West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Feb 1896, p. 3

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L We have in stock tutk the times. future, Turnip Cutters. u. TRADE Deanne Yrim re hnve arranged to loan any cent. might loans. AKE. ‘cKECHNIE 'cKECHNIE. tttlt Spice. each de- k to , Durham. olesale I ices INESS complete rs. mice promptly may“ " MT“: TOWN, ”1?!!!1. 11 Profits. MOCRAT ' Agents, echnie. . 7M TIES. d other lull and “mm or Piano. , few Buggies and war out our Stock nerally Q ' l‘ru-n-uliepenple want to pny. ) tass‘swm‘sw h is with not a little pride that we remind the people of the nanny delicacies which may ALWAYS be found in our complete Grocery department. Vute the following: Here --ltsmong--eP7, other thing) may be found the fol. lowing : " _ Japan Ten. 15c lb. -Tes Dust. 10e Its. -Choice French (bike. (in cans) 25c lb. In connection with Teas we beg to remind our patrons that we handle the following High Class Black Tea in packets: MW” A And IN tt D . _ J-.---' 'tse Cox', Gelatin. Ham Chicken and Tongue, McLaron's Imperial Cheese, Kipperpd Earrings. Freneh Sardines. Imported French Peas (new)-irk; Can r1suivlly 15¢.Cadhury'a Mexican Choco- Nuts of all kinds. Fresh Mixed Peels. Icing Loaf and Fruit Sugars. GROCERY Department. ste-fire each m----'", g----'" W A Note iiiiWarning muons TU STUCK-TAKES. til LI}: FTS LYEA 12c CAN. O““WWQ A In Jen? gain, tfully-Jem snd Syrup for............ 26c - W's have always had the fanatic!) of taping Reliable Good.-- 'hg not tyr Pet when you got them at heap Go'od. Prices. , \19c were 250. t cs‘mmmw On our shelves are to be burad fresh-as well: It is pleasant in stormy weather to deal. where you have these advantages. ' Honey Syrqp “yssmmus$~1 o _ o , 3 Paelrages--- t J,iljljlfflill SWEEP. B SHARP Hmpm'l tui)-)er. _ frvriuu Corn Starch 25C t anW“ Corn Beef in Csns, Shredded codfrsl.. Conversation Ltzetttrero-- Crests carastnebs-aye lb. Nixturetr--;ilbq for Me. B Ma-ttee Is"" Stove Polish Gallon Apples Wii, 'In Ti; Pi Tia Lip. . take advantage of our most complete wattoo--N cents - tock of Plain & Fancy is always full. We is week a. fresh slup- sf Christie's Cheese Graham Wafers---'.?" 3:16“, [urban- Ex PG cents-H lb, “Very Bright-- {db with U ' V SI .00 Is "--25 eenta--k lh, Ch ion-n and y Ib, 12 C lb, 10c. So were {\‘FNI l'AdllIvI-\\. _.~V._~_, ilor want-a. return to the old Jewish practice: of a Juhilee your. but thinks it rannnt he "ccoruplitdted till land is all owned by govornmenc. LIKE Orurat Forocs.--6. T. R. Mag- num: must now travel in ordinary coaches. The new manager Hays has orueeed special coaches to be transform ed into passenger cars. SAM-20F STOCK AND IstTtsMENTB.-- Auvtioneer D. HvLean, Lamlulh. will off-w Sale, to-Gy. Thuruthr.v, the stock and [mph-menu of Mr. T. Plevt. lot Sl mm. 15 Buninck. Sale at 1 o'clock. W. “mums credit. For that ticklinq sensation in your thtoat try a 10e box of .. Mist " Cough Lozengers. They will allay the irrita- tion at once. For sale by nll drugglsts ....,I tho Kev Medicine (To. 395 Ynnge LIBERALS ? RALLY? The executive of the South Grey Liberal Association have called tt Convention and Public Meeting on Seturdey the 29th inet. Judging trom the hearty manner this unmounce- ment bee been received. We mny expect e rousing demonstration to meet the three eminent gentlemen who have consented to accompany Dr. Landerkin, the populer member for thie riding to hil'own constituency. thereto diecuee the iuuee of the day with the o'ectorate. Mr. Gibson of Lincoln and Mr. Mulock of Toronto, are both well known by an excellent public record, while the Hon. Mr. Fraser, from Nova Sootie, has acquir- ed A Dominion reputation " a "atetw men and speeker. All classes and parties of South Grey are invited. That there will be a meeting worthy of the greet cause these gentlemen re-' present we here no doubt. Saturday the 29th inst. Arrange to be there. