West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Mar 1896, p. 2

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"‘Basanos Red Oil" Rheumatic Twingcs i, “a are prey-red to take building con- 'traeto and "wish all kinds of Matetid at living prices. Always cures. We carry this as well as an other standard remedies con- stantly in stock. The " Bed Oil" . . . . "Soft Elm, 12and 14 feet; Rock Elm. T. a. " and It' feet lengtlw: Birch, any length «Nor 10 feet. I wam‘MAxxwr Paws Run {Pol 1093. Dromore, Dee. 6th. ‘95. 50 CALL AT WM SHARPE’S WAREROOM And Inn t the qumu Noxun Stu-1 ti?f,d'.','.Wh Saxon New Steel Biutler. and Mower and Rake. I have the well known Waterloo Thrmhvru. l‘luughs. Dire “arrows. Cultivator". ilay Furl“ and Shell Slings. " will pay any farmer to w my stock and Kim low win-s I sell. ' Showroom two doors 110th Slnx'dard Bank. Upper Town. Dmham. Barn 50x70. Nour- Drive & luv-plenum! Sudden mnh‘rncnth. Hard and ta4t W; School convenient. ham. Miliqts cost at: naked. one.third down. This is a Rare Burgtin. Sh Grain. Business meant. ll m will has. for A tertu of year", ply on the property to ROBERT WATSON. Jr. ‘0 Yum-V P. o, WATSON BROS 'yr/r/s)" FARM F63 ads and Watches IMPROVED MACHINERY. o beg to nmmum .Utat we have the ml ret$tted v LOGS WANTED. NORTH EG 1:153! ONT. A SNAP I "tried, 31min " Spraius,” ”Gout.” to: "mrry- ittoiiy shotgld have, bot. ttlo Mf 1tltis rreiitbie' {ML WM; WM. SHARPE, Agent. Is one of the best pre- parations of its kind, it is a. Sure cure, (d direc- tions are followed) for not only " Rheuma- tissm"utgrlsotbr".0hiir, blains“béing successful in'every case of the lat.. ter where ' it has been ALIVE! tism " and aches in the back which With Old Age come Twinges of “Rheuma- Are not dead but FER SALE 017R er half the Money H h b th huil AI r |”an“: #55156 Pioriase, in, threrisound w wily ttr. .:At we i prank man when . I wm‘tmsam‘??§“gw " " " s . " , ogn'e that inOnhrioaf, er " _li'l/rr:, grim y who _-chi‘;dx:eu‘ " qr" . "rs. '.tulitv;i:eiyitttcraiiigiti,:, _ . o I hrs and seventy nine cents per pupil. ' In the town of Owen Sound the. can I per pupil was seven thea'tg'iii"xi't',t ', cents. bat in Durham ii; fell tom d - l, ars and sixteen cents.” So muhmnst 1 be mid at least for the economical whumctcl‘ of the Durham School Board tItythy in view of the excellent I work done in our Schools i "rlar1ligit Schools showan advance (all round, slight hi the average at- i Leudunce bat considerable in tlie work l (loge and in the salaries or teachers. 11‘: IS Fetitralry. supposed tin-t .High I Schools ems: chiefly tor the mining of l teachels and preparing pupils, for the learned professions. But while they do much ot that sort " work it 19 Bath. inetory to observe, as Win the I Minister’s Report that the Higher edit. ication is more and more generally Eiijiiit.iiteiij,. and that many van , mop preparing " mercantile)“: 'lelli 3 agricultural pursuits Jake ”damage . f-ofa mg: Be1iod training, Jail}, the. ‘Hig-ht: boo}: ttamto iheKitqgtre we fund to animus-e in 18%, tedltg,',t 'iiiiiiiiiliriFii'iiiii'n; and an. cam-h M t!e'y8ayieIs including 1titltttt lg Mbaaittit 951- s.Tys out. a @0531: _< . " _ .e.eltr, py.tpi1 Jn ttl%oiieA8E'l+ l _ , \ - . talus (5ch 53mm. The total cost of maintaining the Public Schools of the Province in 1884 reached the large sum of nearly four .millio. dollars an average of eight dollars and eighty two tseriisgNtp1pil, In the County of Grey itmas:irittiit' ttt?Y 79H»: il win warnnn-nn with v an»: iv? I~ 31‘ 1.4mm» Inn laid be- I'wlr ‘C‘l- II :4 tlr, ll: lwl'ia hf the vari. ..Lx~ In ~‘;;:;;.w:;:v. Hills {Lu Legislative Avail-ix um at u glance become ne- qnnizm-l Mill Lil" work done during tlw vuuva,vl he prtTared to discuss it (In the ilom‘ oi the Iluusc. The Brim-r, of the Department of Education is wry elalxwate and very complete, giving full statistics down to the end o'. the your 1894, darling not m iy with the Public and High Schools, but with all the edeueational Institu- tionsoftlm Province from the Public b':hool to the University. The average attendance at the Public Schools has no: increased as might be reasonably espceted,-rh the last ten years there having only been an increase of about 23000. This" mav be chiefly due to the tide of emigration flowing across the borders. But the Schools are oc- cupying a higher plane year by year, there being a very large inert-nae in the his: deeae in the number studying the advanced subjects. We also ob- served that there. is a corresponding advance m the mute ot the Teachers. 3,207 having attended the I‘m) Schools in WM as against MN mm: While the Teachers are thus, showing all diligence in preparing therttMVes for the. work, the salaries of the teachers do not shows corresponding inerc;tse--the average suargfor male. tuchcrs being $421'and for female teaehers $311) as against 8428 and 82P2, respectively in 1887. . reg throne all yearsnnd f)6 days. Queen Victoria hogan to reign on the 2Jth of June, Is37. In her case 59 years. 96 days will expire op. the 2ith ofScptety ber, 13%. At that date her reign will ifshe still be with us. equal to that of George III, and alter that her's will be the ncsunl longest reign in Britain, al, ready She IS the longest actively reign ine sovereign, as for, nine ycarsctefoie tivr- Halls at, Ottawa. during the long: dehatat. Metrtberti had to attend in relavs, and those. resting had to he within call, sosoles. lounges and soft corners were soon preempted. The many; who could nut get rest made night nproari ‘us in song and jest, while the "whils"of each party had to be eonstantly on the alert that the who was no: swung upon them umwures. when rm: cclvgrum asked for curried. mun us th this, but Linc will o, tt We ath m, T/t ll J' Ma r, when the 2ud Reading was I ' What; did he menu then as ' 1 a bill was read tt second time I to three the House into cum- it ? Mr. Laurier row-mod I lw action is another Tupper- '; fl 11s. Tupper made. a scan-mom m}: li r. (iyocmvay's private ictoria occurs tl: LE if she survives est reign of any se islands. H M Howell has gone titrott iss stirring session w on: record than any n the government. T l .. has more to his crc .09 a comb spitable individual, tet' close, would have lly (lemmas Leir. , government. The as more to his credit ' mind." Pity his xpeniled in a better m wiis 1 round sum, Luveruor gives “rs. Thisitis the province, 1c Lieutenant taken be. 