West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Mar 1896, p. 4

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> â€"â€" .. * "eRs DURHAM PHIRMACT." "Baganos Red Oil" & Red ofl” Rheumatic . Twinges .. Soft Elm, 12 and 14 feet : Rock Elm ® 14 and 16 feet lengths: Birch, : lengtlh over 10 feet. ar Hasupat Magket Puicek P For Logo® Dromoreâ€"#ee. 6th, ‘05. 50 We ans prepared to take building conâ€" sracts ®imt furnish all kinds af Material at livigg prices, R. MacFARLANE, Jr. Ws beg to announee to the public that we have the mull rebuilt and * refitted with ' A Colonist Sleeper will also be uttached to the Express leaving Toronâ€" to 12.20 P. M. same days, which will go through without change. WATSON BROS «s #L MJ Lnou Ihe . RESsppSESE@ * .n:;ff‘hs F. 3e IPFSl * «> Clocks and Watches tMPROVED MACHINERY. ALIV E. iE CHxss) CharMs LOGS WANTED. MODERN. A. GORDON. NORTH EGREMONT. Is one of the best preâ€" parations of its kind, it is a sure cure, (if direcâ€" tiors are followed) for not only " Rheamaâ€" tism" but also for " Chilâ€" blaing" being successful in every case of the latâ€" ter where it has been tried, also in ":Spraing," " Gout," &c. Everyâ€" body should have a botâ€" With Old Age come Twinges of " Rheuma&â€" tism*" and aches in the back which Always cures. We carry this as well as all other standard remediés conâ€" stantly in stock. The sle.â€"â€"of â€"this reliable temedy. For Saleat Railway and Steamskhip Tickets to all points at lowest rates. For partiâ€" eulars call on or write Xre mt Ancient but we n0t dead but OUR SDA land is a part of the Spanish possessions â€"the only remmant left on this side of the Atlant‘c, and the Spanish troops cccupy the leading towns, but they simpiy cat and sleep there, but make mo attempt to march inland. This state of things have existed for many months the question has arisen, whethâ€" er, in view of the strength of the inâ€" surrection and the weakness of the Government, other nations would be justificd in recognizing the rights of the insurgents to fight against their oppressors the Spanish grandees. Ordirary people would think so, but Ehcre seems to be a doubt upon is in international law. _ Cuba is one of the _most fraitful of the West India islands. Its chief export is sugar which it supâ€" plies in great abundance. But the (Government is of the most wretched character, and is carried on solely in the interests of a few: impecunious Spanish grandees who seek to improve their fortunes by oppressing the sugar planters of Cuba. The game of curling is not now conâ€" fined to the land of "brown heath and shaggy wood" but has established itâ€" selt wherover S cismen and other lovers ot the game do congregate and the ice will carry the " brethren of the broom." The curler‘s equipments are a pair o‘ stanes a pair o‘ gord lungs and a "Kowe." The latter is simply a bunch of broom, but in place of it the housemaids‘ besoms have come into use although older hands have set these down as ‘‘feckless innovations." The stones in the national tongue were known as "channel stanes," from there being obtained from the "channels" or beds of streams, and in the infancy of the game they were simply rough unâ€" hewn blocks ofany size. Then the weakest went to the wall as witness the following from an old eurling song : A stralwart chiel, to red# the ice, Drives rouriog down like thunder, Wi‘ awftu‘ crash the double gnards At ance are burst asunder, Ripâ€"rapping on fra random wicks, The winner gets a yether, f Then round the tee we flock wi glee In cauld, cauld: frosty weather. In our degenerate ‘days the stomes obtained from quarrics uon the Ayrshire coast, are hewed and Whho£ and, according ‘to the laws of curling, no stone shal} be of a greater weight than fifty pounds nor over thirtysix: inches in circumference and these are sold at from aix io ton do!hfltmsdr or exen more. â€" After being dressed each stone enedâ€"the ice. â€"] curling, and has in Auld Seotia he ceeds from aix to ten dollars per pair or exen more.. After baing‘dmns':rqch stone is bored right through. An iron pin is inserted to which the Randle is attachâ€" ed.