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The British Hotel. Furniture and I’m-inn» is ofterod , 1r sale at, a bargain. Apply to Mrs. A. McNeil, Durham. If ynu would always be healthy. keep your blood pure with Hoodu Samm- parilla. the One True Blood Ptuniier. . Mr. Duncan Smiley is having a hard some of sickness, but his ”may friends will beglad to hear he is getting better. Rev. Mr. Aull. of Palmerston. will prweh in the Pres. Church here on Sunday week. and rennin for Monday Tm: tio-..--' Presbyterian Soiree on Monday evening next pro- mises bo he quite Mi en-nc. Dont miss it. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Ben Nevis Camp meets on Fridsr 28th inst. Mrs. R. MeFurlane, we regret to hear is under the Doctor's care. Do not fail to arrange for the Mass Meeting on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Miss Jackson. of North Carolina. is at present visiting at Mr. D. Jackson’s. Mrs Bull spent aft-w day. last week. with her daughter. Miss Agnes. of Ptnceville. I] Miss B. MeRae of Chatsworth psid a visit to her mother, last week. Mrs. Inghmn. of Inger-soil Wm visit- ing at the houte of her tnther Mr. Jos. Jacques and other friends in Glenelg. IN e are glad to hear Mr. Jas. Jacques is improving. Dr. Jamieson paid a visit to Toronto Mondan‘ and Tuesday last. Mr. C. C. James, of Priceville, left for n. visit to friends in Woodstock last week. His daughter Miss Annie has been visiting at Mr. Firth]: in town for the lust two weeks. A vtmrof Jubilee. Tbejuenfl-nq 3fye And the Key Medicine Co. ay, Yunge Street. Toronto. Sum-2 FINE ('srTLE.--Mr. Thomas Marion on Mondny lush shipped eleven head of tine Cttttle, the pruprrty of Dr. Jumimu-n. They avg-raga! about tl00 Mutant! Wore bought by buyer Stone- house nt. 3 my! a. ll). That the blood should perfnrm its vital functions. iris absolutly rtttctmsiirY it should not nnly be pure but t.ielt in life-giving olenwnls. Tues" vesults are host. ettected by tbe us:- of that well- knnwn standard Mood-purifier, Ayer's tiarsapswilla. . Fire protection in Hanover looms to he shelved at prtesertf after home active meetings have been held in its interest. A biqtire in some of Hnnover's estate li-hnwnu would injure the town more noun-1y than most places. The amt-ring wedge of I fatal com- plaint. is often a slight cold. which a. dose nr two of Ayer't Cherry Fromm! might. have cured at the eorutheneemertt. Th-fore, it is adv-haddo- m have this plump! and sure rnnody always": hand t unmet an emergency. ELECTRIC Lronrvso.--Mr. J. H. Kil- nwr mnvasuod the town Inst week for support of an elven-iv light scheme whwh he pmmim to have going Jtgl, ELEL‘K‘KK; “nun-”u. ..... Hee - nwr t-anvassad the town last week for support. of "n olvctriv light scheme whwh he promises to have going next Julv. He has gut the promise of 5m lights. His rule per light, " candle power. 