'd by the the main id/h' lw, 1, ally tl under a trt s-An garding m House " 31513 Jjiii,ikt,tit, mama and a plenum H' twinning Mink thn other evening, he is hale and hearty since 'ttg','?',',', t,e'utt,'dht ts', tgat.' ltr mew WI '1'd','1'tsftlllr, tr the”: 93:: by iiG"iifiiiGki0kh, 'Hi"t1itrtirttjtji'ti' MissBelIn, Gruhum has gone to the WCity to remain for a time. she will he much when} hy her many friends and‘companions. T _ 1‘me Maktsism is at present with the Burk family. Mr. A. C. Panama. of Durham spent. a few by: with his friends here ks: week. F _ T The Snow storm on Thursday night was the worst. of the season, the loads East and West are completely blocked. The many friends of the Rev. Father Maloney, were verv much shocked on hearing of his sudden death. which took place on Thursday last, at the borne bt Mr. Andrew» Funny. on the forth concession. the te,t'.g,'.'e',tl'li,tir extend their sympathy to che Izemv homily. I It In (tau ""-0" "5"- . __V-V V him“) in some better; Mrs. John A. McMillan is well "pin. and Mrs. Me- Cormick is able to get out and see old turqttairtianee'. . Mr. Mac. Benton in company with Messrs Jinnand Arch. Brown of Benu Linck leaves Tnvsduz; for Portage La Prairie. Manimlm. , e wish thstirltwk in tho far west and hope they mny return in good bullhund irhirtck galore. The Ark Jtli1 in it,"2'a', are improv- ing; r. ' c is ning in strength; Mn Mchllan‘s “faker: wrist is aims wank-ran he expect,- ed: Mrs. Muir is critical ennugh yet, although much improvad: Mrs. Mun- tyng is able togo.ieruti, Hus ref? "."i.'iitii irate. McKiunon from'Pomona I! in our-burg at present. l " unn- .qu mum." v_,...,_,, -__e un the Assembly's Committee on bills and Overturcs. Mr. McVicar was ap- {tinted Moderator of Cedarville and Gplin. It was agreed to spend the first hours of the afternoon uederunt of the next meeting in devotional exercises, Mr. McVierw. moderator. to lead the meeting with an address on any gal-jean he thinks suitable. The Presbytery ad- rigumed to meet in Knox Church. arviston. on July u next. M10 B, m. tr Yotzsa. Clerk. John Taylor, and Mag ie Benson from the S. S. at Ramsay. fl'idJ',i.' Aull and Jansen Were 'utpohittral members of the. Synod?! commiLwe on Bills and Over- tures and Metssls. ngerqn and TI??? French Liberals were \vuu nun, Wino ot the linkers being elected at rccem 1cea)leetiims. Let it be noted that if every liberal had voted against the bill it would still have carried by tour majority. Great interest was manifested every- where in Mr. McGillivmv's (North Ontario) vote as at his election he de. sired to go anpledged. Mr. McGilli- vray's Legislation is'destructive. He titst helped to votc.down Mr. Lauricrh amendment, and then tried to vote down the Bill, nice man Mr. McG. even up with both sides. It is owing to a few like him that Mr. Lamier's amendment was defeated by 24 while the bill wtuctrarricd bv Itll. It is reported that Mr. Moncrii‘f, Con. servative M. P. for East Lambtun, will be appointed to a judgeship at an early date. and will not be a candi- date at the ensuing general election. lie Voted for the bill. Mr. 1lassort, of N. Grey voted for the bill. and will not be a candidate at next election. Mr. Srroule, M. P., tor East Urey, distinguished himself in the debate by bis independent stand, and confirmed his speech by his vote against the .bill. Iird"iiti.Cifti.isiii, Rom the S. R, of Ceaarville, Cecuicrsrlt.rr, 3%. Taylor. Twenty Ontario wnsarvativos voted ngaimt the bill and seven Quebec 'Libcmls voted " it. Dr. Weldon was thconly conservative omsldcof Oni- ario, who voted against the bill. Great .eredit is due to the French- men