â€"_. There is no toaow. bottom to a eurler‘s stone for it: is intended. to be. played on either ‘®ole, " the one when the ice is bard ‘and keen, the‘ other when a thaw or a â€"West Ontario Tories are at sixcs and sevens. â€" Col. N. Patterson was nominated in Feb. 221d, but, at a conâ€" vention held March itn he was withâ€" drawn, and a Str. Grabam substiuted. lt will be all the saume to Alr. dudgar. â€"Senator Power, otf Halifix, a Roman Catholic. and a Liberal, has Issucd a pamphlet denouncing the Kemedial eill. â€"A British blue book has been isâ€" sued dealing exbaustuyely with the Venezuela question. â€" The Brissh pusâ€" sition seems to be perfecily clear. â€"The people ot Ontario are prepared to trust Air. Lsurier as premier. His speech on the kKemediai ill has won the heart as well as the head. â€"Mr. Greenway is now waiting in * masterly inactivity " to ‘see the fate «f the Kemedia! Bilt. â€"Holmes will swing on the Tth of Mav. Eher 6t Rrvtinr. â€"The Tupy Durkam, Thur. Mar. 12, °96 cl deed the insurgents have ontrol of the island and do h as they please. The isâ€" irt of the Spanish possessions remnant left on this gide of ¢, and the Spanish troops : leading towns, but they and sleep there, but make t to march inland. . This ngs have existed for many CURLING ed Mr. Mowat‘s resolu CI n Cuba still proâ€" insurgents have c island and do as the grievances have been investiâ€" gatel they are prefared to give the minority the measure of relief to which thevy are entitled. But the Governâ€" ment of Man‘t ha was never appreachâ€" ed in a proper shirit ‘It was approachâ€" ed with <tne threatening hands and threatemed with the strong arm of this Government if it did not do what it was ordered to do. . â€" : Mr.Laurier then retersed to a.perâ€" sonal matter; his relation to the Roman Catholic Church. and ‘said :â€"*‘Even though I have threats held over me coming. from high dignitaries in the %hurch to wgicillw I belong, no wlord of itterness shall ever pass . my..lipg. as wgainst that Church. ; I am Lr? rée fi“"'““"‘ not Roman Catholi¢s &lone t Protestants as well, ani:‘{ iwust, give an account of â€"my $ hip 10 1} classes. .. And so long as I have a :ut in this House, whenever become my duty to take a stand on any quesâ€" The Hon. gentleman then wen; on to show the necessity of doing justiee to all classes of the community and that it is not the part of true statest.an ship to foree upon the people the views of any one section, but tc endeavor to bring them all to a uniform congeption of what is right. He referred at fength to the history of Confederation the:evils that resulted from not haying dae reâ€" gard to the wishes of the different Provinces, and that the remedy then as now can only be applied after a full and ample inquiry into the facts of the the case. _ In the case of Manitoba he pointed out, that .the Government at one time said that a jadgement had been rendered on a. cortain statement of facts: were well known. . But when they went before the courts they held that the facts were doubtful showing that there has been deceit in some way. _ On the other hand the Governâ€" ment of Manitoba has said that as soon so many hopes are centred, I rise to ask this Parliament not to proceed any farther with the this bill. ‘ (Loud cheers. )" " not unnatgrally be attributed to me,beâ€" ing of the race and of the creed of which I am, but still more in considerâ€" ation of the great respons bility which has been placed upon me by the too kind regard of the triends by whom I am surrounded hereâ€"I would say that in the course of my. Parhamentary career, durirg which it has been my duty on more than one occasion to take part in the discussion of those dangerâ€" ous questions which too often have come before the Parliament of of Canâ€" ada, never did Irise with a freater sense of securty, never did I fee} so strong in the