'tt.rnper year is baked upon as . V e reasonable. x. RAYl-le'mt a great. dumvmy hes hour. made can not be doubted Tum one looks upon the numerous photos, taken through inch hoards, tw. now being prmiuced in illustrator! papers. ynt it, in. a. discovery to fitsd that It is not nut. at but, in nature. Bodies struck by lightning have often had impde upon them images ot intervening objects. and it seems this prom-tut of nature. hitherto unknown. has hem stumbled upon. All honor to Prof. Roentgen. Tows Cotrstau--A Ipecial meeting was held on Monday -night. Mayor Lsidlaw had given notice of a mating; to misc rill}: License fee ht the hate}, in town. . is came“ an _ the pro ed hy-lnjv did not get 'lL' length of span: rtladinir. Ihe, yea:- nnd any; lacing cull- ed, only Messrs. Lnidlnw sud R. Thus yer -rotuid Ten. Mr. Kinneo mar-sent. The majority of the council do nothe. lieve that. the morality of the town will be improved by taking a. few more dol- lars from the tf',")",:,', of the hotel keepers. A i?" ow was pat through granting J. . Kilmer the use of the streets for poles and wires for electric lighting. For a postponed. Hunt the Carnival} held at the rink but Thursday, evening', was very well Attended. A little dis- satisfaction was caused by the judg" distributing prizes. Miss Ethel-Crow by, of Flenhorton. was conceded by.“ to he the best drew-d you Indrpro. sent. hat the gudges LVl'Wlll7rl"i"i and gnv. it to _liss Nellie Swdbv. hut they evened things up when they do- cided the g',.g'"i,.tt,tr'tt can” Mi. Crowley wu- mveu t e Bio-ch Pin. where as the Mines Bwaitowatttier no. of them can state all around but; Hurry Truax. of wn1kerton. as usual you the boys' race. Gmnn'of Owen sound. was entered tor the Watch. Yawn: Brad- ley, of Harriaton, won his way hem to race for the Watch but “I now bound " Palmerston, to m principal event of the evening had to he can- celled for want. of moon. Ethane were engaged at Lucknow but promise G"tViiGGhsuepartirstli, mt. Cartiivat. Mr. Bonn Frank. on. about tbs third Thur-day n 'uret.-0, T.,NRiNWi7 Spring (,'pp,'it,ttitgrif: MeArthur. A Note ot ,'tuating--3. A. Hunter, Farm Implementa--rm. Shag}! Stock 'skirt-er-Rats"" & Grinch Futtr.-Etsos Church Palmerston wns destroyed by tire on Sunday but. Mr. Nelson. of the Chutsvtorth Ban- ner. and M". Fred McUlocklin called on the REVXBW last week. Park lot No. 2. at present occupied by the Rev. Chas. Cameron is tor uh. or will rant. on remuablc term-4 Apply to J. Tum“). Tam- Ovmzn of sup 'lies to the need- y of the town, made Sat, week in still good; Apply to the editor of this paper tor information in regtud to it,. """Pt""" _-, Mrs Neil McLeod has been laid up with the Grip for the past, couple of weeks, but is ahle to be around again. Mrs. DiseorTorNmtip in the 'itt'It of her parents Mr. and Mr: Neil McLeod at prawn!» --- ,, ...u_. 1--» w. c- ve The Sons of Temperance concert. lat week was quite a success. the roads being good consuqueutly a full house Mr. Brooks, G. w. P. was present and delivered a lengthy, address on the working of the B. of T. Miss Minnie Stothnrt visited friends in Holstein last; week. Mr. Donald Robertson of Bruce in visiting Huang the friends of " boy- hood day. around here. Roch Marien, the Horse buyer was at the Central Hotel yeltorduy. His prices were too lowand belch too soon. In some good horses came in Uter he had gone. chnnx Dsxaat.