West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Mar 1896, p. 4

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S",',":,.',',:','..,',-,:-,-?,..'","?,')',',",':: gone in the tsorfof Mr. Jchn any of the Tp. of Cr",',""':",,'. who died. on the 22tid and usurp. Dom-ed m1 naive of Litteolrvetsire. England. and came to will country about Freaes no and scams» the Tp. of JUrfeosont. After raiding than for about 2) years he thought that he would leave 1nd try the Insect-Kama. but‘not liking thit comm-fie returnedin n1itmt_prernraod bought. thefum when helived until the timed his (laugh. Decca-ed poo- Iouled A strong mauve mar nee. was won infotmed on most numb. and bad . MN)’ retentive memory“ gamut: widow. imaméndktsi an ton-own a . 'tperl,,',' ere Thr 11Jl1tdl'lt/ Mrseeost than!) inst. to tiuiFGiGii on”? Gar-{ran Bald and In. 1900' by: I- malnu- m-und mu» :1 Glob-t mum 'fry-ei-tir-iii-iw', wand- u.- mud Edi ,a0iiki. iii Mr. John L Mt-Kenzie, Bianca! op- tieian, will he at Parker’s “gators on Saturday. April 4th. to correct. errors of refraction on thn most. scieotihe prin- "iples Thome wants from weak. “our or long sighlednea, sham hear in mind the dale. As be is a graduate of the ONTAluo Omen. Inn-nun he wilkttttarantee a perfect tit. C'omnma. awn free. 2 MRS. Hum McsAB.--The death of this estirmstrte lady has removed a de. voted and faithful hend ofa household, and one of the pioneers of the wwnship ufGleceht. She was only 2 days ill before she succumbed to her painful .:1alady. Her husband, three sons and six dunghters survive her. In her life, she abounded in good works, and in her death rate in the sure hope ofa glorious resurrection Tm: Lyn! Mus. may. Corttatar.-.. ‘x-mlmgst the many whom death has taken since our but have. few will he l man severely mined than Mm. John ‘ Garnish. Jr. The deceased. who was a daughter of Mr. Jas. Peter. Sn, of Nor- umnhy. sent' a highly esteemed lard ' and a devoted wife and mother. 'ar,', extend our' sympathy to the sorrowintr husband and familiin theirmre he- rmwement. Three c Wren. the young- est three weeks old. are thus left "sotherless. -ormctg, Aarnaptsrnlltt. purititmost No Dam. A P' Omar: Sotrmx-.The Adjutant General has declared against h-i I yractice for che-Cunadfan volunteer militm at any other than the brigade st. Hagan. Therefore the hope that nu 31 battalion might. go into mm , at awe" Sound this .veasrhrsbeen "/i1'lll'Jl5 sd. -Chattrworth Banner. Crusoe mr NAME.- iott 0' the Bruce Pres muted to the core Norman by to change- sminn from North N of "Hampden." The G. T, R. will, "turn tickets during days. good going from and "timing April 7 ,tudenrs, are offered r: at u fnre and a. third 1 . My. wishes he wilt return took from Sail A Comm? Lrxtrttx.-The revision of p mwless frunvhiw lint for ISM-95. at this Country 829.513.1313. The cost _ that; tidings of Bruce is 9,513.37: . the 3 Greys $2156.50. And what do ",tet in return for this enormous ex- mlmu-v. Why simply to have our mm tabulated on the franchise “at "Pall of on the ordinary Municipal 4'.rs"lisst. lt isaroscly piece of lux- The haw of Aon ftned and ridicule Mr. and Mrs, enjoying a visit tion from Mrs. l Mrs (Dr.) Malcolm Black left for her Hymn home this week. Mrs. Black. Sn. of sulw town. has shown surprising vitality, mm" hut isoot yet out of danger. For t To PArtarrrhtc-Ctover and Timothy 'd,',',',",' wed. and all kinds of Farm produce cm ten ' band at the wan-house. Upper Town.