of Quebec who stood so munmlly by Mr. Laurier. All the old time French Libux‘als were with him, some at the bonus bcing elected at recon: thpcc abscntecs, Montague. Denison, Corley; three vacant constituencies. all in Quebec, two paired, (SirDtmled Smith and Mr. Ruwnnd, Bruce,) these, with the speaker, make the tutalof 215 rcprosenmtivcs. Twenty Ontario eonsorvatives Voted againa the bill and seven Quebec part. of the l'xovium: tor thymine Schools. Not only so, but many Rom. nn Carlo! cs do nut want Sqtmuo (“t-hows, tra'ct'trmf,t of c clue to have their ehiluren edncatod in the Public sclo,ls. In those eivcu'mst'uwen' it news Very odd that such obdyxytiorts are made by the handful of Romnn Catlzulics in 312mm 1m to sending their childrvn to Llu- Public Schools, t-spoci- ally that. the Manitoba Tu14ic Schuuls :m- ,.nvmsllvsl “1101‘ch style of the Public Sx-luwls in this Province. Second Reading cf the Coercion Bill carried by a majority ot 18. After " Continuous svssion of 38 hrs ' from 3 P. m. Wednesday till5.30a. 1n Friday moruiug the great. vote was reached, and 21K? Cumuwmrs were put nu rccord. A large was. There were thruc absrntccs, Montague, Denison, Public s spec fr SCOTCH TOWN, GREAT DIVISION {Gamble the great. vote was Cunumcmrs were put T vote. There were Montague, Denison, J'l'IT luaudnplboum nov‘in iikls. "roeipt tttoduis"tog, roman m by _ilre'uittb'terd..t met tomb. ring. and Imutdathc outwit 'irsi'i'iiri it» 6tsrtruae,:tyye4At,9,t _ (9) Minerals tot-game (with. tine tits and jewellery. ambgrmnd racial“ new. (O) MirteraltcaiglissUe to niia'eiiitruirr output-pores. Wet curate. ' _ , ' Viver, iron etc . 7 (2) Minerals used in certain mauufscr- urea. in. plxosphnto of Lime. bon pyritots, t0. (3) Miner) used in Agrim'ture as mp- _ sum. slull mud. to. (4) Miami!- mod n pigments. Loo. 00hr”. "rap clay, to. (5) Combustible, and carhmncoons mn- "iritt, " pennant!) troal, he. (OI Relmwry minemls. soap “one. mica " my». V T W) Minn}: npptionmo. fa bt1ilditsg,%tw sum", mite. to. (8) Minerals foe polishing And . att mill amen. whet-toms. '/ ' gain; Beyond Hus district, and to the North West are found Venus of gold bearing quartz and extensive ranges of "naguetie "on, while to the South Mrest, in believed to be a continua Llo' of the famous Ver. milhort range of Northern Miunosom. Upon sulttutasLGttd,ruulaiuer islgnds in the Lake of the Woods, and in {hangiun ugljweut. to my. Lake gold bearing wins ot wonderful promise Jmse been disoner. ed, and already many clmum have been when out in this distant. The urea. of the province in vast. many districts have not. been prorqrceurd " all. and only an iytoyidtrmbuportiora ofonr tuiuetal wealth is known to us. The miner"! deposits are widely spread, varied in character. and cover the entire lie" of econmic minerals with the except ion coal at d (in. The Iron (urn-u of Out.. ano are among the: best in the Myth}, being equal to tho highest quality at" 5.2. lush. So grout. indeed is the mineral wealth of the provincu that an American authorin bus said thnt "To tv.mientariae the undeveloped wealth of thia norziorn ' would require Volumes“ The following tthvtsititition, from tho report of the Geodeticsl nun-vev. mow: a greater detail the enormous vnriety of the mineral "sources of the produce. (I) 'itttalf and thairores, as. om of gold In the township of venison, 