--An estimabia tee idem of ERn-mont, Mr. Isaac Haas, he. passed away. He wan stricken wnh irarttlysis on Mundav last And new-r rallied. The deceased “as held in high otgteetrt and will be widely mourned. We extend our sympathy to the be- reaved fanniiy. The ruld snap scam: to be over tot [In-present, and we are in hopes the month will ond up with mild Weather. On Sunday last we “ware trented to a thaw, we raceivod no mail from Toronto lainsmurdny owing to Friday nights storm hlockuliug the track. Mrs. Bull of Durham spent A few days inst. weirk in our town visiting her daughter. Miss Bull. Mrs Neil McLeod has been laid up with the Grip for the past, couple of weeks, but is ahle to be around again. Mrs. Greenway visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Haitly. Mr. A. Kinks sold a horse, for n nice sum at the horse fair, in Durham last week. Art m-casionnl loud of straw is coming into our neighorhood. and before March is over the iiioutshili.tiet' no that there will be quite I number of farmers buy- ORANGE cvscmvr.--The Orange Con. cert " the New Hall at Vtsrney on Tues- day last, was a groin success. The Duns- nmros, brother and sister sang nicely. especially was Miss DU "(Milt-r Herrin" enjoyed. The Ritchie Co. gave some lsughahle tarcrs, Holstein String Band helped largely. "We'll never mortgage the (nu-m" bv B. T. Orchard and Co. was well done. S woches were given by Messrs C. wi'/lfJli1', J. Woodland and w. Allan. the chair being tilled by Co. Master G. Allan. of ML. Forest. Pro- ceeds about $4.5. ing, Mr. Alex. McDonald the guest of his parents Wm. McDonald. we m...“ .... m." . The Concert at Pomona S. H. on Mon- day evening of last. week was as pre- dicted a howling success. There wu a. grand turn out, the school brim: closelv tilled. The programme t.ey,s,itt.,tf,. of _ . ---___. a.u'\ .unSnI-r, any (Vt-nu.“ _.. ._V. r __ dicited a howling success. There wu a. grand turn out, the school brim: closelv tmed. Tho programme consisted of readings, dialogues, mngu, step dancing, vocal and instrumental music. Miss Noonnn. teacher. is worthy of much praise for the way her uplls dirpetted of their part, Miss Blacl: and Miss Me Grath were candidates for an Meg-um nlluuu for which they collected Mmut, $24. the {urine-r handed in the most rush and was presented. with the album. Much credit is due to Messrs Meaghan McArthur Mill Arrownnixh for the way in which they displayed their mutiicnl talents. Our township Clerk occupied therhnirund disposed ot " duties in an able manner. - _ - I u._.:_ t., "" “HIV IIIu-nuxu. After tut enjoyable visit to friends in this locality nnd elsewlwre Mrs. Archie lentvre rem: ned to her home in Bad Axe, Mit'higan. one day last wrek. Mr. Willie Wells. fornwrly of our huv'r, but now of neu- St. Gnomes, - are“: days at Mr. D. McIntyre‘I last 'rr I'h. Mr. Hone Bram", in company with one of Durham‘s fair ones. were Knut- of 11ulkerron friends Saturday and Sunday Last. Mr. John McIntyre, of Bruce. paid a _ . . ---- n_:.‘..A. gm] "td Mr. Arch. Beat vvoperty known from Mr. Chase. town. at the htutt Mr, and Mrs. N. Black were [mom of Mr. and Mrs. R, McLellan on Sunday last. Mr, ig. Kent was in tuwn’ this wool: Mr. Alex. Millan sold his team on w... Inst week " a good figure. Mr. James White Spout Sunday with friends in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard from Bruntford are at present guest' at. Mr. Neil I new. Mr. James Benton visited home on Friday evening. ___ . . L..-Altn~ H. Mr. Archie square lilubel present. ,..-e..._. yeryyt.v Ntirrison, It. "ion't are for Exams Dor Fiotas when Rhinc’ is pm Johnny B.. Pomona, should have tal- tilled his promise on Mundny evening. as Lizzie was unable to walk. Mr. A. McMillan did a little more surveving this winter. B. says pa missed John M. Br . very much. . Will. ing hands at the Centre helped him out. Mr. Donald, McLauchlan. in coma“! with Miss Maggie Mommas. of ce- ville, were guests It. Mr. D. mruet'tr, Sundsy evening. They stand-d semen at the Bantu. w s'a'C"eTiiGTaut V y. Mr. C. Mainly“ left for Own: Sound Monday morning togpond the most of the week in “will“ his dude. I! Auditor. Mr J. Cooil and w, Brow of Haunt _ VA 4.1“..