-- 232d An h. N. H miter. ously Miss Sarah anlpt. is visiting friends Palm in Smuthml his: week and this. While, (man; there she will am It! bridesmaid at the Toror weddincufu friend. to pa? Mrs. D. Coleridge. Sn. visited her daughter Mrs. C. annge Inst week. Can? chxr-l am selling " Rood family ttour at $1.!” a hug One var arrived and another on the way. Min! Dom Davidaon. of Town, is visit, ink friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Chas. Gm . Jr. and familg l.eft for Hamilton Tuesday to take up t cur les- idence there. Mr. Jun. Rustic. Jr., and family will. take up their residence in town until navigation ope-ad when they proceed to Rainy River. A. Luca has money toloart at 45% gm Real Estate Property. omcolopposite the Town Halt. Samm-l and Mrs. Wright. of Durham. visited Chatsworth friends on Thursday laat.-6'hatsuwrth Banner. Mr. Jan. Emilie. Jr., and family will Memes. Hugh nnd Peter Campbell, Aberdeen. are planing to leave unnot- Iow for a summer position. LOCAL AND GENERAL re and il mm Ben Nevis Camp meets Friday night. 1" :ic9,Cgitr';at' ' scep, Sl (WES-z ti'ss.'Jiii'?iri'i'; iiiiikiiiiiii')itii)iiii i a N. w. Campbell are hf several weeks'dura. uxnplnell, of Port Elgiu. Ar il 2nd to 6th Teachers um M w. Lauiaw, " left Pr. Landnrkin’s name appears on the Division List where we had a right to look tor it after his manly Declare- eal op- tion at the recent public meeting in bore “n I Durham. Though a meeting was call Tp/if I ed at Flesherton for Friday. the.tsamtt weak kdav the vote was reached, thtrispeas new“; not the slightest intiiiitdmtm his pen l . late of . to sun-l: the vote, as mauve though; ”It be I When that meeting was arranged it "Dulu- i was expected the vote would come otr 2 ,Tuesdav or Wednesday. we when: we in I became a question of meedngor vote, '.heTp. I the meeting was. cancelled ' South r and 9res's repreoerttathtLNcagtuh.bees Pfhtt I true to his Principles“ refused to be} 19rt a party to the coercion eta iigT2g',t or s supporter of fancied estimation, which can never be d” the slig mes: benefit to the Romn WW: _tturtority in Manitoba. as hasheqn etasrlyattoirit in The debate. When (buservatives like Srlgonplg syn; Qy}he_y___vote i _-The Ontario Legislature is get- “icing: on rapidly and quietly with the 3 work of the Session. The Education ! Consolidation Acts have been carried land the amendment of the License i system prorated by the ogeit,igt, as :n test question failed. I'he Patron J leader, Mr. Hayeoek, has again tried ( his hand in amending the Ontario I Medical Act. The honorable gentle- ; man is evidently anxious to do good, i but unfortunately he is not taNeietttly _ conversant with his subjeca, and now as last session made an inglorions re. treat. The Medical Act ism by any means perfect. but the amendments proposed by Mr. Haywck both last session and now. did theybeeome law, would be equally detrimental to the public and the profession. What loin; Jnriousto one is injurionsw both at the work of the Medical Profession l directly in the intereswof the public. Le: Mr. Hayeoek read up and put him self under good advice. " I Another Patron measure, anti equal- ly unfortunate was Mr. Gamey's am- endment to the election Ant providing that Sheriffs and other County Oftieers shall take no part in an election. This bill was also shown.» be contrary to the public interest Ind was defeated. --"iTi, Tuppersmith telegram in- cident in; rem-lied a further stage. Sh. l 'hayhs Tupper stated in the house jthzit the (iovetqtmunnt