West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 2 Apr 1896, p. 5

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ness ' complete BrSs. have arranged to loan any ent. stra‘ght loans. cKECHNTIE Seedsman, Durbam. TRADE have a few Buggies and der to clear out our Stook clesale ! rance promptlv sttended to Ces. tters, Turnip Cuiters, &e 11 Profits." We have in stock the times. and other Fall and Winw: WE TOWX, DEXKHANM MOCRAT each deâ€" c to eds ! true to name and Carter‘s Elephant | success when the he seed is reliable. echnie. EDS or Piano. ill Feed. * Customâ€" generally the Cash Cash or d iimotby ag. Large ags. Land Talifar the best 16. po otber remedy for kidney eomilints +quals Doan‘s haduey Pills, as evidenced by underiable testmeony rece ed every day io Lâ€"tiers from »nfferer« who have exâ€" paped from the torvures & Lame Back, Hiduey tronble« and never censing puing _by means of these wonderfzl pills, we do not beatinig $o make this offer, for while we Tose thetox we give you, we make a friend that ast ts im the sale of wany Insurance, Estate & If you anffer from Kiduey Disease. Lame Back, Disbetes, BrizLt‘s Disesse or any nilment cudsed bÂ¥Simproper action of the kidveys or â€" tait@ry â€" organs, (thi« ‘offer should attraet you, Bemg convinced tint Of Doan‘s Kniney Pills wi.l be giyen {ree. Auy person suiferms with lnduey alzwents gan get a box »t the nulersigned _ ad{reus, notl the «uppiv is exinurct=d4. First come, firat served, ard orly this eue chance nffered. _ lemember thix m not a raimmple hox, hut a reguler ful} sized. bex of Doan‘s KEadney Prl‘s. which »»tails at fifty cents. To Kideey Sufferers / AGENT. ACCOU NTTANT REAL ESTATE OQrmc® Opposite INSU RANCHE Farm=, Morsos andeé€atte Rougbt snd Soid on :Comumission. My long expcrience as €AP, R. Land Agent places me im s porition to Aorrespend ~with intending Emi grnaids Eagland, Irei»nd, Seotâ€" drod m the Enastern States who Have Meney io invest in Furims in Ontariv. Those who have * Farm»AorSale cull on me. TOWN HALL â€"DURKHAM. Books Posted np a Shects got Placediin the FINANCIAL MONREY TO LOAN at from 4} to J per cent. sceording to the mmonut aud security offered. FREE! FREE! 12 FULL BOXES AGCOUNTANT, u the Mcet Reliable.Co‘s at Lowest Rates. pbysicians and narses in â€" the | 5_ *. LUCAXS; enera CA erniment to reply to inquiries thas ADeV nade in order that they might. if the eviâ€" | denee was favourable, restore this priviiege ‘ to the Canadian farmer and the Canadinn whipper of eattlo. It has been shown by | the Secretary of State or the Mnusigr of i Finxuce that, np to the present time, ADY | answer has been made to this pressingâ€" and kindly demand by the British Department of Agriculture upon the Government of Canada. Even from a business standpoint, that letter should have been answered. The British authoritiee wrote with the view to baving the former relations recs tablished, and this should haye inâ€" duced this Government to give prompt eonsideration and a careful answer to that inquiry. They went on until the 29th Jauuary, 1894, when the Departâ€" ment of Agriculture of England, a bravch. of the Imperial Government, again wrote asking the Government of Canada to furnish the information desired. But, up to the present tune, ro answer has becu given. Iremem: ber well that in‘ the clection of 1891, I was told on nearly every platform in the riding of South Grey that if there was a change of government our eattle wowid be scheduled because the people of England were very much more favorabiy disposed to continue these arrangements so long as the present Goyernment were in power. _ It was enly a very short time after that, that delusion passed. away. aud the cattle from Canada were placed on the same footing as any_ others coming into Great Britain. In yiew of the evidenc» produced from official «decuments by the hon. member for North York (Mr. Mulock) this afternoun, 1 expected the Secretary of State would give a reply to the point raised. _ But instead of mee.ing the charges and the evidence upon which they are based, the hon. Secretary of State gives us assertion, not fact. . He does notgive a serap of} evidence to ~sustain his contention, He charges the bou. member for North York with striking down a <great inâ€" terest of the country. ‘That statement be makes with all the ferce of his ntterances of his former _ days. . He tries to make the countl?