- Mb, A, Hench“. MrJ. Coon Ye.PPft ”nu-r" - ._-____ Forest were mum; It. A. Member: a few days Mo. Min Maggie Nichol Manna home from Toronto on quads! «lat in . somewhat. low condition 179 hm .11. will recover sooth n ‘1... Ill-“uh I‘M n . - - ..._ _ _ chusrod the farm know u that! taunt-uh of the Gem-ch for. com “In. in tho w m: Min! "mislet."t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Alex. McDonald of Turmlno A .. “A ' shun-.5. . Archie Black in hauling hy.) timber to Durham amnion all --.--_------ PRICEWLLE, Millanggld his team of colts ti 1.1; to: Toronto sf Toronto ll Mr. and Mrs. 't'r:i:ici'e't'f, J. A. Hunter bliyn at following price! ' 16 inch-$2.25 cu. cord. M. inch-me cord. 32 inch-$1.25 cord, 4 foot--81.75 can” In exchange for ks.rc1vsndiae wood in Pe mma a cash to3. A. Hurster--brtntt it 'uongrrtstttst be sulid beach and maple, pawn ends. _ rumoris that the long trip to Proton will soon be brought to " than u tho wedding bells a." ringing. bTr%iiriioa ani" Jin, of Berlin spentafew days with W. C. Winter rr-centy. Alex. mun. hum one of nature- freaksnahe took a drive to the 10th con, one very stormy night a short. timo ago, you had hater spur up or Fer-hum you will come out sAptrd man»?! t Ah boy 1 l We are onto you ‘,__ ,7 _, The series of wading: at Fairlmirn, eonducted be Mr. Urn. MrLeash, Evan- gelirt, we” hmught. to It Mom- Monday night week, I1iiablo and uimple way of delivering so plain a salvation was the mean- of mnm' accepting the Lord Mid resting on him as their houviottr. Communion WM dispenses) the Sunday Previous nml some where in the neigh- mrhtmd of two hundred sat, down " tho table of the Lord. forty nine partake ing for the first time showing that a re- vival has taking place. He in now hold- ing a series of meetings in Holstein and may God he with him Ind bless him in his glorious work. Wc give another instalment ot me ("mummy of Glenelg and shall complete them to the present date, in another 1870 1878 game. Edge I Finlay Melba John A. Lamprey I Samuel Donnelly James Lauder Thomas Davis John Traver- N. G. Dunsmore John McDonald (John A.‘£!chllun like a house all": Mr. and Mr. ans. Dun-ant having rented the farm to their um John have rem-nth moved to town to live " retired life. They are very highl§ esteemed Ind will bi.grearly missed 1y all who knew them in the loculitv. We wish yin-m m enjoy a long and happy life In their new home Themeelings held in tho Methodist Church for the pus! few weeks were brought trotr close I. week ago Friday night A grnnd revival hm taken place and many have been brought, out mm liberty by the 'rt/et", able angin- traclive addresses de ivered by in Williams. She is uuw holding meetings in Orchard. issue. 1871 James Edge John A. Lamprey John Travers Jamel Lauder Hugh McFuydon 1872 James Edge Jas. H. Hunter Hugh MeFayden James Lauder Sheparq yoyco 1873 James Edge "a. H. Hunter Patrick Neil Hugh Manyden James Sullivan 1874 1 Jae. H. Hunter William Mari-hon John McDonald w. J. suvFavl.sue Thomas “'hiuuorc 1875 Jas. H. Hunter John McDonald ': Thonms 1vuitmore Shrinherd Bnyce ‘ Wil iam Mot rilon 1976 I Finlay MrRaw Thomas \\'lxilmou~‘ John McDonald [ {Dru Sprnulu Samuel Donnelly Thomas Townsend 1877 Finlay MCRM John McDonald Thomas Dans Samuel Donnelly N. G. Dunsmore The cold 80:5) having given way and our ink thaw out, I Mugging L10 use it. Jana-J; iiUi"i"oiu,"Gr February has mnde up for it, and we hay. no roan: at, will. " all: why sir, the twig} Puma lib nu, an - "my -.., .