh pondept thinks there is not room enough for “I in a. mile and a quarter t for my part I need not leave our villa for news as there is business vnough done here without. giving to Browns- vtlle tor news. We have a. high. dry and clan little plum. thnt N more than Brownsville can boast. of. In the first place we have a No 1 general black- smith. two mrpnnter shops. I will. re commend 1nynm- of them. A cheese {notary Mid the cheese maker we have every reason to be proud of, his cheese bringing highest, juices. We have a cheese box factory that will be in operation by spring and a grain chop-' per, Then we are getting a post "tttee and we long we ho to have the tele ghmie through hy hire. Of ram-w we ewe no shoemaker. but we have a veterinary whose skill is well knnwn in the rnmmunity. So now Mr. Corres- pondent who ever yuu tit'" it I can not gather enough news without trespass- ing on ynnr domains I will give it up. his: iveir, from New England. spent at couplt of days at Mrs. Booth's, of Booths'ille. Mr. Noble Wilson and his daughter. Lizzie, accompanied by Miss E. Bomb drove to Sydenhmu Tp. to visit. Mr. James Wilson. We me pleased to hear heis improving. Mr. Allex. Tiylor and Mr. Tom Atkon- son, of Dmmore, paid Bamthvillc u tly- ing visit last week. Miss Jessie McDougall. of Bentinek, is at preset): nt ber sister's, Mrs. Don. Campbell. of Proton. D. Nd‘mmorl was to see- his brother ia-law Galbraith at Proton. Mn T. Smart, of c'ollinRwood. is visiting old acquaintance around here. He is the same as of yore--Ssuatt by name and nature. A sleigh load of the people around here wont. over to Fairbuiru to hear the Evangelist. . Mr. James Wilson is awnyngnin male mg ship umber. We miss him around the Corner. ' That l Tired Feeling sn..%ui1 McQueen sold bis team of hot $05 for $155. We hear that Donnie Graham pnid his annual wsit to the Valley. Has Johnnie paid his annual visit to the Lake Shore town. Irust afraid you wilt bare to go south this time. John Hanna!" ls home from the south. He says the snow in too deep to snwlog. John Aldcorn has let the job of his house (carpenber work) to Mr. Switzer. of Egremont. Mr. SamImM's nhop was near burned last week. A coat dropped son» way from the storeuud was. burning whest he opened the door. We be" Mr. Hoffman is going to Sunnidnle. We will mini him Hound the Corner. -isoii," of thet boys, around here helped to more Mr. John McLeod toHunnidale. Things we would hike to know t-- " Who keeps the fight burning so late Saturday nights P a . What took Sam to Gait to sudden? Who upset the calves. pigs and hem: when moving to Surtaidale t The Fairweil RTS','.',:',",',". mun have lost a few nights 5 pep mu week in order to dream or imagine that Wat- son's mill could get or saw California. or British Columbia pines or redwood. We wonder if tshe in not the linen haired - that she so nicely tolls~ us about, Int yeek. We would advise D. to take up cournge; for when one Some over to inspect what she woyid., like to he her future home there isn'tgmuc'b up hill work in the matter. Doosn't'ube look upon a "dirty house as good luck." Mr. H. Hoffman. whohas lived among "f for the but ten years has " last de- cndednto man- his future home in Sunmdule. The following persons mov- ed him and his valuables on Saturday. viz: T. Smart. Neil A. McQueen arid Archie McLeod. They report they were well used, expense mu not con- nidered but comfort. and a. jolly good time. Hope he has made a good move. HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong noun“: THAT “units was urn 01' um woman uxsnnmz. ia. égravagérwn were visiting at Mr. Domld MeFarune's last week. Lung-er for. tibltttey. A Dunn-u: nu in-Iv -_.