consciousness of right as I do new, at this anxious moment, the fiery utterances of George brown in appealing for justice to Upper Canâ€" ada, and in eloquence of expression and argumentative power it equals if it does not surpass the finest efforts of Edward Blake on the floor of the House of Commons. _ Mr. Laurier on rising, said, and this introduction is considerâ€" ed to be very fine:â€" "Mr. Spenker, if in a debate of so much mowent, it were not out of place for me to make a personal reference to myselfâ€"a reference which, however, may perhaps be justified, not s> much on account of the feeling which may not ninatnrally be attributed to me, beâ€" peace and harmony in this land, when in the name ¢f this minority which this vill‘ pretends toâ€" help, when in the name of this young nation, on which wher in the name of the corsti:ution W LAUN, aitiene n Lt ait so eutrageously misinterpretered by the Government, when in the name 0 â€"Father Lacombe finds that he has " reaped as he has sowed. . He stepâ€" ped out of his own province to berate A‘r. Laurier for following the dictation of his conseience as the representa tive of ‘his fellowâ€"citizens in Parliament, : and demands of Mr. Laurier to support . the Remedial Bill or suffer the conseâ€". quence. The " Globe" yery pointedly | remarks. that as an experienced misâ€" sionary he might have thrown light | upon the queztion of education in the | North West, but in his letter he ignores | this subject and only clairis to repreâ€" | sent the views and the intolerance of | the Quebee hierarchy on a purely | political question. _ He cannot. thereâ€" | fore, rightly complain if the diseussion | upen his letter has followed those lines. | The venerable missionary‘s real comâ€" | plaint must be against those who used | him to pull the chestnuts from the fire. | SCIENCE IN FARMING gystem und restoring the patient to health aund strength. _ In cases of parâ€" alysis, spinal troulbes. locomotor ataxia, sciatic. rheumatism erysipelas, scroful> ous troubles, etc.. theseâ€"pills areâ€"superâ€" |oâ€"x: to all other treatment. They are | home consamp§!0D ADC 570 U MIME® MSSIEE also a specific for the troubles which | Markets. make the lives of so many women & GRAPES. burden, and 5?*’"“"3’ restore the iCB | _ Gyapes, arerapidly growing in favorand glow otf hfi““b},“;fl!fl?}‘l‘l@bfl?bfikly are becowmg a very prominent source of Men broken down by overwork. worry profit to tha growers. â€" Mr. Girardot, a or excesses, will find m Pink Pills, a native of the loading: wine district of certain cure. Sold by all dealersor sent | France, said, "In France the yield por by mail, post paid, at 50c a box, or @ix | acre is vot more than two tons, while in boxes for $2.50. by addressing. the Dr. | Escerx Counnty, Outario, the yield is at least Williams®. icine, Go%lm B:0¢K~\ from four to five tons, an3 what is more Â¥ Ont.. . B4 . of cimitations and ; ino is equal to any in Eastern France. t e 2 qithe wino 18 eq y e * (bstitutecal {’*«,;.,m;‘.h.’ 'M«'“m A Rrom twonty acres of grapes the yield of e i 4 â€"sfi»oéâ€";gâ€":fi- ~ bustdd wine bas averaged nbout 6000 gallons and o e aban w dn e uen 3 css 9t As + * PRECEVILLE _ . _ _ |ib ievery remunerative, a profit of $800.00 oo io i m s pe en tore on e per nore being frequently obtgined," \ ’ibemrchwindcanwu,hnfio t Pears, strawberries, taspberries, gooseâ€" ‘?‘f in March | perri@Â¥, currants, and cranberries are also as had considemable .pf the jJion about [ ... , in abundance in this grgvinoa. DEAR SIR,â€"*"After a severe attack of In grippe I was unable to recover my former strength and activity, I had no ambition for either work or pleasure, nnd to use a popular phrase,. **did not eare whether school kept or not." I tried yarious medicines without derivâ€" ing any benefit from them, â€" With not" much hope I decided to try Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ Pink Pills, asd was agrecably pleased to find after a few boxes, a deâ€" cided change for the better. My apâ€" petite, which had failed me returned, and T began to look for my meéals half an hour before time, and I was able to get around with my old time vim . I continued the use of the Pink Pill for three months, and find myself now better than ever. _ You may therefore. depend upon it that from this out I wilt~ be found among the thousands of other . enthusiastic admirers of Dr. Williams‘. wouderful health restorng medicine."