__- -- was stuck two days and our mail carrier Mr. Sackett had ' rule tuit mime but the naybnrs were good to him $4“- auuuu vuv-u v ---v _ ___ i _ - a. farm for sale bring it to Brownsville: Shun: there's Jimmy McLean sold lar acres of Tamarin- awuup to Boba Kin- nel for $18!). _ Sim-rev It,ii. red Minds act like a. beacon of n dark night. and make tb‘ingu look bright around the coma. _ There ha: been a dale of sickness in I our nayliurhood. thertN Mrs. Jno. Me. t Donald has not been out of the house (qr a long mime. and my mistress iI' mvcr well, Then, I hear sir. that Jim, ' may wilson is poorly, (Nobles Jim.“ Some Went. up to on him, and on the I way home they 1'lt lost north of Booth. l ville and mug t shelter " Jan Me- Donald's. Whom should I see last Sunday but Archie McMillan. Frown. driving 5. foino hi? team in a. cutter. you may judge OL his hurry when he did not stay one minute a the Corner. He is a. foine looking young fellow, and with his fur cost would pa,” for c. com- morcial traveller Tttey Wu line heN utter a b"? our. of the smug neat. u _ 'te'"'. Le could'nt do better. can it be true that Misses Juliu and Annie Philira we goin'gto Cleveland? Itdoesnot, ookuit a wax-wad! settled yet. _‘- I he" tho mil rout. is going» I). by Dromore, and not through long swamps where it would easily he wished. . Well sir: I am . little “and our town willlmo its name. and be called dogwwn. if some of them aren‘t hilt. There in Malcolm McC. but two, and Aaron has one as big u my two ordinary docs. BENTINCK IOWNSHIP. T Names is 1,,'t'p,,b,ui,ig that the Patron”! Industry meat at Lun- taah on Saturday. Much mm.» 2 I» m..- We .tope QUBW‘ -iiiir/aiiii or. WOOD WANTED. "itiGril1 he mire] Gait. ATV _ V WM. SHARPES Tull: about btso.thri.lltt 1Cte le,Tf. Hol give another instalment of the " - n- ' ,, I _\_..n “hand“... GLENELG COUNCILS WAREROOM ff BROWNSVILLE. the Ls,),. Elie-.9?” 1879 Finlay McRae Thoma: Davin Patrick Neil John A. McMillan N. G. Dunsmore Finlay Melt-.9 Thomas Davis John A. McMillan Patrick Nail George Eyenie V 1881 Finlay McRae William Hall Patrick Neil John. A. Me5NUn William Glencruss Finlay Meftae Thomas Mullarky Patrick Neil N. G. Dunsxuon William Glencrosl Finlay McRae Thomas Mullurky Thom“ Davin John A. McMillan N. G. Dunumnre 1894 [Finlay Marble ) \Thuluasl) avil John A. McMillan N. G. Dunsnmr Archilmld McUusig Patrick Neil Thomas Davis John A. Millao N. G. Dun-more Arebihald McCuaig Patrick Neil .‘ "aTiiia 'Smly. MII CHAMBERLAIN, ("Eye Specialist, to! Wednesday, Mar. 11,’96. the following property, viz: All and sin *uinr that rem": psi-rel or tun of lamb). and premise! [situate lying ated be- ing in the said Town of bur tun, and containing one urn of land more or Ina, being eomposed of Lot "D" on the south side of Park Street. ass shown an the pun of tho survey of the second Division of lot number "venty-uvsn. on the we". side of the Owen Sound Road, in the Township of Bentinek, (now forming in” of the said Town of Durham) made or one Geo e Jackson by Edwin H. Kirtland. inf. S. There is Minna." Stone House and Two Rough Cast Home: on the said land. The prorrty will he sold subject. to a reserve sid. TERMS or SALE ' Twenty per cent of the purchase money at, tho time of the sale and balance within thirty day. m. 6 per cent interest. J AMBB CAxsox. A. H. JACKSON, Auctioneer. Vendor. Dated 28th day of JILL. T6. I’NDER and by Virtue of a Power of V Nrtle contained in n certain Inden- ture of Mortgage made by John Badd- Win. which will be produced " the time of Sale, there will he offerod for sale at the Central Hotel, in the Town of Dur- ham. in the County of Grey, It the hour of one o'cloek, p. m., on The undernigned bu for Invite I Lot Ct and 21. bun. 3. S. D. R. Glonolg How: and Two AW of Land in the roteourhip of Glenelg, ncar the Rocky Saugccn P. o., County of Grey. In - cuu. ".' F ....