__ e--' Trouble w" Armand by Edna Discus Tells ow tp Begun 11th um happlnm. From the Smith's Fans Rm. Binco the Round began to publish ac- counts of the cum by the me of Dr, Willinma' Pink Pills. its rhprotoutetittt huve found that In" the wonderful cures elected by thin medicine have not ya. been given to the public. Women have“ In men who luvs touud and 1'lt rtg,'i/t', hut tfit, tt PTI,' for . no o o r a n. ans them in We, Jame. Comm. T the tawnnhip ot Wound. Is the Only True Blood Purifier " have med .1: bottles of Hood’l ta. upu'm: u I canard tonic Ind luv. ortfoyed tho best of henstth. Although I had I attain ot work I lave had no lick lpclla for nary months And no lost time, go I Am doc Jkyrepdd." Tamas S.qu., 281 Bra-M. la St.,5t.. J ohu, New “run-wick. iIorvd's Sarsaparilla ' , can habitual tt tiood S Pills om. nice 1L11'Tet NERVOUS HEADACHE. Means danger. It is a serious condition and will letut to (may trous 1125an it it is not over- come at once. It is a mm Sign that the blood is impoverished Ind impure. The best remedy is Which makes rich, red blood, Ind um gives strength and chm. ticity to the muscle», vigor to the brain and health end vitality to every part of the body. Hood's Samxmrills positively Prominent” in the public e; B00TRV1i.LB. I _ -.-----------" IJ. Itryy.tqr-Ber1t-rff the midence of il _ gavmwmaznmam s" 'jttal'iel'M',"l'lgLt1"t"liti2 must left her. The danced thankfnlnm feit.lty one who received such benefits as the above can better be imagined thntt dcncrlhod. Hero are Mrs. Cotiiam's Words: "If you could only know or if I could but. tell of the intense suffering which I have 'endured and the many sleepless nights I have spent in mums] and physical agony. ion would not wonder at the degree o thankfully”: l feel for m f restoration to health." Her trouble was a continual dread to her, and for I long time prevented her from doing any work. Since using: the pills she is at well as ex'ep--0t' to use her own words-" fullv restored." In this house hold Pink Pills are now looked upon as one of the necestutrism. As in the can wsth every good muse Pink Pills have lunch to contend with: superior articles have been placed on the market. and. though in appearance and color they may resemble the genu- ine. they have an alto ether different .eCect on the system. gm writer was oncein a more when Pink Pills were asked for hyu customer. The dealer hadnt them lmt gnid he hind something Staples-- McFadden-Chit the Audit- ora' Report as remulited by the Council be adotjted. and that 200 engin- of the same he printed for distri union and that the Auditors he pad $8 each for extra services-ia-ii. .. iutbas good." The public are warned against t isjust maid tscheme which inwonman nam- . to by some More Reopen. It should be borne in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a." I. specific for all diseases nri-ing from an iniiovorisbed condition of the blood or a a attered condition of the nervous forces, web as St. Vitus dance. locom- otor ataxia. rheumatism. Imrulysis, sciatica. the after other of u grippo. loss of nppetilr. hesuhurhe, dizziness. elitonic orysipolim. svrofnla. ctr. They are also a m-xmin rurc for the troubles paculim- to tho l'enmln- system, correct- t'mrirrerrularitiet, suppression" and all forms of female weakness, building mmw the blood " ml restoring tho glow of health in pate and mllow ( haiku. In the (use of men thev efrecta radical run-9 in all C1150! Mining from mental worry. overwork m- oxu-ss of any nature. Hold only in boxes hearing the firm's trade mark and wrnppc-r (rttd. in red ink), mul may he lmd of a idrug- gistsur direet by mail from Dr. Wil. liams' Medlvitter Counting Brockville. Ont” or Schenectady. N. Y,, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. to tuWttrp_mettte All [he ttgettitrtrt's pram ml ,' the Reeve in the chair: minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Auditors prcscnltd their ruporl of the Receipts and Expenditures for 1895. The tGmmittee an the Tivnxurrr‘a surc- ties also reported. An account for Mare icipal Stationery from the Municipal wbrld was read. no was nine 3 undo” for printing. - - - .-.. . A A I A ..):A McFadden-Arrows-mire-pe, the report of the Committee on the Trete- urer‘s aunties he adopted and engrossed. on the minutes. and that they he paid $1 each for their [serviccs.-iirried. sstapite-Arrow.tstyit.hcTP,tt the sur- count, of the Municipnl tVorld for Mun- icipal blankets he pald.