had nothing to ill” uith Sir Donald Smith's visit to l“Ennipvg. ButSir Donald admitted that hefore prom edirut to Winnipeg he i had swine conversation with the Gov- ‘ ornui' Gmcrul on the situation ofaifairs but simply as a private individual. The question then arose whether the Governor General, in the circumst- stances, could divest himsclf of his public character, and whether he could do anything in the matter with out the advise of his constituted- ad- visers. It was held by Mr Edgar, Mr. 1 Mills and others that under one rep resentative form of Government the advisers othis Excellency in the cir- cumstances and we think rightly are rcsfonsible for all the Governor Gen- era 'sacts. --A conciliatory! commission left on Tuesday tur Manitoba. It is composed of Sir Donald Smith. Senator Desjard- ins and Minister Dickey, good that the Thppers are out everyone will say. However old Sir Tu per is bound to go on with the bill, ancfif need be coerce parliament, if that be possible. We think nothing so high handed has been seen in parliamentary dictation since the days of the Stewarts and illustratosthe'old adage "whom the gods would destroy they fitst make OR. LANDERKIN'S VOTE. We regret to learn after we have gone to press that Mr. James B. Jacques who hm been n patient suit- during the wimvr ha: succumlx-d to the distuvs" which prostrrtted him. We extend nur sympathy to the sorrowing wife, pal" entsand family. The celebrated Singing Evang.e.re.t, J. M. Whyte wilt conduct, 'ivateli,tt,i'i services in the Methodist chum next Sabbath. March Mb, morning and wouingnnd every evening during the following week. lhe week night meet- ings will begin with uservica of “Fig led by Mr. Whyte at 7:31 "r,r,r,.,hl',,t "t8o'tuock. All art-cordially invit . All souls 0pm) to tivst-trotucrs. $150 FOR AN OLD 1'otr'icLrt,', trout one centto $150 for old Can inn or American stamps. If you have any old letters with stamps on send for price list, w. H. Thurston. F lesberton. H. vollett also was tied up on home from Kituuardine. Not "cal. "tie ups" occurred nu our roads where drifts were greats-r t M14] before. and formed mun- hm, nil is M'I‘I‘He again. and THE SNOW BLOCKADE. ne again. at -n exhihiting place to ball: of gmcidenls. 1 lg huL fortun- ' Prts' have been " of the omn- farmers hem. nml‘r gener- Mina a Carrftruauoort th . k lint... wm to noon lee thou: 2'llJif agun. “If .1‘ 3:“, Mia-u may A. nad turatt"atugiittit m mum ?ttArjylyr, looking new a??? vrrss"urtjrW_st'i'i'. t 1lt T! Mr. Thomas Currie his been laid up t.er some time with cry-Em": in' an -Mr. BotyerrTFa,ttery,its on the'oick list, for atom!” wrecks. Nahum to hear of his speedy rec-917m. imt‘hurch 183% week“ we" atte ded. The D%m&n t',t',',','ii,t",' iiiili?'iiilil, eir. tertain e pen e in nun e manner Messrs. Donald Menu-him. Jame. Burnett and Neil Melt-mi have to “with. tltrtor the lamina. T if,',' with tfretttiaeeeira. ' -. . 759303. and new wo'have 'tit "30qu smite' of T the drifts. or lhov our way through. ' The eptertaiwnep.t ip therPresh- ianhur‘d: Wynn“ well uptepdod. We are again enjoying bright (in s after but weer. big storm. We though the snow, was shout. at deep ttft it mum get; but they: is always loop of (cont at Banks. more. He is "r,'deitii,"tari,t,ttit,', tyas! formerly an by Wellington axing “Told Glenegg. amLin fact he an: soon ttyior.nicil . aqopgst P', 09390 Miss M ie Tumbull left home last week 'dllf,fl,ul', when she will rem- ain for some time. ' Mr. Jan. Banks of