~ Yours gratefally. t# several remedies without deriving any benefit, and as one after the other had failed,. be detemnined to give Dr. Wi} liams‘ Pink Pills a triat . He felt so utâ€" terly;worn out that several boxes of the pills were taken beforé he found any benefit, but with the first signs of imâ€" provement he took fresh courage, and continued taking the pills for three months, by the ond of which time he was again an active hbustling man, feelâ€" ing better than he had for years. â€" Mr. Garry tells his own story in the followâ€" ing letter to the Assiniboinn :â€" j Dax GaRRY. Dr. Wiltiams‘® Pink Pills strike at the ot of the discase, driving it frpm the Mrs. Thos. Derby is seriously ill at present with cancer. â€" Dr. Park has the exse in hand. SWINTON PARK HAMPDEN At the: Colontal Exbilition, held in London in 1886 x pecial object of interest to the public was, we are told, an exhibit of one bundred jurs of grapes from Canâ€" ada. _ To the foreigner, whose knowledge of Canada was gained chiefly from photoâ€" grapbs of 1ce palaces, and of fur clad people in tobogganing costumesâ€"this was a great surprice, and plasards had to be put np with this inseription on them, "Canadian Iruits all grown in tho opon air." The value of an acre of apple« is placed at $100.00 per yenr, and of peaches which are grown chiefly in the Niagara district, the profite in an ordinary year are placed at the aaroe amount, while in an anusually good year the profits from ten acres have amounted to $2,000. Strope PLUMS. Plumsaro grownâ€"extens«ively, both for home consamption and the United States Markets. . Mainbacceueln s ue Barrels. Value. 1868 84,405 $ 87.333 1872 106,568 265.015 1882 212,526 540,464 1892 690,651 $1,444,833 The 1importauce of fruit growing in this province may be seen from the fact that the Ontario Eruit Growers‘ Association, a Society orgauized in 1859, and incorporatâ€" e in 1865 clmins a memborship of 2,700, the lurgest known of any similar body in the Wu&;"hl‘ ~â€"The umr;'e!luns development in the exâ€" port trude in Canadian apples is shown by tke following:â€"_ 1868 1872 1882 1892 _ APPLES, The high character of the Onario apple is universally admitted ; the produce of no other countzy in the world, combines in so complete s degree, the three great qualties of color, flayor and juiciness ; and nigher prices are obtuined for this apple, than for £ny other in the world. In every country of Outerio, fruit 18 grows and in many varieties ; but both as regirds production and exportation, that which hes attained the greatest importâ€" ance is the Apple, FRUIT AXD HORTICULTURE, The high place which the cheese of Ontâ€" ario is gaining for itse}f in foreign markets may be claimed also for onr apples, In every country of Outerio, fruit is Wraww and in many varieties : but both as " About two years ago I suffered with a very severe attack of inflammation of the bowels. When I began to recover I was in a very weak and nervous condition, «nd suffered intensely with neurlulvh paius in my head, which caused loss 0 sleep, and having no appetite, I Whenever the body has been weakâ€" encd by discase, it should be built up by Hood‘s Sarsaparilla. _ Read this: Weak and Nervous VALUE PER ACRE OF PEACKHES. ko Erie and Ningara disâ€" ‘The undersigned kaving beon restored to health by simple meaus, after suffering for soveral years with se rere luag affection, «ud thut dread disense Cousumption, is anxious to make lmo:n to t:l: 28B eRAETOTE O t O RSmARE sR OS omula 2l e fellow -u{ann the means of cure, To those who desire