‘ believe thut the hon. member for North York, to wain a party advantage, «is willing to strike down this great industry. Bat when it is shown. that the Government have faited to uphold this privilege of the Caradian . veople, the &A,z.-;§§c;e- tary of State takes some cemifort that the :lx:iuob: of the British (?ov‘orpmgn; wo. _a blessing .in disguise. _ ‘eannot understand what‘he. nieans by the two positions be takes with.regard Lwthnqum%en hehon. memâ€" if"fi' Nu}:'zfl-* ces anyth ing, be is striking down a valgable industry,. oucwhenthe wfi%im lbedme._wb_v‘ ‘then, it will tarn out a blessing in disguise. _ I wonder the anss which Ethink are hasty and iI\ i T e P un o Phent and Lict when dedling with a BCR® BSF 0 \"51.,;'5";.’"!.3‘?;03 ie o us pert Km er read to th & nadian Govâ€" es that they inner. The long shown interests of maffer â€" It n. member ck) that on itish Goverâ€" rpetnate this medom and y ve | daughter, Mrs. Mc | Miss S. Graham | been visiting ber | retarned bome las ‘ Mr. A. C. Beaton has a dove for Glenâ€" elg overcoming his desire for a towid life so be has made arrangements whereby he will still work his own farm. â€" A. 0. will be welcomed back. Mre. James B. Jacques left on Monday morning, in company with her brother Mr. Artbhur Burton, for her home in Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Baurton eame over to attend the funeral of his brotherâ€" | inâ€"law. | It may savé you time and money to " Ts ts ..c h00 M rabatioa ies experience ton who is Mr.Z Wim. Jamieson leaves toâ€"day (Wednesday) for Exeter and other Pm'n!n to visit relatives and friends. The old g ntleman interds to prolong his yvisit for a month or two, and the Dr. and his establishment will have to get along somehow without him. To FarmEns.â€"Clover and. Timothy seed, and all kinds of Farm produce on hand at the warebouse, Upper Town.â€" Arch. S. Hunter. ; â€"OPTICS. Mr. John L. McKenzie, ractical .opâ€" sician, will be at Parker‘s F)rugsu:.re on «Saturday, April 4th, to correct errors of eefraction on the most scientific prinâ€" ciples. _ Those suffering ~from wenk,. knear or lony sightedness, shoold hear in mind the date. _ Ashe is a graduate of the OxTarmo Orricatr IngmITOT® he will guarantee a perfect fit. _Consultrâ€" tion free. 2, vyery low price try JARUCLIUT Store. Dont forget all pur trinmed free of cost. Out of weakness comes stre the blood has been purified and vitalized by Hood‘s Sa Good Friday toâ€"morrow, Easter. â€"Eggs 10 ceuts a dozen. Teachers and pupils, in town anyway, run wild for a week. \ir. Jack McCaul ieft on Friday last to fili a position in a Toronto store. Mir. Alex. MeArthur, of MeArthur‘s stote, is under the wenther this week. Mr. T. W. Tumbull paid a business visit to 0. Sonud last week, Mr. Thos. H. Farr arrived home last Saturday for the Haster vacation. Last Carnival of the season, in the rink toâ€"night,. . Good prizes are offered. Mr. Sam. Brown, late of the Durham Bakery, yisited friends in town last week. Miss Armstrong, who bas been visitâ€" I y con n on in ul be informed that, when you need @ bloodâ€"purifier, Ayer‘s Saraaparilla is the kind most in fiayor with the medical profession. . It is the standard and, as such, the only bloodâ€"purifier admitted at the Chicago World‘s Fair. Mr." Wm. Jamieson leaves toâ€"day Mr. . J. Mide the Spring. H wlad to see him ( lines in bis hand Mrs. A. holding he which has u3 TE e eee uie NU UBBEN C t caute l cighty years of age, was ‘ofe of_ the eavliest pioneers of this place and was one.of t.gc best living women this townâ€" et.ip ever knew. ~She has beenâ€" ar inâ€" valid for the fast few years but at one. time uo more active. woman. could he found. Her fumeral which took place on Toursday to.the.Orchard R. C. cemâ€" Won. . left for ployme will be held at the McAlister house, on Thursday April 9th. at 8 o‘clock, a fall attenaance is requested.= ~.~_* f Old Mrs. Burns mother of . FaGMCK Barns, Vasney, died at his home on Tuesday morping. . Deceased was _over 1 P w 2l Lk A. Lucas has money toloan at 44%, on Rerl Estate Property. Office opposite the Town Hall. . Miss Bella Campbell, of Aberdeen left last week for Chicago. [This item was inadvertently omitted last week.â€"Ed.] SvcorssrOr.â€"We congrat ulate heartâ€" ily Dr. Ed. Lauder on his graduaâ€" tion success at the late examinaions in McGill. M;. W. McFayden, of the Avyenue, e g‘e vrapeanimss ko C oirieg etery was atteadod .by relatives from Chicago and otber distant places,.