Proton is sojourn; ing At his old home. We In: always pleased to meet, “Jim". Mr. James Haslip. who took up his residence in 2'"g, Proton. less than A X?" Fw', Asfs t at tty.atreiyrt an! Mr. R. Eetor Jr. and his sister Maggie drove over to Greenock Friday to see their sister Mrs. J ”mm made such agmd one} to one young man and put such athreut upon an- other young mam V Wo would like to know what kept that path open between thbrick and the phone .hoiotre myf thy Uncle Robert Miss H. Fee spent Sunday last at home. She was accompanied by Miss Mary Falkingbam of Durham. Mrs. S. Carson is id a very low state at present. We hope to hear of her re- covery. M r. George Petty and his sister Miss Annie were visiting friends at. Clifford for a, few days last, week. At Mr. Alf Corhett's sale last week. Mr. w. Marshall and R. Morriee each purvlmsed a. horse and the same day same dnv Mr. John Marshall sold a colt to Geo. Johnston. Messrs. Thos. and James Watson i n- tended leaving Tuesday morning for Rating River district. hat may received word Lhat, it would be unsafe on account of the ice. Mul- laderwood and his mother. of Pamley. were visiting at. Mr. T. Wal. Inn?» at few days, last week. ., The Dromore Choir to be a little quieter when they get, a good upzet at the (:reekund stew broken feathers in theladies bats spoiled, there was no person dmwued. [nu-ks giving in, nu the MPH {tum mu! they sw-xu to hail from tho townline, ArteIm-sm. Its all right Archie. If the Valleyitcs didn't think their time had couw when they wc-rc caught in the storm. If Dougald found his bags. If Dave will ever find his sleigh and gr.eerity. ___ _ _ _ -- _ Miss Annie Mckechnie returned home from Toronto In: week and has been unable to have the house since, but under Dr. Brundcr‘s can: we hope she will soon nwuvvr. Mr. Hugh MrKechnie. of Glenelx. paid Bnlsmn 1"ttl.lvra.tisiyr yfsir. and (is so very good tor the millions of l Roman Catholic children in the United i States cannot-be detrimental to the ed. l ucational interests of the few hundreds j in Manitoba. True,the Public Schools fin Manitoba are not purely secular. i but they are nonderwiuiutttjorml, and in sofar cannot be objected to by Rom. l an Catholics, tor they, in common ‘with Protestants accept the yttrdinal doctrines ot Christianity. However if they do objcet tilt n the Legislature of Manitoba can right the matter by _ seeulai'izirar the SchOon and thus cut l the ground from under the feet or I Arehlishopun,t.rrvirt and his follows I Nor can the Archbishop object to sec- 1 ularh'ch 015. for his superior, Cardinal l Satolli, has atypnoved of Linn. ' and, l declared them: to be exactly in accord f with the Divine idea of the relations; between Church and State. l ‘fl'ivuds NORTH EAST NORMRNBY. EDGE HILL ECHOES. "-----i.i----- II ttee BALSAM VALLEY MrKechnie, of Glenelg. Valleya firing visit and micd hy Jennie; Flochart, was going to attend her I is very sick at present. it, would hen good plan to Tet. society somewhere on if this is not, done some- is going to foilow. Come P take hold of it, or tiorvvvr mum-r wvrt- caught in the of l he _Hr'tisott ItssrThutmulay. (i Durham and Irving delay- pund an the lumpimlily of ur " nights lodgmg. Mt. yrv :wrumpuniml h uunc Won- caught. in the humus of Mr Id Mr. A. McClmi; The hosmitnhle hast uth families [nun-d ml are friends indeed - -v- 'ee., -e.r.Y, n. N _ 'i',,, ,2 'i'titkiic #3 "My?" ", “L .1 T» l 'c.