15ch spnci- wens of unhlhwum: quartz and t.tbeuruve. dcpisits of c 'trl" 1' and nickel are found. Alone Um shore of Luke Huron. from the mouth or Um French, to 5mm Ste. Marie. ngd uu.Gilvcw bearing ycim, iron. copper goleua, and Immense qum-rws of marble, “We boon diseovut'esl. Slum of the Hugh! of Land and .3};tmn.’:x,g mwnxds James Bu)". llluhyvclm‘h 'VI"'" n {Immin- in: ufuerul region. Nort'u at Ldu, Super- tor localities of gold. uilvvr. copper, iron, mucus. plttuslago, zinc and iron ores ham been: taken up. besides which an imx huuslible supply " “on 5 of gr ni ere, West of Fon WilhUtn, is the silver ms. triet which jullgmgjrcm the explorations already wade, proruiursto be,” “gems. from region otgrmtt sickness. 1 "nviy age or 2,0 yt-zu's. The funeral l “wk plum-1n Mvlkuctlron on Saturday I al tl a. m. Dun-used was harnm, Acton j (Runny Hahn". lie osceived his _enrlr ,mlucatiun at, Guelph unit-1' the Jesuit ; Fat hers. at St. Jimmy’s t'ellvste, Berlin, mining othve thinks I wanted some Oniuns: inquiring the price they wen- quota! to Int-at from 2.1. to 3 as a lb. fur cmnnmn kindi. and consulting the market rum” in the Mail, (retail street, M. P.) I iiml the!" selling at .30vts. rpm- lnwhcl. Dun‘t you think Mr Editor if things are mid on a par with onions it isuny wonder that t'0tvk'uu1erv'_ mo ole liged tun-ml to the city for their grinds. Howtist.voypvill find spurt for an in srR.--l have 59m ynn roznpinin in the columns of the REVIEW about. purple in this vicinily sending to the oily for goods hush-ml of buying m Durham and vncum‘ngiug home (rude. Ican givo you um- ittstattce why we send In the city brvuurstulT: I was in Durham on Saturday tlus14th Inst ,nnAl Hoods Pills :m- putely vegetable, carefully rrvpared from the best ingred- icnbe. 25c. ' MUM F. Do not, be induced to July any other if ynu have made up your mind to talu- Hood's Sursnpnrillu. Jtctuetubei. that Hand's Sm-saparilln cures when all .othurs fail. Do nut, Five up in des mil- loccturtsesrtlter,tr,mlicines have {1“ng to huh) you. Take Hood's Slrsa urilla faimiully and you “my museums; ex- pect. bt be cured. . Mr. Etbiiu, and St. Michael ti (01101.20, Toronto. He rpreirrrtl his [honlugit'nl [mining at the (Emmi Spn.fmu'\'. Montreal. and was ordainmi prion! of tlw dim-vac of Humil- (nn hy A-vhhlnlmp Frrhtv, in Montrvnl, in Don-unu-r, 2880. Thetivst six months of his minisn'y was spent in Arthur as aryistunt Co Father Dohetty. whence he was tirut to the charge of the mission: at Pviceville, Ghmelg and Melnnctlmn. Tim slrvvat.cd "jest wax oxlh-mcly po ulur mu] highfy rvsprchd by his yams: and "ll 91.15315 of the cnmnmnity. and his party death is deeply deplured by all. In “animal. mums" Infra. cc. T s'frtri'ra'it"aGri' a... Frim in... "if - T .. , __.' ""'NT F; ma"~_v‘een9 c1'5l'fl'1t _. 1. .4 "ww,r anevyman. i2tt$ji",11rfl,lt'tk' Tho 'y-tutr'" of W15 any; tuttbrtiira ',aj,taitytstft,tgt, . mm. uni _._‘.. “and - or‘ n Inae lh-v. leu-rMnlunvy. Parish priest, of Durham. died w-ry sum "uly (m March 113”: in Glvvylsy ol pnvutuyyia, l tht The town aud mnnh'ysidv wc-ro sur- l" ised :md t.orvoxiful to loam on Thurs- day night, PM, that new. Fattuw Mulmwy hhd suvrumhml to pm-unumin and 20 nm'rhngt- of lhe Lungs. The Rev. gvnlh-muu was ill hut u short timp mu] “:5 Nikon ill at the l't-widvm'v of Mr. Andn-w Fop:ar1y. Glonvlg, while in the dim Inn-go vt' his dulios and ir was there he din-d. As a Ju‘ighlmr nud citizen he wax b.ighly estvclucd. and as a priest. and wtstot' 1w earned the rcspnct. and the love ot his awn people. The Pe- muhm were takvn to Murkdult- and then to Molulu'hbhun after several delays an account of the storm. The nmthm'nnd family have Hue synumthy ofall, The following m-rnunt " bis carver is from the Tnmnm II'uI'Itlz-- THE REV. FATHER MALONEY PASSES AWAY. 