â€"Ayâ€" ton Aduvance. . Curpixa.â€"One lovely night list week the Markdale Stalwarts drove over to try conclusions with the Durham breth, ren, : At the previous gnme in Markâ€" dale, Durbain . was defeated by a majority of three, but. as the following list shows Markdaleâ€"bas a lot to I&irn before they can.make much of Durbanr: * A«good many people were *April Fooled yesterday, but the biggest job of the season occured in Mnrch‘ amd‘ the W tb nduin ns G4 en im e o anagmane t t DR se mt ie esd No Je satng wround the British Hotel ay, ""to welcome the new Li can testify to that. Miss Ebbie Hughes and Miss Annic Weir, both of the Review Staff, are we regret to say under the doctor‘s care since Monday, â€" Ourselyes have had a serions attack of the " moving" discase, which time will rectify. Miss L. Johnâ€" ston and Mr. Towasend came to the rescue, and though our time ‘and type have been well tested in puttipg up two full page advertisements in additron to other work, both have steod the test DURKAM MARKDALE Arthur Jackson, _ Win, Lucas, ~ ~* Robt..Cochrane,. _ Wim: Jackson, Thos. Allan, </~ _ J: Telford, | * . T. Moffat Skip 98. ~ R. Curry Skip 16 RIXE No. 2: c 2 2e J. H. Hunter, ©_<_ _ A. Plewis,~" / T. 6. Holt, 4 t ie We W..Calder, : .____ F. Stafford, _ H. W. Mockler 8. 37. W. Currie Skip 7. â€" Majority for Darhum 50 Shots. ‘. .. ~Ar. MoRIAX.â€"Our obitaary rolomn: lusy week contained: the notive 6. the isit to fric apa, peturn n Saturday A. Miss Mr. Thos, | erations it egistry offi M LOCAL AND GEWERAL. iss Armstrong, who friends in and around Saturday for Gait. r. Neil McFarlane, of sit to his father Mr. J1 ‘own. msiness Ropen® UU MIAAIT 100 of all his old customers ar ones. W. McFryden, of the Ayenue, Jas. Hewitt and Rich. Hewitt r Georgetown for suuimmer emâ€" ent on Monday last. a nice Ge Jessie Dowzer, after a month‘s friends in Egremont and Dueâ€" turned to her home in Clinton rday last. Limin has rented fine farm in Normwar bas securea % CR d manager in Mr. ‘I ; now in charge Mn soge n I Mrs. McNeil this week. Graham of Chesiey who has ing hber sister, Mrs. Calder, rome last Saturday. Black, we are glad to hear is ‘r own in the severe illness overtaken her. . Middaugh is reviving with g. His many friends were chim on the street with the Pollock has again resumed 1 his blacksmith shop at the ce, and by strict atteatior hopes to merit the patron Burn«s mother of â€" Patrick that, when you need al , Ayer‘s Sarsaparilla is the ) fiayor with the medical It is the standard and, as RINE.No. 1. esign in WallPaper at : try MacEarlane‘s Drug orget all purchases ari arlane, of Forento, is on her Mr. Jno. MeFarlane, Mr. vas rented NÂ¥r. B. in NormanbÂ¥ for a iwrea 4 capable and le in Mr To C. Morâ€" h Hotel on Mon new Landlord,‘ ) has been visitâ€" 1 Bentinck lett he 3 visiting his for achrlef } 0n .o ! We understind That Rev. Gardiner | L\l'n-m'hod his farewell sermon here last 1 Sunday as inimister of the Baptist c nâ€" i gregation. | Mr. Alex. McArtBhur is fimproving in | health. â€" His ailment is of long standing | being chronic dyspepsia. In justice to the Dromore choir we may say they acquitted themselyes | admirably at the soiree held in the Preshyterian church here on the 18th March under the leadership of Mr, Wim, Ranmage, whose talent as lender is hard to surpass. Owing to some misunderâ€" standing the gathering was not so lurge as it uufht to have been, but however, ithme that availed themselves of the | opportunity of putting themselves to 't.he trouble of attending were doubly | rewarded by liscening to the good proâ€" grum that. was placed in Dr. Hutton‘s f hands, who ably filled that important | part of the evenings encertainment viz., | chairman. Speeches _ by Professor | Moffat, who is blind, Dugald McLean, ! humorously, Rev, D. McLeod, John McArthur, merchant, and Arch. M.