-, _ ", u; V - w - n T "tT', "r":" Iw-‘Svl‘wl 'rm' F i‘ ', -..3.. l" V vi,' /-s.rt L. F " " a w /." " _ ___ _. A, f X113“, h, n _ 'l M: 1.": ESE/7:1 :7, FcAMtfrUE 'ryiKi, [ _ 'icy, » . W. M; T "f: rr £7 /t w e-uk. “may u w w",. ". .34 ' 1r.c1sr csc, v.rrr 4w itr, PM . Wynn, . ., _"', cc, 't ', “I‘M, T '.'s. t-t _,," .,,, J" w,“- _ ',.. ',y?,pjccir'CNf1ikE a /"c:tv, e'.'." . 'l ', 7 g x + , ,,.:;,.a~: ' imaawmrfiflg 7:39;}; t M '. _ A n ". creet'-'rCrr:b,r, "eF V‘r"\v“m- "," a. ,v u w :il'iiSir .W, ue'":?,-, ,1 _/u', T 'sf/i::"; mm. T. 5. C ', t'1"7;"~“Pw"v‘=~‘~jntv§;£g°gmg 11mm? gy " 's, “21', ,_ 1p.i i"ygi 1",'Vki,sisrr.ijycy;f': mug-”M _ I "Hm” J a ;s:'errrrfy,U,'p,y. V .._. A . - Fr;'isiips:s F, (M, _ F- A f fr , know mm lr' Te 3* "eMi,t'ic,1'c, sh L-ullr 'I." 8: irieed wheattbruiiie%rttiriijisTct' l, *1": "7‘7" 7 T'." Ir." , _ 531a Roller mus for can or will sAgt,'2tttii?'rut,n't,', gainsgtgg exchange for other when. h _ H fr. lute', _ 1 mm the well i, l, TO LLE‘Tw. -pport an moat] on _ 1itisasratiGh has aol Teas aid 313 ot on mulch pl" ui"y.4stt MST. any}; aAYH up“, “A . Q1 (I, I Amtoarr-rn Vumey on Tuesday. March 24th. James Abbot aged 76 year-9;. thcsroc-At. Humpden. on the 14th. irate Richard N ichol. uged M years. Breatr-At Humpdon, on the 19th inst. Mrs. Jun. Byers, agedSi years. Uorttmtrr--rn Norman by on Saturday March 21, Mrs. J no. Cornish, Jr., aged - Arrenrm Ttyuttzln Normnnhy. on Sunday 22nd "tst., Mr. Joint Torry aged about tttr years. _ . MCNas--rn Glenda. on Salaam 2Ut inst. Mrs. Hugh McNah, aged myyw. Mazarmrx-Mu 'tepe#t on Thursday 19th inst, Rev. Father Maloney aged ar. years. Ft J Amtrmtr--At his Janka-’5 maidens; l ",Glenolg. on Wednesday 25th inat, Jug. Buintm; Imus. eldest son pf Maj C :Jqogph qumlsedal N511)“. ', A MrMmtrrrs,--IhrrD.--At the residenro of, and hy Rev. A. Stewart, on March the ahh, Mr. Roltort Meekin and Mus Janet Reid. both 02 the township-o! Egremont. . 1 Rnsxm -Ttrckmt-.-At the residence of f the brides father, near Greenside. on Wednesday 18tn inst by the Rev. G. Hat tier, Mr. Frank Ronnie to Miss M. S: Tucker. only daughter of Jas. Tucker, Esq. I McMrLLas-In Durham. on Tuesday the 24th inst,. to Mr. and Mrs. Michael- McMillan a son. ' MsrraEws-In Glenelg on “‘ednesduy %th inat., to Mr. and. Mrs. Williutit Matthews a daughwr. Mr. Wm. Anderson. of Moors visited at. w. J. Dewhy's 1'eceutly.." Miss Addie Ford. of Nnriimnhy. 5 last week with Miss Bella Park other. friend: on true Smuh Line. Ga). Culvert, and Jos. I'ovltcrtt have returned bout tbe llnnhm' w EhenezerTea Meeting came off last 1THdnesday evening and was a, great success. Rev. M r. Plug; was chairman and Durham Methodist) choir wax-bled sweetly. The nice little sum of $21; was realized. Mr, Wm. Johnston, who has been on the sick list fox the last. few months, we are pleased to see is now cunvnlescent. on Monday the. 10tlt inst. Mr. Alf. Corbett bad an auction sale of his stuck and implmncnts. all of wtrdoh soUnr at good tltr:',. Mr. C.. um] family will have t, i' sweek for Oakville, where he hasnlreauly secured a lucrative aituas tion. of Algonm. Making all tr their wiIm-r's work. M P. John t'orbet1, Iran's C, Kivkwell, who're Le inn-ml.