--curried. Lato--staples-rThs!t C. w. Rutledge of the Mmkdale Standard. he awarded the Tp, whiting for 13961133 bring the lowest tadrr.--iUrried. McFluuen--Fitaph's-rTtet Ins. Dillon he gmnlud $5 as charity. he hqing in destitute virettmstarures- (.‘ur'ricc. stw1es-iuA1r--.That. the Clerk be paid $3.601ur Rvgiatrring births, mur- riugrs and deaths. also the sum of $1.57 for 'postahre.--C'avried. - - -.. - " T - Rr., .u. ,._r..___ - st)cFndden--Laitilt- That, By-hot No, 35-1fm'tho "ppoitttnsentt of Tp, onfcers and " Kurd up be now rrndn third time. signed. seal”! ond engrossed on By-law 'tLoc.-Carried. The Council adjourned to April 20th at 10 a. m. . The Time For Building. Up the ayutom In At this 30.1mm. The cold weather' has made unusual drains upon the vital (mess. The Nautilus become inpnverished and impurenmd xll the {nations of the body suffer in conseqyet.YT. Hood's y..yeyle, lee. I ---_--t-m- " u. m. "In iii(iSti'fiiitg because it lood Purifier and nerve 1 TGa, Unlock and Gibson make a stung trio. Saturday at 2 o‘cinck. gagging. 25c Hood’s Pills cathartic wig!) a 'iivJikuul to hear that Me. Quin- ten Putignw is unprr." us. We hope she will soon beamuni ngnin. “gig'Aggie Dunn is improving very Mr. Dometintsof Hakim-in. and his sign P were visiting at Mr. Henry Potty'l for a few days last week. They returned home on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Eden. ot Art-bur, it visiting friend; ground Varmy. ‘Mr. Clark's chopping mill has been Edie foe a few any» 0mm: to some cog- being broken out of some of the wheels. Mr. J. w. wanna] a wood bee on Friday but. ' he boys ttrrced out well and cut "nice lot ofwood. Mrs. Blyth also had " rag bee, and I think the ludiés put up about In many can!!! of rmuthe boys did wood. They nu stayed arid tee, var; enl'uynble time . . __-----. -n _ pla'ying g :mel Ind [Recent “out... Ind GiG probsbmuu hue no 'lnovod . "mad GIonolu contributor ch! )2. drop- [no rhyme u 101101" :1 V TIM on'tho third (by at tho month. Tho wind did Mow u squall. Tho lands“ of the Tory club and me! it the Town am. Thu object ot thir muting wu To chm I humor that. Who could knock out an echo: chur- Whonovox “my would moot. mum» much My. Jami-ooh. A Ton-yahoo: sud-cud Wu about-- I per-on win) ‘rwu Mum could compound. Som- ym up. ttits Janina: "iira"tiudtabsytto_i.va, it; But. with the us! bone at South Guy, a: round he -'tus k. 'eMS't game"? you“: new In” I "I! I m. (Tho In: he“: oi the iguttttmrtastdl Binomial chum-yum. . Or. nu ho than!" the Yukon mk WI BS, M thou- 13:3. ' V ttt menu new of ibital row. To rim bin: in the “a. T (I! h: Ind-rd. - up t W riiiitli'til,tiiii)iii'i' brag Wt.' lit iidhtgtttS? t " MI it. tho pub- hull QM _frett t,'tt,h'lillSlh'A1'.CC,'.' 'ri, are sorry to relate that Mr, A1Ilmt in not as well as usual. mtrrr-----Tr--rr-"-i"TrTCrmT ___"'"' 'i'imcah-rr1n meford, on the Wh in“. to Mr. and Mrs. John Shes-nun. anon. . ot---" Sullivan on the int. "um Mr. and Hrs. August 2e2", a lap. . Dt--rrt Sullivan B;; on the a. but. mm and Mn nun Doris The Council metAylr.. 10th mr't8 my“. 7 r a: u- tr "."i w hWN'l'l 'ltdat 5w?" Eisner. GLENELG COUNCIL Pills become the favorite with all who use them. All JAMIESON'S RUN. Human VARNEY. mus Feb. 10th Pursuant All the tuetuirers pres J. S. BLACK, Clerk A “M? Mth ta m, - t ”.0110 True tome. t the Audit- the Coynyil mung; htés of , The of the Robe Tanning! Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog Skins, Tanned suitable for c 7“; Ma My“ 'sDMRhh2ESk, " W "H ' - - - MrgeN £13? Bytho New Process, which fur Finish and Soft- ness can't be beat. Tea of Teas KURMA TEA. Hides , ken on A delicious blemme up in l 1 lbs. la, Packages Crockery & Glassware- g oieer"t"'Soi.1"s"" We take this opportunity of At Popular Prices. thanking our customers for irA3A.MERONiast.pitrcy,oatpy and we are __-- w~~7~~rm W accmnnced that the new system Hay IS Scarcemn merit a continuance of ----B0I---- i the same. Money is P1enty.i Mssv he you think it is not, but u. n. MILLER. the Hanover t nnveyanmr. is leading loan! it " Gk, er cent and on ume good loans at f'f,,'iCl','l'it; low-- Terms as uly renown 1e person may desire. Collects Notes and Aeeostntar--nc charge if no ccllocbion. Cheat! Farms for Sale nude yum-cm. (M's. Lenses and other Deeds. Siortgnges. Lenses and other writings neatly ttnd quickly prepare-d at mounble coat. We Handle everything in the Esme:- line, a right price; CALL 8: SEE OUR u Canal-s, Pads, .