it, ho wi‘l cheerfully send (free of charge) a cepy of the prucrlpmn used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthmm, Caâ€" tarrh, Hrenchitis, and all throat and lung alâ€" ndies. Ho horl al) sufferers will try thisremedy, asitisinvaluable. Those desiring the preseription which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessipg, will please address, REV. DWARB A. WULSON, Brocklyn, New York We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest a Price Paid. %;;g |' Bites, Whips, || &c., &c. Heayy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Fize Choice in Valises, Grips, Horse Blankets, &c., &c. ¢ CALL & SEE OUR !| Collars, Pads, We Handle everything in the Harnese y line, at right prices. Know What You Chet Lock Box 28. Hanover P. 0. * Telephone Deeds, Mortgages, Leases : writings neatly and quickly pt reasonable cost. Hay is Scarce â€"BUT Money is Plenty. Also a full assortment of Crockery & Glassware. Dinner. Tea & Toilet Sets T ea of T ecas KURMA TEA. Hides must be well salted Horse Hide By the New Process, which for Finish and Softâ€" Robe Tanning ‘! Dinner. Tea & ToiletSets We take this opportunity of At Popular Prices. thinking our customers for ERON past patronage, and we are . CAMLR convinced that the new system Hay is Scarce wl meris a continuarce of sauoad the same. HARNKSBS â€"â€"All Business Confidential Mev i Sold for 30c¢câ€" 1bâ€" Sold for 40c¢â€" 1bâ€" Sold for 50¢â€" 1b C. LEAVENS, Jr. orse Hides, Cow Hides, D« Skins. Tanned suitable for Call and See Our Spring Prints. To meet the demand and give complete satisfaction to our customers. Is just at hand. We are shaping each deâ€" partment of our general stock to é be complete in atisfaction Guaranteed ~ H. H. MILLER =â€" conxNsUxMrTIVvEs. Robe Tanning ! ness can‘t bo be Robes & Coats Dalglish‘s Old Stand, Upper Town, Durham THE GPENING OF SPRINC TRADE 7 BE FURS. TEOMAS SMI7HA H DISPLAY, VARIETY AND FRESHNESS re H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer 1J At & 80M 00., LÂ¥ ~_ Te Atsney U t \ _"Large Sales & Small Profits." t} H ul We have the famous Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in stock Bell, Karn and Doherty Organs at prices which will suit the times. M ; is going to be scarce tllis winter, we have arranged to loan any amount ot?it on g‘fi farm security at 54 and 6 per cent. straight loans. _ All kinds of Ploughs Cultivators Straw Catters, Turni in noekAl at our Show Rooms in Lower Town. h Culctonke ©~ Marriage Licenses issued and Fire & Life Insurance promptly attended so * We have a Goods on the way Corse at once and The Implement Season is nearly over but we have a few Buggies and Democrats in Stock which we will sell at Cost in order to clear out our Stock any person in need of a BUGGY, CART OR DEMOCRAT C. McARTHUR. Hay, Straw and Mill Feed. . A Car of Selected Seed Ensilage Corn, Clover and Timothy Seed. 300 Bags Oil Cake of 100 lbs., $1.25 per bag. Large buyers, close prices. Car Land Plaster in Bags. Land Salt in Bbags. Fine Barrel Salt. Bargains at Wholesale ! The Turnip Mangel and Carrot Seeds arse true to name ané selected. Special attention is called to Oarter‘s Elephant Purple: Top Swede. It has been & grand success when the true seed has been sown from the grower the seed is reliable. N., C. & J. McKechnie. The Fall is a good time to buy a Durham,. Aug. 9t(h. w and Fresh Seeds now in Stock from one of the best Seed Houses in Britain per steamer Damara via Halifax. H. PARKER, CALDER & LIVINGSTON, Agets, Seeqs! Seeqs! Sewing Machine, Organ or Piano. i pprle_y ks LN o STOCIIEE We beg to inform our Customâ€" ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, anrd that our Motto will be ALL STAPLE SEEDS. we will surprise you with low prices. targe shipment of Stoves, Catters and other F ater and must have room. ho t ano i 1 HE °C ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. Druggist & Seedsman, Durham. "B0%. LOWEA TOWX, DUKRHAM $ o

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