- during tlu, summw- mum ha: Mr. Unn- Dumu-Ily i, nu: farm formerly occ'tspied by which he has purchased am it his peruvtrtertttuode. . renewing old ucu' and Allan Park L Mr. Wm. Am visited at. w. J. l Miss E. Wilson, of Drumoro. paid a visit to her many friends in this vicinity Lust week. Quite a ti neothborhoo spring. HE: On Thursday the 10th, n. hl-uvy s: ow sun-m son in and on Friday "wrung tho road WM Much-d. Our nmilumu tried to gut outrhut failed. No mail on Friday. ‘h Sn Iht Mr. Ruin-rt Hymn. of He (1».ng th The week ending P.1st March has boon noted for nth-ring cvcms in the mur- riugeline. Mr. (hurrgc (famplwlLsmI of John Cuprphert, was murril-d HI) Tm-sduy. 17th, In Miss Minnie- McMurdu eldest, daughter of Wtu. MrMnrdn. Mr. James McLean, "lder. of the Latter Days Saints church tied tlw knot. They who their dry-urn”? for their farm in Gleruelwtutpi'vit.evilie. Evert hudy beve wishca them joy and ottrtfort through the mug}: jnnrxu'y of life. Again on Wtldrirsdu.v, the ltith, by the vav. Mr. Mun-rim". Mr. Thomas For 22 ”an. I DIV. was“! a In - Ky. Spout-Int and rimmed Optician. No mm In the Dominion our Ihow half the good latter: of mommondauon u I on. No mm in 0mm Sound I. halt may I pmatlul optlclln. An op- new: In a nun who can. mule I pal: ot meet-cle- Tho Owen Sound dmggln. (imitation opzlclnu) could not mo, I "Mr of "would” M any mice. I will glvonlm $100 it he can. Secondly. n mm: to by In Optician should ownnu ophtlourrrnvurr to but ilitteront a) ovalphL-nnd clxildrnn‘u eyesight. No man owns or hnu an ophtiuuomtrtor in we: Sound. I will puny Um cur turn of any blmintcr ln Owcn Sound to '1'orotto, in cannot show him, that [own tho "women (notary. mv nyeclnrlnn me mud» in. loan in. weettsrrtes to t'yv._. that. no man in Dluhnm can M. Call um! tro Ponvlncud. Iror. Chamberlain. Eye SpocinlisL of 87 King Fit., F, Torrmto. (Int. “ill In an Mtvel'trrltsr,o's Drug umro.Dnrlmm, Out. mun. Wtsteh lnr dam. Sunday Hilly uoin HUM-rt Black, ExAeouueillor. has 1 m the m-ighhmluml of Tara. " “M expect some time ago that. Huck Wonk. everleave Proton in M l“I c. to Mess 'htphcunie McPlrail, tar of Me. Alex. McPhuil. Ex- _ He brought her to his home mm- m‘ening in company with N the frimnis and ne-igh‘mm. Alwllulinlm friend Tom and happy t Vou. HARRIAG ES. I last w le lb'th ins'. L uvvr his face DEATHS. Tl h and 18th Andve mm nmviug up ui, in unr town known 's INllerton. of Vex be Inst, week with BIRTHS. lie u m ber of are chan VICKERS “mint HOPEVILLE. MoCrmlu-rs drm wok lo visit reluli Jim drove to Du wuno hmm-nn Sir, of farms in this arming hands this I Glam-I of Morrsflehl. ‘ccuul ly.." runn}!xy._ ape"; Andrew Watson up his vuluahles "town as SucieLy pm M h, was wound here Jfr.4 ttlust. has the um is alof broth Tun try. is h ieud D And Immt the Eamon: I Hoosier. iii. Noxon Newl mug lower-and Rate. 1 In -known .Wnurlon We: “Din nan-ova WW and - in“ It wt hunt! to no my dock n mica;- , db ' V T $hent..tmtettrisAttetrtor1 Bout. 11mm Jteeba.t lk gmild state of cultivation {me from nox- xouw weeds. S'prlng Creek. StoneHouse & Kitchen. Wood Shed attached. Bank Barn 50x70, Sumo Bum-men! Stables. Drive & Implement. House 30x60. Stom- Stablcs underneath. Root, Ilouso l0x50. Hard and Salt W ater. Churches and Srhnol convenient. 4h mites from Dur- ham. Bmldmgs cast over half the Money - naked; one-third down. This it a Rare Burgzin. Stock or Gmiu.. Buciness meant. If nut. sold will lease for a term of years. Ap- ply on the property to On the 2nd Con. Normanby, contain- iug174 gun-32 Ho. Clara}. A 1 soil in FARM FOR SALE. "ouhl out. and rest wcll lu-fure I hd (indm'irh. I 1viti tti my wurk as usuu in two wot-ks. and sinee then have on joyed the host oi health, I have ttot how so well for 31mm. My case was a Fllt' prise to all, I mu Sir', yours truly. \VxLuAu tit'LAN. Said hr H. Parker, Druggxsl Durham