('- Eie o s Ee ie Reteaeneiwaigs s McArthur, imerchant, and Arch. Mecâ€" Cuarig, altbhough last not least, At the request of some elderly lady Mr. Wm. Ramage sang "1 am car Frae my Hame." with much feeling and in good Scotchstyle. After the usual vote of thanks to all concerned, the pronouncâ€" ing of the benediction and singing of the doxology â€" the crowd dispersed. Amount realized $21. Mr. James Meintgre,. son of Mrs. Mclatyre of South Line, Glenelg, reâ€" ceived the appointment of treasurer of the city where he resides in Michigan, at n salury of $1800 per annum. My. Mclntyre left tbhe South ‘Line a poor boy fourteen years ago and since that time he bas accumulated a lurge amount of wealth in the,shape of lands and Mrs. WiKiams and fan at Mr. C. Willisms‘ of Ed last ten Cays. Mr. D. K. MeArsthar, visited at thoir brothers Arthun‘s welcome welcomed by bis ald fri extraordinary good fell We see from the Balsam Valley news some account of the sufferers of the spow storin of the 10th March, Your correspondent forgot to tell you that Bob Fisher and Arch. McCuaig were two of the trio whose anituals received shelter at Mr. McCanmel‘s stables on that memorable night. We are not going to say that the worthy corresâ€" pondent of 6. V. was not aware of the fict. â€" Perhaps to his sorrow he was. We have to thank the Fairwell corâ€" respondent for reminding us of our duty, but nevertheless our obtusity and defective understanding as to what is required for the rising generation, . we do not hesitate for a mement of remindâ€" ing him or her that the point in nestion at the commencement wWas geviuwd from. + The wenther has a fine appearance »lshough it keeps cold, but we are in hopes that that the spring will soon ~set in and that then everything will come out all right. As for complaints we are not going to mention themm for they Quite r lot of sickness in the shape of colds or Grippe or something else, but for all there is no great reason for complaint« for we aroe beginning to get over it and just say like the poor fellow thrt got wounded by a bullet going through his leg, said he was thankfal it was not his head. So we are thaukâ€" ful that our cases are not more serious, Jnnbahsndatigs a hi c on ocm en T are too numerous. _ However, is the nature of the human being to be comâ€" plaining and maybe it is just as well if their is a little occasion at times set in the way. * ADpRESs AND PRESENTATION.â€"Quite n plensant night was spent at Mr. and Mys. Jas. McDonald‘s on Wednesday the 25th inst., when about 50 or 60 of their friends and neighbors assembled and presented Mrs. McDonald with a fineâ€"lamp:and Mr. McDonald with apipe The presentation was accompanried by ‘an address to which Mr. McDonald reâ€" plied, expressing his gratitude to his neighbors for their kindness and his reâ€" gret at leaving their midst. Then the music began and‘the young«people enâ€" joyed .themselves till 5 o‘clock in the morning. singiog " Ob, what a. differâ€" ence in the morning." With regret, we, ‘a short time ago, léearped that you had concluded to leave our neighbarhood with your family to a moré ‘distant. locality. _ We desire Theréfore, as the time of your departure is at hand to extend to you our sincore and heart felt wishes for your future ‘prosperity that you ‘â€"may‘ be successful in all your tindertakings that you way be blest with. peace, and that comfort and happiness may crown all your efforts Ix it Spring ? We bope so. Mr. Hirain Dean is home from the North Shore where be has been working all winter. Mr. T. H. Farr is home for his Easter holidays. t The Firth bros. Hugh and Joe are home from the Soo, where they have been all winter. is : rooet |earnest!y. desired by all who have for the.past. seven â€" years enjoyed your ind andincighborly disposition to imvg!jngls" assisting â€"every. one‘ of us, who at any. time required.rour aid.. %Â¥e have to request ‘of yo@ then‘ ‘at this time of your way going to accept of. these articles â€"as souvenirs of ~the many: happy days we ‘have heen _ perâ€" mittted to enjoy together with bo much satisfacciion and pleasure. _ _ |__ _ > mepc \(‘Bigned, &e. £ ~\Mr..Jahnson «Henderson left_om Fri day morning for Manitoba we wish him x prosperous. journey, > # Our merchants and all business men are preparing for spring and summer by l1ying in a good supply of spring and summer goods whichâ€"they are all deâ€" termined to sell out at mht prices every day in the week. We are sorry that Mrs. Dr. Hutton is keeping poorly, but hope by good atâ€" tendance that she will soon be around ngain. ‘Mrs. Ross is also not improving much, She has been ailing fora long time. Messr®. R. and W. Hewett and Wm. McFadden left on ~Monday for the Lower setUlements. (Others wil) follow later on. The following is the address : Dear FRkiExDs AND