'tis ‘n'u RESOURCES OF 10 IN M DONG? DO THIS, ltr p.11 MARRIED In MIN Inlay the 14th "var,and things I _ wotturd some rt. Meekin and Mess pf the luwnshlp of ONTARIO T. STE Fel 5, u thoy were , 3 cts a lb. mulling: the (mini! street tr w ‘k J', " Mar D, o h "u", w... _.... -eeme n --.' . C _ l man ttnd itrrrleg. At tttttes' I could not ‘ Tank hut towards .cvening _l imp". sowlyw gm“ better. The lie-x: Jsy ab about the same time l was seizd _ again in the smne "mum-r. Inow cam-cl m uur family physician who told me that a ”nod vessel 11nd numb in the the bark of my bead. He left me medi- ' cine. The pditcin the hack of my head never left me and] continued to feel miserable. About two mouths after this tweondattack while sitting in . post ome" of the village 1 was sudden [seized again and sre,i,.1f, out my horses and wngon stat-u for home. I had not. gone far when medium dropped out qt l nivrlght hand and I tsgairtffisend 1'i2 self ”blind in my left eye and the rig t arm and left paralyzed. The bones now carried me home but muddhe house in the direction of the barn. My wife thinking I t,ftT,e, on to the burn paid no attention or perhaps“ min- utes. when she sent one of tho children “I; see Th", what wit? keepiugkmeh di l, t: is time. mu um). em 1%an an to he minted into the house. Before hed time I begun to move! samewhns “dink. fairly well the next morning; but was again seized during the day 'tteu",',',",") nmnner and P2it"'tt'tt: a T PM was . o - gi,,,t,t'a2hi2'2rt'l ouketxpeef.ittt.t sign " way true. Amalie ttttt I had tried mitotic me no W: " now thought AarAtttd/tr' Dre , “fault" Pink P,ttttr, 1iftsriilitittf time! had used nix hogan luv mum my bead 31161.19": u at; new. 1mm Musing them , 1iit imputh wheplthodghblm, a tiiiiiiiaiiee of,tlteett"y It the-MM yum-Elwin n Ji,i,'tttttl warmth!” jtiiihistygiUatttk! T T .11 has. "i ' m . 'tlftt'itttt'l'tttittir/ bmmm A sort of st upornlso WM gradually corp" ing over me when by a. huge ettort,q succeeded in regaining the kitchen once mom. Aelighted).tHvm let, down became extinguished, . thus showing that the accumulation. of..tpts had causal ao trouble. Thumiu aisthe hack of my head contiuu to trouble me and one day while working in back tictd I sud- denly 1ott.rtysyte of my left' tyt/ii;::".!? of fi‘l'l. is, Cu. ru::|:=x1[5(' Inolgmg lzl I 2:- villageof Gasricticcri. Alum! Iwo "ud " half miles from the villsgrs “mink-s Mr .Fred J. Fielding. “no of [hr must thriny {mun-rs in this-section pf the country. Your correspondent cuulod upon him and found a very genial, Ilit-Lflllgt'llr and uppm'emly at very healthy looking mm. In reply Co our question, Mr. Fielding said. "Yes, I was nem- to death's door at one tiuw, but thank God I am a new mam lo-duy. You see. he went on, that pump in the kitchen, beneath is a well about 20 feet deep, which was the cause, I think of all my illnéss. I went down last tall (1804) in it to clean it