Clocks {mi “Watches ALIVE. Bll CHAINS Gt (llillflhlll tense pain if I did, I " Case was one for the knit} ed “wilting hut the worst. told, sorrmthing will be :myuny. I lert't home w The audersigned has received in. structions to purchase afarm (fix-om 100 to 200 acres. Mast have 50 acres ’clcnrcd, in good state of cultivation, and either river frontage or good spring. Quality of buildings no par- ticularohjcet butmus: have orchard I and shade trees. Crn.tvissnvHtrr, J. M. McLeod. Goth-rich Dun: Sm: Ahm- an yeltr with [Minx in the . eytlntwdly passed "ver right side. I consumed was told that. mulling Cr) me and to g” to the Tun once that I had an ulcer, I knew that there was smue sort, there. I HWA barrel. I could nnl out. JI A SNAP! Mac-FARLANE & Co., Horse & Cattle Food FINE GROUND OIL CAKE, {rum BODEN MILLS, at $1.25 a hag. A. LUCAS, Real Estate Agent Office, opposite Town Hall, Durham E'le, IC lu" A farm In the vicinity of Durham AND Other Gras Sseeds ROCK BOTTOM (ll over, Timothy, -).,r...l..rls_ii..f_st(, ALIVE) ! ROBERT WATSON. Jr., varuev P. o., Ont Are not Ancient but Just the thing for stock tae'" TRY IT. .511 Are not dead but ""v17ugrNTfi'l.D. AT AMERICAN Lrvypists J Booksellers THE WISE MAN, e into-n- [chang- vd Mrs. u (nu-ed irli'.iiyyiigsiijL,i,i1igi,iii, PRINTS Our New Prihta are just in. We have the very best value at l ', b' . _ 6e. "hs, 100. and 12K. a yd. See them before buying. See curse. and Ge. 'dithutEs . MENS TOP SHIRTS from 25etx up. _ t -, ur We um skeep full lines " lowest ieetr. F _,ii))lg,,rJlriiii,Mili,tii _ ~You shiuld see our SPRING 'l?d"ilth '-" _ kind 1 _ V ‘hdoro-buyiug. (Note this fact.) ttettt'gttut'ttr,1l'ft,'t.', 45h. wide, 250. I yd. Best Ottmenl "i,é9rttttee.r Wtiiur,or9tr-fisr2seyP. GI eel-inc Soap, ' r _ gaging! §ahn : an!» was“ tt 'l'dtv,gG"ili'fl'il 14 tttr'ildlhts “on! 91.0 up: Thing. 19htrlll"r',' For“: yourludc‘ Just Arrived WAREHOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. -milALER IN--- All kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs a Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. hall and inspect and be Convinced. EVERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH Chas. McKinnon One Car Brockville Buggies, also Gannnoque, and Campbell, Lyn, don Carriages oz Buggies. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, also Snow Ball Wagons. i New Stock of the famous Ramsay, autg--at fabulous prices i Frost & Wood's Binge Apron an-, tiers, Buckey Mowers and Tiger? Rakes. , One Car Maxwelis's Light Swell Biuderts--ehearer than ever. L Just read the following prices I i' Bargains . . - Ladies' and Children's BOOTS. A " " OXFORDS. in Blach & Tan. . . DOWN IN PRICE . - A 25 et. JAPAN TEA for 20etsa 1b. 11 lbs TILLS 9l'S ROLLED OATS. for 25cts. 10 lbs TI" .. 3N'S MOLINA WHEAT ropes cts. A LARGE BAR or MP and a TIN WASH mm for 25e Some Fine Gmghams were 12k for 8 and Ith: 150 yds. single Wldth DRESS GOODS at 6 to 10 cents. We are offering some bargains in PRINTS this week, These goods we carried over from last Season. and we are going to clear them out regardless of cost. _ We wiH give you a diso Clothing for. the same you, as our CLOTHING J. D. KING‘S Men's 33,00 3001‘s. 3.4103 Tor 32 inch Print, good heavy For the balance of the We JO inch Print _ I' iif Bidek and Tan CHAS. McKINN ON. G. L, GRANT. Yorr WILL NEED New Lace Curtains ind a few ends at 5 and 6e CLOTHING So is House-cleaning time, and SPRING IS HERE same titt 81 yds. long, 42 in. wide, 3111):; pr. M- " 42 " 1.25 '. Th New on Hand We have the best made for 90 gents ut Bal rows. Wilkinson Ploughs and seumers. Organs & Pianos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. New Williams Sewing Ma.