---Al1 Business Cottttdetttitt1--- Lock Box 28. H. H. MILLER. Hanover P. o. The Hanover " Telephon e." ' Con vrynnecn We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Mae Paid. _ T0 sun YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Heavy & Wt.l..lirllee) Fine Choice in in coxsuurnvns. The “damn-d lulu but meow! to bank 'pr “mph menu, um "String tor MVOI’II nun with Munro Mutilation, “a (but and as...» iiihz',t't am to who Imovn to " “1:: be tiht,Wlll'flfl 21mg?" ind?" a a o c f . ..n..¢b..mmsmm’3a.xn_wh_qg_~_mgg -. '0! ptrfePe1'2'.i'..T.G=ri - ..._____ ring: 'de,: (or irEiiaeftittaetf4't 0-- n ' a“ madm II-I- “In . :30- llnnonn mum-M. tut'ttf, lo. 'rta"raaTriifiiiiiiiteet.ee I willaoltuwn naming.“ my pm" I Maytag-plum, minimum Myth“ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it. and you will be perfectly utistled. Also a full assortment of Is just at hand. We are shaping eae partment of our general stock to be complete in To Call and See Our Spring Prints. any.” a” cal-doo- "hehee. mum-yum?! mum "an. mqq-.Tor-rte'"'tu"" Wrotuf. Know What You ao HARNESS Sold for are. lb. Sold for doc. lb. Sold for soc. ltr a») . B.-To on!!!" a. good job the es must be well salted a: son- a: u- Robe Tanning ! Dalplisk's Old Stand, Upper Town, Durham. Robes tt Goats THE "ljiiiji'ifiiliytF SPRING TRADE . LEAVENS, Jr. THE you think it 'urstot, but II THOMAS SMITH. Blankets. ae., ae. FURS. ------ DISPLAY, VARIETY AND FRESHNESS meet the demand and give complete satisfaction to our customers. Bites, dx., bt. "it'iaiiititar 5% 'r, Grips. Rom g lbs. and " marge Sales & Small Profits." N., G. dk J. McKechnie. - The Implement season is nearly over but we have a few Buggies ma DeaaGrt%"ntstotsrttiehwewi0seiitrt0mtin ordertoeiear on: oar Sax): any pawn in need of a . BUGGY, CART 0R DEMOCRAT Com " once and we will surprise you with low prices. We have 3 large shipment or Stov Cum; Won the mymdmust have room. a. Mocha FatiattdWtnmu W. have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. we h . . , lam and Doherty Organs " prioes which will suit the tinge m Mock “eh. .lloney is ttoi to be "Hee thiswinter, wehavearm edtol Wditongoflffarmlecumyuflmdfipcroem. Stu-.335,“ “a“! tLtiuit'gfoPlg'tll 'itft'rt,tr Cutters, Turnip Cttttem. " 'tsrriag"astut'"ued'u"' Fimeuteinsumaee prompttyatt-tott n ' CALDER ' LIVINGSTON, Itat Bargains at Wholesale I o I)urhn n1 . MCARTHUR. Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. Fall taatroodtisnototrusts H. PARKER. GEO. McKECHNIE. Bags British Horse and Cattle Spice. B. PARKER, Druggist, Durham. One Car 300 Bags at Wholesale Prim. HAY & STRAW We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be MARKET RATES. GROUND OIL CAKE. THE CASH are shp,pipgystelt de- xkug'. Ot In, '95. ADOPTED BY N., tr & J. MCKECHNIE. -.- Lam Win-mam. _ c o Here --Omong thing) may be ft lowing ". Biscuits IS have this w ment of ( Wafers, Gra Box-Crea'., that _ the m ALWAYS complete G -Choieo French ( In connecti‘ beg to remind we handle the Kiting Su Dix Nuts of t Mixed Peels Fruit Sugar: V J--"'"" GROCERY Departmem Dials 15sacy, l H; AL, :' J.u; ----" . i---"" (h: (LL11. LX193 1‘ sbe, .h1mpkira---"rc Cur, pmssssm~s - W0 have duly: lad tho 1 of harm: Reliable Goods-- buy than when you get them Good. Prion. I l l, i Warnin; was TU swam-ms V cwwss”“sso$ It is pleasant in sto weather to deal where have these advantages- (:XLLEI’FS IA.". L: t I) ---' 3 Gallon App!es Honey Syrup 1t.bijlllf'l" --- _ 'ttef"""" o 3 Packages- '- Our Stock It 15w --s* Conver-uon LOWS"! Cue-m mm In. Mixtures-3. “IQ for In. ---'"' Jam Bee geG Jul- ttaio-oem $8M tor._........ Teaesw-dr; mun: -uee--25 centa any (Imports faction Corr take advantage most complev - "Stove P011 A Note re SEAR " tare-N Turn. Dalian Si.0 25c

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