out and was only a short. time " the button). when I took with n severr pain at the the hack of my head and n burning sen- sation in my throat and lungs. such as caused by the inhalation ot brimstone. brick, Tho nunmtnf rmmnnn i-uck in 1893 wan 163350.000 brick yaiucd at about one million tlrsllarg. Drain liia‘cn tho vainn of aburt 300,000 was make in the sumo your. while the nine nf the pressed and fancy brick was $217,373. The Gypsum indm-try is making m'nw program wirilmthc malt industry rcmmns prs'titmlly m. a. Manda)”. although Lin- promotion of Jlro in'tir'wns greater in 11593 than the preview war the azure- izu'n valms was lea. The salt prodrteed in the Dominion IA minim! nil manufnr- tn er? in Quintin. thr. raw-m rntnrns shaw- Bat it Is No More Free from the Ills to Which Flesh is Heir than Less Fav- ored Localities ., An Account of a thousand mited, emhmcing the counties of Lumlrtoi:.and Huron "ml portirotvt of Bram. Middluxex Kent 'mJ Emu. Since ONE OF THE MOST ROMANTIC SPOTS IN CANADA. Head’s Pills Is the Only True Blood Purifier md weak. Fortunateltvln friend who had used Hood's surnparll with gr " bene- tlt, kindly recommended mo to a o' it. I did so and a perfect cure has be." e: ted. I am now I)! welt u I ever \.,A. and I would not be without Hood's Bars,aprtriua an my house for anything." Mus. a. Knits, 245 Manning Ave., Toronto/Ont. Prominently, 1t_th,ts_r?t1ttletv1t?PA' Hood's Sarsaparilia "About two years use I suffered with I very severe attack ot itttummatiort ot the bowels. When I begun to recover I wu in a very weak And narvous condition, And suffered intensely with 'riTSt, palms in my bond, which caused low o new.“ having no appetite, I Whenever the body has been weak. cued by disease, it should be built up by Hood's Sarsaparilia. Read this: THE LAND OF EYAMiELlNE. Weak and Nervous The beds onvvr an Strange Mnlady From Which a Gaspereax Farmer Suffered. nmdmnaml Huron and pnrtinne " P, Middluxex Kant 1n-l Ewes. Since tirrst dincm'erv it 1865. wells, have l-mod at Clinton. Seaforth. Brusscln. Malina mu] otner small places. and oat Wmdsnr. The cemms of 189). MM.0co as the amount inves‘ed in n Ontario. while the total amount n of all kind um '.e in 1893 was 48. Became Very Thin Winn industry is making Maw Irilvdhc malt industry rcmmxm at a. shunhtl”. although tho ..f Jlro In'mr. was greater m the preview war the aggre- wns lea. The scott pr-uinced oinion IA nlrnou Ml manufnv- easy to buy. easy to mu. can: itt enact. ae. f Mont two H. H, 't “.149 3“! "jesr,iii1r'r,tti, srt1hiiiEei"eiii m. mm 1111.801, may». In my GiiiGi iii ri,t,ehi GhuiiiiGFGFiir Incl-dunk: u, Thouglglrlnnt‘ To ©omgTFMPTENrEB. The underdgnod hvlng boon rmtortrdtottmtth by ampl- mum. "tor sulfa-tug for sova you: with ... m" maturation. nod tin-twain“. Consumption. when (0 mm know- to bu [allow "tNr- du manna! can. To thou who duh-m; In yin annually and (In. ot about) . 'trtrrot the Wynn Milwau- my will and We do the trade In law Furs. Highett Price Paid. Fine Choice in Vallses, Grips, Home Blankets. mac ..--.-- runs. --- ' TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship Unsurpassed. Heavy tl Light Harness We Handle everything in the-Harness line, at right prices. CALL d; SEE OUR ll Collars, Pads, Collects Notes and Accounts if no ccllectiun. C,heap Fan it a iNAieet,iod. C,heap Purim fur sah. Demls, Mortgages. Leases and other writings, neatly and quickly Pl cm red at reammble cost. Lock Box PS. Hanover P. o. .. Telephone." Term: desire 'get/W-art/ttt You _ 7 er I We up». large shipment ofqu Cutters“ th C' m'. li, '.'":.""""