- Maxwell's Steel Rakes ete. Coulihard & Scam; Seed Drifts and _ chines. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. Best in 'the Market f 15 15 , off all Children's Thin should interest, itlyytuuits and "way regular pri _ IN "a crying Inna pun of Cutting Tooth an: at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. “Ensign”. 8etottLtr Syrup"{or Children nothing. It l ,eiilmliirve the poor little ottrrrwr immodis} ugly. Depend upon it, matherx. them. in no Melba“ it. It curel Dlmhoen, M “has the Stomach AM Bowel], cum Wind Colic, “an: the Gum: and reduce. JAE-n- nation, and gwetr tom, uul energ- to tho .501. W. "Mrs. Winslov’a Sanchin‘ Syrup" forohildren teething it pie-ant tom manna in the pmacnptmn of one etch M (and. phyuciuu Ind unne- in the 'dtit Sou 'i,Urd,',rg','itgitiiit a“ L - th 6: In”. B. an and at t,'rstth',, M We Sun.” Mea. menw's Somme Sync» has been and by millions of numbers for thu'r children while Mixing. It disturbed at night Ind broken of your rest by a lick child “Kain; sad min: with pairs of Cutting Teeth an I at one: and get 1 bottle of "Mm. “Emma-'- --ee_e"e_ .n... nu uu' arrvlce I beau-(124. 60a. 3. s. D. R. Glenelg ATHOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE BOAR. School TmberSM its jun-‘1 for you'during the summer. With the increasing demand for f ru a position with us an Salesman will p: bitterthetmraxing in farming. Sex us Four appiiciirfim and we will sho you bot tom good money. - . a -"e_ “n”... . “m any! he Dominion. . Position T,',",.'.:" -or. Commission to rig t ma 81.00. To be paid for it time ofServico. Mean, Oct. Isth, 1895. A good man in your district to repre sent. the “Foothill Nurseries of Can Ida." Over 700 acres. The largest in he Dominion. Position permanent. 2-1-... --IA-_,, . . _ will he kept, for Service forigeag;of 135-6 at last 7, Can. I. Normauby. TERMS $1.0) 15 Thnmughbred lheder White Bear} The undersigned G,, for service .00).--.1.“ n m .- - la For Servioe during Sum: chBOS-96. Registered in the "me11. But-hire Swine Record " u No. 2956. Fmowed Nov. P.ut. 1893, nnd bred by John Meyer. ammo“. This tine mind Thoroughbred Berkshire Bear. 'rzauTiiuso., " we World's ram. Chicago. Also RUFUS, six months' old. a get from Prince Ind Princes. Lyonshud . fine mini-J. States and was kiein) " the World's Fair, C BOULDEN & Uo., Hanna April3rd. TIG. 1 REVIEW' RE VIE" REVIEW Chi. tine mind will be kept on the premiere. ofJNO. CLARK. Jst., LOT 32. CON. 3. W. G. R., BENNNCK. W ANTED I Potatoes. per 1 Buy per ton ...... Starw. per Lon -. Beet. {om gout. Bed. hind “ Dressed Hogs, ... Hides, " ..-. Sheepskins. each Butter per IB...... Floor per 10015 Jun)“. Sham ' Bran " Full When per Sprung “has Outs. Pen. “SPRUCE LODGE HERO." NO. 402 BERKSHIRE BOAR 4ate Tamworth Boar I'ERTISER STONE & WELLINGTON per dos SEASON t895-- 96, hen per bush.) When .. THORO CG HERE D DURHAM MARKET, TERMS 81. per bug ... 0 " to n ................. M 60 to (on ............... 9 00 to gutters. per 100 3 00 to (A " s m to and GLOBE. and HA IL and LONDON A D, CLUBBIN G. TERMS t per bug a-. LEW. H. w. LEESOB Prop a wigqqr of four Prizes - $LCO. Tomm. Ost 860to 060to 018to 018to the thing Write for PROP. s Makers, Durham 31.33. 015 015 go

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