‘_ ,_ - u Sale contained in " certain inden- ture of Mortgage made by Donald Mc- Rechnie, which will he produced at the time of Sale. there will be otrered for Yule at the Central Hotel. in the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey, at the hour of one o'clock. p. tu., on Town Property in the Town of Durham, twe, IIE, WILL BE AT MacFarlane & Co.’s ' DRUGSTORE. “am“, There is a comfortable frame homo upon the said land. The property will be sold suhjoct to a. reserve bid. rTiiriuckli.ir.. Twenty per cent of the pnrchmc money at the time of the Isle and balance within thirty days It 6 per cent. intend. Dated 26th day ot November. 1895. ' JOHN MCDONALD, Vendor. For further Micah" Apply to A. H. Memos. J ”as Cums. Durban. or Auctioneer. A THOROUG HBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR. Dee. 10th. 1895. VARIABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain ',',""trtr. made by Archibald Dnvidwn to a vendors. which will be froduced " the time attain, there wil be "ered for sale by public auction on. “the hide of four o'clock P. M. at tho MIDDAUG Ts HOUSE " TMW- Auction Sale TERMS $1.00 _ ' T.CTiii or mam. Be Junta Guam Aumoxm the following vulunble red at“! one parcel. namely: . . r“! -- 5..-; DURHAM, ONT., (mu PiIVVI. ""'"'H - All that mrrtain parcel or tract of land and heteditamonu diam in tho town of Durham in the county of Grey. being compared of the South But not lot nuuiher three War of the Ewen Bound Road and South of Hunts: Street heigg a. subdivision of tho second and in! division of lot number twenty four in the Township ot Bentinck " tomorIy laid out. by William Hunter and now 10min! u _ - A, A“... A: “an.“ - teh "r"'"""" - __--"" _ - William Hunter and now forming . iiirt.ottlCtft? of Durban. w leh may be loathed " ttttiotrtr.-0trmr inetiuftntt at the South m angle of mid tttt iitTtuGormtoCthCfhro't Wat. along the Northern limit of the _ Durham to“ one huudm! and My four 10$,va 'ttttrt? irtteiltehe' I Txngn .pu-to! the town ot Dun-bun. wan-n may be Istanbul u mtiotrst--Oom- mowing u the South Est. angle of said no iitTtuarotoCttt9rmt Sound and Durban Rough. than” Went along the Northern limit of the barium read one hundred and my four best, to a. gt.t dunno an (not from tin-South new? of a“ lot. numbn- (but. than on). mug] ‘with an iiiifagi2adtt'ttP1% one hundred and Betr going but non 'l,Nrl."tFtiiEEtEMe.i,tt2t.tAt on Sonatina-hm Bentham th- 'iiiiiiiStiiifii'itohtdp'k' h... ”“ o n 'ttetr.P.ff, .x- QM an Imam Friday, the 28th of Feb., , Auction Sale :3." "iM'- it: W" on. hum '2'tt'it iyiiiiiiii"i,ij) "a. .u m. 2'ltll and“ of. . 