."v' _ “Ch , ' oulJ'itte%'rs'iiit"ini'G'iirv'i', room. ,9. er Fallaud Was-a J 'ii'?:':';'"):? is Scarce . - -BO"x" - Tea of Teas Hides mu Bythe New Process, which for Finish Mid Soft- ness mum be hem. Horse Hides, Cow Hides, Dog, Skins, Tanned suitable for Robe Tanning! ae--Ail Business coaf1dential---- on ' HARNESS N. am: 1g)b'k. Satisfaction Guaranteed Sold for Mo Ib Sold for AOC. lh. Sold for 500 lh Try it O. LEAVENS, Jr. Is just athand. We are shaping eacn Ole- partment of our general stock to be complete in DISPLAY, VARIETY AND FRESHNESS To meet the demand and give complete satisfaction to our customers. ,.,) H. E. MILLER Call and See Our Spring Prints. KURMA TEA. Babes & Goats Da/y/is/ds Oh/ Stand, Upper T OWN, Durham. wry ist; Chtasswarts 1ner. Tea a: Toilet Sets MTWE Ill THE t,1 35.07 'ifli)lih'rS SMITH. Bites: Whips, 4l H. H. Mridr4s'it, It I fri.'?,':'";') The Hanover Con veyaneer, II chn mo ctly J) H Cone " once and we will surprise you with low prices The Impl1smeptfea.spn is nee. ly but q h . . 2",'t,tte '2f,'g,'t Jrlf"'11 we ,"/i'lrlih,iCt"c2 inwgydeax'v; 1,f,rd'tuiifrsg'.t BUGGY, CART 0B. DEMOCRAT Fa 1NL, C.,, dk J. Mckechnie, Hay, Straw and Mill Feed. Bargains at Wholesale! A Car of Se1eetedSeed Ensilage Corn, Clover and Tnnothy Seed. 300 Bags Oil Cake of 100 lbs., $1.25 per bag. Large buyers, close prices. Car Land Plaster in Bags. Land Salt in Bags. Fine Barrel Salt. The Turnip Mange} and Carrot Seeds .1151 hue to name and selected. Special attention is called to thuter's Elephant Purple Top Swede. It has been a grand success when the true seed has been sown from the grower the seed is .teliable. New and Fresh Seeds glow in Stock from one of the best Seed Houses in Britain per steamer Damara via Halifax. " NV 'hsWil itotrroodtimetobuyt 3 )urhn EI. PARKER, ,.,p.tssiring Machine, Organ or Piano. in he amon- Raymond Sewing Machines. We have in stock .4311. “My Own! svmwhich will tsuit the times. t ' “M T i. towbe my” this winter, ye have arranged to loan my tri/U, , than My " tig was pet cent. straight loans. 'iittyitiii! garge Saies & Small Profits." . jiy/rcA.EtTjfiii'irUR. HAVE IN STOCK We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ALL STAPLE SEEDS. ru. King. Ot h. THE (ii))yhsi,itJl.ts', are shaping ‘eaich tle, ADOPTED BY A11ttaytoty Straw Cutters. Turnip Cutters, " H}, G. a; J. .tcTcKiii0Bt0Jil. angina ' Life Insurance promptly attended to Druggisi arJ9sdarntm, Durham. ", _"-' Down: TOWN, Drawn. '95 Eggds! ti, Agents, ho: we part LOOK ! tll Country T and eve: went last Tu Come early - believe that V TEVERYTHI -___ C0LLABS CUFFti-- comps ,chgFon'rERs coasters corrosts \cmzroxxa ccn‘rms P. 0. DRAWER No, 1 DRESS GOODS ,DL'CKS DOOR KSOBS afRi)lf)iRfii'i '" ANCY GOODS FLANSELS FLMiNELETTES PLAN. SHIli FIIILLINGS CRAP}. CLOTHle An Econ-moo ti k Among other things to ht found in this store are the follow- - ing-: G IKGHAMS GLOVES ILL HAVE OUR v: 3251' ATTENTION BOOKS BIGXCLES LAN ORDERS SENT BY BAA BAG IRAHJS TI'USS LTIS AMT BAWEBS tie ESTS F ASKETS have made give you tl _every day truest he‘ll e hat MAIL VB

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