NEIGHBORS, Miss Martha Firth, of Markdale, has been visiting friends in this vieinity. The Edge Hill Mutual Improvement Association gavea free entertainment Monday night and wourd up affairs for the season. The programme» was a good one, although somewhat lengthy, and was got up mostly_by local ‘talent assisted by Miss Jessie Dunsmore, who is always a favorite with Edge Hill audiences. ‘ This week we lose Mr. Thos. as a neighbor. . He is moving manby to take charge of the farm. iHiams and family are visiting Williams‘ of Edge Hiil for the MAPLE GROVE. PRICEVILLE. EDGE HILL ly D of Mc NP J always he is an »bn M Morton to Norâ€" Watson (Sent in later than budget on 2nd page.) J. McArdle is on the sick list. The snow is disappenring fast. A. H. drove to Duandalk on Saturday to see his children, Mrs. Hugh MeDonald is on a visit to her friends in Mt. Forest. Isaish W. McArdle stayed over Sunâ€" day with his parents here. James MeMurdo. framer, cut his foot hewing timber for Alex. McKechnie. Peter McArthnur arrived home from Owen Sound High School last S«tur day. â€"The Duke and Duchess of York will it is expected make a tour of the Brit. Empire in 1897.. They will go by the Cape, India, Australia and Canada. They will travel in state, and the expense will be borne by the Imperial exchequer. The rn{\idily with which croup deâ€" velops calls for instant treatment ; and yet few households are prepared for its visit«, An admirable remedy for this disease is Ayers‘s Cherry Pectoral. _ It has saved bundreds of lives and should be in every home where there are young children. Mr, Morton, of Glenelg, moved his family into part of Mr. R. Watson‘s Jr, house on Monday, Mr. Lyman of Durh ham hbas reuted the Watson farm for J year and has engaged Mr. T. Morton t« work it, Mrs. Hill moved to the Corbett farn â€"Rudyard Kipling has declined an offer of $1000 for 1000 words, discussing "Why America could not cenquer England." His reason is that no British Subject hbas any information for sale on the strength of the Empire. evidently impressed with a due sense of the gravity of the‘situation are careâ€" fully feeling their way _ Interviewers bave not been able to get any news whatever as to what is going on ornly that Sir Donald Smith has expressed himself as being hopefol of an amic able settlement of the School Question, The very latest is that the Octawn commissioners have handed in a stateâ€" ment of the claims of the Domiuion Government. â€"Lieut. Col. Amvot was found dead in bed on Monday morning. _ Apoplexy is said to have been the immediate cause of death, but the long sittings of the House of Commons of late so affected his health that he was obliged to go home. _ The rest however, did not restore him, and he may be reckoned another victim to a foolish practice. * In economic value the various fishes car(vlluht in our waters rank in the following order : White fish, Lake Tront, Herring, Pick. erel, Stmgecu, Bass, Maskinonge, Pike, aud Eels.~ . ‘The yalue of the.yield of the fisheries ol Ontario is given below, L 1869 $190,203, 1889 $1,963,123, 1890 $2,009.687, 198 $1,694,981, ¢ The value of the cateh of the three prinâ€" cijal kindsof firh caught in Ontamo in 1698 is bere given: White fi:b, $459.661 Salmon Trout, $577.618 ;. Herring, $253, 068 ; value of all other kinds, $404,584, making a total of $1,694.981. In the relative value of the Lakes &e., to Ontario‘ in 1890 Georgian Bay ranks first with « value of $580,498 ont of a total of $2.009.637, Lake Erie second, Manitonâ€" lin district: third / avd in order: Lakes Haron, Superior and Ontario. In speaking of the rreat inkos severally we will ‘tuke thers in the following order : ILke. Supencér, Huron, St, Clair and Deirvit rivers, Lakes Erie, Ontario and Gecrgian Bay. s ~â€"The conference between the Maniâ€" toba government and the deputation from the Ottawa government has been in session several days. Itsis in the Manitoba Hotei. _ The door of the conâ€" ference room is guarded by a dragoon from the barracks. The sessions so far have been very short, the members The idea of Nuturc‘s libernlity to this province so far presenied will stil turther expand when we ac¢d to the resources alâ€" ready treiited that of Fisheries. The aest of the privcipal fsLing is of course in the Great Lakes, which are sers juo ali bot saltuess, aud which are valualle for means of commercial {aansportation as well as for their fisheries, The fizhing resources of Lake Superior nre lesa develeped than thore of any other lake.