'er1id "I“. M“ and dialling two and on. n-" and. tats, Mn?” -n: ECHO}: SALE. Friday, the 28th of Feb., '96, Fauna am: of pet», '96, Coming! BERKSHIRE BOAR SEASON t895--96, and by Virtue of a .Poytr of A. &. J. Snug”; or ”I on. I'l'll'll'tl in SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "" Review- Though T imeS Are Hard . . . . One Car machine Buggies, duo (7ar.rpttNtyx and Campbell, Lon- don Carriages & Buggies. I One Car 01mm Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons New Stock of the human Ramsay Grta-at fabulous prices. a Dollar never WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. ---DBALlilB m- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Just Arrived Chas McKinnon sii'i"r"i'iiriiiiiEiiiii BOUGHT FOR CASH And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. call and inspect and be Convinced. The UNION AND ALL-WOOL CARPETS, Flannelettes, Kid Gloves, Trimmings and Boots 80 Shoes. WE HA " JUST RECEIVED » ANOTHER LOTOF.......... a Sterling W’ auf-?"'" 8m. _ '. -sw-eut'raiwBorea"". -, V _ "-Mgt"p-,tx . . Hritritt SHOES F012 1ms l, J., " 1 reVt C .'. 'N'gaga_iarg'g" -Y£AR........ the Car Maxwell“ Light Bind-ttteager than ever. Lt & Weak Stage Apron Bm. dorm Buckey Mower: ind Tiger UPPER A LOT 0F_Lhpli.iE KNIT SHAWLS Come and see the Bargains-the pm it never was greater than at present. And Money seems scarce, yet we have to keep replenishing our Stock from time to time. We have just, received CHAS. McKINNON- TOWN. DURHAI‘ . L. GRANT. v pg How on Hand Xxxwell's Steel Rakes ete. BORO thetttltard & Scott's Seed Drum and T Burma Tamwc Wilkinson Plonghs and Semen. " ' Organ: & Pianos ot the best makes. wie,".'":',,', If}: A few Stoves at job prices. Ia64nst last 7._ New Williams Sewing Ma. " TE! r-the purchasing power of Full Stock of Repair: - always on hand. W ANTEE - A good man in your district In :1 GET FOR CASH um the “Fontbill Nurseries of . Ida.” Over 700 acres. The lax-2 . he Domipion. Positiou 'etTu. _ Possible Prices. stty. or (kfmmissifun to right m. . “ ith the Inf‘rnuuxgdimand {on . a itioo wit, us us Fot Osman w‘? _ B ttonvinced. b.331- than engaging in farming. - I F myour application and we wili ', " - --- " “‘1 You how to can) good mom-y. -- . .. '.4 :A.-- el,.. . . chines. VERY CHEAP. *l'i SNAP t. Flour pot more ........' Oatmeal " ........‘ Short. " ...w.... Ban " ........ Full When per babel Span; Whoa .. Oats, " Barley. " ... t) Potatoes, per In; ... 0 Harpertort .................. 15 Sum. per ton ............... 8 Beet. (are quarters, per 100 8 Beef. bind " " 8 Pork. " ................. 3 Hides. " ......... ........ 8 Sheepskins. “cum... 0 Bauer per m.................. 0 Egg. per do: ............... 0 RE WE W and GLOBE. REVIEWand HAIL REVIE'W and LONDON AD VERTISER cellar. ' I Washington,' Fe Service. This splendid animal was imported (mm the l'nEu-d States and was; winner of four has n. the Worid's Fair. Chicago. Also RUFUS. six months' old. a get. from Prince pad Prince-s Lyum. mad k" tine animal. Thin in. this»! will be kept on the punk»: otJNO. CLARK, Jn.. I un 82, am. 8. W. G. It.. BENTIICK. For Sen-ion during Sono- of 1895436. It-tyd inthe “CM Berknhir- Sv' - Md" " No. 2956. Firm“ Son! 18”. mad bud by John Meyer. loan), ou April 3rd. '95. Thumnghhmd Berkshire Bar. 't.00. To be paid for " mm o} W, Och wa. 1895. Thoroughbred (hMu White Boar. ,v- mm Mi" .. School Teachers'.'. its just. the for you_duriug the summer: '" .-. " .4. FARM F611 SALE; On ttse2ud Con. Normals. t" ins 174 mm. 140 egeared. A 1 Fund m of clsttivatioietrt ms weeds gringo”. Buta, ' Kitchen-J2“ irdee..teyt iiiii"iiiie2et SW , s'lttit'i'lir2 " " t at. ' gnu“ Jl'l'lgli'a;) Boot Biiiie' Bud and son Wm. miie' “SPRUCI MDGE 11280:" NO. 4th" BOULDEX & Co., Harness Tamworth Boar my. . FERDINAND: E1651; a WELLLNGTO', THOROUGHBRED CLUBBING. TO LET. was 81. H. w. 1.285037 P 47 for Service for Son:- tt 7. Con. l. Norm-ab) 1030511). s Intern. Durh nu J Ptiet'

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