â€" The extensiveness of ‘the shores, the sra~sity of :the gopuinhon. and the selativye remateness from: markote explain thiemcd will donbtless retard the industry formome yeare, â€" Iis eaormous area of Buc the present value of the fisheries of the Great Lakes sinks into insignificance when compared with what they are destinâ€" ed.to attain in the nen: futma, with the development ol other induâ€"tries, the iuâ€" crease in the popolation, and growing deâ€" mand for food fish in the conutry. generâ€" ally. [ ihp growth of the fisheries of Ontario is seen in the followimg staten e it, showing the valae of thevesrels, boats, unets, traps &e., £08~ In 1888 $271,089 ; incrense of $892,853 of recognized food fish being found there 13 greater or less sbundance. â€" The guant. ity of fish takeo anpuilly, by the United States and Cavada is over one hundred andi‘ty milliou pounds; baving a value of nearly four and one Lialf million dellars ; and since 1880, not less than 1,400,000,000 lbs, of food "fish valued au fortyâ€"two mii‘m doiars bave been taken from e Lakes. At the presert time the oulput is wonderfally ‘aN mamtwined, alibough wnch the larger portion of the lake«, :s not fully explored. 3 Sb «i6 Te w t C uin mb bentinirgpconp ns enc $2,000 ag. milas and it« depthâ€"aro: favoraâ€" bie"to ibe marotensunce "of Asheries to a Intger extent than in any other luke. W No Lake fixheries in the world are s exteprive as tb«aq; nt least forty fp«cies 3 "}?uufa’ . LAE LUBOUE â€" ie imerpe es e o i e d c L EJ 'fié%mdcruhfim eonsider. | Structions to purchase <a farm cf from M:::w "â€" _ o " o impite >ize mod â€"nstural »dvantagen aro %mm xuh;ww acres mm"’“”mg to the aranting lint Imnerfeatly â€"daveloped, ~â€"~Tho ‘fabes | CCRLCL, 10 @ULUC" hnhm orâ€"the refusal of Licenses tw f‘::r 14) days Mi M NORTH EAST NORKHANBY, RESOURCES OF CNTARIO vid 1 achc en dowethatc n AlPortynibnidinte : 2s difim in T Ne N\ )% Oatmeal recrbarms es * MBb to 200 ReTREAER ED 200000 000 d 27 n‘ulu‘e of theâ€"yield of the fisheries | Shorts # ibrvcaeam ~A B $0:â€"£â€"00 rio is given below, _ _ o regi en e o omcs o0 to 0 90 |. NOe is herehy «ive $190,203, 1889 $1,963,123, 1890 | ray wi § JN boara of Licexse Co® 87. 1n98 $1,694,981, oop Wie: bushel ... 0 80 to 0 82| ror the Licexer DisTRIC minf.,:f the .ll;'.t lrk" overally 0::‘ eat s an : :’:° 0'§: Grey wict Mert ox. tuke thers in the following order : 9 upeniér, Huron, St, Clair and | Peas, &* ... °0 50 to 0. 50 TflBSday, fllflZlSt Uf Apl paee Lmkes Erie, Ontario and | Barley, aa ... 0 25 t\ Q 35 â€"ImK THEâ€" D9 P at. â€" > vâ€" F ‘ Yâ€" > ‘whige 5 j Potatoes, perbag .. 0 25 to 0 45| Town of Durham ; At th lt Poee maate ( 2 0 [ nvpertoaces s o+ 24 B0 io 38 00 House, at Ten o‘clock, hok Pememeen on Lree dnbaiet [ Sfi P Bc . 9 00 to 9 50 | When all applications for . [he extensiveness of ‘the shores, 3eet, fero quarters, per 100 8 00 to 3 50 the License year of 1 5 wivy of ‘the popuiation, and the Beet, mad © * / â€" + "B s0 60 4 5o [®idered. The . n m ue remateness from markote explain | Dressed Hogs, ..............._ 4 £0 to . 5.00 ffor the ye#* ‘ ffi”flvfibflfimh'fl omm Hides, .‘ ... >........ $ 00 4o â€" 4 so | matootes, n e years, : Iis epormous area 4 Township of Glenel¢ g’%:‘iadm epth aro: favoraâ€" Susep;kins. eact............ 0 50 to 0 75 ’g'.],::()lm mmw fAxheries to a | Buttor per Ib.,...........;.... °0 18 to 0 15 ‘Village of Pandalk xtent than in any other lyke iRegre,; per dor ............... 0 10 4o : 0° 11 | Townahle ot Beotinch white felb.invtho Amvontant t in enc edinnrnny Sn thceggec. . | Tompahip of Eeremont ight in : r«*%‘}?g;‘#‘ “=W=="'=fl='*_=r=‘:_q,""â€"““â€"_â€"_â€"â€" o o ooo K h Mront is next in fimp Sfi J esc > * j6 | Town of Dortem, _‘ es :} ext in imp" lanca,. Â¥ ‘:: "1 00 me» in # 62 1‘3?’.'@."\4 i a of Gienels. farembandgubn Much Calttin: To iY of furhanâ€" .::â€"{ TGem % fr s ie done on th is J4if0¢;. â€": ffi.fi& "A. ho Sterigned. has rescived in: i Bents © a "L s ie RB . P " & C i 0 le _ mant + was a stray g en from the McNicce intends visiting ntinck for a few days this HOPEVILLE FISHERIN® Morris int« Mrs Hill ba in 1893 $663,942, an UR DaW en e o d # fiabes | cleared, in good 1 Te o |ang: oiher river ‘ The most important fish, perhaps, taken ib the Herring, while pikeâ€"perch rnd whitefish rank nextâ€" â€" The catch of this last named fish has been very considerâ€" nbly decreasing for some . years past owing, it is thought, to wastefal methods, and the want of properly enforced close seasons, Itis likely, however, now that the attention of the authorities has been called to the falling off, measures will be Lo d stad whinh will «o xeculate the catch For 22 years, I haye precticed m« an expert Eve Specialist and practical opticien. No maa in the Dominion ean show haif the good letiers of recommendation «s I can. No toun in Owen Sound is half way s practical optierun. An opâ€" tician. is a man who can make a pair of spectacles The Owen Sou:d drngzist, {lzitation optician) cou!d not imaks a pmir of speciacles at ary price. I will give him $100 if be can, Secondiv, a man to be an opticlan should own aa opbthalometer to text different eseâ€"sightâ€"and children‘s eyesight. No man oape or has an ophthalometer in . wen Sound. I will pry the car fare of rny barrister in Owen Sound to Torcato, ifI cannot show him, that I own the spectacle factory, my spectacles are rarde in. Ican fit spectacles to eyes, that no man in Duraum can fit. Call and be convinced. 1 rof. Chamberlain, Eye Specialist of 87 King St., E Toronto, Ont., will be nt MucFurlane‘s Drug store, Darhun:, Out. soon. Watch for date. ndopted which will so regulate the catch as to more than restore the Erie fisheries to their former standard. LAKE ONTARIO. The most important fish in" Lake Onâ€" tario are the Wa:l eyed Pike, Stargeon and Whitefish, the Cutfiâ€"h, Eeis, Pike, &o.. are alâ€"o caugbt. The Georgian Bay fisheries are at present the most remaneritive of â€" the province, many hâ€"hermen, indeed having made fortnnes for themselves in those waters. _ Mavy of the »maller iuland lakes of Ontario, soch as Lakes Seugog and Rice Lake, &°., &c., are noted for their ficheries of Maskinonge and Black Bass and Speckied trout. They huve rnow been treateil, a= fully as Flour per 1001% .......... Oatmeal sevabarmnle Bran s sserngss Fall Whoat per bushel Spring Wheat * Onts, * Peas, eA importance to entitle it to spocial mention, Winte fish is larzely cuught here, as well as Perch, Sturgeon aod Herring. The fishing in the Rivers St. Clair and Detroit are not of much value, The amount of sewage entering the river of Inte years has no doubt bad a barmfal «ffeet. Although ranking ouly fourth in nrea, Lake Erie maintaing a firhimg industry of vast extent, values« of which may be seen from the following* Peas, §* ... °0 50 to Barley, as ... °O 25 «c Potatoes, â€" perbag .. O 25 to Hny PEL 6OD »«»s««s0«+ «»«â€"«. 314 50 to Starw. per ton ............... 9 00 to 3eet, fero quarters, per 100 8 00 to Boet, hnd _ * ** 8 50 to Dressed Hogs, ..............._ 4 50. to Hider, ** â€"......... ........_ 8 50 to Susep;kins. eact............ 0 50 to Butter per Ib.,...........;.... °0 18 to Roos, per doz ............... 0 10 to vested C THE WISE MAN. GravyexnUurst, Fel,. 20th 1895 J. M. MeLeod, Goderich : DrEar Sir: After sufferiag over a year with paios in the stomach, which eventually passed over and down my right side, I consulted two doctors, I was told that nothing.could be doreâ€"for me and to go to the Toronto hospital at once that I bad an ulceron the L»weh. I knew that there was a growth of some sort there, 1 swelled up like a barvrel. â€" J could not eat as I su£r¢-d inâ€" tense pain if I did, I understood. my case was one for the knife, and expectâ€" ed nothing but the worst. _ Well. I was told, «omething will be done for yow anyway. _ I left bome with ‘the intenâ€" tion of going to the bospital, but changâ€" ed my mind when I remembered Mrs. May 15th, 1895 McCLYMENTâ€"VACGHAN.â€"At the Manse, Dornoch, on March 18th, by the Rev. John Litttle, Mr. Robert McClyment of Glenelg, to Miss Sarah Jane, daughâ€" ter of Mr. James Vaughan, Glenelg. Sold by H. Parker, Druggist Durham. DURRAMMARKET. Si+ 18 Grosvenor St., Torouto MARRIED LAKE ERIE xt pract RGIAN BAY 0) A. HUNTHE wl â€"Quantity of fi«h 1,000 jbs., salaed at l 500 ; Capital §1 65 to 1 85 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 0 80 to 0 80 â€"to wc*"*/ =VYERYTHING BOUGHT FOR CASH countri0s 5 claustilâ€"le, mequalled world, the i‘timately 1 enable it to h $2 10 WAREHEOUSE, Upper Town, Durham. Just Avriged â€"» _ Now 0 Hand â€"â€"» â€"DEALER INâ€" Ail kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Chas. McHKinnon gâ€">~="4 _â€">â€" o e I ‘The friends of the late James Bainton Jacques D. D. S. take this opportunity to express their sincere thanks to the Orange Society for showing their symâ€" pathy and respect for their dead Brothâ€" er, by so kind‘l}; extending their aid and assistanrce at the Burial Services. Signed on behalf of the relatives, JosEPk JacqcEs. Genelg, March 30, 1806 Town of Durham ; At the McAlister * _ House, at Ten o‘clock, A. M., ‘When all applications for Licenses for the License year of 1806â€"07 will be conâ€" sidered. ‘The number of Licenses issued And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. CGall and inspect and be Convinced. â€"~ Ladies‘ and Men‘s LOW D00€5 PH* Best Table oil cloth, white and colored â€" or White Castile Soap, Tets a bar, or 5¢. a box of 3 cakes. Serub brus! qt. pail, 25¢. See ocr $1.00 lot ot Tienw: CEZZ D CSEA TO HOTEL NOT!CE is hereby given that the board of : LICENSE COMMISSIONERS for the LicexsE DisrRICT OF SouTthH Grey wict Mert ox. um un uP c Tuesday, the 24st of April A. D. 96. 24 yds. long, 28 in. wide, 40c. a pr. | 34 yds. lon; 3 +6 3:! «4 &Em. o 34 «« § : " Ns _ s= " |x * Get one of our new Carpet Stretchers. We have PRINTS Our New Prints are jast in. We } te. 9e. 10c. and 12%c. a yd. See our 5¢. and 6e. CEALLIES:. MEX‘S TO Just read the following prices 24 yds. long, 98 in. wide, 40c. : 3 a« w «4 f‘.-f,c‘ BO0 S & SHOES One Car Brockville Buggies, also wpcme s+ 4 > Actgeines Gananoque, and Campbell, Lonâ€" Coulthard & S don Carriages & Buggies. | Harrows. One Car Chatham Famous Wagons, | _ Wilkinson Plo: also Scow Ball Wagons. | Organs & Pic: New Stock of the famous Ramsay $ 5 Cartsâ€"at fabulous prices. ( ew Sto‘ Frost & Wood‘s Singe Apron Binâ€"| New Wilh ders, Buckey Mowers and Tiger: chines. Bakes. (etasaws. C (me Car Maxwells‘s Light Steel Bindersâ€"cheaper than ever, SEEEepEese NOTICE! JOTEL KEEPERS SHOP KEEPERS and all whon it may concern. ’b;a,eymm'ru: Card of Tharks. TO THE PUBLIC : We want you to look upon Erery Day as a Bargain Day at our Storeâ€"not one particular day set apart to run off unsaleable stuff, or some odds and ends, but to feel that your money is as good one day as another and not that you will pay one price one day and another price the next day for the same article. We are going to offer you Snaps in Dress Goods drc. Now this is no Ubluff, they are Genuine Bargains and here they are; 5 Pieces of Tweed Dress Goods worth 25¢. for 15c. 4 _ _** All Wool Fanczonress Goods * _ 85 50 1,100 Yards Factory Cottoh, regular price all over 6c., our price only 5¢. 12 Boxes Red Herring for $1.00. 25c. Tea, while it jasts, for 20c. a"Tb. 3 Boxes, (3 Cakes in the box) Tollet Soap for 25c. MEN‘S Heavy Plow Boots, Solid Leather, from $1.00 up TERMSâ€"Cash or Produce. Our New Prints are jast in. We have the very best value at Ts b6c. 9e. 10c. and 123¢. a yd. See them before buying. . and 6e. CEALLIES. MEXS TOP SHIRTS from 25cts. up. We always keep full lines at lowest prices. S & SHDES You should see our SPRING LINES of s‘ and. Men‘s Low Shoes before buy‘ng. (Note this fact.) : oil cloth, white and colored, 45 in. wide, 25¢. x: vd. â€" Best Oatmeal » Castile Soap, Tets a bar, or 4 bars for 25 cents. © (Glycerine Soap, »ox of 3 cakes. Serub brushes Sets up. Heayy Galvanized 14 e. See ocr $1.00 lotof Tinware. Call any way, We want your trade BIG Bargain Days: at least four (4) da: of April, &l@ CHAS. McKINNON. eations for Licenses Tavern4, Shop 0. Tevern 4 Sbop 0. !YOU WILL NEED \ _ New Lace Curtains THIS =WEEK . L. CRANT . GROCERIESâ€" Bainton So is House SPRING IS HERE PA se care «e nea rie ce cat Gne: W 557. Rolier Mills for cash or will exchange for other wheat. . _ _ _ SEEN WHEAT FOR SALE. MacFARLANE & Co., Other Gras Sseeds FINE GROUND OIL CAKE, from BODEN MILLS, at $1.25 a bag. Clover, Timothy, ROCK BOTTOM P R LCE ®&. xAMERIcANx Horse & Cattle Food Maxwell‘s Stcel Rakes, etc. Coulthard & Scott‘s Seed Drifts and Larrows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Seuffiers. Organs & Pizzos of the best makes. A few Stoves at job prices. Full Stock vds. long Just thgthing for stock. =@" TRYIT. &3 AT Druggists & Bookseliers. c.2ear the best made tor 90 cents ring time, and ims Sewing Maâ€" Ol n. wide, $1.00 2 pr. f Repaire «l ways on bhand. 2 00

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